HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-02-21; City Council; Minutes; 1vunul;es 01: CI.I'Y COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) : -.I ' I Date of Meeting: February 21, 1967 i Name '8, i Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P. MI, : 0-i ' : ("""-"""-"""* Place of Meeting: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Council Chambers : f+.:enbcr i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Worthing, I 8 I were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney Wilson and i i City Clerk Adams. i INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Atkinson. I $ 8' \' I I Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also present: I .* I I 1~ t I ! 4 I I . : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given, I i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I I : b * t ! I I i Minutes of the Adjourned Regular meeting held January I Worthing : 18, 1967, January 31, 1967, and the Regular meeting held i Neiswend i February 7, 1967, were approved as submitted. : Atkinson I * I * I : Dunne I i Jardine I I CORRESPONDENCE: ! I * * I 1 A requgst made by B. Mazloun for relief of penalty on . [ Worthing I business license fee was denied upon recommendation of : Neiswend i the staff, due to the fact Mr. Mazloun had been back in : i Atkinson ; the city since November, 1966. i Dunne I ; Jardine i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I There were no oral communications. * I I & t t & I I I I I I I I I i PUBLIC HEARING: 7: 30 P. M. I I I I I ! I * i (a) Petition requesZing annexation of certain properties ! ; designated "East Carlsbad Annexation no. 2. 6''. I ; Affidavits of Publication were presented by the Clerk i i from the Carlsbad Journal and the Blade-Tribune, after I : which the City Council ordered the Affidavits filed. : The Council was informed there were no written protests i I received up to the hour of 7: 30 P. fi4. * I Mayor Atkinson declared the public hearing open and I I ! ' announced the Council would hear from the applicant or I ; his representative. i MR. GRAHAM KELLY, stated the signators of the peti- i : tion own a combined 5/8th interest of the property pro- i i posed to be annexed, and represents approximately 365 ; : acres. As there were no written protests received he i i felt all the persons involved were in favor of the annexa- : : tion. I : The Mayor asked if there were any persons present who : i wished to speak in opposition to the proposed annexation? I i As there were no persons present desiring to speak in I : opposition, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed: i After discussion by the Council the following resolution i : i Resolution No. 1385. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I i mjm OF TEE ZITY OF CARLSBAD FINDING AYD I ; MADE AND ELECTING TO PROCEED WITH ANNEXA- i Worthing : TION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DES- iNeiswende i IGNATED EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.6, was: Atkinson : adopted by title only and further reading waived. 1 Dunne I * * - I I I I I I I I I * I I .I I I I I 1 I I I b t I I I 8 I 1 I I I i at 7: 35 P. M. I b 1 8 I was pr esentedr ! b *e i DECLARING THAT MAJORITY PROTEST ms Norr BEE^ I * I i Jardine I e I * I I a- ; Name =\, : of tq I ;""""""""'"""-""~""""""""""""~""--""""-""""~-------""-- : ft'ternber i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading:: I L 1 I I { Ordinance No. 1101. AN ORDINANCE OF T€E CI'LY i I i ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAI~J i TION NO., 2.6", was given a first reading b5~ title only ; I ' COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING 1 I PROPERTY DESIGNATED "EAST CARLSB-AD ANNE,=- : : and further reading waived, * : I * I : ENGINEERING: I I Worthing Neiswen Atkinson Dunne Jardine 6 4 I I I I : (a) Improvement of Jefferson St., et a1 - 1911 Act'Pro- i i ceedmgs. A. D. 2-1965. ! "I -i" I I - I : I - : i The Assistant Engineer informed the Council ten more i : easements had been received from the following property : i owners: : : Catheryn Fennel Christiansen, Marjorie Fennel Blainef Helen Fennel Champaux and Aneid A. Fennel * I MacQueen t I i John Edward and Flora Eunice Olsen ; Gerald I. and Dorothy H. Holmes I I t I I * I : I I i Luise Wright Aguilar I I I C, M, & Georgiana DeWeese 1 I i Marion T. and Veronica A. Steen ! i Wilbur C. and Charlotte M. Allen b I I I I : I t I i John F. and Katharine Doolan b. I I I 1 t :It was pointed out there were five more easements to be I i acquired, and the city is in hopes of receiving these I : easements prior to the Contract for the construction of i i the work being executed. t r Easements from the above named property owners were i Worthing I accepted, and the City Clerk directed to record the same,: Neiswendc ; for public right of way purposes. i Atkinson f ; Dunne i In accordance with the 1911 Act Proceedings, the following; I I : & 6 I I 4 * I I I i Jardine I I 8 ' I resolutions were presented: : I I I r : Resolution No. 1.382. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I I WUUFKZGFTTTKECITY OF CARLSBAD, ORDERING TH~ : CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS Worthing i AND ORDERING POSTING AND PUBLICATTON OF i Neiswendc i NOTICES INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS OR BIDS, ; Atkinson : A. D. No, 2-1965, was adopted by title only and further i Dunne { reading waived. : Jardine I t I i Resolution No. 1383. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY . i Worthing : CO.UNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERNIINIXG i Neiswendt : THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM : Atkinson ! WAGES, A. D. No, 2-1965, was adopted by title only and i Dunne : further reading waived. : Jardine I I I I i The City Attorney informed the Council in the event the ! ! needed for public right of way, the following resolution ; : had been prepared for the Council's consideration: : city were unable to acquire the necessary easements I : t * * I ! 0 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Resolution No, 1384 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I COUNCILTF-TRECITY OF CARS BAD AUTHORIZmG ; Worthi% AND DIRECTING CONDEMNATION OF EASEMENTS , i Neiswendc FOR PUBLIC STREET AND RIGHT OF WAY PURPOSES, ; Atkinson A. I). No. 2-1965, was adopted by title only and further i Dunne reading waived. ? 4 Jardine I I I * I I t I I I I I I I I I t * 8 .' ' 1 " 1 - 3- I Name '%, \' I : of ' :""""""""""""~"""~"""""""""""""~"""-"""""""""""" : Member 1 1 I : (b) Final Map of Sandalwood D2le Subdivision Unit f2. I The AssisFant Engineer p-eentedthenal map oi7" 1 I I I I * : Sandalwood Dale Subdivision Unit #2, and inforked the i i Council the Subdivider had conformed.to all the conditions : 1 and restrictions required. I I I I i This unit is located between James Drive ard Highland Dri : When the tentative map was discussed it was pointed out : i the official grade of 'Bassl:/ood ?.vc. i~oul d be .drbPP&d 4-1/2' ; In widening the street it would make a'cut of between 6 : i and 6 1/2' on the adjoining property owners property. ThCF ; would widen the street to 18'. Eventually the street will : l be widened to 20' when curb and gutter are installed. The: ; cut will be a slope cut. Also there is .a large Pine tree, i i. and they propose a 3/4 cut which will help to retain the i ; tree. The abutting property owner, Mrs. Daiger, has j i been contacted. There is also a rock wall that will have i I to be removed. I MRS. DAIGER, stated she did not feel it would do any i ! good to say anything. It was her understanding before the: ; city was incorporated that Gas srrood Aye., was a 40' street. ; This cut will make a difficut situation as well as being ! ; most inconvenient. If she is not able to use her garage i I she will have to park her car outside. I I i Cmn. Dunne asked howclose the house was to the proper- i I ty line, and Mr. Thornton stated it was 6' from the pro- : ! perty line. i I i Mrs. Daiger further stated she was not in a position to i : spend any money. She has one rental, and there was i parking area provided for the tenant; however, the widen-! : ing of the street will take the parking area. : Mr. Thornton pointed out there will be a 6' parking lane i i on Basswood, which Mrs. Daiger does not have now. I I i Mrs. Daiger stated she was concerned with the replace- I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I .I I 1 t I I I ! ment of the stone wall. 1 1 4 : b : Mr. Thornton stated there will be a slope cut and she can: I piant the slope with a ground cover. I I i After further consideration, by motion of the Council I Worthing : the Final Map o*f Sandalwood Dale Subdivision Unit #2 : Neiswend I was approved, and directions given to have the original !Atkinson : Lot "C" conveyed to the Subdivider, as recommended by : Dunne i the Engineering Department. i Jardine I I I I I I I I I I I J "_ . i PLANNING: . I c - I I I I I I i (a) Memorandum from Planning Commission - re: ! Tamarack Plaza. Memorandum from the Planning Com- i i m1TsioTdatec:February 14, 1967, stating the Planning : i February 8, 1967, regarding the added restrictions on 1 : Tamarack Plaza, at their regular meeting held February ; i 14, 1967, and the Commission unanimously agreed that i : they had no objection to the added restrictions. ! The City Attorney informed the Council that if the Council i i wished to proceed in this matter the added restrictions i : could be made a part of the conditions prescribed in the ; i resolution adopting the Precise Plan. I I " ; Commission considered the Council's memorandum dated ; I I I I I I)' I 1 I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I -Lf - I I I *\ '\ I i Name '8.7 I : of '; I : Member :-~"""""""~~",,-,,,,,,","~"".""""""""