HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-06; City Council; MinutesY 8 t , \ . ,,- I '.'h,'., '"J, i CITY OF CARLSSAD I ', *, '. '* ', '. i i4lRUTES OF: CITY CcUi'icIi (ge~u~ar ;;ieet~in?)i \\ ., ', . < ' ' ,', \ * i N a me '*\ '*$, '*',' i TIt..;E OF i.jcETING: 7:;'jo p.;.-i. : of "."a.O~. ' I PLACE 3F PiCETIhG: Council Chanbers ',L'\O'\ 4 : """ -""""""-" """ ~ "" -"""-- "" * """"-"""".."" * ""_ i""" _"""__"_ 'e, : Member *$P""\: I ;f ; ROLL CALL was answered by Ccuncilncn Dunne, I I* * ;: * 1 ;: ! I;UQ~CS was absent. Also present were City i rianager +;atilaux, City j?ttorney !!:? 1 son and City i :: : Clerk Adams. 4 :: I t :: i IbiVOCATIOI; uas offered by Councilrarr Dunne. 8 t I: I I 1: i ALLLGIAKCE to the Flar: was qiven. I I: I :: I I :I i &PPHi)!dAL GF i.ifi4UTES: t t ;: t I 1; 1 t !! i (a) i,:inutes of the? regular aujourned meting of i r.tunne :; : June 9, 19665, were approved as submitted. i Pieisnendee ix I : Atkinson I ; I i Jardine !xi I I :; I (b) i;iinctes of the regular meeting of June 15, i Dlrnnz : :x i 1965, were approved as submitted. I : rleiswendeq ; I I ktkinsovl ; i 9 : Jardine !x : *, '3 .\ i GATE OF piEETI:i[;: July 6, 19-55 I I a i i~ieiswenber, ,$tkinsos? and Jardine. Councilman t I I I :I 14 11 I I 4 I I I 8 I 8 * I I *I I I ! I I! : CORR;:SpOi.:i\.:,l I - liJLt!CE : I . I 1 b * * ' i p4ppointment to Library eoarc of Trustees. tetter ; i dated June 24, 1365 Prom the Carlsbac! Library I 1 ; Board cf l'rustees \$as presented, recommending i that Ur. lialker and !;r. EoS2rt Stauber be reap- i ; pointed for a three year term to the Library : board of Trustees. ! i kith the consent of the Counci 1 i:iayor Atkinson I : reappointed 3r. idalker arid iqr. nobe'rt Stauber to i i the Library Goarc cf Trustees for a three ycsr ; : tern, effective July 1 5 1965 and expiring June SO:, I I I 4 I I I I t i 1966. I I I I I I I Request for use of Fox's Snug Karbor - Jet-A-Waysi : Trailer and Camper Club. Letter dated June 30, : ! 1965, frm the Chai rinakl of the trailer and camper! i club p Jet-A-Ways , Pomona 9 Califcrnia, was present!- : ed, requesting perxission to use Fox's Snug i karbor for 'cite Labor Day bteekend. i Cmn. dunne stated he felt this request should be i ! granted as this WGL!~~ si ve the Counci 1 and the : I I I 1 I I I I I I : property ol;l:"ers in tilt: area a chance to see the i : type of uilit used and the appearance it will make!. I 1 ;i :; :: :: :; :; :; :; :; !: I' :I 1: ;I ;: fi :; :: I1 %- ;: :: ;: ;: ;: ;: :: ;: ;; ;I ;: ': I; !; ;! I I : i3y rnction of the Counci 1 pemi ssion was granted : bunrle 1: i to the trailer c?nd camper club of Jet-A-iiays for ; itreiswender: 1 i use of Fox's Snug Rarbor Labop Gay weekend. i AtkinsGn : i 1 ; Jarcine l in ;: i Request for patrol service - G~M Patrol Service. : :; : L e t t 2 r f r 3 rn Gem~Ir<ilSer~ce,-~s-co~~~l~~ :: :: :; i forniap was presented, requesting permission to : I: : operate a patrol service in the City of Carlsbad.: :; 1: I I :I : The City icanager inforrced the Council Gem Patrol: :: i Service patrol the YMCA teen-age dances twice a i ;: I' : week. The Police Department have investigated i ;; i the company and they II~YE no objections to their : ;: I ;: I :; I ;: i BY motion of the Council permission was granted 1 i;unne ; ix i service in the City of Carlsbad. ! Atkinson : i i Cmn. Jardine stated he abstained frori! voting as ; : he is a rnenlher of the Eoard of Directors cf the : :: ! YMre :x i 1 .. I I I I I 0 i operation. I ! to the Gen Patrol Service to operate a patrol ! thjeiswendefx: I I i Jardine i i IS 1) I I! .e t t I I 8, *, ., .L ' ' % 8' I I ',8 ', '\8 8, ',\.