HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-18; City Council; Minutes\' 8 .. ; \ZL I I wr Lfli-LLdDNL) '. '., *.\ I Minutes of: CI TY COUNCIL (Adjourned'Meeting) i '\ ', ' i Date of Meeting: ~anuary 18, 1967 i Mam. ', 't t Time of Meeting: 7: 30 2. M. I .# ; """" ........................ """"""-"""""~"~'!~~~~~'~~ "" '\ ' i Place of Meeting: CGuncil Chambers I ; 7.; r, of ,-, z r 'I 1 . i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen LVortbing, B' i iTeiswender, Atkinson, Came am3 Jardine. Also present 1 ; were City Manager Mamauy, city /,tto-i.~ey Wilson an(-j 1 f City Clerk Adarns, 1 1 : lViayor Atkinson announced this raeeting was called for i the Council to take any action, however, if there asre somd i matters that need a report, these matter could perhaps i i be referred to committees. 1 '; I 3 i the purpose of a work session. ~t is not 'ihe intention of i 3 I 8 8 i The Mayor called upon Can. Sardine to start the discus- i 1 / sions. 1 g I i I i Cmn. Jardine stated he had two general matters to dis- ! i t cuss, which were as follows: f 1 C 1 c b 1 l 1. Capital 1-mprovement 'Program, Has the Parks: 0 i and Recreation Commission offered any status report on I i the Master Park report? 1 I $ %' I i The city Manager i-ilformed the Council the Comm-ission I . I had not held a meeting since the Council made their re- i i quest. .' ?' 1, I I I 1 I 2. Proposed ordinance - re: Improvements for ; ! Lot Splits. Iias the Planning Com6Tissio-n respo-rded in ; g any way on the proposed ordinance submitted to 'chem ._I_ j 1 which would require improvements on all lot splits? 1 t t I L I f The City Attorney inforp-ec! the Couxcil the Planning corn! : mission had a lengthy session at their last regular meet- ; i ing, due to not having a quorellrl at the previous meeting, I i therefore this matter was hela over for two weeks. ; i Cmn. Dunne offered the following matters : t I t I I 1 5 0 P i I I 3 c t 1 1. Action on ?repared studies. Cmn. Du-me ; stated he was coricerned about some definitive action e i beizg talcen on the studies that have been pre2ared for the t ; City, i. e., Water, Karbor, Capital Irprovements, etc. i i C-mn. 3unne suggested that a specific study be taken up : : every two months, and that the staff give a briefing on : i -the particular study, togesher with their recomxendation.; ; It was his feeling it was ~p to the Council to take action i i on these matterss. . The Ca2ital improvemect Program : : submitted by the City Manzger is the first step in this 1 1 * D i direction. $ s i Cmr,, Worthing asked if the ~mncil would be out of order i I ! to call another meeting in February, and he was 'informedi i another adjourned *meeting could be called at any time. E Cmn. Jardine stated the City Manager is the closest to t. ! all these matters, and it was 'his feeling the City Manager: i shmid be the one to submix a. priority list. I ~Viayor Atkinson recpested the City Manager to submit a : ; pkn of action in order that commii;tees and citizens I .i I ' 6 i cou!d become involved. ! i I I i Cmno Dunne pointed out that soLme of these matters could I i 2, Irnplemer,'~tIon of Purchasing Ordinnznce, How ; I r not be discussed until the Co:mmissions submit their re- i ; ports. f ! is the City coming aioxg 7~1th tne implementation-the i & E f 1 i Purchasing Grdinmce ? I i 1 1 ; NaTe '., + ! I of 4 I %! :"~""""""""""""""""""""""""".."""""""~"""~""""""", : Member I I I I f It was explained that a flow chart had been prepared and i i sent to each member of the Council. As some of the I members indicated they had not received a copy, the ; Mayor requested additional copies made and sent to all i 1 the Council members. I ! I t L 1 I 1) j ! I I I 1 I 3. Plans TOP City Hall Complex. Cmn. Dunne i inquired as to how the plans for the City Hall Complex I were coming along? I 1 1 I & * * I 4 i ! I i / i The City Manager informed the Council he was meeting i ' i : with the City Planner Thursday concerning the space I I I i analysis for the City Hall Complex. I 1 i 1 1 The following matters were offered for discussion by : Cmn, Neiswender: 8 a I I I I $ t k 9 I I I * 1. Landscape Architect. Cmn. Neiswender ,i ktated in the Garden Magazme particular attention was I I I paid -to the landscaping of the Valley Street Junior High i : School. By having a Landscape Architect they saved a : i considerable amount of money on the item of moving : dirt. ; The City Manager informed the