HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-12-07; City Council; Minutes1 ''-8 I I 1 I '\ ', ", ', : CITY OF CARLSEAD I !.Iinlrtes of: CITY CUUPICIL (~egu7a.r ileeting) i ', . ' : Date of ?4eeting: Deccmber 7, 1965 I Name '8.'~ i Time of i4eeting: 7:BO P.M. : of '.? : PI ace Of i.jeeti ns~-,_C_Q;r?_c~l-:~mae_r_s ---"----------""----,-----------.-- I Member i ROLL CALL was ansbJered by Councilmen Dunne, : bieiswender, Atkinson, Hughes and Jardine. Also i i present were City ?Aanager ~dammaux, City Attorzey : I ! I IMVr3CATIOI.f was offered by Kayor Atkinson. * '*8 '\ ' '8 .' I"""""""""""" e l @ 1 t.lilsorz and City Clerk Adams, I t I t I I I I I I : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. L I I I I I ! i APPROVAL OF PII!!UTES: I I bur" i (a) E4inutes of the regular meeting of Rovember heiswendel : 76, 19G5, were approved as presented. btkinson I 6 I 3ardi ne 1 )fugkes ! I I ; CQRRESPOt4DE:iCE: I I I I I I b I : Letter dated Novecber 19, 1965, from ijrs. Finis i i A. Johnsong Chairman of Carlsbad City Beautiful i : Committee, was presented, stating ccpies of Res- ; i cslution No. 1787 commending the conwittee were : i received, and she asked that the Council accept ; ; the sincere thanks of the Committee for the I i Council's encouraging ;!ora's. They are in hopes i : of having another clean-up program scheduled for i : valtiaisle to the community. : thyor Atkinson extended his thanlts again to those! I who had worked on the clean-up program. I Letter dated 2overnSer 24, 1965, from Grove tj. . k: I Hill, in !dhich he claimed damage to his property ; : due to an abandoned water main that was left in I i the ground after the new main was installed, I I : causing water and mud to flow onto his property i i and into the entire floor of his garage. The ; amount of damage is not known at this time. ! ! I . I the Spring, and that it wil l prove even more I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t b : The City Attorney recommended that the claim be i denied and referred to the City's insurance car- : rier. i By motion of the Council the claim was denied and i referred to tfle City's insurance carrier. I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I , I I 1- I btlnne pei swender Atki nson ~Iugizes Uardi ne I i Letter dated November 16, 1965, from F.S. Foun- i : tain, was presented, claiming damages to his pro-: ; perty located at 2685 State St. in the amotrnt of : i $200.00, due to the drainage system on function- i I ing properly. I I i 3y motion of the Council the claicl was denied anhunne 1 referred to the ~ity's insurance carrier. bei swender I I kughes I I flardine I I I I I Atki ns on I I I I I I t : Letter dated November 29, 1955, signed by Henry i i J. Tenagfia, for Nancy Keith Tenaglia, and Col. : : !;1.C. Atkinson for the Army and ilavy Academy, was i i presented, stating the recent rainstorm brought i ! I I I I I I I I 4 8 I I I 4 I ! t I I I I I I 1 I 1 4 s L I I 1 I I I I t J I '\\ '. '\ \' ', +;<- I I ' '\ ' I I I I I .- I Name '\,'8! :""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""""- : Member I -2- ; of '3 4 jinto focus the drainage problems of the Duena ;Vista Lagoon. The danger sf flooding homes in i jOceanside and of potentiaT damage to Carlsbad's : i new sewer sptem are only twci of innumerable I I :problems which now exist. Since this is an inter4 !city problem it is their feeling that the respon-i :sibility of maintaining and/or reducing the water: jlevsl should not rest with and be the responsibil; I i ty of the owners, but rather with the communi tie5 :at large. They as owners of the property afford- i : ing access to the ocean are willing to explore : : cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad in order to ! jassure the proper protection of the Buena \dista i :Lagoon and surrounding property owners through ! ithe provision of joint drainage agreements. I I IiTiayor atkinson referred the letter to ~mn. Dunne,! :and asked him, as a menber of the Joint Sever I :Advisory Committee to have this matter discussed ! : by the committee. I 1 I I I 0 iar.ld to coopcrate as fully as possible with the ; P I I I ! I I I ORAL COi;liilir[ilICATIONS: I i There were no oral communications. I i PUBLIC i+EARI!iG: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i fa) Appeal of the decision of the Planning Corn- i jmissfon, denlyirlg a request for reclassification i ; of property located on the southerly side of : Knowles Ave., easterly of Pi0 Pic0 Dr., from Zone! i R-7.5 to Zone R-P. Appelant: Jack Y. knd Patricia i Kubota. 