HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-05; City Council; MinutesI I , '\ \\ -, % ' . !CITY OF CARLSLLlD : i.li nutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regalsr F4eeting) '-, ', ' '\\ '8, i Date of vieeting: .I ', '\ , October 5, I965 i Name ", ''!& '%, : Time of 2e5-t-i ng : 7:oo P.N. : of ',$$-& I Place of tteeting: Counci 1 ~h~mn~crs i Member $$$ I :a i ROLL CALL !./as answered by Colancilmcn Dznne, I I ;I iXeiswender, Atkinson, Hughes and Jardine. Also : ': $1 : present were city iflanager i~amaux, city Attorney i :; :l;lilson and city Clerk Adam$, :: I I; & ;t i IEljC'OCATIOI'J was offered by Father i'rilstead of St. i ;: : blichacl I s Episcopal Church. * I ;: I 1 :: 1: :ALLEGIAi'{CE to the Flag was given. 8 :: a * i: : APPROVAL OF 4j:t:IllTES: I( I I: I $ It ;: : (a) 1.1inutes of the regular meeting of September iDunne i: i 21, 1965, were approved as corrected. i ?lei swenderi i 1 :Atkinson : : * I i IIughes :: I : Jardi ne i i I ;: I ;: 1 ;: i: \\\ 1 I \\, ',J, ', y,, \?&$ ,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""-""""""-~""""-""""" I c) " * I I t I I 1 t l I 4 1 1 I I I I t i CORRESPOHDENCE: 1 9 ;: i There was no written correspondence presented. * I I I I . I I I I! : ORAL COH.li4UEl I CAT1 OH$ : I I * I I ! Ti E!.J 8 US I Id E S S : : The i4ayor read and presented the following pro- ! CI amti ons : i (a) The tt!eek of October 24, 1965, was proclaimed i by ;layor Atki nson as "Toas tni s tress !4eek". I fb) tlayor Atkinson proclaimed the month of : October as "lfnited Community Services 14onth", !and recommended that the Citizens of Carlsbad i observe the forthcoming campaign. * 1 I I I I * I I * I I 4; :: i! I i There was i?o one present wishing to speak under i I oral communi cations. I I I 1 I I i EMGfTjEERIiiG: I I I I I I I ! (a) Acceptance of i.;ork and ::?aterials from Itydro i :Construction Co. for Agua I.ieclionda Interceptor : I Line Unit 81. Acceptance of tjork and !laterials i i and Notice of Completion has been received from : :Hydro Construction Co. 3 2nd t5e Eilgineering De- i i partment mcommends tbat it be accepted and the : :Clerk ordered to file the same. I hy motion of the Council the Kork and Haterials jnunn ; the Council and the City Planager authorized to i Atki !execute the Notice of Completion. ; i.ltlgh i Jard I I 1 4 I I jand the :jotice of Completion were accepted by ;Nefs I * I b I I * I * * I I I I I I * t I * I 1 * 8 I I I I 6 # 8 I e wend nson i ne es 8 t 1 (c) The ueek of October 3rd through 9th was I I I : proclaimed as "Parent-Teacher Association :4ernher-i i ship Ceek" by Elayar Atkinson, I i (d) Mayor Atkinson proclaimed the week of : October 17th as "Rational Susincss and Profession: i a1 !,lomen's idcek", I I t I I I I I I 0 I 1 I 4 I I I I I * 1 I I I I ! I I I I I ! :i 1: :; :; !I 1: :; :: :; :; :: i: I: ;; ;: :: ;: ;I \ :: ! x; :j :* ;: ;: ;: I: ;: ;: ;: :: ;! ;I ;: '1 :a ;: 'I :: :; :; i: ;: ;: :: I' I' It cri i I' t' 1: :' 18 1) 1' 4: I' Resolution #1187, commending Carlsbad's City Zcautiful Committee and workers on "Fall Clean-upj Campaign." Cmn. Dunne introduced a resolution for: the Council's consideration commending Carlsbad'si City Ceautifuf Committee and associated organiaa-t ttons for spcnsoring, supervising and conducting i I I I I I * 1. ;! ;: :: :: 1: :; :: :; :; i: I I \, ', .-, '\ '\ .* I I '\\ '*, *\ '\ ', 8 - 2- \\ '\ '\, '\\ 'q I '\ +\P t : of 8 c,5%\, : Member \%+ i """" """"""""""" """""_" """" """"" "L" - "". . "C -""" "***I ."" 