HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-17; City Council; Minutese 0 s i 1 Li I Y ut w u ( i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: May 77,1968 Time of Meetinq: 7:OO P.M. 91 - m Roll Call : Present Absent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held May 7, 1968, Absent Ayes were approved as corrected. Motion CORRESPONDENCE: I (a) A letter dated May '9, 1968, from Mort W. Bondy and daughters, expressing thei r appreciation and thanks. for the aid and assistance rendered in their recent 10,ss , especially to the members of the Polixe and Fire Department, was acknowledged. PLANNING: I (a) Pacific Investment Company - re: Request for extension of time to file final map of Terramar Unit' No. 7 Subdivision. Letter dated May 10, 1968, from th Pacific Investment Company was presented, requesting an extension of time in which to file the final map on Terramar Unit No. 7 subdivision, was granted by a unanimous consent of the members present. (b) Appointment to Planning Commission. Mayor Dunne Peterson to the Planning Commission, to fill the un- expired term of Glenn E. McComas , which term expires in April, 1969. with the consent of the Council, appointed A. ti. - - e ¶ Councilman Castro was present at 7:07 P.M. I PARKS AND RECREATION: I (a> Gerald B. Fischer - re: Letter of resignation from Parks and Recreation Commission. Letter dated May 9, 1968, from Gerald B. Fischer, was presented, submitting his resignation as a Parks and Recreation Commissioner due to personal reasons, was accepted with regret. Motion Ayes The Mayor requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Fischer. (b) Appointment to Parks and Recreation commission. With the unanimous consent of the Council Robert B. I Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane, was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission to fill the unexpired term of Gerald Fischer, which term will expire August, 1970. f NEW BUSINESS: I (a) T. V. Power of North County, Inc. - re: Request for adoption of an ordinance of the purpose of grant ing a franchise for Community Antenna Television Systems. A letter dated May 9, 1968 from the President. of T. V. Power of North County, Inc. , requesting that the City Council consider adopting an ordinance for the purpose of granting a franchise for Community Antenna Television Systems , was read. 0 " 0 (Il-1-Y of- LA D -2- Discussion was had, and it was agreed that until such time as there is an indication from the public they want this service, that the letter be filed along wit previous letters received on this matter. 1 OLD BUSINESS: (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 7036, prohibitin: the installation of imorovements in oublic riahts nf . .~ """." way without .. pri .. or-apprbval " of Engi neLri ng Depzrtment , I . -- --- . . - . . .. " - , ~ or by other than a licensed contractor. The City Attorney requested this .matter deferred as Mr. SDano. I Assistant Engineer, had some further suggestions'in - regards to the ordinance. Parking of large vehicles and equipment on City Streets. Cmn. Neiswender poi.nted out the need of an ordinance prohibiting 1 arge vehicles and equi pment on City streets , especially on narrow streets. The City Attorney informed the Council he has been workin: on an ordinance concerning this matter and will pre- sent material to the Counci'l at the June 5th meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I (a) Report from Water Improvement Committee. A re- port from the Water Improvement. Commi ttee , dated May 10, 1968, was presented, recommending th'at (1) a revenue bond issue in the amount of $1 ,800,000.00 be submitted to the voters as soon as practicable; reservoir sites and with detailed engineering studies with water funds avai lable; and (3) an increase in water rates should be held in abeyance pending deter- mination of the amount of such increase necessary to support the bond issue. Discussion ensued in regards to the recommendations submitted by the Committee. The time schedule for holding the election was also discussed, i.e., late summer or having the matter pla.ced on the ballot for the general election in November. It was pointed out if the matter were placed on the ballot for the gen- eral election, the cost would be considerably less than .if the City held the election. Also Special Counsel would have to be employed by the City to handle the bond issue. The City Attorney suggested that a report be prepared by the staff as to the next meeting. As to the acquisition of reservoir sites and detailed engineering studies with water funds available, Mayor Dunne stated the City will need considerable monies for new pipe lines in con- nection with the widening of the Freeway. It was suggested that this phase be discussed at the June 5th meeting, and that the members of the Water Improv ment Committee be present as well as the City Auditor It was agreed that a revenue bond proposition in the amount'of $1,800,000.00 be placed before the voters , as recommended by the Water Improvement Committee, that the matter be placed on the ballot for the gen- eral election in November, and that the matter of land'acquisition for reservoir sites and detailed engineering studies be reviewed at the June 5th meet- ing of the City Council. (2) the City should proceed with the acquisition of procedure and schedule of events and presented at the E l I ( \ 9 E- - Motion Ayes A 0 LIIY ui- LA - -3- .. Appointment to Water Improvement Committee. With the consent of the City Council Mayor Dunne appointed W. C. Atkinson, Jr. to the Water Improvement Committe I Appointments to Central Business District Action Committee. The Mayor informed the Council the last meetina of the Central Business District Action Com- mittee-was held last October, and at this time he . would like to remove the present members and appoint the following persons to this Committee: W. Roy Pace Anthony Tomaro Mrs. Tari Wood Andy Bordon President of the Chambe.r