HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-16; City Council; Minutest e I ', 8 '\ ', ' !CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 8, '\, '\, ' ; i.1: nutes of: CITY CL~U~ICIL. (Regular .:.Eeeting) '\, ,, '. \,\\ ' i Date of cizeti ng: ?,agust/&, 1965 i Name '\ 'd ; Time of Heeti 129: /:GO P.:.!. ; of \. ; '\I i Place of bleet-ing: ~""""""""~""""""""~""""""~"~"~"""""~-""""~-~"~~~~~~~~~~~~' Counci 'i Chambers I Member : ROLL. CALL was answered by Couvlci lmen !.isr;thi ng 9 i/\jeiswendcr, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. AISO i i presmt were City ;hmagcr biamaux, City httocarney i :tJilssn and City Clerk Adams. I I ; IidVOCATIO?J was offered by Councilman ileiswender. ; :ALLEGiAiKE to the Flag was given. I I I ! 1 I \", I .. '*' I I I 4 1 I I J I I I I L $ I i hpPW()\rii\L OF i;"IIrjU'TES: 1 I I I I 1 1 :(a) idinutes of the regular meeting e-? ituguslt 2, :::!orthing :1966, were approved as presented. iblei sv.!tende: t jAtki nson I I :Dunne I I 1 I I :Jardine I 1 I CORRESPOi4DEI4CE: I. I I 1 I I I :The Council recognize.r' a letter from the Gar1sba.d: :High SchoGl, extevlding their thanks and apprecia-: jtion to Forrest Krugero Barks and Rscreation :Forenan, for his assistance in assisting the I I ischoo1 chzpter of the Future Farmers of America i :in their Fair entrfes. ;:.layor Atkinsen requested a letter of commendation; :sent to blr. Kruger on hehalf'of the City Council. i I I I I I I I I I I I I L !ORAL Ca~,,~~.?u~~!ICr,TIo~~~S: I I I I I ! I :~+IR. GEI'EE SELTZER, representative of the District i :Safety Council of the American Automobile Asso- I :ciation, staled ttte City of Carlsbad entered into: is. two year national program for pedestrian safety i :by indicating on fcrrns how the City protects theiy: i pedes tri ans . ii'tr. seltzer presented a Certificate for Pedestri- i :an Safety, indicating no pedestrian facilities in: :the past tt~o years. I I 1 I I I 1 I u I I I t I I " I I $ iPunLrc i.iEAR1NG: I I ;(a) Amending Ordinance !":,!o, 5060; A1 1 of Article i /9> R-T (Residential-Tourist Zone) and creating an I :R-i.3 [ R~sidential-~iaterway Zo~e). Said proposed i :amendments being initiated by Resolution of In- i Itention No. 53 of the Planning Commission. I I ;The Pi'iayor announced this wes the tine and place i !fixed by the Counci I to hear a1 1 persons who :wished to speak concerning the proposed amendment.: :The City Clerk presentzd the Affidavit of Publi- I :cation, and the CQU~C~I ordered the same filed. i :There were no written protests received up to I 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ithe hour OF 7:30 P.:i. 8: ;The City F1 atlner informed tbe Cotdnci 1 the Counci 1 i irequested the Plc!lning Comnission last npril to : $1ake a study of a1 'I 2-T Zoni trg. Since this was ; jthe first of the ~0172s to b2 considered under the i :General Plan, the Comissfon xent into consider- ; :able detail in their study. It as felt a new I I l I I I I 4 8 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I l e 2 Ip I' I 8, '\ " '\ I \ ', '8, ' t '\ ' ' I '\ '\ * I Name '8, ' : of '< I t \" ' '\ i Member 0 (""""""""""""""~"""""~""""~~""~""""""""""""""""~. I I I :zone should be created and desiqvlated R-Y (R3s-i- i i dential ~a-terwa.y). ~t the present .time there is i ian R-T Zone and an 8-T Rec. Zone. ILI order to ! :have an 2-I' Rec. designation ti12 applicmt myst : i appear before the Planning Commission and the : City Counci 1. I~he ~-k; designation wit? provide an area in nhichi i residential development centered about a navigablt :waterway may be accoamsdated. The on'ly uses pzr-: jnlittcci will be {a) dwellings; (b) accessory