HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-09-07; City Council; MinutesI ,-,- . , vat I VI ~;bs..L.dL~r\u ,,\, , \\'..'\ :<.x- i f4inutes of: CITY CO~Iii'S'ct, {Ke?ldGy ;i!.&;ng) .. : , 8, '\, '\ '\ \\ - (3 2-1 .y I ... .a : Date of i.iee$:ing: Sestebl:1.?ei- 7, 7955 i Tise of Ker;t'ini:;: 7:Qo p,cq3. : I""""""""""""----""""""""~".."""~"""""~"""~""-"""""~""""""-*"- PI ace of Meeti~y: Coun~j 1 Ch.m>ers : Member ,o.+.pp ,d i ROLL CALL wss ~ns~cred by COUGC~ ltllen Dlsnne, I i lkiswcflder, Atkinson anti Jard-iae. Councilman I ;I::: 0 : hiugiles xas pressnt at 7;05 F,P~. so preserit i ::*I! ; were City F4anager !4amaux, City Attorney !.!i Ison i :!!if I 11: '+I i md El'ty Clerk Adam. I 1: I I J I ::::: I ::;:: i II'.iUOCATION was offered by Councilman Jardine. I I ::::: I ::::: i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I I ::':; I I , 1 :;::; ;I::, i Counci1rira:a 14ughes was present at 7:05 P.M. 1 I ;:::i I I i I :::I I ,:I:: I APPROVAL OF RITiUTES: I I ::::i I 1 I :;::: ;;::: ; ; :x: ; t i Axkinson I : ;x: i 1 I i flugi72s i i :xi ; I # ; Jardine ; i xi:"; i i C3RRLSPOtDEiYCE; ;:::: I I"t' I I I!!:! I '8:,1 I (a) Cmn. Dunne read a letter from iY1r-s. Finis i iL:: i Johnson, Chairnan of Carlsbad, City Bzauiiful, i ;:I:: ;:p1 1: : stating this committee is trying to serve as a ; ;:;:I I 7 iaison between indi vidual citizer;s and the City i 1;: : government, szeking to bring attentiorz to matterq !::#: ::::: i which help or hinder city beautification. Some i 1;;:: i suggestions were listed for consideration by the: :;?:I :;:;i I t * ::::; i Discussion was given as to whether the anti-litt(r i:::: i ordinance was adequate, and the City C\ttorney : ;:;'# 1:;:: : stated he felt $t was. I :*1:1 L #!!I! \\, , < \'\ : Ba n@ '\ '\%' 8\\.'\?+38\ I !;:I: ',,$$\ 8 i of y$,@&.&@& I .Il)~ I hlii~ I I I I I 1 I I i (a) I4-intlt2s of the regular meting of August 174 Dunne ! 7965 were zpproved as presented. ; PJeiswendetx: !xi : I I I I I I I I I - : CQUnCi 1. I a 'I::; , I i Cmn. ~trn~e stated with the increase in populatic?; ; that is coming into California this could becomri i a slum area unless precautions are taken. This ; i rcspons-jbte people on this committee. ;!e have a: : fine community 2nd we should do everything poss- i i ible tc keep our city clean. I i 112s. PfqULINE OHP PIS OH was present and stated they: i were r:ot trying to put the blame on anyone. Thei : are 1atrnchis:g a campaign starting October 2nd. i i AI1 the service clubs and youth clubs are assist; ; ing the committee and they are in hopes of awskitg : the pub1 ic. Perhaps the Hiay~r would 1 ike to pro< i cla<m this week as "Clean up week in Carlsbad". i t comn~ittc? is doing a fine job and they have many; I I I I I 1 I i Mayor Atkinson stated the Council would be happy I ; to proclaim the week of October 2nd as "Clear: up: : week in Carl sbad". 4 t : Cmg. Neisrvender stated he hoped the newspapers f ; vmulal assist in bringing this matter before the s ! : peop!e. The average ci'~iten carrying trash to I ! the dump does not take precautions. I i I I I t I I I I 1 I 8 .. I : [he Hayo:- recognized a letter of thanks from the: i Oceanside-Carlsbad Art League thdnki!:g the Co?lnc-(l I for the use of tioliday Park on July 27, 1965. t I i Tl7e Mayor also recognized four letters regarding i ; the extension of Harrison Street, r-equesting I : that action b2 taken to extend I-Iarrison street i i for the development of the lagoon area 9.n.d to : i re1 ieve the ~;7neceesaa.~~y ileavy traffic 13ad i : on Adacis Street. betters received we~e from ti72 i I ! I I I 8" 1:;:; ;::;I 11 '+: ::I;: i;;;! ;::a: ;I::; ::,:I ,4;i :ii:: :::I: ::::: ::;:: 1:;:: 1:;:; ::;;: :ti:! 1 'I' :t1;1 ;llll :I::: I!@:: $1 1.1 1;;:; :$I :!I:; :I::: I;llr ;;::* ;:ll! +;t !;!;: I:+:: :;:ti ;;:I* :;#II ':I ::::; :I::; ::::I !::I: $1:: e:::; !;:;I ::::; i::;, I11 :::;: ;::;: :Ii:: I 81' 8:::i :!8!: I I I I I ;:;;: t 1;;:; < Dl ,:t* t I .ti I t I I 1 I I -.. .