HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-01-16; City Council; Minutes; LllY ui- LHKL3tlHl.J 1 ', -8 ' : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) i ' 8, '' IDate of Meeting: January '16, 1968 '. '\ : ; Name '-, 8: :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of '\+ : Member x! 8 : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing,. 1 : Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine. Mayor Atkinson ; !was absent. Also present were Acting City Managel: ! Killen,, City Attorney Wilson and City Clerk Adams; i INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor Dunne. s. . a. .. t ,B !ALLEGIANCE to the Flag- was given. a 8 !APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 0 b i-PJ a..ce-.lof"eRt~-Ds;,",C,oun,c,il,,,C,tl~-~_b_ers """"-""""""-; """"" ____. 0 - 1):. @ I I : I c 8 I (a) Minutes of the.regular meeting held on !Northing :Dunne i Jardi ne I January 2, 1968, were approved as presented. :Nei swende I i CORRESPONDENCE: /: 37 ': (a) William C. Atkinson, Jr. - re: Letter of i i res'ignation as Mayor. A letter dated January 76,: t 1968, addressed to members of the Council from 1 : William C. Atkinson, Jr., was read, tendering his: i resignation as Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, * ; effective "immediately, due to his principle re- i i sponsibili ty as. vice-president of the Army and i j Navy Academy. I .:By proper motion William C. Atkinson, Jr.'s !Worthi ng ! resignatlon as Mayor of the City of Carlsbad was INeiswendel i accepted with regret. ; Dunne i Vice -Mayor Dunne stated he was sure all the mem- i i bers of the Council were in sympathy with Mr. I t : Atkinson's problems, and it was with regret the : I Council accepted his resignation. I - : Vice Mayor Dunne further stated he had discussed i i the Mayor's vacancy with the City Attorney and : 1 requested him to review the matter with the 1 ; Council members. i The City Attorney informea the Council 'the Counci) i may appoint within 30 days to fill the Mayor's I ; vacancy. If an appointment is not made within : : the 30 day period the vacancy would then be I placed on the ballot for the regular municipal i ; election in April, 1968. Further, if an appoint-! i ment is not made, the Vice Mayor shall serve as ; : Mayor. : By motion of the Council it was agreed that the :Northing i Vice Mayor serve as Mayor until the matter can i Meiswende! ; be placed on the ballot in April, 1968. ; Dunne .. s s -b I 8 I I 0 * c I * I :Jardine I t I I I 8 a t 1 9 I s * I I I 0 I t t i Jardine # * 1 I i I ..; ORAL COMMUNIC,@,TIONS: I 1 /; * I I s 55 I MR. JOHN NAiviAtiX, 1393 Basswood , stated the ; Council in June, 1967, granted permission to I I .McDouga? Sanitation Cc. for a rate increase, with! ; the provi'sion that the matter be reviewed and I : studied as of January 1, 1968, and asked as to i i what had been do~e on this matter? I i ifice Mayor ~ui-ns instructed the City ~anz,;$-r to i t 0 I I I k i check into this r;~<,;:t~;p. I I I I I i I 1 I .n I L -8, ', -* I -2-. I I '\ * 8, * ' '. I i Name *\, 8: I ; of '-5 t! 8' : Member *' J; ,""""""""""""""~""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""". I '0 102. !MR. JOHN CORBETT, 1695 Basswood, inquired as to i ;who had jurisdictioh over'the intersection of ' ' I &Chestnut Ave. and El Camino Real, as it is a : dangerous and hazardous intersection? :The City. Engineer informed the Council this inter; . 8 :section is still under. the control of the County,: ; hmever, the City has requested the County to b * i check this intersection out'. e : Vice Mayor Dunne requested the City Engineer to i !make a further check with the County on this 1 I - f 8 b S b .. i t .. b l B i .I matter. " I 8 b # i PUBLIC HEARINGS: ! ?' ,* . .. I t 4 26 i (a) Notice 0.f Filing Assessment for the Improve-! i ment. of Jefferson Street, et a1 , A.D. 2-1965. * i '.: : i The Mayor announced the hour of 7:30 P.M. -having i : arrived this was the .time and place fixed for the! 1 hearing of protests, objections or appeals in ; : respect of the assessment proceedings, and work i i under and .pursuant.to Resolution of Intention . ; : #1348 of the Improvement