HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-06; City Council; MinutesA..:s,x.- a e *;Le * ti 1 T Li“ ~.J4,sw~J-J;a,qtl Le/ $e kc> Mjnutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) v Date of Meeting: &uguSt, 6, 1968 v Time of Meeting: 7,:OO P.M. P’lac2 of :???etirg: Council Chambers lQli ,~-~.~~-~‘~~.-~~.~~~.~~~~~~:~~:~,‘-,‘:~‘~~.~,~.~,~~.~;~~~~~~~~‘~.~,~~*~?c~”~~~~-,~”~.=~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~,~-~~~”*~~-~~~~~~,-~~~~~ i i ROLL CALL: I I~liVOCATIOM was offered by Mayor Dunne. Present Absent ’ALLEGIANCE to thhe Fiag was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - (a) Minutes of th2 regular meeting held July 16, 1968 Motion were approved as submitted, Ayes (Cmn. Castro was present at 7:05 P.M.) 1 CORRESPONDENCE: - t [70] The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Council, dated August 3, 1968, from Mrs. Betty Clyde, asking that the City allot funds to provide lifeguard service on the area of beach near the Encina plant as there are many children and teenagers who come to the beach unattended. The letter was ordered filed. i Mayor Dunne asked the City Manager what action has ,been taken as to the question of lifeguards in the area between the two jetties. Mr. Martin stated he had tal ked with representatives of the., Division of Parks and Beaches as to the city’s needs. They have been studying the situation but no conclusion has been reached as yet. The matter was discussed with the City Attorney, and he suggested that signs be posted stating there are no lifeguards on duty. The Council agreed that signs should be posted immediately. The City Manager stated he would report to the Council as soon as he has heard from the representatives of the Division of Parks and Beaches. I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I There were no oral communications. PUBLIC HEARING: [113.-43] (a) (continued) Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a request for a zone change from R-3 to R-P, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction and use of a U. S. Post Office Building and parking facilities located on property Northerly of Chestnut Avenue, between Harding Street and Interstate 5 Freeway. Appellants: Kenneth - -. [113.-43] (a) (continued) Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a request for a zone change from R-3 to R-P, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction and use of a U. S. Post Office Building and parking facilities located on property Northerly of Chestnut Avenue, between Harding Street and Interstate 5 Freeway. Appellants: Kenneth - -. S. Baker, et al. 1 The Mayor announced the hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, this was the time and place fixed by the City Council for a .Public Hearing. The Clerk read a letter addressed to the Council, dated August 5, 1968, from Robert B. Xe’lson, a Realtor representing the appell ants, requesting a conti nuance of this hearing until the next meeting of the Council to be held August 20, 1968. With the con this hearing 1 sent unt of the Council, the Mayor il the next meeting of Aug .. .. .. con ust tinued 20,1968. ~. -" 0 lJ i I 1 VI UT \!"4U/--jfLJ " t -2- \ 142 ...~~~~"H~~~, ~~~~~~=:~~~b-ij~-~~I~-~~~~~~~~~-~,"-~-~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~,~.,-~~~~- [1123 (b) 1958 Need Abatement. Program. _I The Ma.yor asked if any protests or objections had been filed. The Clet-k stated two letters had been received from the foll'owing, protesting the Notice of Abatement of Weeds on the grounds they felt their property had been cleared: (a) Letter dated July 26, 1968, from Allan Harshman, 4544 Martson Drive, Encino, California - re: Assessment !\lo. 210-032-05 (Parcel No. 28). (5) Letter dated July 30, 1968, from David E. Shipman, 3645 Kinney Place, Los Angeles, California - re: Assessment No. 210-114-01 (Parcel No. 30) o The Clerk certified these properties had been checked and found to be in satisfactory condition. A letter was received from U.S. National Bank, Denver, Colorado, requesting Assessment KO. 206-180-21 (Parcel No. 10) be inspected. The letter was given to the City Attorney to be checked. As there was no other correspondence to be read '-and no persons desiring to be heard, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed, The following resolution was offered for adoption: Resolution No. 1540. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO ABATE NUISANCE BY HAVING WEEDS, RUBBISH, REFUSE, AND DIRT REMOVED, was adopted by title only and furthe reading waived, with the deletion of Parcel No. 28 and No. 30. OF THE C'I.TY OF CARLSBAD ORDERING STREET SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEERING: - [26] (a) 1911 Act Proceedings for Sanitary Sewer System in Park Drive, et a1 , and sewer easements - Assessment District 2-1966. The City Engineer submitted the construction plans of the proposed sewer system to be installed in Park" Drive, et al, for the Council's approval. He stated the total construction cost would be approximately $165,000, and the estimated cost to the City- to be $12,000. After discussion, the following resolutions were offered for adoption: Resolution No. 1538. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER WORK, AND APPROVING ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT MAP, was adopted by title only and fur- ther reading waived. I L.d !* I - - &i)ZV.V~EW* Motion Ayes I "5soFz) e= e l / " - - " -. .- ."-. .- -3- ~~~-~~"~-~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~."~i=~ Resolution No. 1539. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS ARY SEWERS AN.D APPURTENANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSEG TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND ,FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR tiEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND GIVING NOTICE TliEREOF, INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANIT- was adopted by title only and further reading waived, PARKS AND RECREATION: [lo] (a) Agreement - re: Summer Recreation Program. The City C7er.k read a memorandum, dated July 18, 1968, addressed to the Council from the City Manager recom- mending approval of the agreement with Carlsbad Union School District in regard- to the summer recreation program. % I By motion of the Council, .the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Union School District in regard to the joint summer recreation program was approved, and the Mayor authorized to execute the Agreement in behalf of the City. CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY: 6 943(a) Memorandum.- re: Parking Facility Plan. A memorandum dated July 31, 1968, from General W. W. Rogers, Chairman of the Carlsbad Parking Authority, was received by the Council, asking approval of the parking facility plan subject to conditions as listed on the memorandum. General Rogers e,xplained some of the conditions to th Council. Cmn. Jardine asked that the Park and Recrea tion Commission be informed as-to what the planting will consist of in the area described under Item X4 of the memorandum. The Council agreed on all conditions listed in the memorandum with the exception that Items #1 and #.2 be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Afte it w Auth the lot, Comp e - r further discussion, by motion of the Council, as agreed that the report from the Parki-ng ority be accepted, and that the Council approve contract of Sim J. Harris Co. for the parking . any be so notified. Further that the Parks and in the amount of $690,000, and that the May Re-creation Commission be permitted to review the planting in regards to Item f4 of the memorandum. 9 !S> \ 14? .pn""&*em. -. . Motion Ayes ~ Motion Ayes i Motion Ayes 1 1. -. .. .e”. .V D. f b -4- \ “VW a- 0 1 =& I Y5w~~~~~-~~~~u~-~.~~~~~-~~”~ - PLAN,NING: (a) Memorandum - re: Brady Zone Change. c1131 .. A memorandum, dated-July 23, 1968, from the Planning Cornmission, was received by the Council, stating theil intenti‘on to hold a pub1 ic hearing on August 27, 1968 and that the Planning staff was to prepare a specific plan for presentation at that time. Cmn. Neiswender stated it was his feeling the Plannin! Department should not make plans for individual appli- The City Planners should act as a guide ’line but not do the physical work involved. Mr. Olinghouse stated the primary reason for the plan being prepared by the City staff is to implement the General Plan, and that the plan would not be used as a plan of development, but would designate land use, density, landscaping area, etc. cants, but’ that it should be done by private planners Mayor Dunne requested that a policy statement be pre- pared for the Council’s consideration as to when, how .and to whom a specific plan would apply. [I141 (b) Memorandum - re: Proposed Pl.anned Community 0r.dinance. The Clerk read a memorandum, dated July 23, 1968, fro; the Planning Commission, stating minor revisions had .been made in the proposed ordinance and recommended adoption. The City Planner explained the revisions made in the ordinance as recommended at the last meeting of the Council. He asked that the Council adopt an emergent< ordinance so that it could be in effect as soon as possible. Councilman McComas offered the following ordinance as an emergency ordinance for adoption by the Council: Ordinance No. 9218. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CREATING A PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE, was read in full and adopted. [113] (c) Memorandum - re: Proposed New Zoning 0r.di- nance Fi.1 ins Fees,. A memorandum was received by the Council , dated July 31, 1968, from the City Manager, recommending revision of the zoning ordinance filing fees as sug- gested in an at.tached memorandum addressed to the City Manager from the Planning Director, dated May 1, 1968. -. Mr. Olinghouse stated the recommended fees are simila to those of San Diego County and lower than most citi After discussion, it was moved that the City Attorney prepare a revision to the zoning ordinance (No. 9060) changing the planning fee schedule in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Director. .. ‘V n ¶ 3 - . rn Y r e ¶ Is,! *i6f.9Nx””Z7YI= Motion Ay.e s -. s. Mo ti on Ayes i 4 rw.r;Lc @ rrn -e f " Yi VI . .. X", .td -5- t 14: I-3-~~~~7u~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~rXXW-!