HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-07-20; City Council; Minutes? I 1 I : 'x, '\,'\\\ ", :CITY OF CARLSgAI) :Minutes of: CITY COUPiCfL (Regttlar ileeting) i '* I ' !Date of i!tleeting: July 20, 1265 ' 'I :Time of Yeeting: 7:OO P.i.i. : of '; iROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Dunne, Neis- i :se~?'c were City Manager Hamaux, City Attorney Mil - i ison and City Clerk Adam. I I I 8 \' I '8, '' ' : Name '%, ,' i"l-a~-~--Q~--~~~~-~j-M~..~-,,C_o-~~-c_5_'i_,-c,~-~~~~-~~ _.-_____--_____________ + i _____________ Member I I I 0 $lender, Fitkinson, Hughes and Jardine. Also pre- ! I * I iIi4VOCATIOM was offered by Mayor litkinson. 3 I 4 I I I I iALLEGIA?JCE to the Flag was given. I I I I 1 I 1 h I I I I ~APPROYAL OF MQIUTES: !The 8ayor requested the approval of the minutes ! !of the meeting of July 6, 1965 deferred until the: ;next regular rneeting as the Council had not re- : iceived them in time for considsration. t I I I I I I CORRESPONDEIJCE: I I t I 1 I 1 :The idayor recognized a letter from the Oceanside ! i a State Psychi atri c Hospital. I I :Carlsbad Democratic Club concerning a site for i I I I I I i O2AL COiq44Uid I CAT IOIdS : I I I I I 1 :There were no oral communications. I I I t I I 1 1 I EIGINEERING: r I I I I I I :(a) Terramar Sewer District A.D. 2-1964 - 1911 !Act Proceedings. Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineei, :informed tile Council the City has been trying to i :work out a way in which Xr. Harris could be 1 i :served by the Terramar Sewer District. The staff; :has been working with the contractor and feel 1 1 :they have arrived at a solution. The basic changt !is the lowering of the line and a different type I ;the cost of tile pump station of approximately I I :$4,200.0c) and an increase in cost of lowering the! :line, making a total decrease to the district of : jb2,ooo.oo. I I I h I 1 of pump s tatlon, There wi 11 be a decrease in I b I I I I i Hr. Harris wi 11 be served by this change and he ! :is willing to give the City an easenent if this :::: i change is approved. I I i The City Attorney informed the Council a public I :hearing will have to be held due to this changeg i :and he presented the following resolution of in- : : tention for the Council's consideration: I I iResolution :io. 1154. A RESOLUTIObl OF IfiITENTION OFIDunne ITHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY .3F CARLSBAD TO NMKE :?ieiswende : CHAE;IGES Ira A.D. fJQ, 2-1964, STATING ESTIUATED IM-:Atkinson I PUBLIC I-lEARIiaG THEREON, was adopted by title only! Jardine :and further reading waived. ! (b) Offer of street dedication - Randolph Duke. i !Letterdated July 74, 1955 from 9onald 11. i4olJy, ; :representing Ylr. Randolph Duke, concerning a lot I !split as proposed by i4r. Duke on his property lo-: I cated on the east side of Oli ve Dr. near the in- i i tersection with Las Flores Dr. , was presented, ret i questing the Council to consider Ptaiving the iz- ; :mediate requirement for street improvements along: :his frontage on Olive Dr. I I i ;4r. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informd the :Council this property is in escrotf in the naiw of! !Gordon Fellows. This entails a street openiiig and I I I I I I I I :CREASE OR DECREASE IN COST, AHD GIVIdG HOTICE OF :Hughes I * I I 1 "~ a I $ I k I 8 * '\ %, '., '\ ' * i '\, '\ ', \\, , \\ '8 '\ I '8 '\, '\ I : of '3 I : Member ,I I I I 1 : I : -2" I N a me '*$, '%t I 1""""~""""""""""""""""""-""""""~""""""""!""""""". 0 la lot split vr-ith street dedications. >!henever a i :street opening is proposed the City endeavors to :...,.:.....! :maks a block study. The adjoining property is ; jowned by Wamsay. Both parti 2s were interested in : :opening up their prcperty and it was pointed out I :to them it would be feasible to havtl a street :opening. The two parties employed an engineer i ;and with an exchange of land they are going to ; :open up a street which will create three lots for i !Duke and two for gamsay at this time. They will : !put in all irr?provemc!nts for the street opening. 