HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-06-15; City Council; Minutes.rr I I I I .,.- \ . '\ '\ '\ : Minutes cP: CITY GCLWCIL CR~~ULW Meeting) i ', '\ ' i Date of Meeting: June 15, 1555 i Name 8 '8, '. ' : Time of Meeting: 7: CS P. &Me : of '4 ', : Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I I Member :"""""~""""""""-""""""--"-""""""""""""""-~"~"""""~ : ;3OLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Dunne, Neis- i i wnder, Atkinson and Jardine. Councilman iigghes was i ! present at 7: 10 P. M. Also present were City Manager ; i Marnaux, City Attorney %ilson and City Clerk ,Warns. b i CITY OF @P*zLSzm I 8 't, '. ''. \" I 0 I I I I t * : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Jardine, ! I 4 I I, A~EEGI ANCE to the Flag was given, I APPRCVAL GF MINUTES: I I Dunne i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of June 1, 1965, were I Neiswendt ; approved as presented, : Atkinson ! i Jardine I 8 I I I I I I I I I " I I i CCARESPONDENCE: !- I & I I I I I 8 : The Mayor acknowledged a letter from the City of Clare- i i mont addressed to the Mayor and City Council extending : ; an invitation to the members of the Council to view an ex-: i hibition of Dead Sea Scrolls, Sponsored by the Claremont ; : Graduate School and University Center and the Southern ! I t=alifornia school of TheOlOgJ7," June l2 through Ju1y '' ' ! ! I I ; 1965, : The Mayor urged all members interested in this type of i i exhibition to attend. i G.&AE CGMMUNICATI CNS: i Nih. MA.&IO FCRTUNATI, stated he was in hopes Mr. : : Zydervelt would be present to speak in regards to the i I State facility that is proposed for the North County. A : i written report complied by a committee from the Chambe; ; of Commerce has been presented to each of the Council i : members, showing the benefits that would be derived $ i from this facility if it wcre located in the Carlsbad area. ! I The Chamber of Commerce feels this is a one shot oppor-: : tunity that would be beneficial to the Ctiy of Carlsbad. I i The City of Vista has gone on record as favoring this in- : ; stitution. I : Cmn. Neiswender asked that the Council be given an op- ; ! i portunity to review this report before making any decisiott i Nlayor iz.tkinson informed Mr. Fortunati the report was i ; very complete and the matter woudl be brought up later ; i in the meeting. 4 I 8 9 I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i ENGI NE E.dI NG: I I I I I I 1 ! I i (a) A.lte:rnate Las Flores Dr. and Jefferson St. Freeway ; : Crosslngs and Interchange. k. proposed alternate plan in- I ; dlcating a four-lane road%-ay for the Jefferson Street i overpass and the surrounding area was presented. Mr. i : Thomton, Assistant Bngineer, informed the Council in I i reviewing the various interchanges and the proposals of ; : other access roads the staff feels it would be desirable to i : combine the two structures (Loas Flores and Jefferson) ; i into one structure and make it a four-fane roadway with I : interchange. The Jefferson Street interchange would be i ! located slightly to thz south. The staff saw gr-at merit i i in a four-lane roadway for Jefferson Street as eventually ; : it will be needed. It is usually several years after the i i need for additional roadway beIore the St ate takes action. ; : The Division of Xighway feels they could get the Govern- I i ment to go alo.t.r_g with. a four-lane for Jefferson Street at ; : the time of construction of the Freew8.y. The only objec- i i tion would be the Las Flores extensien, and the connec- : : tion with the proposed interchange. " I-" I I a I I * 3 1 * t b I I k ',\' 8' ! I . ', 'N 8, I '\ ' ' I '\ '. ' t : of 9J ; Member x! :"""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". 