HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-10-19; City Council; Minutesr\ I , '\\' *' i CITY OF CWi;!.:';'?$fa I '\ =\,, \x\ i .:.linwte!s of: CITY CBUYJCIL (Re9u.iar Idcetingl '\ '\ ' i Date 04: 8.tsetjvrgr October 19, 1965 ; Name '- '( 'k I Time of decting: 7:OO 9.1.1. : of '-3 '.! : ,""""-~"""""""- Plact? of 3eeting: """""""""""--""""----""""""-"--~---"----"-". Council Chambers : Member I R~LL CALL was ansvjered by Councilmen aunne, i Nei swendor 4 Atki nson, ' t!'uyi~es and Jardine. Also ; I I present were City i;lanagcr IIamaux, City Attorney 1. i bi lsom ai:d City Cler!: Adams. i Ii!VQCATN?i was offered by Reverend Saker of the i i Pilgrim Congregational Church of Carlsbad. 1 I ALhEGlAHCE to the Flag was given. I i APPXBVAL OF ;.IIr;lUTES: 4 ! :.linutes of the regular meeting of October 5, :Dunne t 1365, t;'2r2 approved as corrected, itlei swendel 9 I :Htrghes I I iJardi ne I I e l '8, '\ '8 ' ''8 * I I I 1 I I I I I I t 6 I I 1 I I I + t * * I I I I ! jAtkinson L ! b ! CORRESPONDE:*;CE: I t i There uas no written correspondence presented. I I f ORAL COi.~E:~UMICA?f(3HS: t I I : There were no oral communications. !20w I I i ENGIfi!EERI$JG: I I t * I I I I I I I * 8 I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I .I : 1gi I ~ct Proceedings - Chinquapin Avenue A.D. 4 I : ?io. 1-1965. The Counci 1 was informed the I Assessment Rolls for this district have been pre-! : pared, and a resolution Slas beerr prepared for : I i the Council's consideration directing notice of ; : filing assessment and giving notice of hearing. i I I I ! 1 The follo2Jing resolution was presented: * I I b I I ! : Resolution No. 1188. !I RESOLUTI'JH OF THE CITY i ! i;lf)TICE OF FILIidG OF ASSESSAENT P,XD OF THE TI4E )!eiswendey i AMI> PLACE OF EiEWRIfiG THEREOF, Assessment Bis- :Atkinson i trict 20. 1-1965, was adopted by title only and :Hughes ; further reading naived. !Jardine i !{EL! BUSItIESS: i i-layor Atkinson presented a resolution from the i I mmbers of the San Diego County 2oard of Super- : : visors to the personnel from the ihtual Aid Pact i t areas of: Rancho Santa Fe, Salana beach, Del IIar. I ! as well as Carlsbad, congratulating a17 agencies ; i concerned for their unflagging devotion to duty i ; in the face of extreme danger, which resulted in ; I life saving and the minieization af property I I : damage due to a fire in Encinitas, California, i I on September 20, 1965. i dayor Atkinson stated he was sure he was speak- i I ing in behalf of all the Council in com:Ecnding : : the Caristad Fire Dep2rtnent for their service i I ctfithin the City and in other area',. I I !/d 2-9 i COUII!CIL CF THE CITY OF CAZLSBAD, DIRECTING :Dunne -4" I 1 I I I I * I I I I I I I I $ 6 3 i Proclamation - "~ommuni ty Devsiopncnt itonth". : T!?@ :)layor proclaimed the Eonti? of i'iovember, 1965,: i as "Cmrnuni ty Devel opmcnt I~lrjnti~". I ! l 0 I """ """""_" _". 0 I I I t OLD GI5II'ESS*; I I ! I2 0 6d ! i Capital Contribution Charge - re: Terrmar area. : : Piayor Atki nson informed ths CoLJi)ci 1 i~ zhccki :,jg i I -"."."I .-I- -..___- I I I I I I ! ! ..- I I I I I I I I I' I \ ', '8 ', ' I ', 8, '\ ' 1 \'\ 'x,'.., I -3- I '\\ '\\ 8 I I Name '8. 4 I '. I 8 I I I s t I- I I I a I 1 , I I I I I I I I ! I I t I , : of '3 1 Member .""""""""