8 :Under the lot split ordinance Clr. Duke is required itha present time there is a petition being circu-j jlated on Olive Drive for curb and gutter on a i I :cash basis. It has been the past policy of the : !City i .f tile property uwners put in curb and gutte; ithe City wi 11 provide road oi 1 mix from curb to I jcenter of the street. Mr. ~uke has signed tI1is : :petition for the improvement of curb and gutter. i !Due tc? the fact b!r. Duke is putting in strcet im-: :provements for the street opening, it is the Engi 4 ineering Zepartment's reconmendation that the a 1 jstreet inprovernents be vai ved on 01 i ve Dri ve and I :that he enter into it future street imrpovement I i ag reerflent . 1 1 ;~y motion of tire Council tho offer of street de- jDunne :dicatioon was accepted, and the lot split approvedjNeiswende :subject to the owner entering into a future stree$Atkinson :improvement agreement with the City. ~ !Hughes 8 ! Jardi ne # ;.. I 4 1 !to sltake street improvements on? Olive Drive. At 1 v t t I l * a I ii4R. RAjdDOLPN DUKE thanked the Council and stated 1 :he was moving to Chico, California and it was im- i Iportant to him to have this taken care of at this t : time. k I i(c) kteqwest to install sewer line from existing i &City laterals - H.A. Robinson. tetter dated :July 15, 1965 from H.A. Robinscn, 5234 Carlsbad i !3lvd., requesting permission to install sewer '7.+.-<:+ ;lines fron existing city laterals on Skyline Roadi ;-to property known as 3814 and 3812 Skyline Road, I jand thro~lgh City water easements. The proposed ; t 1 ines w-i 11 cross property of J. Y. Kubota and are i !a matter 0% agreement between them. I I :By mction of the Council Xr. Robinson was al1oweb;Dunne f to be served by way of a private easement and iki swende :through the City's water easement for swer ser- :Atkinson :vice, for property located at 3314 and 3812 !Hughes !skyline Road. : Jardi ne i (d) Request for waiver of street irnprovewnts -i !Donald A. Briggs, Jr. Letter Prom Donald A. I : Briggs, Jr. , 2'381 Jefferson Street, requesting a ! !waiver of street improvements on ~wrcel 'ID", and I :that Parcels "AILg l'i3'' and "f:" be So;~cbed individ- ; jually on the lot splits irt LO^ e3 BSOC~ "H" ~ap i :tio. 2152, Bellavista, was pressntcrl. i 3r. Thornton informed the Council if the City doe4 :not have the official grade established, they ask; : thnt ti12 property wner post bond. The lot split: ;the street inpravcments on Parcel "D", 2136 the ; ! !Ensfneering ~epartmnt cannot aFprove this lot : ! sp? it without the Counci 1 Is action on tila street i i i mp rovemen ts . I I I I f 1- I I I I I t I * I I I I I 0 i conforms with the lot SpIi t Ordinance except for i $ * I I L I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I' 1 '8 '\ "8 '8 I <' ' I 8' 3 I '\ S.,'., I ', 8 '9 * '. I -3- i Name \*\ I : of '< i Member :""."-.-""""".".~""~""""""-~"*..~"""~""""""""""~"~.""""~, iCrnn, Dunne asked if the original owner was not ! :responsible for the street improvements in con- i jnection wit!? a lot split. 1 I INR. BRIGGS informed the Council Parcels I'BI' and i :I'C" have been sold and are in escrow, He is will{ jing to post bond on Parcel "A" and the new owners i tare willing to post bond on Parcels "B" and 'IC". ; iHowaver, tlnere is a 2 I/Z year farm lease on !Parcel "Dl' and there will have to be another lot i :split on Parcel I'D'' as there is a frontage of !approximately 135' on this parcel. Hr. Briggs { :further stated he would be happy to enter into I :a future street improvement agreement. I 9 ;Mr. Thornton stated the Engineering Department ha{ :recommended that a waiver not be granted as they i jdid not feel there vere any unusual circumstances: !After further consider2tion by the Council, by I :motion of the Council it was agreed that the lot i :split be approved, subject to bonds being posted :Dunne :for Parcels "A", "B" and 'IC", and that an agree- Illeiswende hent for future stmet improvements be entered !Atkinson !into between the property omer and the City on \Hughes i Parcel "0". :Jardine i FLANNI NG: a I 1 I e I I I I ; I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I :(a) Letter of resignation from planning Commis-i jsion - John Grant. Letter dated July !O, 1965 ; :from John H. Grant was presented, submitting his i jresignation from the Planning Commission due to : :business commitments. I b ; Cmn. Meiswenaer stated he felt the City and the i i Council owes I4r. Grant a great deal of thanks for: :the time and effort ne has spent. I I :Ctnn, Dunne recommended that a letter of apprecia-i