*\ I I =, 8%, '\, 'x, ', '\ I -2- I i Na me \, 8$,, 's8 I : Q f '\+ '$?+\, ' I f Member '?!%.? I ~""""""""~"""~~"~""~"""~"""~""""""~~-"-^-""-"""-:"~""""""~-:~< I i: : Request for dance permit - Casa Garcia Restauranti. 1: I Letter from the owners of Casa Garcia Restaurant,! :: : 2968 State Street, was presented, in which they i i: i requested a dance permit in connection with their; 1: :; : place of business. I :; 1 4 !! : Qy motion of the Council it was agreed that a I Sunne f: i dance permit be granted to Casa Garcia Restaurant:.Neiswende~ !x I i Atkinson i I * ; Jardine :x: I I ;; t Request for use of Holiday Park - Cceanside- I :I i Carlsbad Art League. The City ilianager infcrmed ! :: :I i the Council the Oceanside-Carlsbad Art League has:' 1: i requested use of Holiday Park on July 27, 1965. i ;; I :; I :; : BY motion of the Council permission was granted i Dunne :; i to the Oceanside-Carlsbad Art League for use sf : 2eiswender: :x : tioliday Park on July 27, 7965. I Atkinson : i I : Jardine :x : 1 I :1 i League of California Cities JEIY meetinq. Cmn. i ;: i Jardine pointed out the City of Carlsbad trill be I ;: ! the host city for the July meeting cf the Lea2ue i .I ;: i of California Cities. I I :; ! ?,layor Atkinson stated he was checking into having! ;I 1 this meeting held in the City of Carlsbad. I' * 1: I I :; I :e I ;: I I ;: i ill?. 30NAtD.€IRIGGS, JR. requested that a provision! '; f; i be made in the lot split ordinance whereby a I ;; i person does not have to bond himself or put in i :: : street improvements prior to approval of a lot i f; :: i split. It was his feeling that at the tine the : :: I building permit is issued they could be required I :: i to either put in street improvements or be botldedi :; I :: t :; i The Xayoon asked that Sr. Briggs present his re- i :; 1 guest in writing to the City in order that a staff r; i report can be lnac;e to the ~ounci~ prior to any i !8 ;: ! action be ta!:en by the Cowt?cil. I 1 'I I I :I i EHGI [dEERIi.JG: I I' I ;: I I *I I :: i (a) Offer of street dedication by ~arls~ad Union: ;; :Schoo7 District (portion Gf Tarcarack Ave.) The i :: i C~unc'il was informed by the City Attorney a dedi-: :: I: : cation deed /?ad been received fro!:] tile CarIsbad i $ i Union ~cktocrl Ciistrict for a portion of Tamarack : ;: :Avenue extension. It wi71 bc necessary for the i ::i i Council tc? accept this dedication. The City went; ;:I 1:; : ahead ane; paid for the school's portion of this ; t:~ i improvevent and tile sc~~ool bii 11 repay tl.12 city i :I1 : through their bcnd issc;e. I 1 1:; e ::I i ~y motion of the Counci I the deed was accepted I Dunne :I; 1 by the Council on behalf of the City, and the i Meiswenderj ;x; i city Clerk vias ordered to record tile document. :Atkinson I : I 1 11 ! (b) Authorization for advertisinq for bids fcr I :I1 It1 @ i ~gua Gedioncta Sewer Gnit #z~ project 4-33. TII~ ; 1:; ;I1 ; City 3anager informed the Counci 1 this project ; :1; Ill i wiI 1 extend the sewer line from Shelter Ccve back: ::I ; to EI Camino 'Real aud a little east. Sometime I :;: I ago the Council authorized the sale of bcnds for : ; this project. I I :#I I 1 1:) 1 ! :ai t I I I I \'\ 88,88,,$, '\ '8 I I 11 I f 1 ;' I I 1 1 I I I 14 I I ;: I I 8 :: I I I I : ORAL COF~r~U;;IC!