Act of 1911. . !The Clerk presented the affidavits of publicationj :mailing and posting :notice of hearing on the e I :assessment, and the same were ordered filed. ** i One letter of protest was presented by the Clerk i :from 0. R. Dinius, et al, 5111 Monte Bonito Dr., i i Los Angeles, on the grounds the contractor el im- : .: inated a1 7 access to their property by instal ling: . I curb and sidewalk with no provision for driveway.: : Prior to the work being done they had a fenced i i frontage with a gate on the south end of their : : property, which was used for access. They re- i ; quested Assessment No. 42 be disapproved until : : such time as a driveway into their property is ! I installed or they receive a commitment from the ; : Cjty that when a driveway is needed a permit willj i be issued and a suitable driveway installed at ; ; no extra cost to them. i The City Engineer informed the Council if a re- i i ques.t is made for access by the proparty owner ; ; at the time the project is under construction, i i access is provided and made a part of the assess-; ; ment; however, in this instance no request was : i made by the property owner. I I : The Vice Mayor asked if !vir. Dini lis or a repre- I sentative were present and wished to speak in i support of the protest? ; As there was no one present desiring to speak, i : an oral protest relative to the assessment? I ! As there was no one desi ring to speak, the public! i hearing was declared closed. i Following discussion by the Council, the follow- ; : ing resolution was presected: : I I t I I 8 I .: 1 I I I I D I * I I * I I t b I I 1 I t I 1 : I the Vice Playor asked if ai1y person wished to make: I 8 I 9 I I I 1 I 0 I I I 1 6 .I 1 I I I t I I 1 ! I 1 6 I 1 -8, '. 8, 6 '8 'a i Name '8, \: I ; of ''5 i Member \I :""""" """ """ """" - -"""""" --* """"" -""- "" - """-: """"""". r -3- 6 x .\, \\ 1 I D I * . -* i i Resolution No. 1472. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVERRULING ALL ; ; PROTESTS ON THE ASSESSMENT, CONFIRMING THE :Northing : ASSESSMENT AND CONFIRMING THE REGULARITY OF PRO- :Neiswende 1 CEEDINGS, A. D. .2-1965, Jefferson St., et al, wasfDunne f adopted by title only and further reading waived.tJardine t 173 !'(b)' Continued) Appea.1 of the decision of the 1 : : Planning Commission in denying an application fori i zone change from Zone R-P to Zone C-M on property; : located on the kiesterly side of Roosevelt St. I I between Laguna Dr. and Beech Ave. Appellant: c 1 Frances Peachey Reese, et al. 8 8 i 6 .. f The Vice Mayor announced this matter had been . i ; the request of the appellants. &I : .. ' . i continued from December 19, 1967, to this date at: 1 1 G,i ; The affidavit of publication was presented and ! i ordered filed. a * i The Clerk presented a p2titioD containing 84'sig-I i natures of property owners opposing the zone; 1 : change on 'the 9rounds the surrounding property : i owners have purchased homesteads to raise familie! ; and .reti re, arJd would seriously a1 ter the respect! 'C ; able residential atmosphere and depreciate values; 6 If I e I ! Also a Letter was ,read from Bessie W. Aten Pringlk, ; stating that she and Mr. Pringle were opposed to i : the zone change as this property was their only i ; income. : I. I 0 6 $ s t 'I I I I t * -1 I 6 1 i 'I I ! I l a 1 I I I 4 I I t 8 I I I I I # 1 8 I I t 1 b a I I * I t I I I I 8 I 8 1 I t I t I b 6 * I I I I 8 I I * I 1 I 4 I I t * I 'I 'I I $ I The Mayor called for oral communications and Robert A. Borden, one of the -appellants, spoke in! support of the zone change, stating he was the : owner and operator of Andy's Cabinet . Shop, that: the property was purchased approximately 4 years ; ago and is now grossing a 1/4 million dollars I per year, and they plan to enlarge their building! and need additional space. Russell Grosse, ! attorney at law, representing. Mrs. Reese, present; ed a rendering of the proposed building, and em- i phasized the need for additional C-M Zoning in ; the City, and the need to complete the use of I property with deep lots. It was Mr. Grosse's a I feeling. the area should be cleaned up and pro- : tection and requirements met for proper C-M