HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-06; City Council; Minutesb ? t 4 -, ' \ i CITY OF CARLSBAD : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting)i i Dat2 cf Meeting: June 6, 1967 ; N3m2 '\\ :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.N. : of ' , ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, i ; Nei.swender, Atkinson, E~;7n2 and dardine. Also ; ; present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney ! 1 Wilson and City Clerk Adams. I t ; INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Atkinson. i ALLEGIANCE to the F1 ag was given. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held May 16, i Worthin! ; 1967, were approved as corrected. : Neiswenc I I Dunne / CORRESPONDENCE: I There was no written correspondence presented. 1 ', '8, '\ I 1 'X, \\,' '\ ' i-P~la~R-9-€"~R.e_t_i_n_g5 "" cov._n_c__i_!"_chamb__e_r_s ..""""""""""-; : ""~"""_. Member I e -b i I I I r 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I i Atki nsor 1 I Jardine I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: i There were no oral communications. I I I I * * I I I 1 I I r i ENGINEERING: I (a) Approval of Final Map for Tamarack Plaza i I 1 I I I 1 I 1 ; Subdivision, The EngMeering Department request-! : : I ed this matter considered under Item (a) of the i : Public Hearings. I I i (b) Proposed street dedication and street im- i : ProvemenXs 'for Palomar Airport Rd. and Lowder $ I 1- : Lane. In connection with the development of h?s 1 ; land, Mr. Ecke is required to dedicate certain ; i lands for street right of way. At the Southeast i i corner of Palomar Airport Road and Interstate #5,! i Mr. Ecke is requesting that he be allowed to ; Con~.'iP~cc-i; the off-site improvements prior to dedi!- : cation of street right of way. The staff recom- ! ; mends that Nr. Ecke be allowed to put in the off-: I site improvements priGr to dedication of the I : street right of way, and when the work is com- i i pleted the street dedication will be brought bacq 1 to the City Cour!c.Tl. I I ! t Ey motion of the Council permission was granted jworthlng i to Mr. Ecke to proceed with the construction of lNeiswend : off-site improvements, subject to the matter ; Atkinson I being presented to the Council for acceptance of i Dunne : street dedication when the work is completed. ; Jardi ne . (c) Report on Trieste Drive extensicn. The Assis$- f previous meeting of the City Counci 1 some of the i ! property owners residing in El Carnino Mesa subdi-: i vision petitioned the City for additional access i I to the subdivision, other than Chestnut Ave. The: ; staff has prepared plans for the extension OF I i Trieste Dr. This extension would tie in \n!ith the: : old County Dump road. The City Attorney has pre-: I pared an agreement between the City and the i allow this improveKent a.cross his property. It i ! is recommended that this agreement be on a 5 yea^ ! term basis. The developer of El Camino Nesa sub-/ I ? 1 1 t 1 I I I I I I I ant Engineer reported to the Council t'hat at a . : I I 0 i property Owner (Mr, Bartlett) to see 1-f he will i I I I I -1 I I I .. *, '\ -1 I '\ ' ' I L '. '. '. I I -2- I * " '\ ' .I \' I \' I 1 i Name ' t : of '<: 1 t i i Member :"""""""""""-""~"""""""""""~"""""""""""""~~~""""", I ! t ~ i division has offered to do the grading for the i i roadway. Ihe staff recommends that road oil mix i ! be used, which would cost approximately $300.00. : : This access would only be a temporary measure. i I If El Camino Mesa Unit #5 is developed, the I 1 ; developer wiil have to provide additional street I i improvements. I I i By motion of the Council authorization was given i Northing '! the staff to proceed to negotiate with the i Neiswend i pr.operty owner for use of his property, ,and the : Atkinson t : half of the City of Carlsbad. : Jardine 0 -. I I I I ; Mayor authorized to execute the agreement on be- i Dunne ! * I i (d) Offer of street dedication for the extension! : of Elm Avenue. I I ! I t I Upon motion made 3y the City Council , deeds for : i the extension of Elm Ave. ,. representing a portion! : of the properties located on the South side of I i Elm Ave. between Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Highland Dr., ; Northing f were accepted from Eugene V. and E. Grace i Nei swend i Holzenberg, Opal V. Law, and Obie N. and Elaine : Atkinson : Walden, Bruno B. and Liselotte H. Kuehn, and the i Dunne i Clerk instructed to record the same. ; Jardine i (e) Mrs. Helen S. Daiger - re: Request for : certain improvements. Letter dated June 1, I 1967, from Mrs. Helen S. Daiger was presented, ! : stating the City Council voted in favor of lower-! i ing the hill on Basswood just East of Highland