HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-10-20; City Council; Minutes. I Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned regula;) '\ ,' ''\ i Date of Meeting: October 20, 1966 : >,is ne \' '\ ' t Place of Meeting: Council Chambers \. 1"""""""""""""""""""---""~"""""~""""""""-~"~""""", I 1. ;~~~~~~ \' ,' ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. ,e 4 44 1 1 I 1 i e i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Worthing, i i Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine. Mayor Atkinson i i was absent. Also present were City Manager I INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Jardine* ! 1 ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. i Mamaux, City Attorney Wilson and City Clerk Adams:. i I I 1 i 1 1 f I i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: > 1 i 1 1 i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held October i Worthing : 4, 1966, were approved as presented. f Neiswend 1 i Jardine I CORRESPONDENCE: > 3 : There was no written correspondence $resented. i i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 1 I MR. MATTHEW JARVIE stated he would like to dis- : I 1 r I 1 Dunne t : I I 1 : cuss a few items, I 1 1 I t Over the weekend there were no records broken on i ; speed during the races held at the lagoon, but i i there were records broken as far as noise is con-; : cerned. He belongs to an organization that holds; r teen dances at the High School. They are requir-t f ed to furnish Police protection for these events.: i It costs the organization around $70.00 per dance:. ; This past weekend .*during the races people were i i trespassing on his property as well as his ; neighbors. It was his fxeling that the people i i who want to hold these races should. be required i ; to pay for additional Police protection. There ; .I are Police organizations in town who would be t : happy to. police these events. t Mr. Jarvie suggested that a uniform fee be charg-i / ed for launching boats, as his nephew' paid $3.00 f ; to launch a boat at the lagoon and Oceanside only: i charges $1.00. i ; i As to the extension of Hoover Street, it was his i ; feeling Hoover Street should be extended and the ; i City could charge for parking space. Perhaps f i reduced rates for parking, could be charged to the! 1 citizens of Carlsbad. : t Vice Mayor Dunne requested the City Manager to i i check into the items mentioned by Mr. Jarvie. i LIBRARY: 1 i (a) Report on bids received for construction of i i new Library. The City Manager reported three bids; i were received for the construction of the new i 1 Library. Lusardi Construction Co. was the low : i bidder with a base bid of $401,000.00. The t Building Committee of the Library met this morn- ; : ing and recommend that Alternates No. 2, 3 and i t 5 be accepted, which wolrld make the total bid '; i $399,900.00. i Cmn. Worthing stated he and Mayor Atkinson attend:- ! ed the Building Committee meeting. The three i alternates amounted to $7 -1Or1.Sfi I I 1 I L I i I I I ?. 8 I i I 0 I i -L- x, \, '\ , i \ .. \'\ \x\ \ >. 1 \' I. ,' I j: r -, r \ '. . ,'.G.,..Z .. e .I \I < '" 8 : *', 2 '7 2 2 ;, 1""""-""""""""----------"---""~~""""""""""""""~.""~"""", .. J By motion of the Council the low bl:d of iusa;pd< i j Construction Co. was acce?ted, inc7uding A-i-lerna'c- i es No. 2, 3, and 5, in the amount of $399,9OO.OO,i'~iorthin5 i the Contrac.tor to be notified to execute the :: Nefs:htend ; contract as soDn as possjble, and that the work i Cunne i commence immediately. i Jard-ine / The City Flamger recomnended that $50,000.00 be f i transferred from the Genera? Fund to the Library i i Construction Fund. ! By motion of the Council authorization was given i >!orthing i for the transfer of $50,000.00 from the General j hieiswend I Fund to the Library Construction Fund. i Dunne ' .