HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-17; City Council; MinutesI i CITY OF CARLSCAD ; Date of i-?le@tjing: August 17, 1965 I i Tine of Fket5ng: 7:03 P.3. i P1 ace of Meeti ilg.: Ccrunci 7 Chanbers 4 I :"-"""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""" i ROLL CALL was ansnared by Councilman 9Llni72, : Meiswender, Atkinson, Hughes and Jardine. Also 1 i present were City Manager Namaux, City Attorney i : lii lson and &ity Clerk Adams. I I I t b i Minutes of: CITY cotf::/cpL (Regular Meeting): I 4 I I * I 1 0 ! 1 I x8* b8 *\ ' ' ' ', 88,88\, \, ', '8 ',8 S8 ', ', '. " '.,'X,, '\, '\, N a me '*x8 '*?&, "8 of '*$, Member $'Q 8.L .o, i: ;: :; ;I 1: :: ."""""""^". I 1- / Ii4VOCATIOil was offered by Reverend Roy Brokenshi~e. I: :; I :; : ALLEGIRfdCE to the Flag was given. I :; I :: 6 4 I I ! 1 i APPROVAL OF i4Ii9UTES: I 4 t 1 I @i t; :: 'I i (a) :;iInutes of the regular meeting of august 3, I Dunne 'I : 1965, were approved as presented. i Meiswended : 6 ; Hughes ; ; rr * I' I I I i Atkinson i / I : Sardine :x: 1 I I CORRESPQFJDENCE: ? * I 1 I I I I 11 :I :; :I 8 i There was no written correspondence presented, I ti :: I :; I i * ORAL CO>.liilfN 1 CATIONS : ! t I I I 4. ;: 1: I I I :: I :; I :: i There were no oral communications. I I ! + : SUBLIC HEARII-SGS: I I I :; I :I ! I I! i (a) PratJosed ainendnent to zoning Qrdinance #906d, ; Article 15, Section 1,672, regarding.fenccs, walls; ! or hedqes; said amendment initiated by the Plan- i i ninq Coz2ission under the previsions of ~eso~u- ; : tion of Intention 853. 4 + I I I I I The Clayor announced this was the time and place i i fixed by this City Council to hear all persons ; i interested in the proposed amendntint. I I i The City Clerk certified as to proper notice : having been given. Also that up to the hour of i i 7:30 P.ti. no written correspondence hed been + t : received. : The f'iayor declared the public hearing open and i i announced the Council t:lou?d novl hear from a17 I I i persons in favor of the proposed amendment to : : Ordinance H9060. I I ; : There wsre no persons present desiring to speak. i i The Mayor then announced the Council would hear i i from all persons desiring to speak in opposition: : to the proposed amendment. 1 1 # 8 t I ** I t I I I t I I I I I * $ 1 I 5 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I * I 1 I I I 0 I 1 8 I 8 1 ! I k I I & I I I I ! * I * I I As there were no persons present desiring to spes$, the Playor declared the public hearing closed at : The City Attorney advised the Council the Build- i ing Inspector requested a clarification of the : ordinance, and under this proposed ordinance the I property owner would be allowed tu have a hedge, ; Pence or wall any height, except that Sn the + front and side yards the 42" height would remain: within the 20' setback. i t The following resolution was presented for the i Council's consideration: 7: 35 P.Z. t I I I ? I t t I : I I b ! 4; @I t; :; 'I ;I ;: ;I ;: ;: ;: :; i: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: :: ;: t: ;t ;: 'If ;: ;: ;: I: :; ;; ;: ;; ;; 1: ;: :! 'I :; :; ;' t; :; :: :I '! :' ;: ;: ;I ;: ;: ;: :: :; 1: 18 1: I' I ;I 1s 'I 1: !I 8' t I 3, '\ .', '8, '1, '\, I 8 \\ '., '\, ', ', ' 1 , % \. 8, '. I -2- s 5, '\ '\ 8, I I i N a me '\,,8T&, * I I : Qf ,#*kc??\ I *,C-O' i Member $$'( !"""