HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-05; City Council; Minutes.. -" '. -8 .. " e e I Minutes of: C.ITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting); '-::.-<p,' i Date of Meeting: March 5, 1968 i Name -,Fco! 1 t Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. I,""~-"-Meeflast"~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ ._______ - _______ Memher ____ I R0L.L CALL was answere.d by' Councilmen Northing, 8 Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine.. Also present were: I City Manager Martin, Ci ty.Attorney Wilson and I : City C1 erk' Adams. 'I INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor Dunne. : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag .was' given. I "_. . ". ".1I\-"Y.,Y I - Y' \ -- I. of I '"ei4 I I I ._ 8 I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: .. ,I I i (a) Minutes of the joint meeting of the City ;Northing ; Council and the Planning ,Commission held on INeiswender I February 8, 1968, were approved as submitted. ! Dunne I (b) Minutes of the regular meeting of the City IWorthing : Council held on .February 20, 1968, were approved :Neiswender ; as submitted. BDunne ; CORRESPONDENCE: I I I I .. :Jardine I I I 1 I .. I I Jardine t I I I 1 I I I ; There 'was no written correspondence presented; I I ; ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I I I I ; There were no oral communications. I ENGINEERING: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 93. i (a) Acceptance of Laguna- Drive Storm Drain - -{ S-. K. Construction Co. A written report from 1 the Engineering Department dated February 29, I 1968, was presented, in connection with the I completion of the Laguna Drive, State Street and ; I Gayle Way storm drain improvement project. It I I was pointed out that $45,000.00 was budgeted for i 1 this project, however, the final construction cos: : was in the amount of $48,701.00, and $3,701.00 I I I .was transferred from the Washington Street, Oak r ; Avenue and Railroad crossing .project, ,as this I I project would not be completed.unti1 the next c fiscal year. I By motion of the Council the completion report lWorthing I for Laguna Drive, State Street and Gayle Way ; Neiswender 1 I storm drain improvement project was accepted as ;Dunne I recommended by the Enginee.ring Department. I Jardine I I I I I I I I I I I- 1. I I I I gg ; .(b) Approval of final map for Park Manor Unit #l: 1 I Developer - Richard Geyer. The final map for ; Pa.rk Manor Unit #1 was presented, and the Assist-: I 1 ant Engineer explained one change was made from 1 I the approved tentative map, wherein the requested: ; street opening is designated ::as Lot ''A" with the ; I I 1 reservation for street purposes. I I 1 By motion of the Council the final map for Park ;Northing ; I I Manor Unit #l was approved, 'as rec0mmende.d by the1 Neiswende? I Engineering Department. I Dunne I I I I I I I I I I I '. I I I I 'I I I I : Jardine ~ .I I I I I *a. 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 I . ._ I f I I I I I I I I I .. I" .~ .. I -I '. '<&> - I -2- I ~ame '.y @'. q- c I .. ' I I I. of I *-.- --:- -.- - -- - - - - - -- - __ - - - - - - i - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - - - -F.lemher - - e - - .. I ?x I I - 8 .! PARKS ANI! RECREATIONS: . c I I I I t * , 69 I (a) Memorandum.- re: Summer Recreation Program. i I 'I I i Memorandum dated March. 1, 1968, from the Parks. : I and Recreation Commission was presented, concer- : I ning a Summer Recreation Program in Carlsbad, and; i recommending that the City of Carlsbad sponsor a I I summer recreation program for children by enter- I I ing into an agreement with the Carlsbad Union _'. I : School District whereby the elementary school : playground facilities would be utilized. Further: : that young people who are competent be employed ; I to conduct a recreation program. .. .I I I I I I I I I : * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I 3 I I I I I I I I I I I - I s I I 1. I I I I I I I I ' 9-9 ; I I I I I I I .I I 113 i I I I *I I I I I I The proposed program as recommended would require: five employees for a nine week period at a cost I of approximately $2 $500. A1 1 . of the. Elementary ; P.T.A. groups are highly in favor of such a pro- I gram and' might be called 6n for financial support: if necessary, to purchase equipment and supplies.; The Commission requested that the City Manager t be authorized to enter into an agreement with-the: school district and that funds