* . 0 1 L I i Jaraine I i NEbf BUSINESS: ; # 2 1 1 I i I I c t r I s (a) Resolution #1320, reqrrestjng Department of i Finance to prepare population survey. The City i Xanager inforned the Council the City is desirous: of obtaining a cerisks estimate, as there will not: Depzrtment of Finaiice wili conduct the estimate i and it wi 11 be certified to as of November 7, ! 1966, in order that the Cfty can benefit from an i increase during thfs fiscal year.. It will cost i the City approximateiy $220.00 to have this .. service per-Formed. I .. The following resolution was presented: be another Federal census tzken until 1970. - ihe ! J ! Resolution No. 1320. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : Northing i COllNCiL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, REQUESTING THE ; Neiswena ; STATE OF CALIF04NIA, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TO i Dunne i PREPARE A POPULATlClN SURVEY AN9 AUTHORIZING THE i jardine- j 5 OF FINANCE AND T,LI:E CITY OF CARLSBAD, was adopted j. : by title only and fzrther reading waived. i EXECUTION OF AN AGREEf4EN-j SET),IEEN THE DEP,&,RTMEI\I-j f J $ 4 i f 1 I 1 f .. I Public meeting - re: Aqua Hed-ionda Lagcon acti- / vities. Cmn. Ne-iswencieio extended an invjtatjon 1 to a17 interested persons to attend an open meet-! jng in the Council Charnbers on !dednesday, Novem- i- ber 2, 1956, at 7:30 P.M. to discliss activities t held at the lagoon. P,e and Cmn. Jardine will be i pyesgnt, aad a:so he would ijke to have a sec- retary fronn the staff present to take notes. PI an Tor down-toxn ~aQ1. ,CRY?. Neiswender request-: e3 that pians for the downtown Ma27 be completed i as soon as possible in order that the construc- i tion can be completed at the same time.'as "Le I .,Yiay Co. shopping center Ss completed. Leash Law. Cmn. Neiswender asked that the Leash i Law be reviewed by the City Attorney. . The City Attorney reviewed th2 Leash Law and poicted out J- ~J-IG-~ i ff a C;~G js caugh-t running at i iargc- it constitutes a mfsdemeanor. < 7-5 ' 0 ; r_L'<;n; p@l/Je:rs A,q:.e.li;..en'i - 're: Ccm~;~ehe.silje .- 1 ;="iai;njnq Coo%fdinat(cn9 Cmn. jardine jn-,=orned the : Council a few months ago the Rayor appointed him I : as a delegate anti himself as an alternate to the i 1. .' . L ' 3;; jT;e ,' . r I C!! . i :""""-"""-"""""""""""-""""""~"""""""""""~~"~~"""~" ' 1 ." ?4ep,te: I I I 1 b i San Diego County Regional General Plan and Trans-! ; portation Policy Coordinating Committee. There i f is in existence a Joint Powers Agreement for : Transportat'ion. It. was felt that it was necessary: i to develop a Joint Powers Agreement which would : f adequately provide comprehensive planning coordi-: 0 I : nation required to qualify the member agencies t ; of the San Diego Region for Federal and State ! 1 grants. The Committee has approved the format i ; of the Joint Powers Agreement that has been pre- i : sented, and they have requested that each agency i i adopt a resolution accepting and approving the : i agreement. I I I 1 I I 1 t t t I t I I i i I b i I I 1 t 1 I f 4 I L Resolution No. 1324 was presented for the Counci1;'s review. Cmn. Worthing stated he would like to i review the Joint Powers Agreement prior to the I adoption of the resolution. I 2 Cmn. Jardine assured the Council that any matters; that come before the committee he would make known to the other members of the Council prior i to any action being taken by the Committee. 1 I , L By cDmmon consent it was agreed that the matter f be deferred until, the next. vegular meeting. 