HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-12-05; City Council; MinutesI
Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (~egular f4eeting)i
Date of Meeting: Dece~ber 5, 1967 I *
Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M. 8 I
Place of 14eeting: Council Chambers I * .-------------------.--- -------------*---**--*---------------------------*'.
ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, !
Neiswender, Atkinson, Durrne and Jardine. Also :
present were Acting City Manager Killen, City a
Attorney Wilson and City Clerk Adams. 4 I a . a INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Atkinson. ' r : I .'ALLEGIANCE to the lag was given. I I
8 (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held on :
I November 21, 1967, were approved as corrected. : 8
- I
(a) Request for change of meter rates - Avocado I
Cab Co. A letter from the Avocado Cab Co. I I
a.ddressed to the Mayor was presented, requesting i
permission to raise the meter rates for their @
taxi cabs. a 8
The Mayor requested the matter referred- to the i
staff for .study. I I
Mr. Book-out, owner 'of the Avocado Cab Co., was
present and informed the Council the meter rates
in Carlsbad are .the lowest in the County. * 8 *
i (b) Howard Demler - re: Proposed Water Bond I
Issue. A letter dated December 1, 1967, addres- :
sed to Councilman Dunne from Howard Demler was
read, concerning a proposed 2 1/2 million dollar :
water bond issue, including a six months record j
of payments to be instituted as soon as practi- i
cable. Mr. Demler felt Cmn. Dunne should be I
,/congratulated on his opposition to an unsound I
proposal such as this and for his honest inter-
pretation of the rights of the voters to be &
allowed to decide on such an issue. 8 * *
The letter was ordered filed. I
# 4
(c) Request for relief in Business License Tax -!
Don \{il'liarns. Letter dated i\lovember 25, 1967, ;
from Don +lilliams, owner of Don's Den, was ac- :
knowledged by the City Council, in which he noted
some of the changes in the neii business license i ordinance, speci fi cal ly the fee for vending a @
machines. Mr. \~!illians also made a comparison :
of his business 1 icense fee vri th the proiessional~
fee, and requested that he be given relief. I I
The !vlayor requested the letter referred to the i
staff for study. e I :
(d) Fee for extra trash pick-up - Mrs. Olive B. :
Heisler. Letterdated I"iovember 15,1967; from i
Mrs. Olive E. Heisler, concerning fee charged by j
McDougal Sanitation Co. for extra trash pick-up,:
was acknol,,il edged by the Council. I I
I I he‘ Courlci 1 was informJ>.d the Engineerins Depart- !
n~ent tiad checked :.!ith iicEou~a1 Sanitation Ca. b f
! 1
-2- I i
I I : and found the extra- trash necessitated twa trips i : to the dump, and that the. hours involved were not: * ! unreasonable. After discussio~'viith Mr. :,icDougal: 1 it was felt the charge was not directly related ti
1 : the franchise with the City, but that it was a b
j matter between the two parties. 4 8
1 e 1. a j The City Engineer was requested to inform Mrs. a : Heisler as to the City's position. @ . 8
a / There were no oral communications. : &
i ENGINEERING: a l a .D 4
4 loij j (a) Peter J. Folz - re: Request for waiver of j : street improvements in connection with Lot Split.!