1 Cmn, Dunne asked if it would not be logical to have a four1 ; lane roadway in Jefferson Street and two lanes for Las i ! Flores. The present structure keeps traffic moving on : ; Las Flores. i Mr. Thornton stated the Government will be paying for 1 i 9;% of this structure. The Division of 3ighways feels : ; they could justify a four-lane roadway with interchange i i by doing away with the other two overpasses. There will ; : be a depressed area of approximately 23 feet at the east i i end of Jefferson Street. An assessment district has been: I formed for the improvement of Je€ferson Street from Elm! I Avenue to the Jefferson Street overcrossing. This inn- : I provement will provide for 48' of improve roadway. I i Under the present plan the City would have to pay for the i i remainder of Jefferson Street. The alternate plan would i i provide for the improvement of approximately 1 / S of : ! Jefferson Street. I I ! Inquiry was made that if this alternate plan were approve4, i making Jefferson Street a 4-lane roadway, could tne City : i justify the improvement of Eas Flores, and the Engineer-! ! ing Department stated they felt they could. i Cmn. Dunne inquired as to which plan would take the least i property? I I I Mr. Thornton stated the present plan would; however, the: I Division of Highways has not stated what they intend to do i I with the Pi estree property nor the extension of Pi0 Rco : ; Drive; : After furtner consideration, by motion of tine Council it .. Neiswende i was agreed that this matter be deferred until a committee! Atkinson : composed of the Council has made a study of the various i Hughes i plans. : Jardine ! i (b) &eport on bid responses for Stratfozsd Lane, A. D. 1 - I : 1964. The Mwr reported the City Clerk invited bids i i me construction of street improvements for Stratford : i Lane in its entirety, as described in Sesolution No. 11 28 i ; and ordered by fiesolution No. 1151, and the Clerk was f i ordered to report to the Council the results of the bids I : at the next regular meeting after opening bids. I The Clerk presented the affidavit of posting and publica- i i tion of Notice Inviting bids, I I i By common consent the Notices were ordered filed. i The Clerk advised the Council there were two bids re- I ; ceived, and the bids have been computed and summarized; i and that she would like to present her report of the bid- ; 1 ding by submitting to thz Council the summary sheet of i I 1 I 'b, '.,'.., ' I 8 -2- i Name ',,'\t I I I t I I 0 I I I I I I t I I 4 1 t L t I I I t I I I I I I I * : Dunne ! 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 L I I I I I I I I I I I I i the bids received as follows: I I I I I I I I I I I Inland Paving $29, 373.83 I I I Sim J. Yarris Co. 21,563.80 t ! The Mayor inquired of the Engineeriqg Department if the$ i had examined the proposals and computed the amount of : : the bids, and determined the low est responsible bidder? i i The City Engineer announced he had examined the bids i I and found that the amounts as set forth in ti?- Clerk's re- ; ; port were correct and that tl~c lowest responsible bidder i i is Sim J. iIx.!rrj.~? Company, 5an Diego, California. The : : bid is 1.525 &ove the Ergineer's estim-i te. I I I t I I t I I b a I 1 I i I 1 I I I I I I 1 I t k I \* I I .'\ I I ! ',, '8, '% '.< I , L '\ I '\ '\\ ' I -3- '\ '\ I I Name 't. I I I I f I I I I : of '; ;"""""""""""""~"""""-""""""~""""""""""""""""""~- ; Member i The City Engineer further reported the rights of way for i : this street are not yet completely acquired. Therefore, : i he recommended that after these rights of way are re- i i solved, the City of Carlsbad award the contract to the low: I bidder, Sim J. Harris Company in the amomt of $27,563.: : 83. ; The City Attorney informed the Council Mr. Nordhall, : i one of the property owners affected by Stratford Lane im-: i provement, has objected to the City's appraisor's value. : : We have received an offer from Mr. Nordhall €or $3,50ii.i : Department recommends that the Council zeject the offer.: i Mr. Nordhall had an appraisal made by the Carlsbad i : b2ealty Board. I I ! Cmn. Jardine asked why tile Carlsbad Kealty Board and i i the City's appraisor is at such disparity? i The City Attorney informed the Council the man who has I : been doing the appraising for rights of way for the City ; i does tk appraising for rights of way for the County of i : San Diego." : Dunne i After further consideration, by motion of tl-e Council it : Atkinson ; was agreed this matter be held in abgyance. i dughes I I Jardine : (c) i3eport on bid responses €or Terramar Sewer