~TIO~~S: I I I I I I II: I 1 '11 t 1 I :Jardine f i ~ I I $11 iii * I ::I * 1 1 t , . -,..a e l 8' ' 1 1 * \\\\t8 X' '8 ""b, I , 8, '\ ", 8 \, b8 \, 83 ',8 ", '\ 8, ' + -3- ' '> I ; of '*o+& I '\L .O' I I i' ! l3y motion o.f the Counci 1 authorizatson was given ! Dunne *I :; i to advertise for bids on the Agua tiedionda Sewer i i'\jeis\qende& i : Unit #2, Project 4-33. i Atkinson : ' I ; Jardine l :x ;: i t t: 1 1 ii'r &,Cd BGSf PiESS: I I i; I I :: :Councilman Neiswender requested that all safety i :; :a i facets be checked concerning swimming poo?s. I I ;: I I It I ! l1 I! I I I I I I i Na me 'b, '*@, 'x, I ,""""""""""-""""""""""""~""""""""""~""""~~"""----"------- ; Member $'$ I I I I I 1 I I i Resolution #1162 - re: Changing nam2 of Ocean- i :side-Carlsbad Junior Colleae. Cmn. BL;nne stated : i he requested a resolution prepared for the :Council's consideration, requesting the Bcarct of i i Birectars of the Oceanside-Carlsbad Junior College : District to reconsider changing the nmne of i.tira ; ICarlsbad Junior College. This came about through: :many comments from citizens. The name i4ira Costa: :has no significance. The college will lost its : :community identity and will result in a IOSS of i i interest by the taxpayers. I I I I : Casta COI lege ko its origi naI name of Oceanside- f I ! I I i' ;; ;: 1: ;; :: :; 1; 'I i; :: ;: ;; :; :: :; 1' 11 'I I .. I I ; iliayGr Atkinson stated as an alumiaus of tile I :; :college Cmn. ounne !?ad expressed his sentiments. i :; L I :I I ;I :T!I~ following resolution was presented for con- I ;I i sideration: I ': 1 :I I I! *I I I ! i Resolution No. 1162. A RESOLUTION OF TfiE CITY l CQUGClL OF THE CITY OF CAELSBAI! REQUESTIRG TtiE I GOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE OCEANSIZE-CARLSGAKJ :JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT Ti) REC.2FISIDER CHAtiGIidrJ TH i T\IAP;E OF SAIC COLLEGE FRO?? iiIRA COSTA COLLEGE TO 1 COLLEGE, was adopted by title only and further i reading waived. i ITS PREVIOUS NAi,iE OF OCEAXSIDE-CAALSEAC 4L;i.iIOR I I i OLD BUSINESS: 1 I I I I I I I c 1 I I I I I I I I ! ;i :: ;I ;: ;: 1: Dunne ix I ?lei swende? I Atkinson i i, Jardine ; I4 :r I I I I ! (a) Second reading of Ordinance #8042, establish; I ing minimum sidexalk requirements. The following: : ordinance was presented for a second reading: I I I I I ! -I :; :: :i ;: ;; ;; ;; I! i Ordinance F3o. 8042. At3 ORDIXhCE OF THE CITY OF i Cunne i CAT;LSBAD ESTABLISi-iI$JG %IP;Ii4UK SIDEIfALK. REQUIRE- ! 3eiswender: : : ;J i and adopted. : Jardine :x t I ': 1- 1, ; j(Ef4-i-S 9 was given a second reading by title only i htkinson : I * I !I I (b) Seccnd reading of Ordinance 89179, amending ! i Section 3 of Ordinance #?140, regarding sidewalk 1 i dinance was presented for a second reading: t 1 1 ; >cquirenents in subdivisions. The following or- f I I r ;: !; r; !I 1; ;' *; !t i Ordinance i4o. 9179. AP1 ORDIf:iA?jCE OF THE CITY OF i :I : CARLSBAC A;,Eb;OIP;G SECTION 3 GF Of:DIf.IA,dCE 1.10. 