HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-04-04; City Council; Minutes: c1-w OF CARLSBAD * * \, -. ', i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting)! \\ '\ ', I Date of Meeting: April 4, 1967 ; Time'of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of ' :Place of Meeting: Council Chambers i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, i i Neiswender, Atkinson, Dunne and Jardine. Also ;. : present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney i i Nilson and City Clerk Adams. D t i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Neiswender. { i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. 4 k .' \' \' I i Name '*, ("-.""""".""""--"""""""""""""".".."~"-""""""~""~"""""~ : Member I 9 e I 1 I I I I I b I 8 i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ! 1 : 1 4 I i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held ,March 21:Worthing : 1967, were approved as corrected. ,! I'iiei swend I i Atkinson I i Jardine t t I t 1 1 * 1 I I I t & I I i I : Dunne :. CORRESPONDENCE: i The Council recognized a letter from John A. : Steiger and Associates and V. C. McFarland, New i i Business Representative from The American Oil . ; ' i 'Company, conc;.rning the purchase of the Greenwood! ; property. I I i By common consent the letters were ordered filed.: ! i Letter dated March 25, 1967, from G. L. Southwell!, I L/Col USAF Ret, was presented, stating this lettejr i was in response to a letter dated Jufy 22, 1966, ; : from Stuart C. Wilson, City Attorney, thanking i i him for submitting documentation concerning an f I 8' Lagoon Sidewalk Easement across Lots 1. thru 9,: : in Buena Vista Gardens. After receiving the $ I i letter from the City Attorney, he discussed the i ; matter with him and was advised that the City : i would accept a decision of the Title Insurance i ; and Trust Company of San Diego. An exhaustive : i search of County Records .was made by the title i ; company and photostatic copies, toge.ther with : I their letter, showing two c,onveyances were made i 1 to the City - Parcel 1 covers "Easement for f private road, and Parcel 2 covers Easement for ; : drainage purposes.. Further enclosed proof shows: i no other conveyance of real interest was made to I I the City, the'refore,* the property owners request : I that the City of Carlsbad rescind their letter i f dated March 18, 1966, wherein it stated that it ; i was the decision of the Counci 1 that in view of I : the potential recreational and park deve1o.pment : 1 of Buena Vista Lagoon, it would be inadvisable tq : relinquish any public rights to the easement at : : this time. i The City Attorney informed the Council he had : : discussed this matter with the title company and I I the original map filed with the County shows an i : 8' sidewalk easement. However, there i.s no I I i record of a grant deed for the 8' easement. : Col. Southwell was present and informed the ! ! Council this was a matter with which owners of 1 i 9 lots wished to clear their property of a cloud! ; on the title. He has spent considerable time I I i and money in gathering this proof. It was his i : opinion the City of Carlsbad had no interest in ; i this 8' easement. Col. Southwell further stated: ; this matter has been under discussion since 1956,: * * 1 I I I I I I I I I I I .. I I I t t I e I I I I I I I I I ', \ -\ * I I '\ , '* 8 ' *\ 1 -2- I I * '\ '1 '. \ I I t t I i Name '<, * I of ': *\ I :""""""g"""-"________"""~"""".""""""""""~"~""~~"""" I Wrnber I ; f After further discussion by members of the 1 ! Council and Col. Southwell, by motion of the I Northing i Council the City Manager and the City Attorney :.!Ieisb:er\ci i were instructed to review the easements in the i Atkinson ; Buena Vista Gardens, specifically any sidewalk ; Dunne ! easements. 1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: ; Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to present i i Mr. Bruce Nelson of 1I.J. Anderson Co. 'Mr. NelsoTr: i has worked up a plan for Christmas decorations i i in th.e downtown area. He did not expect the I Council to take any action tonight. i Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Kirk of the Chamber of: : Comme-rce and Councilman Neiswender asked him to : i work up some ideas for Christmas decorations. ; A sketch showing several designs for light poles i i was presented. I b e 4 : Jardine I I I I 1 I I $ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 t t i I I I Mr. Nelson informed the Council there were 4.3 ' '. I available light poles available for use, and the ; ! ; decorations would cost approximately 8205.12 per; i pole, or a total of $8,819.00 per year if all I i the poles were used, on a three year basis. ThiG I would inc!ude installation, removing and storing i : decorations, and refurbishing prior to the next i i season. The decorations can be purchased out- : right; however, the City would have to install, i i remove and store, and refurbish. After a three : : year period the decorations usually need to be i i replaced. Mr. Nelson pointed out their firm I I i services 90% of the Christmas decorations in the i I I i County. 