be incorporated ; in next year's budget. I I I I I General discussion centered around use of the I Transient Tax funds for this program, due to the I urgency of employing .personnel now.. Mr. James .: Kinghorn, Chairman of the Magnolia School P.T.A. ; Recreation Committee, spoke in support of the I p,rogram and stated all the P.T.A. groups were in : fa.vor of such.a program. I I Concurring in the need for such a program, by motion of the Council the matter was referred to ; the.Parks and Recreation Commission as to the I use of the Transient Tax Fund for a summer :Northing recreation program, with the request that ,a re- 1 Neiswender po.rt be made to the Council prior to the next 1 Dunne .Council meeting.. .. : Jardine I I I I 1 It was suggested that the City Manager meet with I .the school Superintendent to discuss. the program.: PLANNING: I I t I .I (a) Tentative.map of Hart lot split. Property ; loca.ted on the Northwesterly corner of the inter-l section of Las Flores Drive and Highland Drive, i consisting of two (2) lots. The Council was ; informed the applicant requested.the matter de- I ferred until the meeting of March 19, 1968. I I (b) Memorandum .- re: Ecke - requested amend-' ments to Precise P.lan 0.f property located on Southeasterly corner of Palomar Airport Road. (c) Memorandum -re: Freeway Service Facilities : Signs. I I I I I I I I I I - I I I : The Council agreed to have i tems (b) and (c) I o I ; discussed simultaneously. I I I I c. I I I I I I ' . 'I -. ! I I 1' I I f 1 I ., I .' '.. ., e 8 l & I ’* ’\ I Name ‘k, I -3- ’. ’, I -4- I -8 8 I '. I : of '1 I i Name 't8 ~""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""~,"""~""" : Member I I ! I . 8 "[I3 .. I 1 I I I I I I I I I # ! ! i (d) "Iaramium - re: Redassification, Precise i Plan and tentative map for property located on 4 the Northeasterly corner of Tamarack Ave. and I I Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Applicant R. V. Jordan. A * I memorandum dated February 28,,,1968, from the ' Planning Commission was read, stating the Commis-: previous decision of denial of subject applicationj. t 6 I k sion by a 4 to 3 vote decided to stand with their! '' i. I 113 i .A second mem.orandum was presented from the Plan- I ' ; ning Commission concerning the above subject, I i stating since there was a sharp division of think:- -. : ing among the members of the commission,.it was : : I unanimously requested that if the Council exer- ; : cises its prerogative to grant subject applica- i , . i tion, that certain recommendations from the Plan-: ; ing amd Engineering Department be made part of I i General discussion centered around the recommend; ; ations and requirements for the precise plan and i i tentative map. Mr. Dale Budlong, attorney for : ; the applicant, addressed the Council, stating if i . i ttie zoning, 'precise plan and tentative map were ; ! approved, no doubt a sign ordinance would be i adopted within the next six months. The City i' I Planner suggested that Items (d) and (e) under i i the precise plan,, be held over and discussed .at : ; the time the. sign ordinance is considered, i As to the items reccmmended for the tentative : map, Mr. Budlon'g requested that under item.(a) ; i his client be.allowed to construct a 5' planter I . i rather than a 10' planter. As to item (9) con- f ; cerning the required street improvements under : i the lot split ordinance, that the improvement of i ; Pi0 Pic0 Dr. in. front of the church property be : : installed after Pi0 Pic0 Dr. is widened by the i i State. Further, item (r) in regards to the in- ; : stallation of an 8" water main, that they be I : allowed to install a 6" main. ., .. i said approval. I I I -I 'I I .I I I I I I 8 I I ? I I .a 1 1 I I I a I I 1 Mrs. Scherr, Chairman '0-f th.e Parks and Recrea- ! : tion Commission, was present and was asked. if i { she would agree to the change in the plant'er I : areas from.10' to 5',.and Mrs. Scherr stated shei i felt this item should be considered and discus- : : sed by the Parks and Recreation Commission; I s : After further disc-ussion., it was determined as I I ;. I. I I I i fol1 ows : I I 1. Precise Plan: I* I Item (a) be deferred until a report i t t is received from the Parks and Recreation: I Commission. I I Items (d) and (e-) deferred until a i t new sign ordinance is adopted. I ! 2. Tentative Map: ! 