\ \ ., 7, . E i'*L I -2- \\ \\ \\\\, ', ',""L!:-, I '>, '\,:j,., '., '\ '\ I i f$ a ne \, ,P>,, ,, '%A, I ; of ..g:e, ;"-"""""""""-""""""""---"""""""""""""""""~~"""~~""""""~~"~" : F.4 o m ber ,o -@ ,.pp @ i fol 1 owing proi-l?f'rty owners : ;;;:; 1 ::;:; I $::;I I gay li, and Barbara Winter I ::;I: 4 Ore1 i a Lo~3worth Kuri ly t :8l:; ::I:: I e. P. Yon Kerzen .I I :!::I t :I:': I :;;:: : Cmn. Jardine quested that a study bt3 made by i ;:: i the staff and the Planning Commission in regards: ;ill* ; to flawison Street or an access road tcl the I /I;: 1 I I"*! : 1 goon and a report made back to the Council for I ::i;; I thei r consi derati on. I :i:;: I I I I ::I:; i The City i4snage.a. informed the Council a frontage i :;,:I :::I: ; road by axtending Harrisan Street could be born i ::::: i by the prc;lertg owners under the Street Opening ; 111 4; ::a:: : act. I I ;I::I ,:;I: I I:::# #I : By motion of the Council it was agreed that s. i Dunne : +x: i i stud; be made by the staff and the Planning Corn- : Neiswende? : :xi ; i miss-ton regarding the extension of Harrison i Atkinson : i !x: i ; Street or access road to the lagoon. : i-lughes : : ;x! ; I ll;l , , \' I I > , ++y?>,$,+$ *.. </& ','?@., \ I I I I I I I t I ;a#;; 01 Oakley G. Pit?-kcr I I t 1 I I L I I I 1 I I#& i t I 9 1 1 I I 1 I Jardine ;xi ;x: II : I : ORAL CO!W3NICATIO!IS: I I :;;I: I 1 :It:) 9 ._I_. I I!!l! I I i MR. OAKLEY PARkXR, 1092 Chinquapin, stated he wa4 ! interested in I-larrison Street. He felt this ! i matter should be considered this evening prior ti : the hearing for a zone change on the property : I located at Tanarack Avenue and Adams Street. If: i improvements are allowed to be put in then if i i a. street is put in it cola14 becone a cost~y I I i matter. ; ~hc ~iayor inforc?Ed FI~. Parker the Council t;as ! : reqsested a study made of this area as to an I 1 i access road. 1 I 1 I I I > I- I & I 1 I I I : F- U3i IC F:E~RI~.IGS: ! " I "- _."" I 1 1 I I I I (a> ~yc~gosec~ amendnent to Ordinance KI~~O, by i 1 r - ad4j \...$l..-.,." 'c~t-i~i~ 15'18 Lo Article 15, regai-uing I 1 8 .-." ha:~zsca~~ng of off-street parkina. 8 " I I * I I I I -' I I ID? fdq;~r annc~unced this was the tine and place : i f-ixed by the City Couccil to hear all perscns i J ?'ntev.est.ed in the proposed amendment to Ordinance I ~J~;IEO~ rcgst-din2 ianuscaping of off-street park-! : ing. I ; The Clet-k certified as Le, proper notice having i I b~en giveng and that no written correspondence ; F h~d bean received tip to the hour of 7:30 P.ll. * I I co!?ccrni ng this matter. i i;~a.y~r P,t;i<i;?SQi? st2:tcd the <;Duncj 'I wo111d :-rear I i 8: !rex c?ll pers3~s P;$O wished t~ speak in favor of! I I I 1 I t I I f 1 I 1 I I 9 1 : hLI3.i s tiroi>osed ~~~a;.td;t~~t~-i. I I I I I I I : *[here were no pe;-s3ns present dFsiring to speak. i I b I 1 ' t Ti). Mayor a.r;n~ui?eeC the Cotrn;:i 'I VJO~JI~ iqear from f I i a11 persons des'ir3ng to speak agzin:;t the pya- i 0 i [jr,S@d arrlctnda~n'i;, I I t I 1' I ; I 1 Rs there WCY~ ;i3 f:,eysons :!~s jrf;,g to :;no.-?1: -:he ; I FI~.YO~ a~~i>ntji?~ec! tiie ~URI < c beeping c!o~~~~ at I I : 7:35 P.F. I I I I I I 8 1 I I t I 5 I t + I I 8 :i::i .!8 ;I;;; #!'If r:;:; ::I:; :I;,, #sl:l 1:::: :; Il;:; ::::: "1:; il:;: ;I::: I#' 1:;:: ::::; st;; !!::! :ii:; !:::: 11;: i:::: $11: :i':: ;;;Il :I( ;:':: ;;I\; i;p; :I* It;:: ::::: I) 1::;: t'I 1:;;: :p: ::;I1 4; ::;:: ip:; *I i:::: I:::# ;Ill: 1:;:; I::': I:::I @Il*; !'I:, :I::! ::;:I $+ I :::1, ,l*l; l;!l I:;': ,h;: i:;:: /I:: 1:::: ;,I ::::: 1:;:; ::::I I1 Ill; i;;;t ., :;if ;ll:l $::1 8tj:~ ,. I .\, ', 8, ', .\ \ I -3- I I I I \\ %, ', '\ ', '\ r I I ,, \, \, 8, 8, '<- 3 r3 '- 97, - I i Na me ', '*$>:. ',, "Q I -,Pi&, ' x$>. + : Member \,L.d,9\,$4&. %$'$&+\p>,d I ; of i%, 'b tv ;""~"""--""-""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""~!""""""~"-."""-~"~. i After discussion by the Council the following I I resolution was presented: ::I:: I I ::::: 1 ,:;I; : Resolution Mo. 1177. A RESOLUTIO!? OF TI?€ CITY i :;::: i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANMOUNCING FIND- : ::::; i XNGS ARD DECISION RELATING TO THE PROPOSED A!!E?.ID~ Dlsnne :;a:: : : :xi ; : XNT TO ORDINANCE 130. 