HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-16; City Council; Minutes8 a CITY CF a B Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July '16, 1968 Time of Meeti-ng: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the adjourned regular'meeting held June 26, 1968, were approved as presented. .(b) Minutes of the regular meeting held July 2, 1968 were approved as presented. . CORRESPONDENCE: No written correspondence was presented. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications. 1 PUBLIC HEARING: [113-431 (a) Appeal of the decision of ttie Planning Commission in denying a request for a zone change from R-3 to R-P, and a conditional use permit to allow the construction and use of a U. S. Post Office building and parking facilities located on property Northerly of Chestnut Avenue, between Harding Street and Interstate 5 Freeway. Appellants: Kenneth S. Baker, et al. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing opened and asked if there were any persons desiring to speak. MR. ROBERT NELSON, 155 Juniper, appeared on behalf of the owners, Baker, et al, of subject property. He stated that Carlsbad needs a new Post Office and has been trying to get one since 1966. The existing Post Office is approximately 1/4 the size of the building that is needed causing inefficiency in operation and is undesirable. Also there are no parking facilities He stated that the only reason the owners wish to get the zone change is because the owners will be putting the land up for sale to the highest bidder who wi 11 construct a building and then lease it back to the owners for approximately 20 years. If, at the end of that 20 years lease, the Post Office has to move agai the deve1ope.r will be bound by limited uses of this property. He stated that this location is geographi- cally located in the center of the population.. He also stated that Mrs. Zaileth, the owner of approxi- mately 1.28 of the 1/2 acre site, is very ill and Nelson stated he would like action to be taken on this matter. He. felt that this matter should not be delayed indefinitely. worried about this property and due to this fact, Mr. 1 I c 1 12: n I 8 " 0 PLV; ~ CITY OF CY4 D -2- ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~-~. """""" MR. ROYCE BOND, 240 Chinquapin, stated he felt the proposed Post Office location was not convenient for It is directly across from the school and is a doub.le hazard. (1) To the children playing in the area; and (2) to the Post Office customers backing out of the parking spaces in the proposed Post Office parking lot. Mr. Bond stated he felt the Post Office should be located in the downtown area for customers con- venience and also to draw people into .the downtown area to preserve and help maintain the status of the downtown shopping area. MRS. KNIGHT stated she was in favor of the proposed Post Office location and that the parking area would give the children a place to play. The Recording Secretary read .a letter to the Council dated June 28, 1968, from Kenneth S. and Joyce I. Baker and Orpha M. Zaileth, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission in denying their request for a conditional use permit to a1 low the construction of a Post Office Building. Cmn. Jardine stated that the Central Business Distric Action Commission has two potential sites in mind for the Post Office and there is a possibility .that per- haps one of these sites may be more suitable than the proposed site. Cmn. McComas stated it was his feeling that this appeal should be held over bearing in mind the fact that another location may be presented in the near future as a possible site f.or the Post Office. Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to see everyone have. an opportunity to try and improve this site and if there is a possibility that these other sites may present themselves, he would be willing to wait 30 days for their presentation. Cmn. Castro stated it was his feeling that more re- search should be done on this matter as the only site presented to the Post Office was the Baker, et a1 property. Other sites are under consideration and the only big stumbling block is priority. It was the final decision of the Council that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting and at that time, if it was felt that more time was needed before another site was available for presen- tation, it would be discussed at the next meeting. many people, especially Carlsbad's senior citizens, [11.3] - (b) Request for prezoning of property on the Nesterly side of El Camino Real, Northerly of Palomar Airport to zone C-M (Light Industrial). Applicants: Cami no Real Industries. L. .- I I The Affid-avit of Publication was presented. and order- 1 ed filed. 