HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-03; City Council; Minutes8ciTY OF CARLSBAE I' , 88 '\ -8 '\ ' + '\ '8,"\, . ', 8.,'S8 ' i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Edeeting): I 8. '+, \, , '\ y\, :Date of Meeting: August 3, 1965 : Time of Ileeting: 7:OO P.Xe I N a me "8, ',$$,, ',, 8: i PI ace of Meeting: Counci 1 Chambers : of +?+, ' ~~""""""""~""""""~"~"~"""~~"""""~"--""-"-"--"-:---"------"---.--~--~ : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilman Dunne, I I' 1 $' i Neiswender, Atkinson and Jardine. Councilman I I ;: I 1; :Hughes was present at 7:25 P.M. Also present I :;, !were City Manager ii2amaux, City Attorney bSiIson i :;I !!I i and City Clerk Adams. i I II~VOGATION was offered by Chaplain Bouterse of ! ;: I the Carlsbad Union Church. t t1 I ;: i ALLEGIANCE to the ~~ag was given. 4 l ;: b, 8 8 'x " i Member '?&& I I .( 1 ::I I!; L 41 I I I I 1 a It I ! t! IAPPROVAL OF MINUTES; t I 1- 1:; ! ::I I I Ii :(a) Minutes of the regular meeting held July 6, IDunne : b' i1965, were approved as submitted. :Nei swender i xl I 1 I !Atkinson : : I ;: ;i $ I I ;Jardine i i f !Jardine !xi ! I #' :(b) l4inutes of the regular meeting held July 20, iffunne j1965, were approved as submitted. .L 'I :tJeiswender I ; , I I 1 a :Atkinson : f I ! I I 11 ~CORRESPONDEHCE: a I ;: :I I 18 :There was no written correspondence presented. I ;: 3 8: I :: I I I I 1 I f :ORAL COEviMUId I CAT I OPiS-: I I I I I: 1: 1 I I ;I, !There were no oral communi cations. !PUBLIC tlEARINGS: I ;:I I ;I' ! :: I I I * I If t;' I ' I !(a) Resolutio~#ll64, stating the intention of ! ithe City Council to make changes in A.D. No. I I e -1964, stating estimated increase or decrease in : $cost. 1- 'The Mayor announced this was the time fixed :by this City Council to hear all objections or :protests on the propDsed change in A. D. No. 12-1964, concerning the eslim.3ted increase or de- ! ;crease in cost of the work to be done. !The Clerk certified as to proper notice having i :been given, and that no written protests had been : :received up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. 1 !The Mayor announced the Council would now bear frob :a11 persons desiring to speak in favor of the !proposed change. ?here were no persons present desiring to speak in! favor of the change. ?he Clayor then announced the Council would now i >ear from a17 persons desiring to protest or ob- ; ject to the proposed change. hs there were no persons present desiring to speak! ?gainst the proposed change, the Nayor declared ; She public hearing closed at 7:32 P.F;1. the following resolution was presented for the pouncil's consideration: 3- t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I s I I 4 I I e I I l b I I # I 8 t I I * I I I I # I I 1 I I I I I I I 0; I 1 I I I I 1 I I * I I I I I I & 1 I I I # I 1 I I I I 1 t I I I ! 