District,: I A. D, 2-1964. The Mayor announced the City Clerk in- i i vited bids for the construction of sanitary sewer system, I : including appurtenances, sewage pumping station, force ; i main system in Cannon Aoad, Carlsbad Blvd., Cerezo : : Drive, El Arbol Drive, Los irZobles Dr., Shore Dr., 1 I i Tierra del Oro St. and easements in public rights of way i : of Lot 17, Terramar Unit No. 1, Map No. 2696, Lot 8 ; i and 26, Tierra del Oro, Map KO. 3352 and portion of Lot i : 3, Rancho Agua Hedionda, Map No. 823, as described in ; i desolution 61 120 and ordered by Aesolution #I 141, and { : was ordered to report to the Council at the next regular : i meeting after opening bids. The Mayor requested the I : Clerk to present to the Council Affidavits of Notice as re-: i quired by itesolution #1141. i The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Posting and Pablica: : tion of notice inviting bids. By common consent the 0 I 4 I I t I I 1 The City offered Mr. Nordhall $2,100. The Engineering i I 8 I I I I I I I I I I .- . .. i Neiswend I I I I I 1 " I 8 I I i I I I ! Council, approved the affidavits and ordered same filed, 1 I I I ! The Clerk advised the Comcil that up to the hour of 2: 232 i i o'ciock P.M. , June 14, 1965, two sealed bids were de- i : livered to her at her office. The bids have been com- I I i puted and summarized, and a summary sheet has been i : presented to each Council member. The bids received ; I were as follows: I L. Castillo $242,779, '76 I I Don Hubbard Cont. Co. 175,522.55 I i The Mayor inquired of the City Engineer if he had sxamin,)- i fed the proposals and computed the amount of ithe bids, ancf : determined the lowest responsible bidder? f I : The City Engineer announced he had examined the bids I i and found the amounts as set forth in the Clerk's report I I to be correct and &at the lowest responsible bidder is I ; Don Bubbard Contracting 20. This bid is 11.91 % above i ; the Engineer's estima'cz. The City Engineer Teeommend-: i ed that ths City of Sarlsbad accept the low bid of $175, 50q : 5C, as submitted ;by Don 4ubbard Ccntracting Company, ; : subject to rigbt of possession of easement, I I I I 1 I I I I I I + I I I I * I I I f 0 t I I I I I f $ : '',, '*,I'.,,'., t I I t c I I I I I I 'x, '. ' i Name \\, I ; of '3 t Member I \ " I .' # -4- :"""""""""""-"""~.""""-"~""""""~""""""""""~""""""- i The City Attorney advised the Council the Streets and ; I Highway Code provides that in the event the bid exceeds i i 13% of the Engineer's estirnate, the Council may instruct: ! the City Clerk to notify the property owners as to thlz ! i amount of the bid, I , i Cmn. Neiswender stated he questioned some of the figure3 ! i. e., sewage pump station. It was his feeling perhaps : i there should be a consultation and an agreement could be i t reached due to the fact there was such a difference in : ' '\ 0 I I I I I i price. I ! I i I I I i The Assistant Engineer informed the Council the former i : City Engineer engaged a private engineer for the design : i and estimate of this project. This was the figure used in I i the estimate. I I i The City Manager stated tne only way this figure could ; : be changed would be by readvertising for bids. 1 Tie Council inquired of the Engineer as to whether he i I I I I I I I I I I I i thought better bid proposals would be submitted if the pro? I ject were readvertised? I I ; The A-ssistant Engineer stated they do not feel the bids i i would be any lower. There were 15 pick ups for bidding, i i but only two responses were received. t I D I I I % I I I Cmn. Cunne stated in view of the Engineerrs recommen- i dation he felt the City should proceed in accordance with : the City Attorney's recommendation and the City Engik i neer's recommendation. f i By motion of the Council the City Clerk was directed to i notify the property owners in the assessment district as ; to the 11.91% over the Engineer's estimate. I I 8 I I I t I 8 I t I I i Dunne i Neiswend I Atkinson i Hughes : Jardine I ; The following resolution was presented in regards to the 1 ; award of contract: I Resolution No. 1159. A &ESC.LUTICBN OF TEE CITY i : A7VA.RDING CONTi3ACT PC3 ViOBK OX IMPLKVEN~EMT