HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-03-19; City Council; Minutes, "~. _. _...."_.._ I. , .\ -. i Minutes of: City Council (Regular Meeting) ; \, \,$pc,'. .'" : Date of Meeting: March 19, 1968 'I Name\' >,?qr ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. '+' q ,_______-___-___-_----__----_-----------------------~~~m~~~---- ; ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Northing, I Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine. Also present were i I City Manager Martin, City Attorney Wilson and I ; City Clerk Adams. : INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor Dunne. :-ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: : (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 5, : I 1968, were approved as corrected. I \\ I 'Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1. of . e@). t I I 8. I I I. 1 -" '@ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I .. I .. I I I I 8 I I CORRESPONDENCE: I I I I I' I I 1 I $36 .! The City Clerk read a letter from the Mexican- I 1 t I I : American Association. dated March 18, 1968, re- I I I I questing permission to hold teen dances at the ; I High School, March 23, Apr'il 13, May 4, June 1, I : and June 29, 1968. t I The request was approved,. subject to.the condi.tiodl4orthing ! that it conform with the policy now in force re- 'Neiswender I garding police surveillance. :Dunne : ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: , 1 I I I I I I I I I I f i I I IJardi ne I 63 ; Mrs. Nelson Westree, President of the Friends of ; I the Library> stated that one of the pet projects t '; Conference Room. They requested permission to 1 'I donate a Conference Table (approx. cost - $703.00$ I cabinet, where records to be checked out could be ; I stored (approx. cost - $621.00'), and 'draperies I i for the entire Library. The approximate total of: ; these donations amounts to $5,200.00 and the I I Friends of the Library request. that authorization I ! be given to advertise for.bids for the draper.ies : ; and that the bill be sent to Friends of the I I Library for payment. ..; of the Friends of the Library was the Library I I I 30 chairs (approx. cost - $630.00), a record I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I' ; Cmn. Jardine felt that the City should accept I with g.reat thanks the tremendously generous gifts ! : of the Friends of the Library and a suitable ; letter from the Council, signed by the Mayor, be ; I sent to the Friends of the Library expressing I I their appreciation. : By motion of the Council, it was agr.eed that :Worthi ng I i these donations be accepted and authorization 'Neiswenderi I I given to advertise for bids for the draperies, (Dunne I : and the bill directed to Friends of the Library lJardine I : for payment. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I -8 i I 1 .I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I j f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l“””””””””””””””””””””””- I . -2- .. -” ‘I I 0 , ; PUBLIC HEARINGS: .. ; -=’+++ ’* ; Name‘\\+?! 1, of ..?lemDer - - - - I Q6-g 1 I I I I I t 26 : (a) GarfieMStreet, et al, Sewer Improvement i ; District, A.D. 1-1966. The Mayor announced-the I I hour of 7:30 P.M. havins arrived this was the I I ! time and place fixed fok hearing of protests and i ; objections in respect of t-he assessment proceed- I t‘ings and work under Resolution of Intention No. I ! 1398, and the Improvement Act of 1911. I : The Clerk presented Affida.vits of. Publication, : Mailing and Posting, and the same were ordered I I ; filed. I ; Letters were presented from the following persons; I protesting the cost of assessment on the grounds I : they paid $25.00 per lot into a sewer district in I . i 1954, which they’ wepe never able to use, and re- ; 1 quested they be given credit on this assessment I 1 Curtis Fouts, 4090 Garfield Street I George Harry Meese, 4072 Garfield Street ; The Mayor announced the Council would hear from I I all persons ‘wishing to make an oral protest. ; Mr. Fouts, 4090 Garfield.Street, addressed the l Council, stating when the former district was ; formed they were assessed $25.00 per lot, and 1 never received any benefit from the district. .I They now feel they should receive credit on this : ‘1 I -assessment. I I As there were no other persons desiring to speak ; ; the Mayor declared the hearing closed. I ; Mr. Sprehe, from the Engineering .Department, in- : : formed the Council when the former district was ; I formed these property owners were assessed I i $25.00 per.lot. The Engineer of Work no doubt I ; anticipated these properties would connect to the; I sewer line tit a later date by way of a lift I i station. There was a public hearing held in con-; I ; nection with the former district, and the records ; I I s.how t.he protests were overruled. ; After further discussion, the following resolu- I I tion was presented: 8 Resolution No. 1504. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVERRULING ALL I lWorthi ng I I PROTESTS ON THE ASSESSMENT, CONFIRMING THE REGU- ;Neiswenderi ; LARITY OF PROCEEDINGS. was adopted by title only ;Dunne I I I I I I I I I I I ! di s tri ct‘: \ ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .’ I I i and further reading waived, Jardine l I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,8 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I -. .I I .. I I I I I I I I 1’ I I I I I I I I I -\ -,y, -. ' :---------------------------------------------------~~~m~~~---- -3- I '\ ?e& I :Name '.$@."*; I e+ I I. of I I I I I I 'L I I I -0. 26 :(b) Jarces D'riv'e, et a1 - Sewer and Street Im- I 1 provements, A.D. 3-1964. Resolution of Intention I : 140. 1489 and. 1490. !' I I .. i Vice Mayor Dunnc announced this ?!!as the time for 1 1 presentation and Consideration of the construct- I I i io.n bids. received for Assessment District No. I ' . ;*-3-1954 (James Drive, et a1 ) . I I I I I i The Clerk rcparted.to the Council that three (3) ; .I 1 bids had.been received, that CARLSBAD PIPELINES, I I INC., was the low bidder in the amount of : $134,746.05, and that the low bid was $3,r3@0.00 ; ; under the estimated cost submitted by the Engi- I I neer of Work. 1 The Mayor then announced this was the time for .I presentation and consideration .of-. the Street I : Improvement Bonds bi'ds. received-for .Assessment I 1 Distri.ct No. -3-1964 (James Drive, et all. i The City.Manager announced.that..one (1) bid had i ; been received, said.bid.bein3 submitted by C. H. I I Watt, 514 San Diego.Trust %.Savings Building, I f San Diego, stating that the interest rate to be 1 I paid upon the principal amount - of. said bonds and l : certificates,.if any, shall be 5% per.annum; and i : the purchase price to .be paid for said bonds and ; ~.certificates,.if any, shall be an amount equal tol I 89% of.the principal amount of bonds and certifi-: t cates, if.any, to be.issued.plus.a premium of I 1 $O.OO,.with accrued.interest,.and that said bid I : was made subject to all of the terms and condi- ; { tions of said Notice and Resolutions, which was ; I made a part of this bid. I berg, Investment Securities, stating 'inasmuch as I ; realignment in municipal bond yields, it was I I their opinion the bid limitations were too re- ; strictive.. In the event the City does not re- I ; ceive bids'conforming to the notice of sale and I I was interested in negotiating the sale of bonds I : to issue as a result of the proceedings, they I ; would be most happy to. submit a proposal. : Mr. Barbour, representing Stone & Youngberg, ad- I 1 dressed the Council and stated their firm was : most willing to work with the City in the event : : the Council did not wish to accept th2 bid re- I 1 ceived. : The hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, the Mayor ; I announced this was the time and place fixed by I : objections to the Debt Report, the improvement, ; ; or'the extent of the Assessment District, the I I proposed grades, Resolution of Intention No. 1489: : acquisition, or to the proposed assessment or to ; I any or all other matters contained in the "Re- I port" for said acquisition and improvement all l : pursuant to the provisions of Division 4 and 12 ; I of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of I 1 California. I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I A letter was.also gresentedfrom Stone & Young- I ! recent monetary adjustment had brought about a : I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 the City Council for the hearing of protests or 1 8 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I' I I I 1 I I I I I I I 'I ' -. '\ ' " I .. I '' \*c\ I -4- i Name ' '\,y ;\o;: .. I I I f. of Qe;; ,""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~rn~~K"" .. I I I 1. I i The Clerk announced that Notice of the hearing ; ; under Division 4 was given by mail as provided I I mai.led more than 30 days prior to the date fixed ; t for hearing. That due notice of this hearing I I pursuant to the proyisions of the "Ciur!icipal :.Im,provement Act of 1913" has been given. in the ; ; manner and form prescribed by lat! and 'that I I affidavits showing such compliance are on file . . : I bids for construction and .the sale of the Im- I provement Bonds has also been given in the manner i : and form prescribed and.that.Affidavits showing ; ; such compliance were-on file in her office.' I ! Mr.. Marquardt of Tanner and "arquardt, Engineer : ; of Work, summarized. the Debt Report,. and explain- I I ed the formula and method