4- ;: :: ;: ;: :!: ;;I I:, '1 I:; ;:i ;: ;: ;:I $1 1:; ;I1 t" ::I ;: :; ;: ;: I:; ::; 'I\ t:i tl~ I:i 1: :; :I ;: ': ::. i:: 4:: :VI ::: ;:I 1:; I:; ;: ;: 11 I' I' 1)' 1: :I II I' la 8' I' 1: $I I* *: !a 1'1" *;I:;: I I :I:;I: I 'I 11' !;:;:: 1;:;;; I !;!;:i I tC!!; I;l I i : : :x; 4 i auipderi I I 4 I :I:::; 8 6 l;ll** :' ; : :X: i : UOSU!Y~\~ 12 daqua?daS da33.p ~bqun pad~agap SPM 33e~3uo : : i XI :xiJapuaMS~.af~!: pdip!~? ayq pup pa3dasclP set4 qualu3.r~daa 6u k~aau : i :x: I ; auunai ay2 WOJJ 'IJodavr a47 Limn03 ayq 30 UO~~O :;I;;: I I;::;: I I :;::*: I 'S96t '12 Jaqua :I:,:; +JP iiqun pad~qap aq 33a~quo3 40 ~JPMP aqq $1 ;::: :: *I ; spuautuo3aJ quaut3JPdaa 6ugdaauk6u3 ay$ PUP c :iii:i I 1 '12 aaquraqdas uo ales puoq ayq UOJJ pa3u i:i:i; i aq ~~it.1 'SDafodd siq~. 'a3tlw~qsa s,daauibu~ ::;::; : MOLaq x02 Ata3PUJXoJdde SI?M p!q ~SO~M 'OP~PU :::ii: I* IC. , soq daui3 sw.2 Jappiq 1401 ay3 PUP pan iamd :;;:!: :xis a4aM a~aya lpuncq aqq pawo~u! ylaau~lju3 i;;;;: : 't[ 41 aulC~p1 *.'I.] *z# ?pin ay.1 &mas Jopdau *:.:;! t Ppuo&pa~ Pn6y JOJ sasuodsad p,rq uo q4oda;y :;::;: I ; I@ : !xi 4 i auipayj *pauru SP~\ uo is &A bpqns aq3 I ; I ;x: : papuarizs fafdi aq3 40 Ado3 P puas 03 paq3nJJsul adat3 . : : ;xi : I auunfj: ay~ pug 'ppaAoadde set;\ uogsknipqns ~~PJJ~L 3. !;Il;: 1::;;: I -ad3 JO detu LPUCJC aq 1 $Dun03 aq3 so uoiaol; ::!!:! ::8*;; i 'wiAa*1 C, li3uno3 aq~ do4 paauasadd aq LL~M I 1:;::: f €iulplrut6 ay3 c urrtd 6u&ped6 I? ad inbad 03 KCJIBSSF :I,;:: 1'1 $1:;: i 34 spu~~ t'iq~3 aya cqpuclad 6u~p~f.nq I? JOJ IC1 1:;::; i -!$UP 3ou op Kay3 SP uqd fjufped6 B 3noyqp r: :;:::; ;I +;;:* 8 i -odd 03 patdoltti? uaaq ah??!y SYladolaAap a41 -4; ;::;:: ; ay3 03 L3.xado.td ay~ $0 afj'eu;t?~p JOJ svladot; qlo;: I ay2 Aq pa3u~~6 uaaq sry 3uatuasea a3PAkdd I :;:;4 434odaJ 3uauqdPdaa Gui~aautGu3 ayl *paauasaYcd ;laI;a 4'P '; ; uoks1,upqns axual adnomg JOJ. dw put4 !!:pi t' i -uois&Aipqns a~ea~al qJno3aYrg a04 deu tt?uij I;::': :I:::: I 1 i ; :x: i 'f au Spdep i ar i:I8:; :x; 1 ; auunai qeyq LTO~SLAOVIC; ayg ~31~ cau~l erdo~g uk darJ l::;@l I I I 1 ayq qEnoury3 yta~as 03 32p.rd Ytnyqdtj *s.q ;#l@:; *t:::: 1' :i:;!; I I ;1*1 I *Ja&dJt?q sky? y6no~oy3 paite3su& aq plno:, i ;;:::: i P aao4aq tiDuno3 ay3 Aq pa~u1?~6 aq oq ~APY pi ;:;:'I *;;Il@ I* I *,I;;: I ay3 03 anp Cdar\ardoy 'la~al 44~3s ay3 uo pa~t :I:::! ;:'#a, ;!;;;: {WOJU~ 3uatugaBdaa 6uidaau~Bu3 ayq JO uoqudoql tllb:: * ::;;:: I I I((,'* I *aA;.q YJed ui I*:; !!'+ !