HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-02-07; City Council; Minutes- J 1 \-. 8 VI J. J. VI VL LACUU UIlU , 8, \ CITY COUNCIL (Regular &Meeting) : ', \ '$ : Minutes of: \' ' t , b' I Date of Meeting: February 7, 1967 ! i?: 2 27 .!? \' *, i Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P. M. t ol \I \ ! Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I""""""""-."- """""""""""""""-.."""""""""~"""""""". : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Worthing, I i Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also I ?4e:TbEr 1 1 5 i -0 : present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney ! Wilson and City Clerk Adams. I 1 / INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Atkinson.' I " I' I .' ; ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I I i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I > I I I. L 0 8 I 4 a I 4 I L 1 4 I 4 I 1 i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held January 17, 1967, i Worthing i were approved as presented. ; Neisw endt ; Atkinson I I f Dunne i Jardine ! I/'' i 1 .t f CORRESPONDENCE: 8 4 I f I I I 1 : '(a) Letter dated January 28, 1967, from the Southern I I i California Speedboat Club, Inc., requesting two races i . : on the record course during the 1967 season, was acknow-i . . i ledged and referred to the Committee studying the uses : : of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 1 L :i t 3 i (b) Letter dated January 24, 1967, from the San Marcos i : County Water District, was acknowledged by the Mayor, ; i stating it was the decision of the Board of Directors that i i the District intends to participate in the Joint Sewer 1 ,: System in accordance with the provisions of the Third I i Supplement to the Basic Agreement, dated March 22, I i 1965, and further, it intends to ask the voters for auth- i 4' I I ! orization of a bond issue this year. i ! (c) Approval was given for the utilization of Holiday Park: Worthing f for the Sixth Annual Book Fair on Sunday, May 28, 1967, i Neiswend i as requested by the Friends of the Library by letter dated: A"kinson : February 6, 1967. i Dunne I ; Jar dine i (d) Permission was granted $0 the Mexican-American ! Worthing- i Association to conduct Teen Dances at the Carlsbad High i Neiswena : School on February 11, March 11, March 25, and April 22,: Atkinson : 1967, as requested by letter dated February 2, 1967. i Dunne I I b I I I I i I . 1' : Jardine I i ORAL G3 MMUEICATLOXS: I c 1 i t i t & i MR. EDWARD GERENT, 815 Tamarack Ave., stated the 1 : Ave. and Interstate 5 is being leased for a service station; i It was rezoned for a restaurant. ! 1 : property located on the southwest corner of Tamarack I i I .$ 1' 1 i Mr. Gerent was informed by the Mayor the property was i ; rezoned C-2 and there was not a precise plan required. i ! Mr. Gerent further stated he did not feel that putting a I i gas station on every corner,would help the beautification i ; of the city. The property on the southeast corner of i i Tamarack Ave. and Interstate 5 was required to perform I ; certain conditions, and Mr. Koyle, whose property is i i being considered this evening, is being required to meet ; : certain conditions ~ : The City Manager pointed out the property located on the 1 : Southwest corner of Tamarack Ave, and Interstate 5 1 8 I ? t t t I I I I I -0 ; was granted a zone change on the belief that a restaurant i > t was to be built on the property, This points out the need I I : for a precise plan. I t 1 , j I " I \.- 1 \" I \" I -2- I i '\\ '\, ' I I >; 2 >TJ 8 ',, '3 :"""""""""""."-,"""""""~"""""".."""""""~"""""""""". f iv;embzr I Cmn. Jardine stated it was his feeling there should be a ; I i 1 t 6 I ,* I 0; 1 i 8 0 i time limit placed on the precise plan and zone cnange, 1 I and if not complied with it wouid revert back to its origi- : I nal zoning. 4 !# 1 i i PUBLIC HEAFJNGS: I I 4 t I I 1 i ,' i (a) Request for reclassification of Property located ezst- t i erly of El Camino Real, and easterly of El Camino 1Mesa : ; Units 2, 3 and 4 Subdivisions, frola Zone E-1-10, 000 to i i Zone R-1-7,500. Applicant: Pacific Vista Estates. I 1 I I ! i t ; The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication on the i ! Reclassification and the Precise Plan, I t I I I t 1 f The application was reviewed for the Council and.the I i i Clerk informed the Council no written correspondence ; i had been received in opposition to the reclassification i i and precise plan; however, a letter was received from ; ; the State Division of Highways dated February 1, 1967, i ! Planning Commission still applied. I I i stating their