I : Dr. six feet below the original level. As a t : result, established access to her residence, two ! I garages and two improved parking areas on Bass- ! i wood were destroyed. The driveways to the two ' t : garages have been blacktopped. Acckss to her k I i patio entrance on Basswood to a parking area on 1 : her front lawn has been accomplished by cutting ; i a ramp on Highland' Dr. Mrs. Daiger requested 1 I I that the ramp be blacktopped by the City, as most! i of it lies on City right of way, and that the I I : tenants parking area, on which a protuberant i water meter was installed, be paved. The cut on ; : Basswood Ave. has caused the following hazards: i i (1) a gas line serving the residence at 3384 I I : Highland Dr., is hanging over the edge of a six I I foot precipice; (2) the run-off from the roof at f ! 3384 Highland Dr. drains a few feet from the 1 I i edge of the six foot embankment on Basswood Ave.;; I and (3) the lowering of Basswood has created a i t steep six foot drop to the road. 1 : Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, informed the : * Council when Sandalwood Dale subdivision was beinig I considered, it was pointed out the grade on Bass-: : wood, East of Kighland Dr. would be lowered five i ! feet. Mrs. Daiger was upset at that time. The ; i staff has endeavored to work with Mrs. Daiger. i i The City cut a new driveway off from Highland : i for Mrs. Daiger, however, they did not pave the i i driveway. Mrs. Daiger is asking that the City I : pave this driveway, that a fence be constructed, i I and that the off-street parking area for her I I : tenants be paved. As to the gas line referred 1 i to in her letter, when the grade was cut it ex- : I posed her gas line. It has never been the polic$ : of the City to pave a driveway or construct a j I fence. 1 t I I I 1 I I I I t 1 I I I I t I I 0 I I I I I t I I I -3- =, -\ ' \' .' I ', \ '* \. ', \' b ! & I 1 a r i ~a me '<, 1 : of :"""""""~"""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~"""""""""- : Member i The City Manager stated the City in no way wants i : to leave the condition worse than it was. In thib I case the property owner had use of public right ; ; of way. He suggested it might be well for the i f the condition. The Engineering Department is i sometimes criticized for removing trees. In this, I f instance three trees were saved. The policy has i i been to leave the property as it was found. The : : staff feels in this case the property was improve: i ed. However, it will be up to the Council to I 4 : make the decision.. i The Mayor asked Mrs. Daiger .if the City had re- i .i turned her driveways? I I i Mrs. Daiger stated they returned her driveways, ! : but she has requested that the City pave the I i driveway off from Highland Dr. Also she origi- ! : nally had three parking spaces before this cut 1 i was made. I I I I i The City Manager informed the Council the City ; I cut two parking areas for her tenants, and by i I doing this it exposed her water meter. I 1 i Cmn. Neiswender requested this matter continued i : until the next meeting in order that he could go \ i over the property. t I i By common consent the matter was deferred until i ; the next regular meeting. : PUBLIC HEARINGS: I I 0 -I i Council to have a committee go cn-site and see i I t $ 1 I I I I I * t a I t I I I I I I I I I. I ? I t I I $ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I l a I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I b 1 I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I e I I t I I I t I (a) Continued) Resolution of Intention #1394, i stating City Council's intention to vacate Ser- ; vice Road, running parallel with Tamarack Ave. between Jefferson St. and Interstate #5. I I 1 I I I 8 The Mayor announced this matter was continued i from the regular meeting held May 2, 1967, at ; which time the Affidavit of Publication .was pre- : sented and all written correspondence. The reason for the matter being continued was to allow time for the developer of Tamarack Plaza 1 Subdivision to file their final map. The devel- ; oper of Tamarack Plaza Subdivision requested the i subject street vacated in order to complete his : development. The *Mayor asked if there were any persons pre- i sent desiring to speak in opposition to the pro- : posed street vacation. MR. ED1:'ARD GERENT, 815 Tamarack Ave., stated he : lived on the south side of Tamarack Ave. A curb i is being installed sild they have cut down two i feet below his property line, and asked if the ; grade would continue downward,.if so how far? i The Assistant Engineer informed the C0unc.i-1 the : State Division of Highv!ays established the grade i on Tamarack due to the overcros.sing, and the grade will continue downward until it reaches i Jefferson St. The City Uanager pointed out to the Council the : I I 1 f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1; :! b; !i I ', 8, -\ ', \ ' \' '. ' " I I \' I ! I I I i Name 88s :"""""""~"""""-"""""""""".""""