HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-01; City Council; Minutes'6 I ! i CITY OF CARLSCAD : Dete of Aeeting: February I, 1966 ; Name '\, ' i Time of Yleeting: 7~651) PA. ; of 84 8. a :""."""""""""" Place of Meeting: .""~""~"""""-"""---"""-"""""""~~""~"""". Council Chambers : Member i ROLL CALl was ansvJered by Councilmen Dunne, ; Neiswender, AtkinsDn, biughes and Jardine. Also i i present were City Z$anager Mamaux, City Attorney : i 3ilson and City Clerk Adams. 1 i IidVOCATIOid was offered by Iiayor Atkinson. : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. 4' I \ ', -*, -, ! '\ t 8 x,* ; i9inutes cf: CITY COUNCIL (Regular pieetingl ', '*\\ '\\ '\ ' ' '\ c* I I I I I I t a I 4 6 I I 4 1 I 1 1 I I 1 $ I : A?~RQVAL OF i;'If!UTES: 1 1 I I i Minutes 3f tile regular meeting of January 18, $me ; 1966, and of the adjourned regular meeting of i2eiswcnde i January 25, 1966, were approved iss presented. :Atkinson $ : Jardine 1 I I ;Hughes t I 1 ! i CORRESPONDENCE: I I I I : 1 i A letter from St. Patrick's Convent dated Januarj : 16,1946, was acknowledged by the !Sayor, thanking: I the City Aanager for the safety measures that ; : have been installed for the safety of their I i children, 'I Letter dated January 19, 1955, from John Kader i I owner of Captain JO!I~'S Cutlass, requesting that: ; the dance permit issued to the Cutlass, \\!hicA i i was located at 2839 Carlsbad Elvd., and is nokj ! I owned by F,ir. Ka.dcr, be transferred to Captain i 3 John's Cutlass. i BY motion of tj:e Council permission !>!as granted IOunne : to have the dance permit transferred to Captain !f.Jeisw@nde i John's Cutlass, 2858 Carls5ad Blvd. :Atkinson $ I jHughcs I :3ardine i 'Letter dated January 5, 1966, from F. J. Fox, : i owner of FGX'S Snug Harbor, requesting that they: ; i.12 pcrnStted to extend overnight privileges to I I their guests over tabor Day ICeekend, September ; I 5, 1966. ! By motion of the Council permission was granted jDunne i to FOX'S Snug Harbor to extend overnight privi- :F\lciswende : leges to guests OV~P tabor Day weekend, Septm- ;Atkinson i ber 5, 7366. :Hughes / tetter dated January 23,1365, -from Jack i4cElhoser : was presented, stating a request for a sewer i easement was presented to the Council at their i : meeting of January 18, Il)b6,.and as he had no : i knowledge of the fact the matter would be brought : up that date, he was not present. Mr. YcElhose i i asked that he be allowed to appear before the ; : Council and present the benefl'ts that would i favor the City of Carlsbad if this easament were: : a1 'lowed. : Mayor Atkinson informed the Council he had been i i contacted by some of the inembers of the Parks : : and Recreation Commission, and they have re- f f ;. study this inatter prior to the Council making a : I t I I I t I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i Jardine I I I I I I I I 6 t 8 I I quested Chat they be allowed the opportunity to i I I I I I I I : : I I I I I I 4 1 I ! , I t I' i , \\ 8, .\, \\ I 4 1, \.,'\, I I 8,. '\ " 1 -2- I Name '3, + * ; of '6 :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*~""""-""- : Member i ffnal decision. 4 , ' 8% I e 6 I I 4 I x '\ 0 c + I I I I I 3 I : SV com~on consent of tile Council if; was agreed i ; .that the Parks and Recreation Cornmission be f ;l"nicwed to study this matter and submit their 3 1 peport prior to the Council making their dccisio4. i fhq Mayor referred to a leiter from the Depart- i 1 :newt of Corrections, State of California, stat- i ; i~g engineering studies indicated that the pro- I i pcised site near Carlsbad would not be suitable i : for the type of institution which is planned. I I : ORAL C3P'Ii'iUNICATIONS: i ~JIR. JACK MC ELHOSE stated :le Is.tas appeari ng in re-! i gards to the letter that b~as just presented con- i : cerning his request for a sewer easement. He ; i felt this was a matter that should be given more I ! consideration. l.jhen they first started laying ; : out plans for their mobi'l park development the i : Government Survey map ?!as in error as to the 1 I i boundaries of Oceanside and Carlsbad. They de- i I signed their sewer line to be adjacent to the : : property owned by the City of Carlsbad, with the I I thought in mind that in somz way this could be : : [:sed to open up Lake Calaveras. At the time the$ I appeared before Oceanside for a Conditional Use : i Permit they proposed opening up Sunset Drive fro4 : Highway 78 to Calaveras Lake. They contacted the! I County of San Diego and they favored having a ! : County road and that Lake Calaveras be made I i a County Park. Mr. NcElhose stated he did not i : knob4 !?OM the Parks and Recreation Commission I i felt about this, but in the next month or two ; there will be funds available for development i i of parks such as this. I ! i As to the benefit for the City of Carlsbad, if : I th2 easment is granted and Lake Calaveras is 4 I i developed as a park area, he would certainly be i : willing to have his sewer line used for the park.: i ~r. iv!cElhose pointed out this easement would not i i run across any property except river bed propert$. : It would cost the City of Carlsbad considerable i i money to put in their own sewer line. I I i In closing Mr. McElhose asked that the Council ! ; reconsider this matter, and since Parks and I i Recreation Commission have asked to study this i : mattero he would certainly have no objection to i i the matter being deferred. i The City Manager pointed out to the Council what i : Plr. NcElhose was saying if they are allowed to : ! have the easement, and the City used their setder f i Sine the &ley would be using Oceanside's sewer : : system. I i Mr. HcElhose stated he would be c.silling to appea6 I before the Oceanside Councjl and request that : i this be made a condition. I I ! I+ I I t I I I 1 I I I 1 a I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 * I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 8 1 I I I I I I 8 t I I I 4 I I * I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I I 0 8 I ! ! i I I I I I I I' c I 4 i ! ! 