'c I I I I 1 I I k I Name 8* '+& 8. I. I I ', '\ '\ ?,'*,'I\ t '\& 4 (L :the "Fall Clean-up Campaign" on Saturday, Octo- i I Ser 2, 1965. Cmn. ~unne stated over 203 boys * + jand girls from various organizations took part : :in the clean-up drive. The results obtained I I ivc3rc excelicr;% a:~d the whole canpaign in its con-: : cept and execution was an outstanding exanpl e of .! !community effort, and continuing more along this I ;line ?Jill Kske Cerlsbad truly a City Beautiful. ; f The following resolution was presented: 0 I I I I e I I I ! I I :Resolrrtirn #1187. A R€SOLU'TIO!J OF THE CITY ~~O~i~8 T'ifE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COMENDI!iG THE ! I I :I ;I 1; ;I :: :: :; :; I: :: 1: I: I: :; 11 !i I' ii a! : CARhSZAD BEAUTIFUL CO$!MITTEE AND ASSQCIATED OR- iDLanne I$ i GAIdIZATlOiiIS FOR SPOIYSORIMG, SUPERVISING AND C!lP!- iP!eiswenderi i i SATllROAY 9 OCTOBER 2, 1965, vas adopted by title !Hughes :: :only and further reading vJaived. :Jardi ne i p : DUCTIbiG THE CAfiLSEfiD FALL CLEAN-U? CAi4PAIGFI OK :Atkinson i ; 'J ! I I I !Ordinance #7031, amending Section 8 of Ordinance i ; #7020 regayding sewers. Hayor Atkinson inforrned i ! the Council in 1963 the Ci tlj Council adonted an ; ;ordinance whs'ch nulified ti-i'le collection of the : ; $50.00 Capital Contribution Charge at such time ai ithe new joint ser;Jer system was in operation. :Currently the new plant is in operation and it is: !proposed that a $50.00 fee be imposed on all areas I within the City that connect to the new system, i iA proposed ordinance has been prepared by the I :city Attorney for the Council's consideration6 i ! 1 I I :i I@ ;: ;: :: ;: ;: 1: :: !; :; I: :I I' ;; ;; I' 1: t 1 :i :Cmn. Usiswender stated it seems tc be incumbent i ;: i upon the City Council to adopt this ordinance I I ;: Itonight; however, there seems to be considkrable ! I: iconfusion over the past history of sewers for the: ;: ;; :Terramar area, and he would like to recommend I * ;I i that a committee be appointed to study the area. I ;: I I I ;: iCmn. Jardine stated there is sofie foundation to i ;: :Cmn. idciswendcr's statement. + :; ! 9 ;; 11 1 4 i Cmn. lleisvender further stated the Terramar resi-! :dents had tried several times to tie into the old! isewer system and each time they ere refused. I :This is common knowledge in that area, however, i I there does not seem to be mY substantial written I f record of these facts, If this area has in fact 1 :sewer then this Council should consider a moritortun ifor a certain period to enable them to hook on I :without charge in view of the fact that area had : :established its sewer district prssumably under I jthe assumption that the connection fee would not : :apply. I I :MR, DILLIAf.2 CAEJHON, stated he was one of a corn- i Imittee. The residents in Terrzmar wanted to hook! :up to the sewers at the bridge a few years ago, : iand they 8ere told the plnnt was not satfsfactoryi fatso that a new bond issue ~mtild have to be pitss-: Ied. The residents had to pay $60,009 on the old i jbond issue before the new holsd issue coulci be $ I :passed, and all they received fo? this coRtribu- i jtion was surne street lights. The Council r:lent ! :on record as waivinq the $50.00 connection fee, i ;therefars, these People should not have to pay : :tile $50.00 fez. I !been denied the privilege of hooking into the old I I I I 0 4 I I I I :i :! t; I: :: :; ;; t; i; :I 1: I; :; :: :; ;I ;* ;: ;: :: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;I ;t ;: ;: ;: ;: ;; I! :: :; :: 14 I+ I 0 I . !: & I I- I I I I I I 1 ;: I :I I I I I 1) s! I 8 I ;! ! I t' t I 1 I \\ I L $ I >, '\ .' ',\ '\8 .', 1 1 '.\ '\ '\ . ' I -3- ', '\ ', 8\, 1 r I 4 \\ \\,'\,, \\ '\ ' 1 I Na me '8 '*$$$, ' I I ; of ''-+i$@), 8 Member *$t'.C i* """"" ~ """""""""1""""""""""" ""-""""-"""--~"""""""""~ i Gmn, wnne asked if the s tateillent was true that i I ir '1 i Terramar residents paid $60,030 on the old sewer ; :I i system. I * 1 *I ;' I s :; I The City iianagcr informed the Council this state-: :I i mcnt xzs not true. l1 t 1~ i ~~ter furt-,her discussion the Followin2 ordinance i t I i was ?resented and read in full: I I :: i Ordinance $7231. Ais! OR3I?fT\:iCE OF TI4E CITY OF : Dunne 1: : CARtSEkD F\i.1EP;DIF.:G