_""""*"^ """""""""_ * """"""""""^ ~"-""-"" ",""" ""r"""" t + I I \,8 \' I I *, i Resolution fig. 1770. A RESOLUTIOH OF TtlE CITY i ;; i E-OUNCIL-6F T'FE CITY OF CARLSBAD A?iEOUIdGIf% I @I I I; ; FINDIidGS AND DEClSIOM REtATItKi TO THE PROPOSED ! Dunne ; A~~l~~dhtiia TO OT4i)INANCE iitQ. 906'3, SECTION 1512, I Neiswende$x; :I ! ARTICLE 16, REGBRSING WALL, FEP4CE OR HEDGE i Atkinson ; ~ ! ilEIGHTS, Mas adopted by title only and further 4 Hughes i : : reading waived. I Jardine I ~ I !I i he fc~~owing ordinance was presented for a firs( I I ; reading: i Ordinance No. 9180. AN 0RDXNP.NCE OF TilE CITY OF! Dunne i CliRhSBdD AMENDIf4G SECTIOb! 1612, ARTICLE 16, OF : Meiswendeix i HEDGE tiEIGHYS, WBS given a first reading by tit14 Hughes i :: : : only and further reading waived. i Jardine ; ; : I :: 0 @I I r,nr,; "r-"IT I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I : QRDIiIAXCE $40. 9060, REGARDING SALL , FENCE OR : Atkinson I I 1 ! ENGINEERIi4G: 1 ti I :* I 1: I I- ! I $1 I (a) Offer of street dedication on Park Drive - i I Donald F. Pfafflh. This dedication fs in connecj :: 1: I tion with the proposed lot split of Donald Briggs, I: : Jr. on Park Drive. I I; I I: : By motion of the Council the Grant 3eed from i Dunne $ ! Donald F. Pfar'flin for street purposes was accepi-i\!eiswende$ : 1: I ed, and the City Clerk instructed to record the i Atkinson ; : ; same. I fiughes i i ii 1 -__ ai I I I I I $ I . ., I I Q. :.' I" 3 ; Jardine :xi I ! :! I (b) Offer of street dedication on Park Crive - i r Donald 4. Zriggs, Jr., et al. This matter per- ; .I :I :; !I i tains to the proposed lot split of Donald A. Brig'gs, :I i Jr. 9 and the City has received one dedication f. 11 It : from Donald A, Briggs Jr., and Elsie kj, Hubbard, i i'; : and three dedications from Dcnald A. Briggs, Jr., 1 !I i It was pointed out the deeds had not been properjy ;: ; njotari zed. I ;: 1 I I' i By motion of the Council the Grant Deeds HE!?P"B ; Dunne ;: :: i accepted arid the City Clerk instructed to record i Neiswendetxi : the same, subject to the deeds being properly i Atkinson ; : 1 notarized. i h'14gheS ; : :: I i Jardine : ; I I :I : (c) Acceptance of easement for utility purposes [- ;! i R. Phipps. fgrG. Phipps is wi 1 ling to grant an i Dunne ;I I easement to the City in connection with the Agua: Neiswendetxi : Hedionda Sewer Interceptor line. This easement i Atkinson i : i has been received and it is necessary fop the ; Hughes I 3 : Council to accept said easement. i Jardine i t I I 8; i (c) ~p3rov93 of final map for EI mino ~esa i 1: I_ 1' i I _.."I_ Unit $2 subdivision. ".." The final map of El Camino ;' ;: I' : i9csa as pr*cscnteed for the Council's review. I I ;: t ;: : The Engineering Department advised the Council i ;; I this uoj t wf 11 I:ave underground uti 1 ities even ! ;; ;! : thorrg~: they are not required to iwstal I under- i ;I I ground [nti'ir'ties as thc map for the entire sub- : ;: ; divis-ion was approved prl'or to the ordinance I :: I hefng adopted. The sidewalks will be separated I ;: I from the parkway in order to conform with the I I ;: : first unit of tile suSdivision. The City Eng5nect ;: ;: i informed the Council the map conformed to all tila : ordinances an?d :-cquir@ments of the City a~d he i ;: ;: i recommended that the final map be approved. s :: I * I I' ;: :: BY proper motion of the Council t!le final map of i Dtrnne 1' ;; I El Camino Nesa Unit 442 was approved. i Meiswendep I i 1 : Kughcs ! ; 18 1) 1 I I I I I I I( I1 I t 1 I It 0 I@ I I I I Atkilmn ! ;: 1 I I : "'"" s 8' I I I ',,"\\\\ '' '\ ', I I . ', '\ '\ '\ ' I -3- 1 b b \ ', '7 I : of " .