HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-04-16; City Council; MinutesI Minutes ot: LILY Council (Regular Meeting) I '\ ',\Tp,,'- !Date of Meeting: April 16, 1968 9: ' \. .,o., ITime of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. t Name 'X? .z/ i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1 I of ,------L------------c"------------------------------~~~mh~~---- ; ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Worthing, I Neiswender, Dunne and Jardine. Also present were 1 l City Manager .Martin, City Attorney Nilson and City: I INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor Dunne. I :-ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. Qi;;.li b t I I 0. I I I I C1 erk Adams. I I I I 1 I I I I I I t i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: : (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of ; April 2, 1968, were approved as corrected. e I I I I t I I I I ;Northing [Neiswender IDunne IJardine I ; AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- i ; TION OF PAYROLL: I I I I ! Authorization was given for the payment of bills ; ; for the general expenses of the City in the I I amount of $76,843.20 and for the Water Department! i in the amount of $13,653.97, for the period of :Worthing i April 2, 1968 to April 16, 1968, as certified by ;Neiswender ; the Acting Director of Finance and approved by IDunne I the Auditing Committee. :Jardine i Ratification of the payroll was given for the tWorthing I first half of April, 1968, in the amount of :Neiswender '$27,475.42, as certified by the Acting Director ;Dunne i of Finance and approved by the Audj ting Committee.1Jardine I I I I I I I I ' I [42] - COMMENDATION TO COUNCILMAN NORTHING: t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The following resolution was presented: I Resolution No. 1517. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY l ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -CARLSBAD EXTENDING APPRECIf i ATION AND COMMENDATION TO RALPH E. NORTHING FOR ;Worthing ; I SERVICES RENDERED AS COUNCILMAN OF THE CITY OF lNeiswenderl : CARLSBAD, was read in full and further reading :Dunne I I waived. IJardi ne ; ; [48] - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION-April 16, 1968: i I (a) Canvassinq of ballots. The City Clerk pre- ; I sented the Tally Books.from the eleven precincts : I and the Absentee Canvass Board and the Council ; I acting in the capacity of Inspector, Judge and I I Tally Sheets. I I I The following resolution was offered: I (b) Resolution No. 1515. A RESOLUTION OF THE I : CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA,: i TION HELD IN SAID CITY OF XARLSBAD ON THE 16TH : i DAY OF APRIL, 1968, DECLARING THE RESULT' THEREOF :Northing ; ; AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW, INeiswender; I was adopted by title only and further reading I :Dunne i waived. ; Jardi ne ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! two clerks, the totals were checked with the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1% \ I I- _. I '&F '- I I I - 2- i =': ,:> I Name ' ,?-?) :. 1t.J I I I -1 I, of Q&$ ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - emhe her - - 9 b &I 0 1 I Resolution No.. 1515 is by this reference incor- ; : porated herein as though set forth in full pur- I ; suant to Election Code Section 22933, marked I I I I I I I Exhibit "A." and attached hereto. I i (c) Installation of Elected 0fficia.ls: The City : I Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Daivd M+ ; 1-Dunne, the newly elected Mayor after which the I I Oath of Office was administered to Joe A. Castro, .l : J. E. Jardine, and Glenn E. McComas as councilmen.; ; (d) Election of Vice Mayor: Cmn. Jardine I Vice Mayor. I : By motion of the Council it-was agreed that the ;Neiswender I nominations for Vice Mayor be closed. IMcComas I I I I I I I I nominated Glenn E. McComas for the position of f I I I I I I I :Dunne I :Jardi ne 1 Castro ; Mayor Dunne announced that Councilman Glenn E. I McComas was the new Vice Mayor. 