letter of January 4, 1967 addressed to the I : : The City Planner presented a plat of the property under i I ; Mayor Atkinson inquired as to whether there were any i 1 1 MR, JERRY ROlVLBOTIS, stated he was representing- 4 I I a t I 1 I consideration and the precise plan for the Council's con- ; l sideration. < I b 1 I / persons present desiring to speak in favor of the reclass-f i ification, I I f I I e I Pacific'Vista Estates, and he felt this matter had been : ; discussed very 'choroughly by the Planning Commission. i i They worked very closely with the Engineering Depart- : I ment and Planning Department on this subdivision. It is r i their opinion "hat this request is the best use of the land. ; i Cmn. Jardine asked why some of the lots were so deep? ; i Mr. Rornbotis informed the Council the land drops down ; t 3- :nto a canjon, and a portion of the lots would be left in i i their natural state. I I ! I- I 1 D I I a I I .. 1 1 ; The ma'cter of park dedication was discussed, and Mr. I I i Romhotis stated they had agreed to pay the park fee in i i lieu of land dedication, 6 I 1 C i : Cmn, Nefswender asked what the price range of the house8 6 I I ! would be, and Mr. Rombotis stated they would range fr0i'Y-j; I $19, 000 to $21, 000, depending upon the size of the lot. I r t I As there were no persons desiring to speak in opposition f > j to the reclassification and precise plan, the Mayor de- I i clared the hearing closed at 7: 38 P, M. ! After discussion by the Council the Toilowing resolution ; i was presented: k 1 1 i I 1 : $, I I I I I I I i t t 1 < I I I I I e i Resolution No. 1359. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY . CCUNCLL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAE ANNOVNCING FIKDINGS AND DECISION REGAEDZNG CEIANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAm' DESIGNATE9 PEOPERTY IN TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-10, 000 TO ZONE R-1-7, 500, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. - 1 I I I I I I I I t 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ! , .. 0 I j A first reading was given the following ordinance: I t I > I I VJorthing Neisw ende A-tkins on Dunne Jardine t I ! 'I I 1 * , -3- -\ % ; :l;r ;]z ', '* I, 1 I 5,) \I , t (""""""""-"""~"~"""""""""~""~"~.~"""""~.""""~~"""""~", ; ;:ler;>-LJ{ I t 1 Ordinance No, 9202, AX ORDISANCE OF TWI;: CITY CF i 1 C~=JS~AD AMTJLmING ~~-J~~J~~~~ Eoe 9060, C2yAyG- j I,TJor'---',-,- ~,lLLLl,~ i ING CERTAIN DESIGL-,$ATED PPQ2E,pbTY FPLOlv ZGXE t x\'ei~\~,rcndr i R-l-lO,OOO TO ZONE R-i-7,5OG IN TXE CITY OF l A*Lk,i;?,SGn 0 0 I CARL,$BAD, was given a first reading by title only and i Dunae ! further reading walved. (* 'i Zardlne I I : As the Precise Plan for El Camino Xesa Unit No, 5 VJZS 1 i also the tentative map ?or the subdivision, the following f ; resolution was considered: ! : Reso1u.tio-a No, 1363, A RESOLUTION OF THZ. CITY 3 FTIorthi-qg i TO~:IL OF THE CITY OF CAR~LSBAD, APPROTJING I Neiswendt ; TENTATIVB MAP OF EL CL4MIN0 MESA UKIT xoo 5 ; 1 py ; S'LJBDIVISION, was adopted by title only and further t Dunne I reading waived. i Jardine I I 6 L iL mson I 8 i (b) Request for reclassification of property located zt the i i Northwesterly corner of Tamarack Ave. ad Interstate 5, ; ; from Zone R-2 to Zone C-1. Applicant: Archie Koyle, i i et al. i i The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication for the ; t proposed reclassification and precise pian, and the appii-i i cation was reviewed for the Council. i 1 I ; i The City Planner presented a Boundary Map, the te-nta- ; : tive Subdivision Map and the Precise Plan. It was point- i i ed out the developer has er,tered into an agreement with t i side of Jefferson Street between Tamarack Ave. and I Magnolia Ave, I 1 1 : Mayor Atkizson announced the Council wouid hear from i i the applicant or his representative. i -VIR. EARL THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, stated he was i : appearing on behalf of the applicant. This particular .t 2 i development was presented previously to the Planning I i Comrnission. As there were many chmges needed the ! i matter was again presented to the Planning Com:mission. i I Along the existing cul-de-sac there are io dcj?lzxes. As f i soon as TzL-narack is widened it will necessitate the re- ; i rnoval of the duplexes. The precise plan izdicates two j i parcels. Parcei #I. is being purchased by the EUimbie Oil I * 1 Co. The owner is ready to put in off-site improveAments, f : Jefferson- S'L. will have to be widened evertualiy and the i ; owher is willing to dedicate 4' for 'this wideaing. There ; i are no sidewalks in fyont of the school. The developer i ; has zgreed to construct curb and sidewalk from Ta,marac% i Ave. past the school entrance, and from the school. tc i ; Mapolia Ave. asphaltic sidewalks will be constructed; i / a 5' wall wili be constructed around the developiment ex- ; ;, cept for ingress and egress, The wall, plus the plazJLing ; i as specified in the Precise P!aq wiil screer^ the develop-: I I i I 4 3 I I J-L, Llle School District to construct sidewalks on the south i I I I 1 .. .. 