i i @RDE.R,ED BY i3ESCLUTIGN NO. 1141 OF SA.ID CITY i Dunne ; CCUNCIL, Assessment District No. 2-1964, was adopted! Neiswend i by title only and further rzading waived, subject to the i Atkinson ; City obtaining right of possession of the Harris property : Hughes I for easement purposes. : Jardine I 1 I I I I I i EVFRCIL OF' THE CITY GF CARLSBA.13, ChLIFCRNIA, i I I ! i PLANNING: 1 I I 1 I I ! I (a) Xeport from Planning Commission concerning the i : granting of a Conditional Use Permit to allow overnight : i camping on property known as FOX'S Snug Elarbor. A I writtee read, I I I i dated June 11, 1965, stating a thorough revisw of writ- : 1 i ten reports as well as Planning Commission and City : i Council deliberations nas been made, and based upon ad- i I ditional facts and objections brought forth by interested : I parties since the first hearing, the Planning Commission i i recommends that a conditiional use permit be granted al- : ; lowing overnight parking privileges subject to certain i i conditions. ( A total of nine conditions were listed). I % ! Also attached to the written report was a minority report : i submitted by Commissioner Lamb requesting that addi- i I tional changes and conditions be added to the Commissionk ; report. a I I I * I 8 I I * I t 8 I I I t 1 I I I f' , \.\ ' I I 3, '\ ' ',, $ I I I I I ', +\ 1 I '\ '. ' ! I \ '\ I I I -5- '. .x. 8 ! of '< I Name 8, I I : Member ~"""~"""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""""-----~~"-"--""-- i The Clerk presented a letter dated June 11, 1965, from i I Alfred and Annalynn Van.de Velde, protes'ting any- such : i development in a restricted residential district. i Mayor Atkinson stated the report still avoids the basic ! ; question "DO we want this type of development in Carlsbad!; I' i Crnn. dughes stated the City has tried to help Mr. Fox. ! i According to the Flanning Corrmissionts recommendation 1 ; they want Mr. Fox to police the Lagoon. A.t this time we I i have not received the Planning Consultaat's harbor plan I ; nor the Master Flari for the City, therefore, he could not ; i go along with the recbmmendation of the Planning Commis+ ; sion at this time. I I I Cmn. ';Jardine stated he would like to be heard on the other; i side of the matter in question. Wnat is the economic I I : benefit to the City? Cne of the main benefits and desir- : i able kommodities of the City of Carlsbad is the recreation i : value Carlsbad has to make available. From all the 4 I i studies he has made, and with all the restrictions that the i : Planning Commission has recommended, he is in favor of i i granting this conditional us e permit. I I i Crnn, Dunne stated he admires Mr. Fox and he runs a I :real tight ship, however, he feels the City would be taking i i the wrong step at this time in granting this conditional f :use permit. I I iAfter further consideration, by motion of the Council the i :following resolution was presented: t I e I I I I 4 I I I I t I 4 I I I I I I I ' f I I I 1 I jzesolutian NO. 1160. A AESCZUTIC~N CF TiiF CITY fziJnne jCCVNCIL CF TBE CITY CF CPii3LSE~ D XEVEdSING IXeiswender jGLC!dDING CVE3lMIGdT CAMPMG AT FCX'S SNUG dAi3,- {I-IUgheS :PLANNING CCMMISSICNIS LZE'SCLUTICN NO. 393, EZ - :Atkinson :Be&, was adopted by title only and further reading waived.:Jardine :Tne reasons stated by the Council for granting the appeal : :were: (1) tihe Master Plan for the iiarbor and the City aas I ;not been completed; (2) the conditions as proposed would i !necessitate the policing of the lagoon to a greater extent; ; :and(?) the present use of the land is the best use for the I :present time. 1 I INEk BUSINE.SS: :(a) First reading of Crdinance #8X2, establishing minimu& :sidewalk requirements. The City Attorney presented a pro-i posedrainancc establishing minimum sidewalk require- ! Iments, which the Engineering Department had requested, : $or the Council's consideration. I I iCmn. Neiswender requested that a change be made in Sec- i :tion 1, changing "shall" to "may" be installed contiguous i :to the curb. This would make it mandatory. I I :The City Manager pointed out that under Section 2 of the ; groposed ordinance an appeal can be made to the Council. i :Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, stated many property i bwners want contiguous sidewalks, as tiicy are taking care ; @f the parkways already. The City of San Diego is provid- i $ng for Contiguous sidewalks due to thr underground utility : bines and the necessity of acquiring easements. Oceansidz i Srecently prepared an ordinance r2gulatiag the planting in : Parkways. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I " I I 1 I I 8 I I I I I I t e I I I I I t 1 I I ! I t I I I I I t I I' , '8 '\ .\, '\ I I '\ \ '\ I -€- i Name '8, * I : of " ', :""""""""""""""""""""""""-.".""""""""""""~""-"""""~ : Member 1 Mayor Atkinson informed the Council manbers the Councii !went on record as approving this plan some months ago, : :and this would be putting it in an ordinance form. I i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: 1 !Ordinance No. 8042. AN ORDINANCE GF' THE CITY OF jDunne :mRLSBF.D t ES€A.BLISHING MINIMUM SIDE;VS ALK RE - :Neiswende ! QUIREMEMTS, was given a first reading by title only and !Atkinson i further reading waived. t dughes i Jardine ! (b) First reading of Grdinance iir9179, amending Section 3; I or Grdinance #9140, regarding sidewalk requirements in ! ! subdivisions. I I 1 The City Attorney informed the Council this proposed I ordinance would bring the subdivision. ordinance into i conformity with the previous ordinance. :Ordinance No. 9179. AX ORDINANCE CF THE CITY OF iDunne !.aidLSBAD AMEhTING SECTION 3 CF CSDINANCE NC. :Neiswende i 9140 dEEGAi3DIMG SIDELFALK REQUISEME.MTS IN SUB- !Atkinson ; DIVISIONS, was given a first reading by title only and !Hughes i further reading waived. ; Jardine i (c) First reading of Ordinance 93071, amending Section i : 65 of Ordinance $3005, regarding unlawful parking of i vehicles of peddlers, vendors, etc, i The City Attorney stated this was requested by the Police ! :Department due to the problem of vendors coming into the I i parking lot and staying €or a long length of time, in the ; :area leased by the City from Mr. Ecke. I I : Mayor Atkinson stated this was also by his request. : The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: I :Ordinance No. 3071. AN OL~DIMA.NCE CF THE CITY GF iDunne i CAi3LSBIID AMENDING SECTION 65 OF C3DINA.NCE NC. :Neiswende : 30G5 REGARDING UNLAWFUL PARMIMG CF VEHICLES !Atkinson I OF PEDDLEES, VENDOW, ETC., was given a first i 3ughes i reading by title only and further reading waived. I Jardine I .x ' I \' I 8 ', '8,''. 8 I 1 I I ' ', 0 I I t I 1 8 t i I 8 t I 1 I I 1 I t I t t I I I I I I f I I 8 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I i The Mayor inquired of the City Attorney if it would be :possible for a vendor to bid for a concession on City I property? I The City Attorney informed the Council there are provi- ; sions in the State law that pr0vide.s for franchises. It i would have to be advertised. I By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed : to advertise for bids for a live bait concession. 1 I I I I 8 I 1 I I I : The City Attorney informed the Council he would prepare i a Notice to Bidders for the Council's consideration at the : next meeting. I 0 I :A. short recess was called at 8;40 I?. M. The meeting i reconvened at 8~50 P. M, I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ; Dunne INeiswende :Atkins on ; Ldughes : Jardine r -:- I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I t 1 I I I I + I I I * I I I 8 t I I I I I '\ -. .' '' $ '\ " ' I * I '\, ".:'., 0 I 4 I 8' I .' I -a- i Name '\, I : of ~"""""""-""""""""~"""""""""""-""""""~-"""~""""""- : Member :Location of State Institute. The Mayor informed Mr. 1 :Fortunati the Council would continue the discussion con- I kerning the location of the State Institute, ! ! s '* I I I I I I I :Mr. Fortunati informed the Council the location of this i !institute will come before the Legislature on June 18, 19651 :The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce sent a telegram i \endorsing Carlsbad for the location, and the committee / :who worked on this report and the Chamber of Commerce ; !would like to have the City Council endorse this location. i i There are two