4 I i I 1 L i I f I I I I I 1 ! I t I I I I I 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I 4 I 1 I 3 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 1 # I I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I ! 8 ! ! '.,",,'+ \, -3- I ', .8 .\ - '\ I I \\ '\ ', i Name '\\,\\ : of '< """"""""""""--"--"""""""""""~""""""""""""*~""-""~"" : Member . I i>',/i3LlC ". 1- 5,IEARZNG: I I I I > (a) Resolution of Intention No, 56 of the earls; !-,,(?d . " .- City Planning Commission - re: Gener-a1 Plan! .?^,;' "____.. the City of Carlsbad. I I Rayor Atkinson announced this was the Lime and i place fixed by this City Council to hea.r all 't I protests and objzctions to the proposed General..! P!an; however, the Council did not receive.the : wised copy of the General Plan until late this! afterncon, and they would like to have the time i to study the revisions before hearing comments : ,from the audience. The Mayor requested this I I hearing continued for two weeks. The Clerk certified as to proper notice having ! been given. I I Representatives from Daniel, Mann, Johnson and i Mendenhall were present and the Hayor called i upon them to present the General Plan. I 1 MR. ART11UR NANN, of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and : dendenhall, was present and introduced Hr. Byron! Barnes, Director of Planning for the firm. * I 1.511. BARNES stated this plan is based on the re- 1 quest.of the work and study by the Planning Cam-: 1 rnissjon, citizens' committees, the staff and private citizens. It reflects the desired goals: of the City, the objectives and community inter-: ests, which have been formalized *into a plan. i The General Plan provides the community with a i means to control its growth and progress; it is i a statement of policy prepared to guide future : physical development; it is flexible and should i be changed as conditions and new developments : occur. Also it is a program concerned with con-: structive thinking about the future of the com- : muni ty. I I The General Plan has two purposes , (I 1 to pre- i scribe solutions to the City's present problems,; nitely general and must remain general for flex-; .ibility and an overall guide and fr,amework. It; is a guide to economically operate the City and i to encourage the growth of the City. It is not ; tmant to be a static plan - it must be flexible I as conditions change. The map as shown is not : a zoning map but indicates a range of developme$l. 4 I I I I a a I I I I 1 I I 4 1 I 8 and (2) to guide its future growth, It is defi-1 I In closing T9r. Barnes stated they were not the i author of the plan, but merely carried out the : desires of the communi ty. I I I 1 Mr. .James Kuebelbeck, Project Economist for Daniel, &!ann, Johnson and Mendenhall, was introj MR. KUEBELBECK stated the projection of a City'd economy is the most difficult. What the cammun-! ity does can shape the future economy of the City. In preparing .an economic report they eva'lttate i I I duced, t I I .. .4 I l a I t I I I I I I 8 I I t -4- L ', ., '\ t I 8 t '8 I " '\ '\ * I '\ '\ ', I ', '8 ', i Name '$,'\! ; of '< I I .' 1 0 ............................................... : Member I I I i t11e past history of the city, and the present, i, ! ;;nd this gives them an indication where the i i break in the future will be. This economy will * : ; cii=aend 011 the community and to the land available!. i T+L' probable future growth of the City is depend-: : r-rt upon three factors - population, industry i \ and land uses. The economic analysis includes a : : co3prehensive study of the planning area, the i i North Coastal region of San Diego County and the i : §an Diego 3ctropolitan area. A 20-year period ; r of analysis was used and projections are shown i I for the year 1985. * I I The economic analysis indicates the following i : findings: Population will almost triple, increasi- i ing to approximately 31,000; with labor force ; : increasing to approximately IO,OOO, with about I i 25% of the labor force working outside the plann-: i the ci tycs economy wj11 be based predominantly ; i upon commerce and services; islanufacturing indust-; ; ry will play a lessor role; some increase in i resort industry will occur, especially is7 the i ; Agua Hedionda Lagoon area; future residents in i i the area will be of higher skill and higher in- : : cone; and retail sales should increase to I i approximately $35 million in 1385. i Tile anaaysis shotiss that the improvement will be i ; of a clean and desirable type. From this eco- I I nomic report Daniel, Piann, Johnson and Mendenhall! i have projected their General Plan. I I i MR. PAUL NEAL, Project Planner for Daniel, Mann, i I Johnson, and Wendenhall 9 was introduced, and I stated they had endeavored to use the natural ; street plan has been checked with the County and ; I the City Street department. They do not say thesie i are precise lines and are not set out as such. : : Thsy are suggesting that the most important part I i of the plan is the tieing together os" the down- : i town commercial area with the Harbor as it is I : develaped. The downtobvn area is unique and i should be kept that way. There is approximately 1 : 6 1/2 miles of freeway North and South. Based ' i i on the economic report they do not suggest conm- ; ; ercial lining along the freeway. You want this i i to be the most attractive part of your community ; : in order to attract tourists. They have sugg- i i ested that services be allowed at the intersect- I ! ions. This City is very fortunate in that there i i I's no other community along the coast that has : : a lagoon located at both entrances to the City. I i The green area shown on the map has been used 1 ; to set off the natural settings wherever possibld. 