HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-04-05; City Council; Minutes (3)i CITY OF CARLSBAD I 4 I 1 % ’\\ ‘,, ’\, ‘%* ”\ : F‘iinutes of: CITY ~Otil?~ft (Regular Meejting) .\, t ‘\ ‘\\ ‘, 4 Date of I”1eeting: April 5, 1966 : Name \\, ’J I T~IW of i.ieeting: 7:OO P.;4. ; of ‘5 i-~J-a~-~,nf_,~~-~~-~j~~g-~ ___________ ~~-~~_€~~---~~-~~-~~-~~ __-___________) : _-__- Member ~ _______ i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Dunne, : Meiswender, Atkinson, Hughes and Jardine. Also i { present were City i-lanager )farrraux, city Attorney I i bii lson and City Clerk /%darns. 6 1 i INVUCATIQN was offered by Councilman kleiswender. i i ALFEGZA91CE to the F1 ag was given. t # I I I * e I I 1 f I I I I I I I ! i APPROVAL 3F NINIJTES: I 4 1 I 1 4 ! i (a) ijiinutes of the regutar meeting held &wch Ifjj,Dbnrie i 1966, were approved as corrected. ; Neiswcndk I I I # 1 Atkinsan I I : Hughes 8 I Jardine I ! * t : CBRRESPOh!DENCE: I I 1 I I 1 i There ?#as no written correspondence presented. i I I I : ORAL COK4UN I CATIO!4S : ! I I I I I I I I I I I : There were no oral communications. ! : PU3LIC ‘rJEt\RI!iGS: ! I I I 1 8 i (a) Vacation of a portion of valley street. (Ccn-i : ti nued) . I I I t ! The City Attorney informed the Council the agree-: ! I :nent between the School Board and the City has : : not been comp’l eted in final form, and he request-! I ed the matter continued uiltil the next meeting. : i By common consent of the Council the hearing on : : the vacation of a portion of Valley Street has i i continued until April 19, 1866, at 7:30 P.d. i (b) Resolution of Intention #56 of the Planning [ g Cornmission - re: General Plan. I I i :.layor Atkinson announced that Mr. Paul [leal of i : Daniel, ;.!ann, Johnson and Ifendenhall, could not i i be present tonight, and he would like to request : : this matter continued until the next regular I i meeting of the Counci 1. I I : By common consent of the Couflcil the public hear-; I ! ing on Resolution of Intention #56 of the P7an- i { ning Commission - re: General Plan, was continu-: ; ed until April 19, 1966 at 7:30 P.Y. t I I I I I I I I 1 1 s I I I I I I I I I I I I B I : ERG1 NEERI NG: I I 1 I I I I i (a> Knonles Ave. cash sewer extension petition. i : Nemorandum dated March 29, 7966, Prom the City : i Engineer was presented, stating a cash sewer a I : main extension petition in Knowfes Avenue from i i Gregory Way to 628.00 feet more or less easterly,: : has been received by their department. Property i i owners with 891 .OO feet of an estimated 1054.00 : : feet of benefiting frontage have signed the peti-I i ion. Two property owoers have not signed, and : : I of these two, one is in the Peace Corps, and the^ : have been unable to contact him, and the other ! : does not wish to particigaie ai this time. The i t I I 1 I I 4 I I I I I I 1 * t I L I I I 1 8 ! I t I I I '\ ', -8 *, I I 8, x '\ I -.2 - '\ '\, \I 1 't '\ I : of ': ~""""""""~""""""~""""*-~""-"""""""""-""""";""""""~. : Member i Engineering Department recommended that the City ! : participate in approximately the amount of $642.0D i for the sewer main construction, provided the I sl;gners of the petition deposit their pro-rata ; I S~ZYQ of the cost. The $642.00 wfll be collectedf f in the future upon apgli cation of the owners t i to use the sewer faci I i ties. i The Assistant Engineer informed the Council the i i project is too small to be incumbered by a 1911 : : Act proceeding, and they recommend that the 1 i Sewer Revolving Fund be used to pay the pro-rata ! i amount of the two property owners not parti cipat-i 1 I \'\ I I # I I I I I I Name \x, 1 I I I 0 I I I I I 8 I I I 4 3 i jng. * I I I I I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne ! amount of $642.00 be appropriated from the Sewer i Neiswendt i Revolving Fund for the construction of the sewer ; Atkinson : extension line, providing the petitioners deposit: Hughes I their pro-rata share of the cost. ! Jardine ! t 4 i I (b) Stratford Lane Street Im,provement 0. 