jtion be sent to Mr. Gr2,nt. f I ! ! iCmn. Dunne placed the narrre of Lt. General J. C. i j Munn for nomination to fi 11 the unexpired term ; :of John Grant, Crnn. i4eisnender seconded the Inomination. There were five ayes. jlJi th the unanimous consent of the Council i4ayor i :Atkinson appointed Lt. Genera7 J. C. Munn to fill: I the unexpired term of John Grant on the Planning ; :Commission, which term expires April, 1966. t : I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I t I I (b) Memorandum from Chai rman of Planning Com- i jmission - re: Master Plan. Memorandum dated I I :July 16, 1955, from the Chairman of the Planning f :Commission was presented, asking that a communi- : i cation be sent to the firm of Daniel, M/l~nn~ I :Johnson and Nendenhal?, requesting that a cornpleti :briefing I be given to the Planning Director, I t I Feasi bi 1 i ty Report. i Mr. Don Schoell, City Planner, slated thz Corn- I :mission felt the City should have a professional i !briefing on the Master Plan and the Harbor Plan. : :He made a trip to Los Angeles and went over the ! i contract with DkiJM. Howeverg it has been very ; t :difficult to get a professional briefing. The i i Commission is in tile process of going over the : -. : Donald Schoelt 1 on the ivlaster Plsn and Harbor ! I I I I l 8 I I I 0 I I I I I 1 I J 1 I I I I I I' f I I '\ '\ '\ , \. * 8 '\ '\ '1 1 I '\ \ \\ I \ 8. ' I i I I : -4- I 8- i Name \8 '8, : of I( ', I :"-""""""""""-""""""""""-"""""~-"""""""""'"""""".. f Member tlaster Plan at this time, and then they klouid like! :a professional briefing before the public hearings! jcommence. blr. Schoell pointed out that the Harbou: :Report will be presented to the Council rather i jthan to the Planning Commission. I I 8 0 I iidayor Atkinson stated he felt it was incumbent :upon the Council to inform DWM the steps the Cit$ ;wishes them to follow, and that DWP1 be requested : !to present a preliminary report of the Harbor. I I !By motion of the Couaci 1 it was agreed that the : !Council assume the responsibility for a communi- : :cation to DMJM; that the City Attorney be instruc4-Dunne ied to write a letter to DMJM, requesting a pro- :Weiswende :fessional briefing to the staff on the Raster :Atkinson ;Plan and i-larbor Report, and that a preliminary :Hughes jreport be presented on the Harbor. IJardi ne INE1;3 BUSINESS: :(a) Resolution 81165, amending stop sign ordi- i :nanc:e to include various stop signs. The City !Attorney informed the Council the Traffic Safety ! :Committee has recommended that additional stop I :signs be added to the ordinance, and a resolution: :has been prepared for the Council's consideration i :to include these stop signs. * I {The following resolution was presented for the ; iCounci 1's review: I I :Resolution No. 1165. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY jDunne iC0UffCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATIRG :Mei swendel :and further readi "9 waived. :Hughes I :Jardine jHR. BODE, stated his letter probably prompted :this action for Garfield Street; however, to make: jthis a through street would not be economiczl. I I :The speed limit should be reduced. :The Council was informed the speed limit is now i INRS. WIWDRUI~1 stated a chi 1 d was injured going jhome from St. Patrick's School 9 and she wrote a i :letter requesting that a sign be posted on Magnol!a jand Adams Street warning of a school. 8 I :Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, advised the :intersection as it woufd indicate a schcol pias in: jthis section. However, they have included a :stop sign at Tamarack Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. i i 8 8 I I I I I b I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 8 I 8 8 I 1 I ; I I :CERTAIN I STOP STREETS, was adopted by ti tfe only !Atkinson I I I I I s I I I I I I I I I 125 M.P .H. : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * ;Council they could not justify a varning at this i I I I 8 l a i(b) Res. #1166, requesting the State Division i :of Highways to install a permanent overcrossing : :at Chinquapin Ave. and Interstate [do. 5, in lieu i !of frontage road on east side of freeway between : :Chinquapin Ave. and Tamarack Ave. A map of the : :proposed overcrossing was presented for th? 1 I :Council's consideration. illy. Thornton