~r-~-,~~~~~~~-~.~ NEW BUSINESS: 1861 (a) Roymar Land Co. - re: Request for permission to allow-ove.rnight campers. A letter addressed to the Council was received from Roymar 'Land Co., dated July 30, 1968, requestin,g'per- mission to park overnight campers at the Carlsbad Landing, 4509 Adams -Street, for the remainder of the summer season. Mr. Marc A. Josepho, owner of the property, addressed the Council, and asked that permission be granted to- night as there are only a few weeks left in the summer season. He stated the company is willing to put up a surety bond if the City feels it is necessary in order to cover any provisions. the City requires. Mr. Josepho sta'ted there are suitable sanitary facili- ties, water service and trash pick-up and that a per- manent employee will be on duty every day to care for the property. After considerable discussion, the Mayor suggested .granting a 60-day trial period for overnight camping, subject to review by the Police Department. By motion of the Council, the request by Roymar .Land Co. to allow overnight camping at the Carlsbad Landing 4509 Adams Street, was granted subject to the condi- tions that no more than twenty (20) trailer spaces be -occupied; that guests be allowed to stay no more than three (3) days; that permission to allow overnight camping shall terninate on September 30, 1968; and. that said request be subject to any restrictions and provisions set by the Carlsbad Police Department. I Motion Ayes Cmn. Neiswender was appointed to work with the Chief of Police on this matter, I [68J (b) San Diego County Comprehensive Planning - re: Regional Park Implementation Program. The Council received copies of letters addressed to Governor Reagan and of the report of the Ad Hoc Regional Parks Planning Committee, regarding Agua Hedionda Park and International Park being considered as State Parks. Cmn. Jardine explained to the Council tha-t,the San Diego County Comprehensive Planning Organization is asking member cities to pass a resolution supporting the recommend.ation of the C.P.O. to include Agua Hedionda Park and International Park as a part of the State Park System. After discussion, Cmn. Jardine offered the following ,resolution for consideration: Resolution No. 1541. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 0.F . CARLSEAD ENDORSING THE RECOMI4ENDATION TO GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN TO INCLUDE INTERNATIONAL PARK AND AGUA HEDIONDA PARK IN THE STATE PARK SYSTEM, was adopted Motion by title only and further reading waived. I Ayes LI I I {Si' LPJ-7L,";DL-9\U b" i .'i 2: k j L~*::$.y ?;' 8 -:%".A -5- i' 145 .ix,~::"~~-~~~-~~~~,~~~~~~~.~~~"~~~.~~=~-~~~.~~~~~.~~~~,~-~~,-~~~~~,~~"~~~~,~~~~~~:*"~~,.~~~.~~.~~~-~~~~~~'~~"-~";.~-~~-~.~.~~. [41] (c) Hans Jakob - re: Cla.im for damages. I A letter dated July 22, 1968, was received by the Council from Hans Jakob, claiming damage to his pro- tion in Adams Street. He requested the property be inspected and damage repaired. The City Attorney recommended the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. By motion of the Council , the claim was deni,ed and Week. [80] (d) Proclamation-re: Proclaiming Law and Morality Ayes referred to the City's insurance carrier. Motion Mayor Dunne proclaimed the week of August 11 to 18, 1968, as "Law and Morality Week" in the City of Carl s bad. OLD BUSINESS: perty at 3425 Adam Street during the sewer installa- [73] (a) Memorandum - re: Recommendations concerning application for Auto Nrecking Yard by Ruben Garcia. This matter was deferred until the next meeting to be held August 20, 1968, at the request of the applicant' attorney. t [114] (b) Second reading of Ordinance No. 9216, crea- ting Planned Industrial Zone.' > The following ordinance was given a second reading: Ordinance No. 9216. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CREATING A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL ZONE, was given Motion a second reading by title only and adopted. Ayes [113] (c) Second reading of Ord. #9217, prezoning certain designated property to C-M, in the County of San Diego. a The following ordinance was given a second reading: Ordinance No. 9217. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, PREZONING CER- TAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY TO C-M IT4 THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, was given a second reading by title'only and adopted.. COMMITTEE RE.PORTS: [28] (a) Cmn. Castro stated he had no report at this time. He will be attending the Chamber of Commerce meeting on August 13, 1968. I Motion Ayes I [28] (b) Central Business District Action Commission, After the meeting with Mr. Richard Graves, the Com- mission has embarked on preparing a questionnaire to be sent to owners of property and/or businesses in th downtown business district to learn their thoughts an opinions on what can be done to improve the conmunity e d -I I .' - ."