1 I 1 : ing area in other parts of the metropolitan am;! I I I 1 I I I : 1 I t I 1 1 I I I ' ! facilities in the area for the General Plan. Thd 1 I ! 8 I * i 8r. Neal further stated the plan as shown will i : accommodate 123,000 population. They are in t i hopes the County will cooperate with the City as ! : far as schools, roadsl, etc. I I i In closing Mr. Neal asked if the Council wished i i to as any questions? I I : : I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I : t I I I I 1 : I ! ! , I I 1 I I ! ; I I I I I -5- ! \, ', \, '. I 8, '*, ', ' 8 l, 'x, * \' 1 I \, 8 '\ : Name '8, ' : of '< I 1 \ 1 0 1"""""""""""""""""""".-~""""""""""""""""~-""""""" 1 Member t I I 4 i Mayor Atkinson inquired as to what ty.pe of popu-i i ?ation the City would attract? : i M'. . . Kuebcleck stated it shou.ld attract medium i tn high value income. The ne^ development east i i c7.1' the Freeway has been a high-value deve1oprnent.i ; The character of the City is going to change-. I \ This \dill occur in the 2nd and 3rd ownership. Thei : age group nil1 be from 28 to 35 years. If the ; i iiarbor is developed the income famify will be up-i f graded. I ! ! i flayor Atkinson further inquired as to whether the! : Freeway opening between San Diego and C.arlsbad i i would have an impact on the City? 4 i Mr. Kuebelbeck stated he felt the Freeway would i I be the major factor. 8 I i Cmn. Ounne asked Ar. Kuebelbeck if it was his I impression that the City should not strive for i i an industrial area? I I : Mr. Kuebclbeck stated the City should try and E keep pace with the surrounding communi ties 9 how- [ i ever they should be selective. Heavy industry t : brings in the lower grade salaried resident. I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 1 I t I t I I I I I I I I ; Cmn, Dunne asked the advantages and disadvantages! ; of such a condition, and blr. Kuebelbeck stated I : industries tend to locate where service is avail-! i able and where improvement is available. Trans- i i portation in Carlsbad is more competetive but is : : normal for a community of this site, Carfsbad i i is at a slight disadvantage due to industry being: : located elsewhere where services are offered. I This community is behind other communities as : far as industry is concerned. ! Cmn. Jardine asked if this would not be an advantb i age? I I i Nr. Kuebelbeck stated since 1930 they have gotteni : away from the idea that heavy industry generates ; I a community. !.!e have a different form of economyt i then WE did 30 year ago. The man who works 25 { I is a small plant. I I i Cnn. I'4eiswcnder inquired about shopping areas in ! : the southern planning area? : Nr. Barnes stated the amount of stlopping area i around the harbor has not been projected. If !YOU take aut a commercial area in one place you i ; must rep1a.ce it somewhere else. Shopping areas i I are located to serve a 1 to 5 mile radius. I I i The City Nanager stated in their econcmic report i : they show retail sales at $8 million in 1964 i and $35 million by 1369. How will this affect i ! Mr. Kuebe.7beck stated this 'will create a certain i : amount of activity around the regional shopping I i center. This could cause a leakage elsewhere. l a 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I miles away brings his pay home and he in effect : I b t I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I b I I I I I 8 i the PopUlatdQn? I I 4 6 I I I t I I I I I I 1 f 8 t I I I I ! I I I t 1 I I 1 1 I I I I -6- ; ', \\ .\, ' I '\\ '\\ '., I '\\ '\ '? i Name 'N,', '3 I I I .' \' : of '( I I I""-""""-""--~""""""""""""~~"""""""""""*"""l"""""~~"~~ I I 4 0 : Member I It is this t pe of growth that is pro'ected In i i their estinafed growth cf the City. She region- ; t a1 shopping center will have an impact on the : 1 commun-i ty. I : i 2r. Mamaux further inquired if seasonal employ- { : ment would affect the commnity economically? I Mr. Mamaux was informed this would affect the I ; economics of the community as this in effect 1 t i would be an industry. i Cmn. Hughes inquired about the number of miles i : of freeway, yet they recommend commercial only : i at the intersections. What do you recommend * I i along the balance of the freeway? I Mr. Neal stated they are suggesting residential i : development along the freeway with extensive t I I planting, If you have commercial along the free: ! Mr. Barnes informed the Council they gave this ! i matter a great deal of thought. They strongly i : recommend the retention of Buena Vista Lagoon on: i the North and the further developfi.ent of Hosp : i Grove. This makes a beautiful entry on the Nortt. ; The new freeway coming in from the south will ; I pass by the Batiquitas Lagoon and will give a : ; recreation image. There is no city on the coast i i that has a water feature at both entrances to th$ : city. The City of