'i 1 t OLD BUSINESS: ; The following ordinances were presented for a 1 i second reading by the Council: I / Ordinance No. 1098. AN ORDINANCE-OF THE CITY OF i Worthing ; CARLSBAD PROVIDING FOR THE PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES i Neiswend t AND EQUIPMENT, was given a sec0n.d reading by f Dunne . i title only and adopted. i Jardine i Cmn. Northing stated he had a request from a 1 : citizen that prior to this ordinance becoming I i effective and before a permanent Purchasing Agent: f is employed, he would like to review the ordi- 1 I ; nance. b i I 1 t 1 'I 2 7 I I I 1 r t I $ I i i : Ordinance No. 9190. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Northing : TDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING : Neiswend ! REGULATIONS FOR DEDICATION OF LAND PAYMENT OF i Dunne i i FEES, OR BOTH FOR PARK AND RECREATIONAL LAND IN i Jardine i SUBDIVISIONS, has given a second reading by title; i only and adopted. I I i Cmn. Worthing asked the City Planner if there I 1 . ; was any provision in the ordinance whereby land \ t that is presently zoned R-1 is rezoned to a highGr : 'density would this ordinance apply? I c 1 1 t I I I > I 6 I 1 The City Planner stated the Planning Commission i is working on a policy whereby a1 1 rezoning would come under the subdivision ordinance. L 1 L 2 b I I -I 0 I z > { I Cmn. Worthing inquired about the letter received i from the Hosp Grove Committee at the last regu- : 1.ar meeting of the Council. I I Vice Mayor Dunne stated he discussed this letter': with Mayor Atkinson and he is taking care of ' I this matter. > 4 I L i Crnn. Worthing stated at the last meeting the i Engineering Department was requested to contact f. I P I L I I 4 I i .I I 6 I I -4- > ,' '* '\ 'x, - I \, ', '\ ,' I \' ' '. I y! ",- ', 2 c; , I :tic , L i---"-----------------.""""~--~""""""""""""""""""""" ' ; ?f; .. 5 r; !> 5 ;* I i * , """""" ! : the property owners concerned with the Elm Avenue: I extension and report to the Council at this meet-j i ing. 1 The City Manager stated he would report on this i I i L i I matter under his report. 1 1 i I CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: .. 1 2 I L i Acceptance of deeds - re: Elm Avenue extension. i ; The City Attorney reported that deeds had been i i received from two property owners, namely, Ray E.! i and Leatrice J. Green, and Sidney A. and Jean C. i i Fuller, for right of way needed for the extension: ; of Elm Avenue, and resolutions No. 1321 and 1323 t i have been prepared for the Council's review. > t Resolution No. 1321. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i i VEYANCE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND DIRECTING RECORD-.'Neiswend f ING THEREOF was adopted by title only and further! Dunne i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING CON- ,. :Northing i reading waived. i Jardine j .. : Reso!ution No. 1323. A RESOLUTION OF THE'CITY i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING CON- : i Worthi ng i VEYANCE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND DIRECTING RECORD-! Neiswend 'i ING THEREOF, was adopted by title .only. and furthefDunne i reading waived. - i Jardine I CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: t Request for connection to sewer system - re: I Palomar Airport and Animal Shelter. The City. , i i Manager informed the Council after completion of ! ; the sewer system the City allowed the State 1 I Beaches and Parks to connect to the.sewer system t ; prior to fixing the amount of cost. The same ! situation exists at the Palomar Airport and for i i the Animal Shelter, and it is requested that they: 1 be allowed to connect to the sewer system pending; ; negotiations with the County of San Diego as to j I By motion of the Council it was agreed