Council that a.soil anal- ; i ysis was made prior to the Library starting construction. i I ? I I 1 I i 8 8 1 I I I I I 1 2. Mail boxes in regards to contiguous side- *- ; walks. Cmn. Neiswender stated he had inquired through ; several sources and has been unable to get a suitable : answer. I The City Manager stated the Postmaster General came : out with the decision that mail boxes be placed on the ! sidewalk. Due to numerous protests the Postmaster i General rescinded his decision and it is now left up to : the local Postmaster. - r I 1 ? I 1 1 I 1 t I 1 I t' I I I t $ 1 1 4. t t I 1 L 1 a 1 9 I I , I 4 3. Meter reading for the Water Department I 1 : every two months. Cmn. Neiswender suzFZted thattFi : reading of water meters be spread over a two months : i period in order to save prsonnel. If this worked a hard-! ! ship on some citizens, perhaps an estimate could be gived ; them. 1 i The Council was informed by the City Manager the read- i t ing of water meters was not the only function of the per- : i sonnel who read meters. They help to repiace, repair, I : frowned upon. There are many persons who are living i i on a fixed income and if they do not get their bill each ; ; month, the second month it becomes a hardship. 1 I I I I I : test, etc; meters. As to giving estimates, this is 1 ! 8 I I 4 s I 4 I > I 4. Time Table for the completion of the May Coi i The City Manager informed the Council the opening date : : is set for August, 1968, and to his knowledge this date I i has not been changed. The grading and moving of 'dirt ! ; should start in June or July of this year, and the actual f i construction will probably take 12 months. Some phases i ; of the plans are in the Building Department now for plan ; i checking. i The Assistant Engineer stated there would be a meeting 1 I : with the May . Company's engineer and architect on I Friday of this week. " 8' I 1 I i b i 1 I. 1 1 I i ! r 0 I 5. Crossing at El Camino Real and Vista Way. I I ! Crnn. Neiswender askedextate Division of Highways: i could be contacted or the County of San Diego to have t ; some type of marking on the roadway on E1 Camino Real i i just south of the overcrossing, as this is a very bad area I ; when there is Fog. t 1 L i 5.s I ,' t I '\ '\ -. I - 3- , \ '\ 1 ynme , > \ '- I Y s 8 ,' I f CP ; '".-"c .I ,, "-"-"-""""""~---~""-""""--------""""""~..~""~"~""""~"~l~,""~"~""~ 1,;: .$ # 1; u<? I i a ! Jefferson Strzet aild VisS, Way Cr~~si-r;_g. Mayor ; Atki.nson aslLGaE~~CSta-,e Division 01 Lilghways ccilld 5e i i notified concerning the recent accidezts at this crossing. i : ~. -" - 7.7. I ? ! The City LTa-r,ager i:dor:med the C~i;-r,~'Lji a 1et;ier was sent i i to Mr. Dekema ia regards to this xatter, a-ld he repiied i i staxing it :vo-dd be some tixe before iLhis intersection was; i reconstructed due to fznds, 1 1 1 I 1 e i Lan.6sca-ci-q for -xay ~o:mpany. ~mn* Dunne inquired E z f as t0 wnetaner theTi.'iy ~ouid have myihing to do with the i t landscaping of the May Comqany CompleK. and he W~,S i E informed the City will have authority in regards'to the ; : parking lot, but not as to -he private property. I I "-7- i i " I : Cmn. Worthi-ng offered tile following ma'cters for dis- 4 1 6 8 b $ i cussion: 7 ! i s 8 1 t I I c I I ? & 1 i & I f ; I L L "I : t 9 t I D f I 9 I a i. Giscussion rceet2gs, Cmn. TVorthing sug- i gested that vdiGZ3Tese discassLon im.ee'Cings ai-e held it i might be well to invite the various department heads, 'Lie ; Chairmans of the Parks a-ad Recreation Cozmnission, 1 Also that the public be invtted when there are specific I matters to be discussed. I 2. Tar&: la-r,ds subdivision orrdinacce. A-n OT- i diriance requiring parklands in sub~visions was discus - i sed by the Council some tlxe ago. E a subdivisior?. were I developed in the downtovm area and 'illere was no park i near, what would the city do in this instance? Woxld the i city be laid out in park zones? P $ Planning CO~E~SS~GZ and Library 3oarCi of Trustees. C $ 1 I ! I 2 : The City Manager stated it might be well to have an i i opinion from the City Attorney as to how far a park has ; : to be fron the developiment? i i The City Attorney stated it might be well to take a i-nap i i and set up a series 01" park areas throughout the city. ! j to some of the phases in the ordinance, : Cmn. Jardine suggested that perhaps the League of I i 1 California Citi?