buil4- Iings and structures, including private garages to: ; accommodate not more than two cars per dwell ing; i ; and (c) boat launching and docking facilities for: i tile sole use sf the iniqattitant of the R-!:! district I of any subdivision in which the facility is locat+ led. 70% of the lots shall have direct access to i !the waterway. I I 1 I I * I * I $ I I I i ~n the R-T zoniRg ttje only uses permitted wou~d bi ;:"lotels or Hotels, d;.vellings p accessory buildirrgs ; jand structures, Other uses may be permitted upon! 1 l 4" L~~e granting of a Conditional 'Jse Permit. I :~i~e City Planner further stated tile height 1 imi tal jtion has been increased from 35' to 45'. The/loti minimum jsizc for the 2-T zcne has been increaseti from :~-,ooo sq. ft. to S,OOC sq. ft., and the ninimim i i lot area for the R-/3 zone shall be 6,009 except : :\vhen an application for Site Pfan has been approvi ; ed. !The dayor declared the public hearing open and I :announced the Council would hear from all persons; :desiring to speak in opposition to the proposed i : a~ilendments. t i AS there were 110 persons desi \.in9 to speak, the : !;dayor declared the hearing closed at 7:42 P.8. * 8 : Cmn. ~unne i nquj rcd-' as to whether the City has I i any area at the present time that fa1 1s under the : : K-?J Zone? I I I~he ~tty Planner stated there is one development I jtkat could come under this zoning - Shelter Cove.: :However, the passing ~f this ordinance would not i I change any of the present zoning. The property i :ovner would have to app?y for a change of zone. : !The R-kJ zoning is more restrictive than ths R-T i :Zoning. The Planning Commission is making a studs :of the areas in the city that would be suitable i ifor R-T and R-l>d Zoning. I I 1 I I s I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I f t I + I I I 1 I I I I 9 ;Discussion bias given as to the (1.5' ~ght Ijmit. i I ;Cmn. Worthing asked if this would include a 3- :story or 4-story buiiding? l e $ 1 I I I * I I I l I I I I I :The City Planner stated it could be a 4-story :building. a< ? ICnn. idorthing stated it was his understanding ithat if t;iis prop;rsccj a!tieGdmctlt is adcpted that i :any of the present 8-7 zoning wcLllC! $e allowed : :to havs! a 9-5' building. 1 I I I L I * * * I 1 1 $ * t 1 I I I ! I t I I I I -3- I ', \ ., ' I \x I '., '. ", ' I ', \X\ I 8, '\ ', i Name '8, ; of ': I 8' ', I a ! Member &"" """. -1.11 ."""""""""""""""~"* """"" """ "" "4 ""."."".I ! The Building Inspector pointed out that the I Building Code is much Elore restrictive for a 4- i : story building than a 3-story building. I I i The City Planrrer further stated the basic think- 1 i ing on the R-T zone was to get a first el ass deve:l- : apmnt rather than the lower type development. I I i Around the lagoon with a 35' height it would ! block the view, and it was the Commission's feel-! i ing an additional 10' k:ould not be any more ob- i ! jectionable. + ! i E4ayor Atkinson stated he felt the 45' butlding i : would be of a high-type development. I I i Cmn. DU~W pointed out with the cost of real i estate gGfng up as it has witllin the past 10 yearis, : and the fact it will no doubt increase nore in i i the next 13 years, there will probably be more : : high rise buildings constructed. 8 1 i After further discussion the following resolutionb i and ordinances were presented for consideration: i I Resolution No. 7297. A RESOLUTIOd OF THE CITY I ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY I)F CARLSBAD, AHNOUMCIF\!G Northing I FIidDIiiGS iMii DECISIOClr RELATING TO TI!€ PROPOSED ..Neiswendt I AiiEitlDIY'rEiU TO ORDIiiAfiCE $3. 