$wuyam aq 3yfigu a~,ya aul~ u~a~as aanqn3 XIUP +;:; 11 i .SUaUaaYlfjT? UP O$Ui Ja$Ua 03 6u~k~y aq PlnOM ;#1l'l I* 5 pa3ei.s 37edd *SJ~J '~oue~ L~pgo~ ui u~eu Ja ;;I:!: : 343 03 aUhL JaE4aS Aa&AeJ6 B JO LCeM /cq 333UUO3 1;;:;: !;::I: I paMOllI? ac; ayS 3PYa 6ub3sanbad 'ahkda YdQd s ,I *:; ;I!::: I I "33QJd 'd JnY3JW *sJW UOJ,S S961 '12 AlnC P: :/::; 1;;" It :aut[ da~aS 6u&3scxa y6no~y7 daE4as 03 3sanbaa ;;:::; I *',;I: ::;;:: I * :3NI1133NI 41 ,1;1:; I : i :xixi : aUipdPp i ; ; ;xi ; I sayfjn~ ; *gall ier~ 6u)pea~ J : : :x i J X>~P~~WW :.musIa LN~W~SSW MI SXINWH~ 9~1t13a110 'av8s1 ; ; ;x: f ; auuna I do AII~ ~HL 30 7mrm Am HI do NOIL~OS~ If:**: : : :XI : ; uOsuiyq.tj: do4 Juapnqs sjy ay3 03 Bui3aaw siyq 40 sall I I 1 **;*I $I;*l: : Lay2 aut3 ayq 3e J! cd~~ano4 :fjuip~yrlj LUB aqr I ; : !x: : ; uosutyqtj: yaPd ut sak3)~ {~PJ aa~tas adn3n4 ~04 23I?.td 4 : : :XI Xi :JapUaMSLaN: PUP ffqi3 ay3 Ua3MJaq OqUl pada3.Ua aC/ 3UaUaC I' i pa3upd6 SPM uopst.waad tpuno3 aq~ 40 UO~~OU I I ;I I uokssydad CaapdPq ,t 1? spy auq P+OL~ 1 : aq If1 idI?U&pJO PLnOM da$3PKJ Sly3 L i3UnO3 aq3 I * aa3qa7 =33Pdd dny3.i~ *SJW - JOUPW Aepllo~ 1 I : : :X: : : UOSU&$av i -an& PUP XlUO at353 Aq pa3dOpe SBA 'Q96t-Z $8 11 11 !!!*I! 11 1 ' i~:*t; e ;I:!;; I '1911 'QH wm@ I I ~^r";""l_~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I'$, ',&d.yP ,-( &#, 0' W~W i i yg .p'.!&3+,* 1 %$ ' %&,, aureN ; : T,,'.,, ,q t, ,, I 8 -2- I "".','. '""\ ! $0 : \, ;1:1;; ;:I::; :;:;:: ;Il &I '1;::; ;:;::; ;;t:;l I;:-: 'I:::; :I fi 1:::;: :1:+1; 1 ;;;:;; ::'!!! I ,4ad co*o~t$ 3~ passasse aq p~no~s P~JP si43 1 I:::,: i SEN 1.5 purl 40 StaaYred a6~~;t ay3 03 anp c~a~a :;::I 1,;; : r7.004 3uod4 Q oo*~$ si afjaey:, tensn ayl L i:llt: ,:::;I I OUjUQ3 13 u!. aubt JaMas ay3. 07 uo~p3auuo3 ::;;:; i aa~ aq3 ysklqeqsa ~tkr.\ a3u~u!p~o sky1 01-9 3 I!;;!. '1 : lodd darns pay outu.1~3 ~3 JOJ. aa~. uol13auuo~ :I ;: !-yS![qP7Sa 'OgOL# a3uPu)prlO J.0 6ukpk?&4 2SJ)d :' 4+; 1 ; : ki ' ; ; au!pleC i i : 3(; ; : uosuby3y i 40 A7.43 ay7. $0 4LPqaq UO 2UalUaWiBP aLj7. a3 : 1 k' ;xi ';I: auuna-)toddd&? SPLI 3uauaw6v ayq t !Dun03 aqq 3.0 uo~qow :;:a:; I :I:!:: ::;:b 'I I OpaquasaYtd se pa3daaDe aq ~uauraa i:t;II i ayq ?.cy% puauuuo3ad plnoM ay paaeqs auuna ::!::; : I xaAo ayq up3 A3uafja ~ayqo ~NOS JO sal341 4 ::;I:; I aya aqeJado 03 anukauo3 APN ffquno3 ay3 SJ ::;i:: ! OM?. JO potJ!ad P ~aq~t~ *guauaa~6e sky's ssn3 !$;;; 'I i 07. yaa~ $set 6uk3aalu e papuq7~ daau56u3 ff ;!::I; : aqq pue C~af5euep~ dqr3 aq3 'ay paqeqs auuna * :I:!:: 1 ;+I;; ti;!:; I ; *sYleaA OM3 $0 pa! I' ;:::;; ' i E! do# KJi L lDe6 d~atrlas aya a$evtadO plnoi*\ iC3u ';;;:; :* 4::::; 11 pb3uggd J~BPUP~! tQk3 ayl 'pa3uasaYrd S~M auauaa i:;::: ::'::: I ~aa3e1.1 40 Yroqedado o6aLa UPS 40 ICquno3 ay3 I;::;, f -~.161.sap 3uauiaaJQj GutqdaDx pur! fiu)hoddd~ i;:::: I i i k I i i au 4pJPp 1 : : 3(: : I uosu)y3\j : 'PpqsLJp3 40 Lag3 aq3 JO ,iteyaq uo 3 :; I ; X I jx#apuawsgabj baa~f3e ay3 aansaxa 03 pazkaoyqne JOKP~J ayq pup ; I 1 ;x: : auuna-adawe SPM quauaa~15y aya L pun03 a43 40 UO~~OW ;;::;: @I ;:ii:: b * t *ffJiPssa ::::;I !si 2uamaa~b~ aqq aqnaaxa 02 JO&~J ay3 JOJ UO!