sites in the vicinity of Carlsbad being con- i :sidered. Vista has gone on record as favoring a site in : :Vista, however, the Vista site will be excluded due to the i :requirement that the site be located not more than a 30 : :minute drive from UCSD, as this is where a great deal of i iresearch will be done for the institution. The Committee ; :has been unable to find any objections to this institution. i !The Mayor inquired of Mr. Fortunati if he were at liberty ! :located? :Mr. Fortunati stated one site under consideration is near i Ithe Palomar Airport aoad East of El Carnino Real, and : :the other site is near the dragstrip, on property not I !suitable for residential purposes. ;Mr. Fortunati further stated the wards of this institution i :will be between the ages of 18 to 25, and this will be their I :first offense. A great deal of research will be done in I f connection with this institution, therefore, the caliber of ; I the employees will be of a high type. It would be built I :to hold approximately 38W wards. 1 I :Cmn. Hughes inquired as to whether the institution would i jhave maximum security? !Mr. Fortunati informed the Council it was his understand- I iing there would be moderate security. I I ICmn. Dunne inquired as to why Miramar, La Jolla, Poway: :and Torrey Pines Mesa turned it down if it were such a i :good thing. I I :Mr. Fortunati stated he recently made a survey of the are2 :around Torrey Fines Mesa, due to the shortage of housing I !for the university, and nearly all of the land is owned by : :developers. I I I :After further consideration, Mayor Atkinson moved that i Ithe Council endorse the location of this institute in the :North County. I I 1 I 1 I I jto state where the proposed sites for Carlsbad were I I I 4 t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I + I I I :The motion failed for lack of a second motion. I !CITY ATTBdNE'Ib'S GEPORT: I I I I I I I I I I I :Claim for damages - Francis J. and Virginia 33. Fox. The i !City Attorney presented a verified claim from Francis Job$ :Fox and Virginia E. Fox, claiming damages in the amount ; :of $6, OOG. GO, due to ilydro Construction Company having i :failed and refused to complete said contract within the !time provided, and negligently and carelessly permitted [ :open ditches, holes, dumps and other matters during the ; :latter part of 1965 and up to and including May of 1965, 1 0 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I f ! I . I ; '.\ ', '\\ '\ I I '\ '\ '\ ' I ', '\ ' i ' ', ". '., I : of 'e '. I I I I I ' I -8- :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-.."""""~"""""-". i Member !during which time claimants customers were unable to i :reach claimants place of business. I I :By motion of the Council the Claim was denied and refer- jDunne ired to the City's insurance carrier. jNeiswende: I atkinson I :Jardine :Agreement - re: Rater meter serving a1 Camino Mesa I :Subdivision. The City Attorney informed the Council the ! iCarlsbad Municipal tTiater District agreed to install a 8 1 :water meter to serve the subdivision known as El Camino i [Mesa Subdivision. It was mutually agreed that the City ! :would pay CMWD for the meter on or before the commence: jment of construction of Unit No. 2 of El Camino Mesa Sub-: ;division or prior to March 8, 1966, in effect Kamar Con- i jstruction Co. will pay for this meter. The City Attorney : irequested authorization for the Mayor to execute the * !written agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. :By motion of the Council the Mayor was authorized to :Dunne !execute the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and INeiswende. :the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. +&inson ! i Name '\, I e I I ! I I c I !Hughes I (I I 1 " 1 1 I I I I I I I I I :3ughes I I I !Jardine I I !CITY NLPI.NA-GEA'S REPGRT: I I I I I ! iaequest for sewer refund agreement, Kamar Construction / jCo., Inc. requests the City of Carlsbad to enter into a ; !Sewer .