1 I I t 1 1 : 1- PUSLIC t-IEARING: ! I I I F I I I I t I 1 1 8 I I I (a) Aueal of the decision of the P1.anning Corn-, i mission in denying .the Tentativ,e Subdi<is'i-on ,Map 7 of Park r4anor Unit "B': Subdiv'isiin. Appellant: I, Donald A. Griggs, Jr.' for D. E. Jr., Inc. + "- I I I I : The Clerk presented a letter received March 24, : I 1967 from Donald A. Briggs, Jr. on behalf of 0. 6;. : Jr., Inc., stating he wished to appeal the de- i i cision of the Planning Commission, who recently : I denied his application for a subdivision map of i ; Park Manor Unit "B", lying between Park Dr. and I : Sunnyhill Dr. : The Council was informed that no written corres- I i pondence had been received in regards to this I I : hearing before the Council. At the Planning Com-i i mission hearing there were six letters received : : in favor of the application, two letters from i : persons requesting further study on the matter, ! I 24 letters from persons objecting to the zone i : changes and variances, and a petition bearing : i 208 signatures protesting the zone changes as i i they would devaluate their property and be con- ; I trary to the Idaster Plan. I I The Assistant Engineer presented the tentative I i map of Park Kanor Unit "E", ar;d reported that i i the subciivision map as presented did not include: ! I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 1 I I I I I 1 I '\, '. '\ " t I '\ '\ ', I -3- I I '\ ', ' 1 . " $ -. t i Name '\, '' I ; of 'C 1 I :"""-""""-""""""""""""""".""".."""""."""""~""""""" : Member 1 I ! all the property owned by the property owner. Ai i portion of the land was submitted on another $ I tentative map but this map has not been finalized, : map. ' Further, the map does not comply with the ; ; Master Street Plan nor the Master Plan of the I City. Tamarack and Hillside Drive are separate i \ residential collectors and should be kept sepa- i I rate. 1 1 ! The Mayor announced the Council would hear from i i the appellant. I MR. DON BRIGGS, JR., stated he was not appealing: i the variances requested; however, 'it will be i necessary to work with the Planning Commission : : on vari'ances for two panhandle lots. He was not i I aware that the additional property had to be in- ! .: cluded in this map. The streets and drainage I ; are always a problem. He wauld like to keep thi; : subdivision alive and work with the Planner. I ; Hillside Dr. is impossible to build on as it is ! ' i 'presently designed. There have been a total of i I 23 hearings and discussions concerning Tamarack ; : Ave. and Hillside Dr. There is a possibility of: i connecting Hillside Dr. to Laguna Riviera. He : : would like to work out a residential subdivision I t on a portion of this land, and was not cansider-: i ing the C zoning nor multiple zoning at this tim4. I e I therefore, it should have been included in this I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I' I' I I I' t f I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 .. 1 I I t I t I I I I I I I l e l I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I The City Manager inquired as 'to whether this map I was filed prior to the time the ordinance re- I I quiring park dedication became effective? Mr. Briggs stated the map was filed prior to the! effective date of the ordinance, and did not see: why this had any bearing on the matter. He woulQ be willing to dedicate a portion of the land for; park purposes, I ! The Mayor announced the Council would hear from ! all persons desiring to speak in opposition to ; the subdivision map. MR. DON JOHNSON, 4065 Sunnyhill Dr., stated h? i was representing a newly formed property owners ; association, and wished to point out the follow-: ing factors concerning their opposition to this : subdi vi si on : I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1. The proposed subdivision is contrary to i the Master Plan of the City. t I 2. The plan as submitted would constitute i spot zoning. I I I I I I I 3, This property was zoned R-1-7500 without ; the surrounding property owners' knowledge, due i to a whim of one of the former councilman. I I I I t 4. The property owners are very much in favor: of the downtown maul for the business area and i feel that commercial zoning should be kept in ! that area. I I 5. Any type of zoning ether thhan R-1 will add: I I to the traffic in this area, and commercial zoning would add an additional problem. 