Carlsbad is blessed. This is; I an increased value and an invitation to go off I : the freeway. People have to be invited off the : i freeway . I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 I way transients do not go into ~OWM. 8 I I t I I 1 I I 4 I I I I I I I I i Cmn. Dunne stated one of the difficulties is : there are no transient motels or hotels. I 8 I I i4r. Barnes stated there are four types of motefsi ! The two types that would be appropriate for this: I City is resort-tourist and transien-t Tourists 1 : located near the off-ramps. Elm Avenue would : 1 be an ideal location. I I I Vir. Neal informed the Council that in working i I with the Planning Commission it was their inten-: i tion to have motels, hotels, ctc. along the beach. i This would take the tourist off the freeway thru: : the downtown area and down to the beach. These I i are the people that will spend money in your : : town. 4 I 4 1. I I I * I I 8 I t + I I I I I I ! I I I I I * I I I I I I I b I I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I + I I I I I A short recess was called at 9:05 P.N. The meeting reconvened at 9:12 P.M. Idayor Atkinsan reiterated that this matter would/ be continued in order that everyone would be I able to study the revisions. I I I I t 1 I PIR. F30!4DY, Pine Avenue, stated he had just tal ked with the Planner about a matter that was i of concern to him. There arc thousands and t I thousands of people that go along the freeway i and do not know there is a town. bjhen the I t Planners make a statement that residential should be along the freeway, how are you going ! to let the people know there is a town? t I t I I I I I I t I i ; I I -7- I' I '\ ', .\, ', ! ', ', ', '\ ! f~a me \\\, '*I ; of '2 I '\, '..,,'*\ f ' " 8 0 :""""""""~""-""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""~""""""" : Member ! NR. PERRY LAMB, asked that a letter that had i been addressed to the Council please be read. I I t 1 I I I 4 I I I I The Clerk presented a letter from Mr.. Lamb, date4 i January 31,1966, stating that inasmuch as he was ; ; She .only Planning Commissioner who voted against i i both the resolution to hold the public hearing : : and the resolution to adopt the General Plan, ' i i he felt he should state his reasons. (1) He did : ; not betieve the City Council should complete I i their public hearing on the General Plan until , i : the Harbor Report is received and completeJy $ ; evaluated; and (2) the Genersll Plan h.ad not been ; ! : proof read by DT4JF.I before printing, and he urged ; I the Council to insist that DMJM eliminate all I errors from their final report. AISO the CounclIi ; should consider the suggested LOY Density Resid- i i entia1 toning just east of the freeway between : : Elm and Tamarack. Further the fact that you ' i i will be told the plan is not permanent and can ; ; be changed from time to time, of which he has 1 i no argument, however, there is a tendency to -eve+- : ride objections from citizens in some cases by ; i improperly referring to these concepts. ; Letter dated January 31 , '1956, from G. D. Nordholh, I stating his objection to the City ilall being I I I placed on the North side of Lagruna Drive bettveen i I Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and ElnvJood, as he felt there were : i other sites that should be considered and used. ! I I I I $ I I I I I I 1 I I I I : MR. DON BRIGGS, JR. 9 2381 Jefferson Street, i stated he concurred with flr. Lambs findings. It I I is his feeling that DHJM has overlooked. thin.gs i I of importance to the City of Carfsbad. 101 Free- i I way and Vista Freeway are interstate freeways I I I and will bring people into this area. They must i I see something from the freeway to attract' them : : into the City, Landscaped freeways are an aim i i of the State to not have people stop in cities, ; ; Signs and commercial development can be controllep. i Bir. Rriggs voiced objection to the City Hall I : : being located at the intersection of Elm Ave. an4 i U.S. 101 Freeway due to the traffic problem; the I : Batiquitas Lagoon should be considered as a 'har- i i bor not the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, as the. cost of : I a harbor is staggering; he questioned medium I I i density along the rail road tracks. Presently ' I ! / there is light industry in the location of Tyler; : St., which backs up to the railroad and spur I tracks are available. To kchange this light im- i : dustry to another location would not be fair to .i i the people who have invested money i-n buildings, : : equipment, etc, The Planners have prop0se.d 'light: i industry along the railroad track in the Terramar: : area. This area should be considered for a rapiai i transit station, as people could then commute ; i from Los Angeles. The Civic Center should be i i located along Palomar Road where it would be near: i the airport. Wr. Briggs further objected to the ; : extension of Tamarack Avenue. The Planners -have i : proposed an 84' width roadway. The vdhole area ; : is up in .arms. The people do riot want a precise ; : plan for Tamarack Ave. Public Hearings were held! i (?, 12% grade on this street. It has been said thiis I I 1)' i on this matter and it was turned down. There is I 1 .