HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-12-21; City Council; MinutesI i '\, ", -\, ', i CITY OF CARLSLSAD 4 ', '\ '*' i I6I-i nutes of: CITY COUMCXL (Regular, tjeetincj) \\ ', ', I i Date of keting: December 21, 1965 : Name '$,'\!I ; Time of Veeti ng: 7:OO P.M. : of ' '3 ' ;."""""""""""- Place of Meeting: """"""""""""""""""-""""""~~""""-""*. Council Chambers i Member : ROLL CALL WGS answered by Counci'imen Eunne, i Neiswendcr, Atkinson, Hughes and Jard-itle. Also i I present were City IdiaGager Narnaux, City Attorney ; i 2ilSon and City Clerk A.dams. i INVOCWTIOfd as offered by Councilnan Jardine. .( ' ' '3 \'\ I I I : ab t I I 1 I t a I I ! i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. i APPSOYAF OF EdINUTES: I I I I I I t 1 1 I I I ! i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of December 4,Dunnc ; 1965 were approved as presented. ; Nei swende I : Atkinson & I 1 I I : Hughes I I : Jardine I CORKESPONOEP!CE: i (a) ~e11ow Cab company - re: Request far in- i t crease of Taxi Cab Fare. tetter dated December : i 6, 1965, from the Yellow Cab Company was present-! i ed, requesting a change in rate on all calls t I ; within the city. They prcpose that on all calls I i to the City where the destination is local that I ; a $1.00 surcharge be added to the present meter i i rate, and if the destination should bc Qceanside : : downtown district, then the regular meter rate I I would apply without any surcharge. In a recent ; : analysis made they find that the Carlsbad opera- i i tion is sho;:ing a great losso and it is their i calls from Carlsbad are local runs within the I I city, ~J/-I<CII necessitates their mal<tn3 a run to i { Carlsbad empty and returning empty. i Mr. Joseph Geier, President of the Yellow Cab C0.i i \!as present, and informed the Council the corn- : : gany was 'losing money on their operation in I I 1 Carlsbad. i The Council asked several questions of Rr. Geier,: ; acd Yr. Geier stated he would be happy to keep ; I a record of all calls to Carisbad for a period i i of time and report back to the Council. I I i By common consent of the Council ?t ~VBS agreed I : that more definite information was needed before 1 i making a decision on the matter, and Mr. Geier ; ! was requested to keep a record of a1 1 calls to ; i Carlsbad for a period of thirty days and report i : back to the Council. t I I f 4 I I I I 1 I ? I 1 t feeling this is due to the fact that most of thei!r I I I t I I 8 1 4 I I I I I I 1 I i ORAL COMYIUMICATIQNS: t 1 I 1 I I I I There were no oral communications. I I I I I : PUBLIC HEARItIG: ? I I I t I 1 I : (3.) Carlsbad City Planning Commission's Resolu- I i tion of Intention 80. 55, regarding classjficatioh : of annexed and unclassified property. I ! 1 1 I : (3.) Carlsbad City Planning Commission's Resolu- I i tion of Intention 80. 55, regarding classjficatioh : of annexed and unclassified property. I ! 1 I I @ i The Maycr announced this was the time and place ! : fixed by this Council for hearing all protests : i and objections regarding class,ification of annex& ' ! and unclassiffed property. I 8 i The City Clerk certified as to proper notice i having been given. Also that no written corres- i i pondence had been received on the matter. I I k I $ * I .I 1 I I I .-x -, I \' 0 4 I * t ', \<\'\.' '? I I : of 'q I 'k' '\ '\ I -2- = *, '\, I i Name 8 4 I I .' I ~,,~""""",,,""~""""""""-""-""""""""""""~"""""""-.""-~.. 1 Member 1 The City Attorney informed the Council unincor- i : porated territory or property adjacent to the a !,City may be pwzoned for the purpose of determin-; ! ing a zone which will apply to such property in ; i the event of subsequent annexation to the City. : ! This would be an advantage to the city as well as{ i the property owner. 1 I ; The City idlanager pointed out at the present time ! I property corning into the city is automatically i 4 t\- 1-6000. 1 I ! AS tilere were no persons desi ring to speak for or! i against this matter, the i4ayor declared the publib i hearing closed at 7:35 P.f;?. i P,fter discussion by the Council, Cmn, Dunne stateb ! he ~ould like to introduce Resolution 19200, ap- ! i proving this amendment, on the basjs it would i ; provide a guarantee for the owners of property : iwha wish to annex to the City of Carlsbad. [The following resolution was presented for the 'i : Council's consideration: I I ; Resolution i3a. 1200. A RESOtUTIOf4 OF THE CITY i I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSGAD AMNOUidCiMG FIND- : Dunne ! INGS AND DECISION REGARDING AMEKDIIiG SECTION 306 i Heiswende' i OF ORDIPMICE NO. 9060 2EGARDIPiG CLASSXFICATION OF! Atkinson i AFiYJEXED AEU'D UGCLUSSIFIED PROPERTY, was adopted by: Hughes I title only and further reading waived. !jardine !The following ordinance was presented for a first; i reading : t ! 