~""""~"'""""""~. i By motion of the Council the recommendation of the : Worthing t Planning Commission was accepted. i Neiswendc $ I I * e t I I : Atkinson I i Dunne ! I : Jardine I ! i Resolution No. 1361. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I 1 TDUFEE-OFTHE-CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCIEG i : FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING C€€ANGE OF ; Worthing i ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED i Nei sw end( ; PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZOXE : Atkinson i R-2 TO ZONE C-1, was adopted by title only and further i Dunne : reading waived. : Jardine i Resolution No. 1362. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY . i Worthing i COUNCIL OFTHECITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING I Neiswend : .PRECISE PLAN FOR TAIL'IARACK PLAZA, was adopted ! Atkinson I by title only and further reading waived. i Dunne I b I I I I I I I : Jardine ; Resolution No. 1364. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Worthing t TI?-cT~~L~F Tm-CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING ! Neiswend I TENTATIVE MAP OF TAMARACK PLAZA SUBDIVISION,: Atkinson i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Dunne I : Jardine i Ordinance No. 9203. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF i Worthing i CARLSBADTMmING ORDINANCE NO, 9060, CHANG- ; Neiswend : ING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZONE l Atkinson i R-2 TO ZONE C-1, was given a first reading by title only i Dunne : and further reading waived. : Jardine : NEW BUSINESS: 1 i (a) Proclamation - International DeMolay Week. Mayor I i Atkinson proclaimed the week of March 12-1 9, 1967, : f as "International DeMolay Week" in the City of Carlsbad. i : OLlD BUSINESS: I : . : The following ordinances were given a second reading: I I (a) Ordinance No. 3072. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY! Worthing i OF CKRLSRGSBmEmDmTG ASSEMBLY, DISASSEMBLY: Neiswend : OR REPAIR OF- MOTOR VEHICLES, was given asecond : Atkinson i reading by title only and further reading waived,. and i Dunne : adopted. : Jardine : (b) Ordinance No. 8046. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i i OF ~LSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UNI- ; : FORM BUILDING CODE, 1964 EDITION, -VOLUME 1, i AND THE APPENDIX THERETO, TOGETHER WITH. I Worth% : CERTAIN CHANGES ABD ADDITIONS, PROVIDING PEN-; NeiswendI i ALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING I Atkinson : CERTAIN ORDINANCES, was given a second reading by ! Ihnne i title only and adopted. i Jardine i (e) Ordinance No. 9202. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ; : OF amD-mETmNG ORDINANCE NO. 9060, ! Worthing i CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM i NeisWend i CARLSBAD, was given a second reading by title only and i Dunne : adopted. ; Jardine i (d) Report from Engineers - re: Water System Engineer; i ing sdy.7- i MR. JACK KUBOTA amplified on the Water System 1 I i Engineering Study, prepared by Mr, Wayne Lill and Mr. : ; Jack Kubota. 4 ? I I I I 1 I I t 8 I " % I I I - I I I 1 $ 8 I - I I I I I I I I I 9 I I I ! i ZONE R-1-10, 000 TO ZONE R-1-7,500 IN THE CITY OF f Atkinson I I I 0 - I "-I ; I --- I I t I ! I -5- ; Name -8, - I : of ': :""""""""""""""~""""""""~"""""-~"""""""""""""""" : Member I I I I I : The report made recommendations as to modernizing the i i system, and outlined a program for the next ten years. i { Mayor Atkinson thanked Mr. Kubota and stated he and I I Cmn. Dunne would be working with a citizens committee i f on sthis matter and would be in contact with both the ! i Engineers, 1 1 t The Mayor requested the Council members to submit ; 5 names of citizens who would be willing to work on this ! t committee. I I i Cmn. Dunne suggested that citizens be appointed to work I i with the Civic Center Committee. i By motion of the Council the Water System Engineering i Worthing i Study dated January, 1966, prepared by Wayne Lill and i Neiswend i Jack Kubota was accepted on behalf of the City of CarlsbacLAtkinson I & I I I 9 I 1 f t 8 I t 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I b i Dunne I : Jardine I 1 I * i Review of Capital Improvement Program. I I "- 4 8' t I I I I : Acceptance was given the Capital Improvement Program : Worthing i as submitted by the City Manager, with the condition that i Neiswend : each