1 I I I 1 I * I I I .,\- . I , , '\ I '\ '. ' I I 1 -4- I \ '. , \ '\ I I I I I .- I 8 ', I : of 'T ; In closing Mr. Johnson stated the property owners: / are in hopes that in some way the Planning Com- : i mission and City Council can work something out i ! with the developer to have this property zoned ! 1 back to R-1-10,000. I 1 * i Name '8, :""""""""""""""".-"""""""""""*.""""""""""-~""~"""" ; Member I 0 I I i The Mayor informed Mr. Johnson that the applicant! i was not appealing the zone changes considered at : i the Planning Commission hearing. : MRS. ARTHUR WOOLRICH, stated she was a member of : ! the Parks and Recreation Commission. This map I i was filed one day prior to the effective date of I ; the park dedication ordinance. Mr. Briggs men- -: f tioned at one of the Parks and Recreation meet- t I ings he would be willing to dedicate a portion i i of the 'property for park area. If this plan is ; ; kept alive it would be difficult for any park ; i dedication. Also the plan does not follow the i ! Engineer's design for streets. 1 1 ! In rebuttal Mr. Briggs informed the Council he i ; discussed the park dedication with the Planner, 1- ; and there is a mesa on the other end of the de- : i velopment that could be used for park purposes. I : He would like to be able to work with the Plannevl . I and the Council in regards to Hillside Dr. I' I i As there were no other persons desiring to speak; : the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at t i 8:OO P.M. I I i After discussion by the Council, the following i : resolution was presented for consideration: I 1 i Resolution No. 1393. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY \ : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DENYING THE i Korthing i APPEAL ON THE DENIAL BY THE PLANNING CONHISSION : Neiswend ; SUBDIVISION, was adopted by tit.le only and iur- : Dunne I * 1 I t : 8 I. ! t 1 . ,- .. t I t I I I I + I t * I I I I OF THE TENTATIVE MAP OF PARK MANOR UNIT "B" r Atkinson i ther reading waived. i ENGINEERING: I I I i Jardine I f * 1 I t I I i (a) Jefferson St. Improvement District - A.D. i 2-1965. In reference to the above improvement i ; district, easements for drainage a.nd slope .pur- ; I poses have been offered by the Nature Conserv- i : any to the City of Carlsbad. The staff has rec- ; : commended that these easements be accepted. I I I I I I I * I 1 : By motion of the Council the easements were ac- I Northing ! cepted, and the Clerk instructed to record the i Neiswend ! same. i Atkinson *' I I I I I Dunne t i Jardine I I I i [b] El Camino Real Improvement - re: Offer of ! I ; drainage easement by Carroll Kelly. i t I I i An easement for drainage purposes in regards to i Northing ! the imDrovement of El Camino Real was accepted I Neiswend e' i from Carroll Kelly, and the Clerk instructed to !Atkinson i record the same. I Dunne I I I Jardine I I I I I I I I I. i I I I I ? I ; I I I .' I I ', *', ',, ', I '\\ '\, '\, ., I '\ ' \ ! 8 I . '. I * I 1 I \ -. I -5- ' i Name '\, I : of '< :""""""~"""""""""""""""""""".~"""""~"""""'""""""~, : Membe: i (c) Final Map of Laguna Riviera Unit No. 1 Sub- [ : final Map of Laguna Riviera .Unit No. 1, and in- i i formed the Council the subdivision meets all the: f requirements of the ordinance. The City has I I 1 requested that Kelly Drive be an 84' right of ; t way with 68' pavement. The Engineering Depart- i i rnent is recomrnen-ding that the City approve the \ / expenditure of gas tax funds for Ctty participa- i ; ti-on in the extra width of Kelly Drive, and for ; 1 extra base and pavement in the improvement of. I -I : El Camino Real: Also the subdivi.der is extend- i : ing the joint sewer line approximately 1200', and i they are only req'uired to install ar,' 8" line but ; 1 the City has requested that a 12" line be install:- i ed. Therefore, the Engineering Department is : i recommending that the City participate in the i i difference in cost for this line. I I ; After further discussion the final map of Laguna! Northi9g : Riviera Unit No. 1 was approved, as recommended i Neisrrrend i by the Engineering Department.. : Atkinson 1 i Jardine i Offer of El Camino Real rig,ht-of-way an'd drainage! : easements. With reference to the above subclivi- i I sion, L. R. Partnership have executed a grant ; : deed for right-of-way purposes in.El Camino Real ,i i and two Easements for drainage purposes. The 1 I : Engineering Department recommends acceptance of i I the Grant Deed and Easements. t 8 i By motion of the Council the Grant Deed and : Uorthi ng i Easements from L. R. Partnership were accepted i Neiswend I and the City Clerk instructed to record the same.: Atkinson t ; Jardine l e ! division, The Assistant Engineer presented the -f 1 * I I I I I ? 