%e;. I ',L. .O'\ i Member $3'e I I 6 I .", I \,\ \ 8' I I i Name '8,'%&, '. I """"""""-"""""""""""" ""-"""""" """ - """"" I """""""_ ""% t. I 0 I Cnn. JardSne stated he felt the developers were i i to be commended on the instal lation of under- I :: I 1: I ground utilities. I I SI i: I I :; : 1-%I\IAN&E: I I: I * !' :i I I I I I * I: I I ti i (a) Final budget for fiscal year 7965-66. I :; I 1 I! I I > 1 I I 3. Approval of budget. The City illanageri :I i f. presented the--.Fjgal budget for the fiscal year ; :; ; 1965-66, showing the changes approved by the City! :: I Council at the time the Preliminary Budget was ; :; :: i presented. * :; I I :; i-Discussicn was given as to the organizational I 4 i; i chart. Cmn. Dunne requested that rimes of the ! ;: 1: : employees in the various Departments show on the i :: i chart. I :; I I: i The City ilanager stated it would be very difficula 1: ! to show all the names on a chart thjs size. :I I 1: I I :: i It was agreed that the names of the Department ! I: :a I Heads be inserted on the chart. I ;; + 1: i Cmn. Dunne also stated he felt the Wizrbor Commis-I :: : sion and the Public Elorks Commission should either :I i be s13own on the chart or the commissions SE~ I !I i eliminated. The Public Works Director is the I ;: : City Engineer as many of the ordinances and I 18 I ;: i resolutions refer to the Pub1 ic !.Jorl:s dir+ctOr; i 1: : and the Public ilealth Officer should be shown on ! :: :I 1; I I I I 11 I 1 I I 1 I t I I 11 $1 11 I 1 I I I the chart. I I I I I I i: t: I! i Cmn. Hughes suggested that the Harbor Commission i i ?.nd the Public $forks Commission show on the ;; I :; ; chart, and dun to the fact all of the terms of i ;: i the commissioners have expired that appointments : :; I be held in abeyance until these commissions are i :I ;: i needed. I l9 t 1: I :; I 1' i After further discussion, by motion of the CounciflDunne 1: : the final btrdget for the fiscal year 1355-66 was i !ieiswende+ i i approved, subject to the above changes being made:Atkinson I I ! s'n the crganizational chart. i I-fughes :: I t ;' I 2. Ordinance #1093, fixing the amount : ;: i of revenue from property taxes necessary to sup- i ;! : port departments. t ;: t ;; I The following ordinance was presenhd: I ;; I I ;; ; 0-dinance #1093. AN QRCIIJAidCE OF THE CITY OF i f: ; I.".." :: ; CARLSBAD FiXING THE A;4'lrJtJRT 3F REUENL'E FROM PRO- : : PE2TY TAXES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE DEPARTMENTS I ;; :I i OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD !,?%ID FIXfNG TI!€ Ai.1OlJf.,'T OF : ;: : REYEMUE FRi)ili PROPERTY TAXES ?IECESS!"IRY TO PAY THE i Dunne 1: i "UOII13ED IiiDEBTE38ESS OF TEE "CITY OF CARLSBAD : :: I Neiswenderi t i SEhER DISTRICT i40. 2" FOB THE FISCAL YEAR 1455- I Atkinson ; i i 1966, was adopted by tftle only and further read-j lfughes I! I ing waived. ; Jardine !x ; I 1: i rate for the City of Csi-lsbad. I :: I :; I I :; : The folloving Qi-tii nance was presented: I ;; I :: 1; I 1 I I I I i Jardine :x ; 1 I t 48 I $1 f 1' I I I I I 3 $ 11 I 1 1 I I I I I 4 1 8 0 I 3. 9rdina;.;ce #i094, setting the tax I :; I ! 