..""""""""""-~""""""- : Member t I of t I I i property Mr. Gerent is referring to is the Morgan: i perty under consideration at this time.. 1 Mr. Gerent further stated they had been tresspass; i grade the roots of his plants were exposed. i The Assistant Engineer informed Mr. Gerent he : should have notified the City. The Union Oil i Company was doing the development, however, they i : should not tresspass on his property. I : As there were no other persons desiring to speak,! i the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at ; : 7:40 P.M. : After discussion by the Council the following i i resolution was introduced:$ e -1 : pr~perty and is ~GGSS the street frm the pro- 1 I I I 8 I I ing on his property. Due to the lowering of the i * I t I a I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 8 I * I I I I I I I t I Resolution No. 1402. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ! ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, FINDING A CER- i i TAIN SERVICE STREET UNNECESSARY-FOR PRESENT OR ' : PROSPECTIVE PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES; VACATING SUCH: i PORTIOM OF SAID SERVICE STREET; AND ORDERING i CLERK TO RECORD A CERTIFIED COPY HEREOF MITH THE i i COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, was adopted : i by title only and further reading waived. I I I I t I I i (b) Resolution #1400, giving notice of proposed i i annexation designated "East Carlsbad Annexation ! : #2.7". 'I I I I I I i The Mayoy announced this was the time and place I i fixed by this City Council to hear all persons : I desiring to speak in regards to the proposed : i The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication! i from the Blade-Tribune Publishing Co. and from i : I the Carlsbad Journal, After reviewing the docu- : : ments the Council ordered the Affidavits filed. i : The Clerk presented the following written corres-i i pondence: 4 I i Letter dated June 1, 1967, from the owners of : Thunder-Bird Ranch, stating that Thunder-Bird i Ranch had been cited in the newspaper as a school! i for mentally retarded children. Thunder-Bird I I Ranch programs are designed especially and speci-: : fically for bright, alert, and gifted young per- I I sons. i letter dated June 1, 1967, from John LJ. and ! i Eunice Aathey, 5005 El Camino Real, protesting I I the annexation of their portion of "East Carlsbacf : Annexation No. 2.7, as they do not wish to be- i i come a part of the City at this time. I i The Mayor asked if there were any persons presend : desiring to speak? i MR. ALLAN KELLY, P. 0. Box 335 ,. Carlsbad, re- t i quested that a map be shown, showing the bound- 1 i aries of the proposed annexation. I 1 i annexation. ; 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b I I I I I I I I I e I I I t I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I ; 8, -. - I , \ '\ I '\ '. ' I -5- I s' ', '\ ' t i NS rile '8, 1 ; of ("""""""-~~""~"""""~"""""""~"""-..~""""""""~""""~""~*. i Member ~ i A map of the area proposed to be annexed was pre-; 4 ! i sented, and it was pointed out the proposed an- ]I i nexation encompassed approximately 34 acres. b I i As there were no oth.er persons desiring to speak I i the Mayor declared the public hearing closed at i i 7:46 P.M. e ! I \' I I e I 1 I I I I .I I I 8 I I I 1 I t I I I I The Engineering Department reported that the one ; 1 protest represented 12.53% of the total area pro-: posed to be annexed, and that 55.02% of the total: area were in favor of the annexation. I After discussion by the Council the following i ordinance was introduced for a first reading: . ; I I I I 1 i Ordinance No, 1102, AN ORDINAklCE OF THE CITY i Worthin! : OF CARLSBAD APmNG ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF I Neiswen: i CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIGNATED "EAST ; Atkinsol : CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.7", was given a first i Dunne i reading by title only and further reading waived.: Jardine i (c) Final map of Tamarack Plaza Subdivision. : The Engineering Department presented the final i i map of Tamarack Plaza, and informed the Council ; ; the map complied with all the requirements set i i forth in the resolution approving the tentative ; : map. The map shows- dedication of the necessary I I 4 feet for the widening of Jefferson St., with 1 ; full improvements for Tamarack Avenue. The de- I i velopers have executed the Improvement Agreement ; : for off-site improvements. Also the developers i i have executed an agreement between the School I I : District, the City and the developers, for the : 1 stipulated improvements along the westerly side t 1 of Jefferson Street. 