1 ? 3 I 1 t ,,' /" : 1 ment, 8 //'" 1 I Mr. Thompson further stated this was not a promo'iionai : i Droject, but something tke zpplicant wished to ~CI iixaed- i ; iateiy. it is their feeling this is the best use of the pro- ; : pe:r'Q; that it will be in the best interest of the general j i 2;lblic; and wiil promote the health and welfare of the f i corr,munity. I I i- 5 L I I 1 i Mr* Thompson was asked the following questions by J I t Imembers of the Council: I 1 0 I I t 1 1 I t I r MAYOE ATKINSON: Will all the duplexes be reinovecj'? , ? 2 "El,, TMOMPSQN: The duplexes will be removed or i *; demoj.i:c;hed within 60 davc: * .. i -. 5. . .> i 'x, '. ., .. ' , -. Y b .I., ,.\ : ;..<.z.2., , , .. >' 6 , \. -^- \ x -.L - ... .I \I _II . I. 1 ,: C-" - ?* '""--"""-""""""""""""""~"""""~..~.."~""""""""~"~~~~~~~~"~, T"$-fiA\73F; Ay;<iNSV"l-: lpy is +1.,e -.-:-q>ry;JT c;.iTJlded .. . "-,l-o : I li I "y ~ V-2,,Lk: AA,~::-k,l V-L Cg,, w:s,^-es to ~Z~C:?_ES~ ! j parcel $1 ouLirigFLte -ha - "i. a-s$ica::ts ,2r,1 ;:e,zo-isa"cq LA' ,p with i i -~j-~e ~<ings ~etreai for 2 st^---^---.+ -L. cLlu 0:: -7. ->.-arcel '! i Jd-fiAy'3 pv -q F-;>~~~~T: T,>p -Aci. .-. 4 -: bi"pe - "able :i/ould the o-itrce? i a "&C ., i *,~ro :saI*ce!s? 2 I i 7 p" n7-,- i cAd; p,oy :- e R=i .. " u- 0 1 irr2 D *: i \i;iapLt for corn--' -J---,. -- J-L i s 1 A-Ldc ciig LA-e 2;ro-j ect? ; A,<?bO Ty;G.pq.:?y -\/:;n 33il-c::.' (-7 A *I Ld- , lil, (I ALC;T= . Liu iu - ,:J, LS eYte<:ng :: ; ti;e Eu.p-jle Cil eo, ~ "s yes&; 2:" c&a ~i;g~xJ~~ 23 far as i i -the bc-ilji_;lgs woa-ld Sa L JArst, -?; m'k AL-CT -J aye 1;~ pAo--es of QJ-.>~-'- ' i. , . " ~g woylc x*tr:A.3-:-p 1- ; a'iiLJ-r,s 4"- "a -o~"...7:-na.p - *.- n i ready for crJ;qStr~~Cx;~:~ ,. of t?&ir bu-ilding, 6 \?iii t:-:e -~;rl6e::ing of JeffeysoZ s'i. : c IXN ~ I5,r.S 2uy"I 1LT.G : \?['p A t C "6,""n 2 ,. . -. '? , 1;:s co-f:i..>~.ny is cciT;c2^^;-p,* T;;e .?-?&;;a qg zF< TeITlovZl of ! ; b- dLUi L- 1 -iLrA,i 59 ~isys, 5u-t 3epl:zas 120 6s-y" would bs i i ,~~;cTc realls-iic, They 2~3 1:: .- :?o:c;es of c=r-~g,letf-g zegoti- ; ! -wL ~1~ i Lbbc-L A~ 3y the ti~;e 2cyx.bIe " ulL La, is I I ; & 8 i i take the palrn Trees? 1 f 2v/rre TpLor&c, -b&sic+a"" LcI Lib -+5j-r iiL-b .leer, stated the 4' widen- i i pzrking, as3 -Lh? ei'cy >1ar-/?er -iL- c;-- ,Lcited ihey had estiiaaled j ; '-cG* \x~o&-j take the trees. I LL%3 > . f 2qc-iry was nzde as to whet?:er '&ere wo~.!d Ir,e adequate t ;I; Le. ~;~e a~?,ou;r^t ;riecessai i 'three 2-:7 s J-L I 1 3. c, -,-yo 3 $ , :1$JN, ~,!&~~~~: TJihat +iype of restaurant does ipir;,e , .- ~. i GVKI~T anticipate ~u~~a:ng, i 1' .: A- ;>arc:;ylet of the Kings ?ue-Lres-i was pTcsenie6 for '& i - "- I i. ~oa-r,cilis reee~,:~, ix was :SC::~<~G .. - ouJc theye would be 20 : i iiq~~r sold d-ue to the -p~3~:'"05-~ - ZIflN, JAsu,31Nz: i3;ses t'n LA6L 0 Giil~~LaiiLt~ -----..- __ nrrn have any otber ; -__L_ .y 02 the school, a I t ; resig,ura-r,is ifi'ceres-ied Is :k& loca"yo;? . ip L +ha (.LLL event they i ". g IdLLi? a;.? ?. 1 I are u-r,able to negotiate >>/ti> ;<iE 3 am&- e-" 1 :J"pue T>~~~,~~EO~: Tsey have two other chains that 1 ('Ii,(N, Z-ARTJI~Z: r>-ere a?? many trlLcks ~22 $railers i * 6 i . ?', ALL . 2.h b-;e .. early yA~~~;~i-~~ ?TA---~- ; are interested. i I I '_,- i-vIr- b c; j&soc:s ~;~s"ia.~ygr.,';. 'J'@.2" 3 : comerned? i ALL : i do "LSY arLt-ci-r;a-?? as LdA 2"- 2s -:he residents ii; the a,-ea are i I A. A/lFuu ~~-~~>,~'f~~~: Tkis is -I& ;reason for -;-";-e 64 wall, ; 2 3, "?<, ~ n: -1. -. ._. r iLLt bLky piaE,ner eqia:;~~~ :kLe:e ~uo2-ia be a 3: wall aiOn;i; ~ j J.1 Ll~e residen+iz? arsa, a-.. a 4?6!: wail -:-:"?a ~~-, b2.lance 0:: t" L "Le i i co;"." -L,lpx, As to the -2l-ucks 2nd <;railers iJc 7~1as felt it 1 > - i wovX he bes-k to keep them OU.~~ of the downtown area, I ~~\/~~o S~~ST,?..ZND~~u: Is there a necessity for the 3- : cfiargc: of zone? i I J 1 ~,~,rrz m-+-.- 7 I-- -n~- - -c L--A"-,,i:2bei\;: ,There sre very fe-i;I b:c,~:- -ILesses ; F. <. ., i ,oca-gec 01; 2che ~;.'r~~ci;r.-,~ /, c-J frorrL 2Z:i - Cley-en'ie sr&-:2 to szfi ; i "J-EgQ,, ?,F-cJ- "UL - 22s s<;a'iio-r,s 57 ~~,~~~~~~ are loc--;cc .~ or, : +'?