9060, BY ADDIIJG SECTION : Neiswcndetxl :x: I i 1518 TO ARTICLE 15, W€GARBIP;G LANDSCAPING OF OFF; Atkinson ! i !xi ; : STREET PARKIRG AREAS, was adopted by title only i Hughes I I $x: i i and further reading waived. : Sardine ; b :x i : :: I I::@: i The following ordinance was presented for a firs$ ll$;l I readi ng : 1 I ;:*:: f Ordinance 140. 9181. AN ORDIldANCE OF THE CITY OF: Dunne ; ; ;x; : : CARitSBAb AP1EMi>P!4G ORDINANCE NO. 9060, ARTICLE 15i Heiseendefx: :x; : 11 ! BY ADDi>.iG SECTION 1518, REGARDING LAWDSCAPING OF: Atkinson I 1 ;x! ; It I : OFF-STREET PAXKIRG AREAS, was given a first read: Hughes ii*;i i ing by title only and further reading waived. : Jardine i I !x: ; I ::;:: : (L) Proposed reclassification of property locat; ::::: i ed on the southerly side of Tamarack Ave. betxeeq r ::::: t- ::::: ; Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Adams St. 9 from Zone R-3 and ; I:::; *I i Zone R-1-7.5 to Zone C-I. Applicant: Jerry 1. T ;;c:l : Rombotis,. et al. I I :I::: I :::;: i The Clerk certified as to proper notice having I ;::;: i bsen given and presented the following wrjtten : 1;: : correspondence: I :::I: i::;: 1 0: I t I ;::I: I I I 1::: :!:;I I I I 3 I # 11 I:::: I 1 :!;:: a I I : tetter dated September 7, 1965, addressed to the! i Carlsbad City Council from Gordon A. Johnston, i : Jane E. Johnston, Bradford A. Johnston and Rose-: i I>ary Johnston, expressing their objections to ; i the proposed zone change that would allow a shop: : ping. center to be built on Adams and Tamarack I i Avenue. 1 t i Letter dated September 7, 1965, addressed to the! : C;.i'ty Counci 1 from Yarjorie \%el don, 1085 Chinqua! i pia Ave. , stating her objections to the proposed: : rezoning of property on Tamarack Ave. betwen i i !\darns zi?d Pi0 Pic0 for commercial use. Further : : f4is:; tlhejdon asked that the Council reconsider i i the furtherance of Harrison Street north to I I : l'arnarack Avenue, jogging to meet the new route i i OF Pi0 Pico. i I I t I 1 I I I I t I t I I I I i 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I * I t I I I 3 I I I I I l o! C I I I I 1 I I I i i The Xayor announced the Council w~uld hear from 1 al'i persons desiring to speak in favor of the : proposed reciassification. : I 1 F:?R. I"IIliE FORTUIEATI, 946 Tamarack stating he was i representing the applicants, stating thjs matter: wzs belayed due to further study of the Master i Plan. They sent out 119 letters of ii3quit-y as ; %r:p the proposed zoning., and received 49 written i re7:lies in Pavor of the reclassification and 3 i W!;LI protested t:ie r2cj;ssification. They have i a 1 SLI wcei ved n!mierocs phone cvslls in favor of t a shopping area. The o~?y Eaorase within the 4 I im~ecf-iate area is XT. Qalrley Parker's. At 2hc i present time there is a ~:edli;ly of fcil'2r;q i'n this: ar"ea - R-1-7.5, R-3 and C-3. Ur. Fo:.i;unati faa'r.ther StAtt2.3 h2 " i TLtS - " .\ . on the north s'ide of fa;narac!: and he has observed that niost cf ti:e traffic 90-i GG to the iagcon uses Mms Street. : Accordiy 'i.u ti~e economic repwt made rr3r Alpha i Beta N~~+i..ets &Ire pvoximity of a desirab!:~ shopp':ig I t I I I I I I ::; :i ::;:: *+l;l I::,: :;::: t;;:; ,11;1 I :::I: $1:' 11;: ;:8/ ::I:: llv: ::::; :*I ::I:: :I::: i;::: 1:::; ;1:11 $1:: 1::;: ;l:ll ,:;:e ;;I;; -. ;;I:: :I' ;;:I: ::::: $1 la:!: 11 ::I:; ;!,;; !:;'I ;::!I ,I,,: ;I::: ::;:: ::::: 1:;;: :;1q pl:; ::::: :;::I 1;;l; i:::, II t:*l; It::: I:::: ::i:l ::I:: :::I: ::::; tyt; :;::; Ill ",!I ::;,I 11.1: I I :i:'; I I * I I if::: I I 1 I ::::; * I * 9 ;;4; I I I ::::: I I .- I -', '\ %, \ , ' I I \\ '\ .- '.' ' y\,-t, (76 r" I I , \ \ '\ 8 \..L.. ~ I I I \, '\ ' 8, % ', I I 4. .. I i ~a me '8, ,<$, \\, I I i Member $3'@.?\0$ .,<& '\?$ I I I : of '.+$, ',& .o ,q" &\ /$$ :::I: 1: :I;!! 1: :I:;: I ;ii:! t ! !!:l; 1: i Cmn. Dunne inquired as to what 7's being proposed! 