8 t I I ! t 1 i The Ilayor announced this wzs the time and place i : fixed by the Council to consider an appeal made : i by Jack Y. and Patricia Kubota. I I i The Clerk presented a letter dated November 15, i ; 1365, from Jr. and Lirs. Jack Y. Kubota, appealing: i the decision of the Planning Commission set forthi : in their Resolution No. 410, which denied a re- i i quest for reclassification of zone for property : : located on Knowles Ave. 9 easterly of Pi0 ?ico Dr.: : The Clerk certified as to proper notice having i i witten correspondence had been received in con- I : nection with this appeal. i The idayor asked if the applicant or any persons i i in favor of the appeal wished to speak? I 1 i $12. JACK KU30TA stated he was the appellant and i : WOLI~C! like to comment on the reasons given by the! j Planning Commission in denying his request for : : reclassification as follokiing: (1) iises allowed i i in R-P zones such as signs 10' high by 10' wide, : i apartment houses, hotels, private clubs and I I : mortuaries are not compatible nith the welfare i i of surrounding R-T property. I Mr. Kubota commented that perhaps there are some i ! there are some distasteful uses then he rrcru'id I 6 I I 8 I I t I ; been given, and informed the Council that no 1 1 s I I I I 1 I I I f 1 I b : I 8 t I i undesirable uses a1 lowed in the R-P Zone, If I I I t I ! 1 I l * I 1 I I I I I a I * I I I ! I I 8 I I I t I I I I ! I v ,-\- I I I I I I I I I I I \\ ', ' '9 I I '\ \\\'\\ I '\\ ,,,'! I -3- I Name '\, '! :""""""""""""""""""""----*"""""""""""*""~"~""""""" i Member I : of \* \I $ I I I I fsuggest that these uses be eliminated in the zon- : ling ordinance. Their intent wsuld be to work for i ithe best and most desirable development of: th?ir : !property. I I I(2) There is other adequate praperty in the City 'i :zoned R- P. :Several years ago a rezoning was made from C-2 to I jR-P in the area along the west side of Harding St.: land the north side of Oak Aye. from Ciarding St. I jto approximately Roosevelt St. In a11 of this I I :area there has never been any R-P use made. i..lr. i ji(ubota stated he was certain there are other I I !areas more desirable for 2-P Zoning. i(3) The Zone change would not be in concurrence i 'Wh the General Plan. I *& ! !:4t-. Kubota pointed out the Mhitnall plan shoved i !the area along Pi0 Pice Dr. as R-3 zoning. Under; :the proposed plan by D3Ji4 they show this area as i jR-1. They also make mention that there way be ; :R-P uses in this area due to the Civic Center jlocation at the intersection of Pi0 pic0 or. and I :Elm Ave. It is his feeling that R-1 zoning would i :certainly be undesirable near an B-Iane Freeway : :and the 4-lane road proposed for Pi0 Pic0 Dr. I B i(4) The requested zone change would constitute I :spot zoning. I I j2r. Kubota stated this may be spot zoning, howeve:, !as soon as the freeuay is developed to an 8-lane : :roadp he is certain there will be a different !type of development along the freeway. There \der4 Ino written objections or comments from the adjoin: iing property owners, and this wuld indicate to : :him the property owners were wil Ii ng to I ive e!i th ! ithe R-P zoning. It is their firm befief the area: la'lonq Pi0 Pic0 Dr. is not R-1 property. Land- I t lscaplng along the freeway in itself does not mzke: jthis area suitable for residential use. t I !As there were no other persons desiring to speak, i :the Liayor declared the public hearing closed. :Cmn. Dunne inquired of 13r. Kubota what he invi- I isions for Pi0 Pic0 Dr. from Tamarack Avenue t~ : :Las Flores Drive. I I :Mr. Kubota pointed out the various uses from jsite, service stations, a parochial school, 2 :churches and the VFbl Hall. This is why he does ! !not feel that Pi0 Pic0 3r. is a residential area. i :A residential area should be located where it is I jquiet. I I ibiayor Atkinson asked l4r. Kubota if it was their i :intent to build an office building, and ilr. Kubot4 !stated they intended to rnake an attractive devel-: jopment on their lot. I I jAayor Atkinsen inquired as to wirether this pro- i :perty could be precise planned? I I 0 I I I t I 4 4 * I I 4 4 I I t I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I f I I I I t ;Tamarack ~ve, to EIM hve, 3 1.e. shopping center i I . I I I I I s I I I 8 I 8 I I I I I 4 I 1 I ? I I & I I I I I 8 I I I I I I ! I .,-.