HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-16; City Council; Minutes1 'e' , '\ * ' ? \, '\ t, '\ ', ',' '\, ', .'. ! !'l.ln:itcs r.f: CITY CgiJjilCTt (n,.....? .'.I -vu 1.12etttngi) s, '. ' ; Cate of 3eFft-i tty : Ifatrember 76, i263 \ $, : Name 'x, '6 1 : lr.;e sf ;.leet; PCJ: 7.00 8" p.;.l* ! of '8 ' +! j,i7_7C?S:~.-~-f_i:;_e_~~~fn'7_: .,"" C-GKnak-. "."L 2d3b"CyI.S """""""""",'" """ """ 2 '1 c!l- I Member i CITY OF CARLSBAD i .' k? ~'8 s ..F. I I $ I I ! R0f.L CALL :;ids ?iis!;ered by Cout>cili:Ien Dunn~, 1: ~!cisu.tndar-~ P.",ki nson and Jardi ne. Counci f~~sn I I 1 1i.!r;11~cls :,jzs absent. ~fso present were city ::]ana- 1 i :3erj ;'ima:!~,y, City Attorney 5jilson and City Clerk : L n?i>:3c ; rtu .4.I'J . I ! i ~~~~~~~~~~~~-~.!,!~~~ ut?s offered by Father $'Dt.!ycr of St. i ; patr'i Ckf. Ci>g\-ch, I I ; ALLEGIANCE to the Ftag r;,as given. t I d ~pp~q:~p,t 3~ iifbj\jTES: c. I i 1 r ," .. . I I I I I I I t I I I I I " I # I I i ( 1 } i,' -. rrinutes of the regular meeting of Kovember jfiunne i 2, 1965, were approved as presented. : r:lcistrdender 1 1 Atki nson I : Jardi ne 1 CORRESPO~4DE:4GE: I t I t I t 1 I P * 0 I -.- t I I I I s 0 (a) The Council recognized a letter fron the :Carlsbad Business and Professional itomen's Club, i : thanking the ;alembers of the Counci 1 for tkci r I I i assistance in irelping to make their 3enefi.t Shot:! I :fur the planned Girl's Club of Carlsbad scach t! : i success. I i (b) tetter from FOX'S Snug Harbor date6 E:ovemberi i 1, 1365, was presented, requesting the Cotlncil's i i?@rnission to allow overnight guests for the I I i Thanksgivang holiday veekend. I I {~y rnotian of the Council permission !;!.,,as granted i :to Fox's Snug Harbor for overnight guests over i 1 TI~ar~ksg-i vi ng holiday cjeekend, in accordance with i :the provisions stated in the letter dated NovenbeP : I, 1365. 4 I i (c) A letter from Pacific Projects Consultants I iri:ds presented, requesting ?later ane sewer service! i j:or one of tiici r GI ients to serve property locat- i :Jefferson Stre~t in the City of OceansidB. :The Counci? \Ajas informed the staff has recommend-: jed that the request be denied. I I i3y motion of the Cour,cil the eqlacst for water jDunne :and selircr service was denied. :Meiswender 8 :Jardine :t7r"tAt 1 ." CQ;.iI.IUraIcAT,Tor,~$ z I 4 1 t I 1 I I I I I 'I I I I I I er! on .t!,~e sc!4th si de of vista ~.!a:/ \/esterIy of * I I I 1 I ; I I I I I I I I I j8"tinson I t + I 1 "" I s I I ili. S. i'4ERRILL stated he represented Pacifi'c Pro- i :,jccts Consult.ants. ihei r client wishes lo cb- 1 I Itain adaqtlate wster and sever faciii tics .from + 8 :the City or' Carlc-bad in oi.der to devel ope his Ia bmi'ldi~g permit unless there is adequste water : !and seg(:r f3ci litjes. :.Tr. ;~e;>r? *lt :'i ~sS1c2.9 the 9 : ICcruncil's rs:3so~s for denying this mqc!est. I iI':'iayor i\.tkii?s;;n inforned ?ir. ilci>i*i17 it is the 1 ;policy of the city ta refGs2 t:q.zse facilities to i jprnperty o+jrrers outsids thz C.ity n;1'Isss they I t :annex to 'ihe City of Cau.lsi:zd. i~r. Efe\-foif 1 stated if annexatiur~ is the only !method they woLtd ?i ke tu procec.? .i il th;L zxnner. i f I I - ii~u;ses~ty~ I~IZ city of fJce;nside \!ill not issue I s & * I l e, I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 ! I I 1 I I 9 1 I 3 P I l 0 I ~ .:. . I I I & I I I I I I I !"""""""""-..-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-;" I Y, .\ . 8 \ ', '8 '. ', \ '\ '\ '\\ & Name 'x, '6 \ +'I ef 'kc7 \f MsmOGr \ .-"..""""". t -" : t !!c C; t3 i.i?nScey fnformr;d :'lr. Plerri I 1 his client I : b\ .,..?d Et3ve to cicZnEEx his property from the City ; i 9 T !'(. ?., I b...,.c.4~:s~4~ scfore they could annex to the City : ; c. C~.