8 I I I I I' I 1 I t I I I t t I 8 t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 0 I I As to Item (9) the improvement in I .I I front of the church property be installed: I I Item ('r) it was agreed that an. I!" $ I water main be constructed.on Pi0 Pi.co Dr.: ' I I after .Pi0 Pic0 Dr. is widened by the + >: State. I I I 'I I + I I I $ I 1 .I I nr ac rarnmm~ndad h11 tho ritw Fnnin~~r' I * : -.I- * 8- s' .. s' * i Name st8 t' :-"--"-"--~""""'"""""""""""~"""""""~""""~~"~""~,""""""~ i Member .. I : of t .' .a:: ...- ' 6 * .. . : Following further discussion, by motion of the i .,.: ,! Council the previous decision of the'council was ; .. i reaffirmed, the denial of the Planning Commission; .. ., ; was overruled, and the City Attorney was 4nstruct;bJorthini > .. ; Council's co'nsideration at the n'ext regular meet-: Dunne .. . ., $ ; ed to prepare the necessary documents for the I Neiswenc t ing, . . i Jardine .. I .. '.. *! .. b I .. . .113 / '(e) Memorandum - re: Ho.ffrnan reclassification, i . : precise plan and tentative map for property lo- : i cated on the .South side of El Camino Real, ap- I I ; proximately 800 feet East of Kelly Dr. A memo- i ; revised application of zone change, preci.se plan i ; and tentative map with certain speciality type : i uses, as listed, provid.ing a minimum of six of i' ,. ; said uses. are contained .within the building at .: I one time, and further providing the recomnenda- i ; tions of the City Engineering and P1 anning De- i .' : 8 partments are adopted. ; 8 : .' .* : Mr. ?eters.on, Attorney for the appl'icant, asked ! -. i randum from the Planning Commission was read, I .. . . : stating the Commission unanimously approved the ; I 'I .. e .. .I D .. : if they could review the recommendations of the !. ; I : appl i cant coul d .revi ew the recommendati ons. i Mr. Peterson stated the applicant was agreeable i ; to the conditions .set forth under the precise : : plan. As to the tentative map, they would like I J to discuss items (j) concerning sidewalks, (m) ; : water mains-and inclusion .fee, and (t) required ! ; improvements for El Camino Real. * I i The applicant requested that the improvements on! : El Camino Real be waived until such time as El i i Camino has been improved, and that the improve- ; . . : ment of El Camino Real from the development Soutl) ; be waived. The applicant would also 1i.ke to I 1 ; .have the sidewalks waived on the interior street; : and planting be used instead, I ! x ! i After consi'deration by the Council it was agreed! : that the required improvements for El Camino be ; i waived until such time as El Camino has been I I .. : completed, and that a bond be posted to cover : i the cost of the improvements. It was also agree? : that the improvements on that portion of the t t i property not being developed be waived until, I I ; such time as Unit 82 is developed and that a. I I I bond be'posted to cover the cost of improvements:. .' ; .As to the sidewalks on the interior street, it I i was agreed that sidewalks. be installed on the J ; South side of the street, and at such time as ; i Unit fit2 is developed sidewalks are to be install: . ; ed on the North side of the street. I I : I Engineering Department and P1an.ni'ng Department. I G I '8 I I .. I .. . i A short recess was called in order that th-e I .. 1. I I I 8 I .. I I I I 1 I : By motion of the Council the recommendation of -: \+/orthing i the Planning' Commission was accepted, and the f Neiswendt I City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessaryDunne ; documents for the meeting of Fiarch 19, 1968. i Jardine 0 8 I I * I I l e .. I >: I I I 'I I I I I I I t * 'I -. I '# *. I I .. ; -\ '\"+ I I -6- ,~ame I '.$ui \ I ;. of Qk I ,,,,,.--,,,,,----',,,-.-----,"----,^"-------------------~~~~h~~--- < I - .. 1.. . -. .I: .. I I -, . I I 1. oj: I .I I I .I I . .. .. NEW BUSINESS: .. -. 1. : I . , ' 1. I. .. ., .. (a) Resolution 81497, authorizing City Manager to; execute and file application for purposes of I obtaining Federal Financial Assistance. TFe fol- ! lowing resolution, was presented for considerat1on:I " t I 1. ' Resolution No. 1497, A, RESOLUTION 0F:THE CITY OF; t CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND I : FILE APPLICATION FOR PURPOSE OF OBTAINING Fi?DERAL i I ..I .. .' : FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE FEDERAL DISASTER :Morthing .t ACT (PUBLIC LAW 875, 81st CONGRESS: 42 U.S.C. INeiswendel .: 1855-1855g), was adopted by title only and furthedDunne ; reading waived. .. :Jardine " I ? . .I I : 63 I 'I I I I I 8 ,- I I I ' " -I (b) Ca'rlsbad National Little League -. re: .Requesting City Participation in upkeep of field for a three m0nt.h pe.riod. Letter from the Presi dent of the Carlsbad National Little League, ye- questing-City participation in the upkeep of the field on Harding Street for a.three month period I I I -1 I' I I I .I I ,I . . I t ; By motion of the Council the matter was referred ; . i request that a recommendation be made in con- ;Northing I nection with the feasibility of incorporating the ifieiswender : Little League program within the scope of the IDunne I Parks and Recreation Program. 