3060, ARTICLE 3, ! Atkinson ; and further reading waived. : Jardine I I 8 I I I 1 I I 1 t i 8 1 I I I 1 * I I 1 I I i REGARDIiG R-T ZOILIblG, 1~s adopted by title only i Qunne t I I I I I I I I : ReSOlutiOn NO. 1303. A RESOLUYIGil OF THE CITY I i CQUI.1CIL OF TEiE CITY OF CARLSEAD Al.!IIOUMCING FIND- I !,!orthing i INGS AND DECISIOf.1 RELATIHG TO THE PROPOSED A?eI€I":D-: iqeiswendc : k?EF\iT TB ORDIi'lAF\!CE 80. 9060, BY ADDING TiiERETO i Atkinson i ARTICLE 9.5 TO CREATE AN 2-k! ZOFiE, was adopted : Dunne ; by title only and further reading waived. i Jardine I I I , I I I I i Ordinance 20. 9188. At4 ORDIMANCE OF TCfE CITY OF i bforthing : CARLSBAD AI:!€NDIKG ARTICLE 9 OF ORDINANCE $10. 9060; ileiswencie I (R-T ZOF4E) was given a first reading by title : Atkinson i Only, and further reading waived. i Dunne I : Jardine 1 ! I I Ordtflance NO^ 9183, AH ~RDIWANCE OF THE CITY OF i~jorthing ! CAALSEAiI &i~iEitDIHG 0RE)IfMIJCE NO. 9it60, BY ADDING ! Neiswende i ARTICLE 9.5 TO CREATE AM R-!f ZONE, was given a I Atkinson i first reading by title only and further reading : Dunne : vai ved. i Jardine I I I I 1 I I i ENGINEERING: ! * I I t I I I i (a) 1911 AC~ Froceedinqs - A.D. 4-1954. - Down- i i twn Street Lighting District. I I ! I 0 a i The City Clerk reported the Engineer of i3101-k had i : filed with her office for Assessment Roll and the! i Assessment Diagram for Assessment District 4-1964.. : The date set for hearing all protests is Septern- ; i ber 6, '1966, and that the following rcsolutiora I : was offered for the Council's consideration: I ! ! I 1 I I I I I I I I ! I 1 C I I I I I I 6 I I -4- I' I '\' '.,,'., ,. '\, 1 Name '\ '<\ 'x " I * I 1 ', 8 \\ '\ "\ '\ ; of '< i I 8 I Member ;""""""""~""-""""""""""""""""""-""""-"~""~"--------"" {Resolution i4s. 3298. A RESDLUTIQN OF THE CITY ; CQHF:1CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DSRECTIMG fiOTICElYorthing (PLACE OF HEARING THEREOF, A.D. Mo. 4-1954, was :Atkinson iadopted by title only and further reading waivcd,iDunne I : Jardi ne i PLANN I I.iG : t I t I i 8 I !OF FILING OF ASSESSMEfIT AW3 OF THE TIi.4E AND i Nei sp!ende I I I 1 I I I I I I , !(a) Memorandum from Planning Commission - re: :Tentative map of Laguna Riviera Subdivision. 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 :Memorandum dated August 11, 1966 from the Plan- ! i ni ng Corr~~ni ssi on was presented, stati ng cons i dera- i : tion was given to the above referenced matter at I itheir meeting held August 9, 1966, and that the i :Commission agreed with the recommendation of the : ! City Counci I that the five 1 arge I ots, previously i :numbered 301,302,303,304 and 305 be deleted from ; ithe proposed precis2 plan, rezoning and tentative! jsubdivision mapI ar;d that in a17 other respects ;'I : that the precise plan, rezone, tentative map be ; i approved as submi tCed, I 1 !The City Planner presented the tentative subdivi-i :sion map, si!owing the five large parcels deleted. : :The fo77ot:ing resolutions and ordinance were pre-: isented for consideration: t I a..Q I I I I I * I I I I 4 I I I :Resolution Ro. 1292. A RESOLUTION flF THE CITY :\lorthing !COUiICIL OF Tf-IE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVI?,lG THE :P!eiswende iTEFfTATIVE YAP OF LAGUP!A RIVIE~A~SUBDIVISIOM, was !Atkinson !adopted by title only and further reading waived. iDunne I :Jardi ne b 4 I I I :Resol lation ido. 1295. A RESOLUTIOfJ OF THE CITY horthing ICOUflCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANEOUNCIXG FIt!D- lNeiswcnde1 :I!