6 e 1 131 - 8 r- 0 j CITY OF CA D -3- .. C( t 131 The application for prezoning was reviewed. The annexation zone change from County E-lA to City of Carlsbad C-M Zone. The subject property is adjacent to properties prezoned C-M in October of 1966, and contains approximately 140 acres. By Resolution No. 554 the Planning Commission recommended the property prezoned to C-M. Council was informed the applicant requests a pre- The Mayor declared the public hearing.open and an- nounced the Council would hear from all persons desir- ing to speak. As there were no persons desiring to speak, the pub- li c hearing was declared closed. Discussion ensued and the fol.lowing resolution and ordinance was presented: Resolution No. 1534, A RESOL.UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECI- SION REGARDING PREZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO ZONE C-M was adopted by title Motion only and further reading waived. Ayes Ordinance No. 9217. AN ORDINANCE OF THE.CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 PREZONING CER- I TAIN. DESIGNATED PROPERTY TO C-M IN THE COUNTY OF SAN Motion DIEGO was given a first reading. Ayes ENGINEERING: [ll0-99] - (a) Kamar Construction Co., Inc. - re: Request for abandonment of.water easement in Laguna Riviera No. 2. I The City Engineer stated there was a request from Kamar Construction Company for the abandonment of a water easement in Laguna Riviera Unit No. 2. The water line goes from Agua Hedionda Lagoon to Calava- ras Lake and crosses Laguna Riviera Unit No. 2. The City Attorney stated he had worked out a proce- dure where the City can quitclaim the easement to the subdivider and deliver the deed until the City accepts the new facilities that will be placed in the stu'eet. At that time, the title company will be authorized to record the deed. The Attorney also stated that this appeared to be a matter of some urgency to Kamar Construction Co. and inquired if the Council could authorize and direct the Mayor to exe- cute this deed and authorize the City Attorney to deliver it to the Title Company on the condition that they hold it unti 1 the City receives the a1 ternate line which is in the street. At the request of Cmn. Jardine, the. City Engineer further explained the reason it has become- a neces- sity for Kamar Construction Co. to request this acti on. I 'Lw:'.-?:* @ .AT:%- CITY CF aRL2iIxD C? -4- 'f 1 13: ~~~~-~~~~~~,~~~~.~~~-~~,~~~.-~=~~=.~.--~"~~~~~.,-~~~:-~-~~~~~,~~~~-..~~~~:~~~~~~:~ The motion was made to authorize and direct the Mayor to execute this deed which in effect will quitclaim this easement on Laguna Riviera Unit No. 2 Subdivision on the condition that it be recorded after the City has accepted the improvements including the water line in the street in Laguna Riviera Unit No. 2. dY ~~.~~~~~~~~~-~.~..~-~.~.-~~ Motion Ayes .I [99] - (b) Resolution No. 1535, amending Res. #1292 regarding Laguna Riviera Subdivision. I The following resolution was offered for adoption by the City Attorney, stating this amendment was neces- sary due to the school and park site not being devel- oped as a part of Unit No. 2. Resolution No. 1535. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1292 REGARDING LAGUNA RIVIERA SUBDIVISION, was adopted by Motion title only and further reading waived. Ayes PLANNING: [991 - (a) Tentative map of Camino Real Industries. .. _. Discussion ensued regarding Resolution No. 1536 and Cmn. Jardine inquired if it was the intention of this resolution that there be a definitive between areas 1 and 2. The City Attorney stated Page 6, Item 28 of this resolution relates to this subject. The City Attorney clarified this paragraph by stating that regardless of the previous paragraphs, the improve- ments would be only in Area #l and that prior to processing the final subdivision that Area #2 be split into separate parcels. The second parcel is pending the decision by the County as to how much land they want. At that time, when they decide, the remainder of Parcel sf2 will be split into separate parcels. \ Mayor Dunne inquired of Page 4, Item 15, and stated he felt a change should be made reading "All details concerning matters mutual to the airport and the City the City before the final map is approved." . shall be approved by the airport officials and by I I After further discussion, the following resolution 'f was presented: Resolution No. 1536. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP OF CAMINO REAL INDUSTRIES, was adopted by title only Motion and further reading waived, subject to the revision of Ayes Item 15, Page 4. [114] - (b) Proposed Ordinance No. 9218 - re: P1 anned Communi ty Zone. The City Planner reported that this ordinance was presented and approved by the Planning Commission, and recommended for adbptio'n 'by :the T?ty ,"Counc"i1>. 0 i 0 up j Ll t Y w WP”W -5- -. Cmn. Jardine requested the City Planner to explain the positive features of the ordinance and what incentive it is for the City to have this type of ordinance. The City Planner explained it is usually proper pro- cedure in theory as well as application for a general plan to precede a zoning ordinance. Since the City ,has a General Plan, it sometimes becomes necessary to ‘reconstruct an ordinance in order to facilitate the implementation of the General Plan. This proposed ordinance is part of the reconstructing that is now going on. It is the sequel to the Planned Industrial Ordinance previously presented. 