~~-~~~~~~l~ 7. I ~ z.cJ2ce;Tb *;o -,ir:e lTreeyqz~y, c-i zo-o:-~~ {s -,=re-; , . t~uAL~~L:.~i~'b~~ Pi n "p 7 .p 3 z e- 12 . 'ikiz ~Q~~~~~o,~>/~> zrezG .-7 LiAL l?. ~ ~lh!aer J~GJ~ haye i i <CG e~~:rp.p~~-~~ +e cc"ue-s8c due -c* tp-e ypdenjfig of -:-kc, > TreeIq;./ay ZTid T&-T.izyecx -L-T,T& 'p?zreforc, -1 it will ;r??_a;<ie it I .' 1 &LLsc.i~~~ r ,- -c. -- c, -(I to rAve resi,derits tir,is sear xrie FreeWay0 - : -.-. .- " ~ , "._ $ ;<L;q" /;;.iJZ" 2tk;clc-y C-1 zc;;?,2s, cr ;"-3-r-'-- 2u~LL~~~a - s;i'e2s, zre ;m-~ >I : _. *- .".I..- - v .~. e i . .. I. !- LL-L 7. ._ I I 2 i 1 I I I I I -\, '. ' I \' I ', \ '? I \' ' '\ -5- ! t Name '8. % I t ! of '; I i Member :"""""- ""-"~""""-"-""----- ~~~~w~*~~~aaa,la@~~~~~.....""""~~"""""." I 1 I i CMN. NEISWENDER Will it be difficult for trucks i i to park'in the area provided for the restaurant, or will ; 'i : they have to park on Jefferson St. ? I 1 I ; ' MR., THOMPSON: At the present time the school i children are walking in the street along the school area. 1 J There will be sidewalks provided on Jefferson St. as well : j ; as Tamarack Ave, None of the cars will be coming out I i j : accesses provided. I i CMN, NEISWENDER: Does ihe School Board object i 1 to this complex? 1 I i DR, Harmon, Superintendent of the Carlsbad School ; District, was present and stated that Mro Koyle and Mr. i I Thompson appeared before the School Board. The Board : t felt that adequate sidewalks had been provided and that i i the wall was a protection for the. school. The Board was I I property if it were rezoned C-1, As far as the school : ! children were concerned the Board felt the owner had i . i provided adequate protection. I I 0 I I I I I I 1 I I I i from the complex onto Jefferson St. There are three ! ,! I 1 I 1 'I I I I I I I I I .. ; concerned that something else might be placed on the I I I I 1 I .. i CMN, .Wa.RTHING: -:: Was the Catholic School con- : 1, 1 I : tacted? I i I 1 1 1 ! MR, THOMPSON: The Catholic School was not con-. ' i .I i tacted; however, there were no written protests received I : from the school. i CMN. NEISWENDER: What about the 20 families who i i will have to be relocated? 1 1 I MR, THOMPSON: The applicants intend to assist the f i occupants in finding new homes. I : CMN, JARDINE: What assurance does the Council I i have that this project will be completed? A great many ; : 'restructions have been placed on the developer, and in i i his opinion the development will take a great deal of 1 I : money. 3 1 I I L I r I I 1 I I 1 1' I i I t I I 1 I I. i " MR. THOMPSON: The Humble Oil Coo is paying cash I - i 'for their property, This will be more than adequate to : ! clear the existing loans on the property and will help ! ; towards the construction of the restaurant. If this pro- : t ject is not approved the city will be looking at an "eyesor$'. i CMN, JARDINE: This still does not give the city any i I assurance that the restaurant will be built if the owner ; : is depending on a chain restaurant to locate on this pro- i : perty. I I { MR. THOMPSON: The improvements will cost'approx: i imately $150,000, If the owner does not get a restaurant ; : to locate on the property he will be paying on something : : that is not bringing him in a dime. 8, 1 i MR. GEORGE BUCKLEY, representative of Humble Oil \ ; Co., stated the property designated Parcel #1 is in escrov(r I I, i subject to the eoning. They anticipate building a ranch- ; L ; type building and are in accord with the landscaping. I I i They did not need the area outlined in green as a park i : area, but they are willing to maintain it. As to trucks I r and trailers, he has been through some 50 or 60 such i .. .._ '; projects, and feels this plan is the best he has seen. I I I /i I I .i 1 I I 1 I 6 I' I I I 0 . -,. . , . .". . .." - ._ -. " ". __ -. . ." . .__ ."..,_ 1 .-...."".... . I I L '\ ' , \ '\ *, '\ ' I 6 .-6- I >J 8 ?,?e '\ ,, 'x. '~"~,~-""""","".~"""-"""""""""""_..-_"""""""""~!""""""" : Xe;r;be: I They are not i-i? the diesel business, Their station will 5 1 I 1 Z I 0: \r L i I I be for the motoring public, There were 55 stations on J i the old 101 - 35 have gone out of business. There are 5 i i restaurants that can be seen from the new Freeway. ~hisi j in 'itself< is a public necessity. Tamarack Ave, is going ; ; to be one of the main arterials. They do not feel they : ; are crealLing 'irafr"ic, 2 j I1IIAYQR ATiiRSON: Wouid Haable Oil Coo be willing I ; to have a restriction placed on the Precise Plan? ; 0 i 1 I 1 I I t 8 I Clr?n, Neiswender pointed out Poinsettia Plaza has .many ; a i trucks parked in that area. I I I 1 I > ! 