HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-09-21; City Council; Minutes7 *. I I I I I I I 4 : ! I Y' \\ 8* I CITY QF CARLSGAD 2i nutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Wegular E,?eeting)I 9ate of ileeting: Septeriiber 21, 1965 ' ' ', \, Tiine of Meeti ng; 7;OQ P,J, i Qf *$j?& Place of iieeting: Council Chambers 1 Member $$$ I I \\ X\\'\\ '\, '\\'*, ', \\,'\, ', ', : Name , ,@\. '\\ '.$\ '! \, ,' \ 8' \\ """"*""""""~"~ """""""""""-"-"""""""""""""""""""""~" e1 i ROLL CALL was answered by Counci?rnen ~unne, I 1: : present were Acting City danager Thornton, City ; I; :; i Attorney i.Ji7son and City C?erk Adams. I :; t I :I i I~~VQCATIO!~ .iIJas offered by E/iayor Atkinson. l 1: I :; I :; i ALlEGIAfiCE to the Flag was given. t ;I t 1: I .t :; i APP2OVkL OF YIIiUTES: 1 :: I :: :; i (a) Ainutcs of the regular aeeting of September iDunne :; i 7, 1965, were approved as corrected. :Nei swender i I I I e 1. i UeisvJender, fttkinscn, ilugRGts and Jardine. Also i t; I I I I I 1 8 I 8 a I 8 i I 11 I I 1 :Atkinson : ; I I :Hughes :i I jdardi ne ;xi I I I 4 I :: 1 CORRESPONDEf4CE: 8 :; I :: I' i Letter from tile Carlsbad 14unicipal 'iJatar Distric6 ;: ; dated August 31, 1965 concerning qtlality of wale$ :t i being served to the North Carlsbad residents by i ;: : the City of Carlsbad, wss acknowledged by Iiayor i :: 1: i Atkinson. The Aayor informed the members of the : I: : Council the staff is Rlaking a study of this 1 1 ;I i matter and a report will be nade to the Council : ;: ;: 1 as to their recommendations. 1 I If I I ;: 8 I 1: : ORAL COIII4Ui.!ICATIC)l;S: I :: I :; : DOMLD emm, JR., inquired if copies of the I :: I: I [;!aster Plan WOUJCI be made available to the publiG :; i prior to the public hearing? I I I: !a 1; i icir. briggs was informed copies of the blaster Plan: 'I :I : will be available to the public prior to the i hearings being held. 8 I I I I( I 8 I I I * t t 1 1 I ;: I I ;: I :I 1- I I I! i 2r. Griggs also rclquested that lights be provide4 : for the Highlands and Park Driveo as this ms a i i very dark area at nig'ht. I I I ~y common consent of the CotaVtciI t/?e City ganageq i was requested to have the Traffic Safety Cornmi ttqe : make an investigation of this area as to lights i i needed. t I I I I I I I 6 I * ! ENGIWEERIHG: I I 1 6 I * ;; ;I :f ;I ;I ;t ;: ;: ;; ;: ;: ;: ii I! i (a) Resolution #IIC~, approving agreement for ; ;: : maintenance of State Highway in the city of Carts!- ;: i - bad, Titis is a standard forb1 of agreement pre- I ii : pared by the State Division of ifighways for the ; *: tf i maintenance of the portion of highway through i ;: i Carlsbad. A resolution has been prepared for the: ;: : Council's consideration. 8 ;: 6 1 ;: I I I* i Resolution ilo. 1185. A RESOLUTIW4 OF THE CITY iDunne ;: ;: : COU3CIL OF THE CITY ciF CARLSSAD APPROVfbdG AGREE- $leiswender ;xi i HENT FOR i-iAIidTEM\NCE OF STATE il1GI:SjAY IR THE CITVAtkinson 4 : i OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by titie only and furthir ilughes i i : reading waived. {Jardine : ; :; ! (b) Stop sign at Avenida Encinas and Palomar i :; i Airport Road. The Engineering Department has : :; : requested that a stop sign be installed at the i :: :; i intersection of Avenida Encinas and Palomar kir-: :: i port Road as Avenida Encinas is the access road i I; : to the sewer treatment plant, :; I 8- I 8 I t 1 0 84 I. t : I I * I I I k : i 1 t $ t t ! *i :a ;: ;: I! I I I I I 5 "8, ",,'*, \ \ * I I I I '\, \,,'X. '.,'*, I -2- I : ~a me '\, 'tP * \ : Member $34 -, .