HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-06-21; City Council; MinutesL ** I 8' 1 I z ', 'I8 *\ ' :CITY OF CARLSBAD t %., ', ' '. '\ '* '*, i Date of /{eeting: June 21, 1966 I Name *<, *! iTizile of ijrceting: 7:OQ P. M. : of '4 1 :"""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""~ Pl ace of Zeeti ng: Counci 1 Chambers : Member i ROLL CALL wzs answered by Councilmen tdeisvfender, i !Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also present were : :City iBai?ager fiiamaux, City Attorney !:li lson and I I i Ci ty Clerk Adants, : f;1i nutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular !)seating) -, \*,\, ts : $ I I 4 # ! I I i ItIVOCATION was offered by i4ayor Atkinson, IALLEGXAdCE to the Flag VJ~S given, I 4 t I I * I 1 I I I I APP2UVAt. OF E4INUTES: 6 1 t I I I t !(a) idlinutes of the regular meeting held June 7, iNeiswcndel If966, were approved as presented. :Atkinson I :Jardi ne /(b) Ilinutes of the Adjourned regular meeting he14 :June 8, 1966, were approved as presented, ii.!eiswender 1' I I jaunne I 4 I 1 I :Atkinson I :Jardf ne I I iDunne I I I I e # I I 1 I i CORRESPQNDE!~iCE: i (a) Letter dated June 16, 1966, frorn th2 Ccean- i :side Four Wheelers, Inc., was presented, request-: : ing that they be permitted to park approximately i !twelve caaping trailers on private property lo- : :cated at 956 Tamarack Avenue on the veek-end of i iTke City i-lznager informed the Council the staff ! :recommends that the request be denied. I I :By motion of the Council the request made by the :Heiswendel !Oceanside Four \.!heelers, Inc. was denied. :Atkinson I 8 :Ata~~tlst C;-7, 19G6, t I i I I I I I I I I !Dunne I t IJardi ne I ; I !Mayor Atkinson presented a letter of resignation ; :from Dr. Duane iialker from the Library Board of : !Trustees, because of commitments in his work. iNeiswender I :Atkinson !By motion of the Council the resignatton of Dr. IDunne !Walker was accepted with regret, and the City : Jardi ne fklanager instructed to send a letter of appreciatidn. :A letter was also presented by the ?layor from the: :Library Board of Trustees, recommending that ltrs. 1 :Sfilliam Baldwin be appointed to fill the unexpire4 i term of Dr. tjalker. ildith the consent of the Council Mrs. kJilliam 3aldi :win was appointed to the Library Board of Trustee; :to fill th@ unexpired terrr: of Dr. Walker. t 1 ORAL CQE,?i.lISi?!ICBTIO~~S 2 ! IHR. DAVID THOMPSON, stated he was president of ti14 ;Citizens Inter-racial Committee. During the first: :two years of its existence it f1a.s been funded by : !the City of San Diego. The Citizens Inter-racial ! i Cornmi ttee is a Human Relations organization and ai inon-profit corporation. This year they are asking :for $52,000 to carty out their work. The Crty ; !of San Diego is conrniting $32,000. They Tcel that :between S .05 and $ .lo pcr poprrlati'on is a fair : I I I I I I I I I I * I * I 1 1 I I I 4 I I I I 1 8 * I 8 i * t 1 I 9 8 I I I I I I ! -2- 4% 1 '\ ', .-, '\\ I '\ '\\ ' ' 1 . '* I '\ '\ ' , . '! i Name '8,''' ; of 'e I I \' I 8 ~""""""-""""""""""""""""""""~""~""""""""'""""""" I Member 1 1 I t b b 0 1 i est-inate of cost, therefore, they arc askiilg I *fiat the Cl'ty cf Carlsbad contribute between r i $CIjC.OL? a2d $1,200.00 fur their shars. This or-i I sanization was active in establishing ti3e Ocean- I I s4de-c2drlsbad Human Relations organization. If i ! .f. 1 .., , , A,,# do not receive contributions from cities ; t uts si de cf the City of San Diego% they are going i r to 65 pwhibited from operating in other cities.: i 2syoy. ktkl;~son informed Mr. Thompson it viould be: I iiposs2s;e for the Council to digest this matter! ; at this t.-iEe9 and requested that he send the i ~ounc?~ information on this organization and the: : Cour,cil ucu'id give this matter futher considera-: i tion. I I I P 1 h. I I I I I I I I i FtiBLIC HEP,RIMES: I I I I I I I (a> (Continued) Reclassification of certain pro-j I perty located on the I!esterly side of El Cac~ino ; : Real, Easterly from Park Dr., from Zone R-A-lO,-i i 000 to R-l-7,COrJ and larger sq. ft. 'lots. * 1 : Applicants: Lmar Construction Co. i he ;:izyor announced this matter tilaS conticluect I i froin the adjourned regular meeting of June 8, I I I 1966, au;d asked that the Clerk przsent any correi : I SpQi?defiCe that had been received since June 8, ; [ The City Clerk presented the correspondence frm; : the fo?loGving persons favoring the reduction i in lot size and the development of the Lagunsl i : iii vi era deve? opment: + I I I t & I 1966. I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I t Adolf F. Lassen and 4500 Park Drive i I Steve M. and Emma R. I I Salsen 4422 Park 3r. I 1 Allan 9. Kelly Carlsbad I I )'j 16 . (1 q 8;: i:; rs . 