HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-04; City Council; MinutesI t I I '\ \\ .a ', I I '8 x\,'\, ' : CITY OF CAWLSBAD i ', , \ i Mi nutes of: CITY COUlSCIL (Regular Fleeting) i ', ' '< : Date of fileeting: January 4, 1966 ; Name '\, 1 Time of Meeting: 7:00'P,M. : of '{ : ROLL CALL was answered by Counci lnen Dunne, i Neiswender, Atkinson, Hughes and Jardine, Also i : present were City ?4anager idamaux, City Attorney ; i Wilson and City C?erk Adams. i INVOCATION was offered by Chaplain M. J. Bouterse: f of the Carlsbad Union Church. I I : ALLEGIANCE to the Ffag was given. I 8' \' ', a i,_P_l_a_c,e,__o_f_?~-~~~~-9~--~-~~-~~-~~--~-~~~-~~-~~~ "" "" "_" * "" - ""; """"""_ ~ : Member I 1 I I I I I I I 4 t I I I I I I ! :: APPROVAL OF, MINUTES: I I I I t I I I (a) Approval of the Itinutes of the regular ; Dunne ; meeting of December 21, 1965, was deferred until i Weiswendc I the next regular meeting. : Atkinson I $ i Hughes ! I Jardine 8 I I I I i CORRESPOiUEWCE: ! a I I k t I 1 \ i'layor Atkinson recognized a letter from the State: i of California, Office of Architecture and Con- I 1 : struction, dated December 17, 1965, requesting i i certain information relating to water and sewer : ; facilities, as their office is presently studying: i the feasibility of a site southeasterly of Carls-: : bad, along with other sites in San Diego County, i t Department af Corrections medical. facility. I k ; The IIIayor requested that a letter be sent to the i i State of California, Office of Architecture and i { Construction, stating the Council's appc;sition ; I to this proposed facility being located in or i I near Carlsbad. Also that s. copy of this letter : ; be sent to Assemblyman Hale Ashcraft. I I i i as the possible location for a proposed State 1 I t I I I i ORAL .COMY.1UNICIZTIOfiS: ; fh2re were no oral communications. I 1 * I I t I i 4 I I I f I I ; PUBLIC HEARING: I I b I I I 1 (a) Resolution of Intention No. 1797 for A.D. i i Ilo. 4-1964 - Downtown Street Lighting District, i I 1'911 Act Proceedings. ! i The Clayor announced this was the time and place ; ! : fixed by this Council for hearing objections or ! 1 protests on the proposed Work, or the extent of : : the assessment district, under the Resolution of i i Intention 110. 1197, providing for certain street : ; l jghting improvements to be known as "Downtown I i Street Lighting Improvements". 1 The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication:, i mailing and posting , and the Council ordered the I i same filed. ! The Mayor requested the Clerk to read at I pro- i i tests that had been filed up to the hour of 7:30 i : o'clock P.?]. : The Clerk presented a written certification that ; ! i no protests or objections had been received by ; : her up to the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.r.1. * I : The i4ayor announced that the City Council would i i now hear any oral protests or objections concern-: f f I I I I I I I * 1 * t I I >!#) I I 5 I 4 t I t I I I ! inn the LIA-L ~.,+r\m+ A& -CC.-.--.~-=. "~ '~ * A tb I l I a ! I I ! -2- I' \\ '\ '\ '* \\ ', '\\ ' . ** '\ ', I '\ '\ ' i Name x\, * 6 I I I ' '\ 0 I t 4 : of '; :""""""""""""""""""-""~-"~""""""""-""""""!""-""""~. : Member I i i As there were no persons present desiring to I 4 I I f speak, the public hearing was decllard closed at : i 7:35 P.F*?. I 1 i After consideration by the Council the following l : : resolutions were presented: 4 I : Resolution No. 1203. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Dunne i COUMCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, CALIFORP4IA, i tiei swendc i 8AKIWG FINDINGS AHD OVERRULING PROTESTS AND OB- : Atkinson : JECTIONS for A.D. No. 4-1964, was adopted by i Hughes I title only and ftlrther reading waived. I Jardine I Resolution 20. 1204. A RESOLUTIO& OF THE CITY ; COUfJCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERNINING THE i i GENERAL PREVAILING RATE 1;)F PER DIEM IMAGES AMD f THE GENERAL PREVAILIWG @ATE FOR HOLIDAY AND OVER-j Dunne i TIME MORK IN THE CITY OF CARLSf3AU FOR CERTAIN : ftei swendc ; for A.D. No, 4-1964, was adopted by title only :Hughes i and further reading waived. I Jardine I I I t 1 I * I I I I I I I t 1 CRAFTS, CLASSIFICATIONS, AND TYPES OF blORKIEN, :Atkinson 1 * 4 I i ReSoIution No. 1205. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CRRLSBAD, ORDERING THE ; CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET INPROVEMENTS AND i Dunne e t ! ORDERING POSTING A!JD PUBLICATION OF NOTICES IN- i Neiswendc i VITING SEALED PROPOSALS OR BIDS, for A.D. No. : Atki nson : 4-1964, was adopted by title on?y and further , ; Hughes i reading waived. : Jardine ! I ! NEW BUSINESS: 4 I ? I I I 1 (a) Freeway Agreement. The Council was informed! t a new agreement has been prepared by the State : t Divs'sion of Highways to include the overpass at I i Chinquapin. I I i Cmn. Jardine inquired if the nap attached to the i : agreement was in fact the same map that was con- i i sidered at the time the Divisfon of Highways held: : their hearing in Carlsbad. I I i The City Engineer informed the Council it was the: : same nap except for the addition of the overpass : I at Chinquapin Avenue. The City has an agreement i : with the State, and this agreement supercedes the! i previous agreement. I I I The following resolution was presented: : Resolution No. 1206. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE I i NAYOR TO EXECUTE FREEbfAY AGREEHEMT BETbiEEH THE : Dunne I STATE OF CAtIFCRNIA AND THE CITY COVERING ROAD f Neiswendc I I 1 I I I I I * l a * I 1 t I I I i 11-SO-5 PM R46.1-50.3 BETNEEPI THE SOUTH CITY : Atkinson : LIHITS AND NORTH CITY LIMITS OF CARLSBAD, W~S i Hughes ! adopted by title only and further reading waived.: Jardine I I I i : (b) Resolution #1207, regarding parking limit i I on a portion of Grand Avenue and speed limit on I I Odean Street. The City Attorney informed the I ! Council a resolution has been prepared for the : t v i Councjl's consideration in accbrdance with recorn-! i mendations made by the staff. This resolution ; i would increase the speed limit on Ocean Street i : from 15 m.p.h. to 25 m.p.h. Also due to the I I I Post Office being moved further east, it is recon(- ; mended that the I5 minute parking area be extend-: I ed from the alley between State Street and I ! I I I I I i I I ; -3- ** '. 1 ',, '8, '., '\ I ', '. '\, I '\ '\ ' I Name '\. * 1 \' I ' '. a I I : of " I ', :"-""""-""""-"""""""""*"""""""""""""""""-~"~"""""- : Member 1 I i Roosevelt Street easterly to include the area in i .: fror?t of the Past Office. I I I ;jayor Atkinson requested that the portion regard-: i ing the speed limit on Ocean Street be held over i : until a further study could be made as to addi- : ! tional stop signs being installed at the inter- i : 1. cepting streets. e t i The City Manager pointed out the reason for this ; ! 1 amendment is the vehicle code allows a 25 m.p.h. i i speed limit for streets exceeding 20 feet of I I ; pavement. Citations have been issued to persons I i exceeding the 15 m.p.h. speed jirnit on Ocean St. i i and the case has been thrown out of court. I I : Cmn. Neiswender requested that the word "Donut i I Shop" be eliminated and specific distance shown i : for the extension of the 15 minute parking area : i on Grand Avenue. i After further discussion it was agreed that the i i following reso7ution be adopted, deleting the b 8 : portion regarding the speed limit on Ocean Street!, i and that a specific distance be designated as to : t the extension of the parking area on Grand Avenue!: I ! i Resolution No. 1207. A RESOLUTIOPI OF JCSE CITY i Dunne i COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING PARKIPJG; I'leiswendc i LIMIT ON A PORTIOQ OF GRAND AVENUE, was adopted : Atkinson : by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes 1 I I I I i I I 1 * I I I I I I I I I t : 8 Jardine I i OLD BUSINESS: 1 I I I I I t (a) Report on vacation of Valley Street. A 1 written report was submitted to the Council show-! I 1 I i ing the es%irnated cost of development for the I proposed park facilities