informed : ithe Council the former City Engineer requested thi :Division of Wighways that in designing a frontage! :road for this area Pi0 Pic0 be in alignment with I iHarrison Street. Since that time it is the opiniin I i I I I I I I I * 1 I 1'. I \\\'\\ 88 '. * I , ', '\ 8q 1 '\. '8 '\\ I I 4 ! i I -t '\ I ' -8 1 I I -5- i Name '\8 ' I : of 8< I I i Member ~~""""""""~"""""-""""""""-"~"""-~""-"--"---""-~----"--"-~" i of the Engineering Department, due to the hcatry : ! flow of traffic anti cigated 7 months of "the year i i on Tamarack Ave., that Harrison Street should noq i be extended, but that an additional overcrossing : i be constructed across the freeway at Chinquapin i : Ave. This would be a two-1 ane structure. I Llayor Atkinson requested that a map of this pro- i i posed overcrossing and the surrounding area be : : presented to the Council prior to the next Counciil i meeti ng. I i Crnn. Jardine requested this matter be referred to! : the Planning Commission for their next meeting i ! and a report made back to the Council prior to : i Council's meeting of August 3, 1965. i Cmn. Neiswender announced there was an excellent i : turnout for the Art Symposium and Crnn. Jardine ; I made the presentation of pm-izes. I 8 i Cmn. Jardine reported the islaster 3eed is the : Sweepstake prize and this vias won by a ten year : i old boy. The competition has become so great I I i it is tending to cut dovln the participation. Me i ; is in hopes the Chamber of Commerce and some of I : the other service clubs will encourage this eventl 1 ! 0 I I I 4 $ I I t I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I 1 * I i Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee, I la : For At!cinson announced he would officially likei I I to appoint Cmn. J. E. Jardine to the Transpbrta- i ; tion Policy Coordinating Committee and that he : I would appoint himself as the alternate represen- i ; tative. As to the Technical Coordinating Commit-: I tee the City Manager appointed Nayne Lill , City i :Engineer, from the staff. # I I t I I : CITY ATTORiiEY 'S REPORT: I i I I ! I I :Terramar Sewer District A.D. 2-7964 - re: Harris : i easement. An easement has been received from I I : Nr. Harris for the Terramar Sewer District pro- { I ject, and it will be necessary for the Council to: i accept this easement. I I : By motion of the Council the easement for sewer -+Dunne i purposes was accepted from Arthur Leonard Harris,:ideiswende t IJr. and Rita i4arie Harris, and the City Clerk :Atkinson :instructed to record the same. IHughes i Las Flores Extension. The City has received a1 1 i :the street dedications for the Las Flores exten- : Ision; however, the Veterans Administration has i ! requested an additional Quitclaim Deed for the i i Pal kowski property. I I i By motion of tfie Counci 1 the Quitclaim deed from !Dunne : Urban i4ax Pal kowska' , Edna i4ay Palkowski and the jWeiswende1 :Department of Veteran's Affairs of the State of :Atkinson :California was accepted and the City Clerk in- jf-lughes :strutted to record the same. :Jardine I I I # I I I i Jardi ne r I I I % I I I e I 0 :Request for refund of monies deposited for sewer i :lift station - Pirates Cove. At the time Shelter ; !Cove was being developed, Pirates Cove, the I I !developers, were required to deposit K? th the Citi :$11,000 in order to provide for a 7iFt station to! !bring the sewerage up the hill, as the City did : I. . I * I I I ! I I 1 I I I I I I * b I t -6- I* .. t ',J, ',, '\ I \" I \" I \\ 'I ' I . " , ', i Name '\, ' : of " ', I I :"""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""""~"~"-""*"- : Member i not know at that time when the Agua Ciedionda in- i f terceptor line would Be completed. The $1 1,000 ; i has been on deposit with the City, and since the i : requested the $ll,OOO be returncd. I I i By motion of the Counci 1 it was agreed that ' 'g>unne i $11,000 be returned to the developer of' Shelter S4eiswende. 