%@ ---- : A letter dated November 20, 1967, from Pe!er J. ; I Folz was presented, requesting a waiver of street: : improvements in connection with a lot split on ;
property located at 2055 Chestnut Avenue. f
l a
@ j The Engineering Department presented a map show- : ing the property being located on ChestnutAve. :
j East of Monroe St. The Council was inforized the : property. i.s located on the South side of Chestnut; : Ave. The owner wou-ld like to split his property j f into two parcels. According to the ordinance : : Mr. Folz is required to improve the frontage i along his property, which will cost approximately! : $2,400.00. The grade has been established and :
there is no reason for not requiring the street I : improvements, except for financial reasons of the: i property owner. There is curb and gutter on the j : North side of the street, but no improvements on : i the South side of the street until you rezch I : Cameo Rd. The owner would like to post band and j
enter into a future street improvement agreement.:
I 8 a 8 I Mr. Folz pointed out in his letter street im- I : provements were not requi-red on Chestnut Ave. by j i the developer of Chestnut Heights subdivision. :
; This was due to the fact the developer had double! i frontage lots. D
I * I I ! Crnn. Dunne noted the improvements on the North i
; side of Chestnut Ave. are road mix and not stand-: : ard improvements. I
1 0 1 D l I : Mayor Atkinson stated it might be difficult to : i proceed under the 1911 Act provisions for just : the paving of the street. 8 a
D I * : Cmn. Jardine commented on the fact this wzs a I I I j good street for full street improven:ents urtder j
; the 1911 Act Proceedings, and that perhaps in thq : case of Illr. Folz the street improvements could : i be waived contingent u?on the olwner entering I i into a future street improvement agreement, I j 1 ' 1 : Consideration eras given to having the Engineer- I
I. i ing Deparinient subnii t a report as to the ii;:prove:
ments needed for Chestnut Avenue from rlloni.~? St. I ! ; to El Canlino Real, the percentage of partici- I I i pants, and tile cost of the isiproverilents. I
I 1 * t
* '\ 8, .\\ *\ '\ '. I t I
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\, , I : Memb~r Q\?,<+\y-\2~o,l :---------------c-----.-------------*--.----.--*---*---------*--------------'---*--,,-,,,,,,,'--:--.-- --\)
I I I i,:l:; : It was determined following further discussion i 1;; ::; I **I:;; ; that the matter be -referred to the Engineering j :I:;.: : Department for a report to the City Council at ; 111 ;;,::,
11 j the second meeting in January, 1968. a ;;::;;
t I /- ! :. l!p!!
1lf;Il : PARKS AND RECREATION: t I :;'a;:
I 'I:::: I::;;; (a) Memorandum from Parks and Recreation ~ommis-i :l;~ll : sion - re: Landscaping of El Camino Real. Memo- : !!;!:: ; ll,l; randum from the Parks and Recreation Commission : !!-!! jl : dated November 27, 1967, requesting that the @ 6
*II, i;!:; center island on El Camino Real (at least the t 1,;;:
section near Vista Way) not be blacktopped, as i i
11 +- Lbc ::;Ill
i 1 there are many possibilities which would not in- : :::::I I. 1
I terfere with underground utilities nor motorist i !::;.I t I
I 1:;::; ' visibility. ::::::
- B B ::;@,I The City Engineer reported this involves the I I ::I:;:
I i:;;;: island in front of the May Co. The County is I 1 I tI;:
j ready to pave this area, and they would 1 ike to j iiiiii : know the City's plans for this area. * '0
I. I 9 i:::::
I b #;I:;; j Following discussion the City Engineer was in- ;1:1,t ;::::: i structed to notify the County to withhold paving I I&)
I ; of the island until a report has been received I I;::;; :::;:; * : from the Parks and Recreation Commission. I
I :i*l;l
I I I ;::;ti v 1
! (b) Memorandum from Parks and Recreation Corn- j !it!:!
j mission - re: Proposed tree planting easements I . :!lo;!