as $20,000 and a yearly i :maintenance cost of $5,000. Also an estimated i i cost was given for the opening and improving of : : James Street in the amount of $80,000, plus i right of way costs. I I 1 I 1 I I I # # I I f The report further stated the vacation of Valley ; : Street is feasible, provided James Drive is open-! i ed and improved and provided adequate utility 5 I ! rights are reserved. It was noted that ownership: i of vacated streets revert to the ownership of the: : land from which the street was originally taken. i i It was recommended that the actual ownership of ; I the vacated street be resolved prior to vacation.: i Mayor Atkinson recognized a letter from Howard 14.: : Demler, 1565 Chestnut Ave., objectlng to the i vacation of Valley Street and the opening of : James Drive. : Edayor Atkinson stated the most important item to I i him concerning this matter would. be the closing : : of Valley Street and the opening of James Drive i i simultaneously, 1 I i Cmn. Jardine inquired if the school is prohibited; i from participating in a 1911 Act proceedings if ; : James Drive were improved under such proceedings.: : Or. Taylor, Superintendent of the Carlsbad School: i District, . ~ ". was present, .. and stated " the school has ; I I I T ; t * t I I 4 1 1 I 8 I -8 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I t - '$ - I' , 8, ', .*\ '- " '\ '\ '* i Name '\. J 'h '. I I 1 I I '\\ y,, 0 4 t i of "J :"""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""~""""""" : Member I I i The City Planner stated they do not fee7 the i opening of James Drive is too important at this : : time; however, perhaps within the next five years! i it will be necessary, and sufficient ?and should : : be dedicated by the school at this time. I i I ilr. Taylor stated the Board realizes it is im- :.portant to have James Drive extended and that thei : school participate in the cost of improvement. I I I fie could see no difficulty in having the necessary i right of way dedicated at this time. I I f Cmn. Dunne stated he felt the extension of James i i Drive is something in the future. According to i i the Pol ice and Fire Departments they have no ob- : : jection to the closing of Valley Street. How- r ever, he did feel the necessary right of.way : should be dedicated at this time by the School i i Di s tri ct. ! Cmn. Jardine stated the Nayor assigned a specific: : task to the Parks and Recreation Commission, and i i he wondered if a report had been received back : : from the Commission. I I i The Mayor presented a memorandum from the Tempor-! ; ary Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commis- I i sion, stating it was not possible for the Commis-; ; sion to consider the park facility in detail i prior to the Council meeting of January 4, 1966. i : The Commission feels the location for the park : 1 between the filagnoiia and Val!ey Schools is highly! : desirable. As far as the Commissions feelings : i with regard to the costs of developing and main- I i taining the area, they could not tali thout some I : time for study, express an opinion. : Cmn. Dunne asked how this park facility would i i affect Holiday Park. I The City Manager stated it would not affect ; Holiday Park. ! Cmn. Hughes asked if there would be a division i i betvleen the school playground and the area desig-: : nated for a city park? Also would the playground: i area be available to the public on weekends? i Dr. Taylor stated there would be no division be- ! i tween the school playground and the park facility: : The school playground would be open to the publici i on weekends far park and play use. 1 8 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I l I I t * I I L I I 4 I I * I I I I I I ! I I t I I 1 I I I 1 t t I I I I I I I I I I ? I I 8 i After further consideration, by motion of the 1 Council it was agreed that a letter be sent to ;, I the School District indicating the city's inter- :Dunne : est in the offer of the park facilities, and the iMeiswende' i City Attorney jnstructed to work with the County i Atkinson i Caunsel's office as to the street vacation and : Hughes ; the dedication for the opening of James Drive. ! I Jardi ne I t I I t I i (b) Second reading of Ordinance #9183, regarding: i classification of annexed and unclassified propergy. I 1 i The following ordinance was presented for a : second reading: I I I I I I ! 