2::: ::;+ : for this shopping area. I I $1 I I I f 1 1:;:: ;;1:1 i ~r. brtunzti informed the ~ounci't a mari<zt, off; Id1: i sale liquor store, laundry mat and coffee shop i 1:::; :lll; ; is proposed at the present tim. t I ::::I I I I i;:;; ! !.IF",. SOH8 FGX, 4215 Harrison Street, stated in i l4;; i rebuttal Pio pic0 Drive is used for access to : :::;: I:@ i the lagoon area, and he would ~ike to see a studj :; ::; ;4:: ; made by the Highway Commission prior to a firm i :;i:; 'i : commitment being made to delete Pi0 Pic0 Dr. I i:::; a1 i The access road to the perimeter of the harbor i i could be Harrison Street. It v!as F"ir. FOX'S Feel-: ;q:: : ins that sufficient propzrty should be condemned i ;::;I i for the extension of Irarrison Street. I :;::i I :2:; i i4R. OAKLEY PARKER slated he was concerned with i :;:;: i the extension of Harrison Street, as this should ; :::;; i be the access to the lagoon. The lagcjcn is a i !::II l:l i great asset to the city, and if thZs shopping : iiiii : area is allowed i t wi 11 block off the extension i ::: :I I GI' Harrison Street. I I I:::: I I ;:::: I Cmn. Dunne asked if a plan had Seen presented by I i::;: : the State for the overpass at Chinquapin. I I ;il:i I :I:;; : The City Hanager informed the Council the plan ! $81: I'I I had not been submitted as yet. I ;i;:; i Cmn. Hughes asked fir. Parker if he would be wi71-j i ing to participate in street improvements for thd ::::: ::; :I ; extension of Harrison Street. I :;I:: !id!! I l~~r. ?arker stated he woold be willing to pay for i ;:I:: I his share; howevers the only property involved ir: 1::;; : the extension would be his property and the ap- i :::;I i pl i cant's property. i The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at i 11 ::I I b ;:;:/ t After further discussion by the Council the I 1 ::':! I fo~~owfng resolution was presented: I I 11;;: i Resolution No. 177S2 A RESOLUTIGA OF THE CITY i i COUIClTOF THE CITY QF CARLSBAD, ANf$OUNCIi4G :v'l; I ':;:I : FIPll4INGS APID DECISION REGARDIfJG CilAillGE OF ;ZO!YE i Dunne ; i k:; i CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAI~~ DESIGNATED PROPERTY m ! p!eiswencje( : f I $1 ; I TO C-7, was adopted by title only and further i H;rgh~r, :x: k : i : readi n3 waived, ; Jardine ; ixk ; ; I I i I !:I:; ! 'fi;~ -?GI IGwing opdinance ):::as presented for s. fi rstI 1::; ;:::I i reading 5 I I;;': I 8 ::::; i Or*dinance NO. 9182. MY ORRKANCE CIF TNF CITY OF i ::;:: :!I:: : CAiiLSBAD AiiiENC:T%G, O!?!IINAPlCf it'o. 9060, CI.iANGI?aG : 31,lrine ; : ;xi ; :x ; i xi : t I I a:;;: )""""~""""""~"""~"""""""""""""""""""""---"""--"""--""-----~--- i area increases the residential area, and tends td i help the other shopping areas by keeping the ::;I i residents from going to another city. The appli; ; cant is agreeable to comply with all the condi- : :;;I) i ^Lions imposed by the Planning Commission. I $ I I I3i8 I I i I 111 $4 I I I I ll;l I I I I I. I I I :q:; it, ; :7 :I! ;; $ I I I:::': 1 I I t iiii: 1 I ;;:/: $1 I I I 8 I I I : 8: 00 P.N. I I I +I' /I;! I I I I t :?I :' ll:l I : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-3 AND R-1-7.5 : Atkinson i i F ; ; I & 1 I "-".~-" I 0 i CERTAIPI DES1Gi;iAilED PROPERTY FRO!? ZrJIlE 2-3 ,?ED i f.leisneudei.: :xi x: i I I I I:::: 4:;: I 8 !::I: c!;!; I P,--I-.7.5 T8 Zoi'lE C-1, fN TllE CTTY 0; CAilLSBAij, : Atk-inscn i @ ; x! : i SUBJECT TO C0!431TIGNS, was adoptad hy ti tfe only i tiughes ! and furthcv reading waived. : Jsrditae 11 ; : ; x; I I ' :;I e: 1 f 1 1 :f1 t I I I I ! 6 I I I .. 1 * I I I t t ; - - .. - - - c - i (4 I -5- "-"""""""""""""--""--"-""""""~ i4otice to itbate weeds and trash. I 4 I , r I I .""""."".*"-~" I I I \8 -\ ', -8 \ \, ', 8, ', 'q N a rn e '., 'b$$, '\. of ',+ 0' \,L \o . 0+8 Member $f$ 1: :; 1"""""""" I I 0 i The Clerk certified QS to prcpcr notice having i :: :; ; been given, 8 I :; I :; : The Mayor announced this M~S the time and place : :; :; i fixed by this Council to hear all objections to I ;I i the abatement of weeds and trash oa those proper-: ;: : ties in which the owners have been notified to i 1; :; i clearr. 