11;;,; =# 70 I in subdivisions. A memorandum from the Parks tll I I :;;::: ; and Recreation Commission to the Planning Gommis-: !::;ll I; : sion was presented, concerning proposed tree * I ;!;;i; I planting easements in subdivisions. B I:
b I
: It was agreed that the matter be referred to the 1 I:;::: 1 I~: i/[ Planning Commission for their study, and that a j :;p::
; report be made to the Council as to the Conmis- ; :::;;1
. : sion's recommendation. I ::;;;:
b :*I I:
9 9 8::::; 'I i PLANNING: I :;;:::
i 9 I i;;:;: . - i (a) Request for extension of time on Tentative ! i:;!;; ::;t;l : Map for El Camino Mesa Unit #5. Developer: I I ,:;::I 7 j Kamar Construction Co. Letter dated December I, j :;;:;;
1 1 1967, from Kamar Construction Co., Inc., request-: I
ing a one year extension of time for filing the : ;;~l;l :4jl; ! final map on El Camino Mesa, Unit No. 5 subdivi- i ;::;:: j sion. * a b t;;l:t * I I I ::;:;:
'1; !::It By motion of the Council a one year extension of j \aJorthing : : ;xi ; : time was granted to Kamar Construction Co. for Neisvrendemj i j ; filing the final map of El Camino Mesa Uni"L5. : Atkinson : ; x: ; !
I I i Dunne i i ix: i i I TRAFFIC SAFETY: :Jardine : :x:+ : :
I t I ;::;:; 2 : (a) Report from Traffic Safety Committee. A 1 b ----- I ll:;:; /02 - : report from the 1 rciific Safety Conl~ilittee dc:ed : ;:;I;,
j Novernber 28, 1967, was reviebled and discussed. ii:;:; I I ;':I:;
I I 1 i The Council concurred with the recom~i~enlations 06 I:::;: : .the Trdffic Safety Com~~ittee. As to Item ? con- 1 I:;:;:
I i;;:;; cerning Mr. L. E. Illright's request to renov2 the ! I
I ;i::;; : fence on 101 Highxay, adjoining Solainar Plcbile I I :
Estates, permission \:as granted to i4r. \!right to j ;;;;;a
I IIII,) : remove the fenct? at his o~:n expense, with t5e I :;::::
condition that such rei~loval does not consti-lute i
;I, i authority for ve!?icu7ar access to the hig: ay i ;;::;I
I t ,:;a::
I 1
I I ! \;;;,I . 4
I 3 ' ,, ', \ ', '\ . : '
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\ ,\-p\ \\ \$. : * : of \7'+\ , , 1 : : Member +e',lj', \C'\P\y'/ -;,' / I??, :------- -------- -- ----.-.--.-------------------*----------------------------: --------------- 29:>0_1.~':~-20'~\;
I ;'I I 4 I ,88:11
from adjoining property. Further, that the City j ;!:tBt lt1;;
: can construct a nevi fence' whenever it so desires.! 11~~ I I
::;lll b I s ;;l:ll C(II
In connection with the above recommendations, the! !::;:I
t I : folloning resolution was introduced by the City ; b ;::!,t I 1 : Attorney: s::;~~
,' I
8 t 'I,,;' ! 9 I / i .Resolution No. 1459. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY Worthing : 8 !xix: I : : 11 i COUI.ICIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING TRAFFIC: NeiswenderX : jxj ; : CONTROL, was adopted by title only and further !Atkinson j i .* Ox: I I I readi ng waived. ; Dunne : 9 :xi i i 8 !Jardine ; ,;I : ;x;
-1 I :!:;:I
8 I* I::
I I ;::;;; ;::;:I ! (a) Report on Bid Responses for Library ,Janitor-! ;:::,I 3 ial Service. A report was submitted to the - f a I -- I:::;; : Council stating three bids were received on I I i!:;:; '.: November 27, 1967, for Library Janitorial service! ::!!:; ~l,ltt I The low bid was submitted by American Building : ::;;:i I Maintenance Co. in the amount of $389.00 per # I
I ;:;8tl ; m'anth, plus restroom supplies not to exceed t I;;::: : $25.00 per month. * sol tll
0 I a t :;;I:: I I
i ;!!;!; - - t Discussion was .given as to whether or not such ; ;l;8b ; an extensive service was needed for the Library, : I:;:;:
: and as to whether or not there were any provision$ ::I::: : : ; ; : made in the budget for janitorial services. I I# # 8 :::I;:
8. # ::::i:
: The Acting City Man-ager a'nd the Acting Director i iiil:!