91.N; Dlsnne : 3EGARDIi;;G SIDEUALK REQUIREi:EEIiYS IN SI!!3UlVISIOidS, ; Reiswendeq ; ! was given a second reading by title only and : Atkinson ; : i adopted. i 1 Jardine : I; ! :: :x i 11 I !I i (c) Second reading of Srdinancc #3O71, amending I ; Section 65 of Ordinance #3005, regarding wnlawfulf i Rarki n.~f.,...v.e~~j_cl.g_s of peddlers B venders 9 etc. Oi I I I I i biR GRANT requested that no acticn be taken on i this matter until Eir. Elson was present, as i4r. i i Elson WOUI~ like to speak on ti:$ matter. a b I $ I I I I I : I The City Attorney stated he vias sure the n!atter ! : this gentleman was concerned with v~oulc! be taken ; I --._a -P ____ -1- __ 1-2- .__-_._A _- .."j ..-._ J-2 -2 ."-. X?-.- I". -.- ! ;; :; :; :; II !I :I 1; ;: :; :; :; tr I' '1 !I I t I *x , \.\. *. I ', ', ' '\ ', 'a I I 6 I " \\,',', " '','., I 8, ', '\, '\ '\ ' I I i Name '%,'$& *\ ' I I ; of '.%&?$, '\ I : Member '@p,y ,o Q I I \ 8' I I '. ' ' 1 1 Y 4- \' ~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""-..""-"~""*"""""""" ! I t: 0 i The foliowing) ordinavlce was presented for a I :; i second reading: I I: I :I I 4 'I I Ordinarice +io. 3O7l . Ai;: aRDld!,iiCE OF TME CITY OF i i ChRLSBjl,i) At;iEi;DIiJG SECTI()j.i jg OF 3RijIitjp,;;CE ,<o, :; i 3065 REGARCIiJG UZLAkFUL PARKliiG I!F VEkICLES OF : ?leiswender; I I PEDDLERS, VEi'dDfihS, ETC. 9 v!as given a seccjnci read-: Atkinson ; : I ing by title only and further reading biaived. i Jardine b I I ai I I 1 I 11 : 9unne : :x 1 6 !t I ! (d) Alternate Las Flores ilr. and Jefferson St. i i Freeway Crossinos and Intercilangs. I I ! I I i Cmn. Dunne stated #le had given this iilatter a i great deal of sttidy since the last meetjnq, and i ; he had reached the ccjnclusion it would Le better i i to rnaiatain the two overpasses. This woulcd keep : : the present traffic pattern. Ths City needs more! i overpasses rather than doing away with one. The : :plan proposed for Jefferson Street as a four-lanej i street NOU~C create a large gorge anc an untiesir-: ; able cul-de-sac. 4 I I I I I ! a 'I :: :' ;: :i :: :I 1: :: t; ;; :; t; :; :; :: :; :; i playor ktkinson stated iie was in agreerilefit Wi ti7 I :I ! I I! 1 ;: i Ciyi?. Dunne. 1 ;: 4 I i Cmti. Neiswender stated he %!ent Over the plaK with: : considerable alnousrt of the area, and he could not: i see here the city woulci gain a great deal. #Isor I he could not see \<here the City ir, the very near i i future would need a four-lane street for Jeffer- ; : son Street. i ! the Engineering department. C!e walkei over a ! I I I I I 1- l1 i: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: 1: *! 'I :I !I I ! Gy motion of tile Countil it was agreed that the : Dunne i Council go on record as recommending an overpass i rjeisnender: :x i at Las Flores Drive and one at Jefferson Street. !Atkinson i i I I! 11 :x i I : Jardine : ; I I I I Cmn. Jardine stated he ahstained from votir,g due i : tc the fact he had not had a chance to study thisj i matter thoroughly. I I I , : CITY ATTCR:-iEY'S REPORT: ! 