HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-21; City Council; Minutest I. \" \" '\ ' !CITY OF CARLSLAD ! '. '*\ '. ! Minutes of: I CITY COUKCIL (Regular Meeting): \\ ', :Date of Meeting: March 21, 1967 ; Name '*,, :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of i-e-Lace,-o-f-Me-e~_~~g; ____ €Q-~P-~i-~_-~b-~rnbers .._-___._______________: : ____________, Member i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, I Neiswender, Atkinson and Dunne, Councilman I Jardine was absent. Also present were City I Manager Mamaux, City Attorney Wilson and City I C1 erk Adams. i INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Atkinson. . I I I I b I 3 b 1 t I I I b 8 I 4 .I I I 8 I I I -e 1 i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 7, ! Worttiin! : 1967 were approved as presented. i Neiswenc I : Atkinsor I i Dunne 8 v * I I I 4 4 I ; t 1 I I I I CORRESPONDENCE: i Letter dated March 13, 1967, from the Oceanside- i : Carlsbad Union High School District, stating the i i letter received from the City of Carlsbad, con- ; i cerning a joint venture involving the City of i Carlsbad, the Elementary District and the High i 1 School District would be presented to the High I I School District Board of Trustees at their I 1 : regular meeting on March 28, 1967. ; Letter dated March 8, 1967, from Jay F. Hoffman, t f thanking the Mayor and members of the Council for; ! their consideration in granting him a Special Use! i Permit for a skeet range, and assuring the City ; i that if it proved to be an annoyance, he would 1 i cease the use thereof. I I i Letter dated March 15, 1967, from EARCO commend- i : ing the Council for an excellent and perceptive i i choice in the hiring of Weber & Edwards as I : architects for the new city offices. : Letter from Joseph D. McCarthy, dated March 21, i I1967, submitting his resignation from the Plan- i : ning Commission effective March 21, 1967, due to : i the fact he is moving to La Jolla, and thanking i : the Council for the opportunity of serving on I I the Commission. I 8 ; By motion of the Council Mr. McCarthy's resigna- ;Northing ! ! ! tion from the Planning Commission was accepted INeiswenc I with regret, with the request that a letter of :Atkinson : appreciation and thanks be sent to Mr. M.cCarthy :Dunne i for his service. I t I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: ! MR. RICHARD D. T1.1IFORDY 3670 Catalina Dr., stated! I he would like to present a petition with 92 sig- : : natures attached, petitioning the City of Carlsba9 i for at least one additional access to El Camino i : Mesa Subdivision. Five months ago they notified ; i the City Council there were 135 homes in the sub-: : divisi'on with only one access. Approval has re- : * 1 I I I 1 I + 1 I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I a I I I 4 I I I 8 I I I I I i cently been .given- for 90 additional homes in the i ; subdivision. The petitioners are requesting that! -0 I I I 9 ! I $ I 2 I I I I I ? I ! i' , "\ ' I 1 . 8. '7 1 I '., '., '. I I 1 I I I -2- I -1 8 '. 8 ' ', i ~arne '\, I of . I :"""""""""""""""""""""""""~~"""""""--""""""""""- : Member I I I I e i an additional access be provided prior to work : I commencing on El Camino Real at Chestnut Avenue i i and before any work is permitted for El Camino : !Mesa Unit X5. 1 ; Cmn. Northing asked if he had any recommendations' : as to the solution? !Mr. Twiford stated Trieste Drive is now blocked i i and this could be opened up to provide another I ; access. i ! : MR. TONY SHEFFLER stated he lived on Catalina 'Dr.! f next door to where the fire station is proposed i : to be built, and he would like to know if the i city is going to maintain the lot? He has had i : to clean the lot at times himself. Also he did : i not know if he should build a fence now or wait i ; until the fire station is built. I The City Manager stated the fire station would I ! probably not be built within the next fiscal year:. i The City Manager was requested to check into the i : maintanance of the lot. * I I I + t * t I I I I I 8 t I I I I * I * I I 1 I I I I f I I I PUBLIC HEARINGS: I I I I I I L I (a) (Continued) Resolution of 1ntent.ion 859 of i i the Carlsbad City Planning Commission to. consider: ; the amendment of Section 300 of Ordinance #9060, i i concerning Names of Zones. 