of Finance informed the Council there were no 11 I !::;#I 8 I
I" funds available for this service. a ;:::I'
b l:~l:~ 'i Mi. Manaux, former City Manager informed the
I i:;!::
I I1 :::;I' : Council there were funds budgeted for one man i tbt@'; i half time as janitor. Also there were funds t :p:::
;is1 : budgeted under contractual services for janitor- ! *;;:!: : ial service in the old library. t 8 ;llll;
I ;::;::
# ;::;:I
! : In checking the budget the Acting City Manager I I:;l:; 1 confirmed the fact that funds were budgeted for ; :;;:;: t 6 I
! one man half time. 6 t!!!!! : :;I,
8 8 I 4 l::I#l : Following discussion by motion of the Council I :blorthing : :xi : :
1: j the low bid of American Building iblaintenance Co. :Neisbiender: > :xi ; : ; was accepted. :Atkinson ;x; :
I I I :Dunne : : :xi i a
e 1 I j~ardine j xl jx: :
I I I * i;::::
I ::::I; 8 I ::::::
..livC i (a) Report on 6id Responses for Civic Center i ;::::I ;::;:: j Bonds. Mr. A. H. Peterson, Chairman of the I a ;:;I;:
; Carlsbad Building Authority, was present and re- : ,:;::I : ported to the Council the members of the ~uthoriti ;ll :;;!I: : ; j were disappointed in that only one bid \?!as re- : ,;*:l : ceived at a 6unterest rate. If the bid is 8 I I;;;:~ ;*:;:I
i. accepted it v:ould not increase the $460,000 bond : 18, I 1;:j issue. The increase would be in the annual pay- : I!!,!:
rnents. Instead of paying $34,000 per year the ' ii;!:! i : City would pay approxinlately 53,800. It will ;:!::; : cost the City an acldi tional 44,000 per year'. I ,:;I::
I 1:::;: The Auihori ty discussed rejecting the bid and a I #I,+ I$ : calling for other bids, however, this coulc! mean l I:;:;:
!:I:;; j 71: interest. In vie\;/ of the rise in the r zrket, j I;!!;; the Authority rcco~~ri~ends that tile bid be :cceptec!j. l~~ll;
J t I:::;:
I 1 I
Mr. Fieldman, Financial Consultant for the 1 *
1 Authority, stated he had .computed the figures ;
for the Council according to the bid received. I
The additional cost per year would be $2,600. I{
the bonds are not called and remain in effect fort
1 25years, a surplus of $14,600 would build up. ! .This does not include .the investments to accrue. :
. . . . !
The bond averages hit an all time high yesterday.!
According to the Wall Street Journal, interest i
is higher than just before the Civil War. It I
does not look as if a tax bill will be passed by i
congress before late Spring. This bid can be a
rejected ahd then wait until the middle of Janu- :
ary to receive bids. The other alternative a I
would be to !lait until Spring, however, by that :
time the construction bid will have expired, and I
it was his understanding that the bid was mis- 8 t
calculated. No one can foresee what the new I ! t contract price would be. I
It was pointed out by Mr. Fieldman of the $2,600 : ! additional cost per year, it would actually be ;
$2,200, and the difference would be used to I 8
build up a reserve. $340,000 of the $4.60,000 I
bonds are cal lable. If the market changes these j
bonds could be called in 1978. I
I Cmn. Jardine asked if a tax bill were enacted, I
would the bond market make a drastic change? I I
Mr. Fieldman stated the market never makes a I a
drastic change. It could make a change from * I
112% to 1/4%, however, it is antici~ated that the:
cost of construction will increase 5% within the :
next few months. 8
Cmn. Dunne asked Mr. Fieldman if he were familia.4
with HUD, and -Mr. Fieidman .stated he was; how' ;
ever, it would take several months of negotiating!