6 I :; I :; i biILLW4 C. HARKINS, 1366 Pine Avenue, stated he i I: : was not aware of such a law in the c;i ty in whi 6h i :I ;: : the owner of property had to clean his property. : I! @I ! In 1955 they purchased an acre of land and have i :; i screened off tin area for tile children to play. ; :; i The children have built play houses, ztc. There : :; :I : are several standing dead avocado trees, and on i I: I an acre cf land there are going to be weeds. He ; ;: : asked the C~unc-il what they wanted -LG do about i!. Ii I 1 ;: I ~r. Harfci ns was informed tile property WOVI d have i ;: ;: i to be cleared of a11 weeds and trash which might I :: I' : cause a fire hazard. I I ;: 1 :I i PAT ZAHLER, 4019 Sunnyhill ilrive, stated he was i i: I not speaking in opposition to the abatement of ! ;: : weeds and trash, however, he would ? ike to in- i ;f i quire as to where do we start and c.rhere do we ! ;: i stop. He lives on Sunnyhi?? Drive and there are! :' ': ; several parcels of land that Iqave not been clean; '1 i ed. :' I li I ;: & I ;: I iviayor Atkinson stated the city does have an or- i It : dinance which requires the abatement of weeds : ;: ;: i and trash that might cause a nuisance. It is thi lb : duty of the City Eanager to enforce all ordinanc4s. ;; ;: i In this instance he appointed someone to make a ; I' i survey of all the properties in th2 City. ;: I I ;: i The City tjanager stated Captain Osuna of the Fir4 ;: : Department made the survey. I ;: t ;f 1 ? ;I : ELWSOD TRASK, 507 Chinquapin Avenue, stated he i 1: i received a notice to clear his property ~f a]? : :; :; : vseeds and trash. He has over 300 feet of frontads. :: : He cJeans up the area along the street of beer I :I 1: i cans, trashy etc, since thr; avocado trees have 1 ;; : died he has tried to burn the wesds, and by ! ;I i using oil he managed to burn some. Hz has appro{ ;: : xirnately four acres of land which he is graduall~l 1: :; i trying to replant. i~e djd not feel he should bel I: : required to go to the expense of having the pro- i I: i perty plowed when he cannot burn the trtesds : unless he uses oil. ;; I :: I As Ihsire were no other persons desiring to speak: It :a i the i'layor declared the hearing closed ai; 8:25 P*fj. ;: 1 I ;: i The Clerk presented a letter from David Rorick, i :: : Jr. Project Chairman for the Ilature Conservancy, i :; i appealing for an exemption requiring the removal; :; :; i of weeds on the portion of ?and owned by the I :: : tiature Conservancy facing on Jefferson Street I :; i west OF its junction with Las FIores Street, due: :; :i : to the need to retain the natural wild growth of: ff i plants abutting the lagoon in order that the birds :; : and small animals living in a;;d around the lagood :; I may live under conditions normal to them. I :; I t; I I :' I I if I I t :: 1 I I I :1 I I I I I I 'I I t I * 4 18 I I I 1 41 t1 L D I 8 ;; I 1 t I: r I I + * e I I I <I t t i' 1: 1 0 .. .I I I I * I -,\... I - g " \, ', 8 '.. '* .,&\ ' I *,o,*+ \ ; Member $F ,v\o* I i Name '8 .$, '.. I 4 *f '85 '0, i- """"""" "- """"I"""" - "" ".. """""""" * """""""_ !" """""""- "? I The Counci I was presented a fist of all proper- : ;: I ties that hati not Seen cloarsd of weeds and trask; I i; I !I I cy motion of the Counci 1 it was agreed that the \ ~unnc ;: ;: i nuisances be abated, and that the Trask and The ; Piciswendeexi : I.iature Conservancy property be referred to the i Atkinson i : i City ?danager for further checking. : Hughes I i 1 I Jardine : : 8 ;I i €?!CIfdEERZNG: ;: i' 0 I! i for consideration, I I I I I 0 I I I 8 It I If I! ! I i (a) 1911 ~ct proceedings - Street Lighting Distjict i for Dow~tokbn Area - Proposed A.D. 4-1964. I I t I I ! 1; :; :I 11 !I I i The Clerk informed the Counci 1 a peti "Lion had : :: I been received uy her office dated August 30, I I :; i 1965, requesting the CounciI to initiate procerd? :: : ings to have improvement work done in the City ; ;I ;; ! of Carlsbad, namely, fomation of a Street Light4 I I ;: ; ing District far the Downtown area. 61.83% of : t' k' : the property owners have signed the petition. I 1: e I p I The following resolutions were presented for the i ;: i Colnnci 1's cons1 deration: 8 :: I 1: * I !: i Resolution No. 1175). A RESOLUTIr3M OF Ti4E CITY : ;: i COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF CARLSSAD DECLARING FINDIF'jG :; I ;: I ;: ; -... .