0 . 9; . t Hesselbacher 'l8i15 '4onterey Rd. : I So. Pasadena 1 I I I I I I 1 .I I 8 Robert Phipps (Telegram) (Ql,irner of property i I I adjacent to subjsct i I I I property I I Dale A? 7 red 4590 Cove Drive 1 I I * I 1 I * I Janss Corporation by I I I I he fo1Ioctling correspondence was presented I'D : i opposition to the reduction in lot size from ?O,+ : coo SCj. ft. to 7,000 SQ. ft.: t I I I I I # I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 4 1 I I I Gordon A. Johnston I I J~ne E. Johi?ston I I Bradf'ord A. Johnston I I i?osr?nary Johnston I I X ys . D~rothy Johnson 897 Oak Wve. I I Donald F. Pres-t I 4220 Clearview ; I AYS. FP~,YICPS J. HOU~S 2nd I I \;,!iIiiam i-;. Houts 4043 Sunnyhil1 I I Jay F. i-ioffman I 1 A petition was presonted cmt;ining 267 siynatur@s ; protzst-ing the. rzquest by Kcmar for Laguaa Rivi-: i era for reciassification of lot size from i9,OOOi t I t I I I 1 t I I I 1 I t I I $ idaryon D. Hoffman and I I + I 1 1 I f I I 8 I 1 I I I 1 I I I k I t I I 4 I I I I I I 1- I I I 8 I I : I I I I I 4 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I * I I I 1 I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I t I I t l a I 1 I I I I I ! 1 I I I I I I i I I I I s I I I I I I ! I I I t I I t 4 I 1 I ! "3" ; " '\ .*, ', I '\ ', '*' I '* ', 8, ; of *$ ; . '8, ', ' '\ I ' '\ i Name '8, '! : Member ."~""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""'""""""" I t~ 7,000 sq. ft., as it would devaluate their i velopment of the City of Carlsbad. I I A petition containing 292 signatures was also i presented recommending that the Laguna Riviera : Subdivision Le approved for the following reason$: I. It is imperative that the first sub- division adhere to the Master Plan; 2. That it complies in its entirety with i the densities outlined in the ilaster Plan; 3. The City needs more local neighborhood i parks and school sites, as incorporated in the I Laguna Riviera Subdivision; and I I 4. The taxpayers of the entire City should! be taken into consideration as to the routing : of Tamarack Ave., rather than a selected few. I I The byor declared the public hearing open, and I antlounced the Council would hear from all pe:*son# kjho wished to present additional evidence con- : cerning this matter. JERRY RONBOTIS stated he would like to discuss i the caliber of houses to be built in this deve- ; lopnent. The houses in Unit #1 will sell betweet $20,000 Lo $27,000. They are A.I.A. designed. : In the later uni'tswith view lots the price range: will be from $22,000 to $23,000 to a high of a 1 $30,i100. They have completed 297 houses in the i City of Carlsbad and they have only four houses i with "For Sale" signs on them at the present I I time. This type of planning reflects the think-! ing in the ;,laster Plan by DPiJi4. This develop- : ment has been planned according to the density. i Of the six property owners whose property adjoin$ this prop~~ty, five were in favor of this develob- ment. They have spent over six months working : on this subdivision, which represents many long i hours w-ith the City staff. The Planning Commiss-: ion gave a G to 1 vote in favor of this planned i property and be detrimental to the planned de- I 1 I I U * 4 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I devi&-/ oynent. I I J* ii. CARl4ICHAEL asked if the staff would be malting additional reports? ~f so, they would i 1 i ice to make their remarks after the staff gave i thei r reports. I I Playor Atki nson. jnforned i.!r., CarmS chael there would be no additional repcrts from the staff : unless the Council requested certain information; JACK KUBCTA stzted he noticed on the Agenda a ! memorandum under Planning concerning the i Tamarack Extcnsion, t~qetker with the tentative : map of the Laguna Riviera subdivision, and asked! if this matter had been discussed yet? 8r. Kubota ~2s iriformed this matter had not I I t I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I ! been discussad. . 8 I I . ijjr. KUSO~~I then requested clarification as to i whether Kelly Drive will have Siriiited access? i Also if Unit #l lots will ha~e access other I I than Kelly Drive? I l a I I I I I I I I I I b I ', \ .\ ', ' I I I t \ 8,' . * I 8%. '\ '\, ', 1 ', '\ ' * -4- i Name 'b,'Q ; of '5 x! ~"""""~~""~"""~"""~"""""~""""~"-""-"~"~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ! Member i DOQMD BRIGGS, JR. 1 informed the Council he : wou1 d 1 i Ice to bring out a few points. According i i to the crdfnance it is mandatory that 84' collec-: : tors have alleys and access. This is a mediam i \ to high dsnsity area. In his opinion Park Drive ; i shouId be an 04' cafIectar. \!fith the high den- J I sjty growth anticipated in this area Park Drive t i should be an 84' collector. The Planning Cormis-i : sion went against the Council's decision of keep-: I ing Tamarack a local street through the Highlands) I If this subdivision is approved as proposed it I I wi7 7 be the fast chaniz to have an 84' collector : ! in this area. T.he school site would not be a I contrary argument. i 3.83. CARKICHAEL stated he supported bir. Brigg's ! i comments as to a major street. A large number i ;of names supporting this subdivision were in the : jsubdivision that blocked the extension of Chest- i : nut.* . The Council requested a study of al- i ternate routes for a major street. The staff, : 9tfJN and the Planner all supported the plan for a{ bo~or street, UP until last week they found it ; 1 very necessary io have a major street - now there! f does not Seem to be a need. He imagined it was : i because of the development before the C~uncil eo-: :night that changed the Council's thinking. He ; i objected to maximizing their profits and miniEiz-i :ing his profits. The Laguna Riviera area is the : i ideal location for a major street. [vir. Carmickaet :asked that the approval of this subdivision be : jtl:ithheld until a major street has been resolved. i i CHARLES 6-'WWnl remarked that essentially this : hearing was to decide the zoning for this develop: jment, howeverg it seems to have gone to the dis- ; cussi ion of roads. tte was..nat against Kamar as th@y :have their good points. The Sattirday Evefiing J I :Post magazine has run two articles called "The i ; itape of the Lan4". In his opinion this was a I I :newspapers about the landslides, houses sliding ; !down hjlls3 etc. in Bever'iy Hills and the Councili jshould take these factors into consideration be- ; ;fore approgigg this Subdivision. J b :The City Manager stated he took exception to the I \remarks about the iandslides in Beverly Mills as i :he worked on the storm drains in that area and : :there have been no landslides to his knowledge. i ji4fiNSE ARCHER stated he lived on Sunnyhill Drive, i :and has seen the development in this area for the: jpnst eleven years. He objected to the reduction I :of lot size Prom 50,090 to 7,000 sq. ft. I t :L?RS. RITA WItJGRhti4, 4230 Clearview, pointed out ; IPlanning Comm7"ssion no correspondence was intro- i Iduced frc:% the FebrurPry meeting. The people were ; jnot notified when it came before the Planning ;Commission the last time. She asked the Commis- i jsion to continue the matter but she was denied. i :They voted 6 to 1 in favor of the request. ".r, t I iRombotis stated that 5 out of 6 of the adjoining i :property owners were in favor. of this development.: !It was her understanding that the adjoining pro- i I I \'\ I \" I I 1 I I 81 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I * I lg~~d example of the article. 1Je have read in the I ; I I I I I I I I I t 1 I 1 I %i;t at the time this matter was heard Before the i I I $1 I I I I I I I I I t I I $ I I I I ! I 2% , \.,' 4 8, ', ' '\ 8 I , "\ ' I I 8. '\ '\ a , I t ' \ $, ! -5- '., '., I I Name \\, \' I I I I I I I 8 : Qf '2 \, i Member ,"""""""""~""~"""""""~"~"""""""""---"---------------"-----" a c i perties M~W 271 undevel~ped lands. The Citjf has! I a Hater Plan and a Zoning Ordinance and decisions i should be made accordi nGly. t I !JERRY ROi4BOTIS pointed o~t that DMJPI recommended .i i Park Drive as a 68' street. A statement was made! ;that one of the-ir subdivisions blocked extension : jof Chestnut Ave. The grade at this point ran 1 !nut Ave. when El Camino Mesa subdivision was de- I :velsped. Ftartt-re~, %he lots fronting on Kelly Dr.: !are landlocked by the steep hill in back and by i I tfie po~r lines. The access has to be from #ellyl i Dri \le I I :As there v;et" no other persons desi ring to speakp i ithe public hearing was declared closed at 9:23 P.!!. jhlayor AtkinsQn stated from his point of view he I :had not seen enough reasons to cut do~n the size : jof the lots in the subdivision fro3 IO,OOO to 73-: :DOC sq. ft. ~hcy have offered a development a~ond i the 1 ines of a planned community, and they have i :sffered 3 ?ark site. 1Cmn. Jardi ne stated they are presented vji th an : :opportunity for a first rate pjanned community. i :The Counci? is faced with a difficult situation a4d :a difficult decision. In vien 0.F the alternative3 jthat are presented at this time he felt they lshouid consider the development of the highest : I t 1 I :from 15* to 18'. ?duch thOLiCJht Was given to Chest$ I I I i I I I t I I I I I I 1 t I I tYW. 4 I I 1 I ii,?ay~r Atkinson stated this ;vas not !lis idea of i ia planned community. It takes more than a park : :site and school site, and the school site uill i jhave to be purchased. jCign. Jardine pointed out the Council has spent I :considerable timecgoing over the location. In : jsome instances a 10,000 sq. ft. 1st may not be i :feasl'blc. I f :Cmn. Ounr~e stated zone changes are dictated by I Irreed. The economics do dictate the size sf the i :lot. The topography in this area is difficult !and lot sizes will have to be adjusted. f-Iowever9 i ;Crnn. Sardine in that 10,000 sq. ft. should be the; jminfmum Tot size unless there is a topography :COKI~~ tier:. iifaysr Atkkinson pointed out that if this pfan were i jadoptec! it would necessitate reducing 30% of the i :lot sizes and in his opinion this was too much. ; :6nil?. Fieiswender stated he asked thtit this matter i :be continued in order that he could have an opporj Itunity *Lo look over the area. He took pictures : !from an airplane and late:- he went over the area. i !The pictures were taken at his exp::;:,". He asked : I I I I I I I I I I I I I iRe ~oul d have to go along with Playor Atkinson and 1 1 I I I I I 8 1 I I I I I ithat- idr. Osburn 3. a1 lewd to SI>OW I;.bese pictures.! :After showing the pi~tures, Can. !{eiss.sender fur- i jther stated he WES not. sure the developer could : ~se?? aIt of the lots ii~ tfrey were IO,OOO sq. ft. ! s I f I I 1 I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I 1 $ I ! I I , , 8, .\ \\ I t '\ \\ '. ' I '\\ '\ '8 I x. \\ 8t I' I I I I I I I I I I -6- I i Name '8,~ X\ \\ : of '( I 8 ~""""""""""""""""""""~""""""~""""*".""~"~~""~"~""~. : Member I 9 I I !It was his opinion there are certain areas that i i are going to have to be modified. He was not sa-: Itisf.ied that lO,OO6 sq. ft. lots will be the 1 I :After further consideration Cmn. Jardine stated i : he felt the Council WOUI~ have to deny the zoning! i request. iumw nor that 7,000 sq. ft. is the answer. I I 4 I 1 I I 8 1 I i The following resolutions were presented for i consi deration: I 8 I I I i I I ! i Resolutian lo. 1273. A RESOLUTIODI OF THE CITY I I Cl)Uf5'CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, iMI<ING FI?iDIRGS,i i STATING THEIR INTENTION TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR 1 ; A ZONE CHANGE ON PROPERTY LdCATED ON THE MSTERLY: !SIDE OF EL CWi,.lIldO REAL, EASTERLY FR3i4 PARK BRIVE,:bieiswend~ : AND REFERRING THE SIATTER BACK TO THE PLANt4IPlG i Atkinson i COEMSSXON FCR REPORT, was adopted by title only : Dunne i and Further reading waived. i Jardine I The -60170wi~g reasons were given in stating the i ; Council's .intention to deny the request for zone i e I I I i change: 1 I I I. -eke lot sizes were not sufficient; and i t I 2. It would depreciate the adjoining pro- i I I I I $ I 8 I I I I I pe rti es . 1 I I i Resolution >Io. 1274. P, RESOLUTIOCI OF THE CITY : COUfiCIL OF Ti!E CITY OF CARLSBAD DENYING THE f Eeiswende t I f i PRECISE PLAM FOR THE LAGUNA RIVIERA DEVELOPl4ENT, i Atkinson i was adopted by title only and further reading I Dunne ; waived. f Jardine I I I i Resolution Ho. 1275. A HESOLUTION,OF THE CITY 1 Bieiswende ; COUNCIL OF THE CiTY QF CARLSBAD REdECTING THE : Atkinson i TENTATIVE MAP OF LAGUiiA RIVIERA SUGDIVISION, : Dunne i wds adopted by title only and further reading i Jardine : vai vecl. I I I Cmn. Jardine proposed that the following rnernor- i I andlam be sent to the Planning Commission: i ~ke applicant's precise plan as presented is i acceptable in general r-.,ith the exception of lot I ; size. The following changes should apply: 1 I. All present designed lots 10,OC)O sq. ft:. i 2nd above shall remain; I I I 2. All lots less than 10,000 sq. ft. shoul~ I be IO,OQO sq. ft. except where extreme topography; i