HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-06; City Council; Minutes.I :CITY OF CARLSBAD I \\ \' q i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting); '\ '. ' , \ '. :Date of Meeting: December 6, 1966 ; NE me '\,'\$ :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of '3 = ' I-_q7__a_c_e_of"_e_e__t_i__n_g, * """_ Council - """ """""""""""""""""-; Chambers i """"""_ Member *_ ' '8 '\ *\ '\ 1 , 8 '\ 1 1 I I I i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Worthing, 1 Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine. Mayor Atkinson 1 1 i was absent. Also present were City Manager I ; Mamaux, City Attorney Milson, and City Clerk I I i Adams. e 1 I 1 I I 4 i INVOCATION was offered by Father Patterson of I St. Patrick's Church. I I I I I I I I I I i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I I 1 8 * 1 0 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held Kdvemberi Worthing I 15, 1966, were approved as corrected. - i Neiswende I : Dunne I I I 1 I 1 I I Jardine I i I LIBRARY BOND BID RESPONSE: I I ! This being the time and place fixed for the open-: i ing of bids for $295,000 bonds of the City of f : Carlsbad, California, designated "1966 Library i i Bonds", the following bids received pursuant to i : the notice of sale were publicly opened, examined! i and read: I ! i SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK bid par, accrued I ,; interest to date of delivery, and a premium of i i $71.00 for bonds bearing interest payable annual-: : ly the first year and semiannually thereafter at i i the rates of: I I Rates Years I I 6.00 1969 to 1974 I 1975 1 4.50 1976 to 1992 I I 1 b 1 I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 5.25 i BANK OF AMERICA N.T. ii S.A. bid par, accrued : interest to date of delivery, and a'premium of : i $159.00 for bonds bearing interest payable annual; : ly the first year and semiannually thereafter at i I : the rates of: 6 ; Rates Years I I I 1 I I I I 'I I I l I I I I I -. I I a I 6.00 1967 to 1975. I I 4.50 1976 to 1992 I i Each bid was accompanied by a good faith check in: i an amount not less than $5,000. I i All bids were then referred to Mr. Burkhardt, : financial Consultant, for checking and computa- i i ti on, a report thereon to be given to the Council: i later in this meeting. I : CORRESPONDENCE : I 1 ! Vice Mayor Dunne acknowledged a letter of thanks i . i from the Girls' Club of Carlsbad. ax for the ! : City's assistance in helping to establish a meet-: i ing place for the Club. i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: i There were no oral communications; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 a I I 8 1 i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 .,.. I -*, *. ' 1 I \' ', '.' .. e 1 - .\ I I t I I I I -2- 8- 8' i Nane 8, .* I : Gf '* I""""BIBmIY=.......-- ~--"-"--"-"-"-"~"""~""~""""""""""""""""~ I 1 t4QrnbGf I :ENGINEERING: I I b 1. I I ![a) Proposed East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.5. :The City AttOrney informed the Council this pro- i :posed annexation is property owned by the City, ; :which is the old County Dump site. This matter i !can be handled by way of a petition to the Board i !of Supervisors rather than by resolution, and rei-; !quested that the Mayor be authorized to execute ' 1 :the petition on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i iBy motion of the Council authorization was given )!orthing ifor the Mayor to execute the petition and the :Neiswende :City Attorney di.rected to forward the petit,ion to jDunne ithe Board of Supervisors for consideration. :Jardi ne i(b) Offer of water line'easement by H. Honda. :Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the ! i Council a water line easement has been received : :from Hisashi and Kiyome Honda. This water line I jwill compliment the water pressure in Seacrest ; ; Estates. ,,' !The following res'olution was presented: fResolution No. 1339. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY porthing :THEREOF, was adopted by title only and further jJardine :reading waived. I I i (c) Preliminary report on Jefferson Street, et ali, !Improvement, A. D. No. 2-1965. The Assistant En- ; :gineer presented a proposed design for Jefferson : I. :Street, et al, and pointed out that in order to ; i comply with the request of the Parks and Recrea- i i tion Commission to save the trees, it was necess- : :ary to deviate from the City's typical symmetri- i ical street standards on Grand Avenue between b 1 :Jefferson and Hope Streets, and on Jefferson :Street between Elm and Grand Avenues. : Cmn. Jardine stated in one instance the Parks and : :Recreation Commission have requested that a per- i % jmanent structure be installed rather than Asphalt 1 :curb and gutter. :Mr. Thornton informed the Council these trees are ; !still growing and they would hesitate to put in i ;a permanent structure. 