3 -XrD Huckley stated Poinsettia Plaza has a iarge parking t ; ; trucks on streets, It is not feasible for trucks to go into > i t area in which these trucks can barn around, -Most cities i i have an ordinance that does not allow :he parking of $ i the proposed complex, 1 I I 8 I I : CfifiNe JARCINE: HOW do YOU propose to control these I f trucks- > I I I > ! MR, BUCKLEY: bv e will not have the product to sell, > i "7 9 .. ! i Truclc drivers are very zznisi?. F-uther, it was his f feeling this plan was very tight and that the Planning Corn: i mission had done a magnificent job. I I I I i MR. GERENT, 815 Tamarack Ave. 1 asked what the pro- i 1 2oseci %v.id-;h.of Tamarack Ave. would be? I ; *Mr. 'Tnornton, Assistant Engineer, stated it would be i I 102 feet wide. P I a 4 r .& L :* , .I i Mr. Gerent further stated an oil company has been puttin4 L i in stakes on the south side of Tamarack Ave. next to his 1 i property, and the stakes are 12' back from his property : I line. If they take 12' off all alo-ng Tmarack Ave. this i i will take the trees, power poles and everything. Also ; ; he would like to ask why the city is going to allow this i ! developer to put in as2haltic sidewalks? I Mr. Gerent was Informed the asphaltic sidew-alks will be f j an agreement between the School District and the develop+ ; er. The sidewalks are too far away from this particular i : development to 'require a certain ty2e sidewalk. 2 i Mayor Atkinson asked if there were any persons desiring i i to speak in opposition to the proposed reclassification and: i precise pian ? I I D I > a *: I I I I b I I E I ; MR. HAROLD TAYLOT,, 3720 Trleste Drive, inquired 9 i i as to what is going to happen on the south side of Ta.mar- ; t ack Ave. ? t Mr. Taylor was informed by the Mayor his question was i i not in connection with the hearing at hand. : i Mr. Taylor further stated he wozld like 'GO scggest that s i piex z.2 order that traffic would :make 2 stop at Tamarack 1 1 and J'efferson St. Intersection, and then proceed onio I ~ 1 am-arack Ave. 1 ,/ 1 // /' L / 1 1 e J /' :: a exist be placed on the Jefferson St. side of the corn- f i I I 3 I L .rn I t 0. i As there were no other persons desiring to speak, .the i i h'kyOr declared the public hearing closed. 1 r r J I i Cmn, Dume offered Resolution KO. 1361 for adoption, anq ;( i the motion was seconded by Cmn. Miorthing. J I I t I ; :'.G ,:< z k 6; '5 """""""""""""""""""""""""""..""""""~""""~""""""" $;2G:;;-.';; ; *.b"""v \ ;\cayor A-&ir,son re--+es:zcj. Tk2.t consider2,loTJ .. Se giT,ren as 1 to a iil~~3 li;--itpion on 'l?;~ <eve.ol-;ylent. Also iri the eveztt tile restaurant was not built w~gld the developer be xfjiiiic;Fi 0: to blacktop the area. ,e i L i FLr. Koyle stated that biacktopping is the last thi;Tg yo5 do! I after co-rstruction. I ! Cp.3. Jardir,e scggested that lawn be $ar,-/ed and main- i 1 ? : i t":> a~aed in the event the r:staurart was cot constructed. i ; a b ,LX '1 tung ?:- permit be issxed oh or hefore one yea2 and that! f It was also agreed t:naT: ;F i-es'grrcc~on be -nlaced 02 the .i .. i TO the Planning' ~ornl-nission, stating the int'enTion of the 1 7 j. AS to the time iimitaticc, MT~ Tho~i~son suggested that i i construction be com2ieted within six months 'chereafter. i ; 1 . .. A- i service station that no diesel he1 be allowed for sale. : By motion of the Counci! the matter was referred back i i Council to include the following conditions and restric- i f tions ir, the precise ~1z-c i (a) hat -ro diesel f;zel be ailowed for sale; 1 t (b) Ti:at plazs for a b~ii$-,g yrTGit be issued within 1 \Tjor;hing : orre year, and tk;at col;struction be coLmpie-cced within six I Keiswendc I months thereafter; a36 : , L ~+7,:, AiLASoa ; (e) In the event the resta-Jrant is not constructed tha: i Dmne f lawn be planted and rmiintzined by the developer. ; J'ardl-ne t Cr~n. Dunce and C:T~~. T;i/~rt?iiccj. withdrew their original : : motion. 1 I I I E t $ I b 1 t 1 > ? i Eh-?;GEEERaTG: 3 I E I L 5 " - 3 I > \-r 1 (a) improve-mect 0: A<a&s'on St., et ale 191; Act Pro- I ; ceecjicgs - KO 3. ~-1954. TpFCEil vqas icformedTprf - c " " j ; q.o ,LLg~neer - of Work had -$I ,,ied 1 his Assessrient for the work i i performed umder the !9il Act 2roceedings for the Improvek i ment of Madison St. 9 b .. i The folloming r~s~l~~io~ was 9resente$: 1 i 1 *I I 1 < I 1 I Resolu";ion No, 1365. -3- pb~?~~,~-~~~~~ qF "y:T fl-7~~7 v* iiL5 L2. i L -c~yiiJ?5~-"((-~;~; ;- c T ,- I LIL F -.-37 - 1y 03 (-"b-F"LszAs ~p~~~;~~7 N(-JyCx ,3F FILI3-S OF -2A;SSz'SS;\/zEyT "ys (-JF TF;z TIME A&T\;D pL)ics 93 FI~.