~ l:i;:: -2oyqnr! pue paaxlad uaaq spy quawaautfjk? ayl .e ;:;4; I aqnqqad sky? u! puq ?uese~ 50 pap qead !I!;;! I :::::I : ~ayqed stsPq ~eaL st t! uo dn aas aq 7.1 3~47 :;:I:: 4 I U0.A;). all;[ Ytat4as ay3 JOJ 7uauraaJfie 3uaufas ;I:o:; : -urta~ e 03 paa~lfje lk3uno3 ayq rjuhaaaru snoiA I* 1;;::; i r! ae 1 pun03 aq3 past~pu ~afieue~~~ ~ak3 aql 0' 1::::: i;ll:l -iasdnquraB a3n3axa -03 JOA~~J JOJ uo ~aez ;~ioy3ny I I 8 ;xi i SayfjnH i i I 5 I i ; u0suiq.v ! *quacuaa~lfj~ aspal a43 adPdaYtd 03 ::)q:: auuna : uost3 Lakuea JO piq ayq li3unog ayq 40 UO~~OW :;::I: L I :;:I:: 1 I '3UPLd Uta :I:!:: I@ tl;;:; i ~1~33a~3 pue seg o6aia UPS ay3 40 tauueya ?at I I t pula 3apQ alp uaar\lJaq y3eaq ayq uo pa$eJo[ e I;!;:! t it 1: ; aya 30 aseat-qns vrof qua^ yquour dad ~o-fi~$ :i:il; 3unotua ay7 ub C~~~t3 takuea t.uo~& pa~~a~aol SPM t;::;: puo ~k~uno3 ay3 paspp~ pule 'spcg 6~434~~1 a3y. i:::;: ;;::;I : ay3 jo uogw&Lqnd 30 ~.LAPP.LJJV ay? pawas ::::;; ba6euep~ Aqt3 ayl 'aualudknba pue 3Leq 30 sates ;;::;; !/pup eaJ9 y3eaq JO LeauaJ JOJ spiq uo 'SJOdaa ;:i::; I I f ' I I 4 t t I I 1 I I I I I I I * I -a I 'I I '1 ; I 4c i i : say6n~ : 'Ppgs L : i 3( !Xi SlapUaMSkaN : -X3 03 pazkJoyqne JOdebj ayq PUP paada3DP pup 8 I I 1lI';l I i ay3 $UaN!aaJ6e 3CSPq ayl J.0 SUJ33 ay3 lapun i 3utoC pasodold aut *Ax CI 1384 r.o~quo3 uotanl : i k i i ; say6n~ ; I* I * 11 11 ;* ))'I ; S! a~rayrg 33~4 ay3 03 anp smaX 01 pnsn ay3 u *:ltl; :;:I;: : '~~aa oubme3 ~3 ub Lei.1 e3st~ 03 anuanv 3nu3s i;:;,: :lI*I; : 23aFOJd laM.2aS tP!ay OULWP3 13 JOJ 3uaUaad6~ 7. 1;;:;: i : 1 i :x! auspdep i ; ; k : ; $apuab\s&af( bq3nd3su!. SPM ffau~oq3y A2k3 a43 pue cpalda3DP r;l,:I I 1 I ::~l:~ I ,+!*t! I . : SS3NISllO ?\Q,o'.d*'.!!,c+ 1aqwaw I : e,\ \\ \p., 40 : : '%.,'\, *,,',,,a~eN i "'"l""'"~~""~"""""~"""""~""""""""""""""""----"-"""-~"-"---" I '@PC6 \,Q. 7'. : 7- ., \ I -€- ! I X", '\ 'x. \\. '\ 1 I I I 3, * ', -% 8 ' f I I \.", \, 'x.', '8 \ '.$\ I -4- I I i Name '\,?&, 8$ 0' \ '\,'(!+, : Of ~?$@&?JJ,.$+ I "" * ""- ---~---"--"""""-"""~--"" """"""""^" """"_ *"" """"""" $-e i" Y-2. I : Member .pot< :The following ordinance was presented for a first: ;::a: 4;* i readi ng : I 1;ti1 I 1 ;I:': ,:a :::#I ICARLSBAD ESTABLISHING SEWER CONNECTIOM FEE FOR IDunne :;I:I : ; :xi I !EL CAMINO REAL. SEWER PROJECT 5-1 , was given a :Meiswenderjxi :x; t !first reading by title only and further reading :Atkinson : 8 :xi i :waived, !Jardine t $!x: i I !ll!: I I I :Ordinance No. 7030. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ! I' I :(e) First reading of Ordi,nance #1092, providinq i :;::i !for the issuance of 1962 sewer bonds, Series C, ; ;$; 1Jn the amount of $447,000.00, 0'F"leny 8 Myers,: ::I:; jthe bond attorneys, have prepared the necessary : :it:; :documents for the sale of the remaining sewer bones. :;!:I i;;;: !The bids will be opened on September 21, 1965. s ;;;:: k t ll!4 :;i;l - I iThe following ordinance was presented for a first; ::I:; :i-li i reading: * ::I 1:::; :Ordinance No. 1092. AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF : ::::: i CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAWCE iDrrnne 6 ; !Xi : :OF 1962 SENER BONDS, SERIES C BONDS OF SAID CITY :Neiswenderi 2 ;XI i :IN THE AflOUNT OF $447,000.00, was given a first !Atkinson ! i ;x; i :reading by title only and further reading waived.:Jardine !x: ;x! ; I I I *Ill; l:;l i OLD BUSINESS: 1 I:;:: I I I:::: i (a) Permanent overcrossing at Chinquapin Ave. I I ;::I: :and Interstate No. 5. At the meeting of July 20, i ,I,:* *::1: i1965, this matter was referred to the Planning i ::$i :Commission for their recommendation and report. : ::;Il i:::: I & :iiii I I * Report from Planning Cornmission, t-lemo- I r :I!:: a ::::I ::; I I ::;:: I I I :* I I It I t I t 4 I ;*I;# :randurn dated July 29, 1965, from the Planning i Commission, stating the Commission unanimously i :;{;: Iconcurred with the proposed' installation of a ;tl,l !permanent overcrossing at Chinquaping Ave. and : I10 ;:::: !Interstate No. 5, in lieu of a frontage road on i ;:i:: :the east side of the Freeway between Chinquapin ; 4,:: :;:I; i Ave. and Tamarack Ave. 1 I I s I I ::;:; * f I ::::: :the following resolution was presented: I i:::: I :::;: :Resolution No. 1166. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 4:Il: I :;::; :COUHCTL Of THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING THE i I:::; i STATE DIVISIOM OF HIGHWAYS TO INSTALL A PERNA- t Dunne I;::: i MEWT OVERCROSSING AT CHINQUAPIFJ A\J€NUE AND Ib!TER-; Neiswender: :x !xi i : ; :x; 1 : STATE Ha. 5, IN mu OF FRONTAGE ROAD GN EAST jAtkinson i : :x: I i SIDE OF FREEWAY BETHEEII CHINQUAPIP! AVENUE AND :Hughes i i ;xi : ; TARARAGK AVEIIUE, was adopted by title only and !Jardin@ i 4 ;x; ; i further reading waived. I I *:::i I $ ;I+ i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I ::::: 1 l a 2. After due consideration by the Council i I :::;I 81 I I I I I I I I b I ;;I1; I$;:; 6 I 0 :Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance - re: : Parkways. The Parks and Recreation Commission I