HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-02; City Council; Minutes9; 'i I I ', 8, '\ ', I I I * i CITY CF CARLSGWD '. " 'X, ', ; 2inutes of: CITY COU~JCIL (~egular t,jzetins)I , ' '< November 2, 3965 ' '\ i Date of iqeeting: i Name \\, *! : Time of ;,leeting: 7:M P.X. ; of '3 i PI ace of illeeting: Counci 1 Chambers i Member I~""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""-;""-"-""-- ; ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Dunne, i Ideiswender, Atkinson, Hugim and Jardiae. Also ; 1 i present were City fianager ;;ianaux, city Attorney r i ;;ilson and City Clerk Adams. i 1j;VOCATION was offered by iylayor Atkinson. '\,\ 's, " I # I I I 6 0 , ._ .I 1 I I I I t 1 I $ I I I i ALLEGIA8CE to the Flag klas given. 1 i 1 I I I r I PRESEF~TATION of Plaques by Y.~.~.c.A.: I 8 I I I I i ?lr. Harold harsen, Y.M.C.A. Aquatic Park Chairman!, : prtlsented plaques to F?ayor Atkinson, E. G. Stubbsj i of the Santa Fe Railroad, and Walter Zitlau sf : i the San Ciegcr Gas & Electric Co. for their organ-! : izations' aid in the Carfsbad camping facility I I I located along the Rgua Hzdionda Lagoon. : I i,:aysr Atkinson, ?:r. Stubbs and flr, Zitlau express: i on beha?f of their respective organization. I I I J I I I I ! ed tkieir appreciation and thanks for the ptaques i $ ! i APPROVAL OF i;fft?UTES: I I I I * I ! i (a) i,tinutes of the regular meeting of October 1SjDunne I 1965, tJere approved as presented. : Neiswendc I I I ;Atkinson I I : Hughes I I Jardi ne I 1 I I $ I I * 1 t t I : CORRESPO~4DEGCE: : 3ayor Atkinson recognized a letter from Plrs. i Armando Fusacchia, extending her thanks to the i i Carlsbad Police Department for their prompt actiob i in reply to her call on October 29, 1965. I I !The I4ayor ais:, recognized a letter received from i i :1rs. ESn ~F.-.SaytoP, extending her thanks to >lr. i t Thornton of the Engineering Department. I f i Carlsbad City ~ckoo~s - re: Request for vacation: i3 2 portion of Valley Street from Magnolia Ave. I :to a point north of Andrea Avenue. Letter dated : i October 27, 3965, from the Farlsbad city Scb~ooIs,~I i j was presented, stating their Governing Ooard -1 I ipasssd a resolution requesting that th? City : Gclwnci 1 vacate Val ley Street from i4agnol ia Avenue! :to a position just north of Andrea Avenue for the! I following reasons: (1) It will link together : It~o major pieces of district property and give a i I park-like appearance to the area; (2) it will maki :going to and from school much safer for the young; Isters attending the Valley Junior High jchool and: {school district several thousand dollars on streej :improvement costs; and (4) it will create a three: !acre piece of property for civic or school use. I :!.,layor Atkinson stated he felt the proper proce- i :dure would be to have this letter referred to the: !Planning Commission for study and report. Also i Ithis might be an ideal op~ortuni ty *Lo get togeth-: :er ni th the School District to discuss joi tlt L * jrecreation facilities. isy motion of the Council the letter ?$as referred :Dtrnne :to the Planning Commissior: for sttidy snd report iMeiswende jback to the Counci 1. IAtki nson I I I I I I I I I I :idiagns1ia Elenewtary ~~ool: (3) it vi17 save the : I I I I .;,a I I I I I a * + I I :Hughes ? !liardine * 8 8 i f I I I I I -2- 1 0 1""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I e : 3RAL CClfl;'iUNEC~TIIOf~S: : There wew no or21 communications. I " I I 4 ."" I ! I I I I I * + I , I I I I I t # 1 b I 1 .""".. I '*\ ' .\ ' I ', '<, ?, '<. '\\ '\ .. . " . '\ " Name '\, ? of '3 8' bllernber ' 81 """""". 