1 1 I 4 I i The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication : and the same was ordered filed. ! The Council was informed that no written corres- : pondence had been received. I The Mayor announced this was the time fixed by : the City Council to hear all persons desiring to : speak in opposition to the proposed amendment. I 1 I I I $ I I I I I I I I I 4 I * I I * 1 I I I I 1 I I I I : As there were no persons desiring to speak the i i M'ayor declared the public hearing closed at 7:40 ; : P.M. 1 The City Planner informed the Council the Plan- i i ning Commission proposed this amendment due to : : the fact two zone names had been added, i.e., I R-t and R-R. i The following resolution was presented, after i e l e I 1 I I I I 1 * * I I I f .: discussion was given on the matter: 1 I I I I I 1 : Resolution No. 1388. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING : FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING AMENDMENT OF iNoything i SECTION 300 OF ORDIllANCE NO. 9060 REGARDING i lieiswend i NAMES OF ZONES, was adopted by title only and :Atkinson : further reading waived. i Dunne t I .I I b 0 :The following ordinance was presented for a firsti I readi ng : I I I I I I I I s I I I I # I t I 1 i A ' .,' 1 t * ', I I ; ',' '\,8 '\ I I I 1 5 I -3- I 88 '*, '8. I : of $ I * t t : Name '8, :""""-"""""""""""""""""""""".*""""""""""-~"""""" i Member !Ordinance No. 9204. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I ICOur\rCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDIP!G SECTION ilu'orthin! :300 OF ORDINANCE 1\10. 9060 REGARDING NAMES OF i Nei swenc :ZONES, was given a first reading by title only :Atkinsor i and further reading waived. ; Dunne ! 8 1 I I I I -0 1 I I I I i I I I t I I i I (b) (Continued) Resolution of Intention #60 of i of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission to con- i sider the amendment of Section 1400 of Ordinance : #9060, to include additional uses under "Condi- ; tional Uses". I I + i f t' ; The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publycation i i and the same was ordered filed. # I i The Council was informed that no written corres- i : pondence had been received. i The Mayor announced this was the time fixed by ; i this Council to hear all persons desiring to + I : speak in opposition to the proposed amendment. i As there were no persons desiring to speak, the i i hearing was declared closed at 7:50 P.M. I I i The City Planner stated an applicant wished to I 1 lace a Rursery for plants , etc., on property : i yocated near the intersection of Interstate #5 I ; and Palomar Road, and as Nurseries were not list-; : the Planning Commission they should be handled ; i by way of a "Conditional Use". i I i After discusssion by the Council, the following i : resolution was presented: { Resolution No. 1389. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANMOUNCIRG ; FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDIFiG AMENDMENT TO i SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060, :Northing : TO INCLUDE ADD1TIO;IAL USES PERMITTED UNDER CON- ! Neiswend i DITIOldAL USES, was adopted by title only and :Atkinson : further reading waived. i Dunne I The following ordinance was presented for a first! i reading: : I i Ordinance NO, 9205, AI\I ORDIMANCE OF THE CITY OF i t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t i ed in any particular zone, it was the feeling of 1 I I $ 8 I b 'I t I I .I : t I : I I I I I I : CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, OF ; : ORDII?IANCE NO. 9060, BY ADDING SUBSECTION (21) TO !Northing i INCLUDE ADDITIONAL USES PERMITED UNDER CONDITION-j Neiswend IAL USES, was given a first reading by title only :Atkinson ! and further reading waived. i Dunne !. 1 I : ENGINEERING: I I I t I I .I ! (a) Request for waiver of street improvements I i in connection with a lot split. (William D. I I ; Cannon) .The City Engineer informed the Council i I Mr. Cannon is requesting a lot split on a Dortion: i of Lot I'H" of Rancho Agia Hedionda, lying easter-i : ly of El Arbol Dr., westerly of the railroad and i i southerly of what is now known as Cannon Road. i : In accordance with the City ordinance a lot split! i requires installation of street improvements on ; i border streets. Mr. Cannon is requesting a 0 I I I I I r I I t I 4 8, %, .\ ' 1 8. '\ ', I b I & ! '\ \ '\ : ! i Name \\,% I : of I : Member :""""""""""""""""""""""""""-."""""""