have recommended some changes to the Zoning Ordi- i nance in regards to parkways. The Planning Com- :mission will be considering their recornmendation i at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. l e I I 'I t I I I I I I I I * 1 I I * i Condemnation proceedings for Stratford Lane, A.D.! :No. 1-1964. The City Attorney informed the Council :a resolution will be required Jn order to go I I i ahead with condemnation proceedings for Stratford; i Lane. If we condemn we can get i mmedi ate poss- ; jession. The City received a very good bid from : i Sim J. Harris Company. The City wi 11 have to ! I I I I I 8 I I I ; I I I 1 I I I I I I t t I * I ;;i:i :;;:: I:: I: :::ii ti;:! :'I:; :;$: :::I; !:::I $1 a!:;! :'It; ;::*, ;:,:I ,4;1 I :;:;: :*::; ;;;;I ;!:I! :::I: ,:,I' :I:@: ::':: *;::I :;::i :;::I 111*1 #.!I! ::!:I: I :*I;;: I :!!;I: ;:I1:: I :i;; :: ; i !xi F : autpJPf i : ; :x: ; i sau6nldi *a~uasq~ s ,~avrns~a~~ A243 aq3 fiu9np CJaylns i i ;x; i : uosut,]$y: 0 13 tQndaa SP J~~PUPCI fQ g ayq 6u)au~i : $1 ' IX: : !JaPua~s$af-~ ~~UW~W~P UP 34~~p 03 pa33t1~2sut aq L~UJO~~V :' 1 :xi xi ; auun~ i a43 77247 paa~6~ S~M 75 t h3uno3 ayq JO ~0.~301 0::;:; ::I 11::; :;;:;; I I *uogolu qaya. ~a~pqqp~ augyIer *UU~ pue sa ;I ,I:::: : *uuq c tt~uno3 ayg /cq uo!3e~apisuo3 JayqurnJ dl ;::a:: I :::::: I 'JadnsQaJ1 L21.3 L~I ;;/::i i e qukodde APW vraanseaJ1 A243 ay2 Aqadayfd I ;ii;:; ('1 : ay3 30 uo!.33as P 03 paJJiaJ.aJ lTauYro33v rf3g ;::::; I 1;I''l !I!!!' ! 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Icqg ay2 1 pun03 aq3 JO UOL$OI.U A ,I;*:; I t;l:;l ;::::: *au1~e dad OO*GE$ ALaaPuJkxoJdd :;::;: i ~A~XN plnoqs ~2.13 ay2 31s~ sb 7.1 L lPSU08 U ::::;i I paJe3oL s!. pua quaurayledau aa7eid ay3 Aq paurm s :;:;*I ;t;I;' 1 : Laaadodd sky1 *sasodJnd ~edn3~n396e JOJ asea ;!:I!* I J0.J p8St$AaAp\? 3q S3JJE 9' tl 7eY$. papuauuo3a It:;;: *;I8;: ; J;)BPuI?~~ 67. $3 ayl -K$JadoJd pau~o /cq.t3 30 $see !;#Is: t : : 3( !xi ; auipYtPr I i!k;:; I say6n~ i ; i g; : ; uosukyab : = squaun3c i : F : ix>apuanslalq ~KYIPSS~~~U ay3 aqn2axa 03 pazbdoyqne clo~eb~ ayg pl ::gic: auun~ : paada3De SPM YJOM aq3 113uno3 at13 40 UO~~OU / I e I !;!I*! ;;;li; ;o::; ::I!:; *:::;; ::lll; :I:;;, 1::::: :;;::I :I #I:;:: :::::I 1: ;:;::: ;:9. l'l:!! ;+$ I::;:: :I ,I:!:; tI '+ aI ,1;1*: I1o" I I I Il'uob3ald~o3 4 I aib~ PUP agn3axa L~~LJ~IO~ 343 3~~3 papuaUwO3; : uo 'ptrqsLJP3 40 IC353 aya PUP J3p,s$a UOt3P3!.Ul <piant Lod ~a3ei.l P JO uo $3Dnd3suo:, ay3 y104 YJOM 31 ; $0 uo!