1.t incorporates good design and factors of .density rather than specific zoning restrictions such as setback and lot size. It requires landscaping, Master .Development Plan, and will require open space and adequate parking. It is flexible to the extent that mixed uses can be applied for in a zoning application, mixed residential as well as some uses that are allowed in the C-1 zone, and overall this is an ordinance which ‘is definitely necessary in order to have good planning. Cmn. Jardine inquired as to whether this type of zoning would be salable enough to most developers so they would seek this type of zoning? Mr. Olinghouse stated it would depend on what the developer is looking’ for. It would be sought after by people who will bring development to the City that is of general benefit to the community. There are certain proposals now that are waiting for this ordinance. Cmn. Jardine stated it appeared to him there are many requirements in this ordinance that are much m0r.e rigid than the R-type zones that are in effect now, and wondered if this ordinance would be used if adopted. The Mayor stated it was his understanding that the purpose of this ordinance is to have a community that will be attractive with new development and new ideas such as Rancho Bernard0 and Lake San Marcos. He in- quired as to why this cannot be accomplished under the exis ti ng ordinances. The City Planner stated it was due to the fact that restrictions on lot size as well as side yard- in effect when applied to a subdivision creates an over- all density that is uniform throughout. However, thi ordinance can actually group the residents or popula- tion in certain areas and provide open space areas and still retain a uniform density for the total area Cmn. Neiswender stated it was his understanding with this ordinance it is possible to create a co-mingling of multiple dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, etc., along with individual houses, which would in themselves, in the pre-planning stage, create an area for a green- belt between these, and include a park and recreation area as well as take advantage of the topography. I C L. 1 13: ” "A<%;?:& @ *7*3Y&a 0 c.3 CJ-ry r[ZF (-Jqq~~~~E> cc -7 \48 -6- K \,: \ 134 t.".*wmmm" .. *.A%.> I".7 "J'c~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~.~~~~:~~~~~,~.~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~"~~~-,-~~~-;~?~~~.~~?~-~.~~~~~~~ 1 The Planner stated this was correct and could not be done under the present subdivision ordinance. This would not have to .meet certain standards in regards to lot size. It would all be subject to review by, the Planning Commission by way of the Master Devel-op ment Plan and the Specific Plan, and would be pre- sented in two stages. The Master Development Plan has several provisions which includes the tentative map. Before a building permit is issued a Precise Plan will be necessary for the specific area or unit - Cmn. Jardine directed a question to Mr. Rombotis, representative from Kamar Construction Company, in- quiring as to whether a company such as his would be inclined to use a zoning of this sort more often for the type of projects they undertake than what they have been using up to this point? Mr. Jerry Rombotis stated they would use it on their larger projects. This ordinance would enable the developer to avoid a stereo-type subdivision that normal zoning more or less requires. Economics dictate the lot size under the present zoning. The developer must utilize a certain lot size to secure an economic yield. This ordinance would enable a developer to vary the lot size, concentrate the density, and still come up with an aesthically and pleasing subdivision, incorporate a green belt, and at the same time take advantage of topography. Cmn. Neiswender stated he believed that it would expand our capability and would be an enticement for certain areas. Cmn. Neiswender offered the following ordinance for a first reading: Ordinance No. 9218. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CREATING A PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE was given a first reading. The Mayor announced the Council would hear.from all persons desiring to speak in opposition to the pro- posed ordinance. MR. HARRY TRUAX, a Carlsbad property owner, and em- ployee of E. Brian Smith of Oceanside, addressed the Council and stated Carlsbad has needed a planned community enabling act for some time. Interest has come in and left this area because of not having provisions for this type of development. There are two aspects to a Planned Community Enabling Act. One is the one demonstrated here as a zone and the parts of this are too restrictive both to the City and the developer. The City may find itself amend- ing and amending this ordinance. other is a conditional use permit approach Certain Mr. Truax questioned several points relating to the ordinance. 1 "x?>XW*X., 0 .. *s:-fi;z< 0 '.%+%% I CITY c{: (-Ji\RI w.xP.d %B/A$r+J -7- co %l t 135' b L ~-~~"~~~~~~.-~.~~~~~~"*~.~, ~~"~.~~~...~~~=~ ~.~',-~-~.~-~..~.~~~~~.~=~~~~~,~~~~~~-,-.',~~~.