- * * I ., '\ t '? I I l t a '\ \.,'., t I i Name 't," I ; of :""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""~ ! Member 8 I I -4- c ', I " '\ I 1 '2 4 I I I The City Yanager pointed out that once the pro- I ! perty is toned R-P that any of th2 uses allowed : : under R-P toning could be developed. 0 4 I I I I I I i Mr. Kubota informed the Council he would be happd i to have this matter held in abeyance in order fori : the Counci 1 to mafte a further study. tfe COUICI I I jive with architectual controfs or a precise plan: l if the Counci 1 so chooses. I I I I 8 i ~mn. 3unne asited if Pi0 P~CO is proposed as a i i 4-lane road? i The City Engineer informed the Council Pi0 Pic0 i ; 9rive ill be a frontage road k~.lj~h parking on : : one side only. * I I The City Planner stated in his report to the I Council he had pointed out the factors resulting i ; from the staff investigation, and that it was i i their feeling at the present time there is suffi-: : cient R-P zoning. I I I Cmn. Hughes stated if there is property in the i : City zoned R-P and the property owners do not i wish to use it as such, then pertlaps there should ; be a change in the zoning ordinance, deleting i i 10' signs, mortuaries, etc. It Mas his feeling : : property along a freeway should be R-3, R-P or i i even comrnerci a1 . : The City Planner pointed out gn the map the I present R-P zoning in the city. TO inake a zone i ! change it should take in a larger area in order I I to make it compatible with the adjoining properti. : hlr. Kubota will no doubt make good use of his i i property, however, if circumstances should change .1 and P4r. Kuhota sells his property, then a mortu- i : ary or any other use allowed under R-P zoning i ; could be developed on the property. I I I The City Manager asked the City Planner what uses! i in s,n R-P zone are allowed in a cornaercial zone, i : and the City Planner stated he was not sure but ; i thought that all of the uses were allowed, i Sayor Atkinson Stated he would look upon this i ! rezoning with favor if a group of property owners; i as a w1101z requested this R-P zoning. I t 1 I Cmn. Hughes pointed out that when the freeway i i ha.s been developed to an %lane road, economics : ; will dictate a change of zone for this area. He i i pointed out the 2 service stations and Jason's : i Restaurant at the intersection of the freewny an4 i Elm Aye. This brings peaple into the City off : : the freeway. I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 a I I I l I I I 4 1. I I I I I I I I I 8 I I 1 1 I I 8 j Cmn. Dunne stated he agreed with Cmn. Wughes tha6 ; economics will dictate R-P or commercial uses; I i however, he felt the Council mfght be premature ; I in zoning this property R-P at this time. Cmn. i i Dunne recommended this matter deferred until the : : I'o'laster Plan is discussed. I 8 I I e I l I I I I 1 I 1 I I ! ! t I I I I I ' \\ I 1 I I I . I I 1 ! I I .I 4 8 t I -\, '\, '\ -,! I I \\ '. '\ J- '\ '8. i Name 'b, 4 I : of -$ :""""""""""~""""""""""""~""""~"""""~""""~~""""~""- : Member i Cmn. Jardine stated he felt there should be con- ; 1 trolled zoning along the freeway. At the hearing! f by the Planning Commission on the General Plan I i considerable discussion was given to this area, : t along with the landscaping of the freeway. Per- i i haps !,lr. I(ub0t.a would be willing to have this 1 I matter continued. I I t Pir. Kubota indicated he would be willing to have i i the matter deferred. i After further consideration by the Council , by purine i motion of the Council the public hearing was re- $4eiswenciel : opened and continued, and the matter deferred Ptkinson I until