Zon- i ing. Mrs. Reese, one of the appellants, also spoke in support of the rezor,ing, stressing the i need for additional space in orde'r to build a new: building, and that if unless the building is en- ; larged and cleaned u~ she will loose her tenants.: Mrs. Reese also pointed out the entrance to the i City has never changed since they purchased the ; property in the early 50's. Lt. Col. G. L. Southwell, 2411 Buena Vista Circle' i3 read a statement dated January 2, 1968, in which 8 he stated the statement reflected the opposition I : 'of the majority of the residents living in the i affected area and contained 9 reasons why the 1 property should not be rezoned froz R-P to C-X. i There befng no further oral communicatioss the I Mayor declared the public hearing closed. I I r I 4 I I I t I 1 I I t 1 I t .I * I' t' t ! I -4-. I '\ -8 * * 8 " I .' 8 '\ i Name '\, : of '% 1' :"""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""'""""""- : Member ; A report was made by the City Planner stating : the reasons 'the application was de.nied by th.e I i Plannimg Commission, and pointing out alternative: : methods by which the area could be developed. D $ t t # & * A -.a & b ' ! Following Council discussion a resolution was i 5 presented. for consideration. D i Resolution No. 1478. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AFFIRMING ACTION ildorthing : OF PLANNING COMMISSION IN DENYING REQUEST FOR :Neiswend i RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-P TO IDunne i ZONE C-M, wa's adopted by title onjy and further :Jardine : reading waived. I * ! l .- b. b b t / 113 .. I I : Cmn. Jardine stated the property owners opposing i i this rezoning won their point by default, and it : : is up to the property owners to get together a.nd I i develop this area within .the present zoning, I I ; be:c,ause the City is not going to stand by and i : lose revenue. * :a : (c) (Continued) Appeal of the decision of the I i Planning Commission in denying application for : t .: Amend-ment to Precise Plan PP 6704, re: Signs at ; i Southwesterly corner of Palomar Airport Rd. and : : Interstate 5'Freeway; and the addition of one (1); i small gasoline price sign. ApDellant: Paul and : : Magdalena Ecke. b l 1 k 8 I e I I & I t I * 8 : and "I 4 173 i (d) Continued) Appeal of the decision of the I : an Amendment to Precise Plan 2P 6602, re: Signs i i at the Southeasterly corner of Palomar Airport ; .; Rd. and Interstate 5 Freeway; and the addition of: i one [l) small gasoline price sign. Appellant: + I : Paul and Magdalena Ecke. ; Vice Mayor Dunne announced there has been a re- : ! quest made to have Items (c) and (d) continued . ; : until the regular meeting of February 6, 1968, i and by common consent of the Council it was agree9 I that Items (c) and (d) be placed on the Agenda : : for the meeting of February 6 , 1968. t I : A short recess was called at 8:20 P.M. The meet-: : ing reconvened at S:25 2.M. I ! ENGINEERING: -1 8 Planning Commission in denying an application for: I $ I I I I t 1 t I t I 4 I' I I I I I I I # I I 110 i (a) Resolution j1473, authorizing filing of ap- I i plication with Department of Housing and Urban I i Development. Consideration was given to the I I i resolution authorizing filing of an application i i with the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- : : opment for Federal monies to assist in the water i i system improvement plan. The following resolu- ; ! tion was presented: ! f Resolution No. 1473. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSDAD AUTHORIZING :\$lorthing , : FILING OF APPLICATION i.IITH THE DEPARTl4ENT OF *\ ; dei swend i HOUSING APlD URBAN DEVELOPZENT, UNITED STATES OF ; Dunne : AMERICA, FOR A GRAE1T UNDER P.L. 89-117, was t Jardi ne i adopted by title only and flirther readin? )waived.! I t I 1 I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I -e ._ a l I '. ' I I I I -5- I Name '%, "-"-----"""""-"-"--.