&fund Agreement with their company for their ; :participation in the El Camino Sewer Project. The City 1 :Manager informed the Council this has been the practice i :in the past, however due to a large area of undeveloped I :property, it is probable that this area will not be developed !in the next ten years, therefore, it is requested that the : :agreement be set up for a 15 year period. I I !By motion of the Council it was agreed that an agreement iBunne :be entered into between the City of Carlsbad and Kamar :Neiswendej :Construction Co. for a sewer refund on a 15 year basis. $.tkinson I I I I I I I i3UgheS I I :Jardine I I I I idequest for us e of 2Ioliday Fark - Carlsbad Chamber of i :Commerce. The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce desires i jthe use of Boliday Park, Sunday, July 4, 1965 for the I I ! ;annual Fourth of July picnic, I I I !By motion of the Council the request was granted to the Bmne !Chamber of Commerce €or use of Zoliday Park on Sunday, jNeiswende1 :July I 4, 19G5. !Atkinson I t t :Sughes I I :Jardine 8 * I I 1 I 0 :Joint Powers Agreement - re: Serra 3egional Library :System. Tine Joint Fowers Agreement has been received : :and the staff recommends approval of the agreement. AlsG !authorization is needed for the City Manager to execute the: :agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. I I I I l e :The following resolution was presented: I I I I I I I I * I I 8 8 1 t I I I I 1 I I 8 I I I I I * I t I 1 t I I l a I I 1 % I I I I I I 1 I I ! -9- I' ,.' 8 I * a I I I , 8, '\ ' 8, \ '\ " ." \' '\ '. ' . " i Name 't,'* i ; of ';? : Member i Resolution Eo. 1161. A dESCLUTIGN GF THE CITY . ~ i :""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""-"""""""""~"~""""" :COUNCIL GF TElE CITY GF @Ad,LSBJ.D, APPROVING I i A.ND ACCEPTING THE JCINT P@T!ERS AGXEEMENT, I I t WHIC~ ENABLES THE CITY OF CA~LSBPID ,TO BE A iDunne i PART OF TEE SERi3.A REGIGMAL LIPPi3ARY SYSTEM, : Neiswende ! AND AUTBOMZING THE CITY NIPaA.GE13 TO EXECUTE .iAtkinson I THE A@;YEEMENT GN BEilALF 8F TidB CITY 6F CARES$ Eugkres i BAD, was adopted by title only and further reading waived; Jardine ! I t 0 i dequest for refund of business license fee. The City Cleri : informed the Council Mr. Theodore 13. iiomaine, repre- i i sentative of the Fuller Brush Co. in this area, applied : ;for a business license in April, and was informed at that I i time the Council was considering an ordinance prohibiting ; : solicitation upon private property. Mr. Romaine paid the i i fee required and asked that he be notified if the ordinance : :was adopted, as he would be unable to do business if he i I were not allowed to solicit. 1 ! I I I i Mr. Romaine has requested that his business license be ! : refunded. I ! By motion of the Council it was agreed that Mr. Romaine jDunne ! I 1 I I I be refunded 111 12th~ of his business license fee. t Meisw ende; I I i Aughes I i Jardine i Atkins on I I I I I I I I I : Cmn. Dunne invited all the members of the Council to i attend a special tour to view the progress of construction 1 i at the Encina 1;iiater Pollution Control Facility Monday, f :June 21, 1965 from 2:OO to 4: 33 F. M. I I ! Mayor Atkinson appoinlediCuuncilrnen Zughes and Jardine i i as a committee to study the sewer service charges. I I Mayor htkinson also appointed Cmn. i2ughes to look into ; : the proposed State Institution and make a report back to i i the Council. t ~AUTBOKIZATIGN FOA PAYMENT CF EILLS AND RP?TI- ! I 1 I I I ; I I I I " 1 I I I I ;- .> L 0f;L. : I 9 I :Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the i !general expenses in the amount of $89,972.58 and for the :Dunne : Water Department in the amount of $28,981.3 1 for the iNeiswende1 i period June 1, 1965 to June 15, 1965, 2s certified by the :Atkinson i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit-:Hughes ; tee. :Jardine ! aatification of the payroll was given for the first half of IDunne :June, 1965, in the amount of $18, 643.13 as certified by iNeiswender i the Girector of Finance and approved by the Auditing :Atkinson : Committee. :Hughes ! ADJGT-JL~NMENT: I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 23 P, M, i ! ! ; Respectfully submitted, I I I 1 I I I : I I I I I t I I Jardine I 4 I I I I I l 1 1 I 8 0 I I ET E, zq. ADA S i City Ckk I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I 1 I I I * * I I I I I I