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I Crnn. McComas stated that he appreciated the con- ; I fidence that has been placed in him. 1 : PUBLIC HEARING: I I I I I I I I I ',' : [llZ] - (a) Abatement of.Public Nuisance. The l I Mayor announced that the.hour of 7:30 p.m. having I I arrived was the time set for public hearing on I ithe abatement of public nuisances, and that the i 1 public hearing would be deferred until the next I i regular meeting. I I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I ; There were no oral communications. I ENGINEERING: : [93] - (a) 'Completion-Report - Sewer Improvement ; I in Adams Street between Chestnut Ave. and Bass- I ; wood Ave. The City Engineer .presented the Com- ; I pletion Report on Adams Street Sewer Improvement ; ; and stated that the total cost 'of the project is I ' I $3,549.45 with $2,283.66 from private funds and ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 $1 $265.79 from City funds, I t I I I Cmn. Jardine stated that the people on Adams I I I Street were not completely satisfied with the I ; road pavement and felt that they should be. He I I stated that he had discussed this matter with the ; i City Manager. I I ; The City Engineer was instructed to .have the I I Street Department place an' oil base over. the I paving on Adams Street. I I I I I I I I I : The motion was made that the City accept the I Adams Street Sewer Improvement construction job. 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INeiswender ;McComas :Dunne ;Jardine #Cas tro I 1' I I I I I I I I - " . i '. "P*\ ' I 1 '\ ',CC', I I -3- s,l> f Name '.+'?% I I ; , of "I;; ,---------------------------------------------------~~~~h~~---- L 0 I I ; [97] - (b) Resolution No. 1516, approving and I I ; submitting a.summary of road and street progress. 1 I The City Engineer reported that every four (4) I I :years the ,City is' required by the State to submit i ; a report on road and street progress. He recom- I I mended that this report be approved so that it l I ; may be sent to the Department of Pub1 ic Norks, I ;'State of California, before May 1, 1968. I I I I I ; Resolution No. 1516. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF I i CARLSBAD APPROVING AND SUBMITTING A SUMMARY OF ;Nei swender .I ROAD AND STREET PROGRESS AND NEEDS IN ACCORDANCE NcComas I I WITH SECTION 2156 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS 'Dunne I I waived. $as t ro ; Mayor Dunne inquired of Cmn. McComas if this type I I of report was what he had in mind in regards to a I : Master Street Plan. Cmn. McComas replied that : ; this was a useful. report. but it was not what he I I had in mind for a Master Street Plan which would : ; be in conjunction with the General Plan. I I I I CODE, was read by title only and further reading ;Jardine I I I I I I I I I I /'; [76] - PLANNING: I I I The City Clerk read-a letter from Glenn E. McComas: I submitting his resignation from the Planning Corn-: ; mission. I ; (a) Two (2) Appointments to Planning Commission. ; I I Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at I ! ning Commission. ; The Council returned from.the Executive Session I ; at 7:50 p.m. and the Mayor announced the Executivei ; Session was called to discuss'personnel and no ; I decision had been reached but a decision would. I I be made at.the next regular meeting. I ; NEW BUSINESS: I I I I 7:43 p.m. to appoint two new members to the Plan- 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I [45] - J. W. Nix - re: Request for assignment of I sub-lease. The City Clerk stated that Mr. Nix ; has a sub-lease agreement with the City and that I he is the owner of Jim's Bait and Bite located ; on'Carlsbad.Boulevard. Mr. Nix is requesting I that the new owner be allowed to assume the sub- ; lease in accordance with the agreement and that I by the Council. ; The City Attorney stated that this sub-lease f agreement originally was arrived at through a f bidding procedure and was awarded to the highest i bidder. I He 'further stated that he 'and the City M.anager ! had discussed this matter and it was felt that ; it would be best if bids were received and the I lease be granted to the highest bidder. I I in order for him to do so, it. must be approved I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I i I ; It was agreed that the City Attorney follow the ; ''procedure I as recommended. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I \ \ I -~ .". ; '$,?p, #- ..* ' ' CQ A ,d;-; Name '-9;;g -9- I I 1. of VyA; I ,___,,~,~_,_,,,,___,__,,,,,,,_,_,_,,_,,,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mh~~~~ I 1 "4 :6r -0 i [80] - (b) Proclamation - re: Home Improvement I I I Month. Mayor Dunne proclaimed t.he month of May as : :Home Improvement Month in the City of'carlsbad ; I and urged all' citizens to participate in this I ; significant occasion. ; [SS] - Cmn. Neiswender introduced to the Council I 1 l.a resolution, the title of:which reads: "Resolu- I ; tion of the City Counci 1 of the City of Carlsbad ; ; requesting comprehensive study of development of I I Palomar Airport" and emphasized the importance of ; .; the City being included in any studies made of ; I Palomar Airport either by the County or the I I Federal Aviation Administration, I Mayor Dunne requested that the Councilmen ; thoroughly review this resolution and stated that ; ; it would be discussed at the next regular meeting.; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMITTEE REPORTS: I I I I I' : [68] .- Cmn. Jardine stated that. the City of I 1 ; Carlsbad has been entered into the Comprehensive : ; Planning Organization due to the fact that he ser-; I ved as Vice President of that organization. ; Mayor Dunne announced the following Commi ttee I I assignments: I I I I I I I I I Y : [28] - I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Cmn. Neiswender I 1. Joint Sewer Advisory Committee I I 2. Liaison for Palomar Airport I 3. Chamber of Commerce Liaison 4. Payroll Audit I I 1 I I I I I Crnn. McComas I I 1. Water Improvement Committee I 2. Audit of Bills I 3. Coordination of Master Street Plan ; I Mayo'r Dunne I 1. Underground Uti 1 i ti es Committee I I 2. J0in.t Sewer Advisory Committee I 3. Buena Vista Lagoon Committee I' 4. Water Improvement Committee I Cmn-. -Jardi ne I 1. County Comprehensive Planning I Organization I I I 2. bot Split Ordinance I I 3. Liaison for Central Business District 1 Action Committee t Cmn. Cas tro I 1. Chamber of Commerce Liaison I 2. City Beautiful :Mayor Dunne stated that he would like Cmn. iMcComas to call a Water Improvement Committee ;meeting very soon to decide what recommendations ; I should be made, as a decision should be made in I i regard to a revenue bond issue. I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 I' I I I I I I I I I I I I - 1 I I ; "."?e '- I 1 1. I of Q+ bkd, ''j :-3 Name ' '\$+',&' ' 0' I - 5- ,---------------------------------------------------~~mhe~---- Q 0 t I I I Mayor Dunne also stated that in regards to City 1 i Beautiful, he intends to offer a proclamation in, ; 1 May proclaiming "Clean-up Week". . : He relayed'-his greetings to the two new Couicil- ; 1 men and assured them that all members of the l Council and the City employees would. be as helpful: !.to them as possible. I I Mayor Dunne briefed the new Councilmen on their i i duties and responsibilities and informed all I I Councilmen that a new form would soon be available: i to handle complaints and that all complaints i should be expedited.in this manner. He further ; I informed the Council that there will be a meeting I l in Anaheim for all .mayors ,and councilmen and felt ! I it would be very beneficial to the new councilmen ; i as it would further their knowledge of this Officel. : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ; I igii I : The City Attorney reported that he had received i ; a request from Paul Ecke expressing his desire I I to obtain from the City a 20 ft. strip of land I ;which adjoins his property on Palomar Airport I ; Road. The suggested cost by Mr. Ecke was $.25 ; I a square foot. Mr. Ecke is asking for this : 20 ft. strip at the request of his tenant who is ; ; operating a gas station at this site. I ; The City Attorney stated that this involves an l ; approximate 20 ft. by 150 sq. ft. strip of land I l which is a total area of 3,000 sq. ft. At a cost: I mately $750.00. i The City Engineer stated.he felt that this strip ; ; of land was of no value- to the City and would I I be of no value to anyone other than the property l ; owner of the adjoining property. 