1 Li?rrr.:aX\d: I - ", F. il ! k --- I 1 I I I I I (ad Letter from Library 2oarb of Trustees re: ; ~psciii ~ond Election. Letter dated ~ctober 28, i :73?5, frori? the Carlsbad Library Board of Truste3sb : stating the Board at a special meeting held I i October 29th % voted unanimousfy to submit the i (7) That a bocd election be called immediately to! i Secure funds to build the proposed new library, : : and that the best possible date available for ~SMCII an election is January 18, 1966. Also that i : the bond issue be for $295,000, as this is the I i amount of focal support stated on CarIsbad's LSCA: ; appl i cation. I I i It was pointed out in the letter they have re- i ceived assurance from thc California State Fib- i ! rarian's office that calling an election im- I I : mediately for this amount will not in any vay i disqualify ~arlstlad for a federal grant or jrop- i Iardize the city's chanccs for receiving it. I 4 : Dunne I By motion of the Council it $!as agreed that ti19 :Neiswende : 8oat-d of Trustees. I Hughes I ! Jardine I f k I 9 I 1 foliowing recomwndations to the City Council : I k I a I I I I I I I I I I k i ~ounc~ accegt tfie recommendations QT the LiSraryi Atkinson I I I ! I I' I t 1. Authorization for emplaynent of i4artin i :and Chapman to handle electian supplies. I t I I I ! i CY notion ~f tile Council it was agreed that Har- i Dunne : t<c and Chapman b.c ernployeci to kindle the : Nei swende : el ecli on suppl i es. IAtkinson * ; Jzrdine I b I i Hughes t I I ! I r I 2.f.Authcrization for em.p.l:oyment of.'~O'ilelvcny: I and i4yers to handle bond legal proceedings. l a I I , i ~y motion of ti2c Counci i it was agreed tfrat o':.jeliDunne i ve:~y and Zlyers, Attorneys at Law, be employed to iNeiswende ! ha;?dle legal proceedings for the bond election. :Atkinson I I i Hughes I : Jardi ne i ~t-re following resolutions were presented for the i : CoLrncil's cnnsideration: ; Resoluticn Noe 1190. 2ESOLUTION OF THE CITY i'aUNC-LF THE CfTTOF CARLSCAD, CALIFCRMIA, : DETERi.lINlF4G ?!+AT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AE,lD r'dECES- i ilunne i SITY DEMMD THE ACQilISITIQFi Ai43 COhiSTRUCTIOfd OF :Neiswende : CER"i'Ali.1 J!I?;iCIFPtl Ii';lPRG'JE14ENT AiiD HAKING FIFDINGSi Atki nson i RELATIFiG THERET13, wzs adopted by title only and :Hughes : further wa67'ng t;ai vrd. i Jardi ne i Aesolutiou F!u. 119'1. RESCL!,ITi'GG OF THE CITY I Dunne i COUidCb^'LO~";TIECIT1'OF CCl?iSEAIl, CALI FORf!IA, : !iei swende : AUYIIORIZLtiG CERTAIN OF ITS iTEi,ibERS 10 FILE 3!RIT- \Atkinson : 'TEN ARGUMENTS FOR CITY MEASURES, was adopteed.. by I Hughes i title only and further reading ~iv.~d. : Jardine i ?layor Atkinsor-i informed the tror,:r,c.3? hc- h3.c-I z:j- i pointed Cmn. Wugnes to submit ~I>~LGI~Y~~S Oil t!;, i :measure. f ! ! I I I I f * D 4 I I I 8 > 8 t 1 I 1 I 8 I t 0 I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I '*. < * I '8 '8 \\ ', # I I '8 * 8. I ! I 8'8 I 8. '\ ', I I 1 I -3- -8.. I\\ 8 i Name \, * * I 4 I : of '4 ', :"""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""-"""""""-~""""""" i Member I Resolution 140. 1192. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSB4D REQUESTZLiG THE + 1 ! OOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO i i TL3 PERKIT THE REGISTRhR OF VOTERS OF SAID COUP!TY : t Ti3 RENDER S?ECIFIEP SESVICES 70 THE CITY 8F I Dunne i CliWLSBAD, RELATI%G TO THE COFiDUCT OF A SPECIAL 1 kteiswcndi i JAHUARY la9 '1966, was adopted by title only and i Hughes I further reading waived. ; Jardine i ~hc fol1owing ordinance was presented for a firsti i reading by the Council : i Ordinance EQ. 1995. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 3F i I I 0 i i.9Iti.iICIPRt ELECTION TO SE I-iELD IN SA13 CITY OF4 : Atkinson I I I I I $ I I I I : CARLSSAD, CALIFORHIA, O~~ERIMS,..@ALLI~~G, PROVID-: I I5lG FClR AIiD GEVS;!G NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTIOK i i TO 2E HELD 12 SAID CITY Ob! JAi'jUARY 18, 1966, FOR : f THE PURPOSE OF SUBbsfITTI;-iG TO P!IE QUALIFIED VOTERS! Dunne : OF SAID CITY A PROPOSIVIOE TO IE3:CtJh ROPJDED I!.!