~IZ~~,~~ so there would trave to be other i I f ;- i, ',*':'>fJmtl! : ..,:.; ".. i (>yji;2ys J annex in order to makcl his clientls 0 5 f,"r\ -? i p~ap?r-ty ccntiguous to the City of Carlsbad. 4 I t I 5. 8 I : !.* n- ," i;$ri-fll ftfrther stated there rvould have to bel ; casp~ration between the two cities at the? time i i JL??F:~YSOP? Strect is improved and extended. Per- : : hai2s a% .?h?.t time both sewer and water facilities: 1 co~ti d be provi ded, I : plj3t;c ij;::j$MJ (.qb* I 1 I s 8 *.;In I I 1 I I I y"-.""....__..""I I I 0 i* I c; ? .; i; q of Assessment for the Improvement of : ; t 8) .LA"".2 _.-._- I Ch! tq~!la~ai I? Lvenue, from its i ntersec'tion with' I Gan-fie'ici Street to its intersection t:i th Atchison) : Topeka and §anta Fe Railroad Com9an.y right-of-way: i 1911 Act, Proceedings - A.D. 1-1965. ! The iilayor announced the hour of 7 :3Q 0' clock P.H. i i had arrived and this was the time and place fixed! ; for the hearing of protests, objections or appeal$ i in respect of the assessigent proceedings, and Ivork under and pursuant to Resolution of Inten- I i @ion KO. 11129 and the Improvement Act of 1911. ; t l - ." - "." 8 I--"-- $ - " 4 I I 1 I I. I I I I I I i Ths Clerk presented the affidavits of publication: jmaillng and posting notice of hearing on assess- ; : mertt. !The Clerk read in full written protests filed by i i the following property owners: # i I ! ! Letter dated i4overnber 16, 1965 from 3r. and Mrs, i I Chas. Smith, 325 Chinquapin Avenue, stating the : t driver.!ay at 323 Chinquapin Avenue was not satis- ! : factory and they nould like to have it fixed to i i their a?pwva'l. t t i LGtter d??+d Xnventber 75, 1965 from Marshall ly'iej, : 3'55 Ch-E i>ql!rlpin Aventte, stating that ushon they I I i dvjve iil ti~ei r arivcway the least bit Past the i i car drags. I I I The Engineering Department informed the Council ! : they were vcrki ng with Mr. Smith and in their i i oyliniou! a satisfactory solution will be vjorked : f out. As to ;,!I*. Ly7E"s complaint the Engineering i i Dc::artment did some on-s-i te work for f4r. Lyle ; tcd. I i The Mayor asked if- thel-a were any persons who : ! i filed ?, vjritt;>ij pwt~st, or b is representc,ti ve, : : that desired to be herlid in s:rpport of such pro- i I I $ I r r I ! I I I 1 1 I I I 4 1 I i and they do m'; fee? the City is further obliga- ! I I 8 I i test. 4 I I I 1 i ~i~el:.c WCYC rr-3 c<-;!r.s~frls ?;.csz-r,t (?.3s.ir.jno ,t~ speak. : I 'I I I * I 2- I I [he l,jay~p t,lrpn a,ck2;i j F ~q? ;~.~p::~;i !,;ibi~zd .Lo make: f an oral prates.:? i and the ;.i;iyor d~cInrc3 thci f;&bl li c iipjring c 1 osed : : at 7:40 P7i4. I 1 : After coi~si Seyzttion by tke Cou;.ic.i! ;.s to the 1 I I I r I I 0 : *[here ycr~ ;I@ pei'so;;~ p;=(~qaf:-: " .. ~jc..-' -31 y1 * LLJ t9 spcak, I 1 I I t I 1 i ~ssessl:~ey:~3 +,b,G $01 tab;fng t+z2;01:;titt-r:i I;;:.-: pv.;>qpntr.;>: I 1 I I I I I i * * i I I 1 -.."'. ', '\ 8 8\ I , \\ \, * \ ', 8 '8 . ' I : of '.% I i Member .< .,. 3 ... * I I bja me '.,'\$ t I )"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ I '1 1. I i * * i I I 1 -.."'. ', '\ 8 8\ I , \\ \, * \ ', 8 '8 . ' I : of '.% I i Member .< .,. 3 ... * I I bja me '.,'\$ t I )"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ I '1 1. ' 4 - fie:;oluLion ."" ;lo. 5193. A RESOLUTIOW OF THE CITY : I 0 ' .*. .. U~I~FIRFlIi4G THE REGULARITY OF PKOCEEDIWSpei swendev I ~,2'd!!Cl!- OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVE3RULING ALL I ; i'ii45TESTS ON THE ASSESSNEXT, CONFIRi4EtIG THE ASSESSlDunne ; .i ". : ,.,' L~r 1-196t;, vas adopted by title only and furtherAtkinson i readjng w31 ved. ; Jarcline :j j ; ! T A ;,I 0 p (1 ?.) ? I : g!qc:r8!EERIt.jG: 1 I I I t I L 1 1 (a! Report on Fas Flores Drive extension. The ! t Engineering Department reported sealed bids were i I received fr>r the Las FIores Drive Street Improve-; i mcot project on Movember 7, 1965. All proposals ; ; were checked and Sirn 3. Harris Company, P.O. Box i i 3058, i4iIlcrest Station, San Diego, California, : ; vas the IGY bidder in the amount of $91,297.50 i i for Schedule !lo. 1. This was 9.22 above the I I t Engineer's estimate. The Engineering Department i i recormended that the bid of Sim J. Harris Company: : be accepted for Schedule !lo. 1 and that Schedule i I tjo. If be deleted. i Schedule >!o. II was the improvement for the lot I : split recently approved by the Ccluncil on the I ! fiandolph Duke progerty, however, the property I ; i O~~J~IWS haw flot deposited the money for this work: ; 3s yet. ! Ey ootion of the Counci 1 the low bi ci of Sirn J. : i3unne I Harris Company in the mount of $91,237.50 was : r\,'eiswendeu : accepted for Schedule ilo, I, and Schedule No. IE i litkinson i was deleted. : Jardine i PLAF\INII?lG: i (a) Tentative map of Falcon Hills Unit #4. The i ; Tentative map of Falcon Hills Unit #4 Subdivision! I ?itas presented for tile Council's consideration. i A letter dated Ptovernber 11, 1965, from Ernest ! Adler, Jr., 234.9 Carlsbad Slvd., was presented, i i requesting that tile city CoupIciI disapprove the i I Falcon IWl Unit 84. Tentative subdivision map ! i because it incorporates a number of features whicp i are in conflict with the Carlsbad Subdivision I 1 I Ordinance and which will adversely affect the i i residential character and potential property t I t values in the neighborhood. 1 Reference was made to the Planning Commissions i i R2soiution 80. 412 in which they recommended i approval of the tentative map subject to certain i ; condi ti on5 and restrictions, i The EnGi-leZring Department reported the teritativei i map ccnf~rms to all the ccndi :ions and restric- : : tions of the subdivision ord'utance and t~ the i : a1'Ig;trncnt af E?n Avent!e in accordance ~~Jith the ; I t : precise y!an. The property owner h?s dedicated I 4 i fW ;I-; right of vjay for the cxtension of Ela f I ; A.icnue. ! ! e I I + I P I I 1 I I I + 4 4. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 6 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I t I 8 I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I t t t I I I I I I # I t I l a 1 I I I 1 i ~fter further coi~s~d~~3t~cn i.>y -:,;IC Cz(unci1, the i i fol lowing resolution as pr~;r:;tt:~A: : Resolutfoc No. 1'19'?.. i: K::<:.:.!j-IfJij CF f'r4E CITY ; I I I l I I I I I I I I e 5 1 I " " .-. __"_" I CdUNCI[L OF THE <:i I"; 9: C,3,2!.SR,43, AP7i2[l~~/~l~iG TI-IE : Dunne i TENTATIVE &l,$p OF i';qLCg$i :iIitS u[jz]- #!!. su~>~vIs~Qftj~ f:!ejsni!cnde$ : was adopted by title only and furii;c;- rr,a(? Ing i ,$i.tki nscn : i waived. I J2r4iw i I I 1 I I I I I t I ! I I 1 I 8 * * * I i I ', * .% 8, *, 1 '\ '. ', t, 1 ', '\, '\, ' I I Name \X, 'tP i Of ,vi $25 ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I Member 8s I I 4 - 4 .. '. ' ' I I ! Cmn. Dunne infornled the Council the Parks and i 92creation Commission and tile Planning Commjssioni 1 21-e considering a fee to be charged the subdivid-: i e-2~ for park purposes. Under the nevj legislation ! : it states that for 50 or more lots property shall: i be provided for a park. Untier 58 lots the City { : may charge a park fee. A report will be forth- : I eor;t.i ng to the Council. r (b) !3Ienorandum from Planning Commission - re: I El Camino Real Prime Arterial Alignment. Nemor- i I andm from the Planning Conmission dated November! i 12, 11465 was presented, stating the alternate * I : alignments of El Camino Real as proposed by the i i nfffce of E. K. Speer, County Surveyor and bad : 1 1 i mission concurs with the report of the