HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-17; City Council; Minutes=. c . CITY a= Ci4 %D c .I Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeti,ng) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Y Date of Meeting: September 17, 1968 ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Du.nn.e. ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. ,I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: D l I The minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held September 3, 1968, were approved as corrected, and the minutes of the special meeting Ayes held August 29, 1968, were approved as submitted. Motion 1 CORRESPONDENCE: I A letter was received from Barbara Lang Betts, of Bert A. Betts & Associates, dated September 11, 1968, stating regrets they could not attend the.dedication of the new Civic Center but hoped to have a later opportunity to view the new facilities. I 1 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I There were no oral communications. I I PUBLIC HEARING: I 8, [113'.] - (a) Request for a zone change from R-1 'to R-3 (Residential-Multiple) and for a Specific Plan on property north of Laguna Drive to Knowles Avenue from Interstate 5 Freeway west to Davis Street. Applicants: Forest J. Brady, et al. The Mayor announced the hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, this was the time and place fixed by the Council for hearing objections or protests on the proposed change of zone from R-1 to R-3 and for a Specific Plan on property located north- of Laguna Drive to Knowles Avenue from Interstate 5 Freeway west to Davis Avenue, submitted by Forest J. Brady, et al. The City Clerk presented the affidavits 'of publi- cation, mailing and posting to the Council for approval. The affidavits were approved and ordered filed. The Mayor requested the Clerk read all protests or objections that had been filed. The Clerk read a letter from C. R. Baldwin, 403 Aloha Circle, Long Beach, California, dated September 9, 1968. In his letter, Mr. Baldwin stated he awned property involved in the zone change and that he wished the application for zone change be dropped or held in abeyance until a specific development is presented for Council consideration. He stated he was not in favor of the proposed zone change. I t 0 8 CITY OF- a D -2- Mr. Joe Olinghouse, City Planner, submitted the specific plan for the Brady Zone Change, known as Exhibit ''A", to the Council. He .explained that the area involved consists of 8.8 acres and eight owner- ships are involved. The plan was prepared by the City staff in order to execute the general plan. The General Plan shows this area to be of medium 'or low density. Two parking spaces per unit are provided and landscaping, street dedication and im- provements are included in the plan. The City Planner stated this plan was not an exact p.lan, but a concept in that there are no dimensions or speci- fications involved. It is to be used as a guide. The applicants must present. a specific plan before they may proceed. Mayor Dunne stated a number of zone changes have been granted but nothing has ever been developed. He suggested the ordinances and resolutions be reviewed to try to. get some conformance on these zone changes. The Council agreed there should be some time limit set for development after a zone change is granted. The City Planner stated the resolution provides that the specific plan and the rezo-ning are con- tingent upon a tentative map being filed. Any conditions could be put on the tentative map. Mr. Harry Truax, 4125 Harbor Drive, addressed the Council, stating h.e felt the City staff did an ex- cellent job on preparing the specific plan, but he did not agree on the conditions set forth in the resolutions of the Planning Commission regarding this zone.change. He did not feel the procedure of a tentative map and final map should be used in this case. It would be difficult to put a time' limit .on a specific plan because sometimes there could be technical delays of approximately two years for a number of reasons. Mr. .Truax reviewed Planning Commission Resolutions 533-A and 568. He. stated portions of Resolution No. 533-A negates Resolution No; 568. He felt that Paragraph 12 of Resolution No. 568 should be deleted as it provides that the developer would have to con- form to the subdivision map procedure prior to ob- taining the zone change, before th-ey c.ou1d proceed with the development. Mayor Dunne stated Ordinance No. 9221, which is being considered tonight, would grant a zone change from R-1 to R-3 with no conditions. Mr. Truax asked that Paragraph 12 of Resolution No. 1555 of the City Council, being considered tonight, be deleted. Mr. Lill stated this paragraph would assure the City the area would be completely improved before it would be rezoned. There is no way to enforce these conditions without going through the sub- division procedure. c; 1 .. 