-""-";"""""". I -\ ' t' -4- ! *\ '. I s I 1 f I 0 i waiver of street improvements on Cannon Road, I i adjacent to Parcel 2 of the lct split, inasmuch i : as a large portion of the right of way lies with-: i in the lake. The staff recommends that the owner! : enter into a future street improvement agreement : i and that he dediate sufficient right of way for 1 i an 84' str-eet. Mr. Cannon has agreed to improve : ; El Arbol Street now. e I i Mr. Cannon was present and stated he had previous> i ly dedicated sufficient land for a 60' right of i I way for Cannon Road. It was his understanding : i the City would improve Cannon Road. : ! i The City Engineer informed the Council that at i ! such time as Cannon Road was improved the City : i would improve 40' of pavement and the property I ; owner would have to pay for the additional width.: i Cmn. Northing asked that the matter be cieferred ! i until he could look into the matter. I I I By common consent it was agreed that a full re- i I port be made to the Council at the next meeting ; : of the Council, together with copies of the i agreement between the City and Mr. Cannon. i (b) Offer of street dedication - Arthur Morgan. i : The offer of street dedication on Tamarack Ave. I Worthin! i from Arthur Morgan ar,d Dorothy Morgan was accept-: Neiswenc i eci and the City Clerk instructed to record the i Atkinsor ; deed, said deed being dated March 3, 1967. ; Dunne : I I 1 I I I I I I I t t I I I 1 I I I I I * I ! (c) Report on Jefferson Street, et a1 , bid : response. The City Engineer informed the Council 1 i sealed bids were received on March 20, 1967, for : 4 8 t i the improvement of Jefferson Street, et a1 ,-and i ; that M. L. Chi1co.te Construction Company of San ; : Diego ' was the low bidder in the amount of 1 i $138,838.11. This bid was approximately 14% I I I below the Engineer's estimate, and the Engineer- I / ing Department recommends that this bid be ac- ; I cepted. However, they also recommend that the : ; award of contract be deferred until April 4, 1962, i in order that the City Attorney can gain posses- I : sion on two p'arcels of benefiting property. I I i By common consent it was agreed that the bid of i : M, L. Chilcote Construction Company be accepted : ; in general, and that the award of contract be ! I deferred as recommended by the Engineering De- i ; partment. 1 I I I 1 1 I t I 1 .: (d) Approval of City participation for street I i improvement of Madison Street, et al. The City : ; Engineer informed the Council the work on Nadisoi I Street, et al, had been completed, and they 1 I : would like the Council to approve the City's : 79,468.75. t I t I 'p articipation for this project in the amount of i I ! I ; The City Manager pointed out this amount had been: ; i provided in the budget. I 0 I I 1 I I I I * I I I I ; The City Manager pointed out this amount had been: ; i provided in the budget. I 0 I I 1 I I I I * I I I I I I I I i I I I ! : -8 ' I \ ', '8 ' I I \ . " I I I I b I 8- I I x, ', '8 I -5- ! ! Name '8, t 1 of .8 .8 I \' I :"""--""""-"""""""""""""""""".."""""""""~"~""""""~ 8 ; Member 1 I 0. ! BY motion of the Council authorization was given !\",orthing i for the expenditure of $79,468.75 from funds as :Neiswend : provided in the budget, to cover the amount of !Atkinson i city participation for Madison Street, et 21. :Dunne !(e) Russell lu'. Grosse - re: Clarification of : !requirement for lot splits in connection with the: jimprovement of James Drive. Letter dated March 13, :1967, from Russell X. Grosse, stating it was his i :understanding that the engineering for the open- i :ing and improvement of James Drive is substantial; jly.completed. He asked if under a 1911 Acit Asses: ;ment District as contemplated for James Drive, is! !it a mandatory requirement that the perimeter ! , !properties improve tlteir existing street opening ; ifrontages prior to being allowed to split off ; those lots fronting on the proposed new James Dr.! i A map of the proposed street was presented for i i the Council Is review. ! The City Manag.er informed 'the Council this was in! i affect the same situation as Stratford Lane. The: : opening of James Dr. will create other lot splits:, : and the property owners are asking that the i street improvements be waived on Arland Ra., : Highland Dr., Buena Vista, Forest and Wilson Ave.: i The property owners would like a policy establish: :ed by the Council that any future lot spits in : i this area the street improvements would be waiv- i ; ed. The staff recommends that the street improve; ! rnents be waived, and that the property owners ! i enter into a future street improvement agreement.! : Discussion was given as to whether this would ; i establish a precedent as to other lot splits. I 1 I The City Manager further stated it was the feel- i ; ing of the staff that the success or failure of : ; James Drive depends on the Council's action in I i this matter. I I i After further discussion it was agreed that the i ; matter be held over until the next regular meet- ; : ing for further study. I I 1 I + 4 I I I t 8 I I I I * 1 I I I .I I * I 8 I t + I I I I I I * I I I r PLANNING: I i I I i (a) Memorandum - re: Tentative map of Park Manov': i Subdivision. Memorandum from the Planning Com- 1 ; mlsslon was presented, together with a copy of ; : Resolution #489 of the Planning Commission, i adopted March 14, 1967, disapproving the'tenta- i : tive map of Park Manor Unit '3" Subdivision. I I i After discussion by the Council the following i i resolution was considered: f I t 4 * I $ I I I I I i Resolution No. 1391. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSSAD, DENYI.tqG TENTA- iuorthing : TIVE SUBDIVISION MAP OF PARK MANOR U:IIT llB1l SU6-INeiswend i DIVISION, was adopted by title only and further :Atkinson i reading waived. i Dunne 0 I I I 1 I t I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? 1 t I i '\, y\, . t -6- I ! ; Name 'x,, I : of 1 I I I ' *' 1 '\ , ' 1' \' I \' 1 I I :""""."","""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""~"-. : Member 1 (b) Memorandum - re: Street name seiection. :A memorandum from the Planning Commission dated .i i March 17 , 1957, was acknowledged, stating the I t : Commission had no objection to the name of Lowder: ; ever, if the Council wished to change the name to' ; Pi0 Pic0 Drive or Pi0 Pic0 South, it was agree- : f able with them. 9 1 : 6y common consent of the Council it was agreed I i that the name of the street remain Lowcier Lane. : i NEW BUSINESS: I I 1 I b 0 t I t Lane and agreed to leave it the way it was; how- ; 1 t I I I I I I 1 I _I_ I I I I f (a) Legislation. The Council was informed that : i the cities and counties in Southern California ! i are urged to support an amendment to the Mayo- I I ! Breed Formula to allocate a minimum of 60% of the: i State Highway Construction Funds to the 13 coun- ; ; ties in the Southern group. At the present time i i they are only receiving 55% of the funds. I * ! By motion of the Council, the Council agreed to i : support legislation to amend the Mayo-Breed i frtorthing 'i Formula to allocate a minimum of 60% of. State iNeiswend : Highway Construction Funds to the counties in :Atkinson i Southern Cal i forni a. i Dunne ! (b) Appointments. Mayor Atkinson stated he would! ! like to appoint the following citizens to the ! : Civic Center Building Committee and the Water i I System Improvement Committee: I I i I I I 8 I I I b b I I I I I I I I I I I I Civic Center Building Committee I I i 1 I I I I 8 4 I I I 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I t I I I 8 I *' 1 I I I C. R. Helton, 2760 Arland Rd. I I Robert Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane f I Elmer H. Jose, 2099 Truesdell Lane I Water System Improvement Comrni ttee I I 14. I). Cannon, 500 Cannon Road 8 I W. W. Rogers, 24.65 Jefferson St. 8 I Knox Willi'ams, 2030 Karren Lane. t i Cmn, Dunne requested that a Progress Report be 1 ; submitted on the Street Maintenance Program. ! I Cmn. Dunne further requested that the weeds on ; 1 : City property be checked, including parkways. I I I I (c) Library - Change order. Consideration was ! i given a letter from the Chairman of the Library i : Building Committee, requesting that a change I I i order be approved to upgrade the carpet quality i ; from nylon material to Acrilan, and that it be : i installed over 100% hair pad. This change would 1 : necessitate an additional cost of $5,000, and i i they propose to pay for the additional cost out i : of the present furnishings fund. I I : The City Manager informed the Cour:cil the Com- i i mittee has saved approximately $5,000 on the I 1 ! book stacks. l V I I I I 1 I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I ! 1 i I I t -8, '\ -,, 8 I " '. ' I L 1 '\ ' I 8 '. 1 -7- ' '8 I i Name '\, I : of :""""--""""""""""""""""~"""-"""""""""""""~"""""" i Member i By motion of the Council approval was given to ! \{orthin( ; the change in carpeting for the Library, as recomkt.ieiswen i mended by the Building Committee. : Atkinso I I I 8 I 0 I t t i Dunne 2 * 4 ! COMMITTEE REPORTS: i Agua Hedionda Lagoon Study. Cmn. Neiswender ; reported he had completed his part of the study ; i and had turned his information over to the City I : Attorney. 