1, !Cmn. Jardine requested that a letter of expfana- ! ' i tion be sent to the Parks and Recreation Commissio$. ICmn. Worthing inquired as to whether the prope'rty i :owners had been contacted concerning the devia- : ition from the City's standard sidewalks. :Mr. Thornton stated the one property owner whose i \aware that the tree was going to be saved. It is ; :a Eucalyptus tree and they are hard to live with. : :However, he will have 'an opportunity 'to protest i :at the time of the hearing. I I > I 1 I 1 1 b .I I I s 4 I I * 1 I b 1 4 I 1 I , ! !COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING CONVEY- iNeiswendg :ANCE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES AND DIRECTING RECORDING iDunne I 3 I I 1 I L 6 I I I 4 I I I' 1 I I I I ,. I I I I I L I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I idriveway is affected was contacted and he was not ; I ' t I I I I I r I I 4 I I I 6 I 8 I I I I I I I I t I 1 1 i .. e - Ob I I 8. 's, '\ ', I -3- I I .' I I >' I '* 1 ; Na me '** I I : of ' 1 ~"""""""""""~~"ww"~~D~w~~D~~~~~b~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I : le,e;nber , I !After further consideration, by motion of the I .;;!dhrthing :Council the Engineering Department was instructed 1Neiswendt :to proceed with the design of Jefferson Street, etiDunne ial, as presented. t3ardi ne i(d) Report on Street projects from 1963 to 1966. I !A written report dated December 1, 1966, was pre- ; isented by the Engineering Department listing stre$t i projects completed from January, 1963 through I b :November, 1966:. The report also indicated the i i type of project, length of improvement, cost and ; : by whom it was, initiated. 4 L I 1) I 1 !Also a map of 'the City was presented indicacting ! i those streets with full street improvements, I ;partial street improvemeets and streets that have i i been rehi bil i tated. I b iCmn. Worthing stated he was interested in the : total miles of streets that have been improved : i by the property owners under the 1911 Act Proceed: :ings. He asked that the map be kept up to date ; 1 and placed where .the citizens can see what has ! l : been done. I * !Mr. Thornton pointed out to the Council that in ; !each 1911 Act project, the City has contributed i :toward the cost of the project. I $ ; Vice Mayor Dunne stated this report certainly 1 I ;shows the Engineering Department has not been :dragging its feet. .It was also his understanding : i that a report will be presented showing the sche- i Idule for street maintenance for this fiscal year. i : Cmn. Jardine stated he felt that a note of com- I I jmendation should be offered to the Engineering I : Department and the Public Works Department for I ithe work that has been accomplished. I I I (e) Report on Street Traffic Striping Program. ! :A written report dated November 28, -1966 was pre- ; i sented to the City Co.unci1 concerning the Street ; :Traffic Striping Program as requested at the a l % i previous meeting of the Council. :Mr. Thornton pointed out the present Street Strip-! I i ng Program for 21 mi I es of streets costs $3,583. ; : In addition there is stop bar, lettered stop, I :t pedestrian and school crosswalks, school crossing,: i railroad crossings and speed limit markings on 1 : the pavement done at least once a year, which ' 1 ;takes 4 men approximately 21 days to complete. :The report indicated the present 21 miles of :street striping takes 3 men approximately 31 days i I to complete the work, and if the present remaining :33 miles of residential streets were included in ; i the program, it would take 3 men (in additional , ! :44 days to accomplish the work, .at a cost of I 1 i $3,399.00. I I' I It was also noted in the report it is not the :general practice of cities to stripe a11 streets. i :Vice Mayor Dunne asked if the m,en who did this I I I I b I b I I i I * b I I I b 9 I b I I 1 I 1 b I I I I' 8 I 1 I I I I I . :* 6 I I I I t I I I I b I I I I b I 1 I I I I I I :work were also used on Public Works projects. b I I I r 1 I I I L b I I I I I 1 0 il .. 