HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-18; City Council; Minutes*. CITY OF CA-D CQ z \E 0 Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) Date of Meeting: February 18, 1969 ) !2 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. LA id P Place of Meetin : Council Chambers .I ROLL CALL: I Present Absent I 1NVO.CATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. I ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held February 4, Ayes 1969, were approved. as presented. Absent Councilman Castro was present at 7:04 P.M. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no written correspondence presented. .. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: ,[log] Louis Olsen, 2785 Ro-osevelt Street, addressed the Council and requested that Resolution #594 of the Planning Commission be amended, particularly lines 9, 10 and 11 under item 3. This request is made in Thomas F. Stephens on property located on Adams Stree between Magnolia Avenue and Tamarack Avenue. Under the terms of the resolu.tion the owner is required to construct sidewalks and pave the street to the center line. Mr. Olsen stated he was representing the owner and he is requesting that he be allowed to enter into a future street improvement agreement for the side- walks and paving of the street. The owner is willing to construct the improvements at such time as the entire street is improved. connection with a variance and lot split granted to t The City Engineer informed the Council the improve- ments should be constructed at this time. Mr. Olsen stated the lot split involved a one acre parcel of land which created two lots fronting on Adams Street. 0 .. . Mayor Dunne requested a staff report submitted on thi matter at the next regular meeting of the Council. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman McComas reported: [ 281 Water Yystems Improvement Committee. At the last meeting of the Committee it was agreed that the Committee would meet regularly on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Mayor Dunne requested the Water Systems Improvement Committee to study the water revenue aspect. Csuncilman Neiswender reported: [ 781 Narcotics Committee. The latest develppment S \ -. 7. CITY OF CARtsE3AD co 0 in the narcotics was the mailing of the pamphlet with the 1as-t water billing. He has r'eceived favorable comments from citizens in regards to these pamphlets, and he would like to make sure the third series of the pamphlet will be made available for mailing. Councilman Jardine-reported: [ 91 ] Parks and Recreation Commiss,ion - re: Baseball facilities. A meet3ng of the Commission has not been held since the last Council meeting. The contract between the City and the School District has been worked out with respect to the baseball facilities. It was his understanding the ,School District has agreei to a three year contract. Mr. Priday, Administrative Assistant, reported he attended th.e School District Board meeting, and it was agreed as follows: (a) That the City lease the ball park for three years , with a 60 day cancellation clause, and as long as the property remains in the ownership of the School District the three year period would run; (b) That a 11:OO P.M. curfew be enforced; and (c) At the end of.the season the 180' of fence be removed. Mr. Priday further stated the Pony League Tournament will be held in Carlsbad this year. The Public Works and Water Department personnel are laying out the work and are in hopes of having the project completed within a short time. [28 ] Finance and Audit Committee. The Committee was requested to study the revenues and expenditures during the dry period. They have presented a draft copy of phase I to the Mayor. At the time the pre- liminary budget i,s prepared they will up date their report. [ 85 ] Quarterly Newsletter. The quarterly Newsletter should be ready for mailing with the April water bills I Councilman Castro reported: [ 34 ] Chamber of Commerce expenditures. . Authoriza- tion was given for reimbursement of expenditures made by the Ca.rlsbad Chamber of Commerce during the third quarter in the amount of $576.75, as recommended by Motion i Ayes Cmn. Castro; PUBLIC HEARINGS: 0' :. \ '[113] (a) To consider an application.initiated by the Planning Commission under Resolution of Intention No. 64, for a Specific Plan and Zone Change from R-1 or R-2 to R-3, on certain properties lying between Acacia Ave., Sequoia Ave., Carlsbad Blvd. and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad . The Affidavit of Publication was presented and the VI CITY OF CARtsBciD - cc 4 0 9. '. \ -3- 3 3- p % Clerk stated no written correspondence had been re- ceived up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. A map of the area in question was presented for the Council's review. The Mayor 'announced the Council would hear from all persons desiring to speak on the matter. -LEE BARLOW, 701 Magnolia Ave. stated he was suppose to appear on a matter January 28th and it was ppst- poned. Last week there was no quorum. The City Planner informed the Council Mr. Barlow was referring to a matter that will come before the Planning Commission next Tuesday. WILLIAM CHADBOURNE, 3940 Garfield St. objected to the rezoning, specifically the one lot- that was re- mote from the large area proposed, as he could see no benefit from spot zoning. His property is located across the street from this lot. The following persons registered their objection to the zone change, supporting Mr. Chadbourne's state- ment: Mrs. William F. Chadbourne, 3940 Garfield St. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Dockham, 3930 Garfield St. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Corsentino, 3960 Garfield St, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thrasher, 3931 Garfield St, ' Mr. Leo Black, 3921 Garfield St. Mr. Olinghouse, City Planner, informed the Council this matter was initiated last summer by approximate- ly 20 property owners. The Planning Commission recommended that a larger area be included, therefore a specific plan was prepared. The one lot that is remote was included because the owner requested the lot included. Cmn. McComas asked if there was any property contig- uous to the one lot in question that was zoned R-3, and the City Planner pointed out the R-2 and R-3 property surrounding the lot. Mayor Dunne asked if that it was. DOROTHY READ, 250 Chinquapin Ave., stated when this matter was first considered by the Planning Commis- sion, Chinquapin Ave. was included in the plan; how- ever, when she received the notice of hearing from the City Council Chinquapin was excluded and she w.ould like to know why. These lots run very deep, and all of the land between Chinquapin and the back part of Tamarack Ave. is vacant land. Mrs..Read asked that her property be included in order that she can sell part of the p.roperty. I 1. i CITY OF CARLSMD 0 -4- lrerapll 9 \ 'II .. . MRS. NILSON, 390 Tamarack, addressed the Council and stated according to the proposed plan the property on Tamarack would be left as an island, and she was opposed to R-3 zoning that close to her property. LEE BARLOW, 701 Magnolia Ave., pointed out the City paid approximately $50,000.00 for a General Plan to show what the people of Carlsbad can expect. Cmn. guide line. THORLIEF HELGESEN, 3978 Garfield St., inquired as to area, and if so he would like to object. The City Planner informed Mr. Helgesen hi's property was n6t included in -the plan. A diagram of th.e original area was presented by the City Planner, indicating the percentage of property owners in favor of the z0n.e change and those that were opposed. Mayor Dunne suggested that the one lot be eliminated as the solid area indicated there were no objections LOU OLSEN, realtor, stated he attended the Planning Commission meeting when this matter was discussed. The area proposed in the specific plan has many good homes that have not reached their economic life. The one lot in question has a 45 year old home lot should be considered individually. Some day this entire area will be R-3, however, he did not feel this was the time. If the entire area that is proposed is included for R-3 zoning it could create a hardship on many of the property owners. MR. CHADBOURNE, again addressed the Council, pointin out the house that is 45 y.ears old rents for $95.00 per month. There is a $50,000.00 home located on the property across from this lot and R-3 zoning would certainly depreciate the value of the home. As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. The following documents were introduced: >McComas informed Mr. Barlow the General Plan is a whether his property was included in the proposed located on the property. It was his opinion each Ordinance No. 9225. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY : COUNCIL OF TKE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN OF PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN ACACIA .AVENUE., SEQUOIA AVENUE, CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND THE A.T. & S. F. RAILROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY, was given a first read ing .by title only and further reading waived. . Resolution No. 1585. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1 OR R-2 TO ZONE R-3, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. I , 411 s - CL] \ CI Ld :-: h - Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes CITY OF CARLSEND a e \ -5- Ordinance No. 9226. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ,9060, RECLASSIFYING AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE, CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, AND THE A.T. & S.F. RAILROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY was given a first reading by title only. FOR R"3 PURPOSES, PROPERTY LYING BETWEEN ACACIA [ 1131 (b) To consider an application submitted-by -Carroll R. Kelly for a zone-change from R-A-l0,000 to C-2, and for a specific plan on property located - on the Southeasterly corner of El Camino Rea1:arid Haymar Drive. The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication and stated no written correspondence had been received on this matter. The Mayor announced the Council would hear from all persons desiring to speak on this matter. HARRY TRUAX of E. Brian Smith, stated he was repre- senting the applicant. A specific plan of the pro- perty, together with a rendering of a service statio] was presented. In accordance with Resolution #597 of the Planning Commission one of the conditions specified that all architecture be in conformance with the theme of "El Camino Real". Mr. Truax asked for a