+GS AND DECISIOM REGkR.DIi-3G CHANGE OF ZOilE CLASS- :Atkinson :IFICATIQW I OF CERTAIN DESI6f;JATED PRVERTY 114 THE IDunne !CITY OF CARLSSAD FROj.21 ZONE R-A-10,ClOO to ZOi,iE :dardine jR-1-8,000 was adopted by title only and further i :reading waived. I I :Resolution No. 1295. A RESOLUTIOM OF THE CITY :!lorthi ng iCOUb!CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSSWD ADOPTING PRECISE ii;leiswendc; jPLAM, was adopted by title only and further read- :Atkinson :jng waived. jDunne 1 I I I I i 1 I I i3ardi ne I I !Ordinance 1\10. 97 87. AI\! ORDIIIANCE OF THE CITY OF !',:!orthing /CARLS1ZAD AMENDIfx!G ORCIIi:Ai!CE NO. 9060, Ct-jAffGING :Neisvrendet ICERTA1i.i DESIGRATED PROPERTY FROM ZoM€ R-A-l0,000 !Atkinson igjven a first reading by title only and further !Jardine jreading wai vzd. I I :to ZONE R-1-8,000 IM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, W~S :aunne I I I I I ;PARKS AWD RECREATION COW!ISSIOM: ! :(a) Appointment to Parks and Recreation Conmissiotj.. :Nayor Atkinson reappointed Gerald Fischer to a I * ifour year term on the Parks and Recreation Com!nis< kion, commencing August, 1965 agd expiring August,j i1970. a I I I I e I I * I I ! I I I I I I ? I I I ! I * t : '*', '+,'". I i Name '\, ' + I .' I I " I 1 ', '\ ' I , t '. I -5- ' '\ I : of '( I I 8 I $ I I I 1 1 Member :""""""~"""""""""""-""""""""""""~""*""""""""""~""- ;NEIJ BUSII*?ESS: 4 I 1 I :(a) Resolution 51299, correcting Council Resolu- i :tion #1205, regarding !k:eed Abatement Program. I I I I 1 :The City Attorney informed the CGutlci 1 this res- J jolution was for the purpose of approving the :corrected charges relative to the Meed Abatement i i p rog ram. jCmn. ?!orthing inquired as to hOM they arrive at i :these charges, as there are some lots of the same: jsime with different charges? i~he City f."anagzr informed the council the charge i lis based on the amount of !-Jerk that has been done: ion the individual lot. !As the Council questioned some of the amounts on i ithe 'list, the IIayor requested this matter defer- : :red until the next meeting in order that the City i {Attorney could check the amounts with the origi- i :rial list. I 1 i(j) Fieso'lutisrr Ro. 1300, endorsing Resolution i :#9152 of the City Coc;nciI of the City of F!ational i :City, urgin9 Department of Defense to Reopen I I :U.S. Piaval Repair Facility at San Dicgo. i~he city tqanager informed the Council a reso1utiIo4 !was received from the City of Oceanside, in which d :they endorsed the action taken by the City of I I ji4ational City, requesting the Department of De- i :fense to reopen the 2,s. iiaval RepaiP Facility ; ;in San Diego, as National City has requested that i :each City in the Council adopt a resolution urg- : iing that the facilities be reopened. iResa7ution No. 1300. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 3Jorthi ng ITIOe! NO. 9152 OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF :Atkinson :NATIfOHAL CITY, \:!as adopted by title only and fur- :Dunne jther readjng waived. jJardi ne I(c) Paying Agency Agreement for Series "C" of j19QZ Sewer Bonds. The City Attorney reported :an Agreement has been prepared naming Security ! :First $!ational Bank as Paying Agent for Series i :"C" of the 1962 Sewer 6onds. This agreement is : !similar to the Agreement for Series ''A" and "BI', i :Authorization is needed for the i'iayor's signature.: iAutttorization was given for tr-ie t.1ayor eo execute i !JGrthing :the Agreement between the City of Carl sbad and : Neiswendc !Security First National Bank, naming Security Firshtkinson :lLlaticnaf Bank as paying agent for 1962 Sewer Bondsj,Dunne :Series *'"'. : Jardine i(d) Res. :Jo. 1302, supporting Air Service for I :Palomar Airport. The City Attorney requested jthis matter deferred unti? the next meeting as :the resolution had :?ot been prepared. :OLD BUSINESS: ;(a) ~es. ~o.1301, apprcvtng action of Planning i :Commlss1on In deny~ny rec;r!cst %or reciass1flcatior-i I I I I I 4 I $ I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I i I * I t I I I I I I I I. t # I I I 1 1 :COUMCIL OF T~.K CITY OF CARLSBAD ENDORSING RESOLU- jNeiswende 4 I I I I I II I I I I 1 I t 4 I I I I I 3 I & I * * 4 1 I I I I t a, # I I I I ! I I I I I I t I ! c -c- 4' \\. ' I '\ p, '*, 1 \' I \'x I ', '. '\ I '\, "\ - i Name '. '! 