0 I .. Y..." - I I I I : , cf '; '""""-"-""""-"""--""""""""""""""""""""~"""~~""""""~ : Member *' I I !The ,Assistant Engineer stated they were used on 1 ;Public Works projects, that it was not only the ; jcost but the manpower it takes to do the work. 4 1 ;static as to the streets that are striped? :The City Manager informed the Council when there : jis a request or need the iraffic Safety Committee i :makes a report, and that the Street Striping i Program is usually reviewed every Fall. iCrnn. Jardine stated he assumed that as traffic inf :creases on a street the need for striping is i considered. :Mr. Jack Kubota, P. 0. Box 1095, stated he made i :a presentztion at the last meeting of the City : ;Council is why this report is being submitted.0ne i :of the reasons is the perimeter of the City. In ; :driving around town he has noted, the striping is : :not uniform. It was his feeling the safety facto; 'should be considered not the $3,000.00 spent to i :Mr. Kubota requested that before any action is :taken by the City he be given a ch-ance to review I ;the report. I By comm,on consent of the Council the matter was ! !deferred in order that Mr. Kubota could review i :the report. I I 1 1 I ;Cmn. Worthing asked if the striping program was i I I 1 I t I I z 1 1 > 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I i -1 1 I lhave I the work done. 1 I i i I I I 1 I i > 1 1 I I I I I i LIBRARY': 1 I I 1 t /(a) Award of Library Bonds. Mr. Burkhardt, Fina4- !cia1 Consultant, who was appointed to check and ; ;compute the bids on the bonds for which bids were i :opened previously during this meeting, reported i :that the bid of Security First National Bank was ; ithe bid yielding the lowest net interest cost,, I :with an average interest rate of 4.5829%. Th'e . : :differential between the two bids recefved was I; :$512.00. f I :After considering the bids and the report thereon,: :the following resolution was presented: :Resolution No. 1343. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY uorthi ng t I 1 I b \ I I I I 9 -.. I :COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AWARd-Neiswenc :ING $295,000 BONDS OF SAID CITY TO THE BEST BIDDERiDunne :AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS, was adopted by title:Jardine :only and further reading waived. I 1 1 I L ! (b) First reading of Ordinance n"l100, amendin'g I i Ordinance #lo99 - re: Issuance of 1966 Library ; Bonds. The City Attorney informed the Council 1 I jthis ordinance was pr.esented due to the fact the i : bonding attorney who prepared the original ordi- f ; nance omitted one paragraph, therefore, an amend- i f ment to the ordinance is necessary. 11 I .+ I .- I I 1 I 1 I , !Ordinance No. 1100. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF i ~ :CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDIgG ORDINANCE NO. 1'099; !OF SAID CITY, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ; :OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDII\IG FOR TKE 1s~~- : i a first reading by title only and further reading :Dunne :waived. .. I : I Jardi ne 'I iANCE OF BONDS DESIGNATED 1966 LIBRARY BONDS OF :North.ing l SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $295,000.0011, was grveiNeiswebdc .I I I I 1 L I I 1 I I -5- 1 ; oi '1 I ~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""" : Member I I i PLANNING: 1 I L I 1 t '1 I i (a) Memorandum from Planning Conmission - re: i Car Repair Ordinance. A memorandum from the ;Planning Commission was presented, stating a form: ; of ordinance regarding car repairs was attached i jwhich the Cornmission recommends for enactment. I I :The Commission has studied this problem for a /number of months and feels this ortiinance will i 1 I 4 I l e t i 1 8 :substantially aid in alleviating numerous neigh- i i borhood problems in the City. 4 I ! 1 I i The City Planner reported to the Council the Ci tyi i has had a problem with persons doing repair work 1 ion cars other than their own. Under this propos-: ! ed ordinance an owner will be permitted to .work i f on his own car by applying for a permit. There ; ! will be no charge for the permit. iCmn. Sardine stated there is no mention of this i i type of work being done in a closed garage. 1 I iCmn. Northing asked how mach inspection would thi$ : involve,. and the City Manager informed the Councij i this would be a "catch-can" ordinance. I I t The Building Inspector presented the Vice Mayor i :with an insert from Oceanside's ordinance concern: I ing car repair, and stated the greatest complaint: ; the City receives from citizens is that they have: I to look at the unsightly condition. 