that S.Northi ng i Palomar Airport and the Animal Shelter be a1 lowed: Neiswend f to connect to the sewer system, pending negotia- i Dunne i tions with the County of San Diego as to .the costfJardine : Elm Avenue extension. The four property owners i g have been contacted in regards to acquisition of i. i a portion of their property for the extension of i j Elm Avenue as requested at the last regular meet-; i ing. Three of the property owners have indicated: i 'they are not interested in negotiating and the i i fourth would like more time. i After consideration by the Council, by motion of / Morthing j the Council the City Attorney was authorized to ; Neiswend i proceed with condemnation proceedings for the i Dunne I extension of Elm Avenue. i Jardine I I I I I ; cost. I i t 2 , i Cmn. Worthing inquired if anything had been done I : 0 i about a meeting with the school districts. i 2 L I '* b 3 -2- 1 :>,' .. - rq 0. ', .i ~ $.G.*.b 9 c 6; %< ; ?3.?B-!"n!? B u' 2 $ ~'~"""""""'~""'~"~~"~""""""-p""~""""""*~-"-~"-~~-~"""""~~"~"""" ,~bi:a~j d u I;?? ;j ty j\{afiaSe;- _. 111: vTa.pK , 1,:~b - t!3z CouiTci. 1 ~~\ay~~ i b,-tkj;?son was gofng to take care o-~ ti-jis matzer. 1 0 0 " c ;. I. E I Cmn. b!G?thing asked 'f the trees and shrubs ofi 1 ; the p:/.ope:r';y fo:. the ijbyary sfte had heen exarfl- { F. i ined, sild the City Kanager stated MY. Kruger rradei i an inspection and !-I? was not ~OO enthused; how- t i ever, he was going to make a~other examination. g i Cmn. !dorthSr,g stzted he had discussed the matter i I o f -k bf e Pubiic Address System for tbe Council 8 E Chambers !,vi ~II the ~f ty Nai?ager prior to the meet-; i ing. E G -I !,le City iv'!anager stzted he had been instructed i i: by the CoEncii to check the cost of instal ling a t ! Pub?,:'e Address Systeem in the Council Chambers, ! I and the BU~I~<IT~ 11-spector ;-,as the cost figures, 3 \ however9 he has unable to be present tonight. i Cmn. Jardine stated he wzs ~ot asware that boats k i were alyowed to operate on -the lagoon prior to ! : 8;OO AA over -rive miles per hour, 9 E P 1 4 Y 8 s 0 0 0 B 3 1 9 fi 8 (* L c !- : !he ~<ty ~anager 9~:~orrned the ~~unci~ that approxi- I C7ub. G *; mate?y two years 350 the Czr?sbad Bo'at and Ski I E C!ub !requeste.d permission to practice early in i ; the morning, aRd thfs request was granted to the ; e G a I Cmn. Jardine sugges'ied that when eve:?ts are '1 I i scheduled tha-: th2 orgznizatfon be notified not ; I to operate prior to 8:30 A.R. ; !he Lounc~ I was ~,n-forrr.ed that when "the Councfl ! ; sanc-;?oned the event for October i .,L$? K+f .and 15thh, : i they did so wftb the p:.ovis-ion that no boats be 6 ; aiiowed to operate prior to 8:OO A.M.2 and the t E, i organ-i zation wa% notified of this provisf on.' I : 6 I s- I 3 8 3 0 .. 0 G' i 3 i 6 f ( ; ; C I & J AUTYGXIZATION FOR PAYIUiENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- i TICN OF PAYROLL: B 1 A.uthcrizatiGn was given for the paynent of bjl1.s 3 for the gsneyal expenses of the City i n* the fn tkje amount OF $22,824.33: for the period ;Ror-thi ng Oztcber 4, 1966 to OctoSe:. 20, 7965, as certi-Sie<Neiswende by the Director of Finance and appyoveci by the EDunne Aodi tf fig Comrnf ttee. !Jardine zmcg;eit of $62,359.4-8 -2nd f0.r the \<later Departmen; i I Rat' -7< ca-ti on ; )!a? L -c 1 of Gctober, 1956, ii? The amount or' $22,009.; 'i of payroll was gf ven for the fi rs-k i g 37, as certified by the Bi rector of Finance and i E app?roved by the Auditing Committee. 8 t .. ; ,8,C;.~CRy)~E~": 0 0 0 <' t &/ F?GpW Wiion the Ree,-iiii?g was adjourned at g 1 7;5rj P". 6- i :<esp3ct-fL;? iy submi tte-j, 0 9 0 1 L. 8 i ; {-Gq&.&& /' II /[- I". &zL?mfl/J 1 i.{ARG$J!~.I E. ADE\'2S *I ; City $;e.rk B b 3 c i D d