~ might have soae guidelilzes ~QL- ciiles ; I 4 I I a < r I- 1 9 i Cmn. Worthing stated he felt more stuciy should be given 2 f I I I 2 I i to follow., t I I i : It was pointed- oat by +he City -3Lanager the City Planner 4 1 has beer, working 02 Ibis matter and that he no doubt has i : received information fro:% other cities, i ; I I I 7 i I 3. Mocies for Parks. Cmn. Woi-thing inquired j ! : of the City Manager as tTw?ee he would suggest that i I ixonies for parks come from. Would this come from i ; bond funds? > P I I I . . . . .. . .. .. . ! The City %Tanager stated he felt the :monies should come ; ! ; iron the General Fucd zmd then the ?ark Fund. The L ; c:Tl-r?. - Llri-10 Au- ~ner s-cated it was his understanding : . ! i JC17-i L-ai 1.1 .n the .I. hzgh School Bonds passed that they will par- i 1 :A I $ ; Dresent tax rate for 'Ae Park Fund is . 06. t t VI o' iln ".p ~ .?, , .@A? ;1 e L c_n_2se land izi Carlsbad. Wouid +he City be &le to pur- ; I ; chase land adjacent to these lznds? 1 1 L 1 ' 2 I I I i I I' I i 1 , 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I t -4- I \ -\ 3 I b '\ . ' I 8' ', . ' ' '\ I i ~an e '-, '' : Gf '< I I I 1 I""""""""""-""-""""""""""""""""""~~"""""~~""""""- f Member I 'B i The City Manager stated.it would depend on'where the i i school purchased the property, and pointed out that sub- : ; divisions would probably be built near these sites. I I l s a 1 i I I b I < 4. Weed Abatement Formula. The City i Attorney statZiT!iKsTipxtheouncil to decide if they 4 : ; wanted to absorb the overhead on the work performed by : f the city. I t Mayor Atkinson stated it was recollection that the Council! ! decided to add one more step to the procedure by sendingi i a bill to the property owner prior to having the cost I ; placed on the owner's tax bill. There was no fixed 1 1 i amount set out in the ordinance. r I I I 4 1 t I I I 1 I i The City Attorney was requested to review the ordinance 9 i : and make a report to the Council. I I I i I L I 1 5. Personnel procedures report. Cmn. Worth-: i ing asked if t~sTnfie~eport reFuid from one of : : the other cities had been received. : The City Manager informed the Council the report was i i received on Tuesday. 4 I I I 1 I 8 I I I 2 i Cmn. Worthing asked if a report could be made to the I t I ! Council at the next meeting? I I I 6 i The City Manager indicated he would try and have the ! : report ready for the 2nd meeting in February. I 1 I I a 1 I I 1 6. Community Building. Cmn. Worthing asked i I the City Manager where3iibuilding came from? i The City Manager informed Cmn. Worthing he included i i this building in his Capital Improvement Report, as this i i building is included in the sketch drawn for the entire i i Civic Center Complex; however, the Council could con- i i sider or delete any of the items in the report. i Inquiry was made of the City Manager as to whether any ! : consideration had been given to upgrading the Park a i maintenance. 1 i The City Manager informed the Council he mentioned f ; : this item to the Council two years ago. The City needs L i more money to upgrade - Park maintenance. Also i t recreation should be considered. Statistics make this ; i area look bad as far as recreation is concerned, one 8 : reason being the State furnishes lifeguards. Also school : i districts have an over-ride available to them for adult [ ; recreation, however, this.district has never availed the+- : selves of these funds. San Dieguito. High School District ; : has been very successful in this area. : Cmn. Jardine stated he felt that definite consideration : I should be given by the City Manager to propose addition- i ; a1 maintenance monies for the Park Department. i I I 1 1 I I I' I .I I t ? I 1 I I I I I I I I 8 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 7. Downtown parking are a for Christmas t I i Season. Cmn. WortbEgTuggested that the Chamber of i i Commerce make a study for parking in the downtown 1 ; area prior to the next Christmas Season, and that it be i : submitted to the Council for consideration. s i Cmn. Xeiswender was asked to request the Chamber of i I Commerce to' make this study, '1 0 1 1 I I I I 1 t I I I I J 1. I ! 8 i N 2 m e , \ -\, 'd 9 a 3'1 '5 ~""""""""""""""""""~""""""""-..""~-""""-""--"-~""-""".