8 I i Dunne I I t I I I I I t i Dunne 9 I * I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I (d) Request for street vacaticn - re: Proposed I Tamarack Plaza Subdivision. The Council was in- i formed a request has been received from the de- ; veloper of Tamarack Plaza to start street vaca- i tion proceedings on the service street lying 1 I parallel to Tamarack Avenue between Jefferson St.! and Interstat,e 5. The following resolution of : intention was presented: I I I 1 I i Resolution No. 1394.. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i i COUNCIL OF THE c1-rY.0~ CARLSBAD DECLARING THE ! i INTENTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO VACATE A SERVICG i ROAD IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BETWEEN JEFFERSON ; \+'orthing : STREET AND INTERSTATE 5 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD; i Neiswend i AND ESTABLISHING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING, : Atkinson ; wai ved. i Jardine ! ' was adopted by title only and further reading f Dunne I I I 1 * I I I I I I I I 1 1 0 I I I I V I I I I I I I + t I I (e) Report on Final Map of Park Manor Unit I Subdivision. The Assistant Engineer reported I I J I ! the Engineering Department was-not recommending i approval of the Final Map of Park Manor Unit 1 i as the improvement costs had not been posted. Mr. Briggs has requested a one year extension of 1 time for filing of the final map. The Engineer- 1 ing Department recommended that a one year ex- ! I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 9 I ~""-""""""""~""~"--"..~"""""""""""~""""~~, I I I I .'\, 'b, '*, I -6- I '\ '\\ I i Name '8, I i Member i of the Park Dedication Ordinance, and that ad- ! 8, '\ 'I I : of '( % a : tension be granted, subject to the compliance i ! ditional right-of-ways be dedicated -on Park Dr. ; f The Assistant Engineer further stated the ap- i i plicant has requested perriission to bear a stree$ 1 improvement petition for the improvement of, Park ; i Dr. and Monroe Street based on the development I i of a 40' roadway in a 60' right-of-way. * I ! The City Manager pointed out that in effect the i ; Engineering Department is requesting a 68' dedi- i. i cation. If the petition is successful theh they,! i will reduce the width of the street to 60' i Mr. Briggs stated he has talked to six property : i owners 'regarding this petition. He would like i i to have this go through to the High School. t. Rather than have a street width designated he i i would prefer having the street width made sub- i ! ject to the recommendation of the Engineering : : Department, It was his feeling that without i the participation 'of his property and his father$ : it would be several years before this street : would be improved.. i By motion of the Council a one year extension i i was granted for the final map on Park Manor Unit: : 1 Subdivision, subject to compliance with the i i Park Dedication Ordinance, and in the event the : : 1911 Act Proceedings are successful for the im- :Northing i provement of Park Dr. a 5' street dedication i Nei swend : would be allowed for Park Manor U.nit 1 Subdivi- :Atkinson i sion, otherwise a 9' street dedication would be t Dunne I required. ! Jardine I I I ! 1' I I I I I I I I t I I 1- I I I t I I I *. . 1. I I I I t I 1 I I i PL.ANNING: I 8 I ! I I i (a) Appointment, to Planning Commission. Mayor i : Atkinson requested the appointment to the Plannin$ i Commission deferred until the next regular,meetina. I I I ! i PARKS AND RECREATION: I I I I I I i (a) Memorandum - re: Street trees on Nestwood i : Drive. A memorandurn from the Parks and Recrea- : i tion Covmission was presented, recommending that I : the existing street trees on G!estwood Drive be i I replaced with Brisbane Box and that said remov- ; : a1 and replacement be done at the expense of the i i homeowners with 100% participation required. $ I i Cmn. Neiswender stated he agreed with the Parks i : and Recreation Commission that the trees are not t ; right, but he did not feel the property owner's ; : should have to pay for the re.placement of the 1 I trees. The people on the Commission are not in- i : fallible and are very dedicated. In his opinion : i the City should pay for the replacement. I i Cmn. Iclorthirtg stated that if the City does pay i : for the replacement, he would like to have it i understood that it was being done on the basis i : this particular tree was not successful. I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 0 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I ! 