-"""""""""""~"""""""""""~"""""-~"""""""~ through the ~ECQ~~S he was not entirely satisfied that he could resolve this matter, and he vjould ; 3 ike to appoint the City httorney to check out : the legaljties involved and report back to the i City Council as to the City's position. CITY ATTQRiIEY 'S REPORT: Tho City Attorney stated he had nothing to report. $ I I I .t 1 I I I I I I I t 1 t I i CITY MZA:GEi?'S REPORT: : Stop SiGn cat intersection of El Camino Real and I i Chestnut Avenue. At the last meeting sf the 1 I : City Councilx!2n. !ieisk;ender requested that a i i check be made as to the stop si2n at the inter- ; I section of Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Rea?. i I It is the feeling of the staff this is not the : i time to change the stop sign, and that it should! ; be considered at the time El Caaino has Seen i widened and ir;:proved. :/o%L I I i Portable traffic light. ~mn. t,!eiswender inqwir-i ; ed as to where the portablc traffic light would ! : be placed since the installation of the perma- I ! nent traffic light at Marding Street and Elm i Avenue !]as been completed. i The City Aanager informed the Counci 1 three i locations are under consideration. i Cnn. Dunne asked if the City had a noise ordi- I : nance. He hzs received zany calls concerning i the noise created by Ilondas, etc. If there is i I not an ordinance prohibiting undue noise then : I he felt the Police Department should site the i ; operators of these vehicles who create undue i i noise. I I I- i /Gd5- I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I I r I 8 I I a 8 I I I I 1 * 1 I I i The City i;lanager informed the Council the Police! I' I ,.-Q.e.parirlent has sited several of the operators. I q-&!CJ ! i Appointment of members to Regional General Plan i ; Pol icy Coordinating Commi ttee. The ilayor pr2- : I sented a letter from the County Board of Super- I : visors requesting each member agency to author- i i ize its mefiber on the Transportation Policy Co- ; : ordinating Committee to act similarly as a mem- I i ber of the Regional General Plan Policy Goordi- ; i nati ng Committee. I I I I I s : With the consent of the Counci 1 :dayor Atkinson i i appointed Cmn. Jardine, who is presently a i rnexber of the Transportation Policy Coordinating! : Committee, to act similarly as a mernber of the : i Regionat General Plan Policy Coordinating Corn- i : mittee, and hirnseff as an alternate rrnnber. s I t I 1 I 1 ! i ATTC10RIZAi'il'8!4 FO? PA'!YEIT OF fIlILtS AN@ RWTIFI- ! : CAT.I'OF\I 01' PRYGILL: I -~~" I I 8 I 1- ! i Authorization w3s given for thc paytn9nt of bi 17s: : for the general expenses 9-F the City in the ! amount of $55,922.51 and fcc the Zater Depart- i Dunne : ncn-t in ti12 aniount of $6,734.53 for thc period : ideistrende i October 5, 19G5 to October 19, 7965, as certi- i A.tkinson : fied by the Director of Finance and appr~ved iy i Ilttghes i the Aud; "L:'tilg Conwi ttee. \ : Jardine I I 0 1 I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I 8 I I 4 ! t b a 0 " * f I t I t I 4 I I I I ! 1- I I I * $ I I I I I 1 I t I I I 1 I I I $ I t I 1 I I I I i I 1 I I I I I I I t b I I I I I I t I t I I f I t I I t t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I r f I I I I I 8 I ! I I I I t I I 3 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I f I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I * t I I I I I t I I * I I 1 I I I I I I I I f I I I I ! I' ,\. * I , \, '\ ' 1 \\ , , '* I \ '\ 'x \\ '. i Name \, 4 ; of '4 """"""""""""""""--""""""""""""-"""-~""""""""""*"" : Member Ratification of the payroll was given for the ; Dunne fjrst half sf October, 1965, in the amount of i Neiswendc $21,351.87, as certified by the 9irector of : Atki nson Finance and approved by tke Auditing Committee. i Hugks ADJOURNI"1ENT: I I t \* -3- 8, '\ ', I i Jardine I I I 8 I I BJ/ proprr motion the meeting was adjourned at i 7:17 P.:;.?. I I I Respectfully submitted, 'WLp4d F LY&" /- I FciARGAR!i,f E PiDAi4S City Clerk I I I a t I I k I I I I I ! I 8 I I 1 I I I * I : I I I I I 1 I 1 t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I t a I I I I I I I I I I I t 4 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 8 1 1 8 I I 1 I s I b 1 1 I t I t I * I I I I t b t I I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I *