\ 8 8 *' I .1 1 I I 8, .' \ , \ '8 ', : I I I of *.9%* a>% ;""""""""."""-.""""""""""""""""""~""-""""!"""""~""-,-~. I : i3y cornlion consent of the Council it was agreed i i tilat a stop sign be installed at thfs jntersec- i : tion, and the Ctty Attorney was instructed to I I prr_.pcre a wsolution to include this stop sign, i ., 11 *i 8, r, 1: 0 I. I I I I I I I I ; Street Improve~eot Agreement. This property WBS i I ; one of the parcels created by a lot s~lit that : I l 1 (c) AuthwiZatim for Mayor to execute Pfafflini i 1 I I I i was approveb previously by the councii. iijr. ! Pfafflin has complied with all tire lot split re- i I qui rernents and inas entered into an improvement i i agreement for the improvement of Park Drive upon : i demand by the City. Also a bond bas been posted i i in the amount of $800.00 with the City. Author- : 0. : ization is needed by the Counci 1 for the Nayor i :I ;; i to execute the agreernent. I I; I I :I 1 4 '1 i sy motion of the Council authorization was given IOunne 11 11 ; for the t'layor to execute the Improvement Agree- :Reiskfender I I i ment on behalf of the City of Carfsbad. :Atkinson ; l @I I' I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I t itiug hes ;1 * ; ((1) Award of contract for Agua Medionda Inter- i f.' I L :Jardine ;xi I I 1 , 14 0, i ceptor Sc~er Unit X2 to Einer Brothers, Inc., 1 I I : Escondido, California. The City Attorney re- i quested this matter deferred until after the I I I : awsrd of bid on the sale of the 7962 Swer Bonds,! i Series "C", which would be brought before the : : Council later at this meeting. *I I I I I I I i I I I 4, 4, b *I I 1, t I. I i i (e) iiscceptance of t.jork and rrlaterials and Notice i i of Completion for construction of Gcean Outfall i : Unit IY. The Council was inforned a letter had : i teen received from the Bepartrrlent of Special * I i District Servicesg together kjith the document I 1 : entitled "Acceptance of !:ora and i4aterials and i i blotice of Completion". It was stated in the ; letter a representative fram their department an4 i the Contractor made final inspection of the worky: ! and it ?]as determined that a1 1 work was compyetea / in accordance with the contract and approved ! I change orders. Therefore, it is recommended thae ; the Council execute and file the "Acceptance of i i ?ark and Materials and fiotice of Completion". I I I I I 8, 81 I * *I *I :; :: :; :; :: :; :; ;; :; :; :I :; 1: I: ;t I, 81 I 1 I 1- : Sy motion of the Counci 1 authorization was gi wen bunne 1: i for the Aayor to execute the "Acceptance of Mork hiswender; : I and i4atrrials and I2otice of Completion" and the htkinson I i : same ordered filed, !Hughes I( t :Jardine : : * ;I ;1 : info'yned the Couilcil he and Captain Osuna from i 1: i the Fire Department made an inspection of the : :; ; Trask property and the Nature Conservancy properGy, ;: :; i and it is their opinion that the Trask property i :; I should be cleaned as both adjoining properties ; :; q I Jl i that all the weeds should be cleared on the 4 4 :; : idaturc Conservancy property except the green I :' i ground covering around the lagoon. * ;: ;: ;: i BY motion of the Council the ijature Conservancy iDunne ;: : property and Trask property were declared a iideisnendcr : : ': i nuisance and ordered abated. %Atkinson ; 'I 4 s 8 !Hughes :x : I ;Jardine \ ; ! 