1 1 I I I I I I I b :i 2 tu I b I* I ;: I 1: I :; I i :; t I 1 I ! * !t 0 I I I 9 i I I I I -4- I I I I t t 1 1 I I I I I I I :""""""""""""""~"""""~-"~"""""""""---""-"""~ i CARLSBAD SETTI?,IG Tt-lE TAX RATE FOR THE CITY OF : i Ilrdinance m.194. AN ORDIW-MCE OF TtIE CITY OF : CARLStjAR AI45 THE "CITY OF CBRtSBAD SEIJER DISTRIC$ i F40. 2" FCR THE FISCAL YEAR 9965-66, was adopted : ; by title only aud further reading waived. I I I I '. . ', * * ., ', 'X, '\\ '\\ 8*8 ', 'a. ", '., , . t \, ',, ', !,'t of \$43'\ ',& 0 4 4, 8. ', '- Name '*, \$&, '\ Member $3'$ .""""""""". I. Ollnne :; Nei swendet : Atkinson i I Hughes ;x: Jardine : : si I! I 1 t :i I 4. Resolution #1171, adopting the ;: ! salary plan for Fiscal year 1965-C6. I I ;: I I :: I I ;: i The follcwing resolution was presented: I I ;: t I ;I i Resolution 87171. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i flunne ;: i eOLJriCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADBPTIr.1G THE I: ' .SALARY PCAU PdJ5 i4ORli Ct3MDITIO!Ki F3R THE CITY OF i Atkinson ! I ! Neiswendef i i CARLSSAD FOR THE 1965-66 FISCAL YEAR, was adopte? EUghes i ! : by title on!y and further reading waived. : Jardine ;x: I I 11 I (5) Safe of 1962 Sewer Bonds, Series C. 4 ;: I I 1: : In connection with the sale of the 7962 Sewer ; .I ;: i gonds, Series C, the fol lowing resolutions were i :I ;; I presented: I I I* : Resolution #1172. A RES3LUTIO?J OF THE CITY : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, i Dunne 1: :: : ?Jeisb?rendet : ; VITi?.fG SEALED PROPOSALS FOR $447,000 SOHDS OF i Atkinson i i I SAID CITY, k!as adopted by title only and further i Hughes ; ;: : reading waived. * : Jardine :x: I 'I i Resolution #1173. A RESOLUTIO~! OF THE CITY i Dunne I' i COUh!CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFDRNIA, ; 1 Neis!dende$ i : .r\PYROVIF4G THE OFFICIAL STATEI4€iJT, was adopted by : Atkinson : ; i title 3nSy and further reading waived. i C1Lighes !xi I : Jardine i ; : I :I I The following ordinance was presented for a I ;I ; second readjng by the Counci 'I: I 1; I :I I ': 1 Ordinance #1092. AN QRD1fdAf;lCE r3F THE CITY OF i hnne ;: i GARLSEAD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDIQIG FOR THE ISSUAKCE I Neiswendet : :: i OF 3942 SEkJEP, BONDS, SERIES C B3fi,!DS OF SAID CITY I Atkinson : i ; IN THE AiWUNT OF $447,090, was given a second i Hughes !xi i reading by title only and adcpted. : t Jardine : ;) t I :I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I I _I_ I I i: I I i: I I ii I I I I I " I DIR€CTI!.iG THE CITY CLERK TO PUELISli HOTICE Ifl- I 4 ;: I I I I 4 I I I I ; *! i PLAWNING: ! I I I I I i (a) CJiernorandum from Planning Commission - re: ; freewa' si ost :?emorandurn from the Plitnning : reqitesting the Council to consider passage of an ; i amendment to the sign ordinance regarding signs i : on freeways. I I I 1 8 1- ; Com-ted August 13, 1965, was presented, i I I $ l it ;: ;I ;I ;I I' I! ;t 1: :; ;: :; t' : The City Attorney presented a propos2d ordinance i i; i for the Cauilcil's consideration. I :: I I ;I # I .! 8 i The City P1anr;er advised the Counci? ths City has! I had a nupber of billboards go up alot?g the free- : : !.vay recently and there have Seen more iu;cjniries : i from other concerns as to the city's requirementi. : It was the feeling of the Planning Comi;iissjon i ! that an emergency ordinance should be adopted ; : prohibiting billboarcis along the freeway, except I i where the owner of a business adjacent to the : freeway wisiaes to place a sign on his Frapcrty, 1 i or the ouwr !.diskes to place ri. sign on ;Its pro- i i perty for lassc or sale. Also in ccnnecticn 0 I I I l 1 I a # I I s * 8 I I 1 8 1 I 1 I I ! I: ;: ;i :t ': :* :I &' I' ;: it I! :' ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: is 1: 1' IZ 1' I! I I I I I I I' *' I I '\ '*\.