1 I I a 1 I I I I In I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I t 1 I & I I I I 1 I I ; Ordinance 80. 9183. AN ORDfPiANCE GF THE CITY OF IDunne : CARLSBAO AMENDING SECTION 306 OF OROIHANCE NO. :Neiswender i 30613 HEGARDIRG CLASSIFICATION OF ANNEXED AI"ID i Atki nson i UNCLASSIFIED PROPERTY, was given a first reading : Hughes ;by title only and further reading waived. : Jardi ne I * * i ENGINEERING: * I I 1 t : i (a) Approval of Final >lap of Falcon Hil'ls Unit i it4 Subdivision. The final map was presented for i ! the Council's consideration. * ! I 1 : The City Engineer informed the Council Unit #4 i incfudes the extension of Elm Avenue, however, : there will be no improvement of Elm Avenue by the 1 subdivider. Eighty feet of right-of-way has Seen : dedicated for the extension of Elm Avenue, and i be required to participate in its improvement. :This unit consists of 16 lots and none of the lot i front on Elm Avenue. All streets within the :subdivision will be fully improved. bdestwood Dr. jwill not open onto Elm Avenue, however, there :will be a Pedestrian walk through to Elm Avenue. i After due consideration by the Council, by motion i of the Council the final map of Falcon Hills ; Unit #4 was approved. ithe property owners in this subdivision will not I Y 8 I Y I 8 I I a 1 PLANN I NG : ! b 4 * t I I 8 I I i s I 1 i I I f 1 I i I I I I I 0 1 I I a I f l I B I I 1 Dunne Meiswender Atki nsan Hus ! -1 s Jardine : (a> Tentativ,e Nap of Parcel Hap, located on the i !westerly side of 'Highland Dr..$ Horth of Suena 6 I i Vista Way, Owner: City of Carlsbad. -1 I * $ 1 ! 0 1 I i 8. *, ', '*\ *\, ! I ', \ ' I ; of 'J I The Engineering Department presented the tenta- i i tive map of Parcel Map. It was pointed out this : t represented the remanents of the properties ac- : i quired by the City for the extension of Las Floreb : Drive, and the City is desirous of selling this I i property. Cot 1 is a substandard Tot and the J 1 : owner will have to apply for a variance. The Irnap subject to certain conditions and restriction$ ; by their Resolution No. 413. ! After consideration by the Council the following i i resolution was presented: + I I Resolution No. 1201. A RESOLUfIOPi OF THE. CITY i Dunne : COUFIClL Of THE CITY OF CARLSBAI), APPROVING THE I Neiswende ! was adopted by title only and further reading i Hughes ; waived. : Jardine / (h) Report on request: for street vacation - I I I Carlsbad School District. A request by the I Carlsbad School District was prescnted to the * I I Planning Commission, stating the Governing Board i : is in agreement with the General Plan recomrnenda-: ; tion that schoa~ and park sites be developed to- ; I gether, and is willing to sell to the Cfty of : i Carlsbad for $1.00, 2.3 acres of land located i ! between the f4agnofia School and the Valley Junior! i High School sites for tbe purpose of developing a: : park. 4 I : It1 return the Governing Board wishes to have ! Valley Street vacated just north of Andrea Ave. i i to Nagnolia Ave. If Valley St. is vacated, the i ; School District will support the extension of : i James Drive between Tamarack and dagnolia Avenues!. ; Further the Board wishes to see a fully develope$ I i park which would enhance the appearance of the ; : two school sites adjoining it, and would like i i the City to agree to the following stipulations: ; i (1) That the subject property become a fully I i tile park be designed by a landscape architect, i I or in case ohe is not utilized by the City, the t I plans be reviewed by the school's landscape 3 ; architect; (3) That the survey and engineering i I work be supplied by the City; and (4) That the i : completed park be maintained to the standards of : i the adjoining school site. 1 I : The City Planner reported to the Council a corn- i i mittee was appointed by the Planning Commissidn i ; to make a study of this area, and a report was : : made back to the Commission. It was the unani- I i mous decision of the Planning Commission that a 4 i report be made to the Counci 1, stating the Counciil ; should initiate the proceedings necessary to close ! Valley Street for the distance under certaln tern+ : and conditions. i The City Planner further stated the school will ! i develop an additional area for playground use i i which would add to the park area. t Mayor Atkinson stated he felt it would be diffi- { ; cult to get the additional property owners to go : i along with this plan to open up James Street at i , ; this time. I 1 I I f 8' f ', '.,'*. I i Name '%, r' :-""""""""-"-*I-."""