1 I I FLOYD FEESE, 4280 Highland Drive, stated he was i ; opposed to this ordinance, along with 73 other i i persons on Highland Drive. He feels it is un- I I : consti tutionai. Any Police Officer .can direct a : ; majority of work dGne on cars requires the remov-: i a1 of fenders and the hood. According to this i :ordinance it would not be allowed. It would I I I necessitate calling a tow truck to have the car i : taken to a garage for repair. If the owner finds! i the work wi 11 cost too much, the car is abandoned: : and parked on the owners property. I 1 I Mr. Feese further stated he was an employee of i ,i the State Highway Patrol, and he has talked to ; ; his attorney and to the District Attorney as to i i the iegallity of this ordinance. It is his feel-; : ing this ordinance was designed for him, as his i i neighbor objects to him working on his own car. ; ; Approximately three years ago his neighbor re- I I i ceived a citation for driving on the wrong side i ; of the street. ihe neighbor made the statement : ;license number of every car that comes into his i .!Yard. When he was on vacation he cleaned out ; ; his garage and the neighbor reported him to the I : Chief of Police and he in turn reported him to ; i his Captain. Mr. Fleese informed the Council he i / has a home that he values at $55,000.00, and he i i is certainly not going to do anything that might : i hurt the appearance of his property. I 1 i Cmn. Worth$ng stated in reviewfng the ordinance i ; it was not his understanding that a person would i I not be able to do work on his own car. I I I The Bui lling Inspector explained to the Council i : the ordinance will alow a person to work on his I ; own car. The City is not interested in the dif- i I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I L I I I I I I f i driver to take his car home for repairs. The I I 1 I I I I - i at that time he would get him. He takes the I I I I I I 0 I I I I i ForonPo hotb*no? minnr nr rnainr r~nairz I i I e a I .%I '\ ' ; of .I I f Nzme \\ ' 4 1. * i4enbey ................................................ : Cmn. \!orthing asked H;r. Feese if he !worked on I i other cars, and Mr. Feese stated cars are his :hobby, and he works on his friends' cars without i i compensation. [Vice Mayor Dunne questioned the requirement for f f a ?errnit. 8 :The Suilcing Inspector ir-' ii orred the Council the ; i reason for the permit is to control these repairs: :by way of a permit, which permit will state the ; :hours when the work can be done. $mn. Jardine suggested that a clause be added ihai !if the work was being done within the confines of; f a closed garage, a permit would not be required. i ; iCmn. Neiswender stated hfs main concern was if th+ :ordinance in Oceanside is constitutional, why is ; i this ordinance not. 1 i Vice Mayor Dunne inquired or' Mr.' Feese as to I b :whether he did wopk on cars for remuneration, and! imr. Feese stated he did this work as a hobby. He! idid work for his friends and they in turn did I ithi~gs for him. I I :Mr. Richard Scheetz stated Mr. Feese was his :neighbor and he is 7 1/2 feet from his property i :line; however, he is n'ot the neighbor that is I I :making the complaint, and has no objection to the: .' .' 1 D f I ,% I 4 1 1 0 I L 1 i I I I I I ? I I I B I b I I I I I $ I * s 1 i I I :work acne by Mr. Fleese. !After further consideration, Vice Mayor Dunne I t I i I i i I :appoii:ted Crnr;. Jarciine and Cmn. Worthing tc make I :a further study of the ordinance and report back f : to the Council. 1 : (6) Appointment to the Planning Commission. Vic4 i iqayor Dunne, with the consent of the Council I ; appointed Glenn Vocrhies, I390 Yourell Street, to: i the Planning Commission, to fill the unexpired ; :term of Mr. Freistadt, which term will expire in I i Apri 1, 1969. 1 1 I 1 $ I & $ I I i NEW BUSINESS: I L i L I t f ! (a) Approval of Jojnt ?owers Agreement between t I ithe City of Carisbad and Oceanside-Carlsbad High i ;School District - re: Drainage faciliEies. The ! :City Nanager informed the Council the two entitie{ 1 have agreed to construct a drainage system on : Basswood to eliminate the water on Basswood. I L : the Agreement. ; 3y motion of the Council the Joint Powers Agree- i jment between the City of Carlsbad and the Ocean- :Northing Isfde-Carlsbad High School District was approved, jheiswendc i z:?d the Hzycr agthorized to execute the agreement iDunne $ !Authorization is needed for the Mayor to execute : I > I I I I 1 10;: bela'f 0-7 th2 c<ty C;c Ca;P'!sj&d. iJarai ne 0 i ;b) ??sc,;L;t-cn $134~. des<gnat<!?a the in-tersec- 8 i ; ti oil 2.; 2ass;;!coc: $\ye. 2,i";C ., ;.:~;~:r~~ S". 5s a stoc, $ jintersection, ihe Council was informed this inter: I I. i -. ;section was reviewed by the Traffic Safety Commit; i Council Is review. i tee and a reso? lition has been prepared for the i i I I I i 1 I I & I 3 ', . - I >' ' '. I I I Meme *.