HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-23; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Cocl
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Minutes of: ~ CITY COUNCIL (Adjourn,ed Regular) Date of Meeting: July 23, 1969 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers
The Mayor declared a five minute recess in order for .the other Council members to be in attendance.
The meeting reconvened at 7:35- P.M. Councilman Jardine was present a,t 7:35 .P.M.
Mayor Dunne announced the adjourned meeting was called primarily for the purpose of discussing the budget. The Water Department budget was subject to some changes, therefore, it was agreed this portion of the budget would be,deferred until the next regula meeting scheduled August 5, 1969. Also a -letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce, requesting their portion of, the budget be held in abeyance until such time as they have had an audit of-the books.
Cmn. Neiswender advised the Council the Chamber of Commerce is required to furnish an audit of their
books each year. Cmn. McComas stated he felt there was a misunderstanding as to what the City wanted audited. The City wants an audit of the expenditures made of public funds.
[ ] Col. G. L. Southwell - re: Request for cor- rection of drainage in Buena Vista Gardens. The Mayor made reference to a letter received from Col. Southwell, requesting that the man-made drainage de- pression in the street fronting on Lots 3 and 4 of Buena Vista Gardens be filled, a distance of approx- imately go', to a, common level to lessen flooding during periods of storms and permit ease of approach into lots 3 and 4. Included in the letter was the previous history of the request and conclusions prior to 1966, as well as conversations with Mr. Martin. Also attached was .a copy of a letter dated July 1,
1968, to Col, Southwell from the City Manager and a
copy of a joint letter sent to John Bathum and Col.
Southwell, dated May 7, 1968, from Mr. Martin the City Manager.
The City Manager advised the Council a drain was in- stalled several years ago before the City was incor- porated. There is,a depression in the street' in front of Col Southwell's property where storm waters gather. Mr. Martin stated he had spent considerable time with Col. Southwell to determine whether this is a problem whereby City funds should be expended to correct this problem. The previous City Engineer felt there were other major problems that needed to be corrected first. The street is substandard with no curb nor gutter. It is estimated thatit would cost between two or three thousand dollars to correct the problem. I
Mr. Priday, Director of Public Works, was called upor and stated he felt it would cost in excess of this amount as it would need a full drainage system.
Crnn. Neiswender p0inte.d out this particular subdivi- sion was developed prior to 1952. Other streets in
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the City have been taken care of through the 1911 Act Assessment Districts.
Col, Southwell addressed the Council and stated this
particular street was dedicated to the City by Mr. Halsey. Approximately six years ago he attempted to get a storm drain in this area. The water in this street drains to a point between lots 3 and 4. Dur- ing. heavy rains there has been three feet of water standing in this drainage hole. If. this depression were filled it would correct the problem. Material to fill the hole has been donated, as he had 35 tons of material hauled onto his property yesterday for this purpose. T,his drainage inv,olves 18 lots. When the street-was rehabilitated in 1966 there was no grading or correction made at that time. In his opinion it would notrcost more than $1,000.00 to correct the problem.
Cmn. McComas commented this matter could probably be taken care of with litt'le material and labor, however there are many other substandard streets in the City
that need attention. Mayor Dunne questioned having the hole filled and paved as it could mean a greater drainage problem.
Following discussion Mayor Dunne requested a report submitted by the City'Engineer for the next regular meeting as to the problem involved and the estimated cost to make the correction.
CoJ. Southwell requested the City Engineer to review . this matter with an open mind.
Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 1969-70. The City Manager reviewed the Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 1969-70 with the 'members of the City Council and the following additions and deletions were made:
Page 1. Organization Chart. The Mayor requested that a breakdown be shown on the Organization Chart between the Public Works Department and the Engineer- ing Department.
Page 2. Tax Rate. It was agreed that a decision on the tax rate not be made until the total assessed valuation had been received from the County Assessor'; Office.
Page 3. Estimated Fund Balances as of June'30, 1970. Mayor Dunne suggested that the Preliminary Budget be submitted to the City Council by May 15th of next Year, and that any changes in the departmental budgets be spelled out under comments.
As to Page 3 the City Manager stated the estimated General Fund balance as of June 30, 1970 increased from $79,005 to $118,634, due to a reduction in some
of the departmental budgets.
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Page 4. Revenues by Source and Funds. Mayor Dunne pointed out there were several uncertainties, i.e., I estimated Sales Tax and Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax.- The City Manager informed the Council the staff has estimat'ed the May Co. complex in excess of $15,000,00 .in gross.receipts with just the shops that are open a
present. This would mean an increase in sales tax
~ of $1'50,000. It is also estimated the other business es in'the City would increase lo%, 'and with the Penny
CO: opening in February of 1970, th,e two should bring in an additional $120,000 to $125,000.
The Mayor indicated his estimate was approximately $70,000 under the City Manager's estimate. Mr. Martin pointed out if this sho,uld happeh there would still be a General Fund balance of $64,000, with a cash flow starting at that time.