the Plaster Plan has been approved. Hughes t '\ \ '\ 1 I I I - i; * 8 I I I 0 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 3ardi ne I I I I i Cmn. Jardine suggested that a memorandurn be sent I ; to the Planning Commission requesting that they i i review the uses permitted by R-P toning. I I I I I 1 I I I I ; E~w~EEmG: I I t i (a) Offer of street dedication by itremeyer Corn- I ! : pany of a portion of Laguna Dr. and Kremeyer i Circle. The City has received an offer of street I ; dedication for a portion of Laguna Drive and I i Kremeyer Circle, which have been improved to the i : City's standards and specifications. I I i By motion of the Council the street dedicatjon iDunne ; was accepted by the Council on behalf of the CityNeiswendel i of Carlsbad, and the City Clerk instructed to atkinson I record the same. Hughes i Cmn. ileiswender ststed at the time Kremeyer : Circle was being cqrrsidered, mention was made of i i a light to the entrance of the development. We : t inquired as to whether this light had been in- i I I * I 1 I I I I iJardine i I t 1 I I i stalled? I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i The City Building Inspector was present and : stated he would check into the matter. i (b) Offer of street dedication for a portion of i : Buena Place - K. Ebright. At the time Buena I I Vista Terrace Subdivision was developed the sub- I : divider retained a 7' barrier along Buena Place i i on the parcels of land that were undeveloped. I I : The;+subbivider has now sold lots that front upon I i Buena Place to individuals, and he is nokJ dedicat:" t ing a portion of Lot '*Af' to the City of Car1sbad.i : By motion of the Council the street dedications i i were accepted by the Council on behalf of the i City of Carlsbad, and the City Clerk instructed J ; to record the same. I I I I I I I I 4 I I f 8 I ! (c) City of Carlsbad dedication for street i purposes of a portion of Las Flores 5r., Chinp ; yosa kiay and iylorning Glory Lane. The City i Attorney informed the Council it was necessary : for the City to pruchase property for the exte i sion of Las Flores Drive. The City is desirou i of dividing the remnants of the lots into buil I I I ! a- : I_ 9 I I I I n- ; s: d- i I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I L + t I I 6 I k k t I t I I I 8 I 8 1 .c '% '. ' 8 I t I \, -\ ' 1 I b. \.,'*- I : Name t, '-. '? * -6- I ; of '( I : Member :"""""""-""""""""~"""""""""""""""""~""""~~"""""". I I t 1 0 ! able lots. Street dedications have been prepared I for a portion of Las Flores Dr., Chinparosa blay : i and MornSng Glory Lane. We asked that the City i i Council accept the street dedications, and the : 1 following resolution was presented: i Resolution No. 1'199. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY iDunne ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DEDICATING CER- :Meiswendl i TAIP4 REAL PROPERTY FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES, :Atkinson ; was adopted by title only and further reading :Hughes ! waived. :Jardine i (d) Downtown Street Lighting - A.D., 4-3964. ! : 1917 Act Praceedings. The Plans and specifica- : i tions and assessment diagram were presented. 3ri i J.T. Naiman, Assessment Engineer was present and! i reviewed the assessment diagram for the Council. : i After discussion by the Council the following i 1 resolutions were presented: I 1 I 4 I I I I I 1 , I I 1 I I I 1 t ! I I i Resolution No. 1196. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY j Dunne I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSGAD DESCRfEING PRO- t Weiswenc ! POSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSWENT DISTRICT TO BE iAtkinsor i ASSESSED IN PROCEEDIfYGS AND ADOPTLNG PLANS AND :Hughes i SPECIFICATIONS was adopted by title only and : Jardi ne i further reading waived. i Resolution No. 1197. P, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i 4 I I I I I 5 I COUNCIL OF THE CITY-OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DE-! i CLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER CERTAIN STREET i : LIGHTING IHPROWEMEMTS AND APPURTEWANT UORK iN : i SAID CITY; DECLARING THE \,j@RK TO SE OF MORE TWAi4 i ; LOCAL Oil