prior to any-approval . I. t
In view of the information presented, by motion j of the Counci 1 it was agreed that the .Council i
accept the recommendation of the Carlsbad Build- ;
ing Authority to award the bid to Taylor & Co. i
I I A short' recess was called at 8:50 P.M. I b
The meeting reconvened at 9:10 P.M. I I
(a) !later Sys -- terns Improvement -- Conriii ttee Recom- j
mendati ons. The 'dater Svs teas In~rovenent Corn- : *
mi ttee recon:mendati ons were again reviewed. I t
General discussion centered around increasing th<
water rates, and as to the timing of a bond 8 I
election. I v
I -General Rogers of the \later Coninlittee was presenq
and inforined the Cot~ncil it IS the Comnli ttee's 1
reconinlendztion that the water rates be increased:
starting in January, 1968. The City would be j
building LIP a reserve, as v~ell as increasing the l
saleabi 1 i ty of the bor,ds. There is no assurance
tile City will receive a grant, and there is no ;
assurance the City can sell tho bonds. Therz-
I ) *\ '\ \ '\ '8, \ I
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I - 6 - I , -, I , ,---' ; Name '., %:PA, , %c--' I
.L;:o. *,'?>: :
t : of \,,.;, \ ' '
I : Member ,,cyp8~;,cV> ,O\~..C-:S\:~'.,: ;
I I ;I1 T--l---l
I 111:~~ I 1 t
I fore, it was his opinion the City should accumu- I ;!!:;; I ; late funds now as there is work that has to be : ;;;::! I 'I( ! done. Further, it will take several months for '1~tlI ? !:;:,I the application to be processed, and he did not : ;;'I;:
feel an election could be held prior to June if ! !!I!!! : : the City wishes to wait until after the acceptancQ
I( : has been received from the State. If funds are : 4:;;: I taken from the General Fund the tax load is born : I by the property owner. 8 8
8 I I I : Cmn. Dunne asked how long it would take to pre- ; 0 ; pare the plans and specification, and it was I 8
1 i stated it would take approximately one year.
I Crnn. Dunne also asked what bonding capacity the I City had at this time? I I
The former City Manager stated as of July 1, 19671,
': the bonding capacity of the City was $560,000. i i Also the bond issue for the sewer project was I I : passed prior to engineering and plans, and the i
j b9nds were sold as needed. I
I ! 8 I : Cmn. Dunne pointed out there is $105,000 in the I
Water fund now, and the former City Manager an- :
ticipated an additional $27,000 at the end of the! : fiscal year. He could see no reason for increas-i : ing the water rates until after the bond election;
is held. Further, he thought this election *. I : could be held in connection with the General Mu- ! n.ici pal el ecti on in Apri 1. *
# I 8 ;,:I:: General Rogers pointed out if the rates were in- : I;;:;, ::;i:: : creased now you would not have to increase the I I:
I : rates as much when the bond issue is passed.
\ 8 1 I:::::
I I 1:;;:s j The Mayor stated he would recommend that there j :::;ii : be no rate increase until after the City hears i i::;::
: from HUD :!!;,;
8 8 :dl;;;
L ; ;!!ti:
f. j It was determined following further discussion ; 18;~;l i:.:;: : that no action be taken as to increasing the I I '::;'; i water rates until the City hears from HUD. 8 e ;;:;:I
t 'f
I I a*,;:8
<'The following ordinances were presented for a j :;"::
second readi ng : 8 I:!!:: -+ 4 8 !:;I::
1;;::: j (b) Ordinance No. 4007. AN ORDINANCE OF THE ! lalorthing : :x: xj : j
'(1 'I j CITY OF CARLSBAD A~+IE~!D~G SECTIOi: 35 OF ORDIEIANCE~ Neiswender: ;x: ; : NO. 4001 REGARDIriG INSTALLATION CHARGES FOR : Atkinson ;x: ; : i b!ATER XETERS, was given a second reading by ti tlej Dunne It : ; !xi 1 : ; only and adopted. : Jardine Ix: ;xi : I
I I 8 :I I::::' I:
(c) Ordinance No. 9210. AN ORDIFIANCE OF THE ji*lorthinS : :x;x: : : : CITY ~XSSAD AillENDIrIG ORDINANCE NO. 9060, j bleisriendet: : j
; R-31 TO ZOElE R-3, was given a second reading by : Dunne ;ii; 1 I
1 title only and adopted. 8 1 :Jardine :x; In: ; *
l/: I I I p;fll ;:::
COil:I.lITTEE REPORTS: I --- ):,I i ;I';::
1. ;:;I;:
Cmn. llorthing reported the Library Building Corn- :
t j4;:; mite as rested the Council approve the *I* I i:;l;l
1 plans for the sprinkler system. I t
i/i : Itt :::::;
11 ; The plans were presented for the Council's re- ! :I;;:;
I ;::;I; i vie\]. t ;/pi;
I ' 1 I:,
I 3 \;:I!