1 I I I I I t s 1 t 3 I -7- 1 ', ' - ', I '\ '\ '\\ I '\, \\, 't, I Name '%, : of ': I I I \' ' '\ I 1 :"""""""""""""""""-""""""""".."""""""""""""""""~ 1 Membgr 1 I 1 I By motion of the Council authorization was given [Northing i for the replacement of the street trees on West- : Neiswend !wood Drive, and that the City pay the cost of re-! Atkinson ; placement. : Dunne ! 4 e I I Jardi ne I 4 I (b) Memorandum - re: Street trees for Elsie I I I Place, Sunrise Circle and Kelly Drive. Memorand-: i urn from the Parks and Recreation Commission was ! i presented recommending certain trees for Elsie i : Place, Sunrise Ci.rcle and Kelly Drive, was pre- i r sented. I By motion of the Council -the street trees for : No-rthing : Elsie Place, Sunrise Circle and Kelly Drive were i Neiswend i approved as recommended by the Parks and Recrea- i Atkinson : tion Commission. i Dunne ! ! Jardine I t I I I I $ I NEW BUSINESS: ! I I I I I I -. 1 (a) Proclamation - re: "City, of Carlsbad Clean-; I up Week". Mayor Atkinson proclaimed the week of ; i Aprilih through April 22, 1967 as "City of I I .. I Carlsbad Clean-up Week", and urged all citizens I : to participate in making this a successful event.: I I I (b) Procl amat.ion - re: "Pub1 ic School Week". i The week of April 24 through April 28, 1967, was- i : proclaimed by the Mayor as "Public Schools Week ; i in the City of Carlsbad, and all citizens were : : asked to attend and participate in Public Schools: i Week observances. .. I I I (c) Proclamation - re: "National Boys' Club .I ; Week". The Mayor proclaimed the week of April 2 ; I through April 8, 1967, as "National Boys' Club i : Week", and urged the people in this community to ; I observe our own Boys' Club in action. I I ! 1 I I I I I t I I I OLD BUSINESS:, I 1 I & i i r (a) Request for waiver of street improvements .- i ; W. D. Cannon. Crnn.' Northing stated he and Crnn. I i Dunne went over the property with the City Mana- ; ; ger and the Assistant Engineer last week. Mr. I Thornton was to contact Plr. Cannon. i Mr. Thornton stated he was unable to contact Mr. i : Cannon. In reviewing the original agreement, the: I agreement expired April 29, 1966. If this pro- i : perty reverts back to the proper.ty owner in ; not have a dedicated street frontage. I I I .I I I I I I * I I I I I i accordance with the agreement. Parcel #2 does ! I * I : The City Attorney was asked if the property re- : verts back to the property owner, and he stated i that it ded. i Mr. Thornton further stated the original agree- : ment called for a 60' right of way with a 40' : pavement. However, the Engineering Department i is recommending dedication for an EO' right of : way. I I 0 I I i MR. ROY KLEMA, stated he was the engineer for I I :* 1 1 I 1 t I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I' : ',\\\.,',,', .t ' I 't,, '\, '\, -8- 5 \' ' '\, I ; Name '<, I i Member ~""~"""""""""""""""""-""~~"""~-..--"""---"--------:------"---"-~ ! ! I I I I 1 i Qf '' 0 I I I I I Mr. Cannon. According to the previous agreement i I Mr. Cannon dedicated 60' of right of way for 1 Cannon Rd. Parcel #2 is the lagoon property. Mr.! : Cannon is willing to improve El Arbol , which ! would be part of the tentative subdivision. They: :are asking that the improvements for Cannon Rd. i i be waived, as this piece of land- is of no value. ; i Mr. Cannon informed the Council when the sewers I ;were installed he was assessed $13,000.00 for i :and he would like to get some of his money back. i. !After further discussion it was the general con- I I census of the Council that Mr. Cannon should : dedicate sufficient land for an 80' right of way ! i in Cannon Rd.; that Mr. Cahnon enter into a I I I future street improvement -agreement for Cannon Rd:: i and that the City agree to improve 40' of roadway; ; in Cannon Rd. in accordance with the original i agreement. i The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an i : agreement for the Council's consideration at the i i next regular meeting. I I i (b) . Request for waiver of .street improvements I ; on perimeter properties in connection with im- ; Russell W. Grosse. 