SECTIOP; 8 OF QRL)I[.IP,?!CE l!G. 7020I Weiswendcri ; i !?EGARIIII:iG SELiERS, was adopted as an emergency !Atkinson ; ! : ordinance. : ifughes II ;; I i Jardine ; : I l1 I I ;: i Cmn. iJeist:ender made a Formal recommendation that! 1: ! the dayor be appointed as a committee of one I I :I i together with the staff, to check into tile Gventsj :; 1' Ithat absolved the Terramar area of the $59.00 I I ;I :Capital Contribution fee, and any other informa- i !I i tion leading up to this time. 1 t ;I I 4 ;I I I ;I i CITY ATTO2NEY'S CEPORT: I ;; I I ;I !Las Flores Extension. A deed has been received i ;: :from 3. 8. and Lena luna for street purposes in ; ;: i connection with the extznsicn of Las Flores. The! ;: :City Attorney risked that the Council accept the t ;: ;: I deed and crdzr the same filed. 1 1 IS I 1 :: :~y motion of the Council the deed from 3. w. and !2unne ;: i Lena Luna vas accepted and tile City Clerk in- 1: i fsieiswenderi : ; strl-fcted to record the same. :Atkinson i i I I :Hughes It 1 Shopping Center. The City Attorney reported ;t I 1: i another meeting was held with representatives 1 :; : from the Aay Go. and attorneys, and new documents I :; :are being prepared. As soon as the documents arei :; : approved by all parties they wiJl be presented : ;; :; jfor the CounciI's consideration. I :; I s :; I CITY F-.IAi.JP,GER* S REPORT: :; 4 * :: 1 8 :: :The City lyianager stated he had nothing further to! ;: i report. I :; * B :: I I :; j AUTHSRIZATIGii FOR PAYAENT QF BILLS AN3 RATIFICU- : :; : TIOH OF PUWOLL: I ? :a 18 t ;: :Aut!lorization was given for the payment of Si 11s i ;: i for the general expens,es in the amount of I ;: I ;: !$lo? ,S3@.21 and far the LJ!ater aepartnent in the :Dunne 4 !mount of $27,234.79, 'for the period September PIi2eiswenderi : j1965 to October 5, 19C5, as certified by the :Atkinson : : :Director of Finance apd approved by the Auditing !Hughes ;: : Commi ttee. t x; {Jardine i 3( I :: i Ratification of the payroll wcs given ?or the :Dunne 1: :second half sf September, 1'365, in the amount of iNciswenderix: :: 1$22,997.12, as cmtified by the ilirector ~f IP.titinsm ; : : Ffnance and approved by the Aul:.it!.:g Comnittee. :Hughes ;i 1 I :: I 1 ;: I 1 ;; I I :: I I :; I I I: I t :; I I :I 1 i ti 1 I 0 11 I 1 1 I, I I I * I 1 I $ I 1 $1 f I I I( I I I I 1 11 I I I. It I 1 t !Jardine i i 1 ! I' I 4 1 I a I t I I I I + I I I 11 I I * e s t t !Jardine : : 1 I I I 1 I I t i I I I * : c e 0 I I I I I I a I I I I I ;""""""""""-*"""""""""-" . i ADJOURNi4Ei;lT: I I i8y proper rnotion the meeting : 7:27 P.ii. / Respectfully submitted, I I iLj]&4 ; I ..,? /&.( -J CF" L< .*;;; L,/ : blkkGA$ET E o AUAi"?S i city CI erk r I I I I I I 1 I I I , I t I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I ? I t I I I 8 I I I I 4 I I I I I I I 4 t I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I , * I I t I I i I t I t 4 4 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 t I I t I I I 1 -4- I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I -"""""""""*""""""~" I I I I I I I I I I I * I 4 I I 1 was adjourned at I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I b I I I I I # ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I ; 1 I I b I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I t I t I t t 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 t I t 6 I I I I # I I & I 1 I I I I I b I I I I i I I I ! ',, \, '8 '\ ' ' 8, '\,'\, 8, 8 I N a me '\, '?$&, bl of \.+ +?!, Member $&'e .?b .D , , - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - "i ;I ;I ;: ;: ;: 1: ;; :; :a ;I :I 1: 8 '8,"8 ', 8 '\ 8, ', 8, ', ', \ 8 ,\'8\ 11 ;! ;; ;; ;: ;: ;: ;: ;i ;: ;: ;; ;: ;: ;: ;; ;: I: :: :: I: :; !I ;I :; *I :; :; ;; :: i: ;; i; ;I ;I :I :; ;: ;: :I ;I ;I ;I :: ;I ;: ;I :: ;I ;I ;: ;I ;; ;: ;: ;: ;: ;; ;; :; :; :; :; 1; !I ;; i: it ;: ;: ;: ;: ;i :; i: ;: ;: 01 ii 1l 18 1: It I' I!