- 01 ;; i FOR IMPROVECIEWTS; FIMDING THAT TElE FETITTQM FOR i ;: ; 2ROPOSED ASSESSME!4T DISTRICT EO. 4-1964 HkS SEE3 i ;: 1: i FILED k4ITH THE CLERK OF TI!€ CITY OF CARLSSAD; I 1 ;: : AND FIt4I)If.JG THAT SAID PETTTIO3! CONAIiiS A l:IAII!ER I 9unne ;; i OF INVE~TIGATIOM PRQCEEDIE~GS REQUIRED BY DrvIsIm Neiswenbef I 1: i 4 OF THE STREETS APID HIGI-Ii?!AY CODE OF TCIE STATE i Atkinson : : ; OF CALIFORNIA, was adopted by title only and ; iiughes ;: , ; i further reading waived. : Jardine :x; i Resolution I!o. 1180. A RESGLUTIOfir OF THE CITY i Dtsnne :: ;: : COUi'iCIL OF TI4E CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOIHTIHG PERSON bIeiswende$ i 1 ! was ad~p'ccd by title only and Further reading i i-fughes ; : i tiaived. : Sardine ixi I 1: i RzsoItation ~JO. 1131. A RESOLUTIO;: OF TWE CITY i ;: : C- OF CAfiLSBAg DIRECPfNG PRE- i Dunne If I PF,WP,TIOf4 OF PLWfdS APiD SPEGIFICRTIOIIS AlfD DESIG- : Neistt!endet I I: ! PiWTING E?tGIi\4EER TO PREPARE PLAF!S, proposed A.D. i At,kinson i i i 4-7964, ~~3s adopted by title only and further : Hugl1cs ; ; : reading waived. i Jarcline :x: I t :I I Resohts'on EO. 1182. A RESOLUTIOll OF THE CITY i Dunne :: : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSPIAD, APPOI!!TI8!G i: i !!eistvendey 1 i EllGINEER BUD FIXIi'G COAPE!~SLlTIOf!, proposed A.O. : Atkinson I ; : 4-7964, was adopted by title only and further i Hughes i : I reading carnived. ; Jardine I: ;X, :! i COUNCIL OF TWE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING T!HE ; Dianne ;; : EXECirTIOi4 OF AN AGREUIEFdT APPOII'1TIP1G AX ASSESS- : >4eiswende$ 1 8: i tdENT ENGINEER RE: ASSESSNEWT DISTRICT NO. 4-1964,htkinson : i : was adopted by title only and Turtkr reading i Hughes : : 'I IS I' I I I I I : THAT Ok!i.IERS OF ;.!!IRE THAH 6QX 1F;I AREA OF THE : PROPERTY SUBJECT TO RSSESSME2T IN PROPOSED ASSESd- ;: l t-!tI4T SISTRICT NO. 4-1954 1-1PSblE SIGNED PETITIOM I ) I I 11 b t I TO PREFBRE P,Lt PROCEEDII!GS, propos~d A.D. 4-1964,: Atkinson It ; : I I I I I I i Resahtion NQ, 1\83, 4 RESOtVFlOfii Of TtlE CITY i \ 1: 0 I waived. : Jardine :xi I ! * 1 I! 1' I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I t I I * 1 I & I I I I I I $ I I * I 8 I I I 1 4 t. ;; ;: ;: ;: ;; f; :; E: ?i ,. .. - 1 I -i- I -*-\ ,< .. I \, '\ ' \ I 8 1 i Ne me '\,'+$&'\ f i of \,nr\O', : Member .$f." .FL% :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-""""~""~"""-"""-~ : (5) Authoriza*n to advertise fcr bids on con- i :; i strtaction of kas !=?ores Drive extension. The i :I i Council VJJ~S informed plans ana specifications 1 :I : have been completed for the extension of Las I !' I SI i Flores Drive, and authorization is needed to ad- i :; ! vcrtise for bids for the construction wark. :; I I; I I) ; for thc City P4mz3er to advertise for bids for I F'iciswenderl ; i the construction of the extension of Las Flores : Atkinson i i : Drive. i Hughes /xi t I 'I 1 0 I i ~y sotion of the Council authorization was given i Dunne i; 'I I I 9 : Jardine ; 1 I :i ! 1 i (c) Rr3port oi? bids for traffic lfght. The City i I Engineer reparted three bids were received on I i September 3, 1365 for the Traffic Signa? System : : and Lighting Systen at the intersection of Elm i i Avenue and Efsrding Street. Ets-tiokin and Galvin : I Electric Company, ~asl Diego, was the low bidder i I in the amount of $6,747.00, and the Engineering : i Department recommends the award to be nade I I I according to the terms of the bid proposal. + I I ! 11 :I :; I; :; I' :I 8; :; :I *I :I @I :i t i t i' i ~y motion of the Council the bid was awarded to : Dunne ': i Ets-Hokin and Galvin Electric Conpany in the ' i f??eiswende$ ; :; i amount of $6,747, i Atkinsan I i I : Hughes :x: f i Jardine ; i I I I I 'I I i! ! (d) Report on bids received for sale of City i owned property. The City adv@rtised for bids to I : sell the Patskc house, and one Sic? vias received i I I -8 ;; ;: I; I! i in the amount of $2,OOr3. The City 3anager re- t I ;; i qtlested this matter deferred until the next meet-: ;; 1 ;; : f ng. I ;I ! PARKS NlD RECREATIOiJ: I :I I I :; t I :: i (a) appointment to Parks and Recreation Cornmis- i :; i sl'on. L.etter of resignation from Albert J. I ;; : O'Jillian, member of the Parks anci Recreation I :; :; i Comissicn has Seen received. I I I; I ! :: 1 clayor htkiu:son requested this matter deferred f 1; tl i until the next meeting. I I I; I I ;: i (b) ~:Icmorandum from parks 2nd Recreation Cornmis: ;; ; s ion - re: Vacancy on Commission. iiemorandum i ;I i from the Parks and Recreation Commission was pre-: ;; ! sertted wherein they submitted names for ti71 I ;; i Council's c9nsideration tc? fill the vacancy creaded ' 7;;. 