'Cmn. Dunne reported that he i i and Cmn. Northing had made a study of this matter!, : and they recommend that when -James Dr. is improve: i ed that any future lot splits on the adjoining ; ; streets be approved subject to the property i owner entering into a future street improyement I : agreement. i After consideration by the Council, by motion of ! i the Council it was agreed that when James Dr. is i Northing ; improved any future lot splits on the adjoining I Neiswe.nd I streets will be approved, subject to the proper-.! Atkinson : ty owner entering into a future street improve- i Dunne I ment agreement. i Jardine t The following ordinances were presented for a ! I I I I 1 I I I i sewer connections along El Arbol and Cannon Rd., ; t I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I t I I I I I I , I ! provement and.stree-6 opening of James Dr. - "' . I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I 4 I I I second reading: I i (c) Second reading of Ordinance R920.4 - re: I I : Names of Zones. 1 I I' I I 1 I I I 0 i Ordinance 59204. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ; COUNCIL OFTE-CITY OF CARLSBAD APlENDING SECTION I i 300 OF ORDINANCE KO. 9060 REGARDING NAMES OF 1 I ; ZONES, was given a second reading by title only f i and further reading waived, and adopted. 1 I i (d) Second reading of Ordinance $9205 - re: i Adding subsection (21) to Section ,1400, Artz-lT i : I -___ 14 ofTrdinance .""_ #3060, to'include additionalit ; uses under "C%idi tional Uses . I I I I I I 8 I I 1- "" I I I I .I . .. " I .. Worthin: Nei swent Atkinsor Dunne Jardine i 1' , '.\ ' I \\ '\ \ '3 I , \ '. I 1 , ', \ I -9- b I \' '\ \ \, I \ \. I I I I ; i Name 'x,s* 1 \ k I ; of .. :"""""""""""-..""""""""""""-~"-..-~"-""""""""~""""""-. ; Member :Ordinance No. 9205. AN ORDIl\iAi\iCE OF THE CITY OF i i CARLSBAD AKENDING SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, OF :Northing i ORDINANCE NO. 9060, BY ADDING SUBSECTION (21) TO INeiswendl i INCLUDE ADDITIONAL USES PERNITTED UNDER CONDI- : Atkinson I TIONAL USES, was given a second reading by titleiDunne f only and adopted. : Jardine 8 I I 0 I I I I 1 (e) Second reading of Ordinance #4004 - re: : Water Meter Charges. 1 1 I s * 4 I I i Ordinance No. 4004. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF i Northing I CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING CHARGE FOR INSTALLATION OF i Neiswend : WATER METERS, SERVICE CONNECTIONS, LOAN METERS, : Atkinson ! AND EXCHAIiGES OF PETERS, was given a second read-! Dunne jing by title only and adopted. : Jardine * I i COMMITTEE REPORTS,: 1 1 I I I * I t i Civic Center Building Committee. Cmn. Dunne re- : : ported the committee met and discussion was given: i as to the procedure for financing and forming a ;. I I non-profit organization. Also the City ,Attorney : i was instructed to prepare a contract between the i : ar-chitects, Weber and Edwards, and the City. The: I next meeting of the comrnitte-e will be held on I I :April 12> 1967. I 1 I 5 I I 1 Water Committee. Cmn. Dunne informed the Council: i a meeting will be held on Friday,.April 7, 1967. i I L I :.Library Building Committee. Crnn. Neiswender re- i ! ported thhat a 'letter has been received from the 1 I Building Inspector stating that when the change ; ; order for the carpeting was approved by the City I : Council at the last meeting, 952 sq. ft. of area i i was omitted. This is the area that was changed i : from Terrazzo flooring to carpeting. This change! i will mean an additional $&OO.OO, or a total of : i $5,&00.00. I I I By motion of the Coun-ci1 approval was given to i Worthing ; the additional $&OO.OO change order for carpeting: Neiswend I in the Library. i Atkinson I : Dunne I I 1 I I I I I i Jardine I I I I I I I I I 8 I : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: : (a) Ordinance $9206 - re: Increasivg minimum I r Gallons to 12 gallons. The following ordinance: : was presented for consideration: I I i Ordinance No. 9206. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF i Northing : CARLSBAD INCR'EASING MINIMUM SIZE STREET TREE ; Nei swendc i REQUIRED IN SUBDIVISIONS FROM FIVE GALLON TO i Atkinson i TWELVE GALLON , was given a first re.ading by title: Dunne i only and further reading waived. ; Jardine i Cmn. Worthing inquired as to ;./hether the City : Attorney had made any decision as to how the ! Park Dedication Ordinance would be implemented. i i The City Attorney informed the Council the City i i Planner was preparing a map showii1g the proposed i i parks in the City. I I ! ! I " ; size street tree required in subdivisions from - , s I I I I I + I I 4 I I I I I I I 0 I I I t 1 , I $ '\ -. . t t \' I ' '\ 6 I -10- I Name '8, ! of ': * t :""""""""-"""""""""""""""""".