- 1 a $ 1 -7- : of ', ;Resolution No. 1340. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY L 1 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATING IN- borthing :STOP iNTERSECTION AND REQUIRING ALL VIHICLES E%- ounne [ERING SAID INTERSECTION TO STOP AT THE ENTRANCE sardine :TO SAID INTERSECTION, was adopted by title only : jand further reading waived. I a I""-"""-""-""-"---"--"--""-"""""""""""""""""~"""~""" : Member ~TERSECTION OF BASSWOOD AN^ MONROE STREET AS A I , . ~ .. Feiswende a 1 1 i I b ;(c) iies. #1341, adopting Purchasing Rules and i :Requlatfons. The City Manager informed the 4 iCouncil .previously an- ordinance was adopted re- i :garding purchasing for the City. The ordinance : !states in effect that certain rules. and regula- t :tions shall be adopted for proper purchasing 1 I !procedure. A pyoposed reso'lution has been pre- i :pared for ,the Council's consideration. 8 :In discussing the resolution Vice Mayor Dunne re- i ;quested that a Fi,ow Chart be presented, and felt : :the matter should be given further study as cer- i jtain phases of the resolution were not clear. 4 I :Cmn. Neis,wer,der stated it was his feeling th.e . : ; Council sho'uld not concern themselves with the i i "paper work". I I !' :After further,discussion the resolution was re- : Iferred back to the City Attorney for clarificatio4 :and correction. / 1 1 E (d) Res. $1342, authorizing certain individuals : :to execute applications and documents for Federal i :Assistance under Civil. Defense Act of 1950 as 1 I :amended. The Council was informed the Civil De- i i fense and 'Disaster Organization -have ,requested a i ; resolution adopted, effective January 1, 1967, I I designating the individual .authorized to sign :matching funds applications and claims. They !also desire a counter signature. .A resolution '. : ; has been prepared designating the City Manager i i and the City Clerk as the Counter signature. 1 I ;. : I Resolution No. 1342.) A RESOLUTION OF THE CI,TY i :COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZING ;Worthi ng : CERTAIKINDIVIDUALS TO EXECUTE APPLICATIONS AND :Neiswende i DOCUMENTS FOR PURPOSE OF OBTAINING FINANCIAL :Dunfie :ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FEDERAL CIVIL DEFENSE ACT ' :Jardine : OF 1950, AS AMENDED, was adopted by- title only ; I : and further reading waived. 1 i OLD BUSINESS: i (a) Second reading of Ordinance #9201, changing i ,,. i certain property from Zone R-T to R-W. The follo4- i ing ordinance was presented for a second reading : ; by the Council : I Ordinance No. 9201. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF,: : CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. .9050, .CHANGING '1,orthin'g I I I 1 I b I 1 1 t I I I I 1 I 1 4 L 1 I 1 r I I .. 4. I I 1 I I I L I a # i .I I 1 I 1 1 I i i CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-T TO R-M beiswendey i IN THE CITY OF CARLSEAD, was given a second re'ad- !Dunne : i.ng by title only and further reading waived. bardi ne I I 1 i San Djego County Transportation Technical Coor- i i dinating Committee. Cmn. Jardine announced he . : : hud presented Jche members of the Council with two: .' ! communciations from the San Di'ego County Techni- i ,: cal Coordinating Transportition Committee, and i ! hoped all the members would take time to read 8. l i these comrnunidations as it points .out the work i 1." s I \-* I '\ ', ' I 1 I .I .' I ,* .? 4 I ? -8- : E.% me '\, : Gf L l.~"--=-"""-""--------""---""----""~~"~"""~"""""""""~"""""", i Ph@mbef * :being done by these committees. I ne Ford Motor : jCompar;y has offered to make an analysis of the 1 !transportatSon probleixs in San Diego. I 1 I, II : - I 1 a ICnn. Jardine'further stated documents such as :these will be given to the Cozr,cfi from time to f j-time in order to keep the Councjl abreast of the i :work being done by this cornxittee. - a 2 i 2 6 & ;Requirement of street improvements for all divi- i ision or' ?ands. Cmn. Jardine stated he was $ s :appoi;**ted as 3 committee of one to meet with the i !subdividers of Sandalwood Dale Subdivision. Aftee idiscussing the requirements set forth in the 1 I :ordinance it was felt that an amendment should be i :made to the ordinance setting forth.dthe req'uire- : jr,znts for jmprovenents in ail divisfon of lands.. I !The City Attorney informed the Council as properti :is broken down into smaller parcels 5t requires ; !additional improvements. In the past f.ewer im- i lprovements were required if a lot split was