1 ;: I ;: i ;: I ! .! :* !x: I I ;I I Report on 'lJeed Abatement. The 4cting City iianagdr l1 * I ; nave been cleared. Rlso it Mas their feeling i I1 * I I I I I 0 I . 4 I $ * I $ 4 I I * i' I 1: I i e ." * .\ ', *\ ', '. '* ! 4 \ \ '\ I ', '\ \ \, ', I -3- I x, , " 8,. 8 8 i Name '\,,'$, 't e : of * .pi?, t?$+ :-I""""""- - """"_ ""* """I" - "I- * """"" * """ *" """""; """""""_ :?-$ 8 .' I I \, 88,8', \ 8 I e i Member : I :: e ." * .\ ', *\ ', '. '* ! 4 \ \ '\ I ', '\ \ \, ', I -3- I x, , " 8,. 8 8 i Name '\,,'$, 't e : of * .pi?, t?$+ :-I""""""- - """"_ ""* """I" - "I- * """"" * """ *" """""; """""""_ :?-$ 8 .' I I \, 88,8', \ 8 I e i Member : I :: e i PARKS AND RECKEATXO3: i (a) Appointment to Parits and Recreation Comnlis- I : si on. \.!i tk the consent of the Counci 7 i4ayor 1 ; Atkinson appointed A7 Blacic to fi 13 the unexpir4d : terG of 2lr. O'Millian, which term expires in I i August, 1957. I t I I I I 1 4- I I I t I I Ii ;: I: ;: It ;I 1: ;; I: :; I: i fiJEt.,' I;USII..IESS: 8 :; I* t I ;; I ei I 1 I :: I :; I; 1 1 i (a) Report on bids received for lease of City f : owned property (9onsal1, property) * i The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publici- :; :I : tion giving notice of property to be leased, and I ;! I informed the Council there were no bids received : 1: :: : up to the hour of 2:OO P.E;I. September 203 1965. i :: 1 I i: I 11 I e : OLD BUSII.jESS: I I t I I I ! (a) Ratification of award for bid received on i i City owned property - Patske House). I t I I 8 1 I i At the CGuncil meeting held SepteKbar 7, 19659 I i it was reported that the City had received one ; : bid for the purchase of the Patske house in the i i araount sf $2,090. The City I'Fanager requested ; ! this matter held over for further study by the i I staff. k ! I The staff recommends that the bid be accepted. : t I I I I I :: I' 8! {i ;I 1; ;: :a ;: ;I ;: ;: ;! 1; :; :I ti 1: t: 'I e 1; I' I I' ; By ritotion of the Council it was agreed that the :Dunne ;: I bid of J. J. Rodriquet be accepted in the amount $eiSwnder !Xi : of 32,000. intkinson I ; !ti ug h es ;: I :Jardine ; : t I I 1s ! e 1! ? I e 1 1 I I I I I I I / The following ordinance was presented for a szcoid I readi ng: s t e , I 1 (b) Second reading of Ordinance #91CI , arnendinq i Ordinance #913EO, Article 15, by adding Section ; 1518, regarding Landscaping of fiff-street Darkin$ a reas. I * t I I. ;: ;: ;: ;; ;: :; ;: ;: It I1 I8 I! ; Ordinance [lo. 9181 AkJ (_!!?DIWAldCE OF T!!E CITY OF lDunne 'i i CkRLSbAD UFdEkUIiIG bRDIidAMCE L3. 9060, ARTICLE 1 SiNeiswender i ! !: i BY ADDING SECTI3W 1518, R€GAKOIf!G LA!hCAPIi;G OF-!Atkinson : :i ; : OFF-STREET PARKIiiG AWEAS, was given a second :Hughes ;; i reading by title only and adopted. iJardi ne :xi , I :t 1 I i (c) Second yeading of Ordinance #9l82, amending i : Ordinance 89060, changing certain property from i i Zone R-1-7.5 and R-3 to Zone C-1. 