1 I I I 1 i ilarris condennation suit. The City obtained im- I I mediate possession of the Earris easenwnt. The i I staff is continuing necetiations wit!? i.:r. harris i ; tc see if the matter can be settled out of court.: I Easements for $?actison Street and >rt;uc!<le Court. I i 'The City has been negotiating for several 1r;onths i : to obtain street dedications from the property i i owners in a portion of i,.;adison Street and I:\rtuckl$ : Court. It tias necessary to file a condemnation : i suit in one instance, however, the suit has a11 i : been taken care of. i Beach lease for bait purposes. The City Attorney; i informed the Counci 1 he had investigated this I I I matter at their request and it is psssible to i i advertise a Fortion of the beach property leased ; : by the City for leases and open the matter up for: i Uiscussion was qiven as to the lease considera- j I I 1 I 1 1 i bid to all interested parties. I i tion being a flat rate or a percentac;a rate. I I I I l ! 1; ;; :; :; :: :i :: ;: I! :; :I ;; I: I! 3- $ ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: 18 It I! i: ;: ;: ;: t: :: :: ii !' ;: :i 1; :; :! i i4;ilaycr Atkinson stated he felt the amount should b!e ;i : 6 fixed aixount. I :: I ;: I I :: : The City AttGrney inforaed the Council the I :: I I I I ! L *! e I !' . '. .x. '. ', .-. I I I 1 ', ", '8, ',8',,'\8 . I I * 8 I I I 1 '\ ' 8 I ,-. -,,, - I I , '\ , '\, *\," i Name '8,"*' *, * '\ ' 'x \ , && 8.. I -O&%, 4 -5- ! ~"""""""""""""""""""---"-"""""""""~_"""""*l"""""""_ i I Member '.+'V',; $Q2, I! I ; of '3 1 I attorney for ?.it+. Elson stated he would like to i !' I have the bid awarded to 3r. Elson on the basis he: ;: * f vjas the supplier last season and bad DaiC his 1 I '1 ;; i business license and expended money for this I :: i season. Also that if there was going to b2 a ! I: ; payment for the lease that it be on a percentage i :a ;: i basis. 1 I 8' ;; I 1: i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the ; :; I City advertise for bids to 'lease certain propertJ4; :; I: i that it be on a competitive bid basis with the : Dunne !X I I use of the property limited from Xay 1st to Octo-: ?leiswendex ; i ber 1st; and that the lease be cancelable by : Atkinson i : : either party upon thirty days notice, i Jardine I i x ti 1 I I I 1 ! I 1, i CITY !:jAMAGER'S REPORT: ! I I I I l a 1kgreement for the improvement of El CaEino Real i I from Chestnut Avenue to State tlighway #78. fhe : ; City tAanager informed the Council the Agreement i ; WI -kh Exhibits attached has been received fran ! : the county cf San Diego, together with a c~py of i i the letter fr0n.i the State Division of iiigtways : i approving the agreec?cal. A resoluticn has been i ; prepared for the Counci 1 Is consideration, approv-: i i ng the agrement. I I i The following resolution was presented: lb I I 8 1 I I I I I si :: :: I. :: :: :; r; !! :: i: 1: :; :: :: :; :: :; !I I t :Resolution KO. 1163. A RESOLUTION OF TtiE CITY I ! COUt'4CIL OF TCiE CITY OF CARLSCAD, APPROVIldG AklD ! :; i: I! i ACCEPTIMG SAIL) AGREEBiEMT BET!.JEEi TtlE CITY OF I :: i CARLSBAD ARD ThE CQUiTY OF SAN CIEGO TO IT,iPFiQVE i :; ! A PORTIOi'; OF EL Cki.j;IiJO REAL, IHCLUDING EXKIBITS : :: :; I "A" AND "B" , Ai4D AL!T!iURIZIiiG EAYQR OF THE CITY OFi Durnne : CAKLSBAO TO EXEWTE SAID AGREEX~~T oI~ ~WALF OF i Neiswenderi >G i TtiE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ?;as adcpted by title only :Atkinson i : i and further reading wai ved. i Jardine ; ;x I ! !! i Proposed State Institution. I I :f I I: 1 ': 11 I I I ! i4R. ZYEIERVELT, Chairman of the Industrial Commi t-I ; tee of the Vista Chamber of Ccnmerce, stated he I i was appearing this evening in hopes of obtaining ; - i the endorsemen%. .of this Council as to a State i i Institution ileing located in the Tri-City area. i : The location that has been proposed is east of i i Palomar Airport, approximately five miles from ; : Carlsbad, ten miles froni San Zarcos and 15 rr;iles i i frorrr Vista. The Carlsbad Chamber of Crjmnerce : unanimously endorsed this project. Also the City: i of Vista and the City of San F!arcos have endorsed: : it. i i,ir. Zydervelt outlined tt12 economic benefits to I ; be derived from this institution if it were ! located in the area. : i Several questions were asked of idr. Zydervelt by i : the Council members. i4ayor Atkinson informed i Hr. Zydervelt Cmn, Hughes had been appointed to i : investigate this matter, and due to his absence ; i this evening the Council ciia not wish to take f I I I 8 t I I I 1 I I c I I I I I : any action at this time. I I I I I I ii ;; ;: ;: I: ;: ;: 1: ;; ;; ;+ ;: ;: ;: 11 ;; ': :: 1- ;: ;: ;: !I ;; ;: :i :; :; ;: ;I :: :I l! I I I' :: i AUTWQRIZATIO~! FOR PAYi.IE:iT CF BILLS WP19 RATSFICA- i : TIOP! OF PiiYRCiLL: I 1: I :: 1 I :: I I I : Authorization tJas given for the payment of bills : ;: : for the general expenses of the City in the 18 I :: I I I' 8 I! 1- I 4 I I I I' I b, ', .\ '\ '\ .* . ! I s, '.,"\, '\, '8,"\ I -6- 1 '\' '\ , ', b. ' I ' '\ '\' ' ' i 'b ', i N a me '*\ '\@, \\, I : of '.,+'.0-, : Member \?$.& ,o ,o ! :"-"""""""--""""""""""--"""""""""""""~"""-~"""""""~""- I :I ; amount of $55,384.72 and for the kiater Cepart- i 1: i June 75, 1965 to July 6, 1965, as certified by :i.:eiswender; ; ; the Director of Finance and approved by the I Atkinson I i ! Auditing Cor;mi ttee. : Jardine :x; I I ;: i Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Dunne IS I ;I : last half of June, 1965, in the amount of i Neiswende6x I I $20,210.~ 9 as certified by the Director of ! Atkinson : : i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Jardine : ; l a I; I ~~JoUR~~;~~~~;T z 1 I; I :; I :: i ~y proper motion the meeting was adjourned at i I; !; I I ;I ; Respectfully submitted, I t I ;: I ;: I ;: I I ;; I ;: I 1: I :* 1: I :l 1 *: s I :; I :: I :; I I i1 I I ;I I ;: I I ;: 1 I ;: I I I: I 1 I: I I! I I ;: I ;I I ;; I ;: ;: I :; 1 :; I :; I :; I :; I :I I I ;: I I ;: 1 ;: I ;; I ;; I ;; I $ 1 ;; ! ! 1; :' I I 1: 8 ;! a I 9 I: I I ;: 8 I ;: I I j; 1 I ;: I I ;: I I ;: I a ;: I I ;: I ;: I I ;: I I ;: I I ;: I I ;: * :: 1 t; * I :; t I I I I I I 1 rnent in the amount of $55,920.29, for the period: Dunne i; ; i) I 4 I * I I ! 8:02 PA f 1 !; I I I 6 I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 a I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I $ I I I I I I I t I I a I t I I I I * I I I I 1 I 1 I I: * I I 1 I I I t i' I' I 1 I :I I* I 4 I I 4 I I * I * I D I I I I I I t I t I I 4 * I I I I' 1) If I) I I I I I I 1 0; I I I I * I I I* 8* I I I 8 t I I * t $ 1: I !; 1 I I ! !: