HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-05; City Council; MinutesI I ,. I CITY OF CARLSEAD I Minutes of: I' , *\ .. ' \, '. ' 1 ', 8 '\ '\, CITY COUNCIL (Reqular !4ee$ing) \, 8,.'t I 8" i Date 0% Heeting: JQ?~ 5, 1966 i Name '8, \ : Time of Yaeting: 7:01) p. ?q* : of '< : Place of Y:czti ng : Cou;:ci 1 Chambers : Member :"""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""" i RCLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Keiswender, I : Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also present were i i City f!?anager rlarnaux, City Attorney !Jilson and I Ci ty Clerlr Adarns. : INVOCATION was offered by Rev. Brokenshire i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. ' '8 I t 1 0 I 8 I I 4 I I 4 I I I & I I I I I I I 1 I I I i APPROVAL OF CIINUVES: ! 4 I I I 1 t I i (a) The ?iinutes of the rec;ular meeting held !Rei s~ende : June 2'1, 195G were approved. IRtki nson I :aunl?e I I I I :Jardine ! SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - June 28, 7956. i (a) Canvassing of ballots. he Council acting ! I in the capacity of Inspector, ~udge and Clerk, : : checked the tally books with the Tally Sheets i ! from the 5 precincts, and found the totals to i i be correct. I 1 I- : 2esolutioa 140. 1280. A RESOLLIT192 OF Tf4E CITY i : COUMCIL OF THE CITY i)F CARLSEND, CALIFORNIA, i RECITIMG T!!E FACT r3F THE SPECIAL P!?UPZfCIPAL i ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF &ARLSBC\D OH THE i i 29th DAY OF JURE, 1966, DECLARI?IG THE RESULT :F:iei swende i THEREOF AN5 SUCH OTHER HATTERS AS ARE PROVIDEI! !Atkinsen : BY LA!&!, was adopted by title only and further jDunne I reading waived. :Jardine I Resolution Ro. 1289 is by this reference incor- I ; porated herein as though set forth in full Fur- i i serant to Election Code Secticn 22933, marked : Exhibit "A" and attached hereto. : The City Clerk administered the Oath of Cffice i I to the newly elected Councilman, after which the: i certificate of Election was presented to Ralph i i E. Idorthing. i CORRESPONDEKCE : I I 1 I I * I I I I I I 1 I I * * I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I * I I " I I i he CarIsbad Chamber of Commerce's Statement, %orthing i covering bil Is for the period Nay 7, 7966 to I !:ei svende : July 5, 1966 was accepted and authorization for :Atkinson i payment in the amount of $378.29 !+{as granted on !Dr!nne : Cmn. IJeiswender's recommendation. !Jardine I I I : ORAL CO!!Ii~?lJRICATI3MS : I I I I I I I I 4 I I I 1 : There were no oral communications. ! i PUBLIC WEARING: I I I I I I I I I i (a) Filing of Assessment for Stratford Lane - ; A.D. 1-1964 1911 Act Proceedings. The Public i i hearing on the Filing of the Assessrnent for the : ; improvement of Stratford Lane was opened by the i I Mayor announcing that the iiour of 7:30 o'cloc!; : : PJ4. having arrived, this was the time and place\ I fixed for the hearing on the spreading of the ; i assessment for Stratford Lane, Assessment Dis- I : trict No. 1-1964. t I I I I I l a I I I I I 1 I I t I I * I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,*' 8*q \\ '\ '\, '\' I 1 ", '\' '\\ ' I ', '\ ", i ria me '\,'4 x,%' ~"""-."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""~"-"""""" : Member " I t .' I -2- I : CE' X t I ! a i ~o~ow~cy exanination by the council 9 the affida-i t i vi 'Gs shocili ng pub1 icatiot: 3 posting and mai 1 ing of ; i t&? notice af hearing ?!ere received and ordered filed. i The City Clerk inforned the Caunci 1 there were no! I I I jwritten- protests received up to the hour of 7:30 7 ! P.8. I I I I I I I irl plat of the Assessment District was presented i i by the Engineering Department. Mr. Judd Naiman : 1 was introduced avnd stated he had been employed i i by the City to spread the assessment and explain-: ied to thc Council the rsason for the assessments I ; being high was due to the extreme cost of the i impi+ovement at the intersection of Pi0 Pic0 Dr. i :and Stratford Lane. I 1 I I I I I I i FIR. RIM, Attclrney at Law9 stated he uas repre- I I senting Ilr. Nornhold, and asked if the second ! : notice received by Hr. Nernhold sho;:red the correct i amount of hts assessment. i ~r. ~iny was informed the amount shown on the i second noti cc was correct. ! AS there vere no other persons desiring to spealc i i tha Hz~Q~ declared the public hearing closed at : ; 7:35 p. r.1. I i The Polloe!ing resolution was presented: I : -~. Resolution No. 1281. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ! I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, OtfERRULING ALL (Idorthing i PROTESTS ON THE ASSESSMERT, COWFIRI4EFG THE ASSESSbNeiswende$ : HEKT AND CClMFIRi4lXG THE REGULARITY OF PROCEEDINGS~Atkinson i Assmment District Fo. 1-19G4, was adopted by i Dunne : title only and further reading waived. i Jarcline I I I I 8 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I : Emrwxrm I I I I I , I (a> ~eqcest for wa-iver of street improvements - i I John B. and biabel L. St. Clair. The request for i i waiver of street improvements by John E. and 1 I i !:latiel L. st. Clair ivas presente? at tile meeting i i of play 7 7, 1966. On staff recommendation the I I I matter was deferred until after a variance i applicatlzn had been heard by the Planning Cornmis! ! sion to allow a lot split. k ,report by the Engi-: i neerjr:g separtment was given, stating the proper-: i ty was located between Know12s Ave. and Stratford! : Lane. The owners have been granted a lot split i i and recjucst y:.aiver of street improvenents on 8 I : !:nowles Ave. and the required bond. Also a deed : ; has been executed by the St. Clairs for street : ! dedication. : \!ATYE!? OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON KFIO!.ltES !,VENUE : !:!orthing i ARB THE REQUIRED BOND !"!AS GRAKTED JOHF! 3. AYD I Mei swende : MABEL L. ST. CLAIR: subject to an agreement being! Atkinson i entered into for future street improveGents, ; Dunne i AND THE STREET GEDlCATIIlN !!AS ACCEPTED !AV,lD ORDER-: Jardine : ED REGORDEB. I I I I I 1 I * I I 1 I I 8 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I 4 1 I I ! I t I I 8 \'\\' ; '.\ '\ '\ '., '., 'b, 'x, 4 I I I I I \" , '. \ I .' I I I i Name '%,'Y I -3- : of \s ! i Member ifbj ~andaiwood Dale Subdivision - re: Off-site i ! drai nacg. $ d I."""','""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""-"""""""""""" t I I -I_ ""_ "_ , .- - - -" ..--- 0 ~uTHommoN \!AS Gl\!Ep! TO THE CITY (-9TTORMEr To /!ior?hing i DRAFT' A DOCUF?ENT FOR ALL PARTIES TO REVIEH, ALLO1'~F\,!eiswende ING THE CITY TO CONDEMI! CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR OFF-IAtktnson i SITE DRAINAGE REQUIRED IN SAWDALWIOD DALE SUBDI\fIfDunnk iSION, after hearing Donald Holly, representing the3ardine ; s ubdi vi der. I !Discussion was given as to the formation of a jdrainage district, such discussion being initiate! :by Jim Gaiser, representing EPOH, owners of pro- ; Iperty within the drainage basin. !The City Nanager was instructed to submit a report jas to the cost of drainage facilities wItkin thk.. idrainage basin. I 4 I I I I I 8 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I ? 1 i PLADli\;ING: I I .-- I I I i (a) ~~~emoran~um from the PlannTng Commission, ad-i i vising the City Council that the firm of NJ?4 I I :have completed the Planning, Zoning and SGbdivisS4n icontractural requirements to the satisfaction of : I the Commission, was acknowledged. I I : (b9 Tentatjive map of Carlshad Industrial Park. ; ! i Owner sild Subdivider: Remlap, Ltd.. I~he action of the Planning Commission, recommend-! tin? approval of the tentative map of CARLSRAO I I : i3DUST2IAL PARK, subject to certain requirements i !and conditions, was confirmed, with the exception: i that sidewalks be deleted on El Camino Real, pro-: i\rid*ing subdivider waives any and all access right$ :to lots with the Subdivision fronting on El I I ; Carnino Real. The following resolution was pre- : i serrted: I I I :!?esolution " t30. 1283. A RESOLUTIOM OF THE CITY i kjorthi ng : CDUEGCIL 8F THE CITY OF CARLSRAD, APPROVIRG TENTA-iMeiswendeu i TIVE EMP OF CARLSBAD IMDUSTRIAL PAR!< SUBDIVISION :Atkinson ;was adcpted by title only. I Dunne I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ! Jaiqdi ne I I i!-IBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES: I I I I I I i (a) Memorandum - re: Appointments to Library i Board of Trustees. Two appointments to the :iihrary Board of Trustees was deferred for two ! I t I I I jweeks as requested by Mayor Atkinson. 1 I I I ? I 1 E !!E!&! BUSINESS: I I I I I 1 i (a) First: reading of Ordinance #8045, regarding I :moving, salvaging or wrecking of buildings. I 1- I * 1 8 I !This natter was deferred for two weeks for furthef i study. I I I I I I I I (b' Resolut-ion NO. 1282. A RESOLUTION OF THE 1 ' J "." !CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEWD DESIGNATING : I I iA PORTIO!J OF LAS FLORES DRIVE AS A THROUGH + iHIGIiWAY (requiring vehic7es to stop at the inter-! : sections of Olive Dr. 9 Chuparosa 9ay and Xorning i :Glory Lane before entering or crossing Las Flores: I I I + I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I 4' I I '. '\ '\ *, I I *., '* '\ * I I ', '. '. '\ . '. 1 ' 'I I -6- : i\iame '\, '! I : of 'J I : Member &We) AND RESTRICTING PARKING Of\! POR'TIONS OF ! !!hrth i ng ! OCEAN STREET AND NONROE STREET (betl:reen the hours i Neisnende ?cf 3:OO A.M. and 5:OO A.FI. on Tuesdays) was read :Atkinson tby t.itie only and adopted. :Dunn@ I :Jardi y!c fF.r 3 BUSIE;IESS: ; .:J" i (a) Proposed 1911 Act Street Opening and Street I jjrnprovernents - re: James Crive - A.D. 3-1966. !Approval of the petition requesting a street :opening and improvement of James Drive under 1911: !Act ProceGdings was deferred at the June 21st ;rn2cting9 on request of the City Council in order i Ithat alternate plans could be submitted for the i I s trreet rjpeni ng. I I ithe Engheer's report 2 recommendation was made : Ithat proceedings be initiated as there were owner$ :of 70% of the property in favor of the street 6 I :opening and improvement. They did not feel the i :district could bear the cost of condemninn tlje ; jt~~ lots to make this a through street j as it is i :estimated this vould be an additional $9,000 cost: i to the property owners. If tkese two lots were I :condemned the property ovner would remove his sig-t !nature from the petition. The City is fully aware jtha.t in the future it may necessitate opening th5S :street through. The property cmners will probablj jrealiae betwrei?, 26 and 25 lots according to the : plan submitted; hov!ever, the individual praperty i Icviners will have to hire their own engineer as to: :lot. spiits. I I !MR. JOWNSOI".j sf Tdnner, !.larquardt and Associates, ! $w i introduced and stated he was representing the i :property owners. A meeting was held with the I I :property owners and discussion was held as to the: :street going through to Forest Avenue. If the ; :street ~re~.t-t through it would necessitate taking I !3r. i3vorak's house plus two lots. The reason for: :requestfng this street opening is to open cap 1 I jland-locked property. It will also give addition-: :a1 revenue to the city. There will be sewer and ; iiJ.jater lines installed, as well a.s street lights. I :in closing, ?:It-. Johnson informed the Council some: !of the property owners were present tonight and : :YQ:.J? d '7 i ke to spes k. 1 I ;~d.%~ CLAUD WELTON stated he was affected by owning ! :some of the interior property. He has been tryin4 jfor three years to get the property owners in- i!:Il,S. PIERRE ANDRE, 2675 liiilson St. , presented a ! !letter from M. D. i4cEwan, 2724 Arland Road, dated: :July 5> 1966, stating he owned approximately I i300 feet of frontage on the proposed street, and i !he was not in favor of the proposed street. Iilrs. Andre stated that she anti i2er husbanc! :were opposed to this street opening. :F?R. RUSSELL GROSSE pointed out the people wI;o werd !objecting were not opposed to the design of -the : :street but to the improvement and street opening. i .. - 1 & I I .\ I I I I s \ 1""""""""""""""""-~"""""""~"""""-- """"-""-----..--"----- I I t I e* I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I # I I I I I I 1 I I I ?!r. T!9ronton, Assistant Engineer, stated that in I I I I I 1 I I I I I *. '3 I I :terested .in this street opening. I # I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I : 8; 4 I I I I 0 I ? I I I I I 1% I I \ '\\'\\ '\- -I c I 1 I 1 I '\\\ '.,'., '. , '. I I I -3- '\ ' 8 '\ t I I I i Name \\, I : of 'i ~~""""""""~"-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""!""""""-. : Member I 1 I !MR. GILBERT MC LEAP!, 2740 arland M., informed i :the Counci I the street opening will take consider{ :able part of his property, however, he is in favot :of the improvements. The question has been rais-i (2Lf as to policing this area. They are having !street lights installed. :The following resolutions were offered: :Wesolution io. 1276. A !?ESOLUTIOU OF THE CITY I I : hlOUQ!CTL OF TllE CITY OF CARLSPiAD ~)ECLARIUG FI?!~IR~; I THAT OW51ERS OF ?If?!?€ THAN 60% IF! AREA OF THE PRO- i ! PEI),TY SUBJECT TQ ASSESST'iEiiT IN PP\Q?OSED ASSESSilEiii :I3ISTRICT P40. 3-1966 HAVE SIGNES; PETITION FOR 119- : iPROV€!lERTS: FIl!DI!!G THAT THE PETITION FQF: PRO- 0. I 1 I I t 1 I I I I I I I I * I I I I I i POSED ASSESS3ENT DISTRICT NQ. 3-1966 HAS REEF! : 1.1 o t- t !7 i n g : FILED WITE THE CLERK OF THE CITY ?F CARLSR A.3; i?f\!D j!\!eiswendc i FINDIRG THAT SAID ?€TITI02 Cr?NfF,Ii?!S A l!AIVES OF :Atkinson : INVESTIGBTI9M PROCEEDIWGS REQUIRE0 PY DI\JISE9!! 4 j!?lanne i QF THE STREETS Rf-!D HI6HI.tAY CO0E OF TbiE STATE OF i'lardine :CACIFOKYIA, was adopted by title only. 1 I :Resolution :io. 1277. P, RESQLiJTI'1N OF THE CITY !!!orthing I &OU!\!CIL Of Pt-tE CITY OF CARLSCAD AQFQIb!TI?,lS PE?S?N i!!eiswendc !TO PREPARE ALL PROCEEDINGS, wss adopted by tit:e :Atkinson t I I : : I only. jRu!lne I I I :Jardine I 4 (AUTHORIZATIOE !:.!AS GIVEN CQ!? TEE E:IPLOYyEpT rlF i EP!GIi?tEERS FO2 THE PROJECT, as requested by the :Nei swende :property owners 3 witk the stipulation that the iP.tkinson !city staff slroilld handle all le~af proceedings andjnunne ithe building inspection phase of the project. ; Jardi :?e I I , i TANNER, I;IAf?QUARDT RI,!D ASSOCIATES AS CO1R!S!!LTI!~![: :!.forthing I I I I ilb) Qrdinance $5039, regulating accumulaticn of I * .Junk. j2rdjnance #5033. PI C)RDI!:AWE OF THE CITY OF 1 I I I I 1: I ii..'orthi ng !CXXEl?TD REGULATIf!G ilCCUFlULATIgN QF JUklK. \*!as : ?!? j swende :placed on second reading by title only, and fur- iPtkir?son jther readin? waived and the ordinance adopted. : Dunne t I I !Jardine I I I I :~mn. ~unne requested that the City of Oceanside i :routed cnto Las Flores Drive rather than usin? ; IRuena Vista. Also that they be as!ced to make a i fstudy of new routes within the City of Carlsbad. : iCrnn. ?orthins requested the Traffic Safety Cc;mm-itl :tee strsdy the possibility of a four-way stop at i ithe intersection of Roosevelt Street and Oak Ave.: :as the Boy's Club is located in this area. 1 I iCmn. Vorthing also asked consideration be ;given to posting speed limit signs within the Citi. i~rnn. Dunne requested that a uniform Traffic 2rdi-i :nance be considered this next year. I I :CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: %e 1 contacted in regards to having the buses re- ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I 1 I I I- 8 /xDIcA-nolj o!: n Ow FOOT gI\,RQIER mo FEET n! I :!dorkhi ng i L EP1GTH MAS ACCEPTED FROi'S EARC3, A CO-PA?Tb!ERSH I P 9 i Nei swender jdevelopers of Buena Vista Terrace subdiv-ision. lAtkinsorr I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i au nne :Jardine b $ 1 I I I I' \ \.\ x* I I \'\'\ I I I I \\ I I *., c I I '\\ \\\ X\\ ' I I '8, '\, ', I I -6- 1 .! ~"""""""-.""""~"""~"""""""""""""-""""""""""""""-"-. \- I i Na me \\\ '8: I : of ',+ I I Member i~t~Jard of contract - re: Grading for X~J) CO. site! @ ETI?~ ;lay Company proposed to awrd the contract to! ~Altfiflisch - Fulton Co. in the amount of 3578,099. i Tt~ere were four kids ranging from $678,060 up LO ! : 31,000,000. * + !Authorization to file Answer - re: Niller vs. i City ~f Carlsbad. Mr. ?AiIIer has filed suit :against tk~e City for appraisal fees. It is the i I opinion of the staff the fee as presented vas j too high for a preliminary report. I I I ! AUTHQF?IZATION \!AS GIVEN T'I.1E CITY ATTORklEY TO FILE: Vorthing I AK ANSVER TO THE LANFUIT FILED AGAINST THE CITY i Neisvende i ?E: MILLER \IS. CITY OF CARLSRWD. : Atki nson I 1 I I"-- I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Dur,ne I : Jardine I ! i crn ~.IANAGERT REPORT: I I I I ! :Amendment to freeway agreeyent re: Route 78. i The Cclrnty has requested that 600' of frontage ! ; road be deleted from the plans identified by i Exhibit "B" of the exist-ing freeway agreement, as! :engineering studies now inbica.te that the proper-: i ty would be better served. The following resolu-: : 'Cion was offered: I I i Resolution No. 1284. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I !!orthi ng i COLIRCIL OF THE CITY OF CARtSBA3 RELATIVE T(3 TKE :Weiswende : ROUTE 78 FREWAY IM THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, was i Atkinson i adopted by title only, and further reading naivediDunne I I I I I I I I I I I i Jardine ! I I i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYYEF!T OF SILLS AP'D RATIFICA- i i TIQN OF PAYROLL: I I I I I I 1 AUTEORXZATXON HAS GIVE?! FOR THE PAY5TEI:'T OF RILLS ; I ! t FOR THE GENERAL EXPENSES IN THE AF40UNT OF i $31 ,504.13 AP!D FOR THE PATE!? DEPAWTPIENT IN YRE i !Jcrthi nq : AYIOUF!T OF $721,322.56, for the period June 21, I Vei swendel I1966 to July 5, 1966, as certiffed by the Direct-: Atkinson i or cf Finance and approved by the Auditin9 Corn- : gunne I mi ttee. i Jardi rte I RATIFLCATEOM OF TFiE PAYROLL !:/AS GIVER FOR THE I SECOfiD HALF OF JUf!E9 1966, Ti,? THE A?lt?UP!T OF i$22,472.04, as certified by the Director of Fi- i i nance and approved by the Auditing Committee. I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I [ ADJ0URFII$Ef.{T: I- I i BY proper motion the meeting was adjourned at I I I I I i '325 P.i,?. 1 I I t I I : Respectfully submitted, ! ;.7-j-j&/ &&& Z/gL i XRRQARKf E. ADAYS c 8 : Ci ty C hr k I I I I I I 1 I I t t I I I 1 I f I I I I I I I I I 1 l a 1 I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I I I 8 t I I I I I I I I I 1