- : hieiswend( i DEBTEDhlESS 3Y Sil.I3 CITY Fa2 A CERTAIN i~IU161GIPAL :Atkinson i IMPROVEZEKT, was given 2 first reading by title : Hughes : only and further reading waived. i Jardine : p L A ;.j ;J I 14 G : 1 I I I I * I a I ! I - I I I I I i (a) blernorandum from Planning Comission - re: :Harrison Street exteilsion. f.3enorandum "porn the i 1 Planning Commission dated gctober 29, 1965, :was : i presentiti, reporting their findings on the-ex- i tension of Harrison Street from Chinquapin Ave. i ; to Tamarack Ave. They indicated thcir report 3 i was based on an evaluation of zritten 2nd oral 1 i comments from various concerned landowners and : ; residents, reports fro:n the City Engineering and i i Planning Department. After considering the I I various arguments and reports the Planning corn- i f (a> Extension of Earrison Street is not essential! i to the orderly flow of traffic, both present and ! : future; (b) Adam Street will become the majn * i access raute into the inner lagoon norttl shore i : area; (c) Song range access,to the Snug Harbor i i area can best be obtained from the vicinity of : i the intersection of Adains Street and Harrison I I Street; and (d) ttle strip of land whicil would be 1 i created between the extension of Harrison Street : i 2nd the freeway would create a Planning problem i i due to its narrow depth. t * i or these reasons the Planning @onmission recom- i : mended against the extension of Harrison Street i I bettieen Tamarack Avenue and Chinquapin Avenue. I By. moti an of the Counci I it was agreed that the : i3unne i City Coung>il aecegt th~ recommndation of til@ I Me i swendr ; Planning Conmission. : Atkinson r i E-icghes I I Jardi ne I I t mission arrived at the follovling conclusions; t I I I I 5 1 1 i I * I I I I I I r 1 I i Gmn. Jardine pofnted out that in the Engineering I i Report to the 2;fanning Comission there was I # : nothing ;ii~ the report tg ;;rec;ude the property i i owners from mn!ting the ixpravments OF itarrison : : Street extensioi? if they chose to cio so. I a t I I I I I I : PARKS AfiD XEC2F4TTON: " " I ! i (a> ~etter q,~ resignation fbw1 cr:missfG;1et* i \'ere Goff. A letter from C<J;?ii!.?z?i'ir!wr %;ere ~off i 1 I "-_ -.-.- "_" _.- I I I I I : c I I 4 I I s I 1 I I I I '\ ' .) ', * ! ', '., '., <, '\ ' ' i -4- I ',, y, t i Na me "8, 'Y * : of '-i y ~""""""""""~"~""~~""""""""""""""""-"----------;---"-"--"-- : Member i tendering his resignation from tile Parks and I I Recreation Conmission r,-,ras presented. The Council: ; accepted b!r. $off's resignation kfith regret and : I requested that a letter of tkenks and apprecia- i : Lion be sent to Mr. Goff. $ 1 4 0, I I I I I (b) Appointment to Psrks and Recreation cornmis- i I - sion. !Flayor Atkinson informed the Council that i : Mr. i?uben 3artinez's tern had expi red and he I wcra~d like to reappoint ijr. ;;lartirscz to anott-ler i ! four year term, which would expire August, 1959, I I I f I Yayor Atkinson appointed Gerald B. Fischer to : fill the unexpired term of iir. Were Goff, which i i term will expire,Rugust, 1965. t I t I I 1 I 1 I r e l i 91Et3 BUSINESS: r I I I I I 6 i (a) Resoiution !lo. 1139, establishing a main- i teefiance operating headquarters in Carlsbad for i ithe State Division of t-tighways. A letter from : i the State Division of Highnczys dated October 15, i : 1965, was presented, stating they were in the I I I final negotiations to acquire 3 four-acre site on: : the southerly side of Palomar Airport Road for : i the estahlishnent of a Waintenance Ope.rating b I :Headquarters in Carlsbad, and they would ?ike an ; i expression from the city approving the outline i tof their plan. I ! ! i The follot:!ing resotution ..vas presented: iResofution NO. 11es. A RESOLIJTICJP~ OF TIX CITY i . i COU?KiL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD APPROWdG PLAT.! ;Dunne :OF CALlFOR;,iIA STATE DI\/ISION OF HIGHbJAYS FOR I I iaei r,r swendc! i ESTABLISHMENT OF C1AIMTE;iANCE OPERATIPIG IIEAD- ! Atki nsun !QUARTERS, was adopted by title only and further if-!ughes : reading wai ved. :Jardi ne i(b) Proclamation - re: International ~outil [Appreciation Ifeek. ?