of spread.of assessment.: I The Mayor inquired-of the.'Clerk if she had re- I ceived any written protests or objections, and , I i the Clerk announced she had received a petition ; : signed by 53 property owners, requesting that.the I . I project be cancelled due. to the extremely high i ' I cost. I I for in said Division'and that said Notices were I I I I I i in her office. That Notice for the receipt of . ; I I .. I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I Mr. Marquardt stated he was in .receipt of with- : ; drawals of persons signing the petition from the ; I following persons: I I -I 'I I I I I 1 I I Lonnie D. and Loretta Brown, 2600.Highland Dr. I -I . Victor and Erminia Muril lo, 2735 Wilson St. '; Also a telegram was-received from Shigeo G. and ! I Kiyoko J. Shimamato,.requesting that their names I I be relracked.from the petition sent t,o them by ; f Mr. Sawyer. I I The Mayor inquired as .to whether there was anyone: I present that wished to speak or address the Coun-; : cil in support of a written protest? I ; RAMON ASEDO, Attorney for Mr. Charles Dix, stated: I that he objected to the.form of the Shimamoto I i withdrawal which he felt should have a'signature.: :.LEO SAWYER, 2946 Highland Drive, stated he is i protesting the Shimamoto withdrawal because he i ; has a letter dated March 18, 1968, signed by Mr. I I Shimamato and his wife confirming their stand - i against this assessment. I i He inquired if the City owned Reservoir contain- l I I ing 110,000 sq. ft. would be included in this I 1 assessment district. He was informed that the I t city owned reservoir was included. i Mr. Sawyer contended that there are 65.98% I against this assessment district. -. I I Mr. Asedo stated he agreed with that figure. ! The City Engineer and Mr. Marquardt were asked ; ; to tally a percentage of protests at this time. ; I t I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1): I I I I I I I I' I I I I \ I I' \ I 1 '' '9;. -5- l I Name '.9>! '\ I I I I .. ?% I. of -Ye\ d t,""L ". c; " I---------------------------------C--"----------------l~~~R~~-- I I I I t I - t The V,ice Mayor declared.a.short recess in order ., i .I t to allow a few minutes to tally this-percentage. ; I -. I I I The City Engineer reported that their figures I I indicated 63.7% by area.of-the.district protest- ; I ing. B MR..GLOVE, a property owner. in this area, stated .: i that he had a cesspool and.i t wa-s. his under- I I standing that if a cesspool ceased.to function ! -I a new permit may-not be.issued.. .He inquired if ; ! the City would-be subject 't0.a law suit. I The City Attorney stated~it.would. not. : RUSSELL GROSSE, 2684 Highland..Drive, stated that ! i he had three (3) parcels on James Drive and that ; I it was his desire that the Council grant a two I : week continuation on this matter. t I I I I -. I I I I t I I I I I I I t I 1 f t I ;'He stated that if this extension of time were ; given, he and others who-were in favor of the I I 1 Assessment District would have.an opportunity I : stated that they' have not had.enough time to I I prepare and present their side to property owners i i who have signed the petition. i MR. ASEDO stated he wished to know what the per- I : centage would be if Shirnamoto withdrew. The City: ; Engineer reported approximately.55% or 56%. Mr. i ; Asedo requested-that there be no..continuation. I I ; HENRY JOLLY, 1740 Buena.Vista.Way,.related his i ; wish that there be no postponement.and stated I I that he felt that everyone has had.ample time to I : prepare their stand-on 'this matter. * I I CLAUD HELTON, 2760 Arland.Road,.stated that the I I : only way the people .in this area. are going to get; ; sewers is by extending James Drive and he was I I very much in favor 0f.a postponement. i JOHN MAMAUX, 1393 Basswood.Ave., stated that this: I matter has been going on .for four years and he I ; waS in favor of an immediate decision. I : C. F. PRINCE, 2935 Valley, stated he was rela- ; tively new in Carlsbad but.that he had received ; I quite a lengthy letter from Russell Grosse which I i proves that he has' had enough time to prepare I I his case in favor of the assessment. Mr. Prince ; ; requested a decision be made without delay. 1 Discussion ensued and Cmn. Worihing stated he ; 63;7% protest and felt the matter should be set- i I I tled this evening as each side has had sufficient; I time. Cmn. Jardine aqreed that each side had I 1 ' I to speak with those against the district. He I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I' I I t 1 I I I I I I I I i was impressed by the City Engineer's figure of I I I had an equal opportunity. 8: I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I -' -< " - 1 I - 6- I ', "'".;, I i Name '\$' 4 I Qk' I I----------------.