HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-13; City Council; Minutes, . _.-L 16 --. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD Joint meeting of the City Council, Parks and Re( Meeting of: Commission and Planning Commission Date of Meeting: August 13, 1969 Time of Meeting: 7:30 P.M. Place of Meeting: Library Conference Room ~~-~~~ ~~~~~ . ~ ~~ ~~- ~ .~~~ ~ ~ ROLL CALL: Councilmen Dunne, Neiswender and Jardine. Council1 McComas and Castro absent. 0 Planning Commissioners Jose, Forman, Little, Palma Gullett, Hermsen and Dewhurst. Parks and Recreation Commissioners Scherr, Huffman Martorelli, Wollrich, Kinghorn and Presco Planning Commissioner Jose chaired the meeting and announced th was called for the purpose of discussing some of the problems f City in regards to future planning of parks and recreation faci Procedure for conduting meeting, It was agreed that due to the meetinn of the three bodies was called for a discussion and wor that discussion from the audience would be limited to five minu each person prior to the round table discussions. Agenda. The Chairman announced the items that would be discuss group, and it was agreed that the items be discussed in the fol order: 0 1. Goals for Parks and Recreation. 2. Open Space - Urban Beautification 3. Interagency (City-School ) Cooperative Program 4. Park Systems 5. Proposed Lake Calavera Study 6. Capital Improvement Program and Possible Fundi 7. Work Committee Oral Communications: ROBERT STAUBER stated the City of Carlsbad has a valuable commu asset by owning Lake Calavera, and proposed that the property b by the City for park development. ALFRED LA FLUER, Superintendent of the Oceanside-Carlsbad High District, stated he had previously discussed the need for the C High School District working jointly in the development of recr facilities, and wanted to assure the City the Board is interest working jointly with the City and the Elementary School Distric orderly growth of the community. They have been working with t Planning Department on furture school sites. ROBERT SONNEBORN announced he had been invited to attend this n and he would like the group to decide what they are going to dc then he would make his comments. The Chairman explained the procedure agreed upon as to comment: the audience. 9 CLINT PEDLEY emphasized the need for keeping Lake Calavera as i tion area. The property was originally purchased by the,Carls& Mutual Water Company for storage of water from San Luis Rey we1 the Colorado River water came into the area it was no longer nt storage, however, it might be needed again for storage, and in meantime it could be developed for recreation purposes. "A. 0 As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the Chairman & the public discussion closed and proceeded with the Agenda item [ 1 I. Goals for Parks and Recreation. Mr. Olinghouse, th Planner, presented a tabulation regarding the use of recreation facilities obtained from the recent census. The report was bro down into three areas, i.e., Beach Area between the two lagoons Central Area between the two lagoons, and the area East of the largest percentage. The Terramar Area was excluded. Mr. Ofinghouse pojnted out the s4gnificance of th$s reepart in mining certain goals prior to making any decisions on recreatic facilities. Chairman Jose asked why the City did not acquire the beach area the City Manager indicated it would be too expensive for the Ci acquire and maintain the property. As it is now the State mair the property. Cmn. Jardine inquired as to when the State would be developing area between Tamarack and Oak Avenues? The City Manager statec did not know their plans, but the State is concerned with the 1 area. The Mayor suggested that a letter be sent to the State C of Beaches and Parks, requesting information as to their planni the development of the area North of Tamarack Avenue. Dr. Palmateer made reference to the San Diego County Comprehen5 Plan for Regional Parks and noted that a standard park is betwt 15 and 18 acres per 1,000 population, and the average park in 1 North County is between 3 and 4 acres; however, this figure dot apply to city parks, golf courses, etc. Comm. Wollrich reported there were some 22 books available on I Grants for parks and recreation facilities. Comm. Scherr refei a newspaper articl printed in the Los Angeles Times wherein it anticipated that recreational needs will double by 1980. between the two lagoons, showing the Beach Area being used by t 0 0 [ ] 11. Open Space - Urban Beautification. Mr. Olinghouse . City should be concerned with open space planning and suggestec all the organizations in the City be pooled in order to coordi~ many ideas. Comm. Kingho"rn,. noted that in the General Plan it states there mentioned there are certain natural sites within the City limi' he would like to see the City preserve these sites due to the - developers are progressing rapidly. Comm. Huffman directed the attention of the group to the fact ' considerable amount of money was spent for the General Plan an( this was a point of departure to start from. Perhaps some of plans and recommendations should be hulled out as they would ni economically feasible. Mayor Dunne apprised the group of the formation of the Communi Involvement Committee and felt this committee should be includ, the Work Committee and any projects under consideration. Comm. Palmateer commented on the fact the City is fortunate in the Buena Vista Lagoon. certain areas that could be developed prematurely, Comm, Pres @ [ ] 111, Interagency(City-School) Cooperative Program, The Planner stated in this tvge of glannina the schools have their 0 and retain a landscape aikhitect. It is hoped the City will d same in order to develop joint recreation facilities. -2- 9 T3 X. k b$ 0 The question was raised as to whether a cooperative agreement h' been entered into with the High School District, and the group informed Comm. Huffman has been trying to obtain a cooperative agreement with the High School District. The City Manager poin out this type of program cannot be developed on just $3,000.00 year. As Mr. LaFluer, Superintendent of the High School District, was upon motion made by Cmn. Jardine and seconded by Comm. Kinghorn agreed that Mr. LaFluer be allowed to comment on this subject. Mr. LaFluer stated he could not comment on the action of the Bo Trustees; however, one of the first actions the Board took back 1955 was to have a certain portion of the Carlsbad High School set aside for a pool. The attitude of the Board is that school should be used by the public. It was his feeling the Board wou receptive to a joint agreement between the City and the School After further discussion it was moved by Comm. Jose and seconde Mayor Dunne that the City take steps to negotiate a joint agree with the High School District for use of recreation facilities. A1 1 "Ayes". 