-qDadsu$ leu!4 apelu 2uam3Ytledap ~bay3 aqe: i a3gao~ pup sleiura3eb,j pue yJO/il 40 a2ueadaDDV,, a~ guauwpdafl a41 'uoi7eJodJo3 uo!)3ndqsuo3 03pdei I Si aseyd s&y3 dOJ dO33&J3UO3 3yl '596L '6 ALi i e3SJA atjl J0.J UOL3P3S dwnd PUP /;3![!.3€?4 LOJJUc js=was WCJVWI pl2ads 40 tuawugdaa aul '~gl : $12 Alnp paaep ~aq~al Lu *E# $tun uraqsffs JaM; i woe wwpeqsw3 JOJ uoi3a~d~03 30 a:,p I 11i'*1 !xi ; i i : aubpJep ! : : i 4 I i say6nH : i : : y : : uosu!.*'Sy I uIa3 SLS J a3 : i { dxi iapuaMsbaN ; pus dams qubor ay~ 03 q3auuoa 03 W~S!A ay3 J : : !x :x; auuna i uaAkE SQ?M uo ~2-e~ 1.ioypne ~$~uno3 ay? 30 uo~~our :l**I, * !:;:I; 1;::i: :'::;; ;:I::: ;::::I (,:II; 1:;::: ::;::' I;b;:: ;ob: ;i;: '; :!!!)i ::;;;: 11 1::;;: :*:::: 18 ::iiii :::@I: ::e::: :::::I ;;::;: ::p!: *I :::::: #l;;Il 11 dl!!:! tll I i*sa3rr\da$ $3yq.sba LeLDadS J.O 3uauqdedaQ ~032a~ 8 4 1 CAauaq *y U~YIJ~I *.IC.! Aq y3~og as suo+qepu : -U03CtJ ayq y?$!.M a3uep.Io33p UJ suo$~3auuo3 Jaq * papuauwo3a~ sey daaugfiu3 A3i3 ay~ *A$~L&: i uot~e~s dund epuopa~ en6~ ayt aoj JWM COU~L i pup JSM~S y3t.f~ aq?. aAOdddP L k~uno3 /Cab3 ay3 3~ ; de3 q~ub b/~ e sey pue aubl Jams ayq stalled L i V3L$A ay2 07. daqQM aptAOJd 03 al0yUPuI ay3 JE :-UtPU.i ap&AoJd 02 aut1 haleffi daqauresp 43uh-~ e F i Ea~~q~~~ /Cq~k?au I! 3~ papkAOJd SZH qnqs data! :*ua~sAs 3utop ay3 P~A sa2)ndas fdessa3au aq3 u! i -w pua paau p~nol~ 6upt wq W~HA ay3 3eya pal :- pllua se~ 3; aubt was ay? $0 aseyd u6pap : : 6uk~n~) *u006~1 ~puo&pa~ ~nSy uo uok?e:,ot d k ix? A~;L.~D~J qat bo? pug J~MO~S pasododd P ~AJ~S keqstYte3 JO rcqg ay?. UOJJ YlaMaS pup ora3r?!4 paas' i -ad spy ~3t.j~ ~SPO~ ya~ot.~ ay~ *b3~~ 3.~~03 y3, i - sui[ JaMaS pue JEQPf4 03 7.3auuo3 og 3.sar-I * :~-~--~-'"~-r"""-"""-"c,,,,,,,-,,""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""~"- t 'Q&iS.~'*s,.@. 1aquraN : : '.$gy y&&,, ; x$$. 8, %+ \,, a*eN ; * .e.., '.8 *, , I I t- , * '. '. . 8 -9- io : + I I t I \\ -\ . .\ % .,L "- L I I I ', '8,"\, 888 '\, '\ I -7- 1 1 Member $'@,'&p!,c :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~,". ! By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne "'1: ; : :x: I i City sell to Oceanside a portiot? of the water : Neiswendevft :xi XI i : line that runs through property annexed to Ocean-: Atkinson i i i x: i 0 i side in the amount of $2,500.00. : Hughes !x: ; x; : I i Name "*..y&, '., $+, '8 'bps, i ; I of %\&9 +-\ ', ,&p \$) I I I Jardine i I !x; i I I ltiIi I 1 I I 4 ;:I 81 : Cmn. Dunne stated he wished to compliment the i City Llanager in using teenagers to clean up the : ;; 'I l * i': ; i City. He felt an amount should be provided for i ::,:t bl;l; : in future budgets, as this provides work for this: ;: 1:;: i age group. I I 4 ::I:: ;,I I ::::; i Cmn. Dunne inquired as to the new traffic light. I ;::'I i The Ci ty Manager advised the Council he and the ! I '1: ;::;I * City Engineer discussed this matter today, and i llll; i ;:;;I : the City Engineer w4 11 prepare specifications ; : for the light. I ::*'I b :I::; i bleed Abatement Program. Cmn. Dunne suggested i i that the Need Abatement ordinance be amended in i ::;i; i order that the program could be speeded up. I I ili:! i The City Attorney stated he would check the I I :;:;; 11 : matter and make a report to the Council. i Cmn. Jardine stated he made the motion to request! :: ;:; ; that DIWM be required to present a preliminary i :;::: i report on the blaster Plan and Harbor Study, and ; ti: ::@Il : he was inquiring as to their action. I * :;;:; 1 :;;:; 4 :::I; ! The City Manager advised the Counci 1 there wi 11 : i:::: i be a meeting held on Friday, August 6, 1965, wit^ i:;!! ; representatives from DMJM and the City staff, I I~;I' I I ! 1:;:: f# I! : Cmn. bieiswender asked what the City could do in i I(::; I regards to the trees that have been planted in : :;;:: : boxes in the downtown area. Many of the trees i :L:: i are dying because they are root bound. f I 1y:; I t * ::;:; :+; ! Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, stated flr. Stei$ I1 i had been to the City and requested to have these : ::::I ii;:: : trees planted. This matter was turned over to I ;:I:: i Forest Kruger, and he worked diligently on I I 4;;: : this project; however, he would check with Hr. I ::, I ::,:I i Kruger as to his recommendation. I I ::i:I I I *("I I :;::; i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILlS AND RATIFICA- i i!::; ; TIOM OF PAYROLL: I I I:::: : Authorization was given for the payment of bi 1 Is i '8;:: 1 for the general expenses of the City in the i iLi; i amount of $36,237.85 and for the Mater Departmen4 Dunne '!:'I : ; :x; ! in the amount of $2,453.50, for the period July i Neiswendet :x: 4 : i 20, 1965 to August 3, 1965, as certified by the : Atkinson : i I% i : Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i Hughes ;x; ; $ : i Cornmi ttee. ; Jardine I 1 : X i I i;;el I Ratification of the payroll was given for the i Dunne ;:;:; : second half of July, 1965, in the amount of : Neiswendepxi l i $22,648.61, as certified by the Director of i Atkinson : ; I f i ; Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Hughes : :x: 4 : I : Jardine : : i 4 i I 1 :p:i : ADJOURNMENT: fl;:l I 11:1 ': : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at i :::;: I 8:OO P.M. I ::;I: I :;I:, I I !L:; :a: i s ectfuUy submiged i !h*l I I ;::;: 1 :::*: t.; : : ; 4 1 :::I, I# I I I I:;!; I I I I I ;:::: I jIjj; I GI t I I t ;; I;i:i I I iiiii l 1 I I I ~1:~ * * I ::I:: :;:I: I I I If 18 I I 'I I I s I 1:;:: i:;:; I I I ;: ii; * I :' I : 0; so I ;I1 I I i !$j!!@"d F. q- i MARGARdT E. ADAMS, City Clerk I I + I