--"--""""""~~~~""""""""""""~,"""~""" : Member ' '. I : of 'i I I' 1 1 I I Vice Mayor Dunne reported the Water System im- a provement Committee has been studying the financ-: ; : ial and engineering aspects , and requested the ; i City Engineer, City Attorney and City Manager to : : make a report on the matter of employing a -con- ! i sulting engineer for the water system improvement: I I I \ I I project. I # D 8 t I PLANNING: S & 8 * 4, : 113 i I I I I I I I I 1 I I I .I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I 8 I I I L I I I I I I I 1 t * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * 4 I I J I t I I I * 1 I I 8 1 I J: 96 i 1 I I I I * I 1 * 1 I t * I I I I I I t I 1. 1 I I I I I I 9 I i: 'I I I i I (a) Memorandum - re: Recommendation for Freeway! Interchange and service station study. A memo- : randum from the Carlsbad City Planning Commission: dated January 11, 1968, was presented, stating : at their regular meeting held on. January 9, 1968,: recommendations were made in accordance with the : General Plan regarding freeway interchanges wi th-I in the City. Recommendations for each of the interchanges were set forth in the memorandum. The City Planner presented drawings of the inter-! changes .and overlap drawings of recommended de- : velopment. Mr. Schoell informed the Council I I Commission to use as a guide1ine;and can be I I adopted by the Council as a policy. * I Crnn. Neiswender indicated he felt this was an excellent study and the Council should adopt the i policy as a guideline. Cmn. Worthing stated he : would like to study the recommendations further i prior to the n,ext meeting. Cmn. Jardine suggest-: ed a joint work session with the Planning Com- mission. I I The City Attorney reported the applicant for the i Northeast quadrant of Tamarack Ave. and Inter- state 5 has been waiting for this study and would! like to have the hearing on his application re- i scheduled. ! I 8 I 1 I J I these were the recommendations of the Planning i 4 I D l 1 I I I I 1 I I I t By common consent it was agr.eed that an'adjourned! *meeting be held jointly with the Planning Com- i mission on February 13, 1968, subject to the a I Planning Commission's Agenda for that date. It was also agreed that the application for the : Northeast quadrant of Tamarack Ave. and Inter- 9 J state 5 be rescheduled for hearing on February i 20, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. I I (b) - Recommendation for Amendment to Sign Ordi- i nance. Memorandum dated January 11 , 3968, from I -* the. Planning Commission was presented, recommend-! ing that the following amendments be made to the : sign ordinance: ' (1) All freeway service signs I be a maximum of 80 sq: ft. per use; and (2) ail : signs be a maximum of 35' in height. I I Cmn. Worthing asked if the 80' maximum relates tor the downtown btisiness district? Following dis- : cussion, upon motion made by Crnn. Jardine and I I seconded by Cmn. Neiswender it was agreed that thk sign ordinance be amended to limit all sisns to I' a maximum of 35' in height. The Building IGspector po<nted' out the Ma:) Co. t I I 1 I I I I I I I .. I I I b 1 I I I , I I I I 1 i I t 1 I 1 \' ' '. I I -6- i Name *., I : of 'i I I - .. .." . _.. . """"""""""""-"~~""-----"--"""""~"""~""""""""l""""~~"~, I . '...- : Member I & I I : presented a precise plan that was approved, pro- I i viding for a large sign. John Fiamaux, former I City Manager, also pointed out the May Co. re- I: quested they be allowed to instal-l a marque like i i the one installed at the Missfon Valley complex. : i t Mr. Hildebridle asked if the Planning Commission f ; took into consideration the grade of the freeway : i i'n connection with a business located on Pi0 Pico! , ; Drive. A 35' sign would only show approximately i i 7' above the freeway and look as if it were a I I stop sign. i The Building Inspector stated a memorandum was :: i sent from his office over a year ago requesting, ; i that all signs be placed under the requirements i : of a Conditional Use Permit. 1 I : Discussion ensued and Crnn. Jardine withdrew his i i motion to amend the sign ordinance, limiting all i i signs to a maximum of 35', and the City Attorney ; ; was insbructed to prepare an ordinance placing i ! all signs under the requirements of a Condition- ; ! I Vice Mayor Dunne reported approximately three I : years ago an .ordinance was adopted to have all ; i signs removed along the freeway three years from I : the date of its adoption. The 21st of this I I i month the 3 years will be up. Some discussion I : was given as to the expi ration date, and the a l i staff was inst.ructed to check the effective date.! 45 I (c) Agreement between San Diego Count,!