1 to the Parks and Recreation Commission with a I I I I I tJardine : (c) Jay F. Hoffman - re: Request for one year 43 : extension of time on Special Use Permit for pri- :I -I vate Skeet range. Letter from Jay F. Hoffman -I requesting a one year extensiori of time on -l Special Use Permit for his private skeet range. I I I I By motion of the Council the request for a one i year extension on the Special --Use Permit was I granted. , I I. .. 86 : (d) Carlsbad Girl Scouts - re: Use of Holiday ; Park. Letter from the Carlsbad Girl Scouts [Chairman, requesting permi'ssion for use of : Holiday Park facilities on Saturday, March 16, I 1968, from 8:.00 A.M. to 2:OO P.M. for a Father. : and Daughter Pancake Breakfast and Outdoor Day. I I. I By rnot7on of the Council permission was granted : to the Carlsbad Girl Scouts for .use of Holiday I Park on Saturday, March 16, 1968, from 8:OO A.M. : to 2:oo P.M. 1. I I 1 I I I I I illorthing IKeiswender ;Dunne :Jardine I I : I I I I I I I I I I I ;Northing INeiswender :Dunne ;Jardine 1 80 i (e) Proclamation - re: Red Cross Membership En- : I rollment Nonth. . Vice Mayor Dunne proclaimeti the ; : month of March as Red Cross MenbershiD Enro?lment I : Month in Carlsbad and urged all citizkns to join #in support of our Red Cross. . 86 : (f)' blira Costa College - re:.'Request for retro- I I ' I active approval of a public dance. .Letter from i the President of Mira Costa Collce, requesting : Retroactive approval of a pub1 ic dance conducted I by the Phi Alpha Chi, a campus organization, at ! Carlsbad High School on Saturday, March 2, 1968, 0 I I I I I I I I I I. ". I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I .I -7- . . ... I '. '"> .. I I Name '.$' / 'I .----~-------------------------,"-------------------~~~m~~~--- I I .. I I ' . . .I. of e;; I I .. t I .. I .. ;. .a. ;I, ; as the organization was not aware of the City's ; ; ordinance requiring a special permit. The Council1 l was assured that in the future, college organiza- I I .L ; tions would comply fully with the regulations of ; 1 the City. .1 :. , I I :.By rnotion,of the. Council retroactive approval was ;Northing t given the public dance held on Saturday, March 2, INeiswende .. - 1 I . '. i 1968. ' . :Dunne I . I ' ;Jardine I. I 103 i Traffic Safety Committee. A report from the I ; Traffic Safety Committee dated February 20, 1968, 1 .t was deferred at the- meeting of February 20, 1968. I ; The Committee recommended that street lights be ; ; installed.at the two intersections on Buena Vista ; I Circle, and that stop signs be installed on I . : Chestnut .Avenue 'at V.al1ey Street, making the in- : . ; tersection a 4-way stop.intersection. t : It was agreed that the recommendations be accepteq. ; The following resolution was presented in regards 1 a to the stop signs on Chestnut Avenut at Valley -8 ; Street: r : 'Resolution No. 1498. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY, : INTERSECTION OF CHESTNUT AVENUE AND VALLEY STREET ;Neiswender : AS A STOP INTERSECTION, was adopted 'by title only'IDunne i and further reading waived, :Jardine i COMMITTEE REPORTS: I I I I I I I I I I I '. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATING :Worthi ng I I I * I 3 I 69 f Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. 1 I Cmn. Jardine reported the Parks and Recreation I I I : Commission have.recornmended an appointee to fill ; I the vacancy on the Commission. . 1 I Vice Mayor Dunne appointed Mr. .James Kin'ghorn of ; I 2140 Basswood Avenue to the Parks and Recreation I : Commission >to fill the vacancy created by the ; resignation of Mr. Don Johnson, which term ex- I t pires August, 1971. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I' I I I' 37 ; Joint meeting with the Parks and Recreation I Commis.sion. Cmn. Jardine informed the Council a I . .; March 13, 1968, at 7:30 P.N. for a joint meeting ; . . I tentative date has been set for Wednesday, I I with..the Parks and Recreation Commission. I 1 I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 'I I I I I . 