HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-09; City Council; Minutest : CITY OF CA.RLSBAI3 I' 1 ' '\ '\ 8, ' t 4 '8, ', '8 8' t b Minutes of: CI TY CCUECI 1, (Pdjourned meeting) I b, b* ", ; Date of Meeting: June 9, lSG5 \ ', ' I ', . ' : Time of Meeting: 7: 25 E", M. i Name '8,'': i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : of '3 :""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""~""-~"""". ! Member I : 3OLL CA.LL was answered by Councilmen Cunne, Neis- i : wender, Atkinson and Jardine. Councilman Bughcs was ; i present at 7: 39 P. R/I, I I i Crdinance No. 5338, amending Section 9 of Crdinance : : no. 5illi~-A regarding h-.-The City Attorf : ney informed the Council tne Fire Department is handling: I the "teed Abatement Program, and they have requested i : of posting signs on the properties that need cieaning. ; i The post cards will be sent to the property owner. The : : reason for the request is that most of the property owner$ i live out of town and the signs are torn down. I After discussion by the Council the following ordinance i : was presented and read in full due to the fact the ordin- ; i ance was presented as an emergency ordinance: I 3rdinance No. 5a38. 6.N CRDIMANNCE OF TZE CITY OFbunne I CAXSmXmING SECTIGN 9 @F CRTZINANCE iNeiswender : MC. 5X0-A REGA+RBING MGTI FI CAT1 OM TC, AB1 TE !Atkinson i NUISANCE, was adopted. :i-Iughes t 1 * 9 8 I I I --. i that the ordinance be amended, deleting the requirement! I I I I I I I I I D l I I I t : Jardine ! I I : Resolution No. 1158, urging that a presentation be pre- i : FiiFGaToEbmission to Atomic Energy Commission to : ! IZGG-National Accelerator Laboratory in San Diego-=& ! N-ayor Atkinson informed the-CxE1?-he had receivem I ! Resolution No. 11 58. urging that a Dresentation be pre- i .- "V : FiiFGaToEbmissioL to Atomic Enirgy Commissi6n to i ! IZGG-National Accelerator Laboratory in San Diego-=& ! N-ayor Atkinson informed the-CxE1?-he had receivem j telegram from the office of Mayor Curran of the City of i ; San Diego, requestirig this City to adopt a resolution f : urging that a presentation be prepared for submission to i I the Atomic Energy Cornmission to locate a National Ac- : : celerator Laboratory in the San Diego Area. A resolu- i I tion has been prepared for the Councills consideration. 1 I 9 I ! 0 I I I I I I I I I I # I * I s 1 I I 1 I $ I t ! I 1 I I 8 * * I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 8 I I I 4 b I I 1 I 6 I * I t I ! I I D l I I 8 I I * ! @mn. Neiswender inquired as to what this laboratory : would be used for? de did nut wish to endorse some- I thing unless he knew what it was for. Tne City Manager stated the Mayor received this tele- : gram requesting the City to adopt a resolution concerning this matter, and no specific information was given as to I what the laboratory would be used for. l I * I I I I a I A.fter further discussion the following resolution was pret I sented: Aesolution No. 1158. A AESGLUTIQN OF T3E CITY :Dunne A PRESENTATLIN BE PLZEPARED FCrZ SUENfISS1C.N :Atkinson TC TP-IE' ATOMIC ENEAGY COMMISSION TC LCC.R rE Iaughes TllfS, NATIONAL ACZELEJATGR L.ABC3ATC"iY IN : Jardine TEfE SAN DIEGC &.3EA, was adopted by title only and I further reading waived. Change of name for La Costa Beach. The Council re- : cognized a letter from the Division of Beaches and Parks: stating the name of La Costa Beach had been changed to i South Carlsbad Beach. b I * I I CI L GF TZETI'ITY CF CARLSBAD, UL3GIMG T-HA $Neiswendej s * I 8 t * I I a I I I - D * PrZELI MI NA.I%Y BUDGET-Fiscal year 1965 -66. I The City Manager presented the Preliminary Budget for : the fiscal year 1965 -68 by each department and fund, and! after consideration and discussion by the Council the following changes were made: I I * D l * I I * * * t I * i * I I * I I t $ I r 0 I 8 t I t I I 8 I I -2- I' I ', ","\\ '\' I \ ', 'x, I '\' '\ '* i Name '8. \I I " ' ' I 8 '. t : I ; of '\J 1 i Member ~""~""""""""""""""~""""""~"""""""""-""-""~""""""~- i City Manager's Department. Cmn. Juzhes stated b.e had : I Cia study of tl:e city l\ganagerls salaries in other citie4j : ~ith a comparable po_uulation, and our City Manager's t I i Salary is luth from the bottom of the list, therefore, he : i would like to reccmmend that the City Manager's salary i i be increased 15%. i I : : Dunne i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City Man- I Neiswendc i skgerl s salary be increased 15%. : Atkinson ."" : I I I i Hughes I I 4 I : Jardine 1 * i Finance Department. Cmn. Jardine stated he had been : ; checking the Code and he noted the Code requires the Di- i I rector of Finance to have a $25,900 bond. * : 8 I L 1 i The City Attorney informed the Council that if there is no I : Director of Finance the City Clerk is the finance officer, ; i Cmn. Jardine stated if this is the case he would like to ret : $25,900. I I I I I ; commend that the City Clerk be bonded in the amount of i I I I I i Cmn. ilughes recommended that the City Manager be ap- i i pointed Director of Finance and that he be bonded, 6 : Dunne I By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City Man- i Neiswende : ager be appointed Director of Finance and that he be bond+ Atkinson i ed in the amount of $25, GO;. i iiughes I I I I I I I I ; Jardine I ! ! Police Department: c_ I a I I I t i Xn reviewing the Capital Butlay portion of the Police De- i ; partrnent budget, discussion was given as to purchasing i i a radar device that can bE placed in a car, which will de- : ; tect the speed of cars that are passing by. This would not: ; relatioils, as many times the Police Departmeat receive i i calls that a car is speeding on a particular street. The : : City Macager informed the Council this device would cost i i approximately $1, 320. I I I I Dunne i Ey motion of the Council it was agreed that an additional : Neiswende: : $1,833.00 be added to Capital Gutlay in the Police Depart< Atkinson i rnent1s budget. : iiughes I i Jardine I After reviewing each departmental budget, by motion of i Dunne i the Council the Preliminary Eudget was approved as cor- i Neiswendej : rected by the Council. ; Atkinson i be used as a revenue raiser, It would be used for public f t I I I L 8 I I I i Xughes I I : Jardine ! I * : ADJCURNMEDTPTT: 1 : B a t I * I : By proper motion the m2eting was adjourned at 8: 56 P. M.: : L3zspectfully submitted, I I I I I 8 I I I I ! [LT..i$g&&Ff/fA& I -,x /yb /4J 0 dm i City Cle'rk I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I l a 1 I 8 I I I I I 1 I I I e 1 I * * I 0 8 I I I I !