1911 Act f ! Proceedings - A.3. 1-1964.. : I I I + i ; The Engineering Department presented the Assess- i : ment Diagram for Stratford Lane, and certified I i that all properties shown on the diagram benefit ; : from the improvement. I I : After consideration by the Council the following i i resol uti on was presented: ! Resolution No. 1252. A RESOLUTIOE OF THE CITY ; I COUNCIL OF Ti-fE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DIRECTI>fG NOTICEi Ounne ; OF FILING OF ASSESS'XENT AR5 OF THE TIME AND PLACE: Neiswendc i OF HERRIPJG THEREOF, Assessment District HO. 1- : Atkinson : 1964, was adopted by title only and further read-: Hughes i i ng waived. : Jardine i (c) Report on El Camino Real. road easernents, : Llr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the i ! Council negotiations are being made to acquire i I road easements for the widening sf El Camino Real:. i Thherc are twelve parcels involved. Of these i tvielve, one easement has been granted, five the i : Ci ty is sti 11 negotiating wi tR the property i ownersg two have stated ''no" an.d three property i : oilners have not replied. One more easement has i i been promised. The County Road Department has : ; set the date of April 15, 7966 for completion of I i the negotiations. I I i The City Planager stated that if the City cannot i : acquire the easements by Aprii 15, 1966, it krill i I be necessary to condemn the property. i BY motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Dunne ; demnaticjn proceedings If the necessary easements !Atkinson i are not zcquired by April 15, 1966. : Hughes I I I I I I 1 I I i I I I 1 t 1 1 I I 8 I t I I 8 t I f I I I t i City Attorney be authorized to proceed with con- i fieisnende I ! Jardine I I I I I I i The City i4anager further stated the City needs i i 100% participation if we VJant' to go to bid by i July 7, 1966 of this year. t $ I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I 1 I I l e l t 4 I I I I 1 I I I I # I 1 I t 1 I I i " \ '\ "8 8, I X" I I '%' *\ '\ \ '\ ' I ; Name *\,' t : of '< :"""""""""~""""""""~"--"-"""""""""""""~""-~"""~""*" i Member I I 4 I 1 -3- '! '. ', I I I ! I I I I 1 t I I 0 : I- PL,4PlPiIRG: I I I i (a) Hewrandurn from PI anning Commission - re: t R-T Rec uses-. Fliimorandum dated I4arch 24, NE9 i , i r*ia -the Planning Commission was presented, stat4 ; :.ye" i 4 ;sg there presently e'xis ts certain u5es of R-T i : pPoperty which require a designation on the ronitig i map as "Ret" pursuant to Section 900 of Ordinance I YQ. 9660.. Although the property is properly i zoned R-T, the Wec designation has not been placf I e6 on the map for these properties and tberefore t i the Planning Commission requests direction from : I the Council as to whether or not it is desired i ; Chat hearings be instituted to determine whether: : or not the Rec designation should be applied. : Hayor Atkinson requested that the Council be fur: i nishcd with maps in order that the Council 'can : : give this matter further study. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I i (b) ~~emorandum from Planning Commission - re: i Jake Calaveras. A memorandum dated tlarch 24-, 1966, i from the Planninq Commission was presented, = t I 1 i stating a requesi as referred to' the Commission i i by the Counci 1 that the Lake Calaveras area be : t designated and developed as a park. Upon invest$- : gatjon this area was part of the property of the: : 14ater Company purchased by the City with bond i I money, and therefore comes under the control of ; t the provisions of Covenant ijo. 5 of Sec. 21 of i I Company property. This Covenant in effect means : I that Lake Calaveras could not permanently be i dedicated as a public park ir? suck a way that it! : would not be available as security in repayment i i of the Sortds. Howevers there does not appear to : : be any objection to allowing i ts use as a park i i on a revokable basis. It was the Commission's ; ; suggestion that the proponents of the park be i i contracted