\,, '8, y., I 'X8 '\\ '\ '\, ', I -5- 1 1 '\ '., \ '\ '8 '\ ', %\ ' * i Na me '8.. '\$, * I ; of \,+ \O' I I \?&?& $ ~""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""-~"""-"""""": i Member $3'.C 0 i with the Master plan it c.das felt that certain i i portions of the freway should be designated I I f attractive. If portions of the freeway are I I : designated "landscaped" the city can receive r bunds. from thc? State for planting and maintenanc$. J Under this ordinance the present signs would be ; : a1 lowed to ret?iain for a period of three years; : i ho':.'evers when the freeway is widened it will takd ; the majority 0.f the signs. I ! "landscaped freeway to make the city more 1 I L 1 I I I ! I . I 1 1 I I t I I I t I 1 3 I t & I I I I I I ! :' I! I I i ~n reviewing tile proposed ordinanceg the City 1 :; :: J Planner suggested changing the wording under I I :: : Section 11, Paragraph 11, to include freeways i :I ;I I and 'I I arrdscaped freeways". b 41 I I :: i Cnn. l-iughes asked if this would not discoGrage I ;; ; motorists from stopping in Carlsbad thereby I: I :; I hurting ttle local merchant? I I: i Cmn. Jardine asked if under "exceptions" the I :; I Chamber of Commerce signs could not be included? : I :; :I i After further consideration Mayor Atkinson sug- i 1: : gested this ordinance be adopted according to i :: l4 i the change recommended by the City Planner, and : ;; ; further study be made. The Nayor appointed Cmn. i ;: / fjughes to work wi th the City Attorney to see I I ;: : what could be done regardivtg directional signs I :: t@ i for the local merchants. I I( I :: I 1: i The following ordinance was presented for action i :' ;: I by the Council: i I I 1: I I I: i Ordinance 89043. AN ORDINAf4CE OF THE CITY I ;I ; Dunne ;: : OF CARLSBAD AXNDING SECTION 11 OF ORDH?AlilCE 1'10. i Neiswenda$ i i 0336 REGARDING FREEWY SIGNS, was read in full : Atkinson i ! : and @idogted-as a? amergemy ordinaace, i Hughes : i ! I ;: I I I I I i 11 1 11 I 11 i I b t I 'I 11 I t It I I t I I I I i : Jardine ;x; i NEM BUSINESS: 1 I I I I I ;i 1: :; i (a) Resolution #7374, approving blutual Fire Aid; :I ;: i Agreement between State of California (Division : I' : of Forestry) and Cia. The City i4anager informe4 ;: ;: I the Council the present agreement wjt0 the Sta$e : ;: : will expire in Xovember of this year and the C-ity! ;: $ i desires to renew their agreement. t e: a :; i The following resolution was presented: I :; I :: I I t t I I I 1 I I : Resolution #1?74. R RESOLUTICN OF THE CITY I-.". i COU?dCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPRGVI2G MUTUAL: i FIRE PROTECTION AID AGREE3ENT BET!dEEIJ THE STATE I ii :: 1: I. I !: ! OF CALIFORNIA, ACT12G THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF i Dunne :; ! I:!ATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISIOM OF FORESTRY, AidD : Heiswendetx: i AUfHORIZI/iG THE f1.4YQR OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO i Atkinson l I' ; : EXECGTE SAID AGREENENT, was adopted by title on12 Hugt2cs i :. i and further reaCing waived. t Jardine ; :; : '1 I 0 I I i (b) Resolution #i175, favoring legislation en- I : titled "Lower Cu1orad"iwer Basin Project ,ACL ,1*7:- . ; i The tdetropofitan Water District have request%-d ! -.