-----------------------------------M~m~~~---. I c'; I. of I I. 1 I I .e. 8 BY motion of the Council .the public-hearing-was INorthing i declared closed. .-. ~ r.. . . .. :Neiswender I I I I I . .. - tDunne . .. dardi n.e : By proper.motion the construction bids were.re- "jetted. I .. I' I 1 I .. . i Also by motion of the-Council .the .bi,ds on the ; bonds were rejected. 1 I I I iWorthing tNeiswender ,Dunne ;Jardine. :Worthi ng I I I 'Neiswender IDunne :Jardi ne 1 > I I Mr. Brown, Attorney. for the project, informed the: I Council he would prepare.a.resolution for.the i next Council .meeting. abandoning .the project. : PARKS'AND RECREATION: I I I I I I I I I I 70 I (a) Memorandum.-.re: Summer Recreation Program I i and.Litt1e League Program. The City Clerk read ; ! a memorandum from the Parks and Recreation Com- ! I ' i mission regarding these two programs and stated : I that some action should be.taken to allow the I i Commission to proceed with their plans for the ; 1 proposed.summer.program,.which seems to place I : priority over the Little League.Program since the: i Little League Program only-benefits a limited I ; number of chi1 dren compared.to. the Summer Recrea- : l tion Program which would benefit all .children in : : Carlsbad, and they wished to start.the program ; '1 in June. I ; After further discussion, a.motion was made that ; I the Council instruct the City Manager to find I l the necessary.funds in the amount of approximaYe-; I ly $2,500.00 to.pursue this program and that ;Worthing f every possible effort be-made to.derive these l Nei swendel ; funds frorn.some. source other than the Bed Tax i Dunne I I Fund, but that this:fund be used as .a last resortfJardine : Cmn. Worthing requested a statement from the City: ; Manager regarding this matter and.the City Mana- I I ger stated that the money for this program would I f p.robably come from the Bed Tax Fund and he was un: 1 able to find a deficit in this fund,.as is indi- I I cated in the memo from the Parks and Recreation I : Commission. He stated with the Parks and Recrea-: I tion Commission and the Council's approval, funds1 I should be drawn from the Bed Tax Fund and could I I see no problem in doing so. I : MARY SCHERR, Park and Recreation-Chairman, stated: : that it was her understanding from the last Coun-: I complicated and that at a Special rleeting of : the Parks & Recreation Commission, they did not : ! vote that the funds be taken out.of .the Bed Tax t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I cil meeting that the Bed Tax Fund is a little I I I .a ; i Fund. I It is their feeling that the Bed Tax Fund is a I I special fund earmarked for property acquisiti.on I I and should be watched very carefully. I I I I I I I I I I I' I 1 I I I I I I I I \ I I I - 7- ; .++c\ I : Namg'.;' o% I ZQ> d I ;: of ,---------------------------------------------------~~~rnh~~---- c'i 8 I I . 0. '113 i (6) Mernorandum.re:. Landscape-plan for Jordon, I I . : et a1 , property at Northeast corner of Tamarack. . : ! Avenue and Pio.Pico Drive. This'matter was con- 1 : ttnued until the .Parks and.Recreation Commission I l has' had an opportunity to. hear- a landscaping f expert speak at their next regular meeting. 7'0- :'( c) . Memorandum -- . re: . Proposed, park si te, south I ; of Sunnyhill Drive and Clearview: This memoran- I I dum was.considered a matter:of:information and I ~ ~~~~ ..~ .. I t I I I 1 I I I. I I I c 1 I I I .I I it was felt that no actionineed be taken. I . i PLANNING: 9.9: (a) Tentative map.of Hart.Lot.Split. .Property ' I I located-on the -Northwesterly.corner. of the inter- I .: section.of Las Flores Drive-and Highland Drive I I. ; consisting of two (2.) lots. the City Engineer ; I presented.the proposed tentative map in connection : with a lot split on property-located at the North+ ; westerly corner of Highland Drive and Las. Flores I ; The Engineering .Department.recornmended that the I ' I owner extend the-water line from:Morning Glory I : Lane up to Parcel .'A; that necessary right of way. ; I be dedicated to provide. a. full - thirty :foot ha1 f- I : width along the boundary.of Parcel .B.in Highland I i Drive; and that the owner enter into a future I ; street improvement agreement. : Mr. Sauer, Attorney with the.firm.of Fiest, I I Vetter and Knauf, addressed.the Council .and stated 'l he was representing Mr. .Hart. Mr. Hart has no : ; objection to entering. into a future street im- I I provement agreement. As to.t,he dedication of : right of way for the widening and improvement of I I : Highland Drive he did not feel that this was due ; I process of law to have to-dedicate property. His I I client. was asked to dedicate certain property to I I ; the City for the improvement of Las Flores Drive. ; I The City