HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-23; City Council; Minutes (2)CITY OF CARLSBAD CCU
Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) 5 Date of Meeting: June 23, 1969 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P. M. 10% 7 Place of Meeting: Cguncil Chambers
Mayor Dunne announced one of the most important functions of the Council is to approve the Budget. Comments from the floor would be received after the Council has discussed the various items, and requeste that the comments be limited to ten minutes.
Councilman Castro was present at 7:35 P.M..
The City Manager presented the preliminary budget, stating the budget was a work and service program for the coming year. In its initial stage each departmen head receives his budget. After the department head completes his budget with recommendations, it is then given to the Finance Director and City Manager for review and recommendations.
The revenue received for 1968-69 is $22,798,00 over th.e amount estimated as of this date. Using this figure as a basis the General Fund balance as of June 30, 1969 is $119.00.
Organization Chart. The City Manager explained the Organization Chart would be changed to reflect the Public Works Department as a separate department, and the Engineering Department would be moved up on the line with the other departments.
Tax Rate. sed and t recommend
The proposed tax rate increas-e was discus- he Mayor pointed out the City Manager has ed a 154.tax increase, which would take care of the proposed 10% pay increase. The City Manager stated this was true and they are asking the general public to contribute 26 per day towards the increase for salaries.
I A 54 tax was proposed for Parks and Boulevards, and
it was the Mayor's feeling it should be 104. For clarification it was noted the tax rate would not be determined un.til after the City receives the assess- ed valuation from the County Tax Assessor's office some time in August.
Revenues. The City Manager informed the Council it was'necessary to dip into the Fund Bala,nce in order to fund the expenditures for the next fiscal year. He had talked with the Manager of the May Co. that day, and he indicated the May Co. would measure up to a $7,000,000.00 gross sales. The only informatio received on the Maq.1 was they now have 38 stores and by December they expect to have 60 stores. The City will not receive the figures for a full quarter on sales tax until sometime in September., therefore, making it difficult to anticipate what the total sal will be,
Following discussion on Page 4, on revenues for Bud- get Statement by Source and Funds, the City Manager indicated the actual revenues received as of this date amounted to $730,412. Cmn. McComas noted the estimated interest revenue for 1968-69 was $10,500,
however, for 1969-70 the estimated revenue from in- terest is shown as $3,250 ... The City Manager stated he anticipated the City would have to borrow money in order to get through this past fiscal year, the money would have been invested and more interest earned; however, this was not necessary.
Mayor Du-nne made note that everything in the budget was predicated on the. increase in sales tax and the 156 tax increase. He was concerned that no .provision had been made for the $120,000 that would be due on the Parking Authority bonds by July 1, 1970. He in- quired as to whether this was legal? The City Manager indicated it was as he had discussed this matter with financial consultants, and he had no ap- prehension but that this budget could be financed. The City is growing, there are several large subdivi- sions on the drawing‘boards, a large annexation is being considered by LAFCO, etc. Since January the City has received building permits on approximately seven million dollars. Further, the 1968-69 esti-
over the estimated amount, On Page 5 the Mayor no the Motor Vehic1.e Lisence Fund showed an increase of appreximately $42,000. The City Manager stated there is a large mobile home under construction and another in the planning stage. Mr. Priday, Administrative Assistant, pointed out the Carlsbad Mobile homes expect to start placing trailers in the park in ap- proximately five months and will start selling the trailers next month.
Inquiry was made as to how many depar$ments had ex- ceeded their budget, and the City Manager submitted the following:
mate for the Motor Vehicle License Fund is $10,000
Insurance and Retirement $ 17,270 General Govlernment 3,787. P1 anni ng 3,119. Purchasing 400,
Building Department 1,527.
It was pointed out the-Insurance and Retirement ex- ceeded the estimated expenditure due to the increase in costs.
Estimated expenditures - Page 6. Discussion was give and comparisons made on expenditures for the coming year.