clarification of the theme "El Camino Real". The City Planner stated the intent of the condition is associated with the historical significance of El Camino Real. The May Co. is of Spanish architec- following the Spanish theme. It was his feeling the service station could be designed to use brick or slump block in the construction of. the station. ture and there are two other developments that are q Cmn. Neiswender pointed out the Planning Commission is trying to follow the Spanish architecture for the entire complex in the area. Mayor Dunne suggested the applicant meet with the City Plan-ner and work out a suitable solution. Discussion was given as to this development being a. freeway service facility, which would require three or more service facilities included in the develop- ment. The City Planner stated they did not consider this development a freew.ay facility due to the loca- tion of the property. JOHN MAMAUX,. 1393 Basswood Ave., stated this proper- ty should be zoned commercial for economic reasons, This is the only corner left in this area for a serv'ice station. He did not agree this was a free- way facility due to the large storm drain located . between Vista Way and this property. This would be a neighborhood station and he support,ed the request f.0r.C-2 zoning. Further, the Council should consider whether or not the property should be zoned commer- cial and not what type of architecture. As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the pubiic hearing was closed, and the following document were presented for consideration: cc \ 7 :- ..u 5. Motion Ayes Noes j 0 rprrumpw e. \ .. CITY OF CARLEVID a -6- .' cc \ Y ' Ordinance No. 9227. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD; ADOPTlNG A SPECIFIC I PLAN OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL AND HAYMAR DRI-VE, was given a first Motion .reading by title only-and further reading waived. Ayes Resolution No. 1586. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY .COUN'CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-A-10,000 TO ZONE C-2, was adopt- ed by title only and further reading waived. Ordinance No. 9228. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE'NO. 9060. RECLASSIFYING FOR c-2 PURPOSES, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH- EASTERLY CORNER OF EL CAMINO.REA1 AND HAYMAR DRIVE, was given a first reading by title only and further readi ng wai ved. Motion Ayes Motion' Ayes The tentative map for said property was presented, consisting of one lot, and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission under Resolution #598. The following resolution was presented for considera- tion: Resolution No. 1587. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE I TENTATIVE MAP SUBMITTED BY CARROLL R. KELLY was .~ Motion adopted by title only and further reading waived. Ayes The Council requested that items 13 and 14 be changed to reflect that all water be supplied by the Carlsba City Water Department, and all buildings constructed in the .subdivision be connected to the City Sewer System. ENGINEERING: No items were presented by the Engineering Departmen . I PLANNING: [lo51 (a) Post Office Site. The Mayor reported a letter had been sent to Congressman Utt on this matter. The City Planner stated he called Mr. King, who is handling this matter for the U. S. Post Offic Department, and he had not received any,information as to whether the site has been approved by Washing- ton. D. C. e [ 711 (b) Off-street parking requirement for resi- matter will be considered by the Planning Commission dent,ial areas. The City Planner reported this - at their next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: [ 731 (a) Jay F. Hoffman - re: Request for one year- extension of time on permit. A one year extension of time was granted to Jay F. Hoffman for a private skeet range, as requested in letter dated February 4, - 1969. I -7- - c. ,.., . I< , -A___ c_ . .. " e \ "- .. " . .. .. . .. . .. - "" The follo\lring resolutions )!ere introduced concerning traffic regulations: .. [96 3 (b) Resolution No. 1588. A RE'SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUIRING ALL VEHICLES TO STOP BEFORE ENTERING UPON EL CAMINO REAL FROM THE MOST SOUTHERLY EXIT OF THE PLAZA CAMINO REAL PARKING LOT, was adopted by title only and further readfng waived. [96 I (c) Resolution No. 1589. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DELETING RE- QUIREMENT THAT VEHICLES STOP NHEN EXITING FROM THE OLD CITY HALL PARKING LOT ONTO PI0 PIC0 DRIVE, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. [96 ] (d) Resolution No. 1590. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PROHIBITING LEFI TURN FROM HAYMAR DRIVE ONTO EL CAMINO REAL, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. It was suggested that the wording in the resolution be changed to read that left hand turns go-ing North are prohibited when proceeding on Haymar Drive. [BO ] (e) Proclamation - re: American Field Servicc Mayor Dunne proclaimed the week of March 10, 1969 through March 16, 1969, as American Field Service Week, congratulating and supporting the Carlsbad Chapter in bringing to Carlsbad High School this yea) a student from Holland and one from Argentina. [80 3 (f) Proc1amation - re: Southern California Business Show Week. The week of April 8, 1969 through April 11, 1969 ?