paid.Mr. Hart $1 ,700.00 for the neces- I : sary right of way. Mr. Hart is asking that the : ; Council waive the conditions .imposed by the I I Planning Commission, namely, dedication of the I I necessary right of way for Highland Drive; the i ; improvement of Highland Drive, and that a future ; I street improvement be entered into; that the City1 I extend the water line from Morning Glory Lane up i ; to the property line; and that the fee for Parks ; I on Parcel B be waived at this time. ; The City Attorney inforned the Council the City ; I negotiated with several property owners relative I : to the improvement of Las Flores Drive. I I Mr. Sauer referred to a le,tter sent to Mr. Hart I f by 'the City Attorne-y dated October 7, 1964, and f I the City Attorney stated thi.s letter was sent to 1 I all property owners involved in the extension of I I Las Flores Drive. As to Mr. Hart there were I ; other proposa1s.made but he rejected the proposal?. I The C-ity then had the property appraised and con-I I demnation proceedings were filed. Prior to going: I I to court, Mr. Hart accepted the $1 ,700.00. If I I there had been any conditions offered in addition: I I - I Drive. I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I”””””’””””””- -8- ”” .. “””I”””””””- I-. . - ; ’\.’+& ‘ I I ~ame\‘.@ 02 I, I of Q>< Aemher - - q -. i 9. I I. I I 1 to the $1,700.00.there.would have.been an agree- ; : ment entered into. I I I .. 1. ! Mr.. Sauer .’requested that the City honor the I letter sent to Mr. Hart, as. it was Mr. Hart’s .: understanding that he was paid the $1,700.00 for : ‘.the’right of way, and that. the proposals set forth; ; in the letter were in addition.to the $1,700.00. I .: Cmn. Jardine stated as long as the width of .I Highland Drive is established.he.cou1d.see no way I i the City could waive. the necessary.right of way ; i Mr. Sauer stated Mr. Hart is agreeable .to making ; ; the- improvements at such time as Highland Drive 1 : I is improved; however he could find no section of I i the law requirin,g.street dedication. .The Council ; ; is stating the applicant.must dedicate property 8 I before they will grant a.lot split. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 dedication. I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Joe Parisi, 3005 Carlsbad-Blvd., .real estate 1 I agent, stated he was in agreement with Mr. Sauer I . ! that this was taking advantage.of the property ; ! owner, It was his feeling the City is in error 1 I in processing lot splits in this manner. ; Discussion was given to having the street im- I provements and street dedication on demand as a i i part of the future street improvement agreement. i I .After further discussion it was agreed that this I : matter be deferred until the next meeting of the ; .; Council and.that a staff report. be submitted. I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I I NEW BUSINESS: I I I I 68 I I I I 1 I I I I I I (a) Resolution No. .1503,.recommending the affi- I I 1 iation between the National Armed Service I Y.M.C.A. and North San Diego County Armed Service ! Center. The Vice Mayor stated it has been sug- ; gested that: these two service organizations be ; combined and introduced the following resolution: I I I ; Resolution No. 1503. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING THE : AFFILIATION BETCdEEN THE NATIONAL ARMED SERVICE I SERVICE CENTER, was adopted by title only and I further reading waived. ; Y.M.C.A. AND THE NORTH SAN DIEGO coum ARMED I I 80: (b) Proclamation-re: Cancer Control Month. I I ; The Vice Mayor declared the.period of April 1 1 through April 30 inclusive, 1968, as Cancer Con- I trol Month in Carlsbad and Grgecl every citizen I assist the American Cancer Society in th.eir ef- I forts to save more lives from cancer. I I I to.heed the seven warning .signs of cancer and to I I $1 BO! (c) Proclamation - re: Public Schools Week. f The Vice Mayor declared the iveek of April . 9 so,CAL;F : through April 12, 1968, as Southern m Bus/ M6S S i Business Show Neek, and urged all citizens to .yHo w &E,-& 1 t take advantage of this opportunity to keep 1 1 I I I I I :Northing :Nei swender tDunne :Jardi ne I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I‘ I I I I I I I -9- r I 1, I””””””’””“””””- ; ‘\X+ I I. of kc; ‘, ‘\ :Name ‘.$><$ -------------------,--”emher,,,, I b I I I . 6~ . : abreast of modern business procedures. I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 113 1 OLD BUSINESS: . . I I I I A p’ublic hearing was held on items (‘a) and (b) at I the previous meeting. The .City Attorney present- 1 ed the following documents.: I I (a). Resolution No. 1501, reversing and modifying 1 action of Planning Commission and approving amend: A; ment to Precise Plan #6704 - re: sign. at South- I ; westerly corner of Palomar- Airport Road.and Inter: I state 5. Applicant: Paul and Magdalena Ecke. : I I I I I i Resolution No. 1501. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I COUl4CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REVERSING AND I MODIFYING ACTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND AP- iblorthing I R,EGARDING SIGNS, was adopted.by title only and :Dunne i further reading waived. .. :Jardi ne I I I .I .; PROVING AMENDMENT TO. PRECISE PLAN. NO. 6704 INeiswender I I I I 113 I (b) -.Resolution No. 1502, reversing and modifying I f action of Planning Commission and approving amend+ ’ . ; ment to Precise Plan #6602 - re: Signs ‘at South- I I easterly corner of Palomar Airport Road and Inter: I I state 5. .Applicant: Paul and Magdalena Ecke. I c I Resolution No. 1502. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ’ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REVERSING AND I : MODIFYING ACTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION AND :Worthi ng ! APPROYING AMENDNENT TO PRECISE PLAN NO. 6602 RE- iNeiswender : GARDING SIGNS, was adopted by title only and fur- ‘Dunne 1 ther reading waived. I -1 I I :Jardine I I 113; (c) Reclassification, precise plan and tentative; 1 map for property located on t.he Northeasterly cor4 I ner of Tamarack Avenue and Pi0 Pic0 Drive. i Applicant: R. Y. Jordan, et al. I I I I I I I : DALE BUDLONG, Attorney representing Jordan, et al: ! stated he had met with the Planner and Engineer ; I and agreed :to conform with i tem 1 (a) of Resolu- I i tion No. 1505 which required a 10 ft. screening f 1 area along the Easterly and Northerly property ; : lines, with the provision that they not be re- t : quired to put in a tire stop since the curb it- . ! ; self will act as a tire stop. This is agreeable ; I with the Parks and Recreation Commission. ; Also they request an addendum be added to item f I l(d) of Resolution 1505, due to the fact that the1 : Planning Commission is still studying the sign i ; ordinance and in the event that an ordinance has ; I not been adopted within sixty (60) days, that I : they be allowed to appear before the Council I ; with their plans for a sign which meets their I needs as it is necessary t,hat they complete their I : plans within that period of time. I f These terms were agreeable with the Council and ! : the following resolutions were presented: I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I 8; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I’ I I I I I I\ \ I I '.,\*c\' I -10- I I ~ame \.$Q;: I 1, of l---------------------------------------------------h~~m~e~---. I I I Qc< I t :v, I I I .e. ' 1 Resolution No.''1505. A RESOLUTION-OF THE CITY I I i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING PRECISE :Worthinu t PLAN FOR NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF'TAMARACK AVENUE iNeiswenaer : AND PI0 PI'CO DRIVE, was adopted by-.title only and IDunne I I I further reading waived. ____,_" ;Jardine I I \ / J I Resolution No. 1506. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. IWorthing :'COUNCIL OF THE .CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING TENTA-. :Neiswender ! TIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, was adopted by title only fDunne I ; and further .reading waived. IJardine i The fpllowing ordinance was presented for a'first i 1 I .I I I 8 reading: I I I I I 113 : Ordinance No. 92;13. AN 'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I COUNCIL OF .THE CITY .OF CARLSBAD. AMENDING ORDINANCdWorthing cI : NO.' 9060 CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FRO@leiswender i ZONE R-1-7500 and R-3 TO C-1, was given a first ;Dunne ; reading by title only and further reading waived. IJardine 113 ; (d). Reclassification, precise.plan.and tentative ; I map for. property. located on the South side of El I I Camino Real.east.of.Kel1y Drive. Applicant: Jay l . : F. and Maryon Hoffman. A public.hearing was held ; 1 on this matter at the previous Council meeting. I I The City Attorney presented the following docu- ; ; ments in connection with this reclassification, 11 i precise plans and tentative map: I Resolution No. .1507.. A RESOLUTION-OF THE CITY i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD.ADOPTING PRECISE ; ; PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ;Cdorthing 'I EL CAMINO REAL APPROXIMATELY EIGHT HUNDRED FEET deiswender i EAST OF KELLY DRIVE, was read by title only and :Dunne ; further reading waived. :Jardine i Resolution No. 1508. A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY' :Northing I COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING TENTA- ;Neiswender : TIVE SUBDIVISION MAP, was adopted by title only' IDunne I I I I I .' I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 and further reading waived. 