-"""""~~""""""""""""~"""~~""""""" : Member 4 -3- .. ', 1 I I 0 1 i Planning Cammission has approved the tentative 1 I 4 I I I I I I I I I TENTATIVE PARCEL i4AP FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, : Atki nson I 4 s 8 I I I I 8 8 I I I 1 developed park prior to June 30, 1967; (2) That i 1 I t I I I t t I I I ei I I r 1 # I 4 I 4 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I t -4- 1 1 -\e< '\ -*, '\ I ', '. '\ ' I -+, ', '8. I Name '\.'%! I x' t .' I I I ; of '9 i i Member :""""""".""""""..""~"""~~""".~..~""""".~"""".~"".".".".~... i The Council inquired of the Engineer as to what i i it would cost to open up James Street. 4 i The City Engineer stated it is estimated it wouldi f cost approximately $70,000. I ! Inquiry was made as to the accessibility for fire; i protection in this area if Valley St. were closed; i The City !;Tanager informed the Council to his I knowledge the Fire Departnent had not checked thib : plan. I i Dr. Taylor, Superintendent of the Carlsbad School! i District, was present, and was asked by Cmn. Dunnle :what the school would do with this property if i J the City did not accept their offer? i Dr. Taylor stated the school k!ould make use of it:. : being closed for safety purposes. They will need! i to have an ansvfer fairly soon so they can proceed: : with their plans for the Junior High School. i E.layor Atkinson stated there is a financial prob- i : date of completion requested by the School DSstribt. i Dr. Taylor stated they feel they are giving to i i the City approximately $52,000 in property for ; : only $1.00 with the provision that the City develb i ope it. Their Landscape Architect has estimated t I it would cost approximately $25,000 to develope i ; the land as a park. ! Crnn. Jardine suggested that the City Staff be i ! requested to look into the economic feaslbility : : of developing this park and make a report back to! i Crnn. Dunne stated the Council recently requested ; t the Parks and Recreation Commission to corne up I i the City's main park facility, and this will take: : money. Also he requested that the property owner! i be contacted as to their wi 1 lingness to partici- : ; pate 'B'n the extension of James Street. ! Cmn. Jardine inquired of Dr. Taylor as to whether: i the ScfiooI District would participate in the t I : drainage problem in this area. : Dr. Taylor stated they feel that if they cooltri- i I bute the land for the park and for the improve- ; : ment of Games St. , the City should contribute I i something towards this project. The drainage has! t been very bad in this area for years. I I i Cmn. Jardine stated he felt this was a golden op-! 1 portmi ty for the City to have a future park areaj, i however, there were many things to be considered ! I financially and he would like a report made by I i the staff for the Council to consider. 4 I i Dr. Taylor further stated he felt this should be i i a first class park due to the fact this wr>uld be ; : between both schools with the playgrounds sur- i i rounding the park. Also he did not fed the * I : School District would be too restrictive as to i i the completion date for the park. * ! 0 I I 1 I I 4 I f I I I b I a I 3 8 4 I I I I I I 3 i 1.: ,lowever, they feel very strong?y about Valley St.: I t l l I I e I fern as far as the City is concerned due to the ; r I I > I I I I I ; the Council. I I I I I I i nitfi a definite plan for Holiday Park, which is 1 I I I I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I I 8 I ? I I I I I I ! I. I I I I 8 t ! '. '8 '8,'*.,'' ' ', -\ % t '\, '. ', 1 i Name *\, *! 