1 I e 4 ;; ;: ;: ;: I! I t ii i The following ordinance was presented for a I ;: I second readSng : I 'f I :; I :' i Ordinailcc ido. 9132. AF'I 6FI13fEl"ACE OF TiiE CITY OF! :: : CARLSBAD AIIEiiD1f:G ORDW" !IO. 9060, CHANGIP!G :Ounne ;! :1 i CERTAIN DESIG!:ATED PROPERTY FROi4 ZONE R-3 AND $!eiswnderi i : R-1-7.5 TO Zi3i.fE C-1, fFS TCiE CITY GF CAXLSBAD, :Atkinson ; I i SUBJECT TO CONDITIOMS, was given a second readinibiughes 11 : by title only and adopted. :Jardi ne ;x: f: 1 I I 0 I I I I : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 1- t i !i I :; I :! 4 I 4 : pelease aqreement for fishing at Calavaras Lake. { i In order to protect the City from any accident ; I I I *i :I I1 8* I! ;: I I 8 * I 1; 1 :: I * I I I '\"' '" I \8 *,\\\\\ '\ '. ' * -4- I I \8 '\ '\ '8 I ; of \,+d b I I $&&j I ', 8 \ '* '\ * * I i Name =,'\%,: :"""~""""""""-"-"""~"""""~~""""-"--"-""-""~""~~""-""""-"~~" : Member $$.( i occuring by persons fishing in Calavaras Lake, i I the staff recomnended that a Release Agreement : t : be prepared and executed by those persons desirinb : to use the lake. A record would be kept of all ; : permits issued, and authorization for the City 8 i jqanager to execute the Release Agreement is needeb. : By motion of the Counci 1 authorization was given ! Dunne : for the City 34anager to execute all Refease Agree; bjeiswndir i ments issued on behalf of the City. : Atkinson : I I I I 8 I b I I I I I I I I * I * I I f I 1 I I I I I Hughes b I I i Jardine ; ! I t I i Santa Fe Depot property. After several meetings i i with the conmittee atJDointed to rehabilitate the : i Depot property, it wai felt a non-profit unincor-i i porated association should be formed. The City : : could then lease the property to the association.: i If the Council chooses the City Attorney stated : : he would be w9llinrg to draft a lease for the 1 1 Council's review, said lease would be for a certahn i the association would have to comply rgtth. I period of tirne and would include certain coolditiojls 1 I I ! I I I 1 I I I 4 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I a I I I I I b I i Flayor Atkinson staled he would like to meet ?!ith ! : this group again to see if this would be agreeablk I with them. i By consent of the Council it was agreed this tnatthr ; be held in abeyance until the is4ayor reports back : : to the Council. : CITY i.iiiMAGEX'S REPORT: : i4r. Thornton, Acting City ?:lanager, inforfned the i i Council he was requested to report on the progresb I of the boxed street trees. The Llerchants could : : not a77 get together so it was the decision of ! i the staff that the City take over and plant the i I trees in the sidewalk and take care of the main- ; : ; tenance. i Cmn. Jardine requested the City Attorney to give ! : a brief rundown on the Iflay Company. 4 I I 1 9 I t I I I b I 1 I t I + I I 1 I 1 I * I I I I I I I I * I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I ! I * $ # I 1 I I I * I * I I I 1 I I I I ! ! I f : The City Attorney informed the Council he met i with all the principals last Friday. They went i i over the second draft of the docurnents. Another i : meeting wil? be held next Thursday in 10s Angelesi : to again go over the documents. Nhcn all the I I I attorneys and parties are satisfied then these i i documents will be presented for the Council's re-: : view. They are trying to move