67: (a) Ordinance f5042, providing for removal of l I ; abandoned, wrecked, dismantled or inoperative I I vehicles. The City Attorney presented a form I of ordinance implementing new State law regarding I I I its passage. I I I-" :; the. removal of wrecked vehicles 3 and recommaded I I I I 1 I I I I 0 .I I $ I I I I I I I '. I .. .I I' I t. I I I I I ". I I I I I I I I t .. I . __ i -\ '."PC\ I l~arne\'.$O% I I. of Q> < I ,----"-------------------------------'-------------,?lemher,,, I < I I .. - 8- .. I B I - - . .18. . ;. I' : Ordinance No. 5042. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CLTY OF ;. .. ' .. .! CARLSBAD PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT AND RENOVAL 'I I I ' I I . 8 I .' I I I I t I I I 'I 106: I " ' .I I ..I I I .AS PUBLIC NUISANCES OF ABANDONED, NRECKED, PIS- : FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY OR PUBLIC PROPERTY NOT IN- I MANTLED OR INOPERATIVE VEHICLES OR PARTS THEREOF ! CLUDING HIGHWAYS AND RECOVERY OF COSTS OF ADMINI- :Northing' STRATION THEREOF' AS 'AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 22660 ;Neiswende't VEHICLE CODE, was given. a first reading by title IDunne (b) Ordinance #7037, establishing regulations I I and procedures for removal of overhead utility I' L facilities and installation of underground facili-' ties. Vice Mayor Dunne requested this:matter I -deferred.until after a meeting has been held with! only and further reading waived. -. .. :Jardine . 1. I representatives of the utility compani'es. 1 I I. I I .. . ; (c) Proposed em'ergency sign ordinance. The City: : Attorney. presented an emergency ordinance, amend- ; .. : 1 ing the zoning ordinance b'y requiring all signs I . ' 30 : Ordinance No. 9212. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY .OF 'IWorthing .: to be approved by way of a Conditional Use Permit,' 8 I : CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 BY ADDING :Neiswender ; .SUBSECTION 22 TO SECTION 1400 REGARDING .SIGHS, ;Dunne I was read in'full and adopted. tJardi ne I' I I 30 ; AppTication for sign. The City Attorney reported! I an application has been received for replacement. I I ; of a-sign for the service station located at Elm : ; Avenue and State Street. .The size of the pro- 1 -.I posed sign is 96 sq. ft. t .*I By motion of the Council the application for the :Northing : replacement of the sign was approved. 1 lNeiswendel 'I I I I I I ,I :Dunne '93 : Sewer Extension Agreement. At a previous meeting! I ;Jardine I I ; the Council approved a sewer extension for Larry I I Miller. He is now requesting. that he be allowed I I ; to deposit a bond with the City rather than a I ; cash deposit. : By motion of the Council it was agreed'that Mr. :\!orthing ; Miller. be allowed to deposit the bond as request-1Neiswende) 1 I I I I- . ; l ed. I lDunne 'Jardi ne I I I I I : CITY MANAGER'S REPOBT: I I I I 81 : Purchase o'f City Hall building. The City E.linager: ' . : reported the new City Hall construction is ahead l I a of schedule. The State will salvage and sell thei i present City Hall building to the City for $700., I 1 and the Manager recommended that the City pur- I I - I chase the building, as considerable materia7 can ; : be used by the City for other projects. 'I I 1 I I .. I I By motion of the Council, the City Elanager was . ;\lorthing I authorized to proceed with negotiations with the tNeiswende1 ; State for purchase of the building. I ,Dunne I I I I t 1 *. I " I I ;Jardi ne -. I I I I I ,I I .I '. .f _- I .. I I I I ‘I - \q \ .. -9- I Name ‘-y,g I ‘ \ cox Qcx < ,””~””””””””””-”-”””””””””””~~~~~~~”-~ I q .. I. of I I .. i I I. ‘8.. .. 88 : Staff report on Air Pollution Control. The Coun- :, .. I a cil was informed the problems concerning Air ’. -1 Po’lluti,on Control in San Diego County are quite I I I ! varied. The City Manager requested permission f : to check further on the restrictions and regula- t ; tions prior to a report being made to the City I I tounci 1. I 1. I I I ” I It was agreed that the ‘City Manager be allowed,. I : additional time to make a staff report. I. I I 1. I 86 : Request for fire protection. The’Hughes Tool I I .: Craft facility has requested fire protection by ; ; the.Ci ty of Carlsbad. The Fire Chief has recom- I I mended against providing the service for the : following reasons: (1) We do not ‘want to become ; I distance is too.