~""""""""""-!""""""- i Member I I : CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: ! I I I 4 I I I '0 i i The City Manager presented a written report dated I March 31, 1967, setting forth .a status report on : i the 1966-67 Street Maintenance Program l I e 4' I ! t 1 ; Also included in the City Manager's report was I I a compilation of City owned property. The City ; ; Manager recommended that all such .property be : i retained by th-e City, excepting properties on Lasi ; Flores. I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f f a I I I I 'I + I I I I I I ,I I I Cmn. Dunne recommended that the City owned pro- ; perty be reviewed by the City Manager periodi- I I cally and that a recommendation be,made by him ! . ' as to any disposals. 1. I I * Transfer of North Carlsbad Water System. The I City Manager informed the Council members of the ; ..staff met with the City of Oceanside today regard: ing the. transfer of the North Carlsbad Water I I System. It was requested that the Council appro+ the date of April 10, 1967 as the t.ransfer date. ; The City of Carlsbad will bill the North Carlsbadi users on April 20, 1967. The City of 0.ceanside : will collect for the last month's billing and will cut off water service if the City of Carls- i bad is not paid. A lease agreement is being pre-i pared by the Oceanside City Attorney. I By motion of the Council the City Manager was )/orthing. I authorized to proceed with the orderly transfer Pleiswende 1 the approval by the City Attorney of the lease : Dunne I 1 t .I ~ of the North Carlsbad Water System, subject to ; Atkinson I agreement. i Jardine I t : Cmn. Dunne stated there has been considerable i i monies invested this past year, and requested I I : the City Manager to make a report on the percent-! i age of monies invested as of April 1, 1967. I I I I 1 I i Cmn. Worthing inquired if the City Nanager or : Building Inspector could give a report on the i 1 effectiveness of the Nuisance Ordinance. I I i The Building *Inspector informed the Council they i : would probably be holding their first hearing : f : soon on the enforcement of the ordinance. ; Cmn. Worthing asked if there had been any pro- i i on the list of priorities for park projects. I I i Cmn. Jardine informed the Council no progress hadi ; been made by the Commission in regards to this : I report. I I I TIOM OF 'PAYROLL: &' I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills i!nJOrthing : for the general expenses of the City in the ;Neiswende i amount of $331 ,472.35 and for the Water Depart- !Atkinson : ment in the amount of $36,397.90 for the period $)urine i March 21, 1967 to April 4, 1967, as certified :Jardine : by the Director of Finance and approved by the i i Auditing Committee. 1 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 f I e I I I ; gress made by the Parks and Recreation Commission; I 8 I I I I I I : AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMEF\IT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- i I I I I 0 1 I I ! f r ! I I I I I b I I I -.1 '\ '\ ., '\ ' ' ' I '. ', *' '\ '\ ' ! '. I -11- i Name 'x%, * I f of '( :""""""~""""--"""""""""""""~~"..""""""""""~'"""""~". i Member I I I I ! I , /Ratification of the payroll was given for the :second half of March, 1967, in the amount of i $24,075.60 as certified by the Director of :Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. 1 4 I i ADJOURNMENT: :By proper motion the meeting was adjou;ned a.t i k50 P.M. I :Northing i Nei swendc : Atkinson i Dunne : Jardine I I * I t I f ! I I 1 I I 1 I I I I t 1 I t I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I r I I I ? I I I * I I I 1 I J I I I f I I f I I 0 t I t I i Respectfully submitted, s : *.. /- i : .d ,' 6 '/L& &/&~ y q>[;:.,L4,L,2,! : MAR. AR~ E. ADAMS i City C,l*erk I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I i I % I I I I I I I .. I I 1 ! a . I I 1 & s 8 I I I I I I I I 'I 1 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I * ! I I I ? 1 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I 4 I I e l I 1 I t I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I I i 4 I I t I t I t 1 I I I 1 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I 0 I I I f , I I 1 I 1 'I ! 1 I ,