ORDINARY PUBLIC EEliEF1T;OESCRIBING i TllE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED 8Y SAID HORK AND TO; i BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST AND EXPEHSE THEREOF;: i DETERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUZD TO REPRE-! : SENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED: AND FIXING THE ! Dunne : IONS TO SAID MORK 'OR THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT !Atkinso t TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AN5 GIVING NOTICE : Hughes I THEREOF, was adopted by title only and further I Jardine : reading viaived. I I 1 I TIPIE A~D PLACE FOR HEARIN PROTESTS AMI OBJECT- i Ne.isnen I I I I I i (e) improvement of a portiofl of Chinquapin Ave.! i A.D. Na. 1-1965 - 1911 Act Proceeding,s. The 1 ; City Attorney informed the Council an error was i i made in the wording of the Assessment Roll fop ! ; A.D. No. 1-1965, and it is necessary that a i resolution be adopted directing the Superinten- i i dent of Streets to correct the wording on the i i assessment ro~. I I I I I he following resolution was presented: I I I I i Resolution No. 1198. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : Dunne i COUMCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DIRECTING SUPER-! Neiswe : INTEFiDEHT OF STREETS TO CORRECT NORDING OF : Atkins i ASSESSMENT RQLL, BOOK AE!D PAGE, was adopted by i Hughes : title only and further reading waived. : Jardin I I I I I I 1 I I ! I I : PARKS AND RECRELlTION: . t I I I I 1 I : ! (a) tetter of resignation from Edward Hummel. i I Letter dated November 22, 1965 from Edc.4ar-d ?i. : i Humme1 was presented by ths dayor, tendering his! I I I I 4 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I ; I t I I I I I I I L 1 I I I .',- '*\ '.. -? I t I ' 8- I *, . ' I , 8 '\ ! I \ '. I k I ' '\ I -7- i Name '\, d I ; of d ;""""""""""-""""""""""-"""-"""~""""~"""""-~""""""" I Member t t 0 i resignation from the Parks and Recreation Corn- i ; mission effective January ?, 1966. 1 t 8 9 I I i On behalf of the members of the Council the Mayop i accepted the resignation with regret, and asked : ! that a letter of appreciation be sent Lo Mr. t i (b) Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commis-: i sion. Nayor,Atkinson requested this matter held! ; in abeyance unti 1 the next meeting, and asked i ! that each member of the Council submit names for: ; ilr. Hummel's replacement. i Mayor Atkinson also asked that a letter be : i directed to the Parks and Recreation Commission i ; requesting the following action be taken: I I ! (1) That a representative from the Commission bb i appointed to serve on the Buena Vista Lagoon : i (2) That a member of the Cornmission be appointeb ; to work on the development of the landscaping I I around the depot; and I I / (3) That the €ommission make a study of Holiday: : Park, referring to past studies, and submit a : i pfan for the eventual Pull development of the pa$ : for the Council's cons2deration. Further, that ; i this report be submitted to the Counci'l within I i ninety days. I I i Cmn. Dunne stated he thought it was strange that: ; Holiday Park was overlooked in the General Plan i i sukmi teed by DblJM. 1 I i I?r. Schoell , Ci ty P1 anner, informed the Council ! i be corrected. ! i NEW BUSIf4ESS: i HuK!n!el. I t t $ L I I I- b 1 t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I Committee; I I 1 I I I I I I I I ; this was an oversite, and the General Plan will i I I 1 I I I I I I I 8 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I, 1 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I 1 I I I 8 , I I I I I I I I I I I k 1 t I I * I I (a) First reading of Ordinance 88044, regarding! Freeway signs. The City Attorney informed the I Council an ordinance was recently adopted pro- : hibiting billboards alorrg the Freeway. In I I order to meet the specifications of the Divi- sion of Highways for the control of billboards i adjacent to landscaped freeways an ordinance i was drafted and forwarded to the Division of I I Highways for their approval. A 'ietter has been I received from the Division of Highways stating ; the proposed ordinance meets the requirements OF: the Di rector of Public bdorks. 