- - j the City Counci I to adopt a resolution +avorlng i i legislation entitled "Lower Colorado River Basin : : Project Act" in order that it may be presented i I at the tjmc the legislation is beitq considered. i I I I 1 $ t I I I * 8 a I I I I I t 4 8 4 I $ 1 t $ ii ;: ;: ;: ;: 1; :; f' ;i ;: :: :: :: :; I: I! t1 1; I I I '\ \, .8 8 8 ' I I I*\ t I 3, . ' 1 -6- 3' 8 b.9 'O', # I 8 '.,*\, '+,'\. I I '\= 8' =., '., 8., 1 I i Name '',"$, ', I i of 'pL\;zb. ~""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~"""""~"""", I Member $Y$ I 8 i8 I I I I I I 0 i Resolution #1175. A RESOLUTIOP\I OF THE CITY I Dunne i: :: i COUMCIL OF TilE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORIiIA, i Neiswendei i I FAVORING LEGISLATION El4TITLED THE "t0'1.3ER COLOR- ; Atkinson : : : only and further reading waived. : Jardine !xi ! i AB0 RIVER BASIN PROJECT ACT", was adopted by tit1:eHughes 11 ; ; I: is i (c) Resolution #7176, declaring l:leeds and trash ! ;: ; to be a nuisance, setting time and place for I ;I ;: ; of tilts properties that had not been cleared with; '! i in the prescribed time. I 11 :: t t :; I Cmm. Jardine asked if some additional properties I :; : could be added to this list as he had made a I :; 1 :; i note of properties that needed the front yards I i: : cleaned. t I :: I 1 1: I :; I The City Planager informed the Council the only : :: : properties that can be considered at this lime i :: i were those on the list as they had been gfven i :I IS : proper notice. I ;: g I 1 :i i Cmn. Dunne stated he felt the ordinance shou7d b4 :; :: i amended to speed rap the time element and a pro- i 11 : vision for better enforcement of this nuisance. : I: :: I tf ! After further consideration, the following resolui- 11 ;; i tion was presented: I I 't I :: I Resolution #1?76. A RESOLUTIOF.! OF THE CITY OF i :; : CARLSBAD DECLARIHG WEEDS AND TRASH UPOM CERTAfE.4 3 :; ;' i PROPERTIES TO 6E A PUBLIC I?'UISAl"aCE, AED DESCRI8- i ;: i IiJG SUCH PROPERTY: ORDERIHG THE PUBLIC kiORKS : Dunne ;: : DIRECTOR TO ABATE SUCH NUISNdCES, SETTIJG TINE i Neiswender; ; i iaf:!D PLACE FOR HEARING OF OBJECTIOFIS TO THE PRO- : Atkinson i I : POSED ORDER OF ABATEME!4T, was adopted by title i iiughes r 8 I only and further reading waived. i Jardine i I 8 I I! I I hearing. The Counci 1 was presented VJ~ th a 1 ist ! ;: I I I I 1 I I @I I :x i 8 ; CLr) BUSIE~ESS: I I 1 I I ;i ;: r! i (a) Second reading of Ordinance 87030, establish; ;; ;: i ing sewer connection fee for El Camino Real Sewer: ;: : Project 5-1. The follo~ing ordinance was presente$ ;: i for a second reading: t ;1 I I! I 1 Ordinance #7030. AN QRDTflANCE OF TWE CITY OF I " : Dunne f: ! CARLSBAD ESTABLISHIF!G SEER COF~NECTION FEE FOR i Meiswcnde~ :; 1 i EL CA'QlINO REAL SEWER PROJECT 5-7, was given a 1 i Atttinson i i i second reading by title only and adopted. I Hucshes 18 I ! I I !; I I I I 1 I. i JaFdine !x i I i Alfocation of funds from bait concession to Parksi ;; ;: : and Recreation Fund. Cmn. iiughes suggested that : ;I i cession be allocated to the Parks and Recreation : :; I Fund. I :; I I :; : BY proper motion it v~as agreed tkat all funds re-: Dunne :I :; I ceived frcm rental of the bait concession be ! Neiswendee : : allocated to the Parks and Recreation fund. : Atkinson : i i Hughes {x i : Jardine ! :) I- It : the funds received from rental of the bait con- i 1: It I I 8 I 1 I I I (I I I l a I Master " Plan. Cmn. Jardine slated he fe?t that ! : all agencies of the city should make copies of i i the blaster Plan available for the citizens of 1 ; Carlsbad to review. I I I I I l a I i 1 I I I I I ! I b I I f I 8 I t I 8 1; :; ;: :: ;: ;: r! '; ;; :; :: :; :; !I I I 1 ',\'\*'' \ \\' I I \, \' \ \', \\ \' ' \ 1 t *, \.;\. ',, 'S, ' I -?- t ', '\ ''x 8, I I i Na me \\ '*Fa, 8I 1 : of ,CJ@ I I I I I I \\ . '\,& %O' I I :"""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""~""""""-""~"""~""""" I Member t$'t i The City Clerk informed the Council copies will i :* i be available in her office for review prior to i 1: I: ; any ilearfngs being held. t I I: I I :: ! _Street trees. Cmn. Xeiswender inquired as to whit ;: :; i has been done concerning the street trees in i :I : boxes. I b* I ;: I I ;: ; Mr. Thornton informed the Council Forest ,#rugsr i I; i is e.ior%ing on this matter. I ;; I ! ;: * r-; I I I I I IS $ I 8! i Downto~n lighting district. Cmn. Keiswendcr in- I i qufred of iilr. Ben Irlard, ~ho was present, as to : ; what progress is being made on the petition bein4 I circulated for the downtown lighting district. : i' 11 1: I: :; fI 4: 81 I i 1; r c:lr. tiarc/ informed tile council the end is in sigtld, ii : one of the main property owners is GU~ of the I :: i State, and they sent a special delivery letter tcf t; : her today. Also he would like to thank F4r. I :: i Thornton for his help as ne has been most I :; I :' i cooperative. I I 1: I 1 I; I 11 I I I !* : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I I :; * ;e 8! i !,feed abatement program. he City Attorney stated ; he had been requested to see if there might be a i i silorter procedure for the weed abatement-program1 : than the one the city is presently using. There i I is a shorter procedure; however, this entails i filing a I ien on the property if the property hai : not been cleared after due notice. This lien i I airould be recorded and the lien would remain on : I the property until it is satisfied or until the i ; property was sold. Also a 'lawsuit could be ; filed against the property owner, which could be{ i come costly to the city. Under the present I I ; procedure the tax collector collects the money. i : I..Ir. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, stated he ran I ! this program for two years. Before some or" the : : properties are cleared by the Public Yorks 4 t i Director, the city has to survey the property. i : In one instance the city went through the entire ; i procedure twice in one year. There is a tremendq'us i amount of work in connection vJiti.1 the program. ; : it took two men from the Engineering Department I i and two men from the Fire Department four weeks. : i Cmn. Dunne stated the City of San Clemente holds i ! a hearing as 80 those properties that have not : i been cleared, then the city goes in and clears i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the properly. I ! I I 1; :; :; :; :; ;; :' ;; ;: I: 1: :; !! I' 't :; :I I: ;: I! I; ;: ;: ;: ;: 1: :; ;; :; :: :: :a ;; ;: ;; ;: ;! 