~~~~?;~~ f' (I) The open space requirements are quite severel They would control particular types of condominium or corporative or detached developments, and would be practically impossible to develop with the restrictions imposed in this ordinance. (2) It actually could harm the developer and could harm what the City is getting out of it. The City .may in certain instances wish it had never seen such an ordinance and find it had no more control because it was a zone. (3) The standards that have been investigated and developed by people who have spent years of study, the publications put out by. Urban Renewal, the publications by F.H.A., to inform people and them- selves as well as other public agencies what can be used. None of these go into a consideration of on, i.e. a detached R-1 type approach. This could also create a condition where an extremely large development may take 10 or 15 years to complete, and by that time the City would not even be interested by that time. something that is approaching 30,000 sq. ft. per acre (4) Item C-5, Page 2, stating that the total num- ber of dwelling units within the development shall not exceed the number of dwelling units designated by the General Plan for the development area. Very often presentations'are made with .the development which indicates that this is a right and proper use of the area, and that the General Plan should be modified or brought up to date to consider this particular project in this particular area by restricting it according to the General Plan. A General Plan needs continual study and practically yearly revisions. Mr. Truax did not believe that this restriction should be in this ordinance. A development should be judged on its merits and not arbitrarily restricting it to the General. Plan. (5) Mr. Truax inquired as to Item C-5, Page 2, if the Master Development Plan and all Standards were to be ''recorded" or "filed" in the office of the City Building Official? (6) He questioned the economic justification of all commerci a1 faci 1 i ties. (7) Items C, D and E under Section 1379, Page 4, were also questioned. Also Item N, Page 5. After further discussion Cmn. Neiswender withdrew his motion to adopt Ordinance No. 9218, stating that he was not aware of all the ramifications involved. It was the unanimous decision of the Council that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commis- sion for further study and that the Planning Commis- sion be given excerpts from the Minutes regarding the Planned Community Zone. ~ l^.l"... %-".-.4* IR ~ 'a2.W a (-J-p( ("F ("Jpu cc 4 -8- b, 1; v 9 136 1 ~.-~~~~~:~-~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~,~~~~-~-~~~'~~~~=~.~~~~~~~~ .,.. .jL. ~-~~;~~~~.~~~~~~~~~-~~,,~~~.~~~~~~-,~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~:~~~~-~~~~~.~~ [113] - (c) Memorandum: re: Brady Zone Change. I The Mayor read a memorandum from the Planning Com- mission to the City Council stating that they have considered the Brady Zone Change request further and it was their unanimous decision that this could best be developed under the new Planned Community Ordin- ance, further stating that if the zone change should be adopted by the Council, under the R-3 Ordinance, the Commission recommended a specific plan be required. The City Attorney stated that previously the Council returned the matter to the Planning C.ommission for further study requesting that they consider allowing the zone change based on a condition that any deve- lopment plan for the property be subject to prior approval by the Council. Cmn. McComas inquired if the Council could grant the proved when presented. He suggested this because he felt it would be revealing the Council's good faith in those involved in this zone change. The City Attorney explained that this could become 'very confusing in the records which are kept on zone cha,nges because actually a zone change is not really being granted since it is subject to a condition that may never come abou't. zone change subject to the Precise Plan being ap- The Mayor desired to hear the City Planner's thought and recommendation on 'this matter and the Planner. stated that he was in agreement with the City Attor- ney in relation to granting a zone change subject to. He stated that the zone change would be con- tingent upon the plan itself. It was his recommend- ation to deny the appeal and at the will of the pro- change along with a subsequent Precise Plan. perty owners to submit another application for zone Mr. Royce Bond, directly involved with the zone change, stated there are a number of principles in this matter and the reason they have gone through this process is to allow, especially, the smaller developers, by getting it on record that the zone change may be made, they can go ahead and indivi- dually submit their Precise Plan on their particular parcel of property and this would set up 'commitments as to the area and what is going to be done with it. Mr. Bond also stated that all owners have relayed their willingness to put in any and all street improvements. Mr. Robert Nelson stated that these people grouped together and'requested a zone change as a whole to more practical. He stated that he was not directly express their good intentions and because it was involved in this matter but had discussed it with.a I number of people and it was his understanding that ~ both the Planning Commission and the Council appeared to be in favor of this zone change with the requirement that a Precise Plan be presented prior -?'T"MSII 8*w 0 CITY GF CAiPUB/AD -9- ~=~-~,~~.