to see whether or not this type of re-: i vokable permission s.lrould be satisfactory for thei!r : purposes. i After consideration by the Council 9 by motion of: Dunne : the Council it was agreed that the Council ex- i Xreiswende I press their willingness tu dedicate take C~I- : Atkinson i averas as a park area with a revokable condition.: Hughes I : Jardine ! ; (c) Two appointments to Plannina Commission. i BY canmcn consent of the Council it was agreed I : that the appointments to the Planning Commissioni i be deferred. I 9 i (d) Tentative map of Park ?:anor No. 1 subdivisidn. i The tentative map of Park blanor t40. 1 subdivisioq : was presented for the Council's consideration. i I The Assistant Engineer informed the Counci? the I I proposed subdivision lies East of Tamarack Ave, : : It is the area known as the Geranium field. The i i Planning Commission ha5 approved the map subject: ! to certain conditions. I the question was asked as to bvhy there were two i i the Council by having two cul-de-sacs it lends ; : itself to better lot usage. i Resolution No. 397 regarding disposing of Mater i e l I I I I I I I I I I I i I I 1 I I I I # I I I I I I 8 ! cul-de-sacs, and the Assistant Engineer infomed; I I I I I I I I I J I i I 1 * I I I I I I I t , i " I I z '\ '\\ '., I I "\ '\ ', I I ''8 I - 4. - ', '\, ' I i Name '%, * ! ; of '$ I i Member I 4 I I \. 5 ('"""""""3"""""""""""""~"""""""""""""~"""""""""- I t I 0 i After further consideration, t.he following reso- i i lirtion was presented: I I ; CG2f!&fL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE $'kiswende ; W~S adopted by title only and further readjng !Hughes I PARKS AND RECREATION: i (a) Pwsentation of petition by committee - re: I I : Acquisition of a portion of Hosp Grove for park : ; purposes. i MRS. RliSSELL GROSSE, JR., stated she was present{ ! ing a petition signed by 974 property owners and : : registered voters, requesting that an appraisal I i be made of certain portions of the Nosp Grove to I : see what it tvould cost to acquire the grove for : : a park. i i?rs. Groose presented a map outlining the area i I they proposed to be appraised, and informed the I J Council it represented practically all of the i i tree area, taking in approximately 80 to 90 acres:. : She asked that funds be appropriated to have an J i appraisal made. It is their feeli-mg immediate : : action should be taken as the contractors and i : developers in the area of the shopping center f : have started cutting away some of the trees. The! : group she is representing appeared before the I I ; Parks and Recreation Cornmission at their last I i meeting, and by memorandum to the Council they i : recommended that an appraisal be made of tk2 area:. ! llayor Atkinson asked Mrs. Grosse if her group i i had a chai rman, and Mrs. Grosse stated they did i ! not, however this group has grown .into a large : ; groupe. I I i Fdayor Atkinson suggested that the group appoint i I a chairman and he would appoint a member of the ; : Council; also he requested that a member of the i i Parks and Recreation Commission meet with this : : group in order that some guide lines can be I I i formu'lated for the Council to study. i40 doubt i : the area outlined will have different values. a I : Cmn. l-lughes suggested that the Mayor appoint a i i member of the Council and that Mrs. Grosse notify! i the City as to the name of the person appointed : : from their group so that a meeting can be set up.: i $Kt. RUSSELL GROSSE, JR., was present and asked i i if the committee would make the determination as ; I I i , " P~SQIWQU ... NQ, 1253. A WINTION OF TME CITY hnne i waS vcd. jJardine \ 'GENTATEYE NAP OF PARK #ANOR NCi. I! SUBDIVISIOM, :AtkinSon 1 I 8 I 8 I I I t I I "." -..