Engineering i 1 and Planning Department, and recommends that the i i existing af,ign?ment be developed to a prime arterial I : Ia i g hw ay . I I , I 1 0 I I I i I I I I 1 ; Commission, were receivedg and the Planning Corn- i I 1 I I 0 I ! I I 4 : R izap of the alternate routes was presented for i i the Council's consideration, and a report from I i the Engineering i3cpartnent was given, stating I I : their department had reviewed both routes and i i they prefer the existing alignment, as the exist-: : ing alignment with a minimum of realignment in i i certain areas is geographically located to best ; : serve the area. I I ! : * i After due consideration by the Councils by motion! i of the Council it was agreed ti2a-t the present i ; alignment be developed to a prime arterial high- : D?rnne ! way, in accordance with the recommendations of I Neiwender: i the Planning Commission and the Engineering De- ; Atkinson I : partment. : Jardine i I I I I + 1 I I I I i rdE!.t BUSZiiESS : I I 6 I 1 I 1 I i There was no new business presented. I I e I I I 1 I I I OLD BUSIUESS: I I t I I I I I > I ! I I I (a) Second reading of Ordinance 81095, ca~~ing, i i providing for and giving iiotice of a Special * I I t Election.. The following ordinance was presented i : for a second reading: I I 8 i Ordinance GO. 1095. p,p~ ORDI~,IAMCE 3~ TH.E CITY 3~ ! ! CARESEAD, CALIF3RNIA, ORDERIi.4G9 CALtfi\!G, PROWI'D- i i IN6 FOR AND GIVING FIJQTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION 1 I TD E3E !-!EL9 IN SAID CITY ON JANUAiiY 18, 1966, FOR : I I : THE PURPOSE OF SUGMITTIRG TO PI-iE QUALIFIED VOTERSI I I 4 I 1 & I I I 4 I I 1 I I 8 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I : i OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO IiICUP, 3OMBED 1P.J- : Dunne ; DEBTEDGSS BY SAID CITY FOR A CERTAIN ;WNICIPAL ; iJeisnendeG i IPi?ROVE2E?4T3 wzs given a secctnd reading by title iAtkir:son i : only and further reading waived. ; Jardine 3 : CITY ATTGRXE'Ii S REPORT: : Accesnnce of deed from Rosa Wi'Imc. Th-is parcel i i-fi"land was deleted at the time %Ke Engineer of I i biork submitted the namcs cf "': ~~1~3 c r;.roperty owners ! : in Stratford Lane for street Li:?dication. The i City Attorney requested the fc!incif to acccpt the! 'fl : deed and order the sane rzzo;ti:;d. I I * I : By motion of the Counci'l the deed frcm R0c.a I Dunne : ta record the sme. ! /,\tk i 11s orr : I. : I ¶ * L I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 * I t I I *I I I I 8 t I 0 I I I I I : I I I i ?3i 1ms was accepted, and the Ci ty GI xk i u;st~uctedl bteiwender) I e p';jycii ne i t I I " I I I I I * I I I I I I I 1 b, *, ' -\ I I I I . ', '\, ', I -5- I ', '\ '\, I : Name '\ '\$ I i of '$< I 4 '. ' :"""""""""""~"""""""""""~""~"~"~""""""""""~~."""""-. i Member tt :Deed from City to Elinor T. Dusenbury. The City ! : Attorney informed the Council the plans for the i i extension of Las FIores Drive necessitated the i I purchase of a portion of the Duscnbury property, ; i and in return as a part of the purchase price, I the Ci Ly deeded a certain portion of land back i !to the Dusenbury's. The title company requested i :a change in the legal description shown on the ; I deed and tttat a new deed be prepared for :vtrs. I Busenbury's signature. [Zy motion of the Council authorization was given jDunne : for the Nayor to execute the deed on behalf of i Nci swender I the Ci ty of Carlsbad. :P,tkinson I i Jardi ne 1 Sewer Connection fee report. Several meetings I jhave been held between the staff, the ?layor and : :the City Attorney to discuss the sewer Capital I !Contribution fee. It. was felt that a fair way to: I handle the Capital Contribution fee r.,rould be to I I revoke the present ordinance, which does not