rapidly. I t 1 ! I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I * i ~uena Vista Sewers. Cmn. Jardine inquired as to 1 i the status of the Buena Vista Sewer project. I I : 1 I I I I I I I The City Attorney informed the Council the Engin-! ! eers for the project, Tanner and Narquardt, were i i asked to change the plans and specifications. i They became discouraged and requested compensa- ! : tion for the additional work. A letter was sent I i to them inforrning them that under their contract : I I : with the City this could not be done. After due i I I i time the plans and specifications were returned, : : except for the assessment figures. They did not i I wish to break dawn the assessments for the indi- : : vidual properties. The City again .wrote to them i ? i and as yet no answer has been received. All of : : the engineering has not been completed in order I i for the City's Engineering Department to check. : ! I 1 I * 1 I t I I I I I I 9 * * * a * I t I * I I I t I I I I 1 l e f I # ! ! I I I s I ' '\ -.. - " - 8 \ ', ! ! I - 5- \' '*,'\\' \, ', I *\ '.:.', '\\ 's I I { Name "\,,'s6,: ; of '.$p% :"-"""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""-"".~"""""~"""" I Member ,&.$ ',8 \* I I b I I I I 1, i State Funds available for Cities, Cirln. ijunne :i : requested the City danager and City P>ttorney to i :: :I i check 2s to tihat State funds are availab.?e to i :I : cities for projects and malce a report to the I :: i Counci 1. 1 :I I :I t 4 I! 0 f I I I I I I i AUTHCRIZATIOM FOR PAYF.IEi4T OF BILLS AT.13 RATIFICA- i : TIW (3F PAYROLL: 1 I I I I 1 ;i ;I I: :! i Authorization was given for the payment of bills : ai :I ! amount of $14,442.04 and for the !Jater DepartmcniDunne :I i in the mount of $5,213.39 for the period Sept- !!!eiswender: 1 i ember 7, 1965 to September 21 , 1965 as certified !Atkinson i : : by tile Director of Finance and approved by the iI-lughes : x: i Auditing Comzlittee. :Jardine : : I * :: i 3atificalion of the payroll was given for the iflunne :: : first half of September, 1965, in the amount of !?4eiswender:x: :' I $21,314.77 as certified by the Director of :Atkinson i 1: i i Finance and approved by the Auditing Commi ttee. :Hughes I! I for the general expenses of the city in the I I; ;; I i " I !Jardine i 4; : : EID OP,ENfNG for 1962 Sewer Bonds - Series c- I 1 I 8 i1 I! I i This teinG the time and place fixed for the opening : of bids for $447,000.09 bonds of the City of I i Carlsbad, California, designated "1962 Sewer : Sonds, Series C", the following bids received pu4- I suant to the notice of salt? were pultIicIy opened4 i ilerrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner 8 Smith a Inc. and i : J. 3artR & Co. bid: I I $447,~00.00, $62.58 Premium and accrued interest! i to date of delivery for said bonds, in the I t : denomination of $I,OoO each, bearing interzst i i payable annually the first year and se2iannuslly: : thereafter at the rate(s) of: # I Rates Years I 5.00% 1966 to 7971 I 4.25% 1972 to 0-0- I 3.50% 1373 to 1979 I 9 I 3.60% 1980 to 1984 I I 3.70% I 1985 to ssg7 t + ; examined and read: 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 8 I 9 I I I I I b I I t 1 I I I I I ' I # I I ' 3,75?i 1998 to 1991 ! ; I I; :I ;: ;: ;: ;I :: 'I :; :; :; :; :: :; :: ;; :; :; :; ;: :: ;I :i :; :: :I ;: a! !' 