1: :: : by dr. O'i4iliian's resiGnation. I I :; t I it '! D (c) Memorandum from Parks and gecreatjon commisi ;; I sion - re: Parking facilities for Holiday Park. I :; ; i4emorandum from the ParEts and Recreation Commis- [ ;; :' I sion dated September 2, 1965, in nhich they p~-: 1; : posed a plan for the Council's consideration to i :: :I I improve the parking facilities at Holiday Park. ; 1; I I I 3 i! i A copy o,~ the plan !+!as sr,lbmitted for the counci 1li.s I if ;! i cansideration. /!:e City idanager informed the ; I' 1: : Council this could bc accomplfshed, ~~W~.YCY, thc$e 11 I@ i are several other projects scf~eduIed for itre f I ;: : Public Works DGpartment. 8 I ;: I I I' 1 By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dtnntae ;: ;I i parking areas as recommended by the Parks anci : Keiswendet i ! Recreation Commission in accordance with the : Atkinson ! 3 I I l 8: I I I I I 1. I It I' -$ e It I 1 I I i 5tregt proj@m schedule. ! hrugkas 1 , i; * i Jardine :xi 1 t i; I i I i I I I ;: f .I ., 8 I '. , .. .. I I I ', ', -\ ' ' 4 \ k :, '\ I -6- I ; of '.+'.';b i Na me '\ x?*, \$ I '@e, i """"""" -_ """""""""-" """ """ ~~ """-"""""" """! """"-"""-.- :i : Member '%" 1 i ~mn. ~unne strated there i3ss been considerable i uiscussion as to additional park areas. Evidcntf : 7y the City of Carlsbad has the 1oo:res.i; tax rate I i fer parks. COkI. Dunne inquired as to 1;hether or: : nct the Parks and Recreation Conmission had ever i I submitted a plan for parks in the City. I i The Cfty 4au:nger informed the Caur?cil the City ; i that was compared to the City of Carlsbad furnisfi- ; es thci r own 1 ifeguards. ).,!e are in hopes that i i tile ;>laster Plan will make a recommendation. I i W. Don Sctwe'll stated the Kiiasiter Pia3 covers i ; this matter in a general way and makes suggestiots i as to how to achieve tht.se plans ovsr a five yea$ : period. I I 0 I I .( I I I I 1 I I # 1 I I I I I I I I I I I i HEM BUSINESS: I. I I I (a> Proclamation - re: "Constitution !.:'cek''. I I I 17 to September 23, 1965 as "Constitution Week".: ! Aayor Atkinson proclairired the week of September I I I ; BLD 3USI'.IESS: * I I I I I i' 1: :: :; it ;: 4: :; :; :; I; I: :: I: :f :I !t :; :; I; :I t: :: 11 1s I1 'I :: :; :: :; :: ii 1: :! i I ; (3) Second reading of Qrdinance #9180 - re: I :i I :; i the Council: I I: I I ;' i CARLSBAil AXEiiDNG SECTION 767 2, ARTICLE 16, OF: I~.s!eisk,Jender ;; f I : IiEDGE ffESGt1TS 9 was given a second reading by IHUghES tI ; title only and adopted. :Jardine ;xi ;I I I f- : h11, fence or hedgz heights. he foI1ott.ring l I i: : Orch-ianCe was presented for a second reading by : it t ;: I' i Ordinance #SIEO. AFJ ORDIEALI'CE l~f~ T~-!E CITY OF i5unne *! I I : ORiIINANCE NO. 9060, P,EGABDING !(ALL, FENCE i)R ;Atkinson : : I I ;i i Installation of fire rings for portion of Beach : I :I .I Property leased. CM~. Hughes requested that I :r ri : fire rings be installed on the portion of the 1 :: i beach property Ieaseci By the City. I I :: I I I I I ti ! The City i4anager informed the Cotincil this could i :I i could be done until after the summer season is I :: ;: I :: : be accomplished, however, he did not fce? it ; over. I t] I :\ I I I I I i Cmn. Jardine requested that the folisge at the i I i i ntorsaction of @hestnut ~a-lenue and Hiail'lanai I : Drive on the ncrth and south bswndstries be I ; triamed. I I Cmn. !iciswendcr stc?ted he felt a yield sign 1 I i rather than a stop sign should be placed at the s!outheaster& t I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 4 I I t I I 1 I I : i Titersection of Chestnut Avenue and El Ca!ilii?o I I I I Zeal. I I I I t I I I I I t I : a- CTTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: * I t l I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ! a I i ~cceytance af deeds for right. af way purposes I I f fol- Stratford Lane street oper;i ng. -r he city 4 : 8ltornt.y informed the Council 14 grant <zeds had ! : right of v,ay far the strcet opeaing of' Str;iLford : i Lane. A7'i the propsr?.y t7~nnc.s have eicecutect I proceedings have been filed wfth eh.2 Court and ; I the City nas I acqufwr! itmediate r:c:s.;cssion of the: I Croperty. 