-kXIL-G T;<'puzaF, )La j-~* 5-1964, IVadison Street, et al, was ado2ted by ti'de 0:: 2nd fidrther readl-0~ v,Taiv&. -*0 ly $ ~;ii0""l,, . , i LIAlng Neiswendc z~ bAifison 33urfie Sardine I? ti". I ,- ; (b) il '--prroverL.eE2i id- of " Te-??e:-so;? " - St e~ ai. 1911 -bAc-i ?yo- ! ___-" "S \ ce&in,os - A" c, 2-1965.;- cixy &y;oyr,ey=ee-i " -" s -.---- I Council easemects hac: bee2 received from 'ihe followi-ng i i i uL. <- c , azld that resoiriions had bee2 2re2ared accepting saidj ; easements: L I persons i-r, coar,ection ~it~r, -ihe i;qAproverAent 01" ~efferson : d 0 I 1 i %. I L i I 7 " k1rGer R. JO~?_TJSO~ 226 A-ST~ S3lr.,nson %arlsbad ~nx~es!;~~e n'c Coy;30raJrion .r r iiarry 5. jdarsan a?! yn uy2c~ 3. -7 ~ayson "ioyd 'i, 2 Packard, 3,~:n~lc. C. Tackarc, Jzrces "ope a-r,d ?I-1. 'cj'on Fac-,:ard T,z]:llizrfi s. SZz.ffGy6 asd Anit2 -Le S-,afford B .&-ri -0 ; .n G .T - -,7 _- , 7 -p -: .. 7- -, A--LAb L I CL~ rC- ____ a-nd Carol AXE Cantarinl ,Jok::P SrJcega 2nd ~- ~~r~:7-~ c. 3rterj-a >,kzx yz.le'Lz z-r_c: xr-.e.li?e ;2, ?&;etz Lec-r,a F. Zi&esLET J c 7 5 .Ti e can;-- - : -,- : LALA LGr-Lli arL$ G~lore;~ Cantarini ZGSeph L. u LLL~L _.__ ~ A~;-LG-L ,xm L,G.~~ A,, A , CiiEe Cantari_.r;_j. 236 2ac;ying Can';ai-lai .. 0 -. pzo2."o;-r!; T .-7:p.-p ;p nqn-,-ar,pi .. . .. I I t > 1 3 I I I I I I > I I I 1 t i I J I I 1 I ,- I ;<z 272 ' '\ '\ t :"""""""""-"-"""""""""""""""""..""""""""""~.."~""""". i ;;.jier;i;er i 0; ', \I I I t Ru'ch Ross I I Lake E. Buckingham I I Jess McLaughlin and Carol A. McLaughlin L i Floyd G. Judson and Janet i. Judson 3 0 ) $ I I 1 > 1 i By motion of the Council Resolutions No. 1365 thru 1380, 1 2 Worihing I ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES i Neiswendc i AND DIRECTING RECORDING TEEREOF, were adopted i Atkinson f by titles only and further reading waived, and the Mayor i Dunne ! authorized to execute the Sale Agreements. i Jardine ! L ! PARKS AND RECREATTON: ! --- - 1 4 > I t i I i (a) APPROVAL WAS GIVEN to the spec: Grevjllea . : W-orthing i Robusta, as the official Street Tree for Ocean View i Xeiswendc i Estates, as recommended by the Parks and Recreation ; inson on i COmT&SiOn in Memorandum dated January 18, 1967. 4 I : Dunne 4 : Jardine t I I NEW BUSINESS: t- i 1 I I I 1 I (a) Mayor Atkinson proclaimed the week of February 5th ! i i 'io llth, 1967 as "ELECTRICAL WEIZK", and urged all 1 ; the citizens of Carlsbad to partici,pte in this significant i i occasion. i (b) AUTHORIZATIOX WAS GIVEN for refund of business i Worthing I license fee to William Bigley in the awlount of $20. 00, dud Neiswendt ; to duplicate payment of fee, as recommended by the City i Atkinson : Clerk. t Dun-ne I I I I { I I 4 6 I ! Jardine 1 1 'I i OLD BUSINESS: " * 1 1 ! l e 3 i (a) Report and First Reading of Ordirtance X32172 - re: ' { ; Assembly; Disassembly-or Elepair of Motor Vehicles. i i A report was made to theCouncil by TG-CEFmittee, con-: : sisting of Crnn. Jardine and Cmn. Vdorthing, regarding a i i revised ordinance concerning the Assembly, Disasembly i ; or Repair of Motor Vehlcles. " I 4 1 ! i After consideration by the Council it was agreed that t i Section 1 be corrected to read "registered owner" instead! : of "owner". I 9 I 4 I ,. i Ordinance No. 3072. AT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I I Wor'ching i mmDrnDIKG ASSEMBLY, DISASSEMBLY, i Keiswende t OR REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES, was given a first t Atkinson i reading by title only and further reading waived. : Dunne I I J Jar dine d 4. 9 I ; The following ordinances were presented for a second i ; reading: t I t I i is) Ordinance #2026. AX OR3aTANCE OF TIS, CITY OF i Worthing i CAPmDxZGGULATING AKD PROHIBITING CERTAIN i Keismende : TYPES OF FIRES, AND REPEALIXG ORDINANCE NO. ; Atltirxon i 2009, was given a second reading by titie only and adopted; Dume ' ? ; Sardlne l 0 t : (c) Ordinance No. 2027. AX 'ORDDANCE OF Tm CITy ; uro,-hing I OF -~%X~ATCE~ING AhD ESTABLISXIX;TG FI1,E i Keiswend,e : ZONES, was given a second readi,r,g by title only and 1 Atkins oc i adopted. i Dunne I I I t f Jardine I i (d) Ordinance Xo, 7035. AN GRDIKAKCE OF TEE CITY 1 I Worthing ; t T-77 aLGULATIOK OF DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE ; .&,.g<i-nson : OF aXZCT,T?ZAmTG TO TH3 CONTROL AKD TEE 1: hTeisuTende i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. I Dunne I r I I .TorA;n n \ .~. . . .. I l I 8 I 1 I I 'x. ', '\ I -9 - i p2 ;r,, '\\ '\,. '\,< a i I \'* x '\. ' t oi ,I 1 I I L ,"""""~"""""--"~""""~"""""""""".."""""""""""""""""~ ; Xe7r;jar I I 0 i (e) First readi-nfi of Orain,ance #8~46, a.dopting LI~SGI-~ I 1 Build:ngCOde, 1964 Edition. The City morney sublmitted i ! a written report z+x%%&%ary 3, 196?, explaining the i i various iteris in the proposed ordinance. 