8 I I I Y i of ->$ :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""-"~~".~"--"""- [of property from Zone R-1 to Zone R-P. Applicant: :Jack Y. Kubota, et ux. The following resolution I !was presented for consideration: I I : Member I I I I 1 i I !Resolution No. 1301. A RESOLUTIOM OF WE CITY ,; !COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ACTION !!.lorthing :ZOi.!E R-P, vias adopted by ti Lle only and further ;Dvnne :OF PLANF!ING CO~4MISSIOP~! IP1 DE!*/YING REQUEST FOR :Neiswende IRECLASSIFICATIOhi OF PROPERTY FRON ZOTdE R-1 to jA:tki nson I ; reading waived. i Jardi ne I ! I i(b) Second reading of Ordinance #3186, regarding: !Temporary Real Estate Offices and Signs. The Citj :Attorney informed the Council one of the develop- : iers has- requested that this ordinance be adopted i !as an emergency ordinance in order tt:at he would ; jnot have to wait the 30 day period before the :ordinance would become effective. .. I I I I I I I I :The following ordinance was presented and read i i0rdinance big. 9186. Ai4 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF iWorthing :ORDINANCE ts1IC. 9060 9 REGARDING TEIW"RY REAL !Atkinson \ESTATE OFFICES AI-JD SIGidS, was read in full and :Durane \in full: I I I I * I jCARLSsA5 AME!iDIi:IG SECTIONS 1507 AND 2508 OF :Hei swende Iadovted. iJ~~di ne I I i(c) Approval of Final Budget for Fiscal Year I I I 1 I t j1966-67. I I ! :Tine Final Budget for the Ffscal Year 3966-67 was :!forthing :approved and adopted Bs presented by the City :[Jet swende ii:lanager $!ski nson I :Dun ne I I 1 I I !Jardine I I I :The City frianager was commended on the form and i jcontents of the budget. t I i(d) Tamarack Avenue and Interstate #5 overcross-! :a. The Engineering Department presented two ; !plans for a four-lane overcrossing at Tamarack i ;the Engineering Department as to the urgency of i ia decision in this matter. I I !Plan "Study MG. 1" has been submitted to the Civi; :sion of Highways and has been approved. The Pro- i !posed plat1 minimizes the problem of right of way : :acquisition between Jefferson Street and Adams I !Street9 and by complying with Division of Highway: :Standards, Gas Tax funds may be used both for ac- i Iquisition and improvment construction. 1 I I I iAvenue, The Division of: Highjays have alerted ; I I I 8 t 1 a I ! !Plan "Study ilo. 2" proposes to comply with the :Parks and Recreation request tc preserve the ex- :isting Eucalyptus Trees along the North side of !Tamarack Ave. between Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Adams St. :This plan would create considerable right of way @ :costs I on the south side as it would,require the !reconstruction OF the exIs ti ng SCFVI ce s ta-ti on :facilities and 32 feet of the adjoining commer- ;cia1 property. T~C? horfzonta~ aligament KOUIC~ be :creating an unjusti fjed reverse curve on both sid io' the freeuay overcrossing. It would also creat :a stage constrvctlcn p:-obicm of abrupt lane chang I-& II" 1"L """. 11- - _. " I I + I 8 e * I t I I 8 i I 1 ! I I 8 I I 4s 4 G .