of Commerce R. R. Robinson Ben Ward Sid Smith Mayor Dunne stated there will be three .additional members appointed in the near future, however, it is desirable that a meeting of the Committee be called as soon as possible. Use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Cmn. Neiswender report- ed there will be a public meetinq held on Ma'y 24, 196 €I at 7:30 P.M., at which time all interested pkrsons can express their views on the future use of the Counci 1. lagoon 9 after which time a report will be made to the CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I Bait Stand. The City Attorney reported bids for the bait stand will come before the Council at the June 5th meeting. One of the potential bidders would like to operate a .stand between now and June lst, and has offered to pay the City $32.50 for this privilege. Permission was granted to Louis Furrer to operate a bait truck for the balance of the month at a rental fee of $32.50. Proposed Traffic Safety .Commission Ordinance. The Council was informed by the City Attorney he would have a proposed Traffic Safety Commission ordinance prepared for th@ next Counc.i.1 meeting. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I (a) Employment of full time City Planner. The City Manager announced that a full time City Planner had been employed effective June 1, 1968. Mr. Olinghouse has good qualificatioms and has been working as Assistant P1 anner in Vista for the past two years. (b) Proposed ordinance of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The City Manager informed the Council he had received an advanced copy of a pro- posed ordinance the Carlsbad Municipal Water District is contemplating adopting, which sets forth certain areas they will service with retail water. The City 'C \ 9 " Motion Ayes Bwa=m?%.. a a Li I 1 LA L&"lLYrnU -4- .' , Attorney, City Engineer and himself are studying this matter, and a report will be made to the Council as to t.heir findings. City Administration Buildings. The construction of the new City Administration Buildings is progressing satisfactorily. 1968-69 Budget. The Preliminary Budget is progress- ing and should be ready in approximately 10 days. Mayor Dunne requested the Council members to study committed for this next year. due to the Capital, Im- provement Program. Resolution No. 1521, memorial.izing State Division of Highways to provide safe and adequate intersections, and grade separations on Interstate 5. Mayor Dunne introduced a proposed resolution, petitioning the the monthly financial report as the City is 'very State Division of Highways to widen the. Elm Avenue underpass to provide four traffic lanes and safe pedestrian walks on either side; that Cannon Road interchange be fully improved at the time of freeway widening to consist of at least four traffic lanes and safe pedestrian walks, and that an additional study be undertaken of the Chestnut Ave. int.ersection to determine the feasibility of a freeway crossing at this location. Further, it is the consensus of the Council that the construction o.f Interstate 5 City's ability to provide adequate east - west traffi arteries in a rapidly growing community. has seriously disrupted the City and impaired the Resolution No. 1521. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MEMORIALIZING THE CALIFORNIA STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS TO PROVIDE SAFE AND ADEQUATE INTERSECTION AND GRADE SEPARATIONS ON INTERSTATE 5 IN CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. Proclamation - re: City of Carlsbad "Clean-up Week". Mayor Dunne proclaimed the week of June 16th through Juie 22, 1968, as "City of Carlsbad Clean-up Week"; and requested Crnn. Castro to contact the City Beauti- ful Committee, as well as the local newspapers on this matter. Further, perhaps Mr. McDougal would be will- ing to schedule extra trash pick-ups. Weed Abatement Program, Discussion was had as to scheduling the weed abatement program for this year, and the staff was instructed to proceed with the program. Cmn. Castro informed Mayor Dunne Mrs. Hankins had contacted him and wished to address the Council. Mrs. Hankins, 1858 Buena Vista Way, stated she would like to request the City to place a sign on Buena Vista Way to indicate that this street was not a through street, as cars come as far as their property and then use their driveway to turn around. Further, there are approximately 5 cars parked in the I . \ 9 Motion Ayes €mmEa5L.- 0 0 dpvI h LI I T vi- WWD#4U - -5- .. backyard of a residence on Arland Rd. , and Mrs. Hankins requested that the City check into the possi- bili.ty of having the cars removed. Mrs. Hankins informed the Council she and her husband had purchased two acres of land where they now reside in 1929. Since that time three roads have been con- structed leaving approximately 1 5/8 acres. They ' wish to sell off a portion of this property by metes and bounds and do not wish to have to file a subdivi- sion map. In accordance with the requirements of the City they are unable to sell this property becaus of the cost of improvements. f Cmn. Jardine inquired 'as to whether the staff h'ad advised the property owners as to the various a1 ter- natives. The staff was instructed to study this matter and re- port back to the Council at the June 5th meeting, AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND 'RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City in the amount of $145,362.09, and for the Water-Department in. the amount of $15,833.06, for the period May 7, 1968 to May 17, 1968, as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of May, 1968, in the amount of $28,341.08, as I certified by the Acting Director of Finance and ap- proved by the Auditing Committee. ADJOURNMENT: I The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. to Wednesday, June 5, 1968, at 7:OO P:M. Respectfully submitted, *- ,.-7q, 'Ifr [ J ad&fgAAd MAJRLAR T E. ADAMS City C'Ierk I , i 1 \ \ 10 -xssmam Motion Ayes Motion Ayes