HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-12; City Council; Minutes:CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meetins) ' '8 :Date of Meeting: June 72, 1967 ; Name '*, :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. ; of : Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member : I L I '88 -88 '*, .' '. l"""""-"""""-""""""""""""""""..""""~""""""~~""~""" - 8 i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, I P!eisb;ender, Atkinson, Duzne and Jardine. Also i present were City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney ; Wilson and City Clerk Adams. 8 i The 'Mayor announced this adjourned meeting was i called for the purpose of discussing the Pre- : liminary Budget for the fiscal year 1967-68, as I presented by the ,Ci ty Manager. I I .- I I 6 b b I I 6 I 8 t \ 4 I I 1 I I I I t t 1 ! i The Council reviewed the Revenues and Expenditure:. : The City Manager informed the Council the oyt- .* : standing increase in the Revenues is anticipated i ; in the Building Permits. It is estimated there i i will be approximately $13,000,000.00 in building ; ; this next fiscal year'. A portion of this will be: I coming from the May Co. I I i Discussion was had regardirig the Transient Tax. ! : It was pointed out this fund was earmarked for i Ithe Parks and Recreation Department to be used ; ; for acquisition of land for parks. t 1 ; Crnn. Jardine stated he recalled the ordinance i I earmarked the funds for acquisition of land for : ; parks and the salary of a Parks and Recreation I i Director. I I i Salary Plan. Mayor Atkinson requested the Salary! : Plan discussed prior to the departmental budgets i I due to the fact some of the officers of the Em- f : ployees Association were present. ! The City Manager stated the salaries proposed re-: i flects a 10% increase for all employees. It was ; : his feeling that the City has the best employees i i in the County. This 10% increase would not put I : the employees in the highest bracket nor would $ i they be in the lowest. Over the past three years! : the cost of livinq has increased at least 7 1/2% : I I f # 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t t to 8 1/2%, ! " 8 1, I I i Cmn. Neiswender stated if the figure of 3.5% per I ; year were used since the last salary increase, ! i it would mean almost 11%, and he felt the 10% 1 : increase was a conservative figure. i Cmn. Jardine pointed out the education factor of ; ; some of the employees set forth in the budget, I i and he did not feel the request was out of line. : i Grnn.. Worthing'stated he had gone over the figures! ! with the City Manager, and he agreed with the in-i : crease proposed. i Cmn. Dunne commented on the fact that the take- ; ; home pay for the employees has been reduced over i i the past two years. i After further discussion, by motion of the : i Worthing i Countil the 10% salary increase for all employ- ; Neiswenc I ees was approved as recommended by the City i Atkinsor i Manager. ; Dunne i Advertising and Publicity. The Advertising and i I Publicity budget was discEssed next, as Mr. Kirk,; : President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Comrne:-ce, i I I 4 1. I I I t I I I I I I I I t 1 . -8 & 1 1 i Jardine t I I $ 1 I I I '8, '*, ' ! 'I '\ -\ I \' " -2 - I I 8' I 8' t i Name '\,, :""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""". : Member 1 1 : of 1 'was present. I The City Manager informed the Council in the pasti i years he has recommended $9,000.00 for use by the: I Chamber of Commerce, and $1 ,000.00 for the I ;Christmas display in the Fire Department. It was : i pointed out that the Chamber request was present-: ; ed after the City Manager had prepared the Pre- : ' i Iiminary Budget. 1 i The budget submitted by the Chamber of Commerce i ;was reviewed by Cmn. Neiswender, pointing out the: .I :Chamber of Commerce has asked the City for $ I I ; $17,000.00 this year. This increase is due to : i the increase of rent in order to pay off their i : loan; the secretary has been put on a full time : i basis; and the increase in advertising and pub- i : licity they propose for this coming year. Crnn. ; i Neiswender further stated the entire program I 1 ; outlined by the Chamber shows they are "on the ! f ball". It was his feeling the City .should sup- ; I port the Chamber. They have actually requested : !