t require a fee, and a7 low a thirty day mori tori urn i ifor the Capital Contribution fee to all residents! i in the City of Carlsbad to connect to the sewer ; i expired a new ordinance could be adopted requiring : a fee. I !;dayor Atk-inson stated he felt this was the only :: i fafr rr1anncr in which to handle this matter. A ; :study is being made of the 'entire sewer system I i as to fees and costs, and a report will be made I :to the Council at a later date. I I :After consideration by the CouEcil the following i i ordinance was presented for a first reading: 0 I I a f t 4 I I 1 I I 1 I I I 0 I I ; system without charge, After this period has I 4 I I I f I I r I 1 t I I t I # 1 i Ordinance big. 7032. AH rJR3IfJAidCE OF THE CITY :OF CARLSEAD REPEALIklG SECTIJ8 3 3F OR[3INAPlCE N9. ! i 7G20 AND QRDINANCES NO. 7025, 7029, WTS3 7031 , : Clunne i REGARDING SEkjER CAPITAL COMTRISUTIO?4 CHARGES, was i Nciswendet :given a first reading by title only and further :Atkinson 1 reading mi ved. i Jardine I G I I CITY ;4AMWGER's 2EPORT: I I I I 1 i ! i Joint sever System - Acceptance of 1~0t-k and r3otici : of Completion. The Depar-tfi1en-t of Special 3istrict 1 Services made tilei r fi naI inspection of the work ; i performed by Vido Artukovich h Son, Inc., al-id I tiley recoinrrlended that the council exec~te and filh : the "Acceptance of k.Jork and illaterials and ?lotice i 1 of Completion." i ~y motion of the Council it t~as agreed that the : ~unne i ;::1ayor execute the "Acc2ptancc of i,jc,rk and Yateriajs Fifeiswen( : and lioti ce of Conpletion" and that the same be i Rtki nson i filed. ; Jardine t Also in connection with the work 7erfGmed by ! Pascal 2. Ludwig, Inc., Schedule ':si' , Pumping !Station, for Carlshcd Sewer Fr-?,ject 1-33, the : contract has beer! compl2tec?,, :cd ti12 Engineer i recommends that the 1l;ork ba 3cce~tect by the City 1 t and a ?!cti ce of CmpJetiGz :.c-:?i ed". I I i BY motion of the Council the !;lurk perfarned by i aunne i Pascal h Ludwig, Inc. 9 Schedule 11%'i 9 was accepted: Reiswender : and the fjdti ce of Cmp? etion r;:vl.-red f:, I Ed. i Atki nson I : Jai-di ne I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t' I I I I 0 8 I I I 1 8 I I I t * I t * I 8. -\. -. I I I I I I I I t * I I I I I I % I I r I' I 4 - 0 " i :~""""""*."""""""""~"""""-~""".""*""~"""""."~- - . '.' '. ', '8, '\ x, '\ '\, '.,.+x< 4 '. ' Name 'b '\'$? Member '1 of .""""""". t t i ; ~eguest for extension of t,ir;w +~r filing final i !;?lap - re: Robert L. Watso.n. Gy letter dated i2cvenber 12, 1965, Robert L. \!atson, President I !of Carlsbad Irtvestment Corporation, requested a i lone year extension to file the final map covering: /3cean View Estates Subdivision. !The Engineering Dspartment recommended that the I lone year extension be granted. I 1 !by motion of the Council a one year extension uas !Dunne (granted to Carlsbad Investment Corporation for iReiswender :filing the final map on gcean Viet/ Estates sub- :Atkinson :division. iJardi ne t I 0 i I I I 1 I I 1 t 1 I f t 0 IYutual Fire Fightinq Assistance Agreement between L jthe City of Carlsbad and Encini tas Fire Protectiorj iCarlsbad and the Encinitas Fire Protection ais- : I District, Tile agreement between the City of 8 I itrict has been executed by the Enci nitas Fire !Protection District, and the City ;;lanager recon- i :mended that the 4ayor be authorized to execute I ithe agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i a ! I I I I I8y motion of the Council authorization was given iDunne :for the !layor to execute the agreement betveen :NeiStvender !the City of Carlsbad and the En.cini tas Fire Pro- kkinson jtection District. iJardi ne I I I 1 !Off-street parking facilities. The merchants in :the downtown area