1 By motion of the Council the plans for the
8 t : Library sprinkler system .were approved, and the : : I staff instructed to call for bids, t
1- !
I ! : i b I I
; .Underground Utilities. Cmn. Dunne reported on :
j the meeting held in Los Angeles concerning under-! : ground utilities, which he and Commissioner Smith; -ti- f cok i from the Planning Commission attended. Nany I t
j cities nor.! have underground utility ordinances. i
There is a model ordinance being prepared by the i
League of California Cities, and he suggested
that the City Attorney send for a copy to see I b ! how the City's ordinance compares with the ~ea~uej' : ordinance. It was also suggested by Crnn. Dunne : that a committee be appointed to study the con- : // version to underground utilities within the city.:
'. b
I i Mayor Atkinson requested that arrangements be :
! made for a meeting between representatives of 1 i the utility companies and the City. @
* t
( Plans for new Fire Station. A meeting eras held I
" 5-1 : today to discuss plans for the new fire. station. i I. he^ are in hopes of having the plans completed :
by January 1st. 8
b i (.a) Request for additional personnel. A memo- j i randum dated December 1, 1967, from the City I I .:i/ : Clerk was discussed, requesting a full time s
i Deputy City Clerk. I @
I n
Inquiry was msde by the Council as to whether I
t : there were funds budgeted for a full time Deputy-!
I , ! i The City Clerk informed the Council she had bid- :
j geted funds for two elections as it was antici- j i -. : pated there would be a water revenue bond elec- : i tion this fiscal year in addition to the General j
; Municipal election. If a water bond election is : l/j held the election expenses should come from the
; Water Department funds. s
L I i 4 j Cmn. Jardine stated he and Crnn. Worthing were i : well aware of the need for additional help ir th4 : +. Clerk's Department. 8 I
1 t
j By motion of the Council it was agreed that the j : position of a full tinie Deputy Clerk be filled. :
Planning Departcent. --
I +q .; ! ; (a) Request for additional personnel. .--- The City ; : Planner suggested that due to the illness of t
b. : Yrs. Osburn in the Plznning Department Miss i
a Dirrego from the !$later Department be transfer-red :
Vto the Planning Oepart:eent, and that a Cashier be: : eniployed for the :n!ater Dcpar-tment. The position :
will be held oper; in tile Plannin? Departr~ent for I : Mrs. Osburn. There are funds in the Planning I I ! Der~ar-ti:ien'i thzt can be ~:sed for- this additional I
I I j By motion of the Council that additional help i be employed in the -Planni'ng Department. ; t !