1 ; of Y! ! :"""""~""""""-"~""""""-"""""~""""""""""""~""~""""- : Member !Hayor Atkinson stated he would like to see the i jrelationship between the closing of Valley St. I I : and the opening of James Strree-L. (After further consideration it was agreed that I i this matter be referred to the staff far study { : as to the economic feasibility and Lo the Parks : i and Recreation Commission as to whether they are 1 jdesirous of a park in this location and as to the: ;cost of maintaining this park area. * I i(c> s,. $416 of ,the Planning Commission, recorn-! frnendinq approva? Of th'e General Plan. Res. #416 i :of the Planning Commission was presented, * 1 iiilayor Atkinson stated the proper procedure on thii :matter would be for the Council to study the plan; i He suggested that the public hearing on this 4 J !matter be set for the first meeting in February, i i 1966. I t i It was pointed out that Exhibit "A" attached to i : Res. W416 are the changes recommended by the I i Planning Commission. I53y molicn of the Counci 1 the pub1 ic hearing on bunne : the General P?an was set for Tuesday, February 1 y iNeiswende It966, at 7:30 P.M. : Rtki nson I * 8 t I -5- ' ', 0 I I I I I I I i s I I I I I & t I I t I I I I t I i Hughes 1 1 Jardi ne 4 1 ! 1 i NEW BUSINESS: ! I 8 I I I i I I 1 I I I ; (a) Res. #1202 stating City policy regardi,ng i re-employment of empI oyecis entering f.!j 1 i tary : Service. At the previous meeting of the Counci 1 I ! the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a I I iresolution indjcating the Council's policy con- i ; ccrning re-employment of employees entering mili-i i tary service. a l I The City Attorney presented the following resofu-i ; tion: !Resolution No. 1202. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY lDunne i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STATING CITY ; Mei swende i XNG MILITARY SERVICE, was adopted by title only ;Hughes : and further reading waived. I3ardine I I I I I * 5 * * I I t POLICY REGARDIN RE-EMPLOYHEHT OF EMPLQYEE$ ENTERfAtkinson ! I 1 i (b) First reading of Ordinance #7033, regarding i i connection fee for City Sewer System. The City ; ; Attorney informed the Council recently they adopt! led an ordinance allowing a 30 day morltorium on i : the connection fee to connect to the City Sewer J ! System. By the adoption of this ordinance the i i connection fee will be reinstated as of February : :7, 1966. :The following ordinance was presented for a first! i readi ng : i Ordinance No. ,7033. AH ORDINANCi ADDING SECTTON kna- : 8 TO QRDINANE NO. 7020 REGARDEMG CQNWECTlON FEE I Neiswende i first reading by title only and further reading :Hughes :waived. i Jardi ne t I t k I 1 I I 9 I 8 ! FOR CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER SYSTEI4. was given a !Atkinson c 1 t I I t 9 * + a * * * 1 I I I I I I * I * I I I t I I I .\.'X ', ', 'b '? 3 : \ \' ', '* I ! '. '\ ' i I -6- i Name '\, Q t : Member ,."*C"4.~..'."..**"~""".""-"~""~"""""~.~"""""""~~"~""""~"~ ! I Cmn. Dunne inquired as to what is being done ; about the Solamar Trai ler Park, as i t is his un- : i derstanding they are having a sewer problem. I I I I TII~ City Manager stated the owners are negatiat- i : ing for an easement under the railroad track, in { i order to construct the sewer line to the park. .' '\ k ; of ',1 t 9 I I I 0 I I 4 I I 1 ! i OLD BUSINESS: I__ ? I 1 I I I ! i (a) Second reading of Ordinance #8044, regarding! i freeway signs. 1 I i The following ordinance was presented for a I second reading by the Council: i Urdinan$e, IJo, 8044, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I Dunne i mSBAD AMENDING CERTAIFd PORTIOiIS OF SECTION 11 ; Neiswendf : OF 0RDfNAI:ICE NU. 8038 REGARDISiG FREEWAY SIGNS, i Atkinson i was given a second reading by title only and : Hughes : further reading waived. i Jardine f I 1 I I I I I $ I I I I I i CITY CLERK'S REPORT: - re: Amendrrrent to Election: i Code. A written report was submitted .to the 1 i Council concerning the amendment to the Election ! : Code, allowing each candidate to file a statement: I as to his qualifications, which the Clerk shall : : send to each voter together with the sample ballog. : The local agency may bill each candidate availing: t himseTf of this service a sum not greater than i i the actual prorated costs of printing and hand- i I ling incurred by the agency as a result of pro- : : viding this service. It is estimated it will : cost each candidate $50.00, based oti 5,OOQ regis-i