0 [ ] IV. Park Systems. Mr. Olinghouse reported the Plannin: sion is up-dating the General Plan. Comm. Scherr agreed with Comm. Huffman's statement that the Ger is the basis for a start and it no doubt needs to be up-dated. and under the power lines. Perhaps other civic groups would bt in developing these areas. A further suggestion was made that these areas might be obtaint means of a lease from the utility companies. Discussion was given as to the number of acres needed per 1000 lation and it was noted the General Plan recommends 18 acres a! 7 985. suggested that green areas be provided along the railroad righi 0 [ ] V. Proposed Lake Calavera Study. Mayor Dunne announced reason for having proposals submitted as to the best use of thc Calavera property was'first recommended by the Water Systems Ir Committee. A further recommendation was made by Bartle Wells I Financial Consultants for the Water Department. The City has 1 tention of selling the property, but to find out the best use I property and perhaps obtain some revenue. The City Manager stated this property is one of the best asset City has. At the present time it is a white elephant. When t water bills go out this month it is going to be a shock to mos the users. People who live in this arid climate must pay for The roads into the lake are such that the Police Department ca be asked to police the area. People are using the lake withou permission, boats are being used on the lake, and one of the b used for pumps has been torn down. One of the most attractive space areas is a golf course. Carlsbad does not have an 18-ho course. The City has asked for proposals to make a study of t area as to the best use. Members of the Parks and Recreation have received copies of the proposals. Any monies received wo to be placed in the Water Department budget. The question is City want a study made? Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission indicated they willing to have a study made for a recreational site, but felt $10,000 to $12,000 was a fantastic amount to spend and be told e would be ideal for apartments and housing. -3- 3 z k. The Mayor agreed this would be an ideal recreational area, howe he questioned the financial ability of the City to finance such project. He assured the members present the Council had not co itself nor made any recommendations as to selling the property. The City Manager advised the group that Bartle Wells Associates recommendation that the City receive proposals as to the best u the p6prty. The City does hot have to atcept the ppoposah. property can no doubt be developed as a regional park, and the could probably obtain up to 50% from Government Funds for the d ment; however, as City Manager he has to look at this property There will soon be approximately two million dollars in bonds s which will have to be paid. Comm. Palmateer asked when the County Comprehensive Plan would completed and Mr. Martin stated it would probably be about two It was suggested the Work Committee to be appointed study the I: and make modifications as to the needs of the City. Upon motion made by Cmn. Jardine and seconded by Comm. Wollrich was agreed that the proposals be tabled at this session and ass to the Work Committee. All "Ayes". 0 e [ ] VI. Capital Improvement Program and Possible Funding. M Olinshouse informed the members a study should be made for a Ca Improvement Program and priorities made. As to possible fundin are HUD funds available as well as other funds such as joint fu with non-profit organizations. There are many foundations that donate monies to cities. Comm. Huffman commented on the fact that once items leave the P and Recreation Cornmission there is no one responsible in the Ci carry the ball and get things done. Crnn. Neiswender reported several years ago when the City was lo into the possibility of developing the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Calavera, it looked into and explored several of the mentioned tions, and it was concluded there were too many strings attache this type of funding. recreational facilities. Also lack of supervision was discusse Recreation Director, and the City Manager advised that most of funds in the Parks and Recreation budget are spent to purchase for the men to work with. Comm. Scherr commended the men in the Parks and Recreation Depa for the work and planning performed in landscaping the City Hal 0 A referendum was suggested to see if the citizens really want b Cmn. Neiswender noted there is a plan on file prepared by the C He suggested the first step to be taken would be to form a comm and present a comprehensive plan that could be presented to the of Carlsbad. Mayor Dunne stated that all plans take money. Th Community Involvement Committee will be studying parks as one p of its'report. Also the staff has been working on a Workable P [ ] VII. Work Committee. The Parks and Recreation Commissio appointed as members of the Work committee. It was suggested t member from the Planning Commission and City Council be appoint liaison to the committee, and the City Planner be appointed to sent the staff. As Cmn. Jardine was already liaison to the Corn it was agreed that he act as liaison to the Committee, and Cmn. 9 Neiswender as alternate. Comm. Hermsen volunteered to serve as 0 -4- .r " from the Planning Commission with Comm. Dewhurst as alternate. Mayor Dunne requested that Chairman Jose of the Planning Commis Chairman Scherr of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Planner recommend the objectives for the Work Committee. Adjournment. BY proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 1Q: Respectfully submitted, e 8 -5-