1 I By motion of the Council the final map of Tama- I Worthin< i rack Plaza Subdivision was approved and the I Nei swenc : Mayor authorized to execute the Improvement I Atkinsor i Agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ; Dunne I I t I I I I 1 I t f 9 I I 4 I I I i Jardine : PLANNING:. I I I I ? I 1 i (a) (Continued) Tentative Map of Terramar Unit 1 ; #7 Subdivision.' The Assistant Engineer request-: i ed this matter deferred as their department was i : unable to contact Mr. Cannon prior to this meet- : i ing. I 1 I 2 I t I i I (b) ' Appointment to Planning Commission, Mayor i ' Atkinson requested the appointment to the Plan- i i ning Commission deferred until later in the meet-! ; ing. I 1 I 1 6 I : NEW BUSINESS: t I 1 I t I 1 I (a) Fox's Snug Harbor - re: Request for over- i : night camping privileges. Letter dated May 22, i : 1967, from F. J. Fox, .owner and operator of Fox'$ i Snug Harbor, was presented, requesting perrnissioq : to extend overnight privileges to a limited num- ; i ber of guests for the weekend of June 17th-18th. i i The request was for two specific groups , Sa.n i Fernando Y.M.C.A. to include 12 families, and i .. I I " e I I I Pomona Je-t-Aways, to include 8 farnjlies. I I I I I P I : -8, -\ ', ! I '\ '. '\ I '\ '\ I -6- I I I I ' '\ '. 0 I 1 I i r,ram? 't, 1 : of :"""""""""""~"""""""""""""~""""""""-""""~"""~""~ : Member i Cmn. Jardine asked Mr. Fox if the guests would i ; be ssing self-contained campers. I 1 I -1 I B t I I Mr. Fox informed the Council he knew the Pomona i i Jet-Aways would be u.sing self-contained campers; : ;however, he was not sure whether the San Fernando; i Y.M. C.A. would be using self-contained. campers. ; i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i : request be granted, subject to the use of self- I i contained campers. 4 I ! i MR. STONE, operator of Carlsbad Land'ng, was 1 ; present and requested that they be allowed to ex-: ! tend overnight privileges to a group from La Mesa! : on the weekend of June 9th and loth, which would i i include between 9 and 10 families. Also they I I ;would like perrnission to extend overnight privi- i i leges to a group ,of Boy Sc.outs on the weekend of ; :June 16th and 17th. ! Mr. Stone was informed it has been the policy of i i the City Council that a request be submitted in ; : writing, stating the name of the group and their i ! address, as well as the number of persons expect-: : ed. i After consideration by the Council, by motion of i Worthing I the Council, authorization was given Mayor : Nei swend : Atkinson to approve the request, subject to i Atkinson i proper letters being provided. : Dunne I I t I I I I 1 I 1 t I I 1 t I I I t i Jardine I $ .: OLD BUSINESS: I I I I 8 i (a) Presentation of Freliminary Plans for citty i i Hall and Police facilities by Weber and Edwards, ; : Architects. Cmn. Dunne informed the Council that: i he and Cmn. Neiswender were members of the Civic : ; Center Building Committee. The preliminary plansi I for the City Hall and Police facilities were I I approved by the Committee at their meeting held i i May 31, 1967. * i Weber and Edwards, Architects, were present and I : presented the Preliminary Plans for the 'City Hall! i and Police facilities, which included the place- ; 8 ment of the buildings on the property, the inter-I I i ior floor plan, and a rendering of t.he exterior : i of the building, I L ! : The *Council was informed the building covered i : 16,000 sq. ft. of floor space, and is designed : i to allow 7,000 sq. ft. for expansion. They have i f established a budget of. $366,000. The building i : as designed is a-one-story building, which will i : entail a 4 to 5 foot cut. There will be just i ; over 100 parking spaces, with 12 additional park-: i jng spaces for the Police Department. I i Mr. Edwards stated their reasons for proposing i ; a one-story building were: (1) the excavation t i would be less costly; (2) more compatible with i ; the Library facilities; (3) better circulation I i of foot traffic between the Library and City Hall! : facilities; (4) the parking area would be 4 to i I I I I I I I I I I s 0 I I I I I I I t I ! 1 I i '\ '\ '\ ! '. " \ , 1 - I I t I * Q 7- I .- \' * .' I' : Name '\, ; of 4 :"""""""""""-""""""""-"""".-""-..""""