~ ; Mernbsr i The City Manager suggested that the Chamber of Corn- i E mcrce consider the possibiiity of leasing 'che property at i i the corner of State Street 2nd Grand Avenue. c 1 t \4- I $ I L f 8 4 1 I f 2 1 8. Master Plzn for Parks. C-mn. Worthlng i i -_ i stated he had seen nothmg in the Minutes of the Parks : i and Recreation Co:mxlssion indicating "hat they are work: i ing on this project, Fie inquired as to whether or not ; &i t the Council should sub;mit a list of parks and let the L 1 Commission indicate the priority. 6 t I 1 1 Cmn, Dunne informed the Council considerable discus- : ; sion was held on this matter some 8 or 9 months ago. I ; Mayor Atkinson stated the Parks aEd Recreation Corn- ; i mission has -Seen requested to submit a progress report i : on the Master Parks Plan. t ; North Carlsbad Water Systern. Cmn. Dunne asked if 1 i anything had beendonebymanside as to the purchase i : of the city's water facilities in North Carlsbad 1 b ! The City Manager informed the Council meetings had I i been held with Oceanside acd a purchase price had been i f submitted for their consideration. I $ : Old sewer plant building. Inquiry was made as to i whether or notT?oXig couid be done zbou'c the remov- t ! a1 of the old sewer pl2n.t building. : f : i The Council was informed there have been inquiries mad4 I about the building, however, the parties have never come! I back. * I i Crnn. Eunne stated this was an "eye sore" and certainly i : does not give an attractive entrance to the City of Carls- i : bad. :' i Discussion was also given to the sign on the property 1 i advertising the Royal Palms, pointing out its unattrac- i : tiveness. The City Manager informed 'he Council the ; I sign was in perpettiity. t I i The City Manager was instructed to contact the owner of i i the sign and see if he will repair the sign. t i : .City Manager's Report - re: Personnel. Discussion wasi g given to the City Mznager's Fieport concerning the em- i ! ployment of a full time City Engineer, City Planner and ; i Director of Finance, dated December 2 , 1966. I 1 5 I L I t 1 I i 1 l I e I I c 9 < I f I I 1 1 I 1 9 1 I 8 1 1 C P I I 1 I 1 I I E I i c I i i In his report the City Manager recommended that the I I : City Engineer, City Planner and the Director of Finance ; i be kept on a part-time basis for the fiscal year 1967-68, 1 i but that additional help be employed in the Engineering ; i Department, Planni-ng Department and Water Department.: i In his opinion no additional supervisorial help was needed: I City Engineer: Cmn. Worthing inquired as to how manyi i days per week Mro Lill spent at the City Hall? What I i t compensation did he receive for his services, and how ; \ much has tne city been paying for outside engineering i i services? I i The City Manager informed the Council Mr. Lill spends i ; two days a week at the City Hall, and receives $550. 00 i i per month for this service. The Budget shows the sum ; i of $12, GOO. 00 as salary for the City Engineer, due to the i 1 fact this was the sum paid the former City Engineer. As-; ; to the amount paid for o-utside engineering services he i . i would have to check the amounts I 1 * 1 I L I I 1 e 'I I I I 0; f"""-"""""-~""""""~""-""""~"-""-..""""""""""-~"-""""" i $<e;fihei. 1 1 Cmn. Worthing stated he felt it was very s-@aage that the d : city employed a full time Engineer ten years ago, bEt I : they do not have one now. c b i The City Manager stated this report was his opi&on and I i his recommendatiors. -I i Cmn. Dume s'iated he felt in the near future 'he city : would have to nave a full time Engizleer. The Counci! P i i has hired a City Ma3ag.e- to make recommendations, and I : i this coming year. In looking at the Engineering Depart- ! i ment there is a need for more help to do detail work. 1 : Cmn. Jardine stated he felt the best person to evaluate ; t ; this position was the City Manager. He should know I i wether the city needs a full time Engineer or additional I i he12 to do the work. > I * 4 I I 8 "i > I 1 I he has recommended that two Junior Engineers be hired i I I 1 1 f 2 I I I > i Mayor Atkinson stated he certainly concurred with the 1 i report as presented. 1 Cmn. Neiswender stated he certainly felt the city was ! , i getting their tax dollar's worth from the employees in the: i Engineering Departnent. He has never walked into the ; ; department that he was not treated with courtesy and in i i an efficient manner. 