and good sufficient reason requires a smaller loti : site, and in such a case no lot shal1,be less i than 8,500 sq. ft; and I I I I I I I 8 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I $ 3. Sucn justification shall be acceptable i 1 by tBhe Planjiing Commission fw presentation to ! : the Council. I ; The ].layor stated he did not feel the Council i should commit themselves to any sins lesser than ! : 10,000 sq. ft. unless there 1:s a gcsd and suffi- i i cient reason. t I i Cmn. Dunne stated tie felt the Planning Commission! I should have guide linss. I 1 1 I 1 I I I s I I I I I I I I I I I l a I b I I I 1 i 1 $ r t I 1 I ! I I I I' \ "\' I '. \ \ I I I \\ '\\ '., '\, I t I t 1 I I 1 -7- I , I ''\ '8,.8\ '\ '\ i Name \\, x : of '1 \. 4 8 :""""""""""""""""""""-""~"~""""""""""-""-~"""""~"- : Member i ~mn. Neiswender stated he felt the Planning corn- i i mjssion should have guide lines. He is not sure: ; that it will be feasible to sell all thes2 lots I i at 10,000 sq. ft. I I i After further discusston it was agreed that the heiswende : memorandum propased by Cmn. Jardine be sent to !Atkinson I the Pl anni ng Ccmmissi on. :Dunne I I !Jardine I $ I I 1 I 4 I I I I I 1 I I 1 i (c) (Continued from meeting of 3ec. 7, 1~5). I Apnea1 of the decision of the Plannina Comrnissiod i deiyytng the reclassification-of certain property T ! : located on the Southerly si de of I<nsdes Awe., i I Easterly ora Pi0 Pic0 Dr., from Zone R-1-7.5 to : I Zone R-P. Applicant: Jack Y. Kubota and Patriciia . " ~ "~ """". 1 -~--~- ; 2. Eubota. Mayor Atkinson announced the Counci1 : ; has not received comments from the Planning Cm- i i missiGn that they had requested concerning zoning : along Pio Pic0 Drive. He talked with iYr. KLabota i i and he is vi1 ling to have the matter off calendauf : until these comments are received. * I i The City Attorney informed the Council the matte{ : can be taken off calendar until such time as the i : Council requests the matter placed on the agenda.: I I I I I I I : ENSI!JEERIMG: 1 I I I t I i (a) Petition for the street opening and st-reet i I improvement of James Dr. from Buevla Vista !:jay 'co b I i its terminus in ~ot 11, \,iilsonia Tract. Proposed I Assessment District $3-1966 - 1971 Act Proceed- r i ings. i The City Clark presented a petition signed by : : 70.7 % of the property ovrners in the area of the i i property subject to assessment for tile proposed : : improvements. 8 1 i A schematic plan of the proposed dis.trict was i ; presented for review. A written report was pre- I I senteci to the Council from the Engineering De- : ; partment, describing the proposed improvements i i and statirrg the street opening dedi'catiqn 1.5 to : ; be sixty (60) feet in nidth with a fifty (50) i i foot minimum radius cul-de-sac. It was also I I : noted that the petition waives investigation pro: : Streets and Highways Code. As of this date they i i have collected 70% of the preliminary engineer- ; : ing special deposit monies of those signing the J i peti ti on. i The Eng-ineering Department recommended that thc i i 191 1 Act proceedings be initiated for the for- i ; nation of the proposed district and that the i firm of Tanner, Harquardt and Associates of : Escondido, be engaged for a17 engineering servic$s i except construction inspection and legal pro- 1 I : ceedings. I During the discussion by the Council it was i noted this proposed street opening would be a i i 1200' cul-de-sac. Inquiry !f;:as made as to t/l& i I through street rather than a cul-de-sac. I t I - s I I I * I I I 1 I I I ; ceedings as required by Division Four of the I I I I 1 I I I I I I 8 k t I I I I I I I I I I 8 *- I ! street being opened through Lot 11 9 making it a i * I 1 I I I I I I t I * r 1 I 1 t I 9 I I t I 8 1 I I I I I i I -8- I' I \\ ', .X8 '\ , ', *\ 8, ' I \'\ I \, '\ '\ i Name '8, * ' '\ : of '< I I 8' ! Member 8 i"""""""""""--"""-"~"--""""""""""""""""""""~"""""~ I I I i The Engineering Department informed the Council ! : the property owner did not wish to have his pro-! i pcrty divided for street purposes as there was : i an existing structure on the property. 1. i Can. Jardine inquired as to whether this would i I create substandard lots? i The City Yanager informed the Council the positidn I the staff is to have the petition approved and a: t person appointed to handle the proceedings. Rft{r I the plans are prepared they wi 11 no doubt answer: : many of the questions. 