- & " I I I I I I I L I I b I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 9 I I I I I 1 1 ; to what portion of the grove the City should pur-: i chase? He felt the City was going at this pro- : : ject backwards, as it was their thinking the ap- I i praisal should be made of the area outljned, and : : then a determination could be made from the ap- i i praisal as to what can be purchased. I I I ! I I 8 i The City Hanager slated the committee should set I i forth the guide lines for the appraisal. I I I I I I l 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I e + I I I I I I I I I I 3 I ! 4 i ', ' .\ ' f ! ', '\, '\\ 'f '\ ' 8 I I \" . '. 1 1 I 1 I I -5- -. ., i Name '\, r! : of '3 \ I :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~""~""""""" : Member ! I 0 !The Hayor appointed Cmn. Jardi ne to work on the I :cornmi ttee. t t I I I ! i t fCntn. Jardine pointed cut that no doubt the corn- i Imitteee representing tke Hosp Grove group was fam- : ;i Ifat- r:~ith the area, howevers the Coun.c.if is not : jc?nd they wou? d 1 ike a report made to them for I I :s tgdy. :Cmn. 24eiswender stated he was interested in cer- i jtain parts of this grove, espcially the amphi- i :He agreed with the people who signed the petiti0n.i :It should be looked into be Cnn. Jardine and the ; :staff can work with the developer. He suggested i ithat a report be made to the Council at the next : !meet? ng. * 1 i3rs. Grosse stated it would take from three Lo i :four months for an appraisal. In order to quali- ; ify for the Federal funds you must have two ap-- t 1 :praisals made. !Mayor Atkinson informed Mrs. Grosse the State is i :also ivrteresited in this area for park purposes. : iCmn. Dunne stated there should be a study and :report wade to the Council prior to any funds jbeing spent. :k~rs. Grosse pointed out the Parks and Recreation I :Commission have recommended that an appraisal be i ;made of the area. It was her understanding there; :are certain funds available that can be used for i Ith-is purpose. jCmn. Hughes suggested that the funds be made :avaiTable and that an appraiser be contacted as i ':to the cost of appraising the property so that I jwhen a report is made to the Courrcil the apprais- : :er wi 11 be ready. :The City i4anager informed the Council it will !probably cost around $3,000. The "Bed Tax fund" i !was embarked for land acquisition. So far these i Ifunds I7ave not been used. iforest should be investigsted and the ground work f :ready for an appraiser. I I 3 I 1 I I r Ithealer, as he had definite ideas about the bawl, ! I $ I I 1 I I I I I $ I I I I I $ 1 I 4 I I 1 I I I I ** I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t 4 i D 1 I iCmfl. Neiswender stated he felt that all of the I 1 1 I t I I ii4r. Grosse stated the Hosp Grave Group has given ; jthis matter a great deal of thought. i-te felt an i :appraisal should be made and then see how much i jthe City can buy. The group wants an appraisal : :made of the parcels outlined then they can set jdown and see what can be purchased. I I ICmn. Dunne stated he felt it should be studied i :first. :Mr. Grosse stated he felt an appraisa? should be i !made f.f?st. The group wants the entire area out- : :lined if it doesn't cost too much. He suggested i :that the appraisal be made in IO acrs parcels in i !case the City would have to condemn. e r I I I t I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 8: I i I I I I I I I I I I I I * a I I 6 I I I I I I I ! I 1 i I 4 I I i ',, -\, '\ ' , , '* '\ I .' , ' '\ I ', '\ ', I ! . '. a I -6- i Na me "\, ''! ; of '3 t I \' ~~"""""""""""-""""""""""""""""~""""""""""~~""""""" : Member :The City Attorney stated that perhaps the area : !should be larger than the area outlined because i jyou might find that some of the area outside is : ;cheaper than that outlined in the diagram. I 1 f !