1 I : The City Manager stated that Bill Baldwin, who I appraises-for the City, has appraised this pro- ; I perty and it is a scattering piece of land and I I seems to be of no value to the City but a de- ; tailed report on this 20 ft. strip will be sent ; I to ,the Council. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I I " I I I I I I I I I ' of $.25 per sq, ft, ,the total cost is approxi- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I' ; CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I I I : [97] - (a) Proposed.Street Department Improvemen ; Schedule. The City Manager stated.that the pro- r 8 =Street Department Improvement Schedule was l f completed and has been budgeted into the 1968-69 i ; fiscal year. I : An inquiry was made as to how much of this work ; ; would -be done by City forces. The City Manager ; I stated that approximately 90% .of the work would I ; be done by City forces. I I ' ; [91] - (b) Carlsbad Union.Schoo1 District. The 1 ; City Manager stated that he had received a letter : ; from.the Carlsbad Union Scho'ol District request- ; I ing the approval of a new school site located at I i Sunnyhill and Clearview. I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I - ; ’+$$\ I c-~~; Name ’‘Y.4 I UG1, of q,’ 4 I 1””””““””””””””””””””””-””--~~~~~~---- 1 6 ’ ‘ 0‘ I -6- -0 I L ;Mayor Dunne queried why the City had.to be invol- ; I ved in this? The City Manager stated-that it was : I his understanding that the State.Law requires I I that schoo,l sites. be approved by the City. , i The City Manager recommended that the Council ; have no objections to-the school being constructed: at that location. ; Cmn. Neiswender recommended that this matter be I I referred to the Planning Commission for recom- . ! mendati ons and -Mayor Dunne- concurred with this I ; recommendation. I I By common consent, the request.of Carlsbad Union ; I School District was. referred to the Planni’ng Com- I I mission for their recommendations. I “i [30].- The Building Inspector wished to inform i I the Council that-the California Division of I :.Highways had already installed.overhead power I ; lines at Pal omar Airport Road and Interstate #5 I I in violation of a.City.0rdinance. He stated that; : he had sent the California Division of Highways ; I a letter informing them of this violation and I received a reply that they would remove the over- I ; head power lines and replace with underground I I utilities. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ’’; [28] - The Mayor announced that the,re would be a ; I meeting.held on April 24, 1968 (Tuesday) at I ; 4:OO p.m. for the Underground Utilities Committee.; I I I I .I [45] - The City Manager read a memo from the : Acting Finance Director in regards to the Lease ; I I agreement the City has with NCR on the NCR #SO0 I I computer. The present lease was signed on a ; rental basis and it was proposed that the City. ; ; enter into a lease-purchase agreement with NCR ; 1 which would represent a savings of $2,794.00; I I estimated.savings of $232.85 net per month. I I I Cmn. Neiswender.inquired if the City would re- ; ceive .credit for payments made under the rental : ; basis agreement if we entered into the lease- I I purchase agreement and the City Manager replied I I the City would not. Credit would only be given :. I effective the date the lease-purchase agreement ; ; was signed if the City later decided to purchase I I this machi’ne. I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I’ I 1 Cmn. Neiswender stated that he felt if the City I i were not going to receive credit for