- ! I I , *,\- ** I '\ '\ '*, I ! ''t I I I I 1 *, \\,'X, '\, I I I I I ! -8- I I '\ 't, '\ i Na me ''\,'\! ; of q I t 0 :"""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""-~""-"""~""""-""-. : Member I is just a general plan, however, when something i I + i like this gets on the map it is hardito get off, I t ! I JAMES CARMICHAEL, 4105 Sky1 i ne Road, stated he i i wished to object to the extension of Tamarack 4 I ; Avenue as shown on the map. He was here when a 1 : public hearing was held on this matter and there : i were 150 persons who appeared to protest against i i the extension through the Highlands. These t I : people can appear again if necessary. The reason: i they do not want this freeway through the High- : : lands is that it would cause noise, dirt and be I i a traffic hazard. He could S~L? no new circum- i stances to cause this matter to be brought up : ; again. Mr. Carmichael rzquested that the General: : Plan be revised deleting the extension of I I i Tamarack Ave. prior to the next meeting of the i i Counci 1. I 1 k I I I I I * ' DON BRIGGS. SR, s read a letter that he presented ; I t ; to the Council at the time of the hearing on the i i extension of Tamarack Ave. approximately 4 years t : ago, setting forth his objections. Mr. Briggs i i stated he did not know of anyone that wanted : Tamarack Ave. extended, however, he knew of a i lot of people who do not want it. i ALLEN KELLY stated he was v2ry impressed' with thb I local planngrs in this area. He agreed with :+It-. ; ; Briggs as to his objections, except for a couple.: I dr. Kelly pointed out the proposed entrance to : ; the Harbor on the map and commented on' the fact i I that considerable money could be saved by chang- ; ; ing their plan. In c'losing tlr. Kelly stated he I i did not feel the General Plan should be c.onsider-: I ed until the llarbor Report has been present.ed ; i blR. JACK KUBOTA, 2965 Roosevelt, requested that : : he be reserved ths right to speak at the next i I meeting, due to the fact the plan as revised was i i just received this afternoon and the hearing will: ; be continued. i i4r. Kahota further commented that it has been i i stated that the General Plan is a broad plan and : t that specifics are not to be considered, If this i I is a broad plan then he would question the valid-: : ity of specific questions being asked. take I 1 i CaIaveras is shown on the map as a recreatI.on I ; area - he would show it as a Public Utility area.: ! The area around the airport is shown as a green i i area and he feels it should be shown as a I I : clear area, I ! ! As there &ere no other persons desiring to speak i i at this time, the Mayor declared the public hear-: ; ing continued to February 15, 1966, at 7:30 P.M. i : ENGINEERING: ! (a) Terramar Sewer District - Ass2ssment Distri'cti i #2-1964. The Engineering Department presented : t the Assessment District Diagrarn,.and map for the i I i Council's consideration. I.. * I I I t I I t I 9 I I 1' i I and considered. ! I t t I I I I I I i I I I I, t (. I I I I I 8 I I I I i I I I I I * I I I I * I I I I I I I I 4 I # I r I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I I t I I ! -9- I I '\ \ ., \ I , ' '\ i. Name '<, 1 : of " + I '\ \.,'\., I '\, .' '\ ', I ' '\ ', 0 ~""""""~"""""""""""~~"-~"""~"""""""-""--"""~""-------"- I : Member I I I After consideraticn by the Council', the followin6 i resolution was presented: I 1 I Resolution No. 1217. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :Dunne : COUi4CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DIRECTIMG MOTICeNeiswende i OF FILIiijG OF ASSESSMENT APtD OF THE TIME AND PLACqAtkinson I OF HEARX8G THEREOF, A.D. No. 2-1964, was adopted :Hughes : by title only and further reading waived. !Jardine ! (b) Acacia Avenue Improvement - Assessment Dis: ; I i trict #3-1965. Plans and Specifications for the I ; improvement of Acacia Avenue from Garfield Stree6 \ to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co. i ! right of way were presented for the Council's ; J consideration, i After consideration by the Council the following I i resolutions were presented: I I I I t I t I I i - I I t I I I I I I : Resolution No. T218. A WESOLUTIOP~ OF THE CITY IDunne i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVIMG PLANS :Refswende f AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CERTAIH STREET IMPROVE- :Atkinson i MEMTS AND APPROVIPIG ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IUiAP, A. D.;Hughes i #3-1965, was adopted by title only and further :Jardine ! reading waived. I 8 i Resolution :$/os 1219. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i I COUNCIL OF TClE CITY OF CARLSEAL), CALIFORNIA, ! i DECLARING ITS INTENTIOM TO ORDER CERTAIN STREET ! i INPROVEI4EF;rTS AND APPURTENANCES AND APPURTEMA8T I : WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING TWE WORK TO BE OF i I SCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID i UORK AND TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST AND €X- i i PENSE THEREOF; DETERZIfdING THAT BONDS SHALL BE i : ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSNEMTS TO BE LEVIED; i AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTES4S i AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF THE :Dunne ! DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, APD GIVING :Nei swender i NOTICE THEREOF, A.D. 83-1965, was adopted by titlieAlkinson : only and further reading waived. jHughes I :Jardine I I I i NORE TWAii LQCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DES- I I I 6 I I I I i (c) Madison Street Improvement - Assessment [ the improvement of Madison Street, et aI9 were 1 ; District #5-1964, plans for specifications for j 6 I I I I i (c) Madison Street Improvement - Assessment i District #5-1964. Plans for specifications for j street, et a1 9 were 1 i presented for the Council's consideration. In I i describing the boundaries of the proposed distridt : the Engineering Department informed the Council ; i this will takc care of aJmost all the downtown : i area. The petition was presented in November of i ; 1964, and funds were budgeted in the 1965-66 I budget for this project. i The following resolution were presented: I I I I I I I I I I I t * I i Resolution NO. 1220. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY dDunne : CARLSBAD APPROVING PLANS At\!D SPECIFICATIONS 'FOR iNeiswender i CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMNTS AND APPROVING ASSESS-:Atkinson i NEWT DISTRICT NAP, A.D. 85-1964, was adopted by !Hughes i ti tly only and further reading waived. !Jardine i Resolution No. 1221, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY"0F CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, .DE- I i CLARIfIG ITS INTENTIOR TO ORDER CERTAIN STREET ! : I~PROYELIENTS AND APPURTEFJANCES AiJD APPURTEfjAMT t f 8 1 I 4 I I I I I I ? I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I ! - 10 - a' ; ',, '\,"\, '\ . '\ ' '* \\ 8' , ', i Name ' 'x, ', ' ; of '3 I I I I '\ \ ' 0 ;""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- : Member 1 5JORK I)! SAID CITY; DECLARING TNE [:/(IRK TQ: BE QF I I t I i IciOWE THAN LOCAL OR ORDIHARY PUBLIC. BEMEFXT; DE- i ! SCRISIMG THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID l ! i UBRK AND TO BE ASSESSEL! TO PAY THE COST AND EX- i I PENSE THEREOF; DETERMINIF4G THAT BOWDS SHALL BE i ! ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; I I AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PRO- i Dunne i TESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT f Fieiswendr i GIVIPirU NOTICE TflEREOF, A.D. #5-1964, was adopted i Hughes ; by title only and further reading waived. : Jardine I i4r. Donald. Briggs, Jr., Parks and Recreation Corn-: : missioner, informed the Council the commission I i did not have a chance to make their report on i I the renoval of trees in accordance with the plans: i and specifications, as this was just presented i i to the commission last week. I I I I I i The Engineering Department informed the Council i ; the plans were given to the Parks and Recreation i i Commission three weeks ago. I 1 i The City Manager stated the problem seems to be i : is that the Parks and Recreation Commission only i i meets once a month. Sometimes in order to align: : the street properly trees have to be removed. I I i !4r. Briggs stated the widening of every street ; i in town will cut down approximately half of the I *I treesg and they fee7 they should have more time : : to consider the matter and make their recommenda: i tion. I 8 i By motion of the Council the motion approving ! : Resolution No. 1220 and 7221 was withdrawn, and i : deferred until the Parks and Recreation Commis- i i sion have made their report. i Nr. Thorton of the Engineering Department stated 1 : they are in hopes of saving three trees. I I i OF THE DISTRICT 13 BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND : Atkinson I I 1. 1 I I I I 1 t I I 1 1. I I I I i further action on the idadison street project was I I J I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I : fdEU BUSIiiESS: I- I I i (a) First reading of Ordinance #9184, requiring! ; a preliminary soil report of subdivisions and ' I i specifying the conditions under which a soil in-: : vestigation of' each lot is required. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I The City Attorney informed the Council this or- I . dinance was requested by the Engineering Depart- : menl for the Council's consideration, due to new i legislation passed. bdhen a subdivision is pre- :' sented, this ordinance would alloy the Engineer- i they feel it is necessary, and would become a : part of the subdivision cost. Inquiry was made by the Council if the City has i any problems in the past, and the Engineering : Department informed the Council they do not have I any problems at the present time, but as land is ; developed to t the East they may have a problem. i ing Department to request a soil test report if i I I I I J 8 I 1 I I I I I 8 I t I I 8 I I 1 ! - 11 - I' I % ', '8 ', '\ ' '. I '\ '. ' ! of ': I r '8, 't,'8, ' t I f Na me 'x*,"* I 0 :""""""""""""""""""*""""""""""""""""~""~"*""""". : Member i The following ordinance was presented for a firse I reading: t I r Ordinance. No. 9784.AN ORDINANGE FOR THE CITY OF i Dunne i CARLSBAD, was given a first reading by title only: Pleiswend : and further reading waived. 1 Atkinson I I 1 6 # I I I I I I : Hughes I i Jardine I I 1 I I ; (b) Off-Street Parkinq Aqreement - Henry ilayer ! i Investments. The City Attorney informed the ; Council the property involved is located at the i i foot of Cedar Ave. on Ocean Street. A variance ! i a year ago, in order to build a 3-story apartment; I with the condition that off-street parking fac- : , ; ili ities be provided on the East side of 9ccan i i Street. It was agreed than an agreement be en- : ; tered into by- the property owners, which would i i tie the two properties together. An agreement : I uas prepared, which included the second mortgage I i holders. Since that time thzy have been paid ; : and it was necessary to change the agreement. The! i City Attorney asked that the Ilayor be authorized i i to execute the agreement. t t : The City Pf1anage.r requested this matter be held i I aver for two weeks. ! Tony Woward-Jones stated he represented Henry I I I\?ayer Investments, and this matter was actually : i ning Commission recommended approval of this off4 : site parking. The development will be on the i \ beach side of Ocean Street, and the parking will';. : be provided'on the East side of Ocean Street. I I i The agreement has been modified to delete the I i second mortgage holders. I' I I 1 ; was granted to the owners of the property over t I I I t I I I I I I I I approved along with the development. The Plan.