-layor Atkinson proclaimed :the week of Hovernber 8th through 14th at "Inter- i inational youth Appreciation Week". t 1 1 I 1 I 6 I I I I I $ I i I 4 I 1 I I I , iMidening of 5aSSwOOd Avenue. Cmn. Weiswender :asked if there was any way the residents of :B~ssvood Avenue could Be encouraged to dden the ! jportiool of Basswood Avenue from Pi0 Pic0 ilrh : :to fiighland Drive. He requested that the Enginee4- jing Department make a study as to the design and : :cost of widening this portion. :Sidewalks for a portion of Chestnut Avenue. Cmn. : jrfei swender stated there are no sidct.;laI ks on 1 I :Chestnut Avenue west of El Can-!no Real to Nonroe : !Street for the children to va?k on to and from I :school. He is well aware of the past history and : :he is r~ot very proud of\ it. I I :'The City dacager suggested tb2t along with the i jwidening sf E? Camino Real aP:d the intersection i :of Chestnut Avenue that fL;i?ds be provided in the : !budget next year to construct sidewalks along I I :this portiort of Chestnut Avenue. I 1 ! 9 I I I I I 1 I I I & I 1 I I I I 0 8 :OLD BUSINESS: I 8 I I 1 * 1 I ISusiness License study. Hayor GL;X*i*SOi? irrf'sr3ed : :the Counci 1 th-& cornmi ttez Z::J;!>:: !;?6 tfj Ltrady the i !Business License Ordinance has bzen ;rjork-ia:; for i I I I I' I \, ', .8 8 @ I I , , '8 8* I I X '\ '. I I 4 I I x, .. -, \" I -5- 8 ; of '( i : Member ~"""""~""~"""""""""""""""~"""""""""-""""-~~"---"--~--~ i several months. k rough draft of an ordinance i i was prepared from their study and an open forum I ; meeting was held. After this meeting it was the I i feeling of the members of the committee that ; further study was necdcd, The E.3syor suggested : i that the City continue \vi th the exs's ting ordinanck : this next year, in order that the committee couldj i continue thei r stud:]. I I i Cmn. Dunne stated nost of the comments that were I i made at the open forum had to do with the present: : ordinance. 1 I : By motion of the Council it was agreed that the : Dunne 1 Business License committee continue with their i Neiswendc : study of the or?linaylce9 and that the City con- ; Atki nson I tinue operating under the present ordinance for i Hughes ! the coning year. : Jardine : VALLEY Streat Swers. Cmn. 2eiswender inquired : i as to the progress being made for Valley Street i I I '8, '8\7 t i Name 8, * + e 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 4 I * SekJC'PS. I t * I 9 t 4 i i The City Attorney stated S4arquardt and fanner i :were asked to furnish estimated assessments for : i each lot and to his knowledge they have not been i : received by the Engineering Department as yet. I I : l.ia-ter Pollution rledication ceremony. Cinn. 3unne : I stated ;le felt the dedication cermony was very i : successful. I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I The City flanagzr informed Lite Ccunci 1 in the v3t-y: : near future they are in hopes of having a 16 1 I i:ninute film Oi? the operation of the plant to pre-i : sent. I 1 I I I i CITY ATTOjj;iEY'S isEPQRT: I I i I 1 I i 1 :some tirlle ago the council approved the instalfa- i i "Lion of a seir:er line across a one foot barrier f : 0wne.d by the ,,~ty in order that i.irs. Pratt, who : io~ns property at 4103 Park rive^ cculd connect z :to the sewer line in HoJiday !.lanor Subdivision. : i ~n aaree:nent between the city and :qrs. Pratt has I : been executed by j4rs. Pratt and authorization is : i needed for -tile :dayor to sign the agreement on l a I behalf of the City. r* I 8 t I I I i i Ey motion of the Caunci 1 author!' zatian was given j!?mne : for the ;layor to execute the Agreement between :?teisvw-de i the City and t.irs. Pratt. :Atki nson I I I i Hughes I I IJardi ne :has been received from :Ic"tlellan Imrance to. I 1 1 I I I i Dattlagr to hui'2cfing at 55.1-62 Elin Avenue. 13 letter: :stating they insure i4r. ROY 3.. $oyer's builtling i :at 568-62 Ella Avcf;ue, and they have experienced i i nitmerous instancgs of dmage to ti:? building I I !caused by vehicles bzcking out froln stores in the: :area. The insurance cgrnpany is reltictant to con-: jtinue coverage unless the buildin5 can be safe- i :3uarded in sone way. The City Attorney sugg2stcd: i the matter be referred to the Traffic Safet? Con- i :mi ttee. :By common consent ef the Council ?he ~attcr was : i referred to the Traffic Safc4.r ~:r?;:l::3it4en. I I e I I I I I I I I I 9 I I I 1 1 * I I I ! I I ! I 4 t I ! t a :""""""""""""""""""""""- .. -L """""_ - I ',\' 8 1 4 , ' '\ '\ ! '. '\, '., ', I '*, '\ '\ I Name .