~r. ~rosse stated the area outlined covers from { Illi'lltop to hilltop. They have left out the level! i part. I I I I I I 1 0 I I I I i~mn. ~unne stated he felt ~mn sighes's suggestion: !was very good. 4 I !Can. Jardine stated the City will accept the :petition. Tile City has ttlc responsibility OP en-! !gaging tile appraiser and it will be the City's i Irzsponsibjlity to determine what portion of the : :grove they want appraised. The responsibility i jQf the entire project lies with the City. :The City Manager inquired of >lr. Grosse if the i :diagram included all the trees, and ?Ir. Grosse I :stated it did not include the top line, a ! f@mn. ~ughes stated the Council is all in agree- I :mer;t that the Council would like to have this I \land, but the Council feels they should find out i jholrs much it will cost to have an appraisal made. ; j~he City Pnlanager informed the Council there is i :approximately $3,400.09 in the "Bed Tax Fund". I I iny motion of the Council the petition as present: Dunne :ed was accepted by the Counca"1. ! Nei swendP I i Atkinson I I i Hughes I I & I I I J I I I t b I I I l .. I I I I I I I t t I I : Jardine !Also by motion of the Council it was agreed that ! :a committee be formod, consisting of Cmn. Jardine! Dunne !.From the Council, the Chairman of the Parks and ! ?Jeisl:,lenclc :Recreation Commission, and a member of the Hosp i Atkinson :Grove groups; and that the City ascertain the : Hughes :cost of having an appraisal made. i Jardine i(b) i4emorandum from the Parks and Recreation :Commission - re: Appropriation of funds for :trees in bladison Street and Acacia Avenue Improve; :merit Districts. i'4emorandum dated i4arch 29, 1966, i jfrom the Parks and Recreation Commission was pre-: :sented requesting that they be advised if funds i jare available for the City to make adequate street :tree planting in the Madison Street and Acacia i jhenue Improvement Districts, was presented. If : :funds are not available they requested that funds i :be allocated immediately for this purpose. iBy motion of the Council it vias agreed that funds : Runne :be allocated for trees in L?adison Street and ; Ne i swendc :Acacia Street improvement districts. I Atkinson t I I 8 I I I I I I 4 I I- I I I I I I I I I I ; Hughes I i Jardine 1 I I ( I r 8 ;Nayor Atkinson recognized a memorandum from the : i Parks and Recreati on Commission commending Forrest :Krueger on the 3andscaping at the south end of ; i~ol i day Park. I I I ! I I 1 t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I ; -\, '\ '1 -8 I 4 ,'\', I ;' I I -7- + '\ '%, '\\ I '\\ '\ ' I t, '. I i Name %, x' I : of '< * I I I I :""""""""""""""",-"""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""" : Member t ! 0 I fqriori -. ty for Park projects. Cmn, Dunne stated he i :felt the Council has been doing things on a piece: fmeal basis. The Parks and Recreation Commission : iwas instructed to make a report on Holiday Park; i ithen Valley Street and Lake Cafaveras. There ISE!OUI~ be a priority set lap as to what we want i ;first. Perhaps vie should have the Planner and : lAssistant Planner assist the Cornmission. Frankly! :until there is some plan set up, he for one, is : :not going to vote for any money for any Parks and! !Recreation project. Also there should be a study! jof personnel for the parks set up. I I I 1 t I I I !;layor Atkinson stated the Parks and Recreation i lis going to become a greater project in the City ; ;ns time goes on. iCmn. Dunne stated he discussed with one of the i jrnembers of the Commission the need for priority. : jCjlayor Atkinson stated Re discussed the matters t :mentioned by Cmn. Dunne with the Chairman of I i the Parks and Recreation Commission. ICmn. Hughes asked about the need for a Parks and : i Recreation Director. I I :The City Nanagein informed the Counci 1 the Ci ty : i is certainly in a position for a Parks and 2ecreaj :t?on Director; hok,/ever, funds would have to come ; I from either a tax raise or from the General Fund. ! jbut ysu have 900 other people in the city who I I~~ant some other form of recreation. :Cmn. Hughes stated he felt the City needed a pro- i ifessiona'i man to direct the Parks and Recreation i iconmission and the Council. The Planning Commis-: :sion has a professional man to direct them and I jthe Council in planning matters. I I ii4r. Carni chael , Chairman of the Parks and Recrea- i :tion Commission, stated