-""""""~~~~""""~*. : Member 1 , 4 1/2 feet below the level of the building, where! - i as if it were ;1 twc-story bl!i?ding the parking j ! area would be 8 to 8 1/2 feet below the building i i level; (5) it is estimated it cost an additional : ! $11,000.00; and (6) it was felt the Police facil-i i it-ies should be isolated, which it would not be : I if it were a two-story building due to the park- i i ing area. i They have estimated the cost of the building at ; : $366,000.00, which includes .architectuaq fees. I i All facilities will have refrigeration except the: ! Council Chambers , which will have forced air. ! a I I I 1 1 I I t t 8 * i Cmn. Dunne asked the Architects if they wished i i to have approval of the Preliminary Plans by the : i Council this evening, and the Architects stated i I they would appreciate having the Council Is ap- I I i proval this evening, as this would give them 3 i ; months to work up the contract documents and I I : final plans. : Crnn. Worthing requested a 5 minute recess before i : approving the plans in order to look over the : drawings more closely. 1 A short recess was called at 8:33 P.M. The meet-! I ing reconvened. at 8:38 P.M. I 8 i As there were no further questions by the City i Worthin! f Council members, by motion of the Council the l : Nei swenc i Preliminary Plans for the City Hall and Police ; Atkinsor : facilities were approved as presented by Weber i Dunne i and Edwards, Architects. : Jardine i (b) Agua Hedionda Lagoon Policy. Mayor Atkinson! : reviewed the reason for the study being made by i i the committee. It was the objection of some of ; : the Council members that the races were not being: i operated properly. The committee has recommended i that racing events not be allowed. The Mayor i i offered the suggestion that the present policy : : continue on through the summer, and that after i i the summer is over that one race be allowed, witG : a fee being charged. I t ! Crnn. Jardine stated in their report they recom- I i their feeling the City does 2: disservice to the ; i sponsoring orga.nization by inviting these events ; f which attracts crowds from all over. Idhen they i i arrive they expect adequate parking and adequate; : sanitary facilities. The City cannot offer thesq : facilities. The way their recommendation was 1 ! worded small local races could still be held on i i the lagoon. I I i Cnln. Worthing asked if it was necessary to close: : the lagoon when there are large races held? : Mr. Stone stated the policy set up by the Amer- i i ican Power Boat Association insist on complete : : control of the waters during the racing events. I 9 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 t t + I I 1 I I 1 I i mended that the lagoon not be closed, It was 1 I I I I I I 4 I 1 I 4 0 I 1 : Cmn. Jardine stated their concern was the magni-i i tude of the crowd. . 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I '\\- ', '\ 'x, I ! , \- ' I I I $ I I I I - 8- \' I \' I % '< i N a ne '\\ : of i I \ :~"""-"""""""""""""~"""~."""""--""~""."""""""""""* : Mgrnber 0 ! t 8 & I i Mrs. Stone asked that they be allowed to hold i circle races , as tieley do not attract i arge cr*uwdsi. I I I i Mayor Atkinson stated he felt the Council should i i either reject or accept the report of the corn- I I ; mi ttee, and then the Council should review the 1 i rules and regulations set forth in the ordinance.: i MR. JOEL ESTES, representing Janss Corporation, ! ; spoke in opposition to holding racing events on : ;the lagoon. I 1 I I After further discussion, by motion of the Counciil ; it was agreed that the recommendation presented :Worthin i by the committee be accepted, and that the lagoon: Neiswen : not be closed for special events. I Atkinso t : Dunne 1 I I I I I I I I i Jardine I I I I ; Ambulance Service. Cmn. Neiswender proposed : i that the City of Carlsbad offer emergency ambu- i ; lance service to the people in Carlsbad. The i i fees have been raised along with the increase of : : hospital facilities. He was in receipt of a billj ; presented by Mr. Gerent where he was charged I t t $70.00 for an ambulance to take his nine year old: i son to the hospital at Camp Pendleton. I I 1 I i The City personnel in the Fire Department is : trained in first aid, and he felt they could i handle emergency calls. He discussed levying an ! : additional $.01 on the Tri City Hospital tax i with a member of the Bocrd, in order that the ; hospital might offer this service. If the City i i took on this operation they would have to charge : i a nominal fee, however, they would not make any i i money, but felt this could be handled at budget : : time. Mr. Bob Brooking of the Oldsmobi le Agency,! i stated he would sell an ambulance to the City at ; : cost, would pay the first $500.00 on the cost of i i the vehicle, and maintain the vehicle as long as ; : the City offered this service. : MR. MIKE MC