*',,'*j ; of '* I t ', ', : Member , ."""""""""""""~"""". e i Authorization to Fi le 1ar.Jsui t. Th2 Ci ty C1 erk ha$ ;had difficulty in collecting business license 1 I : fees from SOM~ of the out-of-to\lJn busit-tesses. TI?; !City Attorney requested authorization to file a i t lawsuit in the snall claims court in order to I I i collect the fee due from one of the busfnesses. { i BY notion of tile Council authorization was given : Dunne i4he City Attorney to file a lawsuit in the small I ;!eiswende I claims court. i Atki nson I I : Hughes I t I I I I ! i I Jardine I I : Cmn. Dunne inquired as to nhether it might pay i i the City to einpIoy a part-time 1 icense COI lector.: i ~he City f,rlanager infcrned the Cot;ncil he did not i i feel this was necessary. I t ::day Company shopping complex. The City Attorney i : stated he wi 11 he attending a meeting in LQS I Atlgeles tomorrow with representatives fro% the i : rlay Company and the attorneys. I I i I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 8 I CITY i.iANAGE2'S REPORT: I I i The Council is invited to attend a meeting to be i i held Friday morning, Fiovenber 5, 1965, at I I F.@ander's Coffee Shop concerning the proposed i : Decency Amendment wi 11 be discussed. k.!arren 3orn) i Supervisor of Los Angeles Ccunty, Robert Cozens ! ; and Henry Boney, Sugervisors from 5an Diego Count! !will be present. This is being sponsored by the : : County Supervisors. I I : Petition for street lights. : A petition has been received from the property i i owners residing in Tierra del Oro, requesting I t i that a street light be installed at the souf.h&astj I end of the cul-de-sac in Tierra del Oro. This is: : being processed by the Engineering Department. # I i City70wned property on tas Flores. The city had i : to purchase property for the extansion of Las I Flores. There b.!.p:i11 be approximatciy six lots tkab t can be auctioned off. This mattcr t:rj11 90 before: i the PIznning Conmission for approval and than I * ! will come before the Council in t!~e same mantier i I as a tentative nap is handled. 1 1 I I I I 1 I t 1 I I I I I I 8 I I I l l e t i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYilE!,lT OF DILLS_- AND RATIFICA- i : TIO& OF PWYROLL: I I I Authorization was given for the payment of bills i : for the general expenses of ti72 city in the arnoun; I of $348,112.41 and for the Water Gepartineflt in : Dunne : the amount of $35,451.32, for the period 3ctobcr i Neiswende I 19, 1965 to ii'ovember 2, 1965, as certifi sd b,y ; Atkinson : the Director of Finance and approved by the AuditbHughes I i ng Conmi t tee. : Jardine i Ratification of the payroll vas given for the ; Dunne : second half of October, '1965, in the amount of i IIcisxende t Finance and approved by the A~di "Ling Cozx.i ttee. i I-fughes I I * I + 4 I I I e i $22,837.47, as certified by the Director QS: ; Atki nson 1 : Jardi ne 8 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I * * ! , 0 0 I I I t I * I I I I I I I I (""""-""""""""""""""""" f I : ADJOURNMENT: 1 1 : By proper motion the fleeting i 7:45 p.i'q. i ~espectfu~~y submitted, $ 0 fj$fk*G$++ i0 Y * t/ /TA i ;MGA&T E. P~,DA!-.~S I City Clerk e l I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I l I I I I I 0 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I t I I I I 1 I I I I , I I I I I I t I I I f I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I t I I I b I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I .- - """ w a s 7- """""* adjourn 6 I I I I t I I I I I I I I . - - - - - " " ----"-I I I I I I I I 1 l ed at I I I I L I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I t I I I 1 * I I I 1 I I I I I $ 1 I i I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I * l a I L I I I I I I 1 4 I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I k I I I * I I t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I * I I I I I l a I I s I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I \, \' 8 7 ., '\ " '8 ~a me '\, '4 of % , \ \\ ', ', '\ '\ '\ '8, '8 Member ."""""".