1 I $ 3 I r I I 1 1 Z 1 ! City Planner. Mayo-.. Atki-nson stzted he felt the city has ; I i The City Manager i-c3ormed the Council the city was very 3 ; : a first ciXiTPianner and is no doubt getting more out of i i this man than with. some full time Planners. I I 1 I : fortunate to have Xr. Schoel!, however, they will b2 I i lucky to keep the Plancer at the present salary. Mr. Bob! ; Johnson, who is working In the department, is very : talented and pe-rhaps some day he can move up. in his ! ; report he recormmended that Mr. Johnson be er;*pioyed : i full time in the Planning Department as of Ja~luary 1,1967,; I and that another Assistant Plmner be hired as of July 1, i i 1967, and that a full time secretary be employed for the ; I departLrnent rather than a part-time. I ; The City Manager fcrther recommended that due to the I i fact Nr. JOhnSOiT divises his time between the Plmning ; i Cepartaent and Water Cepartment Engineering it will : i necessitate the employment of one Civil Engineer Assis- d : I 'caat and one Clerk Typist as of January 1, 1967. i Cmn. Jardine suggested that the City Manager include I ; these items in his personnel report. I 1 Cmn. Worthing stated according to his figures the recom: P 1 mendation made by the City Manager would amount to i j a2proximately $21,000. GO. Ke would rather have Mr. i i him an additional $4,000, 00 per year. 8 ; The City Manager pointed out the city would still need i I the additional help. i : Cmn. Dunne stated we are back to the old saying " It is i i not the position of the City Council to make administra- ; ? t tive decisions. This is what the City Manager is hired : 1 L I I t I 1 5 a 6 9 2 i i I : Schoell retire to an easier life as City Planner and give i !I I I I I I b 4 D I for. f I b I I 0 i Finance Direc'cor: Mayor Atkinson stated he did not i f t- i leellt was the rzcessity of a fuil time Finance Director, i ; bu'c there should be a division between the City Manager ; i and the Finance Director. For example some-ching could i : happen to the City Manager and he would be away from ; i the office for a long perloci of time. i I .I I I .I I I I 4 I L '. ', > & '\ \ ' I I . '. I I I s I 4 -7 - i Nane ' '\\ -\ :"","""~"""""""""""""~"""""~"~..~"-""""""""""-"-"""~ ,. ; Member I I Of I I t t ,$ I The City Manager stated he felt the best answer to the : i question is where the city functions without the Chief I ! i being there. If he were not to go into the office for 60 : : i to 90 days the city would still function. It was his opin- I f ion the City of Carlsbad was very fortunate in having the ; I i employees they do. When you speak of hiring a Finance ; i benefit? i Cmn. Worthing stated according to the League of Cali- i I Finance Director at a salary of $1, 000.00 per month. i The City Manager further stated if the city had a Pall time: i Finance Director he, as City Manager, would still func- : : tion as he does, and would still have the responsibility f i whether there was a full time Finance Director or not. : ; The City is "betwixt and between". i Cmn. Neiswender asked the City Manager when he felt i 1 : the city would reach the need? I I I Director the Council should consider how would the city : ., : fornia Cities Magazine the city should be able to hire a : I I t 9 & * r ? 8 1 I 1 8 I I 1 I I I I I I t i The City Manager stated it would depend on the services I : rendered, : The question was asked as to how much time the City i i Manager felt he spent as Finance Director, and he esti- : ; mated he spent 10% of his time. I b 1 t I 4 I I 1 1 I 1 ; The City Manager was requested to prepare a draft as to ! i i the functions of the Finance Director and Finance Depart-: : ment. i : Cmn. Worthing asked the City Manager if he were happy i i with the position as it now functions, and he stated he : : was satisfied with his present position. I I I 1 1 1 L 1 I : Capital Improvement Program Report, Cmn. Dunne i I i +steTTthe City Manager tFcomment on the Capital ; : 'Improvement Program at the next meeting, ! I I I I # i The City Manager suggested that Mro Richard Bartle I ; be present at the next discussion meeting to discuss 1 : financing and the financial report for the Water Depart- i ; ment. ! 1 I 8 I I i It was agreed that this meeting be adjourned to January i ! 31, 1967. I I I I s I i The Mayor thanked each of the Council members for I I their comments. I I I I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to January I i : 31, 1967 at 7: 30 P. M. I I I I : Respectfully submitted, ; :". fiq4y.c-14 i"/@Aw7d I MARGARET E. ADAMS I City Qlerk 1 I * L I I I 0. I I t a I I I I I I I I I I I ' 1 > I t I 1 1 P I 1 t I I i 1 3 I I t I s I I I I I 1 I 1 I t J 1 I i I