CABE, owner and operator of McCabe i i Ambulance Service, was present and stated he had : I been providhg service to the City of Carlsbad I ; for the past seven years. Originally a fee of ; : $17.00 was charged for ambulance service; however:, i at that time they did not have to have qualified : I attendance. Since that time the State requires i i qualified attendance. Also labor stepped in and : ; require that the attendance be paid $1.40 per hr.: ! In 1966 they made 84 calls in Carl-sbad. Out of ; : these cal Is 33% were residents of Carlsbad, leav-i f ing 67% non-residents. IF the City were to pur- : ; chase an ambulance it would cost $15,000.00. i An additional 4 Firemen would have to be employed. : Their company has to pay seven license fees. If: I some of these costs were eliminated they could i i probably lower their rates. It was his feeling i I the Council should look into some of these areas,: ; rather than Government going into business. His i i company loses 21% of their ambulance fees. They! I I I 1 * I L I I I I 1 I t I I I I 1 I I I I e ; have to depend on 61% coming from Federal and 1 " i State funds. I I I I t I 9 I I I 1 I I 1 t' I I 1 .... I I I I I -9- I I I I ; ', -. - 1 , x '\ & 8, '* ', I x, \\ ! 8. '> 1 ; Name 't, ; of I :"""""""""-""-."""",""""""""."..-"-""""""""""~""""~, i Member I , I . iThe City Manager asked l4r. McCabe if he -.'?lt the i i State and Government snou'ia not pay for ambu-iancef t services? I I 0 1 I I I Mr. McCabe stated he' felt if there was no medicarb, i insurance would take care of such services. 4 I I I I ! i COMMITTEE REPORTS : I t 8 I 4 4 ; Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to complimen: i t$e City P4ana.ger for the number of hours he has ; ; been putting in at the office. Also he wculd i 1 ike to compliment him on the article appearing ! ; in the Western Cities Magazine concerning the i sewer'facilities, written by him together with i : the City Engineer and the City Manager of Vista I I Lake Calaveras . Crnn. Neiswender asked if there i i was some way the route to .Lake Calaveras could be: : marked. i The City Manager informed the Council the City is: i not giving a permit to Lake Calaveras. They are ; : only giving permission to use the Lake once they i i are there, I I I I 1 I I t .I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I ;Cmn. Neiswender presented a pamphlet put out by ; I the Security First National Bank regarding the i i San Diego area. t t i Parks and Recreation projects. Crnn. Worthing : stated the Parks and Recreation Commission re- i i quested estimates on some of the projects they : ': want, and he felt the staff should be instructed i i to prepare a rough estimate of these items. I I i The City Manager informed the Council the staff i ; could obtain figures on some of the items. i Annexation Fees. Crnn. Northing asked if the Cityi / Manager had had a chance to meet with the Mayor : I concerning proposed annexation fees, and he i stated this matter had not been discussed as yet.! i Crnn. Northing inquired as to whether the regular i ! meeting of the Council scheduled for July 4th I i would be held on July 5th, and he was informed 4 i that the regular meeting would be held on July 5th. : North Coast YMCA Aquatic Park dedication. Cmn. i ; Jardine presented ar; invitation to all the I i Coun'cilmen to be present at the dedication of the: t YMCA Aquatic Park at 10:30 on Saturday, June 24, ; .' 1967. : Mayor Atkinson requested an executive session to i i discuss personnel and appointments. I I i The Council adjourned to the adjoining room at i : 9:lO P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:25 P.M. : I The Mayor announced he would like to appoint I I i Lt. Col. Elmer H. Jose to the Planning Commis- : ; sion for a four year term, ending April, 1971. f : Also appointments ~ei-e made to the Downtown ; Business District Action Commission, and that I I t I I I f I I I I I l e 8 I 1 I I I I I I I I * 1- I I I t I ; I I 8 I I I 4 t 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I L 0 I 1 I f 5 I 1 ', 8 \ i '\ '\ ' t -1 0- I X' 1 i Pjanle \\, 1 ; of ' I (""""""-""""--."".""-"""""~"""""""~."""~"-~"-""""~""~"""" : Member 8' \' I I I I I t I I I 8 I i he wou1.d contact the members personally. : Buena Vista Lagoon Committee. The committee i Cmn. Dunne stated he noticed in the newspaper ; I Lagoon as soon as they are available. ! I I i asked for information concerning Open Space Funds! ; funds have been approved for the Buena Vista I 4 I 1 4 * I A 8 I t i Water Committee. Cmn. Dunne requested the City i ; Manager to set up a meeting of the committee. 