'I :: 1) I t I The City Attorrley stated he had a copy of San ; ; Clemente's ordinance and the City absorbs the i i cost of clearing the property. I :i 11 :; I; I I t $ I I: !I 1 Cmn. Lieisvender inquired as to whether an outsid4 : surveyor could not be employed to survey proper- i i ties that needed surveytng, and the fees added : : to thc ccst. I I I I I . * I i Claim for damages - kjeardco Construction CO. A I i claim has been filed against the City and Vista : : Sanitation District by Esardco Construction Co., I i contractors on the joint sewer project, and tile I I City Attorney recommended the claim be denied I i and referred to the insurance carrier. I : -. I 4 * *I :: :: :: :; :; !r :' ;; I' 1: :; ;; I: :; 1: :: 4 I 1 ;i ;: I 8 I I I 1 I 1 I ;: I I! 0 I I I I * I I k i I I I -3- ("""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""" i ~y proper motion the claim was denied and f red to the city's insurance carrier. I I t I I I ! """ re fe I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 * I I ""* I r- : I I I I 1 I I I * I 1 a,\ " -\ 8, ', '\ , \,'\ \ ' ' X\ ,, ', '\ '. '8 '\ b I '\\ 'q N a me '%, '\$&,, \\ of 'S~O,\, $!! '0 \ Member \$$Q :; Dlsnne :: !ieisw.,lende$ i Atkiason ; : Hugfies :Xi Jardine ! ! '\ \, 'b, '8 '\ .."""""""..". a8 4 I I ai i City vs. Me?vin - Library architectual fees. I :; i The City Attorney stated he heard from the 1 I :: i ing to have the matter postpo- ed until after the i :: I ;: :; f attorney representing Rr. i:lelvin, and he is will4 I :I : bond election for the library is held. I 11 I 1 I! I I I I' i 5y motion of the Council it was agreed this I Ditnne :: ; matter be delayed untiit after the bond election. ; Neiswendet :Xi : i Atkinson ; i i Jardine i i ;I I Increase in rate for water. The Council was in- i 1: ; formed the County !,rater Authority has increased I 1: :; i water rates $3.00 per acre foot to the Carlsbad ; :: : E1Sunicipal Mater District, and this in tlhrn has i I: :; ' been passed on to 2/18 City, A report will be I 'I i made to the Council et the next regular meeting i :f : of the Council. :; I I :; I :; i AUTHORfZAPIOil FOR PAYMENT OF BILlS A;.JD RATIFICA- ! :; i TIOid OF PAYROLL: ;* t * ;: I ;: i Awthorizstion was given for the payment of bills ! ': : for the general expenses of the City in the ;; I amount of $123,169.39 and for the l;:ater Depart- i Dunne 1: I i I I I I : 61ugi1es ; : I I I I I 1 I I I 8 I 1 I 1 :I i August 3, 1365 ta August 17, 1965, as certified i Atkinson : ; : by the Director of Finance and approved by the i Hughes !x I I Audi ti ng Cornmi ttee. ; Jardine i I ; nlent in the amount of $3,280.23 for the perSod t Keiswende$ :; :I I I 1 e I Ratification of tRe payroll was given for i first half of August, 1965, in tils amount i $29,391 -30 as certified by the Director of i Finance 2nd approved by the Auditing Comni I ADJOURNPIENT: I I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned : s:45 P.Z. I t 1 I i Respectfully submitted, I I I ., - (;/&A i I 1 I I I 1 I t 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the i DUi? of i flei i Atk the. I Hug ! Jar t i I at I I I t ? I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 8 I J I ! I I I I * D I ? I i 1 I I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I I I L ne s ~rj e n i nso hes 'dine :i :: de,.% i n i; ! :> ;; ;: :; :: :: ;t 1: ,; I ;: ;I ;I I: ;: I: $ ;; ;: ;: $ I ti ;! 1: ;: ;: ;t :: ;: ;; ;: :: ;I ;: :I :: :; i: ;: :: 11 I 1: I?