item be discussed by the Council prior to any action : Atkinson i being taken. i Dunne I 1 t : Jardine I I 8 * : Cmn. Worthing asked the City Manager how the program ; : as submitted would affect the tax rate? * 4 t 8 I i The City Manager informed the Council the Financial : Consultant has agreed to give his opinion on those items i scheduled for the General Fund. : Inquiry was made as to the construction of El Camino ! Real from Vista Way to Chestnut, and the Council was i informed the County of San Diego expects to go to bid : in March. I I I I t ' : Discussion was given as to a joint venture swimming I pool with the school districts. The City Manager stated ; it is estimated the pool would cost approximately i $120,000 by using the school facilities. 8 0 I 8 4 I I * I I 1 I I 8 * 8 I 8 1 8 0 I I I 8 * I * I I * I 1 8 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 8 I I I I 8 I I I 8 I I 8 I 1 I I Upon motion of the Council it was agreed that the school districts be contacted as to entering into a joint venture with the City for a swimming pool. Cmn. Jardine requested that the chart attached to the Capital Improvement Program be revised to identify the project with the source of funds. Cmn. Worthing stated the City Manager has set out a Capital Improvement Program for the next 10 years; however, nothing has been mentioned about the Harbor Report. I * I t I I t I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 4 I I r ! I I 1 8 b # I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I a I I I I I I I 1 ! Worthing Neiswendl Atkinson Dunne Jardine i Mayor Atkinson stated that due to the fact the report I 1 recommends a larger and broader district than the city 1 boundaries, it was his feeling a citizens committee should be used to review the Harbor Report as to its feasibility. I Also the committee should perhaps include citizens out- i side the City of Carlsbad. f It was the general concensus of the Council that the 1 4 I I i 1 I I I -6- 8. ' '1 1 ! Name '\, * I ! I 1 8 I I I I k I 8 4 1 ! I t I k I I ! t I * I I I I I 1 : of 8' """""""""""--""""--"""""".""""""""""""""""~"""~""" ! Member I I I harbor itself should not affect the Capital Improvement : Program as presented, as the items listed in the progras were every day items. Mayor Atkinson further stated it was his feeling the 1 I citizens of Carlsbad should be made aware of the problems facing the community the next few years, and that the I Council should not bear the burden of all these items. I I Therefore, he would like the Council to recommend 5 I names of citizens for each of the following committees: ; * I I I I t I * D I' I Water System Committee Civic Center Committee I 8 Harbor Committee I I I I : Weed Abatement Program. At the last meeting of the i i City Council the 'City AtEney presented a Weed Abate- i i ment procedure for the Council's consideration. * I 8 I a I The City Manager stated he objected to Item #lo, whereby: i th.e city would absorb the costs of administering the pro- r : gram rather than have it spread upon the property owner. ; i Cmn. Neiswender stated he felt the property owners who i ; do not abate the nuisance should bear the cost .of admini- i : stration. I I i By motion of the Council the Weed Abatement procedure i : as presented by the City Attorney dated February 1, 1967, i i was accepted, with the exception of Item #10 concerning ; ; the Cost of administering the program. I I : Master Park Plan. Mayor Atkinson pointed out the I I i parks and =Zion Commission was asked to present I : a Master Plan for parks, however, so far a report has I 1 not been submitted. I 8 I Cmn. Jardine informed the Council at the last meeting I : of the Commission they made a recommendation as to : i priorities, and the Council should receive this informa- i ! tion soon. ! t I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I . ; Survey of Public Nuisances. The Building Inspector re- i ported the ordinance rming nuisances became effec-- : tive last weekend. The property owners have been noti- i fied and if they do not comply the names will be submit- : ted to the City Council. : Downtown Project. Cmn. Neiswender stated he would i likerification as to the $50, 000.00 appropriated for : the downtown area. I I # I 8 I t I I t I t I I b D I t I I I I I 1 I I e ! The City Manager pointed out that no Council action had i i been taken on this matter. This was one of the items ; : listed in the Capital Improvement Program. I I : Chamber of Commerce. Cmn. Neiswender informed : i the Council a special meeting was being held tonight by i I members of the Chamber to discuss the Spring Holiday i I ; Program. f t i Approval of bills presented by Chamber of Commerce. i i Approval of the bills presented by the Chamber of Com- i Worthing : merce in the amount of $1,482.22 was given, as recom- I Neiswend, i mended by Cmn. Neiswender. i Atkinson I ; Dunne I I I I I " 9 * I I "- - I # I 0 f * 6 I I Jardine I f I I 1 I I ! 