1 I " I .- \ i beeiI received +fro4 tjtc \lpoperl;y ~wney ornntjing i I : deeds with the exceptioi? of two. Corxieanalion i t I I 1 I I 4 I 1 I I I & I. L I I I I I 4 I I I * 3 0 P hi :I fi ;I 1; ti i1 :; :I ;1 i: I' $ ;: ;: ;: ;I ;: :I t* It I@ j.: :I .. J I I I \ -- I 1 -3.. I ',& 80 \ x, ',\ ', '\,'* I i Na me ',, \$& \\ I : of '%%\, :""""""""-""""""""~"~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-, : Member $'Q I. I I I : Landscaped Freeway - re: signs. The Council i 8 reqrrested the City Attorney to check with the : wou1 c! be a1 lowed providing 1.31 FrcePJay were I" I I I e " i State Highway Commission to see if any signs I I I I i declared a Landscaped Freeway. i The City Attorney informed the Council he checke4 : with the State Highuay Commission and they re- i I quested ths City lo suhniit a proposed ordinance : : for their review and they would makc their recorn-: i mendati on. I I I I I I I I I I I 1. ;: :: I: It :; ;I I' 1: :: :: I: :; :; :; I: 11 @I 'I i Claim for Damages. A claim for damages has been ! :; i received from ZF t!. VJinter and Barbara E. Yinte?, :: ; for damage done to their przperty at 4'133 Harri- : :I ;: i son Street by tfyd~o Construction CO. during the i ;: : installation of the Agua Hedicrnda intsrccptor I t ;: i line in the amount of $172.80. The City Attornej :: i recommended the claim be denied and rt=-ferrt?d to : I; i the City's insurance carrier. I :; I I i By motion of the Council the claim was denied ! Dunne I: i and referred to the City's insurance carrier. I I"leiswendeg 8 1; 11 'I I I I I! I : Atkinson : i k I i Hughes :x; I I ;I I ;; # I I 8 I : Jardine 1 / I I i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I 1 1: ! Proposed design for a portjon of El Camino Real.: ;i 1: I I ;: I I : The City i4anager informed the Council a proposed ; :; ; design for the improvement of El Camino Real fro4 :; ; Chestnut Avenue north to Highway 73 as been pre-: 1: i pared by the County Road Department. Thc plan i ;: : as proposed would give this portion of E7 Caminoj if ! 8eaI a 120' right of way. I ;i !I I ii ! After review of the design and discussion by the: 9unne I1 t$ i Councils by motion of th,a Council the proposed i Reiswendcf I I plan was approved and accepted by the Council. t Atkinson t ; I I Jardine : ; 11 I' It I 4 I I I I 1 I i t!ughes I x! '2 I r ai I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 1 ! I I I I 4 I I I f I I 4 1 I I i I I L .r) 1 I I a I I I I a I I I I ' $ I I 1 8 I @ ; I I AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYflEElrT OF GILLS AND RATIFICA-I T1QN OF Pfai'ROl-L: I I t I Authorization was given for the payment of bills: for the general expenses of tha City in the amount of $107,504.59 and for the liratcr Depart- ! ment ir. the amount of $4,6,937.43 for the period I August 17, 1965 to September 7, 1965, as certi- : fiecl by the Director of Ffnance and approved by i the Audi ti ng Commi ttee. I I a ? I t 11 ;: :; I: :; i1 :: ;: it ;; ;: :I ;I I' I! Ratification of the payroll was given for the :. Bum 1 i; second Elalf of ALI~US~, 1965, in: the amount of i lieiswendebxi $22,755.89, as certified by the Director of : Atkinsot? I : Finance and approved by the Auditing ~ornnjttce. i ~ughes : i : Jardine i : I I :! * 1: 8 ;; L I: By proper motlot? ttie nseiing lrcas adgcurnl?t: at : ;; I !I 8 ;: 'I ADJOURi4E~lENT: t t 3:10 P.3:1. I 1 t I! Respectful 7y submi ttecf, I I + 1 I I I I I I I 1 e l 1 t I I 2 1 i a."ff 25 Ai&,, MA GNjET E. ADAN City "c'I erk :i ;; ;: :I :: ;: :I ;! !! 1) I8 i ., :i