'I I! I' :I I* at t I 1 i: i Security First i<ational Sank; R. ti. aoulton & i :; i Company bid: I I: I ;: i $447,000.00, $171.00 Premium and accrued interesi ;: :: : to date of delivery for said bonds, in the de- i ;: i able annually the first year and semiannually ; ;: : thereafter at the rate(s) of: 8 :: I I I :; t Rates Years I ;: ' 1 :t I I ;: I 5.00% 1966 to 1973 I t ;: I 3.50% 1974 to 7977 I !I ;: I ;: : 3.70% 1983 to 1985 i ;: I 3.75% 1986 to 1391 f :I I 1 ;: i United California Bank; Eastnan Dillon, Union i ;: ;: ; Securities SI Co,; Shearson, Ilamni'il & Co. fncor-I ;I ! porated hid: * ;: 8 4 :: I I ;: I ;: I I ;: 1 I @ 1) i nomination of $1,000 eacn9 bearing interest pay-; ;: I * I' L I I I 8 I I I I I I e 3.61i% 1978 to 1982 I t 8 I I I t t I I ! t! I I .." *' I I 8, 't,8888 '\ '8 1 I x, , \\ '2 I -6- I 88 '\ 8'8 '8, 1 : of : Member ,o' X?$+ :"""""""""""-"""""""""""""""-"""""""""""~""""""""~- I I I I I I i Na me '8,,?&,,, I I I ! .8 ,- .. , '. 8" '\\ 8', I I I -0- I -8 \ 8 i Name '8 '\+,' nt -;7o'oi. t Mamhar *& -a- .~ ; $447,0~~.~~, $14.00 Preriliurn and accrued interest! : nomination of $1,(100 each, bearing interest pay-: I able annually the first year and semiannually I $ I : thereafter at the rate(s) sf: I 0 I I I I f to date of delivery for said bonds, l;n the de- i 1 I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I Rates I 5.00% I I I I I 3.75% 3.50% I ! 3.60% I I I 1 1 ! 3.75% 3.90% Years 1966 to 1972 1.374 to 1977 1978 to 1981 1963 to 1991 1973 to ---- 1982 tG 1988 f I I t I t I t h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I i Bank of America N.T. 81 S.A. and Associates bid: i i $447,800.00, $319.00 Premium and accrued interest i to date of delivery for said bonds, in the de- i i able annually the first year and semiannually i I thereafter at the rate(s) of: I I Rates Years I 5.00% 1966 to 1971 I 3.50% 1972 to 1977 I 3.75% I 1878 to 1955 I 3.80% 1986 to 1987 I 3.90% 19C8 to 1391 I I I I ; noininatioa? of $1,000 each, bearing interest pap: I I i I t I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I A s I 1 9 I I I I I I I I I I I i Taylor and Company bid: I i $447,000.00, $55.00 Premiurn and accrued interest I I to date of delivery for said bonds, in the de- l I i nomination of $7,000 each, bearing interest pay- i : able annually the first year and semiannually i I I i thereafter at the rate(s) of: ! , Rates Years I 4.50% 136.6 to 1975 I 3.507; 1976 to 1977 I 3.75% 1978 to 1937 I 3.85% 1988 to 1991 I John f\luveen & Co. (Inc.) bid: 8 i $447,000.00, $35.00 Pre~nium and accrued interest i I to date of de1iver.y for said bondso in the de- : : nomination of $1,003 eachp bearing interest pay- i I able annually the first year and semiannually I : thereafter at the rate(s) of: I I I I I I I I 1 * 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 8 I I 4 I I f I t I I I I I I I 4 * I 2a tes Years I 5.00% 1966 to '1971 I 3.90% 1972 to 1991 I I I I I t f I I : I I I I I I I ! I ! Cincotta Inc. bid: I I 1 I I ! I I I I I $ I I I I I i t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 * I I I ! t I I I * I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I * I I e 1 1 I I I I I b I l a ! b I I I I I I I I I i $447,000.00, $00- Premium and accrued interest i i to date of delivery for said bonds, in the de- i ; nomination of $1,000 each, bearing interest pay- : I I : able annually the first year and semiannually i * I i thereafter at the rat&) of: ! I 1 b I I I 0 I 9 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I Rates I 3.75% I t 4.00% Years 1965 to 1973 1974 to 1991 I I I t I I I I i I 1 I I I I I 1 * I I I b t I b t t I l a I e I i 8" X\ 88 '- i I ., I I I 88\,8'8,''8, '\, 8 8, \\ , -7- I Name '8% .