1Jardi ne I I I I Ordinance No. 9214. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I : CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 CHANGING It4orthi ng I i CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM ZONE R-A-1000 TO iNeiswender I C-2, was given a first reading .and further read- SDunne ; ing waived. :Jardine I The fol1ow.ing ordinance regarding public nuisances: : was presented for a. second reading: I 67 i Ordinance No. 5042. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF I I I CARLSBAD. PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT AND REMOVAL i : MANTLED OR INOPERATIVE VEHICLES OR PARTS THEREOF I ; CLUDING HIGHWAYS AND RECOVERY OF COSTS OF ADMIMI- horthing : STRATION THEREOF AS. AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 22660 :Neiswender ! VEHICLE CODE, was given a second reading and IDunne I adopted. IJardine I I I I I I I t OF PUBLIC NUISANCES OF ABANDONED, WRECKED, DIS- I I I FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY OR PUGLIC PROPERTY NOT IN- I I 8; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I \\ ''3 I 1. of I I -11- I I '\ 'Go. I I Name '\$e.* I.. . . ".. I &< I---------------_--------------;--------------------~~l~m~~~---. I I e. ;.COMMITTEE REPO'RTS: I I I I I . 22. i Cmn. Neiswender reported that he.and the City I Manager are on a committee regarding the poS- ; sibility of annexing the Palomar Airport area to ; I the City. He and the City Manager met with I i Robert Small and. Skip .Schmitt of the County I I ;:Administrative Offices for the purpose of dis- I I cussing matters pertaining to Palomar Airport. ; Cmn. Neiswender stated that the matter will need : , . I more study and he will submit a report to the 1 : Council. ; CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 110; (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 4008, regard- ; ' I ing water service. The City Attorney presented I : the following ordinance and stated that the pur- : ; pose of this change was to encourage people to us? I smaller meters. :.Ordinance No. 4008. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF horthincl I I I I I CARDBAD AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE l[~e:swen2er I ' ! NO. 4001 REGARDING WATER-SERVICE, was qiven a IDunne ; first reading by title only. - I ;Jardi I ne 1 I 6-7 I I (b), First reading of Ordinance No. 6041, regard- ; I ing public dances. The City Attorney presented 1 ; an ordinance concerning public dances, as the : Chief of Police requested that the policy I I adopted by the Council .be incorporated in an : ordinance. I General. discussion ensued, concerning the defini- ; I tion of public dances, and it.was agreed that I i The City Clerk requested that the matter of dance i : halls and skating rinks be placed in the-ir proper i I category in the new business license ordinance as I ! they were o:mitted. I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I this matter be deferred-. for further s,tudy. I I I I I I I I 112 : (c) Resolution No. 1500, declaring as public : nuisances rubbish and refuse upon private property:. ; The City Attorney presented the following resolu: ; I tibn, stating this was the first step in abating I i these nuisances: I i Resolution' No. 1500. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING AS #orthing 1 PUBLIC NUISANCES RUBBISH AND REFUSE UPON PRIVATE f4eiswencier i PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by 63unne : title only and further reading waived. Dardi ne ICmn. Jardine requested.that a list of all pro- I I I I I I I I I I I 1 perty owners involved be submitted to the Council .: 1 I I I I I I I I I 1): I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I””””””-””””” -1 2- ””_ ”“””””””””L_ I” I ”,++ - I. of Qp ‘ I G :Name \.$’.“; Jiemher - - - I I I I a. 107 i (d) Resolution .No. 1499, accepting conveyance of ; I easement - re: Lesher sewer line. easement. The I I State acquired this easement for the City, find I ; inv.olves no cost to the City. ‘I 45 i Resolution No. 1499. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :Northing !.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING CON- Geiswender I-VEYANCE OF EASEMENT, was adopted by title on1.y :Dunne I and”further reading waived. .:Jardine I I I I I I I I I .: (e) Amendment to engineering contract with Tan- .I I ner, Marquardt and Associates, Inc. - re: James l I ; Drive. The City Attorney stated that since this ; I project has been abandoned, this.item should be I : omitted. 