- i I I I I i The City Manager inquired as to the drainage for : 1 this project. ! I I I I I I ; Mr. Howard-Jones stated they have granted ease- i i rnents to the City for the drainage and they will : : provide the drainage facilities. They did not i : want to bring this matter before the Council unti:l' i they had their financing set up and were ready i i to start developing the units. 8 a I I I I I i BY motion of the Council the ag.reemcnt was ap t Dum t I ! Hughes I i Jardine ; proved and the Flayor authorized to execute the i Neiswende : agreement on behalf of the City. : Atkinson I I * I I I I I I Cmn. Neiswender presented a letter from the i Chamber of Commerce, stating the Carlsbad Boat & ! : Ski Club have requested €he Chamber 0:' Commerce t$ i co-sponsor an Open Ski Tournament on June 18th i ; and 19th. This event is sanctioned by the * i American Mater Ski Assocjation. The estimated i I cost to the Chamber would be $600.00, and they ; ; did not budget for this event in their Summer- i i Fun Program. f 8 I I I B I I t 1 ! I + I I # I I 1 I i. t t I I I I I t I I I t I I 1 a - 12 - I' ., ', .\ '\ 4 I '\ X.\'\,, ' ',, '\\ ' i Name '\,'* ; of " ', I \. ' ' I 0 I I"""-""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""-~"".-~""""""" : Member i The Council indicated they would like to have I I I I ~MQW information on this matter, and requested th4 I~harnber to have a representative appear before : : the Counci 1. I I 4 t I I )Proclamation - Boy Scout !ieek. :.layor Atkinson i proclaimed the !Eer;k of February 7 to 13 as Boy i :Scout I Eleek, and Tuesday, February 8,1966 as I I I Boy Scout Anniversary Day. !Enforcement 0-f Strset Tree arcfinances - Parks :and Recreation Commission. ' :.!enorandurn from tile I :Parks and Recreation Commission was Dresented, i 4 I 8 I c I I D I I I e I b i stating the;! were concerned with the' failure :of City Officials to support the beautification : i of Carlsbad :vi th respect to trees. They s.uggeste$ ithe following as a possible means of control: I I(1) A directive issued to City 3fficials con- f cerned with tree removal p advising that trees I are to be removed only after approval by the i Tree Committee, and the City Council be the only i ; body f%ipQt,!cr@d with a veto ower the recommendat- : i ion of the Tree Committee; and (2) That the City: :Council require that subdivision plans include i i a street tree layout, and the Tree Committee I I 1 empowered to approve or disapprovs the trGe lay- ! ! out ni th veto power by the City Council only. :The City Manager informed the Council this in 1. :effect would do away with ths decision of the Citi : vlanager, and would mean that every tree would i have to come before the Council. i After consideration by the Council it was agreed i : that the Street Trec Ordinances remain as they i i are now. 8 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ! i OLD BUSIF!ESS: I t I I I I I i (a) Second reading of Ordinance Wl095$ regarding: : salaries for Councilmen. The following ordinance: !t!jas presented for a second reading: I I - I I I i Ounne i 3rdinance t.!o- lO95AAP1 ORDIRAI.dCE OF THE CITY OF ! Neiswende i CARLSBAD REGARDIIG SALARIES FOR COUI~!CILHEN, was i Atkinson : given a second reading by title only and adopted.jHughes I I I ; Jardine I i CITY ATTORrjEY'S REPORT: i Hall \Jells. Wr. Bob Johnson of the Water Depart-! i ment has been working with some of the users and i : property owners for an agreement to lease some of; i the City's water rights in the Hal? !.Jells, on a ; month to month basis. At the present time we do i i not pump any water from the wells, however, we do! :maintain the wells. Tlie Lessee would be required: i to maintain the pump. If ti12 Council wishes an .: : agreement can be prepared for the Council's con- i I sideration. I I ! By motion*.of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne : City Attorney prepare the necessary docments fori Neiswender ! the Council's consideration. f Atkinson I i Jardine I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Hughes I I I 1 1 1 I t I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - 13 - I ', ' .. '\ I '\ \ '\ I I 8' \, \,,'x. 't 1 1 I '., 'x, ' i Name \\,'j : of '8? I I a 1 Member ; _~L"_"____"~__""""""""" ~ """""""" """ "" """""""~""""""" i Request for vacation of road easement, The ! owners of the property \$here the IBay-Co. is to b? i located have discovered an old road easement thae i was granted in 188f. The owners have requested I i the City to vacate this road easement. The En- 4 ! giincering Department has no objection to this : t ; casement being vacated. I I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the : Dunne i easement be vacated as requested. i Nei swcndc I ! Atkinson t I I I I I I # I G t 3 I I I I 1 Hughes I I I Jardine I I I I i Claim for damages. A claim for damages bas been i : received from Shirley Hendrickson in the amount : i of $110.82 caused by an accident involving one of: t the Pol Ice Cars, The City Attorney recommended : \ this matter referred to the City's insurance ; carrier. i I # $ $ I 1 I I i By notion of the Council the claim was denied : Dunne i and referred to thc