$8,000.00 over last year, at which time $9,000.00:, :was allocated for the Chamber, plus $3,000.00 to : i be used to attract industry. I I I Mr. Kirk was asked how much had been used to ; promote industry here in Carlsbad? i Mr. Kirk stated approximately $200.00 had been ! i spent out of the Industrial Contingency Fund. I I i Cmn. Jardine asked if Christmas decorations : could be provided out of the $17,000.00? 4 * i Cmn. Neiswender informed the Council he had dis- I ; cussed this matter with Mr. Kirk. If the amount I i bf $17,000.00 is approved, it is their intention ; f to sit down and try and work out a way in which f : the Christmas decorations can be accomplished. ! ! Mayor Atkinson asked Mr. Kirk if the Chamber of i i Commerce budget as presented had been approved i : by the Board of Directors of the Chamber? : Mr. Kirk informed the Mayor according to the ! By-Laws of the Chamber, approval by the Board i : was not necessary. It was his duty to prepare : i the budget. I I After further discussion, by motion of the i Northing : Council, the request for $17,000.00 was approved :Neiswend I for the Chamber of Commerce, as recommended -by !Atkinson t I .i * ; 8 I I I I I * I I t I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I t I 1 I I I 1 I I I Cmn. Nei swender. : Dunne i Jardi ne t I I I i Executive Session. Mayor Atkinson requested an i ; executive session for the purpose of discussing : i personnel. The Council adjourned to the .adjoin- i : ing room at 8:16 P.M. : The meeting reconvened at 8:59 P.M. The Mayor I i announced the executive session was called for i I the purpose of discussing the City Manager's I t i salary. The Council action taken in the execu- I : tive session set the City Manager's salary at t I i $15,750.00. 4 s I I I 8 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I x, . . *' I *' 8' \' 1 8, . ' I $1 t * 4 I -3- t I : of 8 i Name '\,, l""""""-"-""""""""""""-""""""..""""~""""""~"""""". : Member $ t 1 Departmental budgets. After discussing .:.:Id re- i - i viewing all the departmental budgets 2s presentedi ;by the City Manager, the following additions were: : made: t :City Manager: The total amount budgeted for the: i City Manager's department was increased from * I : $33,624.00 to $35,229.00, in accordance with the i i salary increase approved for the City Manager. l a i Advertising and Publicity: The total budget for i i Advertising and Publicitywas increased ..from ; $10,000.00 to $18,000.00, due to the increase in ! ithe amount allocated for the Chamber of Commerce.i : Parks and Recreation: It was agreed that an ad- I ! di tional Maintenance Man I be added to the Parks : 8 I b I * I * I I I l a I i and Recreation staff, increasing the total budget: ! from $29,668.00 to $34,308.00. I I I I I i Sanitation Facilities: It was further agreed that! i an additional Maintenance Man I be added to the i ; Sanitation Facilities staff, thereby increasing : i the total budget from $34,051.00 to $38,691.00. i i Water Department: The City Manager pointed out i ; the need for an increase in water rates, and i suggested at least a 10% increase in water rates i : to the consumer. I I I 1 1 I *I I I I i After considerable discussion, by motion of the i Council a 10% increase in water rates to the ; consumer was approved, and the City Attorney in- ; increase effective. 'I : structed to prepare an ordinance making the 10% I t I I 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I Northing Neiswenc Atkinsor Dunne Jardine i Mayor Atkinson complimented the City Manager bn i I the excellent budget submitted, and the addition-: i a1 reports that were submitted-within the budget.: I t ; By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at I i 1o:oo P.M. I * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Respectful ly submitted , ,{/i,. P c d 2: &2L/yL,[.,/ I?? .{ I I i MA GARET E. ADAMS i City 'Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I * 1 i I I I b I 1 I I I F. I # 1 I t I I 8' 1 I I I I I ! I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I t 1 k I I I 1 t