1 I i ~mn. Pjeiswender stated he felt that 1200' was to I I long for a cul-de-sac. He felt the street : should be a th~ough street. i Cmn. Dunne recommended that the matter be held 1 : in abeyance until some alternate plans are sub- i i mitted. I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 s I I I 1 I s I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I ; I3y motion of the Council the matter was continuedNziswEnde I I for further study as to the alignment of the !Atkinson i street. :9unne i (b) Approval of Final ;lap of Sandalwood Dale i ; subdivision. The Final Yiap of Sandalwood Dale i i subdivision was presented by the Engineering I I ; 3cpartment. The improvement plans are now being: i checked. The owners are anxious to have the map: : approved subject to the approval of the improve- i 1 ment plans. I I i By motion of the Council the Final i4ap of San- ! i to the approval of the Improvement Plans by i title Engineering Department, to include drainage. i I I I IJardfne I t I I I I I . I dalwood Dale Subdivision was approved, subject i I I I I I I I (c) Resolution I 1278, authorizing execution of; I : pipe line license reqarding Madison Street, et i : I- a1 improvement. The City Attorney informed the ; : Council it was necessary to apply for a pipe lirjq! i license from the A. f. d S. F. Raifroad Company : I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 4 I 8 I t I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I s I I I I b I I I I I I I for the improvement of ?ladison Strest, et ai - I project. This has been received from the rail- ; road company and authorization from the Council i is needed for the Mayor to execute the document.: Thc fol1 owi ng resol uti on was presented: I t I 4 Resolution fdo.1278. A RESQLUTIOIi OF THE CITY COUPJCIL OF TWE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING : bIeiswende, EXECUTION OF PIPE LINE LICENSE REGARDING MPIi3IS3M!Atki nson I I I STREET INPROVEMEKT, was adopted by ti tle only i Duirr;e and further reading waived. : J a r4 i n 2 (ci) Accepting the vmrk for Agua ffediontia Sel;~ i Unit #z. 3he ei ty EKgineer informed the Council I the work has been completed for kgua Hediona Sewer Unit #2, and recommended that the vrork be accept; ed by the Council . I I By motion of the Council the work far Rgua I I Hedionda Sewer Unit 02. was accepted as recom- i mended by the City Engineer. I I I I - I I i I I t I I I 6 1 L I ! I I I I I I I' , '\ '\\ '\ ', I '8 \ '8 I 8" I I '\ '\ 8? ! -9- ! '. \\, ; Name 't, ' : of '< :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""--""""-""-""""~. i Member f ilEU BUSINESS: ., I I I I 8 8 I I 9 I I I 1 I I I I ! i (a) Resolution 57279, designating ths intersec- I ; tion of Donna 3r. and Basswood Aye. as a four- ; i way stop intersection. The City Xanager reported; : after further study the Traffic Safety Coirrmittee I i ir@Co~lTi@?l~ : . - __......_._ ded that the intersection OF @onna Dr. i ; and Bassvood Ave. be a four-?Jay stop intersec'cio$ i and that the foI'lot.:ing resolution had been pre- , ; 'pared for the Council's tonsil_.__._.._ .. I I I TiPPa 711 nn: I 1 '-Resolution GO. 1279. A RESOLUT~ON OF THE CITY ! I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATIIiG THE ji"ieiswettde i INTERSECTIOf4 OF D3:dIIA DRIVE AN0 E3dSSiJOOD AVENUE :Atkinson t AS A FOUR-!,IAY STOP INTERSECTION, was adopted by jDunne I title only and further reading waived. :Jardi ne i (is) First reading Ordinance #5039, regulating i I accumulation of junk. The City Attorney informed i i the Counci 1 this ordinance was yequested by i?r. i i Osburi?, Building Inspector, as he has had pro- : i blems regulating some of the items listed in thei r proposed ordinance. : Cmn. Dunne stated in reviewing the proposed ordi; ; nance he felt item (b) (1 } of Section 3 concerFa- i i ing Accumulation of Junk - Regulations, should : i be deleted as he felt this item was too restric- i ; tive. ! )he fOllO\;JinfJ ordinance G!as presented for a first I readi ng : I t I I 1 I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I r* , I I i Ordinance ;lo. 5039. AX OXDI~JAI\ICE OF THE CITY I~~eiswende ; COUHCIL 3F THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGULATIr!G ACCUt1:Atkinson : ULATI0F.I OF JUi.lK, was given a first reading by :Dunne 1 title only and further reading waived. i Jardi ne i (c) Bid opening for purchase of City owned lots. i i The city Clerk reported that a legal