5 _. ""_ " ",.."_ "" 1 A a 2 I i Ordinance No, 8046. AK ORDIXAXCCE C;F TI- CITY OF : ' I 7<-"--- LkRLSBAD,LrFORWIA. ACOPTING 73% UNIToaM i 1 BUILDIKG CODE, 1964 EDITION, VOLUME 1, AND TIY% i : APPENDIX THERETO, TOGETIXER WITX CERFAIX ; TJJ0rthi-q 1 CHANCES AD ADDITIONS, PROVIDZNG PENALTIES f Neiswende i FOR VIOLATION TKEREOF, AND REPZAZING CERTAIX Atkinson I ORDINANCES, was given a first reading by title only and { Dunne : further reading waived. ' i Jardine ~~ I I i 1 t Appointment of Water Facilities Committee. The Mzyor i i appointzcmn. Dunne and himself 2s zZommittee of two t i to study the Water Facilities. i I 1 1 5 I i Addition to Agenda Items. Nayor Atkinson requested : r Reports froLm all major committees. i %-the future ail Council Agendas contain Committee I @ ! i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPOX T: I I I b j 4 I 1 1 (a> State Beach Sewer Agreement, APPE~VAL w-ks I ; GIVEN to theTH CARLSmTATE 3EACI3 AGREE4 i MENT, dated Septedaer 1, 1965, between the STATE OF i Worthing : CALIFORNIA,' and CITY OF CA-RLSSAD, providing sewe; Neiswende i service to Carlsbad State Beach Trailer ?ark, and the ; Atkinson ; Mayor authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of i 3xnne i the City of Carlsbad, as recommended by both staffs. 't Jardine i (b) Drainage Easemen: - ETOH, In a me-morasdum ; datedtiuary 25, 1967, the.City Attorney reported a I i i drainage easement was constructed on property owned \ : by EPOH. The City has had immediate possession of 1 I \ this property for some tirr-e by way of condemcaiion pro- 1 . I ceedings. An agreement has been reached as to the pur- f i chase price in the amoilnt of $750.00. The staff recom- 5 ; mends that the City agree to pay the $750, OG. A convey- i I ance has been received together with a Partial reconvey- : i ance. __ I I 2 I ! t 1 b 1 i 1 i Resolution No. 1381. A RES,3LUTION OF THE CITY I : ; RECONVEYANCE, was adopted by title only and further i Keiswendeu j reading waived, and Authop-ization given for the payment ; Atkinson : of $750.00 to EPOX for purchase of the drainage ease- ;Dunne i ment. i SarGi-ne l : (c> Weed Abatelnent. By Me:morandum dated February 1,; i 1967, the C-fey outlined steps proposed to be taken: f in future weed abatement pyograms. 1 t ine City Manager informed tse Council he did not see the : i Mernorar,dum until late this afternoon, however, hewas I i violently opposed to Item #lo. f Mayor Atkinson requested this matter deferred for furxhe2 ; study. ; ; (6) Reques-c for refund of Wee2 Ab2temAent Charge - t I I Mr. ~~~~~TneCi~AJ~'or.ney - yr,fore;Te- i I CZEZiTXreciv,es2i had been received frol-fl Xr. acd -~rs*. i i Melton for a refund. of $68. 2C in ccnnection wi-,IZ 2 Weed ; r I Abate-ment Charge, and. they were infcrm-ed the City has i i never made any reimbursements in this regard; however, ; i he would present their recpest to the Council. * i CO'JTamXCITY OF CL4RLS33AD, ACCEPTING t Worthlng 1 I I P '8 2 I I 1 -1 , 1 i # 1 1 I 0 I I I 1 I 1 .- -iu- : 1;s ;;2 '\ ' .< J + < i 0 '; i *. , , !"""-"""--."""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""~~""~"""~" 1 ;: 2 -7: 3 '' r 6 ? 1 By motion of the Cou-ncil tke reqGest for refund of MTeed i T,?/~r"i-r,g i Abatelnent Charge was denied, 4- ) '.\;F-.isy/e-;=& 1 ' I 1 ; iritkiTls cz 0 a e I I I I : G-L?::.n;ne i Jardine L i (dj* Public Nuisances. Thc City At'iorney inforxed the i f Councii the Sui!aing Ins2ector has Slides to show the 1 Councii concerning various nuisances throl;,ohout the city. [ I Mayor Atkinson stated due 'co the fact this is the first time: I t the Cf.ty is proceeding under the recen'ciy adopted ordinance, i he would like to have a list of the properties in order that i -,- i I t f t 1 I J-: L? e Council can look over the properties. 1 P i I 1 i p (e.) Agreement between City and Paul Ecke - re: ias'iall- i 1 - l ation-ofmLine. 8 "- 1 I i APPElOVAL WAS .GIVEN an Agreement dated Sanuary 27, i Worthing ' 1967, between the Ci'iy of Carls'oad and 2au1 Ecke, and i Neisweaze f ; the M:ayor zuthorized to execute .said Agreement on behalf; Atkinson ; of the City of Carlsbad. i Du-;?ne i CITY MANAGER'S EETaElT: I i 3 i Sardine & I I 2 f- 1 $ I : i The City 1Xanager submitteci a written report dated I : February 3, 1967. ! 