-i-. -.* -. e .cc?s= .. . - ,a L.., " l' LI I I LJr Lyqi"~Ly-+lJ -7- "2 " - ~=~--u,~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~~~.~.~~~~~.~-~~, Cmn. Jardine will keep the Council informed on this project. City Hall Dedication Committee. [40] Cm, Jardine informed the Council the next ' meeting of the Dedication Cominittee will be Thursday, August 8, 1968. The- dedication is set for Sunday, September 8, 1968, at 2:OO P.M. Several guests have been invited. Invitations have been prepared and are now being printed. [SS] Quarterly Newsletter. .. Cmn. Jardine informed the Council he and the City Manager were considering the possibility of a quarter, ly newsletter which could be sent out with the City's water bills and.wou1d inform the public of the activities of the City. -The estimated cost would be $7,300 - $1,500 per year for four .issues. The City Hanager stated this would cause no difficulty in the budget. They asked permission to proceed with the the printing. newsletter. The Carlsbad Journal has offered to do Mayor Dunne suggested that a draft of the publication be submitted to the Council members prior to being printed. By motion of the Council, approval was given to the City Manager to proceed with the preparation of quar- terly newsletters to be sent to water customers at a cost.not to exceed $1,500. [28] Water Improvement Committee. .. Cmn. McComas recommended that the Water Improvement Committee reconsider the possibility of selling a por tion of the property in the San Luis Rey Valley. The purchaser has offered to relocate the wells for t City. Mayor Dunne appointed William C. Esterline to the Water Improvement Go-mmi ttee. . CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: (a) Agreement -. re: Burglar Alarm Equipment. [78] The City Attorney presented an agreerrent for approval between the City and San Ciego Alarm Co. , which will allow the installation of burglar alarm equipment in the Police Department, at no substantial cost to the City, and will create no additional lia- bility in regard to the furnishing of city services. By motion of the Council, the agreement between the City and the San Diego Alarm Co. to install burglar alarm equipment in the Police Department was approved [81] (b) Res: #1542, authorizing and directing exe- cution of escrow instructions - re: Holiday Park. iyll . - - hc 1. L', 7 147 *.-%?a"%-<" .. 1 Motion Ayes ! Motion Ayes "_'iZ.7>. .z21 8 0 *,>)Y Lj j 1 L;"' ~J+pq-~;-J13~ -8- ~..-,~,~*~,~-~,~IA~~:,,-~.-~~~~~~,,~.""~,~~,~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~~=,~,~-~-~~~~"~.~:~;~,~-~~~~'~~~~~~~:-~-.~ "~~~~~~~..-~~~:-~~~-:~~~~-.'~.~~~'~:~~~~~~-.~~.-~'~,~. i' The City Attorney recommended the adoption of Res. No. 1542 as settlement of the condemnation suit for the balance of Holiday Park. It involves the.purchase of this property at a cost of approximately $31,000. Resolution No. 1542. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND D1RECTIF;IG . EXECUTION OF ESCROW INSTRUCTIONS AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEED REGARDING PURCHASE OF PORTION OF HOLIDAY PARK, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. [Z8] (c) Ord. #1108, abolishing Publ-ic Works. Com- mission. 1 At the request of the Mayor,-the following ordinance was offered for a first reading: Ordinance No. 1108. 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1061 REGARDING PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION, was given a first- reading by title only. [74] (d) Ord. #llO9, fixing compensation for Clerk and. Treasurer. Cmn. Jardine offered the following ordinance for a first reading, to reflect the change in salaries for Clerk and Treasurer at the meeting of July 16, 1968: Ordinance No. 1109. 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FIXING COMPENSATION OF CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER, was give-n a first .reading by title only and further reading waived. [78] (e) Ord. #3074, regarding sale of unclaimed pro- perty. The City Attorney presented the following ordinance which will allow the Police Departnent to sell un- claimed property after a certain period of time. Ordinance No. 3074. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF given a first reading by title only and further read- ing waived. CARLSBAD REGARDING SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY, was [lo61 (f) Ordinance No. 7037, re: Underground Facilities. The following ordinance was introduced as recommended by the Undergrounding Commi ttee which deals with the subject of placing underground the wires whi-ch are presently carried on poles throughout the City. Ordinance No. 703~7. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITIES AND THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES 114 UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS, was given a first reading by title an1.y and further reading waived. LA !' i -7. t? \[ 148 :z7~.:~<xl:w;3~:-%:>3 Y Moti on Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes c1-jy C.T C/q"' i \I"" q2ty-J 1 c "-S-"h-P=..""-m m 0 -9- .72 ~~~~'~-.;:~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~,~~~~~~",~~~~~~~-~~~~~=~=~="~~~.~~~~"~~.~~~:~~~~,~~~.~~.-~~~~,~~~~,~~~-~~ [30] (9) Proposed Sign Ordinance: The Mayor called for discussion on the proposed sign ordinance. Mr. R.oyce Bond, proprietor of Grand Donut House, spoke in opposition of the proposed sign ordinance, stating many sectjons of the new ordinance are repeats of the ordinance now in effect. He disagr-eed with the three year limit on non-conforming signs in that most businesses have contracts on their signs and will have to pay for them for the term of the contract. Most signs are contracted for a ten year period. He asked if the May Company would have to remove their signs after three years. If not, downtown merchants should have an equal chance. Mr. Morris Sims, proprietor of Sim's Shell Service, stated he had been on the sign committee, and recom- mended that the proposed ordinance be returned to the Planning Director for his review, and then resubmitted to the Planning Commission for further study. Mr. Joseph Stransky, a representative of Western Oil posed sign ordinance, stating the building heights were unreasonable in that service station signs near the freeway would not be seen if they cGnformed .to the ordinance. He ci.ted a number of signs in the City that are not in conformance with the present ordinance He also felt the three-year limit was unreasonable, stating most cities have a five or ten year limit and that few have a three-year limit. It was suggested the ordinance be returned to the Planning Commission for restudy. Mr. Harry Truax, an employee of E. Brian Smith Engi- neering, addressed the Council, stating he was not in favor of returning the ordinance to the Planning Commission. He felt if there were changes to be made, they should be made on the Council level e Mr. Truax stated he was not in favor of the ordinance as wrjtten for reasons he had given at a prior meeting of the Counci 1. As t'here was no urgency in passing the ordinance, the Mayor suggested the ordinance be returned to the Plan- ning Comrnission as there were new members appointed tc the Commission recently and they would, perhaps, have new idea.s. Mr. Frank Kirk, president of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council asking that action be delayed for two or three weeks on this matter and that he would call a neeti rrg of the Board of Directors to dis- cuss the proposed ordinance, and that the City Planner be present at this Boa~d neeting. He asked that copies of this ordinance be furnished the Chamber ;prior to the meeting. and Gas Association, spoke in opposition of the pro- i , , ~ I 1 '!.I ) < \ 14 ."P.Z.?.~+Szi*?~ i ~ i C1-T')' CF C4,Ri "-!Id,/ (=C\rJD 1 s -1 0- .I - .-_. .".. .. .sc?% *:lix3. -0 # "G i C( z \ d3~~~~~~;~~-~.~~~~~~~-~~~~-~:~~~~,~~~~~~xp,~"~.~l-~~.=~~~-~ After further discussion, with the consent of the Council, Mayor Dunne ordered the proposed sign ordi- nance referred back to the Planning Cornmission for a Public Hearing and further study, Memoria7. to Toby Thornton. ,"S ~ . [70] Discussion was' given to the letter appearing in the Carlsbad Journal from Mr. John Manaux, recommend- I ing .that the. city owned parcel imnediately North of th South Carlsbad State Beach be improved as a public viewpoint and that said parcel be designated. as "Toby Thornton Lookout", and that a plaque be erected on the site appropriately depicting some of the many virtues of Toby Thornton. I? ! The letter was referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideratfon. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: .. .E451 (a> Report on purchase of NCR 500 equipment. The Council received a memorandum from the City Mana- ger recommending the purchase of the NCR 500 equip- ment, dated July 31, 1968. The annual saving would be $2,794.44 if the City were to.purchase the equipment. The Council commended Mr. Martin on the report a'nd moved that the City purchase the NCR 500 equipment as .recommended by the City Manager. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: .. Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City in the amoznt of $169,675.49, and for the \dater Department in the amount of $48,190.93, for the period of July 16, 1968, to August 6, 1968, as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification of the payroll was given for the last half of July, 1968,. in the arnount of $33,527.07, as certified by the Auditing Committee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper m0tio.n the meeting was adjourr,ed'at 10:45 P.M. . .. Respectfully submitted, I MARGARET E. ADAMS- Ci ty C1 erk .. . BY Recording Secretary I 150 !"sFiylr=%52viT;;. I .. ~o t i in Ayes