creat-: ied than for a subdivision. It bias felt that if I :the same 'improvements were requjred for all divi- ; jsions of property' it would be much easier for. the i !City to control these improvements. TheFe is a ; :provision in the subdivision ordinance whereby i :certain requirements can be waived; however, any ; !exceptions wotild have to be authorized by the I I : City Council. J I :By common consent the matter was deferred for 1 1 i further study. ! Commendation extended to employees. Cmn. iNeiswender stated he felt that certain employees f !should be commended for their efforst during the i ; present storm, particularly the City Manager, and ; :on projects during the rain. i i i s 1 8 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 > 1 I i i all other employees who were called upon to work I 1 I L : :Policy - re: Ca~lsbad Citfzen's Service Award. b > i At the regular meetirig of November 1, 1966, Cmn. : :Dunne presented a memorandum to the Council re- I Igard-ing detziled criteria and establish guide :lines for putting a Citizen's Service Award in jeffect, and requested the Council to review the i > :suggested policy. 1 i :After a brief discussion, by motion of the Counciil I the poljcy as presented by Cmn. Dunne dated IWorthing I November 1 , 1966, was adopted. 1 iNei swendt I Z I i t i , 1 fDunne i I :CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: :Jardi I ne i Vacation of Valley Street. The City Attorney re- I 0 quested this matter held over for one more meeting, t i Cmn. Xorthing stated the Engineering Department i$ ; preparing a report as to the traffic on Val ley : i Street. 4 i Ccl?ect?.on of delinquent water bills. The City i i A,-ltori::ey requested authorizztion to commence pro- i ; ceedings for collection of a water bill from In- ; ; land Paving Co. I i By motion of the Council authorization was given :Worthin9 i the City At'corney.to commence proceedings for, iNeiswendt : Inland Paving Co. iJardi ne 1 1. I .. I I i i .- I 1 1 0 ') i: col'tection of the delinquent water bill from lGunne I I i t A I I ! L 1-1 . A 1 I -9- 1' , ', '\ '\\ '\ I ', '. '\ ' 1 \\8' \" I 8 ', ' I I \'\ I I I ! 0 I 8 .\ I ; Nz me 'L, '! I i Gf '3 I \' :""""""""""""""""""""""""""-""-"""""""""""."""*", i Member i Cmn. Northing requested a brief report on what ! i has been accomplished during the year 1966. He i : would like this report to be presented at the : I next meeting. Also at the meeting of January 20t:h : he would like a brief report on the activities i ! planned for 1967. 4 1 1 I I # I I I I I I 1 Vice Mayor Dunne pointed out the City operates i t on a fiscal year, and the budget for 1966-67 sets: i forth the projects planned. i Crnn. Neiswender stated it was always his under- : i standing that any request should be made by the : i Council as a whole. : Cmn. Worthing stated the citizens do not see the f : budget, and he felt the citizens should know I 1 i what has been accomplished and what is planned I ; for the coming year. I I ! By common consent' it was agreed that Crnn. Northinjg ; discuss the matter with the City Manager. I 1 i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYNENT OF BILLS AND RATTFICA- : : TIOI.4 OF PAYROLL: I L : Authorization was given for the payment of bills i : for tne general expenses of the City in the I I i amount of $32,905.13 and for the Nater Department! ; in the amount of $29,726.66 for the period 1 Northing I November 15, 1966 to December 6, 1966, as certi- :Neiswendc [ fied by the Director of Finance and approved by i Dunne : the Auditing Committee. I i I 1 1 1 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I ; Jardine ., I t 1 I I I I I I Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half of November, 1966, in the amount of . $24,266.06, as certified by the Director of : Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i ADJOURNMENT: i Lpon motion made by Cmn. Neiswender and seconded t by Crnn. Jardine the meeting was adjourned to i Tuesday, December 13, 1966, at 7:OO o'clock P.M. : in the Council Chambers, 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, i Carlsbad, California. 1 The Vice.. May-or declared the.meeting adjourned at : (3353 P.M. I b I I I I : Respectfully submitted, id7 f d2 / I- / pQ& .f f. /pdL./;L.<- ; MARG~~ET E. ADAMS i City"/Clerk 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I I * I I I # 6 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 i Northing. i Nei swendt ; Dunne I Jardi ne I 1 I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I k t k L I I I I t 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I