notice had i f been placed in the Carlsbad Journal for bids on 1 f the sale of the six City o'vsned lots. As of I i this date no bids had Seen received. I I I I I I I l 8 I I I 1 I I * I I 1 i P L A 1; i;l I il G : I s I I I ! I 1 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I !a) demorandurn from the Planning Commission - I i '4 re; Extension of Tamarack Avenue. A memorandum 1 dated June 15, 1966 from the P'lanning Commission! was presented concerning possible a1 ternate so'lu: tions for the extension of Tamarack Extension. i It was their opinion that the traffic problems I of the area could best be solved by extending ; Tamarack as a 68 foot right-of-way from Par!: Dr. i to Birch St; that it be extended through the I t present Birch St. right-of-way as a 63 foot right- o-f-way by eliminating the planted areas on each ; side of the street so as to maintain a uniform i traveled roadway; that Tamarack cross Skyline Rd: by means of a grade separation so that Skyline i bridges Tamarack, if practicable; and that Tama-: rack thereafter extend to €1 Camino Rea7 as a 68: foot right-of-way. The alignment of the above ; described street should be as shown ~n the DMJU i report. It war; their feeling .t!:;:t both Hillside! I I I I I I * I I t t 1 I' \, '\ , '\.. . '\, '\ '\ ' I - 76 - i Name '\, ' I : of ': \ Member I I .\ I I ' '* '%\ ', I I I I I I I I I I )""""-""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- 1 I I ' '\ 8 i and Park Drives should connect through the pro- ! i posed Laguna Riviera Subdivision as shown on i their proposed tentative subdivision map as GS I : foot rights-of-way. 1 I I 8 4 I I : ~mn. ~unne stated comments Rave been made that J i Park Dr. should be an 84' street. He did not : feel that Park Dr. should b.e an 64' street. I This woufd cause a bottle neck. The extension i 1 of Tamarack through 2irch St. is something in : i the future, however it Should show on the map. i i i:iayor Atkinscan stated if you look one step fur- i i ther to the completion of Kelly and Agua kiediondd I streets that the vdidths as recommended by the i i Planning Commission far Park and Hillside tjrive : I will be sufficient. The people in this area I I 1 will be better off if thesa streets are kept as f : the Planning Commission has recommended. I I i Cmn. Jardine stated if you propose these streets i : as 84' streets you are talking about 6,300 feet i ! of roadway. The likelihood of these streets : serving persons other than those living in the i i area is questionable, and the cost of the addi- : : tional width would be intolerable to the rest i i of tile citizenry in the community. ~t was his i i feeling that Tamarack should be kept as a 60' I I i street through the highlands to Tamarack, and : i from Skyline Rd. to El Camino Real it should be I i 68'. i Gmn. ideiswender stated he felt Tamarack should I i be a normal City street. ; Cmn. Dunne further stated from the statements ! ! made From the members of the Council he felt if i i the portion of the memorandum i.e. "'chat Tamaracl: ; cross Skyline by means of a grade separation so i i that Skyline bridges Tamarack", were deleted, : that the Council agrees with the recommendation i i 02 the Planning Commission. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the I : Council approve the proposal made by the Plan- :Meisvend i ning Commission except for the portion if that !atkinson i Tamarack cross Slcylfne by means of a grade se- :i3unne : paration SI! that Skyline bridges Tamarack". IJarditle i Donald Eriggs Jr. stated the Council voted to i i keclp Tamarack as a local street. He did not : knowu how the PiinUtes of the meeting read. 1 1 9 I 4 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I # I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I # I I I I I 1 I I I s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I 1 I CITY ATTORNEY ' S REPORT: I I I A suit was filed by Sim J. Harris Co. concerning i the validity of the 1911 Act Proceedings for Madison Street, et al. The City Attorney asked i khat he be authorized to accept service. By common consent of the Council the C-r'ty Attor- i ney was authorized to accept service in connec- ; tion with the Sim J. Harris Co. suit. I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I $ I * I I t I I I I 1 ! I I' , 8 .\ ', I I 1 1 I I '., "\ ',, ', I '. '. '. 8 I I I - tl - I "\ " '. I i Name '-, Y I ; of \=! I I Member ~"""""""""""""""""""""""~".""""-""-"""---"-l---"---"-"- :Proposed ordinance regarding moving, salvaging or i :wrecking of buildincss. At the previous meeting of; (the Council the City Attorney reported the Build- : jing Inspector had requested that an ordinance be i !adopted concerning moving, salvaging or wrecking : :of buildings, a8d the City Attorney was instructed lation. I I P ' ', I I I I I I I $Q draft an ordinance for the Council's consider- t ! t I I I :Ordinance No. 8045 was presented for consideratiod. hir. Osburn, Suilding Inspector, stated there have! !been comments made concerning a house being moved i :onto Stratford Lane. After the City purchased : (Ithe Poole property, the neighbor across the stree4 :purchased the house on the property and moved it i ionto Stratford Lane. Under the provisions of this : !new ordinance before a house could be moved, the : :owner would have to post bond and the matter would \have to go before the Planning Commission to see i !if it is compatible with the other buildings in : ithe area. It may be that perhaps this ordinance, i !if adopted, could be rectroactive. Mr. Osburn * 1 :quoted a section from the proposed ordinance [pertaining to buildings that have been moved .to 1 :lots and then not brought up to City standards. ; !After further consideration by the Council Cmn. i IDunne suggested that this matter be deferred until: (the next meeting of the Council for further study.: :CITY fSAI\?AGER'S REPORT: :The City Manager reported resolutions will be jpresented at the next regular meeting for the :Council's consideration concerning traffic safety i jrnatters, as recommended by the Traffic Safety * 1 IComFni ttee. I I iCmn. Ideiswender asked that HcDougal Sanitation : ICo. be contacted to have covers made for the I jcoll ection trucks. I ! iThe City Hanager reported Mr. HcDougal is in the i :process of acquiring new trucks that will be * !covered. !Contract for Auditor. In the City !-lanager's writ- i jten report addressed to the Council, he recommend-: led that the firm of Carroll and Beutley, Associ- ; jates, Certified Public Accountants, be, once agaiin :retained as auditor for the City and that the:;-City: $+lanager be authorized to sign the contract for i :fiscal year 1966-67. The fee for this service is : i$2,700.00, which includes $1,400.00 for the Mater i !Department. It was pointed out the fee is $100.03 :more than the fiscal year 1965-56, but well within! !the range for such servi ces. I 1 :By motion of the Counci 7 it was agreed that the i :contract with the firm of Carroll and Bentley, ~Associates, be renewed for the fiscal year 1966- ! :67, and the City Yanager authorized to execute i Ithe contract on behalf of the City of CarJsba.d. i $mn. Dunne requested that a revue be made for a i :stop sign at the intersection of Jefferson Street ; !and Las F'lores Drive. I I I I I I I I I I I I I l a I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 1 f I I I I I I 1 $ I , t s I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I * ! I ,4 I I' .\ I I I '\\'\, \'\ \\ I I ', ', '' I - 12 - i Name '\, ' ! 8 of '.1 \ Member i AUTHOWIZATIOhl FOP, PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- i I I ' '\ \ I 1 I I ', 8 ' ' '\ I I ~"""""L"""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""~ t I I I i TION OF PAYROLL: i Authorization was given for the payment of bi 11s ! I for the General Expenses of the City in the arnoutjt i of $92,337.69 and for th2 iJater Department in :Neiswende ; the amount of $18,856.80, from June 8, 3966 to :Atkinson i June 21, 19C6, as ccitified by The Director of :Dunne ! Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. !Jardine i Ratification of the payroll was given for tine I fi rst half of June, 1966, in the amount of i $21,346.87, as certified by the Director of : Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i I I 1 I I I I I I I I b I I I # I I I t I I i ADJOURNMENT: I ! 4 I I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to I i Thursday, June 30, 1966, at 7:30 P.14. to dis- i cuss the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year i 8 1966-67. 1 I I I I ! * I 1 I I Respectfully submitted, I 1 I +-Jfp&gA& x @LAd. i i3 .RG ET E. ADAM 1 Ci ty-"C1 erk I I I I I I , I \ I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t ! I ! I I I I 1 I t I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I f I I I I I I t I I * I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I