have requested that off-street !parking facilities be maintained by the City :through April, 1966. A lease has been prepared :and executed by Peter D. and Luisc t!. Aguilar, :on property located on State Street between Elm :Avenue and Grand Avenue for $1.08 consideration. !The City Yanager recommended that the layor be :authorized to execute the lease on behalf of the jCity sf Carlsbad. I I iSy notion of the Council authorization was given :for Hayor Atkinslzn to execute the lease bet>!een !Peter D. Aguilar and Luise t.j. Aguilar, and the :City of Carlsbad for the purpose of providing joff-street parking facilities. I I t I I 4 I I t I I 1 I 1 t t I 1 : I I & I 4 I I 4 I I iDunne jlJei s:w;render :Atkinson !Jardine I I iBuena Vista Lagoon. The Council as informed Ithe Committee has recommended that the Buena VistaC t $ :Lagoon be used as a water oriented open space :area, and have requested that the committee con- i :ti nue with their study of all possible Federal * t :and State funds available to assist the two citie$ ;in developing this area. 8 ! :BY motion of the Council it was agreed t::.1at the i $ommi ttee continue their study as to all Federal i jand State funds available to the twe cities for :Dunnc :the development of the 8uena Vista Lagoon as a iP!eisv!ender jwater oriented open space open space area, and :Atki nson :-that the Council approve this plan as to principlG.Jardine iCrnn. Dunne stated he felt the trash contefners !installed by the Chamber of Camnerce in the down- I :town area was certainly an it:>;+ovment. 1 : :Cmn. Dunne informed the Council the noise from I ithe motorcycles was better. :A suggestion was made by Ci;ln. ~tinr;e to have the I :portable signal light installed et tire intersec- : :tion of State Street and Graqd Avcnw, ! I I 1 I I I I I t 8; I 1 I I I 8 I I I I I I I t I J 0 0 ,a I I I I I I I I I I - 7 .. h I I -\, '., '\\ '<' I I '*.\ ',, '** ' ; of '* I \' , ' '\ i Name '-,''$ 1 I Member '' ;""~""""""""""~"-"~""""""""""-"""""--"""""~~""--"---"-- i ~mn. Jardine inquired as to whether or not the i I subdivider was responsible for the breaks in Basst. jwooci Avenueg or if tile City bJere responsible? I I Cmm. Jardi ne was informed by the City Manager I that once a subdivision is accepted by the C5ty : ; the City is responsible. I i Cmn. Ounne inquired as to what street repairs i are being done at the present time? 1 ! i The City Xanager informed the Counci 1 the City ; : has been doing som work of its own. I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I 8 I t I * I 1 I I t i AUTWORIZATIOl4 FOR PAYFYENT OF SILLS AND RATIFICA- i I YIBN OF PAY ROLL: I I 1 I 4 ~Ruthorizatian t~as given for the payment of bills I i for the gcineral expenses of the City in the 1 I I amount of $33,432.55 and for tbe !later Department: ! in the amount of $3,669.80, for the period Ilovcm-:Dunne :her 2, 1365 to Ilcvember 16, 1965, as certified :Pieiswendel i by the Director of Finance and approved by the !Atkinson : Audi ti ng Commi ttee. ; Jardi ne : Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Dunne I First half of j:jovemher, 1965, in the amount of i Weismndel : $21,583.87, as certified by the Director of ;Atkinson : Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Jardine I I I I s 1 !. I ADJOUWHMEi4T: I I I I I * I izy proper motion the meeting nas adjourned at I 7:58 P.f.1. I I I I 1 i I i Respectfully submitted, I I I I 8 1 1 i ;4ARGARET E. ADAE.1S : Ci ty Clerk I 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 4 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I' I I I I I I 8 I 1 I I I 4 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 8 I t I I I I t I I I 6 I I 9 I I I I I I I I ; I t 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I