0 I I I I I ', -8 ' -7- ' ', ! i Name '8,' I I ; of '( :""""""""""""""""""""""""""-..-""""""""""""""""". : Member I I I I COIVIMITTEE REPOE TS: ! -~~- I I I I t : Library Building Committee. Cmn. Neiswender report- i i ed the Board and the commiaees have worked diligently : I and should be commended on their work. * 8 I 4 s I ! Cmn. Worthing reported that at the last meeting furnish- ; I I ings and equipment were discussed. The Friends of the : : Library have taken upon themselves to raise $12,000.00 i i by donations to help with the furnishings, and they have : : already received $5,000. I I i Agua Hedionda Lagoon Committee. Cmn. Neiswender i : reported the committee has speniconsiderable hours I i on this matter and this weekend should complete their i I field study, They have a great deal of data to compile. I I Joint Sewer Advisory Committee. Cmn. Dunne reported : : themmittee did not meet last month. San Marcos 1 8 i has indicated a willingness to become a part of the systerb. 1 I I r- - 1 1 * 1 i I I I 1 I I I ! I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 Space Study for City Hall and Police Facilities Committed. m3Tn?ii?reported the Space Study prepared by I * Schoell and Geritz for the City Hall. and Police Facilities 1 was an excellent report. The Committee has been inter- i viewing architects for the project, and a report and recommendation will be made to the Council. Business License Committee. Cmn. Jardine reported' i theBuYlTeZLicense CommXtee has established a regular meeting schedule. A great deal of the work done: by the previous committee is being used and updated. I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 ~ CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT i I - "-A- I I ; 4 I I (a} Drainage Improvement - re: Shelter. Cove. The i Citymnireported the Janss Gorp. wish to enlarge i ; the drainage structure for Shelter Cove, and the city has I i no objection. Therefore, an agreement has been pre- ; : pared for the Council's consideration. I 1 I I I ! I I t I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 8 I I s * I I 1 I t I I I I 8 I t I I I I * I I * I I I t I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I # I I By motion of the Council the Agreement between Janss ' I Worthing Corporation and the City of Carlsbad was approved and i Neiswend the Mayor authorized to execute the agreement on behalf i Atkinson of the City of Carlsbad. : Dunne : Jardine I I (b) Girls Club Lease. A lease has been prepared for I the Council'ciniration. There is a question as to ; the term of the lease. The City Manager pointed out the city moved the house i onto city property, and through volunteer help the house ; was placed on the property. The house and land belong i to the city. I I Mr. Don Dunham, representing the Girls Club stated I Mr. Swirsky who was handling the lease is in the hospi- i tal; however, it was felt the 30 day, cancellation clause ; t ; I I s I might cause an inconvenience to the continuity of the club: I A 90 day cancellation clause was discussed, and Cmn. i Neiswender stated he did not feel the city should allow ; one lessee a 90 day cancellation clause when there are i other lessees that-have a 30 day clause. He had no'ob- ; jection to a 90 day clause. I I 1 1 t I i I I I t .* I -0 - ; lYarne *\ -< t ; of \$ 8 ',! :""""""""~"""""""""""""""""".."""""""""""""""""". : Member : Approval was given the lease between the Carlsbad Girls i Worthing I Club ar,d the City of Carlsbad as presented, and the : Neiswende ! Mayor authorized to execute the lease on behalf of the I Atkinson I I I 1 * i City of Carlsbad, I I ! Dunne i Jardine ? I I The City Attorney was instructed to review all leases I I held by the City, including the Boy Scout building. I I i (c) Resolution kL1386, approving South Carlsbad State I Beacmer Agreement. This matt= was approved by i i the CounciTaxe last meeting by a simple motion, how- i i ever, the State would like the approval done by way of a i i resolution. i Resolution No. 1286. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : Worthing i COUNCiL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING , i Neiswende i SOUTH CARLSBAD BEACH SEWER AGREEMENT, was : Atkinson i adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Dunne I 8 e 4 1 I I t 8 I I I I 1 I I ; : Jardine I I * i Auditing of bills. Cmn. Dunne requested that the City ; ; AttorniymakSa study as to the criteria. and responsibili- I i ty of the Auditing Committee. I I i Claim for damages. The City has been named in a claim; : zor persTnEEiTes caused by a dog bite, and the City i 1 Attorney recommended the claim be denied. I I i By motion of the Council the claim made by Robert H. : Worthing ; Brooking on behalf of his minor daughter, Diana Brooking: Neiswende I was denied, as recommended by the City Attorney. I Atkinson I t I 4 t 1 I I * I I I * I I I i Dunne I ; Jardine I I i Acceptance of Easement. A 20' easement has been re- ! ; ceived by ?Fie cityfromhe Army and Navy Academy for i i flood control in the Buena Vista Lagoon. 1 $ i By motion of the Council the easement from the Army and! Worthing : Navy Academy for flood control purposes was accepted, I Neiswende . I and the Clerk instructed to record the same. : Atkinson I I s 8 4 ! Dunne I 1 L t Jardine I 0 D i Executive Session. The Mayor declared an executive ! : session to discuss personnel and possible litigation. I I i The Council adjourned to the adjoining room at 9:40 P. M. I : The regular meeting reconvened at 10: 00 P. M. , and the i i Mayor announced that no action was taken. Personnel : I and possible litigation was discussed. .I I - I I I I I t 1 I I : CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: - " I I I I I I : (a) Option to purchase Greenwood property - Atlantic I : Richfield Company. e City l\/lana.gFr informed-ke i CouncilnipEonto zrchase the Greenwood property i ; has been received from the Atlantic Richfield Company, i i Caldwell and Banker, is present this evening if the I I : Council wished to ask any questions. : Mr. HornacBy stated thefir'rn usually makes a 90 day i option at a nominal fee of $1. 00. Within the 90 days they i : may exercise their option. It is their understanding I i Mrs. Greenwood has a life estate, however, they are ! i willing to purchase the property now for future use. TheGe ; is one contingency - that the city would rezone the pro- f : perty for commercial use. I I ! in the amount of $150, 000. Mr. Hornaday, representing I I I I I I I I I 8 I I ,.. c I I I -Y - : Na me '\, ': ; of '5 \( I :""""""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""*"""""""""." : Member : I i Cmn. Dunne suggested that the Offer to Purchase be re- i i ferred to the Planning Commission and to the Parks and : I Recreation Commission for study. * * * I 1 I t ! Cmn, Jardine asked if the buyer would be willing to ex- I I i I. tend the option? I I I : I 1 ! Tv!k Hornaday stated they would give the city as long as ! , 1 they wanted, I : Mayor Atkinson stated it would perhaps be five years i I before the property could be used, and in five years the : ; property might be worth $250, 000. I I i By common consent the matter was referred to the Plan-! { ning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commis-: : sion for study and report back to the Council. I I : (b) Resolution No. 1387..- re: Administration of Gas Tax ! i Mon'ies. The Clmanager reported the administratiox ; of the State Gas Tax Monies is becoming a burden and i i cumbersome. The City of San Diego has recommended : : that the administration procedures be revised. This I 1 i matter is up before Senator Collier's committee. The ; ' portion of the Gas Tax Monies referred to is the added ! ! f $. 01 tax. I i Mayor Atkinson pointed out this revision has been recorn: : mended by the League of California Cities. Mr. Howard i i Gardner attended the last League Meeting and spoke on : : this matter. I t : Resolution No. 1387. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ; Worthing i PROPOSED REVISIONS TO SIMPLIFY ADMINISTRATIOfl Atkinson I OF GAS TAX STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, was i Dunne : adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Jardine : AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATI- I t 1 I ! 1 I I I I I 4 3 rn a 8 l I J s 8 <* I OUNCIL OFT-TITY OF CARLSBAD, SUPPORTING : Neiswende I I I f i ~T~~PAYRoLL: " "- 8 I I * ------- . i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the ! ! general fund in the amount of $25,184.41 and for the Water; I Worthing i Department in the amount of $436.47 for the period : Neiswende : February 7, 1967 to February 21, 1967, as certified by I Atkinson i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Dunne : Committee. i Jardine : Ratification of payroll was given for the first half of i Worthing i February, 1967, in the.amount of $23, 276.81, as certi- I Neiswende : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit-: Atkinson i ing Committee. ': Dunne f I * I I * b i I Jardine I I : ADJOURNMENT: I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 08 P. MI - I I 4 V I t I I * I i Respectfully submitted, I i "j' 14. /qy 25 r gkii I MARG RET E. ADAMS i City dlerk : I t 0 I ! t I f I I t I I 0 I 1 I I I I I I 1 i I I I I I I t I