HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-07; City Council; MinutesI . : CITY OF CARLSBAD =, '. " ' i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meetingj '., '\, '\, ! Date of Meeting: March 7, 1967 : Nan@ '*, " { Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of '3 ("""""""""-""" j Place of Meeting: "~""""""""""~"-~"""-."""--""-~~""""""" Council Chambers : Member ' '\ - I 1 ! i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen \!orthing, i .: Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also ; i present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney ; : Milson and City Clerk Adams. I i t : INVOCATION was answered by Mayor Atkinson. I I i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. t : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I (a) Minutes of th.e regular meeting of February :Northing 1 21, 1967 were approved. as corrected. I ? I I I * b 8 I .. : Neisweidc 4 r Atkins.on I ; Dunne a I Jardine I I I ! I t I 1 ! CORRESPONDENCE: s I I I ! Letter hated February 23, 1967, from the South- i { ern California Speedboat Club, Inc., was acknow-: : ledged by the Mayor, and he stated there would i i be a report on special events made by the com- ; : .mittee at a later date. ! Mayor Atkinson acknowledged a letter from Walter: i N. Anderson, dated February 28, 1967, concerning: ' : his father's property at 2987 Highland Avenue.' i 6 I I I I I I I I ; Permission was granted the Carlsbad Junior : Northing i Chamber of Commerce to invite the SJM Fiesta I Neisnend : shows to appear in Carlsbad June 14 through i Atkinson i June 18, 1967, at the Pine Avenue School,.as re-: Dunne . : quested in their letter dated February 22, 1967.: Jardine I I I I ! A Special Use Permit was granted Jay F. Hoffman,! Northing I 4901 El Camino Real, for a skeet range in his : Neiswend : back yard, with the provision that the permit :Atkinson i be reviewed annually: i Dunne I I I I Jardine e l I t I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I I 1 I I I # ! I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I e I I I * 1 I I I I I 8 b I I I I I I I I I * 8 I I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (a) Resolution of Intention #59 of the Carlsbadi Northinc City Planning Commission to consider the amend- :Neiswenc ment of Section 300 of Ordinance #9060, concern-! Atkinsor ing Names of Zones, was continued until March ; Dunne 21, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. : Jardine .(b) Resolution of Intention #60 of the Carlsbad: Northin: C.ity Planning Commission to consider the amend- 1 Neiswenc ment of Section 1400 of Ordinance #9060, to ; Atkinsor include additional, uses under "Conditional Uses"! Dunn'e was continued until March 21, 1967, at 7:30 P.M.: Jardine I I (c) Improvement of Madison St., et a1 - 1911 i Act Proceedings - re: Filing of Assessment. I 1 The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publica- i tion, Posting and Ma.iling, and the same were i ord'ered filed. I I . 1 ! 1 I I -,. .* '. I I I t I I t I * I ; I I" I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I k I I I I I t I I I I I I * I I I t a t I I I I I I 6 I I I 8 I I I I t I * I I I t I I b I I I I I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I 1 : 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I $ t b I I I I I I * I 1 ! I * t I I 0 I I t I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I -2- l a ,- t '., ', '.$ ; of '.3 I i Name '-,'" 8' : Member ."""""""""-,-,"""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ 1 The Council was informed no written correspond- i ence had been received up to the hour of 7:30 J P.M. : The Mayor announced this was the time and place i fixed by the City Council to hear all persons i desiring to speak in favor of the Assessment or : in opposition to the Assessment. REV. LUIS ENRIQUEZ, Pastor of the Assembly of I God church, located on Madison Street, stated .. : he did not wish to protes't, but would like to i have clarification as to whether or not ttie Assessment would affect the church property? The City Attorney stated that church property i was not exempt from an assessment. I I i b I t I b I I I 1 * I I I t The City Manager explained to Rev. Enriquez that! t church properties are exempt from property taxes:, however, they are not exempt from assessments : in an improvement district if the property bene-: fits by the improvement. I I As there were no other persons desiring to speak:, the Mayor declared the public hearing' closed at : 7:40 P.M. The following resolution was presented for con- i sideration, and the Engineer of Work reviewed : the Assessment Diagram for the Council: I I Resolution No. 1390. A RESOLUTlON OF TKE CITY i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSGAD OVERRULIi4G ALL PROTESTS ON THE ASSESSMENT, CONFIRMING TKE i Northing ASSESSMENT AND CONFIRMING THE REGULARITY OF .. : Neiswendl PROCEEDINGS, A.D. No. 5-1964, Madison Street, ; Atkinson et a1 , was adopted ,by title only and further LDunne reading wai ved. I Jardine I 1- 1 I I I t 8 'k I : PARKS AND RECREATION: (a) Street trees in Subdivisions - ,re: Ordi- nance No. 9174. .Memorandum from the Parks and "" ~ . Recreation Commission dated February 28, 1967, was considered, req.uesting that Ordinance No. 9174 be amended to require.street trees .in sub- divisions be changed from 5 gallons to a mini- mum size of 12 gallons in the future. By motion of the Council the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission was approv- ed and the City Attorney instructed to prep-are .. ~ an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9174. I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l a Worthing Nei swen.dl Atkinson Jardine Dunne (b) Joint Swimming Pool Project. Memorandum I from the Parks and Recreation Commission dated I February 28, 1967, stating the Commission 'was i very much in favor of the City's plan for the i two school districts joining with the City in ; the construction of a swimming pool , was acknow-:. ledged by the Council. I 1 . I I I : 1- I I I I . I .\ '\ ' I I I I " . ' I I t -3- I " I 8 '* I : of '! :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""~"""""" i Member ! \\ 8' '8 I i Name '8, I I * I I I I I I I 4 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I i NEW BUSINESS: i (a) Proclamation - re: .Camp 'Fire Girls' Birth-! : day Week. Mayor Atkinson proclaimed the week of: I March 12 - 18, 1967, as Camp Fire Girls' Birth- i t day Week, in recognition of the importance and i i excellence of the program. t I t I I I ' (c) Street tree for Carlsbad B'lvd, Memorandum ! ! 8 : dated February 28, 1967, from the Parks and Re- ; i creation Commjssion was presented, requesting : ; that Fan Palms (Washingtonia Robusta} be speci- i i fied as the street tree for Carlsbad Blvd., re- : I placing any previously named trees. i By motion of the Council Fan Palms (Washingtonia Northing 'i Robusta) were approved for Carlsbad Blvd.', and Neiswend ; that the planting be accomplished in accordance Atkinson I with the recommendation of the Parks and Recre- Dunne : ation Commission. tr Jardi ne b 8 t t I i (b) Proclamation - re: Ameri'can Field Service ! : I .- Meek. The Mayor proclaimed the week of March 6 i ; to March 12, 1967, as American Field Service : Week, and called upon all citizens to join fn i i congratulating and supporting the Carlsbad Chap-: : ter in bringing to the Carlsbad High' School this: : year a girl from Manila. ! I I * I I I i OLD BUSINESS: I I I I I I I i (a) Second reading of Ordinance #92.03.,' changing! ; certain designated property from Zone R-2 to. i i Zone C-1. The following ordinance was presented: : for a second reading: I : i Ordinance No. 9203. Ah' ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY i Northing i OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90.60, CHANG" { Neisnendt . : ING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-2 :Atkinson i TO ZONE C-1 , was given a second 'reading by title: Dunne . i only and further' reading waived. i Jardine ! (b) Second reading of Ordinance #1101, re: East! : Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.6. The following I I ordinance was presented for a second reading: I I I I I I I I # I I I . Ordinance No. 1101. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING AN- :Northing i NEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN ; Neiswendf : PROPERTY DESIGNATED EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION i Atki nson NO. 2.6, was given a second reading by title : Dunne only and further reading waived. ; Jardine ! i I I I I I I i COMMITTEE REPORTS: I I * 8 8 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I a ! : * Use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Cmn. Neiswender : stated the committee was in hopes of having theib report ready; however, there was a question as : to the land use. The report should be ready to i present to the legal staff by the next meeting, I and then it will be presented to the owners of 1 the land. The Council should receive the report; by the April 4th meeting. I 0 I I I I ; Civic Center Building Committee: Crnn. Dunne i i reported the committee interviewed seven archi- I 6 I I 1 I I f 1 ! i - .- I I I I '8 8, '8 ! -4- I ', 8 8 I 8 '. I 1 ? 8 -, i Name \\, : of 'q 8 :"""""""""""-"""""""-""""~-""-.""""""""~"""""""""- i Member I ' tectual firms and the following recommendations i : are submitted: ! : ; 1. That the firm of Weber and Edwards, A.1.A.j i of San Diego, be employed as Architects for the : : design of the Civic Center, and that the City ' { I I a I I b i enter into negotiations to contract for their ! t t I I I ? I I I I i t I I I I I 1 I I I b I I 8 I 1 t 1 * I I 8 I I I I I 'I I I I I I /' I I I I I I I I .I I 1 t 1 9 I 1 I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I b 8 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I e I I I * I I I I I 8 b I t * I I I I I 0 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I services, subject to Council approval. . I I I 1 2. That the Space Analysis Study conducted by: Schoell & Geritz be approved and used as the t 1 basis for the design of the Civic Center struc- i tures, with the following exceptions and addi- ; tional provisions: 1 I I * I (a) That the space requirements be set : at 15,000 sq. ft., with an allowable 70% de- i