/ Planning i I Commission and City of Carlsbad to conduct census: i mapping and addressing coding guide. The City ! : Attorney reported the County is going to conduct i i a census mapping and addressing coding guide, f 1 : and they have requested the City's assistance. i i The County is applying for Federal funds to I 1 : assist in this project. An agreement has been I i received for Coun'cil approvql. A call from the s ! I .County requested that under Item 6 the date be i i changed to December 11 , 1968 rather than 3 months:. i By motion of the Council the agreement between :\</orthing : the San Diego County Planning Commission and the iNeiswende I City of Carlsbad was approved. iDunne -e I 1 I I I "" - "_-. . ._". , ."."..".... ". - "." ..... I 1 I I I I I t I I I I ' : a1 Use Permit. I I I i I' I d' * I I I I I I I I : Jardine I I 1 I I I I I LIBRARY: d! 0 63 \ i (a) Report from Library Board of Truste?s and i : Parks and Recreation Commission - re: 6id pro- i i posals for Libra.rv "-- Sprinkler System. A mernoran- : ; dum from the Library Board of Trustees Lvas pre- I i sented recommending that the low bid cf \+!ebb I I ; Pump and Supply be accepted in the amount of i .$2,613,19, ! i The Building Inspector informed the Council due i !.to the condition of the soil it is anticipated i : the cost will be grea-Ler and should be checked ; , i prior to awarding the bid. 1- I i Crnn. Jardine recjges teci a repo:ct From the staff : : as to the pr0ps.r XI::? for installing the snrinl;lek : sys";en in r~l~tia~ t~7 ~ccc:z~:is~!i:ca the nsr,essary! I 1 I I I 1 I a I I ,a I ; sei 1 preps.;-ati en. I I I I I I I I I t i I !, '* " ? s' I ? -7- : Name **. ' '\ I I I : of '1 ~""-"""""""""""~""-""""""""~" : Member ! I I -0 /: i NEW BUSINESS: I I I ! 11~0 i (a) A. M. Brown of Ponto Farms - re: Water ' I I i Billing. Letter dated January 3, 1968 from Ponto : ; Farms, 220 S. Barnwell, Oceans4de, objecting to ! I ! 'the water bi 11 ing system, and recommending that a I faster billing system be installed. A letter in i answer to the above referenced letter was pre- i sented by the Acting City Manager for approval. , i By common consent the letter was approved and the i Acting City Manager was instructed to forward the i letter to Mr. Brown of Ponto Farms. I b I t e I I I I I I I I ,I t I I \ ! J' I I (b) Don Wi 11 iams - re: Business License Ordi- i ! nance. Letter dated January 8, 1968, from Don i ; Williams, owner of Don's Den, requesting certain ! : information in connection with his business ? i license fee. i The Acting City Manager was instructed to answer I ' ! Mr. William's letter. 1 I 31 I I I I I 4 I I I I I I 1 Jl 8.6: I (c) COBRA, INC, - re: Request for permission toi .-: 1 hold race on lagoon. Letter dated December 28, ; ,'.> I t 1968, from Mrs. Ann Gorman, Corresponding Secre- i i tary of COBRA INC., requesting permission to hold: ; a race on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon February 25, i I I 'I : 1968. I I I I I i Cmn. Neiswender commented on the policy adopted ; : by the Council whereby races could be held on the: I lagoon as long, as the lagoon is not closed to I I : other recreational activities, and that it was i i not 'necessary for organizations to request per- : : mission to hold races as long as they abide by I i the pol icy. A call was placed to Mrs. Gorman I I I last Friday informing her of the Council's policyj. : Cmn. Jardine pointed out the ordinance states i i that each race must be approved by .the Council, ; ; and until the ordinance is amended, the, requests ! : By motion of the Council permission was granted i i to COBRA, INC. to hold a race on -February 25, :Worthing i 1968, providing the lagoon ?'s left open, and all ~Neiswend~ ; parking requirements are met in accordance with IDunne : the policy dated April 14, 1967. : Jardi ne I I .I I I ! should be acted upon by the 'City Counci 1. ! 