1 1 I I t I 1 The following ordinance Mas Presented for a first readi oag : I I Ordinance No. 8044. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF: Dunne CARLSBAD AMENDING CEFTAIM PORTIORS OF SECYIOW 11: Ideiswendel OF ORDINAEICE NO. 8038 REGARDING FREEYAY SIGNS, ; Atkinson was given a first reading by title only and fur-!Hughes ther reading waived. ; Jardi ne I I I I I 1 1 * I I I I I k 4 f I I I f I ! I ' 't ', -\< , 4 i b "*\ '+, I -8- '* '\ t I Name \\, 4 1 i ; of '.? :""""",""""-"""""""""""""~"*.""""""""""""~"""~"*"" i Adoption of policy to assure employees of their : : jobs in the event of draft. Cmn. Hughes request: 1 ed that an ordinance, resolution or policy be I i adopted assuring the young men who are called ; I into military service of their jobs upon their i i return to civilian life. I BY common consent of the Council it was agreed i t that a policy be adopted as suggested by Cmn. I I Hughes. i Cmn. Neiswender requested that a stop sign surve; 1 be made at the intersection af Highland Drive i ; and Basswood Avenue, and that the shrubbery be : ! removed at that intersection. a I t Mayor Atkinson requested the Traffic Safety i Committee to lliake a study of this intersection. I i Cmn. Neiswender stated as long as the lilarsager of i i the Chamber of Commerce was present, and Mr. I Dunhamp one of the Directors, he :dould like to ; i request that the Chamber of Commerce see that the! i trees were kept watered in the d0VJntOVJn area. I I : Cmn. Meisnender praised the Guild Players for I i their rendition of Christmas Carol. I Cmn. Dunne requested that the intersection of : : is a great deal of shrubbery that needs to be i i cleared. I I i Cmn. Jardine complimented the City Hanager for : I the center striping on Highland Drive and Bass- i i wood Avenue, I 1 Member I c 0 4 I 8 I I 1 I I 4 1 I I f t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I i Highland Drive and Oak Avenue be checked, as the&? I I I I I I I I 8 I I ; OLD eusuwss: I I t 1 t ! i (a) Second reading of Ordinance #7032, regardini : sewer Capital Contribution Charge. I I I I I i The followjng ordinance was presented for a : second reading: ! Ordinance iio. 7032. AFi ORDINAF\ICE OF THE CITY ! Dunne i OF CARLSBAD REPEALING SECTIOII 8 OF ORDII\IAf\lCE NO. : Neiswend ! 7020 AI.iD ORDINANCES NO. 7029, 7029, AND 7031 , ! Atkinson i REGARDING SEWER CAPITAL COi'4TRI~UT~ON CHARGES, wa$ Hughes t given a second reading by tit12 only and adopted.! Jardine I I I I t 1 1 I 4 I : I r 1 i State ~~edicaI Prison facility. Can. Dunne stat- I ! ed reoorts in the Carlsbad Journal and Oceanside i i SladelTribune of recent date indicate that a sit4 : in the vicinity of the Palomar Airport is under i i consideration by a group of Stake Legislators t ; for the location of a State Medical Priscn facilijty, i and that this site is viewed favorably by a Mr. I : Virgil O'Malley, facilities Planning Director i \ for the Department of Correction. The location 1 : proposed is in the Carlsbad Junicipal !dater Dis- I i trict, is practically surrounded by the City of i : Carlsbad and is in the area most logically to bei i annexed to the City. Eo action was taken by the : ; and it was his Peeling the Council should take i 8 i Council WE'I~R this matter wds discussed previouslj!, I 1 I I I I t * I I t I t * I I I 8 I 4 8 I I ! ! L 1 I I * ? 4 s I I ! - it d- l I I I '\ -*, '., ', '\ '\ ' ', ,h, '\ I I Name 'b '8. '. x' t I ; of .'.5 1 : Member i a stand now, as in his opinion this would be one; ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""-~""""""" 0 8 I 6 I I I I I I I 1 I $ I I 1 I. I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I L I t ! I I t I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I b I I k t I ! I I * I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I + $ I I * I I I t I 1 I 1 & r ; I I I < I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 8 I 1 of the !.!orst things that' could happen to a beau-! such as Carlsbad. They would carry a post off- : ice address af Carlsbad, and inevitably Carlsbadi would be stigmatized as the place where -i;)?ey havf "The Criminal-Insgne Hospital". 