insurance carrier. i Neiswendr I ; Atki nson t : Jardine I t I I I I Hughes I I I 1 I : Park area surrounding Depot. A Non-profit Associ-i i ation has been formed for the preservation of the: I depot and surrounding area, hoiJever, they are : still awaiting their exemption from tax rolls i from the State and Federal governments. The assocv- ; ation has requested that the subleases be pre- I I i pared and if the Counci 1 wishes they can be pre- i ;pared for the next meeting of the Council. I * I ! hn. k!eiswender inquired abou the closing of ! i Nashington Street between Elm Avenue and Grand i :Avenue, as this would make a larger park area. i :The Council was informed that if the street were i : vacated it would revert to the adjoining property: i owners. I I I By motion of the Council the City Attorney was I Dunne i instructed to prepare the necessary documents for! Neiswende : subleasing the property. :Atkinson I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : Hughes t I Jardine t I 1 I I Buena Vista Lagoon drainage outfall. Cmn. Dunne ! :stated the existing drainage outfall for the I Buena Vista Lagoon is not adequate. The Cf ty had! Woubfr I during the November and December rains, i :An estimate has been submitted by the Engineering: !Department as to the cost of enlarging the outfalf, :and he would like to suggest that this ma-t.ter be : jdiscussed with Oceanside to see if they will t participate in the cost. f I t I I I I 8 I I !By common consent it was agreed that this matter i !be discussed with Oceanside. I I 1 I I t I I I t I I I 1 1 t t F I I I I I I I I J I ! I 4 I I I I I I I : ‘8, ‘, “, ’\ 1 1, ‘r ‘, I 1 \\\’ t I I \ ’. 8 I I \\8’ I : .. . I k - 14 - I 1 l ‘ ’\ i Name \\, N I I of ;~““““““““““““”“~~”“““““~-~”““”“““-“----““--“l---”----“--- I Member I CITY ,FSANAGER’S REPORT: I Request for use of Holiday Park - Friends of the: i Library. The Friends of the Library have re- # I i quested the use of Holidpy Park on Hay 22, 1966,; : for thefr Annual Book Fair. * I By motion of the Council it was agreed that the !Dum@ i use of Holiday Park on Hay 22, 1966, be granted jMeiswende i to the Friends of the Library for their Annual :Atkinson ; Book Fair. 19Hug hes t ! 84 \, e I I I I 1 b I I I I I 8 I I I # I J :Jardine 1 I I I I I ! t I I t % t I 1 I I I 1 t I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I El Camino Real - Chestnut Avenue to La Costa. The City Manager reported this matter was brought , before the Board of Supervisors today, and it wa$ referred to the County Road Department. This is: all a part of the Federal Aid Program. _Traffic on Sasswood - James +I. Kinghorn. A letter has been received from James PSI. Kinghorn,! a copy of which was given to each of the Council: men, requesting that a traffic check be made as : to speeding on Basswood, and that, the intrrsec- i tion of Basswood Ave. and Donna Drive be given : serious consideration in order to avoid a future! death or serious accident. I I I *. I * 4 t I I I i The City Manager requested this matter referred i : to the Traffic Safety Committee and a report I I 1 made back to the Council. ! i tfalkyay for Chestnut Avenue. The property owner4 i on Chestnut Avenue have been contacted as to re-; ; rnoval of trees and p?antings along the proposed i i walkway. I I i Cmn. Hughes stated he received a call from :4rs. I : lilatkins, who lives on Chestnut Avenue, and she : ! was very unhappy that the plantings had been re- i i moved. Also who is going to maintain this 1 1 : wa 1 kway . i The Engineering Department informed the Council i I it will just be a dirt walkway. 1 Cmn. Dunne suggested that the radar device be I : used on Basswood Avenue to check the speed viola: ! tors. 1 i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA-j : TION OF PAYROLL: I I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills IDunne : Cor the General Expenses of the City in the jNei swender i amount of $148,742.04 and for ‘the Water Depart- ;Atkinson : rnent jn the amount of $1,527.23, from January :Hughes i 18,. 1966 to February 1, 1966, as certified by :Jardine : the Director of Finance and ap-proved by the Au- I i diting Committee. t t I I t I I I I 1 t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I *I t I I I I I I ? 8 I I I I I 1 I f 1 4 I I r I ! ! 1 I 1 I I * 1 * 1 I I I I I I I I L I I I 1 I f e 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I' , . ., \. I I I \\ ', ' ', I \\ +\ I - 15 - i Name '8,- 1 of ! :"""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". : Member i Ratification of the Fayroll was given for the I Dunne ! 1 ast half of January, 1966, s'n the amount of 1 Nei snendc : $22,961.81 as certified by the Director of FitranckAtkinson i and approved by the Auditing Committee. : Hughes I I I 8' ' '\ t 't '. ', .# I I I I t I I 1 I 1 ~ardinc 1 ADJOURMEMT: I 1 t ! k l a I I I % 1 I I I $ I t t I 1 I I t I I I 4 I I 8 I I I I I I 4 I 8 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I ; By proper motion the meeting as adjourned at i 10:25 p.it??. i ~espectfu~~y submitted, I I I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I ! I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 3 I I I 3 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ! I 1 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I a I I I I I I 1 I I I I 4 I I I I t I 1 I I I 9 I I I I t 4 I 1 s I I I 2 I I I 1 I t I I 1 I I 1 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 $ I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t 1 I t I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I