Capital Outlay. The City Manager informed the Counci. Capital Outlay items were submitted by way of a Lease Purchase proposal. Discussion was given as to delet- ing the Skip Loader and Hydro Hammer, and the City Manager stated a new.proposa1 would be presented for consideration, which would probably reduce the amount shown by $50,000. Mayor Dunne inquired as to how these Capital Improvement expenditures show in the
the Council the items were not shown in the individua
budgets but under leases on Page 10. Out of the $44,000 budgeted for leases, $10,000 is proposed for Capital Outlay in the General Fund Lease-purchase i tems.
individual department budgets. Mrs. Sowell informed
Cmn. Neiswender asked about the Olivetti Desk Comput- er. The City Manager stated this item was recommend- ed by the City Engineer for the Engineering Departmen however, he had a note this item could be deleted. Cmn. Neiswender indicated he was not-asking that the
i tern be deleted but would like to know its use, Mayo
Dunne suggested the items requested by the Engineerin Department he held in abeyance until the new City ,Engineer has had ,a chance to review the budget.
Cmn. Castro asked if the vehicles proposed were to be purchased through the State, and the City Manager stated some of the vehicles can be purchased through the State and some will be under the Lease-purchase program.
Departmen,tal Budgets. Discussion was given to the individual departmenial budgets and the following recommendations and suggestions were made:
Cmn. McComas suggested that the travel allowances be reduced 20 to 25 percent, as he- felt the City could still get everyone where they needed to go with the amount being reduced.
City Council: Cmn. Neiswender requested the amount allocated for printing not be reduced as he antici- pated a great deal of printing in connect-ion with the narcotics study. Also plans are being made to have the Drug Mobile here in Carlsbad as soon as school starts.
Salaries: Prior Lo discussion of the other depart- mental budgets, Mayor Dunne announced salaries for department heads, elected officials and appointed officials would be considered separtely from any blanket paise.
City Clerk: Discussion was given to the increase in
Special Dzpartmental Supplies and Contractural Services in the Clerk's budget and it was pointed out
which would increase these two funds. Also $6,800. was proposed under Cantractural Services for recodi- fication of the Municipal Code if the Council so wishes. Two bids have been received for this service and as an alternative the cost of a supplement plus the addition to the Index could be prepared at a cost of $4,800. The Council indicated the recodifi- cation would be rioney well spent.
the General Election would be held in April, 1970,
Insurance and Retirement: Cmn. McComas request a study made as to the City carrying its own jnsurance
on vehicles, except for Pl & PD.
Planning: It was pointed out that $1,000. has been proposed for the 701 Application preliminary work. The City Planner stated there would be additional monies needed for the 701 Program once the applicatio
~ has beer: approved.
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Advertising and Publicity: Mayor Dunne noted the Chamber of Commerce requested $26,500 and the City Manager has recommended $20,000. He inquired of the City Manager as to-whether the Chamber of Commerce had been notified- of his recornmendation, and the City Manager indicated it had not. There.was no one present representing the Chamber of Commerce.
Engineering: Discussion was given as to the addition a1 personnel recommended for the En-gineering Depart- ment, and the City Manager stated there was a lag in this department due to need of additional personnel. It was the Council's feeling a great deal of the lag would be compensated with the employment of the full time engineer in July. . It was agreed no decision should be made until the new engineer has made his recommendation.
Streets: Mayor Dunne inquired of the City Manager
if he was proposing to place the Administrative Assistant in charge of Public Works as Public'kiorks
Director, and the City Manager stated this was his intention, however, Mr. Priday would still-take care of complaints, etc., as an Administrative Assistant.
Mayor Dunne further inquired if monies had been pro-
vided for the improvement of Beech Street, which the City has committed itself in connection with the new Post Office. The City Manager stated no monies had been provided in this budget, however, a comprehen- sive Capital Improvement-Program would have to be laid out this coming year based on a five year plan. It was also noted-the proposed allocation of monies for road materials was less than this past year, and Mrs. Sowell stated an additional $12,500 is provided for road materials in the Traffic Safety Fund.
Building Department: Cmn. Neiswender stated. he felt
the $580.00 proposed for travel expenses was a mini- mal amount for this department.