4 I I I I i. I V. 86 i (d) Step-ups of Oceanside - re: Request for : permission to hold teen dance at Carlsbad High i i School. Letter dated Jantiary 9, 1968, from ; Frances D. Jacksor?, Club Eanager of the Step-ups r .* i of Oceanside, requesting permission to hold a I I : dance at the Carlsbad High School Gymnasicm, i ,February 3, 1968. I A memorandum from the Police Chief was prasented,; 1 stating permission ~tlst be granted by the High i : School, and in the past the Police Departnent has! ; required that four (4) Police Officers be hired ; : to police the dance in addition to the private I i security the group l:risi?es to engage. I 1 b i By motion of ihe Council permissior; 't/as granted i ; to the Step-u?s 0' Ocez~sjd? tc hold a d~.::ce on I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I P I I I I t I I I School Board of Trustees for use of the High I I I' 0 1 I 1 I 'I ; February 3 ~ ;958, .su~;i?;c;: to t)?~ club 'obi;:,:n;ng ; .. 4 I I I I I I I I I ’8 -. * b, ’. t : of ’$ I I I 8 I *’ t -8- i Msrne 8, I I ““””“-“-““““-“----~“-““-----”~“~“~~~”“““~*“““““““l””“”“~“ I : Member 1 1 aa I I 1 i permission from the High School Board of TrusteesiWorthing i for use of the gymnasium, and the employment of :Meiswend i four off-duty Police Officers. i Dunne I :Jardine i Administration Building, The Acting City I 1 & u 1 I & f I Ji 40 : (e) Groundbreaking ceremonies for new City r I h : Manager announced arrangements had been made for ; ; groundbreaking ceremonies- for the new City Ad- I : ministration Building on Wednesday, January 17, : i 1968, at 1:OO. P.M., and proper notice of the ! event had been given. 1. $ f I 6 1 f I I I * I I /: 96 i (f) Street signs’ for Elm Avenue. Vice Mayor ; Dunne recommended that the Traffic Safety. Com- i mittee make a study of the necessary signs needed: ; for the intersection of Elm Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 i I Drive, prior to the widening of the Freeway. I i Cmn. Worthing suggested that a study be made of ! i this intersection after the widening of the free-j ; way also. I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 8 1 1 l I i COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. a : Vice Mayor Dunne requested that each member of : i the Council present a list to him of the active I : committees they are now serving on. I I /: 34 i Chamber of Commerce. By motion of the Council i I I ; authorization was given for reimbursement of : Northing : expenses to the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce in i Neis-wend i the amount of $323.94, as recommended by Cmn. : Dunne : Neiswender. i Jardine /: .I I I 28 i Mater. System Improvement Committee. Vice Mayor i ; Dunne reported the committee wi 11 meet on Friday : ; to review the application for Federal funds priori I to the application being filed. I i Post Office facilities. Vice Mayor Dunne also i . : reported a meeting was held .with the real estate i -I discuss the acquisition of land for a new Post i 1 I I I I i representative of the Post Office Department to I I i Offi ce, i CITY CLERK: I 1 I I $ 1 I I I f r J : 48 i (a) General Municipal Election - April 9, 1968. i I The following resolutions were presented by the i i Clerk in connection with the General Municipal ; : Election in April : I. i Resolution No. 1474. A RESOLUTI0.P; OF THE CITY i I COUNCih OF THE CiTY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING THE ; : BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAW DIEGO i ; TO PERE1-T TtlE REGISTRA2, OF VOTERS OF SAID COUNTY ; i TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO.THE CITY OF i MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON i Nei swende : APRIL 9, 1958, was adopted by title only and I 4 I* 1. 1 I I : CARLSGt?D, RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL i\iorthfng 1. : Dunne ; further reading waived. 0 ! Jardi ne I I I I I I I 4 ? I I b; I ‘I I $ I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 t I I 1 I I I .- I .' ' '\ I I -9- I Name '\ * 4 I : of '9 :""""""""-"""""""""~"-"""~""""""""-~"""""~"-"""""- : Member t I 1 *e i Resolution No. 1475. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, # ! CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A 1 * I i GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CIT~ ,' ON TUESDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF APkIL, 1968, FOR THE ! i ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS i REQUIRED BY THE .PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE !Northing i STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAN : Neiswendl ; CITIES, was adopted by title only and further i Dunne 0' I 8 ,I i reading waived, t Jardi ne I I .. ; Employment of Martin & Chapman. By motion of : Worthi ng ; the Counci 1 authorization was given for the em- i Neiswend' i ployment of the firm of Martin i?t Chapman to ; Dunne : h.andle the election supplies. i Jardine I CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I b I I I 8, , I '/ t 79. ! (a) Use of Library Conference Room. A policy i f for use of the Library Conference room was Dre- ! ., i sented by the Library Board of Trustees. The Citj i Attorney, reported it was suggested that the , I ; Librarian ini tial1.y make the determination regard: . : ing scheduling the room, and in the event of dis-: i pute that it be reviewed by the Library Board of i : Trustees; and if the dispute is not settled at ; i that level it be referred to the City Council fori ! Mr. John Mamaux pointed out the Librarian works ! i for the City Manager, and suggested that the 1 : dispute go to the City Manager prior to being re-: i ferred to the Library Board of Trustees. t t final decision, I a ! a I ! J 30 1 I I i By motion of the Council the policy submitted by : : the Library Board of.Trustees for use of the i Northing i Library Conference room was adopted,' with the : , Nei swend : procedure for scheduling events amended as sug- : Dunne I gested by Mr. Mamaux. t Jardine b $ * I I , t 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I (b) First reading of Ord. 88049 adopting 1967 i Edition of Uniform Building .Code; 1967 Unfform 1 Mechanical Code, and 1965 National Electrical Code. The City Attorney presented an ord-inance i which woulcl adopt by reference the newest edition& of the three codes, subject to certai% additions I I I (b) First reading of Ord. 88049 adopting 1967 i Edition of Uniform Building .Code; 1967 Unfform 1 Mechanical Code, and 1965 National Electrical Code. The City Attorney presented an ord-inance i which woulcl adopt by reference the newest edition& of the three codes, subject to certai% additions I I I requested by the Building Department. I I I 1 9 i Cmn. Northing asked if the ordinance reffected ! ; fee changes, and the Building Inspector stated i : it reflects an- addition in that the City has I I : never had fees established for mechanical igstall: I ations. IO I- : Ordinance No. 8049. A? ORDINAKCE OF TiJIE CITY OF : : ING CODE, 1967 EDIT1 ON, VOLUiViE 1 ; THE UNIFORkl I I i MECHANICAL CODE, 1957 EDITION (UNIFORM BUI?,DING I : CODE VOLU?lE 2) AND THE NATiO?lAL' ELECTRICAL CODE, : i 1965 EDITION; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION ibjorthina I THEREOF, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES s was i Neisplendf I I I I 8 i CARLSUAD, CALI~IA, ADOPTIN THE UNIFORK BUILD-: :. given a first reading by title only and further ;Dunne i reading waived. 1 Jardine e I I I c I 98 ') I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I (c) Reso1utio.n $1476, concurrina in desiu??ation t Attorney reported in co~.:e.~-~<on i;(ith -;he ::;ate : prosy-az rsgardi nrj .C.2:n-t;/ Rg;< ~;I~;~!:g~~ ; tf,? CountyI 1 " "--LL--""".-l of streets within the City 2s !?oute 78. ice City: -,_ . ..~_"___ 1 I I I I I 1 ! -10- I '\ \ . \ '. a .' I Name *\. ; of '< I : Member ;""""""""""""""""""~""""-"-""""""""""-""-~""""""- !wishes to designate Old Highway 101 and Carlsbad i i Blvd. as por'tions 'of their Route 18. .This route i :will begin at Genesee Ave. and Old 101 in San b ' i Uiego and conclude at the Northerly boundary of I :Hill St. .in Oceanside. :.Vice Mayor Dunne stated he would like to suggest i i that the route be designated as Route 1. * " . . -. b * .