they have had a few dis- i !cussions with !4r. Schoell , and if and when he :can free himself, they erould like to have further: :discussions. The Commission did send a recom- jmendation to the Counci? for acquisition of land, I :specifically a strip in Holiday Park. ! Cmn. Hughes stated Mr. Carmichael was correct jthere was a memorandum approximately seven months; I ago. :Cmn. Jardfne requested that the Council receive i i copies of the Minutes of the Parks and Recreation: :Commission and the Library Board of Trustees. I I :A proposed draft of procedure for notifying the i iParks and Recreation on street improvement pro- : I jects \;ass presented by Cmn. Jardine. t I iblayor Atkinson requested this matter deferred :until the next meting ir. order for the Council : i to study the draft. I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I I 8 1 I t t I :He is not going to oppose the wishes of 974 peop'l6, I I I I I b I I I I I I I I I * I 1 I ; I I I I I L I I I I I I t I 1 8 I I * I I I 1 I I I 8 I I t t I I I 1 ! 1 I I a t I I I I t ! I I I I I I I I I * 4 I I I I 1 I I -\,, '\\ '., '<, I -13- I i Name ', '8: I \' , 8 '\ I \ ', 8 ', \ ' I t I t t ; ! of "4 ~"""""""""""""---r""""~""""""""""""""*""""""~"~""~""", ! Member i LIR. JACK KU130T.4 slated he did not ever remember : i seeing 900 signatures on any matter beforeg and I ; he wanted to commend the Council on their deci- : i sion 'tonight concerning the petition presented i 1 by the Hosp Grove group. The roar of tractors i i is coming over the hill. s I 1 e I I I ; :; 7 i .,j I- BUSINESS: I * I I I t I i (a) State Division of tiighways - re: Engineering i ; Budget Proposal. The Council was informed the i i proposed budget for engineering funds for the I I ; fiscal year 1966-67, in the amount of $3,000 i has Seen received. A resolution has been pre- : pared adopt-ing and submitting the budget for the i i Council's consideration. I 1 I I t I I I I * i Resolution No. 1254. A RESOLUTIOid OF THE CITY bunne I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSSAD,FADOPTIMG AND )lei swender i SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPEiJDIfURE OF STATE fitkinson i ALLOCATED (ENGINEERING) FUNDS, was adopted by ffughes : title only and further reading waived. 'Sardine I I I : (b) Proclamation - re: "Submarine IIeek". The ! i ;d.'iayor proclaimed the week of April 11, 1956 to i I Apri 7 ? 7 9 1966, as *'Submarine Week". I I t I I I + I I : (c) Frocl amation - re: "Pub1 i c Schools Heek". -I i4ayor Atkinson proclaimed the week of April 25, i i 1956 to April 29, 1966 as "Public Schools I4eek". ; i .Crnn. Neiswender requested the Traffic Safety Corn-! : mittee check to see if some action can be taken i I to protect the children at the intersection of ; : E7 Carnino Real and Chestnut Ave. The children I i are going back and forth to school and need to : I be protected from cars coming up the hill. I I i Cmn. Meiswender also requested that the A.T. 8 i i S. F. Railroad Company and the local owners of I 1 plroperty on l-iashingtan Street between Elm Ave. ; ; and Grand Ave. be contacted concerning street : i improvements. He asked that the staff check intoi : the possibility of paving the street in this area!, I and that the property owners be ccrntacted as to ; : street lights and sidewalks. I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I t I ; 9LD BUSINESS: 1 8 I t I I I I I (a) Second reading of Ordinance #9185;recIassi- i i fyiplg certain property from Zone R-A-10 to Zone I : I- C-2. Applicant:.FAWCB, et al. The following i : ordinance was presented for a second reading: I I I I 1 i Ordinance Ho. 9185. AN ORDINANCE OF TflE ClTY OF IDunne i CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDIPJAF4CE NO. 9060, CHANGING iNeiswender : CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZO!.IE R-A- 10 TO !Atkinson : second reading by title only and adopted. gardi ne 1 bleed Abatement Program. Crnn. Dunne stated be i i felt the City should start thin-king about the ; : tleed Abatement Program. i Crnn. Dunne also suggested that the Oceanside Bus i ; System be contacted to study the bus routes. I I i They are still using the same routes they have I : used for several years. I i ZONE C-2, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was given a lilughes I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 8 I I I I I I I * I I. I I :" I I ! 