4 I I * I 1 I I I a $ ! fi t ! i -5- I\ ... . I 8 -, y,,, '\ ! ', '\\ '. I 'x, t.,' I Name 't, \ ! 0 I ! : of '< t : Member ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"~"-"""""":""""""" I : Ordinance No. 9183. AI4 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ! Otanne i CARLSBAD AMENDIMG SECTION 306 OF ORDINAFiCE NO. i Neiswendr ; 9060 REGARDING CLASSIFICATION OF ANNEXER AND UN- I Atkinson i CLASSIFIED PROPERTY,-was adopted by title only i ffughes 1 and further reading waived. : Jardine I (c) Second reading of Ordinance #7033, regarding! : connection fee for connection to City Sewer 1 I i System. The following ordinance was presented I t for a second reading: I I I I I ! I I 1 Ordinance No. 7033. AH ORDINAWCE ADDING SEGTIOFJ ! Bunne i 8 TO ORDIMAilCE NO. 7020 REGARDING CONNECTION FEE i Neiswendc : FOR CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM, was adopted ; Atkinson i by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes I : Jardine j Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. : i With the consent of the Council fiilayor Atkinson ! : appointed Robert Little, 3940 Hibiscus Circle, 6 I !to fill the unexpired term of Edward (Yummel, to i ; the Parks and Recreation Commission. I I i Cmn. Hughes inquired if it were possible for the i ; City to reacquire rights of way from the State i i Division of Highway along Carlsbad Blvd. At : present it appears to be three lanes south bound i ! i Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the i : Council the State Division of Beaches and Parks : i recently submitted their improvement plans for i : Carlsbad B'ivd. for checking. The state is in I I i hopes of having money budgeted in the fiscal year! i 1966-67 to complete their facilities along Carls-: i bad Blvd. I 1 , ! Cmn. Neiswender stated approximately two years i i ago a great deal of interest was generated con- i : cerning t? down ramp at Oak Ave. and"O-cean St. , ; i in order to have access to a road that would run : : parallel -with Carlsbad Blvd. belaw the bluff. I i Cmn. Neiswender further stated he had discussed ... i : this matter with Assemblyman Hale Ashcraft. # I 1 CIIIPI. Neiswender inquired as to a stop sign being t i installed at the intersection of Basswood Avenue i i and Hfghhland Drive. He is particularly interest-: :ed in the traffic on both streets and would like i !to have a report made. i The City Manager informed the Council the shrub- i : bery was trimmed; however, the Traffic Safety I \ Committee has not met prior to this meeting. A i i report wi 11 be made at the next regular meeting. : i Cmn. Jardine stated there is an alley that runs i : parallel with Elm Aye. between Madison and Roose-i i velt streets that is in a deplorable condition. 1 i The City Manager stated the alley nil1 be taken i : care of as soon as the ground dries out. I I t I ! Cmn. Dunne stated he felt the traffic in the ! I intersection of State Street and Elm Avenue shoulb :be studied. In his opinion this intersection I i warrants a traffic signal more than the inter- i :section of Grand Avenue and State Street. Per- : * I * 4 I I I I 1 I I * 1 I t i and oine lane north bound, 1 L r I I I I I I I I I t I I I 8 a I I I r 4 8 I I I I I 1. l e ',%. 8 I I t t I t 8 I 8, (*, '\- * ', \ '. i 8, '\ ' I -6- '\\ 'x i Name b, .I ; of '$ t i Member :"""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""~""""""" $ i 8 '* I I I # 0 ii4r. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the i i Council that when the downtown streek ligkfs are : I instal led the standards ni I1 be so located to I I accommodate future traffic signals at certain : intersections. ! CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I Encroachment permit. Mr, liarvey RO:~, owner of a i iwho~esa~e meat concern on State Street, is re- I questing an encroachment permit to install a con-! ! crete pad for his freezer compressors in the 1 Cedar Avenue right of way. ile would like an in- i I dication from the City that they are not going : i to make use of this portion of the street. 4 : It was pointed out the City OWRS an SO' right of ! ! way for Cedar Avenue. ; Cmn, Neiswender stated if the City oxns this i right of way it cught to be paved and perhaps i : used for a parking area. t t 1 The Building Inspector was present and suggested I : that if the encroachment permit is granted it i i be subject to the Building Department reviewing : f all plans for future expansion. 1 Discussion was given as to the $50.00 permit fee i i and penalty. I 1 i Cy motion of the Council it was agreed tbat the i Dunne ; Encroachment Permit be granted wi2h the conditionj Neiswende i that the 3uilding Department be allowed to re- f Atkinson i view all plans for future expansion, that a $50.0P~ughes : permit fee be charged, and the penalty waived. : Jardine I I 8 I I * I 4 & t I 8 I t 1 t I I I I I 1 1 b 1 I I r 1 I * I I 1 I I I # I I I I 8 + I I I ! I I i Amendment to Group Insurance Agreement. The Cityi i Attorney informed the Council he has reviewed the! ; amendrnents to the Group Insurance Agreement, and i i they are very minor. He recommended that the I I : Ci ty Wanager be autho'rized to execute the agree- i I ment. I I t I ! i By motion of the Council the City Planager was ! Dunne : authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of i Neiswende i the City of Carfsbad. : Azki nson I ; Jardine I I I I Hughes 1 I 1 I I i Cmn. Neiswender requested that a report be made i I as to the cost of improvement for a parking lot : ; in the Cedar Avenue right of way, 4 I : Cmn. Dunne stated he would like to commend the i I I I I I I : Fire. Department for the beautiful Christmas dis- ; i play. Also there were many beautiful displays i { by private home owners. I I i TION OF PAYROtL: I : Autholri tation was given for the payment of bflls i i for the general expenses of the City in the amounk i of $499737.95 and for the Water Department in the! Dunne i amount of $32,264.50 for the period December 21, : Neiswende i 1965 to January 4, 1966, as certified by the i Atkinson : Director of Finance. and approved by the Auditing I Hughes I Comni ttee. : Jardine 1 t I * I 4 8. i AUTNQRIZATION, FOR PAYMENT, OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- I 8- I I 4 b I c t I I I I I I I 8 ',, \* " '\ I '' \\\"\ ' '\ '\ ' I -7- I i Name '\, 1 I : of ': I i Member ;.""""""""~"-""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""~"--""-""- I Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Dunne ; second half of December, 1965, in the amount of i Neiswendc i $22,222.63, as certified by the Djrector of : Atkinson ; Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. 1 Hughes I : Jardine I ADJOURNMEMT: I I 1 I ', * . b '\ I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I : Playor Atkinson asked that this meeting be adjourn; i discussing the May Co. Agreement. i By motion of the Council the meeting was adjournehDunne ! to Friday, January 7, 1966, at 7:OO P.M. : Nei swendc t ed to Friday, January 7, 1966, for the purpose of! I I I * I I 1 I I I I I i Atki nsan I : Hughes I I Jardine i By proper motion the meeting was declared ad- i journed at 8:02 P.M. I Respectfully submitted, I 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ; -.,,fl * .4; ,,J &? ; /fl/,./~.A*(+#,.. :7 :I I A&&/!' ; city 'Clerk ;'PlA\RG&ET E. ACAF.dS I I I a I 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I s 8 I I * I I I I 1 I I ! 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I t I I 8 I ! ! I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I t I 4 I 1 I I t I 4 I I + I t I I I I I I I I 1 I * 1 t I 1 h I I I I I I I I 't t 8 I I I $ I t + I I I t I I I I * I I I a; : I 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I t I I f I I I ! I