1 I I 1 I 1 i Parks and Recreation Commission. Cmn. Jardine i i reported that the Parks and Recreation Commis- t 1 i sion on May 22, 1967, it was suggested that a i I joint committee between members of the Parks and ; : Recreation Commission and the City Council be I i formed. Commissioners Carmichael, Noolrich and ; 1 Scherr were appointed from the Parks and Recrea- i i tion Commission. I I i Mayor Atkinson stated he would appoint himself I I and Cmn. Jardine to serve on the committee. ! Business License Committee. Cmn. Jardine report-1 i ed that Mr. Olsen has been working with data ; i and it looks encouraging that the committee will i i be able to come up with a formula that will be ; : more satisfactory than the one in effect now. I Chamber of Commerce Budget. Cmn. Neiswender i presented the Council with a copy of the Chamber ! : Budget for the fiscal year 1967-68, and asked i i that this budget be considered at the time the ; : City budget is being corisidered. :Mr. Kirk, President of the Chamber of Commerce, i i was present and informed the Council the Chamber : i now has 292 members. When he took over as Pres- { ! ident of the Chamber, there was a sick membership: i from the City 'chis next fiscal year. He pointed ; i out the more members there are the more expenses i : there are. i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: i (a) The Mayor requested the Council to review ! : the Chamber Agreement, and that a copy be given i I the Chamber for their review. I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 8 3 8 1 -1 I I 8 I (of 73 members, They are requesting $17,00OI00 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I v I , I I I I I I I I (b) Resolution fr"1413, authorizinsondemnation ! I of sewer easement. The CTtntTrney informed i : th2Council the acquisition of a ten foot wide t i easement is required for the Date, Olive, and I I I portion of Garfield sewer district (A.D. 1-1966)i i across Mrs. Higman's property for sewer main I t ; purposes. The following resolution authorizes ; ! proceeding with this acquisition: t I I I : Resclution No. 1413. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY !Piorthing i mGfTCTL-OFTTE CfTY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND i tjeiswend i DIRECTING CONDEi4i;iF,TIOI,1 OF EASEKENT FOR SENER f Atkinson e ! E..IAI;\i PURPOSES, was adopted by title cnly and i Dunne 0 I ; further reading waived. I ; Jardine I I t I t I L s I 1 I I I t I * ! -11- I '\, '\ :1, I *, '. I Name 'b, : of 1 I ''8 I .'\ I 9' 8' t :""""~-"""""""""""""--"~"""""~--""""~""-"-"~"~~""""". : Member I I 9 4 0 - E Western Pipe Line Cases. The City Attorney SR- I i formed the Council that Items (c) and (d) were i i in connection with the recovery of b.ack damages ! i for alleged bid rigging, The City joined as a \ ! Plaintiff with the State of California in a suit ; i against various pipe manufacturers. The State i i has come to a proposed solution to the case in- : : volving the payment by the various pipe companies! .i of a'surn of money which will be distributed 6 1 : among the cities. The City has been requested i I to' adopt the following resolutions Sn order that ; :-the State can proceed in the matter: I -t 1 I I I [ Resolution No. 1414. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY !Northing ! OF CARLSBAD RE: DISTRIBUTION OF SETTLEMENT FUNDS : Neiswenc i AMONG PLAINTIFFS, was adopted by title only and i Atkinson i further reading waived. : Dunne I 8 1 I 8 i Jardine i Resolution No. 1415, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Northing I i COUNCIL, RATIFYING, AFFIRMING AND APPROVING : Neiswene t MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SETTLEMENT OF i , Atkinson i WEST COAST PIPE CASES, was adopted by title only : Dunne ; and further reading waived, I Jardine ! Claim for damages. A claim for damages has been i i received from Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Fields, 1 I : 2020 Gayle Way, for damage done to their home i i due to a broken sewer line. The City Attorney ; : recommended the claim be denied and referred to i i the City's insurance carrier. 9 I I By motion of the Council the claim was denied i Worthing : and referred to the City's insurance carrier. i Neiswend I : At ki nson I i Dunne I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I Jardine I I k i CITY. MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I I I I I (a) San Diego County Comprehensive Plannin : Oyganization. The City Manager informed tze ! i Counci 1 on May 15, 1967 the San Diego County I I : Comprehensive Planning Organization Policy Com- i i mittee enacted a resolution establishing an Ad ; : Hoc Regional Parks Planning Committee. The com- i i mi ttee has requested the City Council to appoint ; : or reappoint a representative to participate on i r the C.P.O. Ad Hoc Committee for Regional Parks ; : Planning. Mr. Mamaux pointed out he had been i serv-ing on this committee. : By ccjmmon consent the City Manager was reappoint-! ; ed to the C.P.O. Ad Hoc Committee for Regional : i Parks Planning. I I ' ! 