. /- a : \ t !
j (a) Stamp Tax Ordinance. The City Attorney pre-! : sented an ordinance which was recently authorized!
j by the State Legislature, allo~jring cities and 4 : : counties to tax deeds recorded in the County at i
the rate of 27 1/2$ for each $500,00 valuation, :
or the first $100.00. The County has adopted an I 1 ordinance to effect this new law. Collection I
I : will be handled by the County, and will produce i : revenue for the City at no cost to the City. As : i the ordinance is designed to take effect immed- I
'. J ; iately, it will be necessary to have it read in j : full. I
j The following ordinance was presented and read ! : in full:
I p * 8
. /: Ordinance No. 1105. AN ORDIRAFICE OF THE CITY OF i i CAT~SBAD IETPOSIP~G-A DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX ON THE : : SALE OF REAL PROPERTY, was read in full and 8 I : adopted.' I
I : (b) Pistol Range Agreement with State liighwa j -- Patrol. A resolution authorizing and directi:g 7% i the iylayor to execute an agreement with the High-
; way Patrol regarding use of the Police Pistol : Range was presented for the Council's considera- ! tion. This matter \,as presented to the Council : at their meeting held November 21, 1967, and
authorized, however, the Highway Patrol has re- : quested a slightly different form of contract: i Basically, the contract was the same. The Police
' ! Department has recommended its approval.
8 4
I I. 8
: I The Hayor requested an executive session to dis-
! cuss' personnel. The Council adjourned to the b : i adjoining roonl at 10:21 P.P1.
1 8
I e .I The meeting reconvened at 11 :12 P.Pl. I
...-.----___ 1 c--- r i (a) The ilayor announced the purpose of the per- j .+ -'j '. ( : sonnel meeting was to discuss the report an-? I
~~recommendaiions' of thz Acting City i4anager1s i ;"report dated iioveixber 30, 1067, regarding vaca- ; • L/i I tion time. 8
I It !.ias the decision of the Council to accept the ; I recomnendations of the Acting City Planaget. I
I 1
I 1
I 1 !
-9- I I
t I I I t
with the exception that wherever the date June 30
1968 appears it shall be September 30, 1968, and i
wherever the date July 1, 1968 appears it shall ;
be October 1, 1968. I 6
Mayor Atki nson appointed himsel f and Cmn. 4 8
Neiswender as a committee to study personnel o
policies for the City of Carlsbad. 4 #
(b) Salary of Acting Director of Finance. The :
Mayor further announced it was the decision of : i the City Council to fix the salary of the Acting ;
Director of Finance at Step 27-A, $713.00 per I
month effective November 16, 1967, plus $15.00 :
longivity and $10.00 paid from iliater Department 1 funds, making a total monthly salary of $738.00, ; subject to step increases of $36.00 after the I
first 6 months, an additional $37.00 after one
year, and an additional $41 -00 after 2 years and i
3 years respectively, as recommended by the I I
Acting City Manager. . I
t I
(c) Policy Statement regarding u'se of Library. : l
A memorandum from the Acting City Eiianager was I
presented, s tati ng Mrs. Nelson Nes tree, .a member i of the "Friends of the Library" had contacted I I
him concerning the use of the multi-purpose room i in the new Library. She stated she had been I a
approached by local citizens expressing the hope I
they could use the 'faci 1 i ties for recreation I
purposes other than reading, such as playing t I
bridge and holding club meetings. Yrs. Westree :
suggested that it might be worthwi;ile to formulate
a policy statement regarding the use of the I I
Library faci 1 i ties. a
b a
The staff was instructed to make a study of the I
matter and submit a report to the City kouncil.
" I
Authorization was given for the payment of bills j
for the general expenses of the City in the t I
amount of $114,663.34 and for the Water ~e~artmen4
in the amount of $18,049.61, for the period I
November 21, 1967 to December 5, 1967, as certi- I
fied by 'the Acting Director of Finance and approv-;
ed by the Auditing Committee. I I
9 I
Ratification of the payroll was given for the f
second half of Movernber, 1967, in the amo:int of :
$30,101.30, as certified by the Acting Director I
of Finance and approved by the Auditing ~onlaitteei
I I b I
I ----- I *
By proper niotion the meeting was adjourned at I
11 :20 P.M. I I I
Respectfully submitted,