8 I ! Business License Committee. Cmn. Worthing re- ! I ported the last meeting of the committee was I ; cancelled due to two members being absent. i Buena Vista Lagoon Committee. Cmn. Dunne report-! i ed a meeting would be held next Monday, and he i ;would make a report at the next meeting of the ; i City Council. i Joint Sewer Advisory Committee. Cmn. Dunne in- ; : formed the Council a meeting was held last I I i Wednesday, and discussion was given as to whether! ; they could allow a soft water operation, as it ; I necessitates brine going into the system-. .I I i Water System Improvement Committee. Cmn. Dunne i : reported there would be a meeting of the d./ater ; : System Improvement Committee held on Thursday, i f March 23, 1967. f I 1 I I I I @ I I t I 8 t I I I I t I f I I I I I I I I. 8 1 1 8 I t 1 1 * I t 8 I I 1 t I 8 I : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: i (a) Ordinance. #4004, establishing charges - re: i : Mater Meters. The City Attorney informed the 8 8 i Council the following ordinance was prepared for I : consideration in accordance with the Council's : i instruction at the last regular meeting: i Ordinance No. 4004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I : OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION ; Northinl i OF WATER METERS, SERVICE CONNECTIONS. LOAN METERS!,Neiswen : AND EXCHANGES OF METERS, was given a first read- ! Atkinso i ing by title 'only and further reading waived. : Dunne I I I I t 8 8 8 I I I I t (b) Resolution 81392, .adopting rules - re: I I I Discharge of Industrial Waste. The City Attorney; i informed the Counci 1 according to Ordinance I I i #7035, relating to control and regulation of dis-l ; charge of industrial waste, certain rules and I 8 : regulations were to be adopted. This is done in ; i order to have all the agencies coordinated. The i : following resolution has been prepared for the ! i Council's consideration, setting forth the rules i : and regulations: 8 : Resolution No. 1392. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING AND : APPROVING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS AED ! :Northing i FORMS OF APPLICATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, AIGD PERMITS,! Neiswend : ALL REGARDING DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL NASTE, was ;Atkinson ; adopted by title only and further reading waived.! Dunne I r I 0 .I 8 8 I I I ! I 1 6 ! I I 8 1 I I I 1 ,. . .. I t I I ! ! 8 I 6 I \,s', \I I '\ '\ '\ '\, I 8" $" I I \, -8- s ', 8, ', '\ ', ' : Name '., '\ : of '4t '3 1' :""""""-""""---~""""""""""""""""""~"""-"""~~"~"""""~, ; Member I 4 I 0 I CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I * I I t ! - i (a) Lease of North Carlsbad biater System. The I I City Nanager informed the City Council the City I i of Oceanside has offered to lease the North 4 : Carlsbad Water System for a sgm of $200.00 per i i month. They have agreed to maintain, operate and! ; replace any of the system dtiring the leasing i period. In approximately six months they are in i ; hopes of forriiing a district for the North Carls- i i bad area, and expect to hold the hearing sornetjrne; ; in July, 1967. They have requested the ,lease : the district is not formed then the system could I i revert back to the City of Carlsbad. I i Discussion was given as to the purchase price : and the Council was informed it was the feeling i i of the staff the purchase price should be around ; ; $58,000.00, which is the amount carried on the i I water books. I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the !\&!orthing ; Council accept the offer from the City of Ocean- j Keiswendt i side in principle. :Atkinson I I I I i amount be applied towards the purchase price. ' If: I I I I I I I 8 I I I I f I 8 I t i Dunne I I :AUTHORIZATIO!.J FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATTFICA- i I TION OF PAYROLL: !Authorization was given for the payment of bills i !for the general expenses in the amount of b i $62,266.67 and for the Water Department in the :Northing : amount of $11,911.96, from March 7, 1967 to i Nei swendl i March 2'1, 1967, as certified by the Director of. :Atkinson i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Dunne i Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Northing i first half of March, 1967, in the amount of i Neiswend : $23,159.65, as certified by the Director of i Atkinson I Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. : Dunne i ADJOURNMENT: i 6y proper motion the meeting was adjourned at i 8:24 P.M. I I 8 t t I I I 5 I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I 8 I I I I I 4 I t ; Respectfully submitted, I 1 e. I.-, i ,&? .' &: f. (&L L 2, " :: MA'RGA,RET E. ADAMS i Ci ty"C1erk I I I I I I b I I I I I ? t I I I I $ I I 1 I 8 I I 8 I . I I I I I # I I I I I ! I I 1 I I I t I 1 I f I 8 ? I $ I I 1 I t I I I t I I I t ! 1 I