~~,~,~~.~~.)~~~g~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~".~~?~-~~~~~~~~-"~~~'~,~~~~.~.~~~.~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ to the zone change going into effect. Mr. Nelson stated that he felt if this zone change was turned back to resubmit an application for zone change be- cause they would be discouraged by this action and also because it is too costly. The Mayor stated that this zone change was turned down by the Planning Commission and they did not indicate in any way that if the Precise Plan was submitted they would grant an R-3 Zone. The motion was ma'de by Cmn. Jardine and seconded by Cmn. McComas that this matter be returned to the Planning Commission with the recommendation that the R-3 Zone Change be granted conditioned that there be a Precise Plan for .a11 areas involved in the R-3 Zone and that the requirements for public improvements be met, and that excerpts from the Minutes regarding the Brady Zone Change be forwarded down now, those interested parties would not come to the Planning Commission for their next meeting. [76] - (d) Appointment to Planning Commission. The Mayor stated that due to the death of Commis- sioner Glenn Voorheis, Donal-d K. Dewhurst, 3961 Glqria Lane, has been appointed to fi 11 the unex- pi red term. NEW BUSINESS: [86] - (a) Carlsbad Union Church Mariners - re: Request for use of Holiday Park. By proper motion, permission was granted the Carls- bad Union Church Mariners to use Holiday Park on July 20, 1968, at 4:OO P.M., as requested in their letter dated July 9, 1968. [73] - (b) Ruben Garcia - re: Request for Auto Wrecking Yard Special Permit. The Mayor inquired if this request has been con- sidered by the City Planner, City Engineer and Chief of Police. The City Engineer stated all three of these departments considered this request. The Mayor stated since none of these departments made recommendations on this request he would 1 i ke to return it to them for comment. [86] - (c) Boy Scout Troop 206 - re: Request per- mission to use Lake Calavaras on a Boy Scout Camp- out July 26, 27, and 28, 1968. By prdper motion, permission was granted to Boy Scout Troop 206 for the use of Lake Calavaras as a Boy Scout Camp-out July 26, 27, and 28, 1968, as requested in their letter. .. ., .* G I cc s i 132 I~"~~=.-~lj-.;ri-,~~~~ Motion Ayes Abs tainc Mo ti on Ayes Motion Ayes ~-.zTA%:d.G.. 8 n-"Lmz.2; 0 ziri &317'y ("J- ("J\Pf I t."d-.H--\ q,i%q) -10- ~~~.~~,~.~~~~~s~~~,~~~~~~~~-~~~~,~~~"~~~.~~~~~=~-~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~,~~~~"~~~-~~~~~~~~.,;~~,,~-~~~~.~~*~::..~~ OLD BUSINESS: The following ordinances were presented for discus- sion: [74] - Ordinance No. 1107. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING AND ADDING TO ORDINANCE NO. 100 5l REGARDING VACATIONS AND SICK LEAVE was given a seconc reading by title only and adopted. The Mayor inquired of the City Manager if the depart- ment heads and personnel were notified. The City Manager indicated the departments were notified by him. [114] - Planned Industrial Zone Ordinance. Considerable discussion was had concerning the ordinance and it was agreed that the following changes be made: Under Section 1351 the words "electrical sub- station" be changed and entered in Paragraph 1 of Section 1350 following the word "research" on Line 4. Also, the addition of the words "Gas Regulator Stations" following the word "research". The Mayor announced. that these changes were sug- gested by San Diego Gas & Electric. Ordinance No. 9216. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CREATING A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL ZONE was given a first reading by title only, subject to the above changes being made. [97] - Ordinance No. 7036. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING WORK IN PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY was given a second reading by title only and adopted. [29] - (d) Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1968- 1969. The City Manager cited a number of minor changes in the Preliminary Budget. The City Manager stated that the Finance Director and he have gone through the budget quite carefully and the City Auditor concurs with their estimate on the revenues. Also, he felt that it was projected accurately. The Mayor inquired if the 5% increase awarded em- ployees was considered across the board. The City Manager replied that this was correct. Mayor Dunne asked if this included the City Manager, City Engi- neer and City Attorney.. The City Manager stated that $33,300 under contingencies on Page 10 of the budget was reserved for this purpose if the Council desired to do so. Cmn. Neiswender stated he felt these people should ~ be considered on an individual basis. Cmn. Jardine , ~ agreed. I ~ ~ ~ ~ cc f; A Y \ 13t ,,". . ....,~-dw3dw:.*,6??=Yc Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes 2T?*-a7L Q &wr& 0 cJT?;I/ OF- C/q-?~..SP@%D -1 1- iS~~~~,~~.~~~:~~~~-.~:~:.~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~.