-far to travel. The City Manager I . : stated he had explored. the possibility of annexa- ; ! tion of this area, and would-make a further I I I ‘1 involved; (2) Lack of manpower; and (3) The .I I I .. .. .i report to the Council. I I I I ; Cmn. Meiswender requested permission to work with: 8 the City l4anag’er.on this matter. 110 i’Bartle Wells and Associates. ‘The City Manager I 8 reported that Mr. Bartle would be present at the l : City Hall on Thursday, at 11:OO A.M., to bring .; ; the staff up to date on the financial report for t I the Water facilities prepared by their firm, and I ,; ask any questions, Mr. Bartle, would be available. I 1 I 1 t I I I .I I if any of the. members of the Council wished to : . I I 32 Legislative Bulletin. The City will be receiving; ! Legislative Bulletins from time to time on matters : affecting the cities in California, and the City : i Manager suggested that if the Council is agree- ; 8 able that either a member of the Council or I himself be appointed to review legislation I : af.fecting cities and express Carlsbad‘s opinion ; 1 on the proposed.1egislati-on. The.City Manager I : was appointed to revie’w the legislation. I ,I I I. I I I 69 : Removal of Pepper Tree on Chestnut Avenue. The I I Parks and Recreation Commission has approved the ! I 1- ; removal of the Pepper Tree on Chestnut’ Aventze as i . _. ; requested by .the Pilgrim Congregational Church, I I and the staff will proceed. with -the removal of ; I I the tree. I I 1. I ‘0 98 ; I .I I I 1 ‘I I I I ‘I ‘I I I I I .I I I I t t I I I I I ‘I ”.I I .. Designation of certain streets within the C-ity as: County Route “S 18“. The City Manager inforined ; the Council the Chamber of Conmerce has not yet I submitted a recommendation as to the designation I of County “Route S 18’‘ for Old Highway 101, as I mended that the Council adopt a resolution approving the designation. Any recommendation ; that the Chamber might hav-e would nbt affect I this designation. I. requested by the County of San Diego, and recom- I I I I .. I I I t I . .-. I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I In I . : . _- - -, \w \ i - 1 u- t N N?C& I' ;. of Qi< .. I Name '.y A : I r----L-----------___-,__-,___-~____-__________--_____-~~emher,_-. I I 1 I- I .. 8 ,.'; 'f Resolution..No. 1476. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF I I : CARLSBAD CONCURRING IN THE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN :Irlorthing I S 1.8", was adopted. by title only and further ... 1 IDunne . .: reading waived. . .. :Jardine L ; ! STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AS "ROUTE INeiswender .., I I 38 :'Street Maintenance Report.' Cmn. Jardine inquired: : as to the Street Maintenance Report, and the City i ; Manager stated a preliminary report was prepared ; I but the Street Deficiency Report had not been t completed. I I I I I 110.: '. I I I ! month period. In reconsidering ihis mattGr- : Parks and Recrea.tion Commission recommended Water Bill for Little League fie1 d. The 'Cou was inf.ormed the City was in receipt of a wa bill for the Little Leasue field, coverina a I ncil I I ter I three: the I I I ;"against the payment 'of the bill in light of lack ; . I of funds., and it was the City Manager's current I ; recommendation that the bill be referred back to , I 'I. .; the School .District.for payment. By common con- ; I sent it was agreed that the water b.il1 be -1 I : returned to the School .District for payment. - I I I :.AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- I l I I TION OF PAYROLL: I I I I : Authorization was given for the paym.ent of bills I I : and for the general expenses of ,the City in the ; I amount of $197,040.14 and for the Water Depart- IMorthing i ment in the amount of $101,871.30, as certified I lNeiswender '; by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by iDunne .! the Auditing Commi ttee. I I IJardi ne .- I i Ratification of the payroll was given for the . $orthing I first half of March, 1968, in the amount of INeiswender I $29,041.19, as certified by the Acting Director ofDunne I I I Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee.. :Jardine I : ADJOURNMENT: I I I I 37 : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to I 1 : Wednesday, March 13,.1968, at J:30 P.M. I I- I I '4. 0 ; Vice Mayor Dunne declared i at 10 :-1 6 P. M. I Respectfully submitted, 1. I t .. .. ;>$/tAA.ld, zf F: qL&/ ; MAR&RET E. ADAMS ; City Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I .. .. . , the .meeting adjourned v. I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t