* * # I D # . I I I I 1 I I i I I t I I L t The City Engineer stated 2oute 7 is a StaTe high-: way. Cmn. Neiswender pointed out the Chamber of i .ing this route for tourists. Cmn.. Northing sug- ; gested the City Manager obtain more information : as to designating Route 18 and Route 1. I I Commerce has made an extensive study on devel'op- [ ! { (d) Resolution #1477, consenting to assignment i of Fox's Sublease. Mr. John Fox has found por-: ,, -, ; tions of his property bordering the lagoon to i Vi.l.lages, Inc. of Long Beach, who proposes to : continue operation of the facility just as Mr. : Fox has done in the past, and Mr. Fox has asked i that the sublease with the City be assigned to : the new owner. - ! I I -I I I I I t I # I I I I I I * I I I : Resolution No. 1477. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY !Worthing COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS6AD CONSENTING TO :Neiswendc i ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST IN SUBLEASE, was adopted iDunne : by title only and further reading waived. : Jardi ne 'i I ! 41 : (e) Lopez Claim, The City Attorney presented an: i Application for Leave to Present Late Clatm, I ! i Claim for Personal Injuries, and Declaration of i ; D. S. Andreasen in Support of Application, The : i Claimant was under the impression the insurance ; : adjustor had been notified, due to the fact he i .: had talked to him regarding the injury, and the ; i 100 day period elapsed, therefore, he is now i making application to file claim. ! By motion. of the Council the Application for Leavi i to File Claim was accepted, .and the claim was .I :"denied and referred to the insurance carrier. 41 i (f) Mamaux claim. The City Attorney recommend-! ; ed that the claim filed by the former City Man- : : ager,'John J. blamaux, in the amount of $5,859.00 i 1 I I I I I I * I f t I I I I be rejected. I I t 4 I I I I I I. 8 r I I i By proper motion the claim filed by John Je : Mamaux was rejected. 63 ! (9) Acceptance of Library Building. The City i i Attorney, City Engineer and Suilding Inspector \ J i recommended that a committee be appointed to in- i ; spect the Library building and make a recommend- i I ation to the City Council prior to the Cot:ncil's : : acceptance of the building. : It was agreed that the Library Building Committee: i meet with the Building Inspector and a represent-; i ative of the contracting firn, and make a recom- i i mendation to the Council prior to the next meet- ; : ing of the Council. I f I t I I I 0 I 1 1 t I I u' .: 80 I Proclamation. Vice b!aybr Dtinne ~mchi;xZ the i : week of Janilary 23th throg?? Fet;y~!a~-~\i 2~6, 1958, t ! , as isi\oter ~esistratjon i.!~ek;'. v I t I t I I I I t I 1 I I t I t I t '. ' * ', '\ T I -11- I : of '; \' * i Name '\,'I I ~"~"""""""""""""""~""~"""~.""""""""""""""""""~""~. : Member 1 * I t I i AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RBTIFICA- ! :TION OF PAYROLL: , .I :Authorization was given for the payment of bills : i for the general expenses of the City ir! the I lamount of $168,430.67, and for the Water Depart- ! ; ment in the amount. of $10,001.62, for the period .:Northing :January 2, 1968 to January 16, 1968, as certified:Neiswendt i by the Acting Director of Finance and approved' SDunne : by the Auditing Committee. I : Jardine. ! 8 l * a I 1 f -0 .. !.Ratification of the payroll was given for the i first half of January, 1968, in the amount of : $27,027.36, as certified by the Acting Director i of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee i I I ADJOURNMENT: ! .. 8 1 r I I I k I I k I I I I 1 Worthi ng Neiswendr Dunne Jardine i By .proper motion the meet'ing was adjourned at : 1O':'OZ P.M. ' Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I ? iyp7&p" Y @Led ! MARGA ET E.. ADAMS I Ci.ty Clerk I I I 1 b I I I 1 I I k I t I ! 1 t I I I I I I t I 4 I I k I 6 * t I I I I I i 8 I I 8 t ? I' 1 I I i 8 I f I I 4 & 1 I I t * I t I I P 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 t t I I t I I r r 1 ! I 1 I L 8 1 I t ; 8 t & I I t 1 I I 1 I I & .I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I t I I I I 1 I ? I' 1 I f k t s I k I t b 4 1 I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I 8 l I I u I I I ! I 1 , .. 0 I I I I I I I 1 I s