viation. Any increase over this maximum con- : wi 11 require speci fi c Councii Approval : (b) That consideration be given to com- : bining the City Hall and Council Chambers into: (c) That the structure be designed to i permit possible future expansion without undue: expense or sacrifice of architectural merit. : sidered essential by the -design Architects ! I I I I I . one structure for possible greater economy. t I I t I By motion of the Council the above recommenda- !Northing tions submitted by the Building Committee were i Neiswendt approved. ; Atkinson i Dunne : Jardi ne I Chamber of Commerce; Cmn, Neiswender reported i that inquiries received by the Chamber of. Corn- ; merce are at an all time high. and are being : personally handled. As a side line for the Spring Holidays there will be a Golf Match held : at the Sintarosa Golf Course. I I Cmn. Neiswender further reported there seems to i be some difficulty regarding the public rest rooms at the Chamber. office. They are asking i that the rest rooms for the public be separated : from the Chamber offices. I I The City Manager was requested to check into this matter with the Chamber President. Parks and Recreation: Cmn. Jardine presented a i priority list of acquisition and facility re- i quirements prepared by the Parks and Recreation ! Commission, and informed the Council this list i was for informational purposes only. Wate'r: The Mayor informed the Council the \+later: Committee met with Mr. Jack Kubota to..discuss : the Water Engineering Report in detail, in order! to cut down on the cost of the initial program. ; Mr. Kubota was present and discussed items list-: ed in the report for.immediate construction. I I He informed the Council they estimated that these items would cost $1,188,000.00; however, i there were some items that could possibly be 1 8 I a I t t 8 4 8 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I * I I h -5- b \ .\ ' I \' I ', \ ' L I \, ', '1 I Name '-, ' ', I I e * I t l I : Gf ', I""""""""-""""-"-""""""""""~""""""""~""""~""~"""" : Member a I I I eliminated or deferred. Some of the minor items! i are either under construction now or are sched- ; : uled for construction. : Discussion was given as to the various pressure : t zones in the City and the proposed pressure zone;. I Mr. Kubota indicated that due to the proposed i I increase in the water pressure, there would I I : probably be individual property owners who will : ; have to install pressure valves. i After further discussion it was agreed that a i : supplemental report be submitted', indicat'ing the: i pressure in the various zones at the present I I : time and the proposed pressure. : By motion of the Council the Water Engineering :Northing I Report was accepted in general, with specific jlileiswend I I Dunne I : Jardine I The City hlanager informed the Council Mr. Richarb ; Bartle was present and had submitted the final ; i draft of the report for Financing the klater i System Improvements. i Mr. Bartle stated they had completed their re- i : port for the Council's consideration. As in- :' i dicated previously, if the Council wished to I I : finance the $1,188,000.00, it would necessitate : i a bond issue of $1,500,00,0.00, to include inci- i ; dental expenses. This would mean a water rate i i increase of 40%; if they choose to finance * I $l,OOO,OOO,OO this would call for a bond issue i ; of $i,250,000.00, to include in'cidental expenses; ! with a water rate increase of between 25 and i 30%. In the event the Council does not wish to i . : exceed a $1,000,000.00 bond issue, a 20%.water : i rate increase would be sufficient; however, with: : a $1,000,000.00 bond issue, only 70% of this i amount could be used for construction after in- I : cidental expenses are deducted. . i Mr. Bartle further stated that the water rate f : increase that would be adopted now would carry ; I the City through the entire project. No rate : ! increase would be necessary to generate the a l : program. : In closing Mr. Bartle suggested that he submit : I a supplemental report in regards to the items i i ately, i. e., New Ellery Reservoir, Hedionda ! : Feeder, Elm Avenue Feeder and Telemetry, and I I i he would have this for the Council by the April i : 4th meeting. I : Business License Committee: Cmn. Jardine re- ! r ported the committee is progressing. They have I : been a.dvised by the League of California Cities : i that a new document will be published soon and i : they have requested copies of the document for ; i study. I * ! I I b t I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I $ * I I I I 1 i ' implementations to be decided at a later date. !Atkinson I t t I' I t I L I I I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 B t I I I I ; presented by Mr. Kubota as being need immedi- I I I I 0 I I i Library Dedication Committee; Cmn. Northing i I l I 1 1 I t e I I I 8 t I * \- I * '\ '\ I ' " I ! '. '\ f -6- - I ', ' '$ I fi I I i . Name '\, I : of ~~"""""""""""""""""""""~"""""."""""""""""""""""", e Member -, '< \ 1 1 I ! I I @ ! reported the first meeting of the commit.tee wou'ldj i be held tomorrow morning. $ * f ' i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 