17; 0 CI?Y GF- CJ D c d -3- 1 ~ - " . "" ~- Mr. Bob Watson, a general contractor in Carlsbad, addressed the Council commending the. Cit.y staff on the preparation of.the plan. He stated Carlsbad is faced with a tremendous growth fac.tor and that housing will have to be provided for this. Better land use and higher density of land are going to . be mandatory. He felt a type of planning in where you can strive to obtain density under protective measures where surrounding communities will not be effected is very important. This type of develop- ment will keep sub-standard type units from coming into the area. He stated he felt it would be very difficult to develop property where eight owners are involved. He felt this should be limited to not more than three ownerships in an area such as this. Mayor Dunne asked the City Engineer how improvements would be made if each individual owner develops his own property. The City Engineer stated it could be done through the subdivision map procedure. If the Brady.pro- perty were improved, there would be no problem, but one of the smaller properties would present a problem. After further discussion, with the consent of the Council, the Mayor ordered the Public Hearing con- tinued until the meeting of October 1, 1968, for the purpose of review of the ordinances and reso- lutions, and recommendation of the staff. PLANNING: [76] - (a) Appointment to the Planning Commission. The Mayor' called for an Executive Session at 7:04 P.M., for the purpose of discussing personnel. The regular meeting convened at 7:24 P.M. Mayor Dunne announced that Jack L. Forman, 3510 Charter Oak Drive, was appointed to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Rollin Smith. TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION: [lo31 - Appointment to Traffic Safety Commission. Mayor Dunne appointed Clifton F. Nooncaster, 2065 Linda Lane, as a member of the Traffic Safety Commission. LIBRARY: [63] - (a) Annual Report. The annuaPreport of the Library was presented to the Council. Mayor Dunne commented that the next fiscal year will show a marked improvement 'and a ~ 1 arge growth. The City Manager stated he has been keeping in touch with the Library and their activities. 17 P 1 0 Tsmz%ZZ @ CITY 8F cs?l\ D -4- NEW BUSINESS: [551 Inc. Van - (a) Proposed Sale of McD0ug.a; Sanitation Co. , The City Clerk read a.1e.tter from Mr. Donald J Ort, president of McDougal Sanitation Co., Inc., dated September 12, 1968, asking for permission to sell subject business and also requesting a rate increase. The new rate would be $2.60 per month for twice a week service, for the purpose of buying new equipment and increasing salaries, in an attempt to make a better and faster service. In a memorandum from the City Manager, dated Sept: 13, 1968, Mr. Martin recommended this matter be given further staff study and a recommendation made at the Council meeting of October 1, 1968. After discussion by the Council, the matter was referred to the City Manager for study and recom- mendation at the next meeting. [SO] - (b) Proclamation - re: Proclaiming Constitu-. tion Week September 17 through 23, of each year. The Mayor declared the week of September 17 through 23, 1968, as "Constitution Week" in the City of Carlsbad and urged all citizens to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Constitution and the advantages of American Ci ti zens hi p. .' [loo] - (c) Resolution #1556, opposing legislation to exempt personal property from taxation. After due consideration, the following resolution was offered for adoption: Resolut.ion No. 1556. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPPOSING EXEMPTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS FROM NUE, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. [68] - (d) League of California Cities - re: Voting Delegates. Mayor Dunne appointed Counci1,men Neis- wender and McComas as voting delegates to the con- vention which will be held October 13-16, 1968, in Los Angel es. TAXATION WITHOUT PROVISION FOR REPLACEMENT OF REVE- [42] - (e) Commendation to Police Department: Mayor Dunne read a letter from Mr.- John E. Stottle- meyer, dated September 17, 1968, expressing his appreciation to the Police Department for the courtesy, response and effectiveness displayed by two officers during a recent. incident involving a stolen battery. He asked that the two officers be thanked for a job well done and- that special men- tion of the officers be made in the official records OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. I i! I c c 1 a. I?! , Motion Ayes -x~uJ~.":.L"* 0 8 .c l b LI I I' c'i- (-PHLSl$,l.) ,- -5- .%""""" .. ~~~-c"~-~uI,~~~-.~"~~-~~ COMMITTEE REPORTS: 7. COUNCILMAN MC COMAS: [28] - (a) Water System Improvement Committee. The committee is presently working on the CJater Bond Procedure. [110] - (b) Carlsbad PSunicipal Water District. A meeting was held with the Carlsbad Flunicipal Water District and a reasonable conclusion has been reached as to what must be done in regard to the discrepancy with the water billing. 