4 Cmn. Jardine stated he had been monitoring the 1 newspapex, and if the institution was located : in this arca Carlsbad would be known in the penal trade as the Carlsbad Institution. I Hayor Atkinson stated the City has been very i'ortLtnate -in having Carlsbad mentioned in connecl tion roli th the La Costa development, I I Cmn. ideiswender stated he agreed with Cmn. DlanneI and that the Council should take a stand at this: time. I I tiful 3 residential 9 resort and recreatimaf area! I 1 I t I I I I I I Cmn. IJughzs stated he was appointed by the Mayari to check into this matter. When he was in Sacra+ rnento he was assured that Carlsbad was not being: considered. Also the facility they were discus-: sing was not for the violent, and that it would I be for juveniles, not adults. Uithout knowing : what this was about he could not conscientiously: take a stand. He would like to hear further fro$ the Department of Corrections as to their intent: After further discussion, by motion of the Councjl it vas agreed that the City of Carfsbad, through: this Counci!, place itself strongfy on record in: opposicg the location of this medical penal in- I stltutisn v;;;ithin the limits of the City of Carls: bad, or within the limits of the Carlshad Municii pal :later District, or within any of the areas i logically within the City's future boundaries. : Further, that a letter to this effect be forward! Dunne ed .immediately to the Governor with copies to 1 Neiswenc the Chairman of the State Assembly Hays and Meani P,tkinsor Comtni ttee, the State Department of Correction and Hughes Assemblyman Hale Ashcraft. i Jardine I I CITY ATfORI\!EY 'S REPORT: I I I 4 I 1 Street de:. The City i Attorney presented a grant deeti from Noreen ~atchelder for street purposes in connection with thc! opening of Stratford Lane, and requested the: Cor~nci 'I -La accept the deed. I I By motion of .the Council the grant deed was ac- ! Dunne ccpted by the Council on behalf of the City of i Neiswenc the same. i Hughes I I I I Carlsbd, and the City Clerk instructed to recod Atkinsor ; Jardine I I Partial reconveyance from C)c,eanside Federal Sav-1 inis and Loan AssTciation - w: ~nn tt. Ehrhardtb A partial reconveyance has been received from thk Oceanside Federal- Savings and Loan AssGciation i in conwect-ion wi th S, street dedication on Strat-: ford Lane. They are asking $35.60 to cover t I their costs. The City Attor~ey requested the i I I t + 1 : I 6 I I 1 1 l a t I I' * % 8, 8A 4 I '\, \,a'\, , b-8' t' ! t 8 I +, \ I ~, ' I I I - IO - i Name b$,'+ I : of '< :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" i Member i Couacil to accept the Part-ial Reconveyance. i fly motion of the Council the Partial Reconveyanc&Ounne 8 f vias accepted by the Council on behalf of the Cit$Neiswende j of Carlsbad, and the City Clerk instructed to ;Atkinson 1 : Jardi ne ; 1 ClaSm for Damages - Audolfo Rivarj. A claim has i : been reccived from Rudolf0 Rivas in the amount I / of $60.08, dse to damage caused to his car I I t while s'tar:ding upon a public street in the City i i of Carfshad, The City Attorney recornmended the : : Cla't'm b~? denied and referred to the City's in- i I surance carrier. i Ry szotfs:? of the Council the claim was denied an4 Dunne i referred to the City's insurance carrier. ; !lei swende I I I I I I I I I 0 1 reca?d the same. i Hughes I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I !Atkinson 1 I :Hughes I i Jardine I I I I I I I I I I i CITY HAHAGEX'S REPORT: 8 I i I I t I I I I 1 I 1 I I I * I I 4 L 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 8 I I 5 I I I I I 4 9 I I I I I I ! ! 4 t I I 1 I I I I' 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I t I I I I I 4 t * I * I I I I I ! I Proclamaticn of Disaster, A rneeting was held by! members of the Unified Civil Defense on December: that field survey "disaster damage". There is ai reasonable chance that we can get funds back fcr; farnds that have been expended for damaGes due to: the recent storm. 'The Civil Defense recommends : that a Proclmation be adopt?