1 I I I i (a) Roberts' Refund Agreement.. The City AttornGy : informed the Council that Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, i I 369 Hemlock Avenue, extended a sewer line up I i Hemlock Avenue from the main in Washington Stre&, ; and they were assured by the City they would be ; : entitled to a refund agreement so that if the 1 i property on the other. side of the street ever : : made use of the sewer main they would be reim- i i bursed a portion of their cost. Apparently they : ; never received this agreement, and there is a i development going in across the street from their: i property. ; a b ~y 'motion of the Council the City Attorney was i Northing I instructed to prepare a Refund Agreement betweenjNeiswendc 1 I the City and the Roberts, and the Mayor was i Atkinson : authorized to execute the same. i Dunne L i Jardine i City Leases. At the regular meeting held Febru- I : ary 21, 1967, the City. Council requested infor- i i mation regarding the terms of various City 'Leases: : In checking the leases they appear to a71 have i i a thirty dcy cancellable clause. I I I After consideration by common consent of the : Council it was agreed that the lease between the I i City and the Girls' Club stand as orfgfnally I I : presented, to include a thirty day cancellation i i clause. I I I ;Acceptance of Deeds. Three more deeds have been * i received by the City for street purposes in re- ; 1 . ; gards to the improvement of Jefferson Street, et : i al. I I : By motion of the Council the deeds were accepted i I from Herbert P. and Lois E. Cole, Leo J. and : lilo r t hi n.g : Dorothy M. Lizee, and Arthur C. and Yirginia L. I !ieiswendt i Nicolet, Marguerite D. Meriliat and Helen C. ; Atkinson : Carson, and the City Clerk instructed to record I Dunne i the same. : Jardine i Cmn. Worthing requested that a review be made of 1 : all properties owned by the City, and that the ; I staff make a recommendation as to whether the I I : properties should be held or sold. I I I 8 I I I I I. 9 I I L I I t I I I I I 1 I t I I 8 a I I I 1 The City Manager stated a report was made on City! t properties approximately a year ago, and this I I : report could be brought up to date. : CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I I I I 1 ! I I i (a) Request by Carlsbad Girls' Club - re: : Recreational Facilities. I I ! I I I I I i Permission was granted the Carlsbad Girls' Club i : to install at least one tether ball pole and one i i set of volleyball poles in Holiday Park, for use ; : by the Girls' Club during their activities and i 0 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I ! I. I L ..I I , -\ ' ,' I I 1 ', - ', I -7- 8 \' I \ '3 I : of ' :"""-"""""""""""""""""""""""..-~"""""""""-~"~""""" ; Member t i Name '8, I I I I 'a I for use by the community at other times , as re- i Worthin! t quested by Mrs, Sue Team, Executive Director of ; Neiswenc ; the Carlsbad Girls' Club. 8 i Atkinsor i I 8 I i Dunne : Jardine b ! i (b) Recommended items submitted by City Auditor.! i In a communication from the City's Auditors, I I : Carroll ii Brantley, six items for improving the : i City's financial operation were recommended. The! ; City Manager reported to the Coun-cil the action : i taken in regards to five of the items, and, pre- i ; sented a list of proposed charges for inst'alla- : i tion of water meters, as recommended in Item 6 i ; of the Auditors' report. i After consideration by the Council , by motion of: Northing i the Council the City Attorney was instructed to I Neiswenc ; prepare an ordinance regarding a change in meter ; Atkinson I staff. I I I I I I I I [ rates, according to the recomrnend6tion of the i Dunne : Jardine i (c) Proposed regulations and procedures ,for re- : : 1oc.ation and removal of buildings. The City # I i Manager informed the Council in accordance wfth ; i i Ordinance No. 8045, it is necessary to establish i ; rules and regulations for relocation and moving : : of buildings. Copies of the proposed regulations: I and procedures were presented for the Council Is : : consideration. I I I I i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATPFICA- :: i TION OF PAYROLL: 1 + I I t i Authorization was given for the payment of bills ! : for the general expenses of the City in the 1 i amount of $32,284.93 and for the Water Department! Northing i February 21, 1967 to March 7, 1967, as certrfi'ed : Atkinson i Auditing Committee. : Jardine I Ratification of the payroll was given for the i ilorthi ng : second half of February, 1967, in the amount of i Neiswenc i $24,279.28, as certified by the Director of : Atkinson : Finance and appr0ve.d by the Auditing Comm'i.ttee. i Dunne * : Jardine i ADJOURNMENT: I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at : 9:40 P.M. : in the amount of $2,135.71 , for the period I Neiswenc . : by the Director of Finance and approved by the ' i Dunne 8 I * I 8 I 1 1 I I I I * 1 I I I I 1 t : Respectfully submitted, I I L- j /$a i L. //".- r: :: ft., 4; , Y! L. .;/I ($7 ,-?. &/' i MAR.GAR.ET E. ADAMS ', .,I < : City CJerk I * I I I I I t I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I ! a I I I 1 I I I I I * I I 1 I I 6 I b t i I