2. COUNCILMAN NEISWENDER: . [86] - (a) Carlsbad Landing..A report was submitted by Cmn. Neiswender reconmending withdrawal of per- mission granted to Marc Josepho to a1low.overnight camping at the Carlsbad Landing. The report,indi- cated Mr. Josepho had not complied.with the condi- tions set forth by the Council and the Police .Depart. ment. The report also contained police reports and complaints. ~ After discussion, by motion of the Co.unci1, permis- sion was withdrawn to allow overnight camping at report, dated September 11, 1968, submitted by Cmn. Neiswender, The City Manager was directed to notify Mr. Josepho of the Council's decision- the Carlsbad Landing for the reasons stated in the I _,... ~ [76] - (b) Planning Commission. Pen.ding minor.,: ~ pleted. ~ [22] - (c) Airport Study. Cmn. Neiswender stated he had attended a meeting with airport officials, dele- gates from the Navy and the Federal Aviation Author- felt it was very interesting and favorgb,le. ['I121 (d) Citizen Complaint. Cmn. Neiswender stated he received a complaint from a citizen of.'Carlsbad regarding the removal of a Sunked automobile. He asked that the complaint be referred to the City Manager. foe action. The City Manager stated the -files of this compla.int and also another similar complaint had been turned over to the City Attorney today- [97] - (e) Street Repair. Cmn. Neiswender asked that the City Engineer have the cross drains repaired ,on Valley Place immediately north of Valley Street as there are chuck holes all over the road. He asked that this work be done within the next week. .. revisions, the current proposed sign ordinance will be acceptable, workable and enforceable when corn- ~ ity. He reported the highlights of the rneeting and I I ~ I i I i I i fa - C' f ', 18C ".%""*a.& Moti on Ayes 0 - Q / T CITY W WmD o . -6- ' [34] - if) Cmn. Neiswender asked that the'City Manager contact the president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and ask if they would initiate a project to improve the small planting area.s in the parking lots of the beach area. 3. MAYOR DUNNE: [I121 - (a) T.rash Abatement. Mayor Dunne stated he was quite alarmed with the amount of trash and He appointed a committee consisting of Cmn. McComas, the City Manager, the City Engineer and the City Attorney to study the problem of trash nuisance and wrecked car nuisance throughout the City. He sug- gested p,resent ordinances be reviewed and revised if inadequate. The Committee should also determine what procedure is necessary when trash and litter are found on private or public property. . debris that litter our streets and private property. 4. COUNCILMAN JARDINE: [40] - (a) Dedication Committee. Cmn. Jardine . expressed his appreciation and that of the Dedicatio Committee to all those who made the Dedication Ceremony a success. I [28] (b) Central Business District Action Commission. Cmn. Jardine reported 113 of the questionnaires mai7.ed to the owners of businesses and/or property in the business district have been received. The Commission has appointed a committee to study. the undergrounding facilities and make a recommenda- tion to the Council as to what part of the City the first project should take place. No decision has been reached as yet. [lo51 - (c) Post Office Site Selection Committee: The Post Office committee is still considering three I sites. I E 621 [: 681- Diego vi ties (d) Comprehensive Planning Organization, San County Region. A monthly report on the acti- of the C.P.O. is being sent to each member of the Council. Two of the outstanding items discussed at their meeting were (1) stepping-up of the air transportation study, and (2) the considera- . tion of making Guajome park area i'n Vista as a State Park. Bill No. HR 19425 has been introduced in the House of Representatives to establish the Rancho Guajome National Historic Site in the State of California. Cmn. Jardine recommended this bill be referred to the Park and Recreation Commission for study and recommendation as to the Council's support -on this matter. ,. By'motion of the Council , it was agreed that Bill No. HR 19425 be referred to the Park and Recreation Commission for their recommendation as to the. sup- port of this bill by the City Council. c 7 183 ~ Motion Ayes 1 * :t f v CITY. OF CA-D .-. . C 4 1 -7- 182 [94] - (e) Park and Recreation Co.mmission. A meeting was held with members of the Park and Recreation Com mission, Parking Authority, May -Co,mpany officials, and staff concerning landscaping for the May Company parkimg facility. It was the result of this meeting that a sum of approximately $10,~~0.00 be used as a bench mark to serve as the basis for additional planting which the May Company agreed to undertake. They will present this to the City of Carlsbad 8ui Jding Authority and to the Parks and Recreation Commission for approval, - General Rogers has asked that the City Attorney rule pn whether or not this money is properly : chargeable to the Building Authority. If the Attorney has any problem, then it should be referred to O'Melveny and Myers. 