0 i interceptor line is completed the developer has ; I i I : Cove. &titinson I I I Hughes I I bardine I I I i CITY I4AIiAGER'S REPORT: t I I I ! I ; Joint Sewzr Project, Unit II - Request for exten-j i sion of time to complete work - \dido brtukovicfl i : and Son, Inc. Vide Artukovich and Son, Inc., I I i Contractor for Unit 11, ilas requested an exten- i i sion of time to complete work. The Department : ; of Special District have recommended that a 14 i : day extension of time be granted. t 1 I ~y motion of the Council a 14 day extension of i Dunne i time to complete the work on Unit I1 of the Joint! Neiswendt : Sewer Project VJZIS granted to \lido Artukovich and i P.tkinson i Son, Inc. : Hughes : Request for dance permit re: The Cutlass. k re- i i quest has been received from the obfners of the : ; i'Cutlass'', 2558 Carlsbad Blvd. for a dance permit:. i The staff has no objection to this request. * I E?! motion of the Council permission was granted i Dunne : to the owners of the "Cutlass", 2858 Carlsbad : Plei snende i Bfvd. for a dance permit. : Atki nson I l ! Hughes ! i Jardi ne s t I I 8 1 I I I Jardine I I I I t 1 $ a I I ! i Coverage of Police Reserve under 'dorkmen's Corn- i i pensation Insurance. The City 3lanager requested : i permjssion to have the Police Reserve Officers i i covered under i%orkmen's Compensation Insurance. : : The Reserve Firemen are covered under this in- I I surance not:!. I I I I I 1 I i By motion of the Counci 1 it tias agreed that the i Dunne :Police Reserve Officers be covered under Vork- : L!ei sxende i men's Compensation Insurance. i Atki nson I I : Hughes I i Jardi ne I I I I I I i Fencing for swimming pools. In cilecking the or- i I dinance there is no specific type of fence re- I :quired for swimming pools. I 1 I I ! The Council requested the staff to study the vari; I ous types of fences and make a report back to the: : Cottnci 1 at a later date. ! 1 I I I * I :bleed Abatement Program. The City Zlanager informy! I ed the Council the Fire Department has received i I excellent response to the cards that were mailed ! : out. The property owners "eve until August 10th i i to clear their property bel-jre the City takes I 1 : over. i~anta ~e Depot. ~mn. Dunne inquired 2s to wkat i i is being done in regards to the depot. I I ! ! a I I I I I I 1 I I I 8 I I I t * t I '8%' 8 * I , 1 I I I \ '8 '8, '8 'x, '\ \\ ! ', '\\ ' I -7" i Name ', I : of t : Member ~""""""""""~"~"~"~""""""~"""""""~~~~""~~~""~"~~~"~"""~". i The City Attorney informed tile Counci 1 he is prej : paring docunlents for a non-profit organization. : : Cmn. dtaghes stated he wculd not vote to spend i i any money on this project until tke area around i i the depot is cleaned up, i.e. sheet rock, etc. 3 : He inquired if the Railroad Company could be 4 I I forced to construct a spur to take care of the i i loading and unloading. i The Building Inspector informed the Council it i 1 is the truckers that un7 oad these materials I I I causing this debris. i The Counci 1 requested that the truckers be con- i i tacted in order that this area can be cleaned up.: i Buena Vista Sewers. Crm. Jardine inquired as Lo I : l:!hen tile hearing would be held on the Suena Vist4 i Sewer project. 8 i !<r. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the i f Council their department has not received the : I plans from the engineer on the project. i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMEiIT OF BILLS A:ID RATIFICA- i i TION OF PAYROLL: 1 1 Autkoritation was given for the payment of bi 11s 1; ~unne : for the general expenses of the City in tit2 a- ; ileiswendc i mount of $82,918.99 and for the !later Department t Atkinson ! in the amount of $18,568.70, for the period JUIY i iiughes i 6, 1965 to July 20, 1965, as certified by the I Jardine i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : : Cornmi ttee. I Ratification of the payro~ 1 was given fer the 1 Duane i first half of July, 1965 in the amount of : fiei swendi : $20 9594.76, as certified by the Director of i Atkinson i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. : Hughes I i Jardine I I I I \" '\ 8, I I .4 0 f I * I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I i I I I 1 8 t I I I I I I I # I * 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I : WDJOURNCIEiIT: ! : t3y proper motion the meeting was adjourned at i i 8:50 p.i.1. I I I t I I i Respectfully submi tted, I 1 I 0 I /K?h-&$ Fd&hw i HARGARET E. ADAalS i City Clerk I I I I I 1 I f I I I I I I I I I I I I t t f t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I t I ! t * e l I I 1 t t I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I * I I l a 4 I I I I ! I I I I I !