- I I I I I I I I I I 1 8 8" 8' : '8, '\ 88 '8 I 8, '\ ' ' I 9 I I\ '8 ' ', ' '\ 8' -7- i Name %','\! I I 1 : of '85 I ! Member ~"""~""""""~"""""""""""""""""~~""""""-"""~"---""---" :The I Engineering Department recommended that Study \ ,I d I I I ;No. 1 be approved. I 9 I t I 8 I iCmn. tlorthing asked what the additional cost woula :be for acquisition of the 32' right of way * & :against the 16' right of \.lay as proposed. ;ivr. Thornton stated he could not say, except thati :he v!ouldl guess it would be six times as much. !The Service Station a~one v~~ould probably run !&inn. !.lorthing further stated he did put a price ! .on trees. iCmn. Jardine stated he would insist on putting a i !price on the trees, as he would vote "no" on :Plan No. 1. I ! i~he Ct ty fblanager stated hc fel t it was Letter I I :to have a ell designed street and gooci engineer- i :ing than to preserve the trees. :After further consideration, the City Council :\!orthi ng !went on record as adopting Plan Study NO. t for j!<!eiswende ithe proposed Ta.marack overcrossing at Interstate :Atkinson $5. :Dtrnne 1 :Jardi ne !CITY ATTORREY'S REPORT: {Acquisition ~f properties for Civic Center -1 site. : !The Cfty Attorney reported neggtiations have been I :completed on the acquisition of the Roudebush !property. They have agreed to sell their properti ifor $22,750.00. Authorization is needed for ithe City flanagar to execute the escrow documents 3 i jand the Council should accept the deed. I I ii3y motion of the Council the City Manager was :!.!orthi ng :authorized to execute the escrow documents, the $k!iswende1 jdeed front the Roudebush's was accepted and the l :At:ki nson ;Clerk instructed to record the same. :Dul n ne /An offer was accepted for the DcKeyser property I :of $1 1,5OO.O0, with the addition of one of the :City owned lots on Homing Glory Lane, and per- I jrna'ssion to move thei r house on the lot in Rorning : $1 ory Lane. I I !The City iyianager informed the Council the DeKeysee :property is a key lot and it is .Felt this is a 1 :fair price. I I I I DE. :The offer for the BSKeyser property was accepted ! Forthing !and authorization was given for the City Nanager i r!leiswende !to execute the escrow documents. The City Council: Atitinson :accepted the deed on behalf of the City of Carls- I Dunne jbad, and the Clerk instructed to reccrd the same. f Jtirdine :An offer was made to Edk!!ard Zahler and Patrick i :and Marian ZahJer for their property in the amount: jof $42,750.00, and a :.lritten acceptance.has been i :received from the Zahlers this evening. The City ; :Attorney stated he had nr.t had a chance to check i :tile contents of fi?~ arrpr,f;lncp 2s I,-+ 8 i I I I I I ., I I I I I ~$40,090. I I I * I I ._ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I l 1 I I I I I I I :Ja,rdi ne I I I I I I I I I a I 4 I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I ! -i;" *' I ., ', .*, '\ I I \\"\ ' I \\ '\ '\ i Name '8, ' ; of '4 I \ " \ " I ' '\ 1 0 .............................................. : Member I I I :Approva? was given for the wwchase of the Zahler i :propert>! in the amount of $b2,750, subject to $forthi ng ithe City Attorney's approval 9 and the City !4anage<Neiswende has authorized to execute the escrow docuaents; :Atkinson !also the deed and easement Mere accepted from thejDunne IZahlers on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, and :Jardine ithe Cleric instructed to record the same. I I 1 I 1 !CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I I I I I I ;The City Manager reported in accordance wi tl-r the i jrecommendation of the Traffic Safety Comaittee, : :a resolution had been prepared for stop signs on i !Tamarack Ave. at its intersection with Garfield : :Street. I I :The following resolution was presented: :Resolution ?do. 1304. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I iCOUi'lCIL OF THE CITY 3F CARLSBAD DESIG?lATING THE i :INTERSECTIOM OF TAilARACX AVENUE A!:!D GARFIELD :I:'orthi ng !STREET AS A STOP INTERSECTION AND REQUIKIi!G ALL jNeiswende1 jVEltICLES ENTERIWG SAID 1?4TERSECTIOb! FROM TANARACK lAtki nson :AVEi'?UE TO STOP AT THE ENTRANCE TO SAXD IiYTERSEC- iDunne iTI9PJ was adopted by title only and further read- Sardine :i ng wai ved. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I ffreet.ray Signs, The City Wenager reported the I I !Council will no dcru5t receive complaints concern- : iing signs that are being erected on the Frce:.:ay i :south of Carlsbad. One sign is .3 of a nile out- i :side the City limits and the other sign is 1/2 : :mile south of the City limits. ICmn. Dunne inquired about the signs located on i jCarlsbad B7vd. and those in t!?e vicinity of Ponto.: :Will these signs be affected by the ordinance thaq !was adopted fast year? 1 I ICmn. ~unne was informed they would not be affec.teclI as ithe ordinance only applies to Freeway signs, and ; ifurtj~er, Ponto is not in the city I inits. I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I iliequest to hold Teen Dances. ! & I I 1 I I I &mission was granted to the ilexican American fl;;lorfhing iAssociation to hold Teen Dances at the Carlsbad :fieiswendel :High School on August 20th, September 77th and :Atkinson !October 29th, 1966, subject to proper Police fDunne :Patrol being provided. :Jardine !Proposed ~chedu~e for Library Construction ~ids. i jnt is proposed that the Notice of Bid for the :construction of the Library building will be pub- I Ilished August 25, 1966, and the bid opening I I :scheduled for September 26, 7966. :By motion of the Council the schedule of events !Northing jfor the construction of the Library was approved. :Nciswender I :Dunne t I 1 I I I I I l 4 I I 1 I I I I 111 I I I I I jf\tki nson I IJardi ne ! I I I t I I 1 I t I I I 1 ! ! I I I I I I I I I ! -9- , s,.. \ b 1 4 88 '\,"\ '8* .\ I 8, '\ ', i Name 8, '! : of '< I \ ' 8, * '\\ ''t I I""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"-"""-""""""~""""""" : Member I ! i Proposed plan for tiG1iday Park. The City blanager; : presented a proposed plan for Holiday Park, and ; i informed the Council the plan shot~s an area for i I for the Girls' Club be approved and the remaining: : portion of the .plan be taken under consideration.: i Also it was recommended that the Rcdman house be i I moved onto the property so the Club would have a I : nucleus to start their project. The parcel desig: I nated for the Club is owned by the Ci ty. This : i plan meets with the approval of the Parks and I I ; Recreat-ion Commission. i It xas agreed that the site as proposed on the : f4orthing : plan be approved for the Girls ' Club, and permis-! Neiswende i sion granted to move the Redman house onto the i Atkinson : site for use by the Girls' Club. ; Dunne i Designation of sidewalk area - re: Magnolia bve.! i The Magnolia School has petitioned the City for 1 i a sidewalk area along Magnolia Ave. from Pi0 Picoi : Dr. to the school. This would provide an area * I in the improveti roadtJay section, whi c1.1 is actual lk : a parking area, adjacent to the curb at the southp i east corner of Adams St. and Xagnolia Ave. The I i property owner involved has been contacted and he: ; is in accord VJi th the plan. The City blanager i recommended that the City Attorney be instructed i : to prepare a resolution designating the sidewalk i i area. i By notion of the Council the City Attorney was ! Morthing ! instructed to prepare a resolution for the side- i Neiswsnde i walk area in accordance with the plan proposed : Atkinson : by the City blanager. i Dunne I : Jardine [ Traffic Signal. Thc City budgeted $9,000.00 ?OF i i a traffic signal at State Street and Elm Avenue. : ; The bid was lower than anticipated and the staff i i has authorized the contractor to install another : : signal at State Street and Grand Avenue. I I : Cmn. !fortking commented on the work that Hr. i Antonio Grijalva had done in circulating the t petition for the bladison Street project. tie i asked if a Certificate of Award could be given to! i citizens who work on community projects? I I ; : the Girls' Club, be recommended that the parcel ! I I I I I I I I I I I i Jardine I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I q I I I I I # I I b I t I I * I I I I i 5y common consent the City Manager was instructedid : to work out some method whereby citizens could be: 1 recognized for their contribution to the conmun- : ; ity. ; ! * I t ; : Delinquent Business Licenses. The City Clerk in-; : of Real Estate Brokers from out of ~OVJ~ who have i i not paid a business license, and the staff re- @ ! quests that this list be turned over to the City 1 ; Attorney for collection. I f formed the Council that a list has been prepared I I $ I I I I I I I I I $ I I I I 6 I I I I t I I I I ! 1 1- @ I I * I I I I I I I ! - IO - I' 1 \\ '*'"\' '*, I \Xb \\ ' I I , < '. \ Name 'b, ' '. 1 I .' 8' ; of 'I )cr' ! ! Member ;""""""""~""""~""""""~"""""""""""""""""-~"-"""--" :I!iR. EDSIARD NC CANN, 3485 Charter Oak Drive, jstated he was a Real Estate Broker and has his i :office in Oceanside, but lives in Carlsbad. He. ; jdid not think it was a matter of the $50.00 that I :the out-of-town businesses were slot paying, but : la inatter of inequity. fie is interested in good i :legislation. Real Estate people bring peop7e I I !into the City. !The City Clerk informed the Council that up unti? i ifour years ago the Oceanside Real Estate Brokers : :were not charged a fee for a business license. t I jeiswever, the City of Oceanside started charging i :the Brokers in Carlsbad a fee. Nembers of the : i Carlsbad Realty Board appeared before ths Council i :and requested that the Oceanside Brokers be ! ichwged a fee. I :The City !4anager pointed out the basic reason fori Ireqtiiriag a business license is to derive revenue: : for the C1'ty. I I I I 6 a 1 I I 1 I I I I t I I I e I I 8 I !AUTHORIZATIOW FOR PAYFdEMT OF EILLS AND RATJFICA- i ! po;: OF PAYROLL: I I I I 1 iAuthorization bas given for the payment of bills i :for the general expenses of the City in the :Worthi ng :amount of $29,217.49 and for the !dater Department:i' I Lei swende :iiz the amount of $2,863.27, from August 29 1966 :Atkinson :-to August 16, 1966, as certified by the Director iDunne :of Fir?ance and apppovcd by the Auditing C0mnittee:Jardine I ! : Ratifi cation of tke payroll ;first ha1.F of August, 1965, !$21,685.50, as certified by :Finance and approved by the I I I I was given for the in the amount of the Cirector of Auditing Committee. I i ADJOU2NMENT: 8 ik,/orthi ng :Atkinson ;Dunne :Jardine f;.leiswende I I I I I I I ! i i3y proper motion the meeting was adjourned at :8: 42 P.U. I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I respectfully submitted, I I I L i )yjL&f &&.L,- & w c . L&&L.,>:/J /' _- i NAkGA#ET E. ADALTS' :City Clerk I I I 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I *j I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I 1 I I ! I I I 1 I I I I I I ! 1 I I I I e l 1 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I 1 I I I