1 i '\ -\ ' \ 1 ', '\ ' I \ " I % \ '. I '. ' ' ', . ! I I * -, I I I -9- i Name '<, I : of '* t ; Member :"""~""""""""-"""""""""-~~""""~"~"~""""""""~""""-"" ! I I I i, CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: i Lot Spilt Agreement between Erhardt and City. : TIIS City Attorney informed the Council this lot ! I 1 a e 1 I I -I 1 * jsplit was approved sone time ago, however, ;authorization is needed for the Mayor's signature': i By motion of the Council the Nayor was authorized! Dunne t to execute the Lot Split Agreement betticen the -jfJeiswend : City and Erhardt, and the City Clerk directed : Atkinson i to record the samr. jriughes 1 !Jardine 8 I I 8 I t 8 I I Civic Center property. Negotiations are being a,:.::.! 'I /made to acquire the necessary property for the i i Civic Center area. The Redman property was ap- : :praised at $12,500.00, and the owners are Gsillingi :to accept this amount. icy motion of the Council authorization was given i'Dunne :the City ?4anager to open an escrow for the pur- :Neiswendl i chase of the Redman property in the mount of :Atkinson I I I I t I I : $12,500.00 :Hughes I i Jardi ne I f I I I :A resolution has been prepared for the Council Is i iconsideration, authorizing the taking of certain i : parcels of land in the Civic Center site. The t I :City is anxious to start due to the library. I t :The following resolution was presented: :Resolution No. 1255. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :Dunne ~COUNCIt OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND j?leiswende iDIRECTIf4G CONDE!4NATIOi\! OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY- :Atkinson :re: Civic Center and Elm Avenue, was adopted by !Hughes jtitte only and further reading waived. :Jardine iMon-Profit Corporation - re: !4ay Company parking! :Lot. - O'?lelueny & !dyers!, the attorneys who pre- ; jpared the documents for the Non-Profit Corporatior! :has informed the City there has been a change in : I the law whereby ins tea.d of a Non-Profi t Corpora.- i ltion a Parking Authority Corporation can be 8 t :formed. This is a minor change, howevers it ltiould bower the inCemC rate by making this ! i change. ! !The Council requested this matter deferred until ' I !the next meeting in order for them to study this i :change. t 8 ICity is- negotiating for the parcelsg however, the i 1 t I t I I % I * I I I 1 I I I I I I I 8 I I I I ~CITV XPJAGER'S REPORT: I I 8 I 1 t :Pilgrim Congregational Church - re: Request for i :extension of time 'on Conditional Use Permit. The i :City Manager informed the Council the Pilgrim 8 I ICongregationaI Church was granted a Conditional I !Use Pernit for construction of a permanent church : :in Aprii, 1964. One of the conditions of the I t :permit was that construction must be started 8 I :within 24 months from date of granting the permit.: :They I have requested a six months extetlsion of time;, ,!By motion of the Council the request for a six I Dunne :month extension of time ~n the Conditicnal Use : Neiswendc jPe rmi t was granted. i Atkinson 8 I e I I 1 I : Hughes 1 i Jardine t I t I I t 8 t I e I I ; .,\- \ '\ ' ' I * '\ ", ', I I I I I I - !E - \'- ." . '. ' 4 \ .\ # I I I I i N a m.e '\, \! I ; of 'J ;"~"""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""~~"""."""" : Member i Sublease of beach property for bait concession. i 8 : Lzst summer the City.entered into a sublease t ! with Yr. Elson on a portion of the property i teased by the ci ty between the two jetties. There : is another party who is interested in sub-leasing:. i this land.., The City Manager asked the Council 'i : -if they wished to advertise for bids this year? : i According to the sub-lease i4r. Elson would have i i to be given 30 days written notice. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that Mr. i Dunne : Elson be given 30 days written notice, and that i Weiswende I the City advertise for bids. ; Atki nson I I Q * I I I I I I I I I 1 i Hughes I i Jardine I I ! l e i Harbor Report: The Harbor report has been re- i ceived from the firm of Daniel, Nann, Johnson and i I i ijfendenhall. According to the contract agreement i I it was agreed that a presentation of the report I t would be given to the Council by the fi rm. The ; i City i'lanager inquired of the Counci 1 if they I desired to have the hearing held by the Planning i i Commission. ,i BY common consent it was agreed that the present-; : ation by Di4JI4 of the Harbor Report be made at a ; i Planning Commission meeting, and that the members: i of the Council be notified as to the date set for: ; the presentation in order that they can attend. i : Request for sewer easement - re: Jack McElhase. i i The City bfanager informed the Counci 7 a meeting : : was held with Plr. Truax of Dresselhaus Engineers i I concerning i4r. ikElhose's request, and it is I still the staff's recommendation that there is I I no further benefit to the City, and that the re- t ! quest be denied. i i Cmn. Dunne stated he and the ?layor looked over i ; the property. It is roughly about 700' above i the water level of the lake. i Cmn. Jardine stated the easement runs over build-! : able property and he feels it should be retained i i by the City for building. i Cmn. Neiswender stated he could see nothing to i i change his mind. I I f Mr. f3cElhose was present and stated after reading: I the Engineer's report he felt like Sarry Gold- I i water. Jack Howard, who owns the property to the! : North asked that he request the Counci 1 to give { i them a construction easement for the construction: I of the sewer line. : Mr. Truax from the firm of Dresselhaus Engineers,: i was present and requested a temporary constructioh i easemmt 5' to the North to construct the sewer i ; line. I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I 4 8 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I t I BY motion OF the Council the request for a sewer i Dunne i easement to Mr. NcElhose was denied, : Neiswen I i Atki nso I : Hughes I i Jardine i I D l I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b de 1 n e 8 ; -. ' * -, . 1 I ', '\, '\\ ', I I ! I '8, '\ ', \ '. ' I I * I - 77 - I ; of '4 >< \- ' *\ I Name '\, " ~"~""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""-l"""""~"" : Member !By motion of the Council it was agreed that a ihnne !working easement permit be granted during the $lei swende jconstruction of the sewer line as requested by :Atkinson :Mr. PlcElhose for Nr. Jack Howard. :Hughes ! ! I I I 8 I 4 I I ,!Jardine iAUTHBRIZATIQi'J FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- { :TION OF PAYROLL: 1 I 4 8 I 1 1 :Authorization was giwen for the payment of bills : {amount of $81,243.90 and for the bJater Department fNeiswcnde :in the amount of $29,431.45, from Hilarch 15,1966 !Atkinson :to April 5, 1966, as certified by the Director :Hughes :of Finance and approved by tbe Auditing Commi ttee:Jardine ifor the General Expenses of the City in the iounne I I I I I I I I iRatifi cation of the payrol I was given for the lDunne /second half of [larch, 1966, in the amount of :Neiscvende :$22,732.17, as certified by the Director of IAtki nson !Finance and approved by the Auditing Cornmi ttee. :Hughes I 1 i3ardti.m 1 i I I I I I I I I ~ADJCIlJRilf,!ERT: I I I I I :BY proper motion the meeting was adjourned at :6:48 P.H. I t ! ! !Respectfully submitted, I I 1 I 1 # I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I i I I $ * I I I I I I ! I a I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 8 t I 1 I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t l a I 9 * 1 I * I 8 I ! t I I 4 I I I I I I 6 4 I I t I