63.; (f)’ Audit of Library Construction Fund. The I : City Attorney reported that.he has made several ! ; attempts to contact a C.P.A. to audit the Library; I Construction Fund.and has been able to contact I : one who will not be available to-audit until ; after April 15, 1968, on an hourly basis. I I I I I I 1 I I I I I , i It was requested by the Council that the City I IC.P.A.’s so that we may.have a choice of C.P.A.’s.l I CITY .MANAGER’S REPORT: ! Attorney continue his efforts to.contact other I I I I I I I I I I I 51 ; The City Manager reported that sealed bids were i 1 received on March 19, 1968, .at.2:00 P.M., in con- ; i nection with the new fire station.. He recommend- l I ed that the low bid of $71,674.00 be accepted and: i that the contract. be awarded. I ; RICHARDSON-BROS., Contractors, P.O. Box 172, I I Oceanside, California. He .stated tha.t the above I I low bid. by Richardson Bros. is approximately I$15,400 I below the estimated cost. I :The Vice Mayor felt that.this should-be the time I : to discuss .the alternates, and.try to determine i ; after the next fiscal year. i The City Manager stated that since the bids were 8 i just received that afternoon, there had not been l ; enough time to analyze the matter of a1 ternates. : : After further comments by the City Manager and I ;Acting Fire Chief Jack Osuna, it was the decision f lof the Council thatthis matter should.be studied I :further, that a report.be submitted to the Council: ; on the findings of the City Nanager and Fire I chief, and that this matter-be once again pre- I sented at the next regular meeting of the Council.: 70 :The’ Vice Mayor made reference to a letter dated I I March 14, 1968, from the Carlsbad City School 1 I District, concerning the acquisition of land for ; ! a school site located generally at the south I I extremities of Skyline Road, Clearview Drive and ! ‘Sunnyhill Drive. The Schoo’lhas asked that the ; ‘City consider the acquisition of land adjacent I :to the proposed school site for park purposes. I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I t I I I which i tens could be temporarily. deferred until ! I 1 I I I I t € I I I I I I 8; I I‘ I I I I I I I 1 I I 1. I i '\ -\,s" ' I I \\ \+ 1 ,~ame '.+";. I -13- I I---------------------------------------------------~~~~h~~---- I I I I, of Q@ - 0. I I. I I I I I The.Mayor.inquired.as.to.whether.the school had : ' ; been approached,on.the matter of-the park. site. ,: I I I I The. City Planner stated.that.not too much had . ; i been done.on this matter, but.the school authori- 1 I ties made a study.and do have plans for future I :,school sites - one being in ,the Laguna Riviera : 8 subdivision area. A school requires about ten I I acres .of .land.except when a park adjoins, the , State will appr0ve.a site less than ten acres. I . ! The' Mayor requesteddhis matter defe'rred until I I : the next regular meeting, and inquired of the I ; Acting Finance Director how much. park monies were : I available at the present..time, and-she stated : approximately $1,500.00. I The Vice Mayor suggested the City',Manager study. ; ; the financial aspects.before.making any commit- ; ; ments to the School authorities. I 88 : The Vice Mayor asked the City-Manager-if anything; I had been done regarding Air. Pollution.. The City I I : Manager stated he has made.severa1 efforts to set : ; up an appointment with the Health Officer on this ; 1 matter. I I I I I .I I I I I I I I ;I I I I I I I I I I 68 ! The Vice Mayor announced there will be a League ; - ; of California.Cities dinner of.which Carlsbad I I will be host. This dinner will be held at the I I Twin Inns on March 22, 1968, and .General Fie1 ds ; i will be the guest speaker. He urged anyone I ,, interested.in attending this.dinner to do so. 85 i Cmn. Worthing stated.that.he would.like to corn- I I pliment -the City Manager and-the Acting Finance I : Director on the report they submitted to the I I Council in connection with the monthly Financial I I Report. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUTHORI'ZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS PtND RATIFICA- I I TION OF PAYROLL: I I Authorization was given for the payment of bills I amount of $91,207.12 and for the Water DepartmentfWorthing im the amount of $6,609.83, as certified by the :Neiswender Acting Director of Finance and.approved by the ;Dunne Auditing Committee. jard dine Ratification of the payroll was given for the iWorthing second half of March, 1968, in the amount of INeiswender $27,450.93, as certified by the Acting Director :Dunne of Finance and approved by ~ the Auditing Commi tteeiJardine ADJOURNMENT: 1 l and for the general expenses of .the City in the I I I I I 'I I I ; By proper motion the meeting was adjourn'ed at I I I I I I 10:20 P.M. I 8 i\. I I Respectfully submitted, :qyT44c I A FQL&, I MA GA ET E. ADAMS : City' Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I I 1' I I I I