-~~-".~-~~~:~-~,~~~.~~~~:~~,..~~~-~~~=~~~~~.~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~.~~~- -r The Mayor called for an Executive Session at 920 P.M. The meeting resumed at 9:45 P.M. and the Mayor announced that the decision had been reached to increase the City.Clerk's salary $50.00 a month; the City Treasurer's salary be increased $25.00 a month, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance to cover these increases. All other officials, the City Attorney, City Engineer and City Manager were granted a 5% increase across the board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I Public Works Commission. 1281 The Mayor instructed the City Attorney to rescind the ordinance regarding the Public Works Commission since the commission is out of operation. City Hal 1 Dedi cation Committee: [40] Cmn. Jardine stated a meeting will be held regarding the dedication of the new City Hall building on Thursday, July 18, 1968, at 9:30 A.M., in the Library Community Room. .CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: [Sl] - (a) Conveyance of Deeds. Cmn. Neiswender requested the Council be informed of deeds conveyed to the City and the City Attorney stated this could be done as part of the Engineesing Report. The City Attorney stated he would like to advise the Council that there is a provision whereby deeds can be accepted by an appointed official of the City and recorded without going through the Council individually, This method of accepting deeds would not include those deeds which would involve money being transacted. The City Clerk was appointed by the Council to accept and record subject deeds. The following resolution was presented: Resolution No. 1537. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING CITY CLERK TO ACCEPT CONVEYANCES TO TH,E CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES, was adopted by title only and further read'ing waived. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: [84] The City Manager reported that as a result of the Clean-up' Program, the City sold $890.20 of scrap metal that was cleaned up from the City Yard. He stated there was a need to purchase a portable welde to replace the old one and this would cost approxi- mately $1,100.00. This would require $110.00 each from the Water Department and Street Department. The City Manager requested Council approval to inser I r f I ~ cc '\e 1 %. \K \? 1 139 XA%%W."22= Mo ti on Ayes I ~ I I I .. L. *fi&.Jy; 8 , .#q"l;y*28 0 I I cl-p( 0.y ~pJ?~~FJAD -12- ~~~~.:~,~~~,~~~~~~~i~~~~,~?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?~~~~~~~?~~~~~~~:~~~~;~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~?~~?~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:~~*~~? IC $110.00 in each department budget to provide for this in the Capital Outlay. A motion was made to approve this request to provide funds for the purchase of a portable welder. [40] The City Manager stated that there has been a plan of landscaping developed for the City Hall City knows how much they can spend for this purpose. 63 ' and the Library but nothing will be done until the The Mayor stated he felt this should be done before the .rainy season. The City Manager stated he dis- cussed this with the Park and Recreation Foreman and has been assured that something will be done before the rainy season to avoid mud slides. The Mayor inquired about directional signs for the City Hall and he was informed by the Building Inspector that signs are on order'but since the numbers were changed, the signs were ordered late and should be arriving soon. The Building Inspector also stated that markings for the parking lot were part of the contract but that portion was deleted from the contract and will now be done by the Public Works Department. Cmn. Neiswender inquired of the Building Inspector if the flagpole in front of the City Hall was being paid for by the City. The Building Inspector stated he would check on this matter. [62] Mayor Dunne announced that the Brown Act originally referred to all commissions and committee and that the amendment that was proposed was not really necessary. The Mayor requested the City Attorney to inform all commission and committee members of their status under the Brown Act and Amendments. C AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAY ROLL : I Authorization was .given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City in the amount of $141,428.09 and for the iJater Department in the amount of $22,016.15, for the period July 1, 1968, to July 15, 1968, as certified by the Acting Direc- tor of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committe I Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of July, 1968, in the amount of $31,790.43, as approved by the Auditing Committee. certified by the Acting Director of Finance and ADJOURNMENT: ~ By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at i 10:24 P.M. I ! I I Respectful ly submitted, I I 1 MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk I By: I I m /A& 0 t Nora K. Daniels, Recording Secretary .. cf2 % \x \i l!$?Q\ hju..xx~wwnxta Motion Ayes Mo ti on .Ayes Motion Ayes