payments ; made under the rental agreement, the City should I I get a new machine and then enter into a lease- : purchase agreement. I I ; By.common consent it was agreed that this matter I ; be deferred until the next regular meeti.ng. I I I I I I I I I I I ; [62] - The Cl’ty Manager stated he received a I I 0 1 letter with reference’to Assembly Bill #149 regard- ; ing Property Tax Relief. I I I I I I I I’ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1 I ,""""""""""""" - 7- "" - - -. :g ." (3 jd """""""""" I" I '' '*c\ .' I. I of Qp c e6 i Name ' '\y,&' ' 0'. "emher - - - - 1 I I I -0 I ; The City Manager informed the Council he had I ; called the League of California Cities in Los ~Angeles to inquire if they could.offer any recom- ; : mendation .on this. Bill and he was told thatsthis ; ; Assembly Bill was coming before the League of I I California Cities Board-of Directors at a future : i meeting, and recommended that the City withhold ; ;-action until a recommendation is received from I I the Board. : [I031 - Cmn. Jardine stated that he felt the I Traffic Safety Committee should-take- a look at the: i traffic barriers and reflectors at the east end ; I of Elm Avenue where it terminates at Valley. He I I stated that this was a dangerous-area and felt ! : that something sould be done to prevent any I ; accidents. ; Mayor Dunne inquired' if the City was paying for ; ; the control lights on El Camino Real and the City I I Engineer stated the City is paying for these : lights. The Mayor felt that these lights were I : not necessary until the shopping center is com- I I pleted. I I :' I [lo21 - Mayor Dunne.stated that some mothers were ! ! concerned about-the traffic danger to school : children walking on Pi0 Pic0 from the parochial ; ; school to Elm Avenue. He suggested that mothers I I be contacted-in that area to get their views on : : this problem and also suggested that perhaps a 1 i patrol car could be placed there so that children i I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ! on bikes could be cautioned and cars could be { slowed down. ; ADJOURNMENT: I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at. I I 8:40 p.m. I I I I I I Respectfully submitted, i I yqfl&$ F@Ld/d. ; MA GA ET E. ADAMS I I City JCl erk I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I I I' I I I I I I 0 I" Q v, 0 v, w * k- Q > u. 0 e Lcl m 2x 3 z e /- '.. I" 1-1 W . b.J l" z W' z'/- v, m5 403 I" ," 0 I" a. a3 % I- v,(c 0 z 1-4 0 LLJ ' LC a: CC d- .m :N 'r- CY 0 > Q z 0 ei LL v, I- W =x 0 .. H n z c3: u L x1 Ln 0.J ? 0.J h: I-" c3 7 v) a3 I" U> 0 N M *4- (v Lo a I-" rn N (v (3 N p.- r" m N Lo N' 7 m d c m h F W z z 3 n 2E n .> n Q n r" In r-. Lo 7 cv Lo h W cn a3 0 Lf7 Lo W P 0 r" I.. u3 h a3 a3 M h Ln M h 2 CY bL H 3 x z < E LL r" r" m .c 5; c, aJ c, a U v, .C -I 0 z 3 0 0 > f- n u e 0 LL v, w k- Q .. H H c3 z CY < 0 w r- W I" a3 rf 10 0 8"- M m r" h Lo r" h u3 r" 07 Lo r" h cn 1- 0 LC r" ci, Lo ? m cn M 0 c h Ln r" W z H n 4 cx 3 n Y u 3 rb v W . q L.., rs 0 r" cu N e h 0 0 I" Kt c\J P Lo W M h a cn Ff I" r" e a3 r" or Lo u3 Lo F a3 0 f- e v, Q V I 2' W 0 q IV m W N F P d- to a- h to 0 h 0 a d c3 Lo Lo Lo 4- m co e- rn 0 u2 I- f- w -.J J =I c3 z 3 CY H H 5 u2 7: os r" M 4- Lo LC? a3 m. m m r- 7 cn h cn 0 P =4- 03 0 0 r 7 rn P h cn co. W v, 0 3 h 7 W v I w cu DJ 4- 0 r- c3 cy) M m' d- Q Q m cn Cc) LC Lo N 0 I" Lo 0 cu M Lo r" c7) z < H -I -J hL H E W !x > J 0 H u/ 03 -2 r. r-" 0 M rf m 03 m LO c\1 h d- cn m CU W Lo Lo M m M 'a- i- d- -.I W !" f- H "1 ,. I- f- !x W 03 0 CY. :I r. r" 0 W (0 cci c\f ll3 t" =4- h 2" I cn Lo r" <- m r" I-" 0 c\1 0 a3 r" h 0 7 d h m r" I" h * c- v, 4 x 0 0 u E W z z LL1 -J a w OJ r. c\1 rn 0 M b M N c= 0 N t" W R a, h co ul u3 Lo 0 W * m 03 -4- t- I- o 0 m W w a m I- CY w m 0 cf I I r h rn cu. h Lo 0 u3 h a 0 Lo M .Lo cn co LO m N a rn M h Ln cu W x t- E .v, n U v, H .r U E > w z Cl H m '-1 r9 u1 (3'r c\J h m M Lo m a3 u3 M h m m d 7 '7 e cu ? ?" e. a3 . m- i- 7 cn. cu I- W m 0 r" 0 M cu F 0 c-2 a a m h ? e -4- m .. v) cn aJ 5- O .I- I- S W > +J 1 +J 4 a V I- 0 m l-