$ by each City, I establishing the existence of a disaster area. ! This wi]l be handled through the Unified Civil : Defense office. If all the cities in the County! su along with the adoption of a Proclamation, I I then the Board of Supervisors will request the ! Governor to declare that a State of Disaster I I exists. If thSs happens, then a state-federal : field team will be sent to this area for an in- I speclion. By RIQ~-!o?~ c-f .;;he Council a Proclamation of Exis-rDunne tetlce cii" a Gisaster was adopted. ; Nei swende 6, 1365, with two representatives of state agencies I I I I I i Atkinson :Hughes i Jardine I I Gkn. k;ist;e?<ter stated he wished to compliment i the nien in the Pub1 ic rrbrorks Department for tjieiri work during the last storm, as he was present ; and sa:^^ how they worked. Tire City Manager. przsented a letter frorr: Ptiul S.: SkejirSky, who represents the r7wnet-s of the Hosp : Grove, request.i ng that certai 11 unimproved street$ b~? vacated. In other words they want to go back; to rnztes and bounds and then resubdivide. Nr. i F4arnaux recommended that this matter be referred : to the Planning Cownission f!~r study and recommebd- ation. By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne matter be referred to the Planning Commission forNeiswende1 study and recommendation. I Atkinson I I I I 1 I I 1 4 I Hughes i Jardine I k 4 I I 4 I I I 4 1 I f I - 1'1 - 1 I t -,\\' \, ', ' '. I '\ * *. I Name '8. '*! I t *, \\,''. " I ! i of '9 \. ~,,.",,,,,""""""""~""""~"~~""~~"""""~.""-"~"-"--"~-"--"*""-- I Member ! Site for Fire Station, " The City Nanager reportea 1 that as a part of the 1965-66 budget, at sum of i : $25,000 was set aside for the acquisition of i future fire station locations. The site selec- i ! tion was to be based primarily upon recornmenda- : i Lion of the Board of Fire Underwriters to assure: : the property owners of the best fire protection i i as we1 I as maintaining a low fire insurance I I i prenliuril payment. In reviewing this matter with i i the Board of FT're Underwriters it was determined; i that one desirable site, due to increasing home i : development and the :.lay Company complex, would ; i be the intersection of Chestnut Ave. and El I ; Carnino Real. 0 I k I I I I I I 1 The four corners were revie1:Jed and apglraised by i I outside authorities with the foilowing results: ; t : ME corner - new structure, cost of acquisition I ! I;!trd corner: Fair market value $10,000 i I StJ corner: Fair market value 8,500 i : SE corner: Fair market value 7,000 : i The total square footage of each parcel is 13,206 1 square feet. I f i The City Manager recommended that the City bIanag4r I and the City Attorney be instructed to proceed i : with the acquisition of the southeast corner of * i Chestnut and El Camino Real. It was further recdrn- : mended that the design of said station be cornpat: i ible with the existing subdivision in this loca- i 1 tion. I t I ! By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne i City ihnager and the City Attorney proceed with : Neiswende i the acquisition of the land for a fire station il? Atkinson ; the manner recommended by the City Manager's re- i Hughes : port. : Jardine : AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYFdtENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- : i mf': of PAYROLL: I I I I I 1 I I and development extremely high. 1 I I f I I * I I I I I t I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills i i for the general expenses of the city in the amotaqt : of $50,059.18 and for the bjater Department in th: Dunne i amount of $18,152.05 for the period ilovernber 16, ; Neiswende 't 1965 to December 7, 1965, as certified by the : Atkinson : Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i Hughes i Committee. t Jardine ! I Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Dunne : second half of November, 1965, in the amount of i Meiswende i $22,929.01, as certified by the Director of i Atkinson i Finance and approved by the Auditing CommSttee. i Hughes I ADJOURNMENT: I I t By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at ! i 8:85 P.PI. 3 I I J t I I Jardine I- I $ I 4 I I : I Respectfully submitted, J HARGAR'ET E. ADAHS I City Clerk i i7/$!&?cy .G.f&,,"., /- ./ &:&L&+:" I I I I I ! 1 I I I I I ! I I I # 3 I * + t I I * 1 I I I I I I I *