1,NSERT (1) See Page 13 I : in rates. Letter dateci May 31, 1967, from Glenn : i McDougal, owner and operator of FilcDougal Sani- i : tation Company, was presented by the City Manage;, i stating that as of July 1, 1967, the San Diego i i County Public Works Department will make a i charge for anyone disposing of refuse at the. i ; refuse area. Also effective July 1, 1967, the I i refuse area at Palonar Airport Road will be t I : closed, making it necessary to hall loads approx; i imately 8 miles further. Mr. McDougal antici- i I I I I e I I I I I I t $ 1 rfrcuouga I ban1 tatlo'n Company - re: I.ncrease i 1 4 0 I I I a I I I I I I t I t ! -1 2- -. . - , '\ .- . + I 1 '\ '8,"~ A '\\ '\ '3 I Name 'x, $ \\ * \\ 'Y : of e -1 I-a-~"-"-S -.-. C- "--~.-..-.-"....""*".."..". ""~~*."-*.... ".-."-.~.".".."-., ! * i pates the trucks will be charged according to i thei.r weight. He is requesting that he be allow-; i ed a $.35 per month increase in rates charged to ; ; the. customers, and that the matter be reviewed : ; again January 1, 1968 to better determine if this! ; is a fair charge. # i Mr. McDougal has present and stated the County : i is charging by the cubic foot at the present time!. ; They have instal led 3 scales at various refuse I i areas so far, and he has no way of knowi.ng when : :these.new charges will go into effect. I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Worthins i rates charged by McDougal Sanitation Company be : Neiswenc : increased $.35 per month, subject to the matter i Atkinsor i Rember t b 4 I l e I t 1 i being reviewed January 1, '1968, : Dunne 9 I Jardine I I I ! (c) North Carlsbad Water System. As a part of i : the North Carlsbad Water sale, the City put a I : value of $15,000.00 for the Yucca Reservoir. The; i Council has received a copy of a letter from t I : Mr. Frank Lilley, City Manager of Oceanside, i stating their appraiser had appraised this pro- ! ; perty at $8,500.00. The City of Oceanside has i i offered to purchase this property for $10,000.00,: : and the staff recommends that this offer be I i accepted. i By motion of the Counci.'i the offer of $10,000.00 ! Northing : for the Yucca Reservoir property was accepted. i Neiswend .I I 8 I t 4 I I I I I I $ : Atkinson 8 i Dunne I t ! Jardine I t i (d) Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 1967-68. i : The City Manager stated the Council had received i i a copy of the Preliminary Budget, and in previous: : years an adjourned meeting had been held to dis- i i cuss the budget. I I Mayor Atkinson requested that an adjourned meet- i : ing be held on Monday, June 12, 1967. ! AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- : i TION OF PAYROLL: I I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills I ; for the general expenses in the amount of i $114,669.65, and for the Water Department in the !Northing : amount of $35,433.13, for the period May 16, : Neiswendc t 1967 to June 6, 1967, as certified by the Dir- !Atkinson ! ector of Finance and approved by the Auditing I Dunne t Committee. ; Jardi ne i Ratification of the payroll was given for the : Worthing i second half of May, 1967, in the amount of i Neiswendl : $24,862.20, as certified by the Director of I Atkinson i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Dunne I : Jardine ! I 9 t I 8 I 8 I * I I 8 I I I I I I I 1 I t I 0 0 0 t I I I I I I I I '\, "\ '*8 "8 I 88 '\\ '\ I 1 '\ \ '\ I Na me '8, '4 ; *f t.5' 1 'X ;""""""~""""""~"""""~~""""*~"""-"--------"-----------"-----"--- ! I -1 3- 1 i Member I . I t i ADJOURNMENT: 1 : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to ,I i June 12, 1967. The Mayor declared the meeting 1 i adjourned at 10:25 P.M. t I Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I 4 I 1 * I I I t I I * I I I * t I I f I I I I I I 4 I 1 4 r 1 v I * I r I I I I 1 INSERT (l), Cmn, Jardine requested that any i Minutes of the Committee that might be of interesf : to the Parks and Recreation' Commission, that a : i a copy be forwarded to the Commission. I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I t I t 1 I I t I 8 s t I t I 8 I I I 4 I I t I I ? 1 I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I t q I I I I I I I I 1 I I ! I! I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 4 I I I I I I I I I 4 I I 8 I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I 1 8. I I I i P ! I I I I I I I 8 I I I I. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I r