5. COUNCILMAN CASTRO: I (a) Councilman Castro has no report, but he has been keeping in touch with the Chamber of Commerce; . CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I [99] - (a) Request for extension of time on Tentativa. Map for Carlsbad Manor Subdivision. . Developer: i Richard E. Geyer. The City Attorney presented to Richard E. Geyer, requesting an extension of time for, the Carlsbad Manor Subdivision. The City Attorney stated the developer has not been able to get the development plans together and the financing. He- further stated the Engineering Department had no objection to this request. After discussion, by motion of the Council, a one- year extension of time was granted to Richard E. Geyer for filing the final map of the Carlsbad Manor Motion Subdivision. Ayes the Council' a letter dated September 4, 1968, from [99] - (b) Agreement regarding Crossing Barrier Lot. The City Attorney presented an agreement to the Council for 'consideration between the City and Oakley G. and Johnelle Parker, future owners of the property, allowing the owner to cross the city's harrier lot at the northerly terminus of Maezel , Street in order to get access to this property. j The City Attorney explained the property is a-one acre parcel and can be split into two lots in the 'future. The owner does not wish to split the parcel at this time as he plans to build a house on it. The City Engineer presented a map to the Council and explained the area involved. General discussion .ensued. The City Engineer answered questions of the Council. Mr. Parker answered questions of the Coun- ci 1. 0 - ~. Q \ CITY. OF WF%LSBAD . . -8- -. ~- " ~~ ""._" After discussion, by motion 0.f the Council, permis- sion was granted to Mr. Oakley Pa.rker to cross the barrier lot at the northerly termi.nus of Maezel St. .in order to get access to his property, with the condition that Mr. Parker enter into a future street improvement agreement in regard to the extension of Maezel Street. The Mayor was authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the City and the City . Clerk directed to record the same. [51] - (c) Fire Station. The City Attorney stated the construction of the fire station has now been completed. He asked for a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign the Notice of Completion. By motion of the Council, the Mayor was authorized to sign the Notice of Comple.tion for the fire sta- tion and the Clerk directed to 'record the same. -[68] - (d) Buena Vista Lagoon. The City Attorney reported he was to look into the matter of limiting boating on the Buena Vista Lagoon. One way this - .could be done would be to have the Park and Recrea- tion Commission .contact t.he property owners involved and have them post "no tresspassing" signs on their property, This would, in effect, prohibit any water activities on the lagoon. This would also allow the City forces to patrol the lagoon and remQve any activity. Cmn. Jardine reported he had. discussed this with the Park and Recreatio'n Commission and they would be happy.to contact the property owners in this matter. By motion of the Council, the City Attorney was instructed to send a memorandum to the Park and Recreation Commission regarding the use of boats on the Buena Vista Lagoon. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: [40) - (a) Air Conditioning for Council Chambers. The City Manager reported he had received proposals for air conditioning in the Council Chambers. The City Attorney feels this matter should be referred to the Building Authority.and should be financed from this source. The City Manager asked permission to call an early meeting with the Building Autho'rity to discuss this matter and make a recommendation at the next Council meeting. By common consent,. this matter was referred to the Building Authority. AUDIT REPORT: [27] - Mayor Dunne asked that members of the Council .thoroughly study the Audit Report prepared by Carroll & Brantley, for discussion at the next . .' meeting. ., e. & 0 7 -. 1g Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes I ,e 0 9 ZP 8 CITY OF C4 D c \ -9- i".. ~~~~~'~~~:~~ EXECUTIVE SESSION: The City Manager called for an Executive Session with the Counc.il and the City Attorney at 9:45 P.M. At 9:55 P.M., the meeting convened. The Mayor an- nounced the meeting was called to discuss personnel. No decision was made. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City in the amount of $46,398.91, and for the Water Department in the amount of $31,869.67, for the period of September 3, 1968, to' September 17, 1968, as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of September, 1968, in the amount of $34,570.62, as certif.ied by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adj.ourned at 1O:OZ P.M. Respectfully submitted, MARGARET E. ADAMS City Clerk BY@$&.uL& X -iu c6rd g Secretary