i tered voters and 8 candidates. AC a meetjng heldi i by the City Clerks in the County it was the con- : ; census of those present that a deposit should be i i made at the time of filing the statement, as it : : might be very difficult to collect these costs i i after the election. ! After consideration by the Council by motion of i Dunne : the Council the City Clerk was authorized to i Nei snendc i collect a $50.00 deposit from each candidate : Atkinson : wishing to file a statement in connection with i Hughes ! their nomination papers. : Jardine I I t I I I I I I I I 1 ! CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: l a ! I I I Claim -fo,r damages - re: Weardco Construction. 4 i Corpdration. The City Attorney presented a corn- ! i Neardco Gonstruction Corporation, This claim has! : been approved by the Board of Directors of the i i Vista Sanitation District, and payment thereof I i ordered. t 1 i The City Attorney requested this matter referred i ; to the City staff for study and report. 1 I i By motion of the Council the matter wss referred i Dunne i to the City Staff for study and report, : Plei swende l I Atki nson i promise claim in the amount of $5,322.96 from I I t I 1 I i e 8 I t I I I ? I Huches i Jardine I i Weed Abatement Program. The City Attorney requesk- ;ed that a date be set for a public hearing 4 i concerning the assessment on those properties J k ; that wre cleared And the cost is to be put on 1 I I 8 r I L I I # i I I I -" '\\ X., -\, I I '\. '. 8. I I -7- i . ., a, -8l I Name 'b, *! I : of '4 ~~"""""~"""""~"""""""""""-~~"""~~"""""-"""";"""""-"- : Member ! the property owners property tax statement. I By motion of the Council January 18, 1966 at the i Dunne i hour of 7:JO was fixed by the Council for the i Neiswendc i public hearing on the weed abatement assessments.: Atkinson ! I Jardine I CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: [ Proclamation of Existence of a Disaster. The Cityi : Manager presented a Proclamation of Existence of ; i a Disaster, stating this was similar to the proc-': : lamation recently adopted by the Council , how- t l i ever this includes the recent storm. ! 8y motion of the Counci1 the Proclamatton of : Dunne ; Existence of a Disaster was adopted. ! hi swendc I I Atki nson I I : Hughes 1 i Jardi ne I I I '\ '\ I t I I @ 1 I I t i Hughes I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I The City Nanagzr pointed out there is a very good: : chance the City may receive funds back for the i i monies expended due to the first storm and the : I The City Manager requested permission to attend i i a meeting sponsored by the International City i Hanager's Association, to be held in Pasadena, I i California, February 2 - 5, 1966, to discuss I i Urban Policy. I I i By motfon of the Counci 1 the City Manager was ! Dunne ; authorized to attend the International City i Mei swende I Nanager's meeting in Pasadena on February 2 - 5, ! Atkinson : 1966. i Hughes i Cmn. ileiswender inquired as to why the trees and ! I brush had not been trimmed at the intersection of: : Basskrood and Highland Drive. I I I most recent storm, 1 I I I i 9 I I I I I $ I I I I I Jardi ne t + t I I I ! The City Nanager stated one reason was he had ! i been called out of tom; however, an inspection ; :was made of the intersection and it will be taken: i care of as scon as possible. :AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYHEMT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- ! I TfOW OF PAYROLL: :Authorization was given for the payment of bills i i far the general expenses of the city in the : amount of $84,743.50 and for the ldater Department! Dunne i in the amount of $56,893.50, for the period i Nei swende i December 7, 1965 through December 21, 1965, as :Atkinson ! certjfied by the Director o-f Finance and approved!Hughes i by the Auditlng Committee, : Jardi ne i Ratiftcation of the payroll was given for the : Dunne ; first half of December, 1965, in the amount of i Weiswende i $21,618,37, its certtfied by the DSrector of ! Atki nson 1 finance and approved by the Auditing CommS ttee. i Hughes B I Jardine 1 I I I I I $ I I * I t B I I I I I B I I 8 i A,DJOURNMENT: ! i I t * 1 iBy proper motion the meeting was adjourned at i i 8: 15 P.M. I I I * ? . : Res ectfull submi-tted, ! PIA GB T E. ADAN i tj ty 3erk :.*wdtp q&, I I 4 I I t l a I !