~g, 8l I D ; of '+$&, ',64 \ I : Member .$$g ~""""""""~"""""~"~""-""""""~"""""-"""--"""~~-"""""-"---". I I ;; Each bi2 was accompanied 5y a good faith ;: I :; i check in an amount not less than $4,OCC.f?O. 1 I :; I I :; I AII bjds were then referred to Hernan ~e~lesi :I 1) i of Stone 2nd Youngberg for checking and corquta- { ;; I tion, a report thcreon to be given Lo the Council: 1: :; i later in this meeting, . 1 :I 1: I 'I i The Slayor declared a recess at 7:47. The meeting: :I 1; i reconvened at 8:40 P.IP. I :I I I ;I I I ;: ! the bids on the bonds for which bids were opened i I* 1 previously during this meeting reported that the i :; ; bid of ?!errell Lynch, PeBrces Fenner ti Snith,Inc.; ;: i and J. Garth & Co. is the bid yielding the ?ow- I :; :est net interest cost. :; I ;I I I I ;: I After considering the various bids and the rc- t I ;: I ;: i port thereon? the fo'llowing resolution nas pre- i IS ;: ! sented: I ;I I I ;; i Resolution No. 1184. RESOLUTIOY OF THE CITY i Dunne 1; i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARlSZ83, CALXFO2NIA, i tieiswender!. i; : AWARDING $$tt'Z,OQO BQHDS OF 5/41? CITY TO THE 3EST : Atkinson i r i t BIDDER Ala REJECTIPIG ALL OTHER BIDS, was adopted iHughes : 4 : by ti tl e only and further reading waived. : Jardine i i + :' :Award of contract for P,gua Wedionda Interceptor i 1: i Sewer Un,it #2 to Einepn Brothers, Inc., Escondido,;. ;: e City Engineer reported that :; :California. lh I I :; : Einer Brothers of Escondido, California, were the: :I i lobi bidders on this project, and the award was : ;: ;: : held in abeyance until such time as the bids nerei ;: i accepted on the safe af the bonds. The award of : ;: : the bid can now be made to Einer Srothers, Inc. , I ;: ': :if the Council chooses. I :I I I ;: I I 1: :The following resolution was presented for the I :: ; Council's consideration: D I :: I I :I I ;: :Resolution 2s. 1185. A RESOLUTlON OF THE CITY iDunne ;: i COURCIL OF T!!E CITY OF CARLSBAD ASJARDING .CON- ! F?ei strlender; : I' i TRACT FOR CORSTRUCTIOM OF AGUA HEDfOf4DA SEM&R I I !Atkinson i : iUFlfT #2, was adopted by title only and further iliugfies : !x ! readi ng nai ved. ; Jardine ! x; I I :I : ADJOURM8ENT: 8 I :: * I: $ ;; :By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at + 1) * I' I I ;: * :: i Respectfully submitted, # I ;: I ;: I ;: 1 ;: I ~SARGAII~T E. ADAHS D I ;: I ;: i Ci ty t1 crk * :: I I :I * D :; I I :: : t i' I I' I ;: :I I ;: I ;: t I ;; I I: I ;: I ;: I *t I l :* I :: I ;; I I D I I I .' \8 P- *\ '\88'. \8 '8 ' .,& '. /* I I I I I I e I I * I I I I I I I The committee appointEd to check and compute: if 11 * a r 11 I I I 1 1 I I b I I i I i 8:47 P.N. t I 9 I s * * I' I I* Wt2"t-t F@- I I P I i * I 4 I I I I I I I I * I I t * I + I I 4 I 1 D I * I 1 a * I L * * l a I 1) I ': 1 * I * I I L D * 8 l 1: 4 a !I