Police Department: Cmn. Neiswender stated he would 1 i ke to see one more add'i tional mar? added to the number proposed He felt by decpeasing some of the items listed under Capital Improvement one more could be provided: however, it was noted that the items suggested for deletion were under the Lease-purchase program and would not provide sufficient monies. Dis cussion was given to the increase in teletype costs, and it was pointsd out the entire system would be modernized this next year. Cmn. Castro stressed the need for one more man in this department in addition to the number proposed.
Fire Department: Discussion was given to the four additional personnel recommended for the department. The Fire Chief stated he needed seven more men. Ref- erence was made to a report submitted by the Fire Chief as to the needs in the department. The City Manager stated personnel for the Police and Fire departments had been discussed with both chiefs, It
was the CO~S~~SUS of the Council these two department should receive priority over the other departments
with reference to the hiring cf any additional per- sonnel.
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The matter of fire hydrants was discussed and it Was
pointed out this item was placed in the.Fire Depart- ment budget, as the Fire Department maintains the
hydrants. Mayor Dunne felt some of the cost for this service should come from the Water Department. Also reference was made to the recommended equipment cost, totaling 8,738.
Gas Tax Fund: Inquiry was made as to whether the $15,000 allocated for Cannon Rd. would be'needed this next fiscal year in connection with the widening of the Freeway, and the City Manager indicated the staff had no way of knowing at this time.
Parks and Recreation: Mayor Dunne pointed out Holida, Park would have to be improved this next year due to the Freeway widening,, and no monies had been provided The City Manager stated the Ramada and playground equipment would be moved, however, new sanitary facil ities were needed. The Mayor requested a cost report submitted on this item.
The Parks and Recreation Department was complimented by Mayor Dunne for the landscaping around City Hall.
Cmno Nefswender asked if the increase in cost for the
summer recreation program would relieve the City from the maintenance cost of the Little League., and he was informed that it wol;ld not.
It was noted that $1,500 should be deleted from the
Capital Outlay portion of the budge.t as it was in- cluded in the Lease-purchase items.
Library: Inquiry was made as to the two additional personnel requested. Mayor Dunne felt the Library could forgo the additional help this fiscal year, due to all the volunteer help. Discussion was g.iven to the Capital Outlay items, and a request was made for a report on the need for a microfilm reader.
Street and Storm Drain Projects: The Mayor requested a detailed report on the various projects listed on
drainage problem, and the City Manager stated Mr. Priday had a plan whereby the City crews would do the work.
Page 95, Cmn. MCCOMdS asked about the Buena Vista
Water Department: It was agreed that the Water De-
partment would be studied separately at the next budget session.
Items of priority. Cmn. McComas suggested that the council establish a plan whereby the employment of any additional personnel. be placed on a priority basis.. He felt the Police and Fire Departments shoul have first priority. Also equipment should be pur- chased on the same basis. He did not wish to delete any personnel that had been requested by the various departments.
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The City Manager commented on .the proposed salary schedule and indicated that some of the Firemen had already made application to take the County examina- tion for firemen, as the starting pay in the County is greater than the pay given to the.City's Firemen after five years of service.
The Mayor announced comments from the audience would now be received.
WALTER PERRY, 4269 Hillside Dr., addressed the Counci and commented on an erosion problem at Hillside and Park Dr. that could cause heavy damage during the rains. In the past year the rains caused an overflow
of waters and the City ,crews had to place sand bags
on the road. However, he did not hear any mention of monies in the budget to correct this problem. This matter was discussed 'with the City Engineer five years ago, and he has also discussed this with Mr. Priday. Mayor Dunne pointed out this was a natur drain in this area. C 1
Cmn. Neiswender requested a report on the matter, and Mr. Priday informed the Council he had studied the problem with Mr. Lill and the City is going to stake out'the property and do some necessary work,
30HN MAMAUX, 1393 Basswood Ave., stated considerabie discussion has been given to the budget. This past year $80,000 more was spent than the City received in revenues, and this year's budget proposes approxi- mately $40,000 more in expenditures. than in revenue received. This excessive spending cannot go on. There is no provision made for payment of the bonds on the May Co. Parking facilities. An increase in revenues of approximately $300,000 is shown, however, the City does not know definitely how much revenue wi be received in sales tax from Plaza Camino qeal.