Page 5. The estimated increase in Motor Vehicle in Lieu Tax was discussed and the estimated increase is based on the mobilehome developments, as any addi- tions to the mobilehomes will require a permit fee. The State sets the permit fee and the minimum fee is $20.00 *
Page 8-A. Capital Outlay. The Lease-purchase General Fund total was reduced from $85,381 to $52,954, and the total,. proposed under Tra-ffic Safety for three police cars was reduced from $7,410 to $7,200.
Page 13. City Council. Travel expense was reduced
from $2,500 to $2,000. 1 Page 15. City Manager. City Manager's salary set at
$18,200 per year. Discussion was qiven to the 1/2 time secretary's salary and the Ciiy Manager recom- mended the salary transferred.to the City Council 's budget. Mayor Dunne inquired of the City Manager if he were proposing a full time secretary for his de- partment and the City Manager stated it was his in- tention to use the secretarial pool. Mayor Dunne
indicated he would agree to the transfer providing the duties for Mrs. Adams, the secretary, were spell- ed out priorto the transfer being made. He suggeste the City Manager and the Secretary meet and discuss the duties.
The travel expenses for the City Manager's budget was reduced to $1,200.
Page 19. City Clerk. Mayor Dunne proposed a $25.00 per month increase for the Clerk's salary, making a total of $225.00 per month. The 1/2 time secretary's salary was fixed at $4,039.
Page 20. Explanation was given to the increase in the Contractual Services and the Clerk explained part of the increase was due to the General Municipal Election expenses in April, 1970, and $6,800.00 was
proposed for recodification of the Municipal Code.
Page 29. city Attorney. The City Attorney's salary
is to remain at $11,550.
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I Page 33. Finance. The Sr. Account Clerk's salary was set at= per year.
Page 34.. Travel expense account was reduced from $500 to $400.
Page 37, Treasurer, The City Treasurer's salary. was set at $1,200 per.year.
A short recess was called at 9:25 P.M. and the meetir
a reconvened at 9:40 P.M.
I Page 41. .Plannin . The Planning Director's salary was set at "9 11,448. \
Page 42. The $4,000 proposed for Professional Ser- vices was deferred until- an itemized list is present. ed. The Travel account was reduced from $1,600 to $1,250.
Page 45. Advertising and Publicity. Promotional Advertising was held in abeyance to a1 low an audit being made of the Chamber of Commerce books. Con- tingencies were reduced from $1,000 to $250.
I Page 47. Engineering. The amount proposed to be abated for the Director of Public Works's salary was set at $12,500. The percentage of funds to be abate1 .was changed to read as follows:
1/4 from Street Department
1/2 from Water Department 1/4 from Sanitation Department
The Assistant Engineer's salary was set at $12,500; one Civil Engineer Assistant at $10,200; and the position of one Jr. Engineering Aide was deleted due to a duplication.
Mr. Priday informed the Council there would be a separate budget for Public Works.
Page 48: The travel account was reduced from $500
to $400.
Page 51. Purchasin The Purchasing Agent's salar was set at 11,500. It was also agreed that $2,705 be abated from the Water Department to the Purchasin Department for salary expenses.
Page 57. Streets. The amount of $7,692 budgeted for the salary of the Motor Sweeper Operator was
abated for the Director of Public Work,'s salary was reduced from $6,445 to $3,125.
Page 58. $1,000 was transferred from Special Depart mental Supplies to the Sanitation Department, leavin a balance of $3,000.
x transferred to the Sanitation Department. The amoun
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I Page 62. Building Department. The Building Inspect- or's salary was set at $12,500. I
Page 66s. Police Department. The salary for the Chief of Police was set at $12,504; Police Captain's salary set at $12,000; and one additional patrolman was granted in addition to the three proposed.
Pag.e 70. Fire Department. The Fire Chief's salary was set at $11,750. The amount pro'posed for four additional Firemen- was reduced from $31,824 to $23,676, as two men will be employed now and two January 1 ,, 1970.
Page 71. Travel -expenses were increased from $880 to $1,200; the fire hydrant account was reduced from $5,300 to $3,800; and Special Departmental Equipment Operating Supplies reduced from $2,467 to $1,967. Special Departmental Supplies was increased from $1,930 to $2,084.
Page 72. Capital Outlay equipment was reduced from $8,738 to $6,584.
Page 82. Parks and Recreation. It was agreed that
in the Parks and Recreation budget under Materials and Services as follows: Vehicle Operating Supplies increased from $1,000 to $1,180; and Special Depart- mental Equipment Operating Supplies increased from $600 to $715.
$295 be transferred from Capital Outlay and placed
Page 83. The Capital Outlay budget was decreased from $6,095 to $3,400. The requested pick-up truck in the amount.of $900 was placed in the Capital Out- lay Lease-purchase budget.
I Page 86. Library. The Librarian's salary was set at $1 1,300. I
Page 92. Sanitation. The total amount budgeted for salaries.was increased by $7,692, due to the transfer of the Street Sweeper Operator to this budget.
Page 93. Vehicle Operating Supplies and Maintenance was increased by $1,000, making a total of $2,000.
Approval of Preliminary Budget. By motion of the Council the Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 1969- 70 was approved, with the exception of the Advertisins and Publicity and the Water Department, and that the
x salary adjustments be rectroactive as of July 1, 1969.
Adjournment. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, .
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Motion Ayes