/as proclaimed by Mayor Dunne as Southern California Business Show Meek, and he urged all citizens to keep abreast of modern busines: procedures by visiting the Southern California Busi- ness Show. OLD BUSINESS: [30 ] (a). Second reading of Ordinance $9224, regu- lating signs. The City Attorney requested the second reading of Ordinance $9224 deferred until the next meeting ;n order to complete the ordinance. [78 ] (b) Requirement of lights on bicycles. Mayor Dunne requested the Traffic Safety Commi'ssionto con- sider requir-ing all bicycles to have lights. Also that the Police Department make a- recommendation. to the Council on this matter. The City Manager stated .thi-s is required under-the .Vehicle Code and the--c:-hil-dren -can be cited. -. -. _.." . ." .. [78 1 (c) Registration and licensing of motor bikes Cmn. Neiswender requested the Traffic Safety-Comrnis- sion consider the requirement of having all-motor bikes registered and the children who operate the -bi kes 1 i censed. . [ 28 ] (d) Traffic Safety Commission. Recommendatio~ submitted by the Traffic Safety Commission at their .. .. T?,~~L~,- 'n-7.2 -- r:%-..-..-.- 7" l?.-rn - .. ~ e I 1 _1 >,. , . :- .*' . . - . - . , ~ , ;. 1. . ~ .. . .. . _- 7" ? - > - I 1 n \ ;; L 4.\ - Mot i on Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes . .. i I I I - .. I ~ I- - I I P 1, * b? e - ~~ 0 \ .. . CITY OF CARLSSAD -8- The City Manager informed the Council there would be a staff recommendation on 1t.em 91, recommending that loading zones be designated and marked at the High School, at the next Council meeting. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: .[99] (a) Subdivision Improvement Agreement - re: Laguna Riviera Unit No. 3. Authorization was given for the Mayor to e.xecute the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Laguna Riviera Unit No. 3, in connec- tion with the final map approved by the City Council on December 3, 1968. The City Attorney presented the following claims against the -City of Carlsbad, and recommended they be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier: A claim in the amount of $.403.23 submitted by Lillian! O'Neill, and a claim in the amount of $7,228.18 sub- mitted by Lois Leoncavallo, were denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier. [: 821 Resolution #1591, requesting suspension of proposed off shore drilling. Mayor Dunne introduced Resolution #1591, requesting-suspension of proposed off shore dri?ling, stating he had discussed this matter with City Manager Frank Lilley of Oceanside, and was informed the City of Oceanside did not re- ceive too much satisfaction from the State; however, he felt the City should go on record as opposing such operation. - Resolution No. 1591. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING SUSPEN- I SION OF PROPOSED OFF SHORE DRILLING, was adopted by title only and further reading waived, Cmri. Neiswender stated he had discussed this matter with the City Attorney and the City of Carlsbad re- quires a .Conditional Use Permi t prior to any drill- ing being performed. The City Attorney suggested this regulation be further studied. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: [112] (a) Removal of junked and abandoned autobobile; The removal 0.f the junked and abandoned-automobTles should be under way tomorrow morning. [ 701 (b) Landscape Architect. The City Manager presented a letter concerning the employment of,a Landscape Architect for par.k sites adjoining school sites, and stated a breakdown of the cost had not been completed as of this date, [1*05.] (c) HUD application. A preliminary applica- tion is being.prepared by the staff and should be completed within the next 10 days or two weeks. Mayor Dunne inquired about the feasibility of a 701 application for planning i.n connection with the HUD Program, and the City Manager stated a request would be made for the application. cc \ 30 3 - Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes - b. - , '. ?. ', . .- CITY OF CARLsElAD co -9- e .. 31 I [6:3 .] (d) Library Sprinkler System. The City Manager reported it was estimated that the City coul save approximately $1,000.00 by purchasing the material and having the City crews perform the installation. He requested that the three bids previously received for this work be rejected. .The three bids received on January 20, 1969 for the installation of the Library Sprinkler System were rejected, and authorization given for the City crews to proceed with the installation of the sprinkler system. [ 38 ] )f) Permission to attend Spring Conference. the City Manager's Spring Conference from Wednesday, The City Manager was granted permission to attend AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City in the amount of $153,005.75 and for the Water Department in the to February 18, 1969, as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Motion Committee. Ayes Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of February; 1969, in the amount of $32,347,58 as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and Motion ,.%. amount of $34,966.07, for the period February 4, 196 approved by the Auditing Committee, Ayes ADJOURNMENT: By proper moti0.n the meeting was adjourned at 9:lO P.M. Respectfully submitted, a%LrE. . ADAMS 4?44dF@- P .,I1