As to the increase in personnel, Mr. Mamaux did not feel the Engineering Department and Planning Depart- ment needed additional help at this time. He also pointed out the inequity in some of the salaries in
stressed the need for additional personnel in the
Police Department and he agreed. Also recognition should be given to a man who has been with the Police Department for 7 or 8 years, or even 5 years. Furthe there' has been $17,000 expended this fiscal year over the amount budgeted, and he inquired as to whether this amount had been authorized.
comparison to the Police Department, Cmn, Neiswender
Discussion ensued, and Mr. Mamaux requested that the amount of surplus shown for 1967, 1968 and 1969 be made available for the next budget session.
DAVE PACKARD, President of the Employees Association, addressed the Council and stated last April there wer 10 members of the Employees Association who discussed the salaries, and based on five reasons recommended that a 15% increase be given to the employees.
RICHARD SMITH, City Fireman, asked that the members .
of the City Council visit the Fire Department and
see for'themselves the need fur their request,
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CAPT. ROSSALL, of the Police Department, spoke in behalf of the Police Department, and clarified the need for some of the items proposed in the depart-
ment's'budget, i. B.~ teletype system additional personnel, etc. He stressed the need for one more ma in addition to the three proposed by the City Manager in order to have one more man out in the field. Thei department is rolling 24 hours per day. The citizens
there are 8,000 people on the beaches. There are pressing matters that need to be taken care of, but the department is unable to follow through on these items due to the lack of man power.
are requesting more services and on some weekends
FIRE CHIEF- ANEAR stated there had been comparisons made between the Police and Fire departments, and he did not know the dutices of the Police Department; however, he did know the duties and responsibilities
of the Fire Department as he had 29 years service with the Los Angeles Fire Department.
COL. E. H. JOSE stated he was resident and taxpayer, and he would like to assure the Council and staff he had no vendetta against any one person. He agreed with the Mayor that a study should be made by a qualified firm in order to classify the various posi- tions in the City, as ne felt it would be money well spent. He noted in the Carlsbad Journal the Admini- strative Assistant is to be the Public Works Director If this is true, did it mean the City would have to hire another Administrative Assistant in two or three months? The City of Vista is advertising for a City Manager at a salary of $15,000, with a population of 23,000, however, he doubted they would be able to find one at that salary. The City of Chula Vista, with a population of 65,000, is also advertising for a City Manager at a salary of $22,000. It was his feeling that the salary classifications shoyld be studied. Col. Jose also made reference to the salary of the Public Works Director, as it was his under- standing he would be receiving around $15,000.
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Maycr Dunne explained the Pub1 ic Works Director would be set up separately from the Engineering Department, and the Organization Chart changed .accordingly. Co1. Jose was assured that an additional Administrative Assistant would not be hired this next fiscal year.
BILL HILL, one of, the members of the Library Board of Trustees, stated'the Library budget had been given considerable study and the budget was based on use
of the Library facilities. The book circula~tion in this City is much larger than in other cities of this size. It was their objective to give the citizens of Carlsbad service, therefore, the budget has been based on use.
As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the Mayor announced the budget discussion would be continued until a later date.
Transfer of Funds. Authorization was given for the transfer of funds in the amount of $35,0QO from I Reserve for Construction - General Fund, to Fund
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-8- . Balance - General Fund, and ratification given for the payment of the balance of construction costs for the Fire Station and City Hall, and the'budget amend- ed accordingly.
Adjourned meeting. The City Manager informed the Council the attorneys have requested a joint meeting of the City Council and the Parking Authority to discuss the construction costs of the Plaza Gamin0
Real parking facilities. By proper motion the meet-
ing was adjourned to June 25, 1969 at 5:OO ,P.M. in the Council Chambers.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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