1 I < I i I By motion of the Council Itens (2), (4) and (5) concerning f i TYorthFng I personnel for the Planning DeFartment and the Water f Neiswende : Department were zirthorized, as recommended by the ' j -!itkinson i City Manager. ; Dunze I 1 I ! Jardine 2 i Request of Pilgrim Congregational Chrch to ctilize I ; traiier as temporary classroom, ; I - " I I Permission was granted to the Pi1gri:m Congregatiocal ; t i with the condition that ihe cse of the trailer cease upon i Keiswen.de a.. : Church to utilize a trailer as a teriporary classroom, : Vlorthirici- 1 completion of the sanctuary, aEd in EO event shaii the use i -4tkinson ; exceed eight months without an extension being grmted ; Eunne i by the Council. ; Sardine D , : Specifications akd ~tz-pdaarc ~;-a~,~~~~gs for ~Gnstruction ' i 1- - "-*' - ; ofTZez- htains and kpp.~~--n-- LtL,~nts'. A-gmklet was pre- f i sented con'caining "S;3eciflcations ard Stanaard Drawings 4 i for Construction of Water ?&ins and Appurtenants I! for ; /' f the Councills review. / > 1 /" 1 1 i Space A-nalysis Study for City Hall md Police FzLciiiJcies. i i - ./i" 1 ; I The Space Analysis Study for the City I<&! and Police i Germ, and the City iMzaager requested that the Council i ! FeSru.ary 21, 1967. i I ; i/; / f aFprclve the report at the regularly scheduled -meeting of ; J Facilities was presen'ieci, as prepared by Schodl 2nd 1 D 1 S'cree'; Trees for ~hestn~t Avenue. fl- Lm~. Jardine in- ! " : ; q-urred as to a report on street trees for Chestnut Avenue.: ' 1 1 : -xr. Tll L~~r;2t~n, -&ssist--~+ c.-~ LLAd~LiLer, -nr^'-nn irzorrned the Ccuncii; , ; tha'c before s-.. Lreet trees coulc =: be I;iacted, that ezsemerits i i would have to be acqzired dce to the conz~girous ,. sidewalks: e i t f Perso-me! Repor'c, The city ~anager also ?resented a i i report cozcerning Persome1 Rules za.6 Repiations as i i previously requested by the City Council. i i I ! t I + 1 I 1 I t e /" // 1 e I- I '\, '\ ' I \' ', \ ', -11- i \' : ;\; 2 ,? 2 , 4 I t t 0 1 I ,' \ '. I I \ -4 ,I \1 :"""-","""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""""-~"~~~~~~~~~"~. 4 , ?.> 5 -e A ._. , I i 1 j Street ,Trees and 1Vaintenance. Cmn. Neiswender stated: 8 -i-~ ; tnere are macy stree-cs with non-conforming trees and i : he could not believe that the Parks and Recreation Corn- i i mission has given permission to the property owner to i i plant the non-conforming trees. f I 1 I I 1 : Also the City requires the subdivider to plant trees, but 3 i i the trees are dying due to lack of water. He felt at the i i next budget session consideration should be given to the : 3 i employment of a superintendent who would enforce the. i i maintenance of these trees. The City needs someone j 1 who will do something besides cut lawns. ! t 1 i 1 1 t : The City Manager inquired of Cmn, Neiswender if he $ ; undersiood him correctly that he was critisizing Mr. ! 1 Cmn. Neiswender stated he was not critisizing him for J i 1 i Kruger? 1 I I I 1 i what he does. He is a good man for his job. I 1 I i I i The City iManager stated what Cmn. Neiswender is sug- i : gesting is the employment of a Park Superintendent., i I * 8 I ; Space Analysis Study. Cmn. Worthing stated accord i -Schedule theaie set for the employment of 2-a t Architect is February 2i, 1967. It was his feeling ii i might be well to find out how the project is to be finan I prior to employing an Architect. /' I I 1 .ing I i I 1 I .ced i I 1 : The City Manager informed the Council he was ready to i i make a recommendation as to the financing; however, it i i will take 4 or 3 months to draw up plans for the faci1ities.j r : Water Department Property. Cmn. i that consideration be given to selling: i Department property prior to March f the dated scheduled for accepting the 1 the Water Depart,ment. 1 I Worthing suggested some of tne Water 7, 1967, which is. , Financial Report on I 1 I I I 1 1 3. 3. L I' 8 2 i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS Ah! LWTI- t ; rnAT1m-F YAYR3LL: I I I\ I ; Authorization was given for the payment of bills for The i i general expenses of the City in the amount of $391, 213. 04; Worthice i for the p-eriod January 17, 1967 to February 7, 1961, as i Aeqinson i Auditing Comm-ittee. 3 Jardine : and for the Water Department in the amount of $11, 220.7?i Neisbenae 5- i certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the L I LUEne " I 1 I i Ea'cification of the payroll was given for the second half E I Worthing ; of January, 1967, in the amount of $24, 684. 39, as certi- I Neiswende i fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the ; Atkinson f Auditing Committee. I Dunne s : Jardine : I 1 $ L : ADJOURNMENT: I 1 - I > 1 i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 30 P. I& ! I I I i t 1 I 1 t Respectfully submitted, I $ i 1 - i : x-. . !!,$ .,' ;.< i ";; ;L ,G,V .i:. d. (6: u~;.&/&/ L<,;j i I ,/;, /J._ -.. * L : MA'RG,ARET E, AGAMS t City Cierk 8 I < I I i I I r I I 1 , t f I I I I