HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-16; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD COC -- a Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (regular meeting) Date of Meeting:. September 16, 1969 \ . Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. ,162 ’ P1 ace of Meeting: Counci 1 Chambers ROLL CALL: ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor McComas Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held August 13, 1969 were carried over until the next Counci 1 meeying, due to a lack of a majority of the members not being present to approve the minutes. (b) Minutes of the regular meeting held September 2, 1969 were Motion approved as submitted. Ryes (c) Minutes of the special meeting held September 9, 1969 were Motion Absent approved as submitted. Ayes Abstained WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: [ 861 A. letter was received from Mr. & Mrs. Halter Einertson, Manager, Carlsbad Boat Landing, dated September 16, 1969 re- questing the Council to authorize overnight parking. By proper motion authorization was given to the Cresent Bay Boat Club for the parking of not more than 20 self-contained units at Carlsbad Boat Landing October 3rd and 4th, subject to Cm, Neiswender checking to be sure they meet the criteria established Motion for overni gh t parki ng. Ayes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: [42 ] Vice Mayor McComas accepted ‘from Yr. Ted Jensen, represent- ing the Southern California Automobile Club ,a Safety Plaque to the City of Carlsbad for five consecutive years with no pedestrian fatality. COE.4MITTEE REPORTS: Counci lman Castro had nothing to report. Councilman Jardine reported: [28 ] Audi t and Finance Commi ttee. Currently the open items of the Audit and Finance Committee were resolved as a result of the special Counci 1 meeting held September 9, 1969 when the Chamber of Commerce’s budget was approved. I: 691 Park and Recreation Commission. The special work committee met September 4, 1969 to review park areas that have c been considered in the past i n 1 i ght of the 4 step pro- posal presented at the last meeting.. z . . Councilman Neiswender reported: [ ] Chamber of Commerce. Crnn. Neiswender presented the Chamber of Commerce bills together with a two page analysis as expenditures in the amount of $2,322.72 were approved as re- Ayes commended by Crnn. Nei swender. Moti on ” @ of September 16, 1969. By proper motion the Chamber of Commerce CITY OF CARLSBAD COC e 0 .I -2- A meeting wi.11 be held on Septenber 17, 1969 with members of the Chamber of'Commerce and the City Staff, to discuss Christmas tree lights for the city. Cmn. Jardine asked if the City Auditor had recomwnded any steps concerning the Charher's expenditures in order to avoid any future obstacles. Mr. Martin stated he discussed this with Mr. Carroll and Mr. Carroll would like to know what policy the Council wishes to establish on this matter. I Vice Mayor McComas reported: [ 681 Comprehensive Planning Organization. He attended a CPO mee€ing for Mayor Dunne which was primarily concerned with changing bylaws. They are involved in prepari.ng a wmory bank concerning land use in the County. The individual city will maintain its own records and provide up-dating as it occurs to a memory bank in San Diego. This information wi 11 be available to the public. PUBLIC HEARING: I The City Attorney stated this pertained to property located at 1239 Knowles Avenue and continued from the last meeting so that Mr. Truax and City Staff could check out the building and see if it could be brought up to standard. Vi ce Mayor McComas asked Mr. Truax if this had been done and Mr. Traux stated the Building Department made a thorough in- spection of the building and provided a list of the items that wi 11 have to be corrected. Mr. Truax stated it is a house that could be brought up to code, used and lived in. Discussion was;: then given as to how long it would take to make the improvements in order to bring it up to standard. Mr. Truax answered approximately 60 days and requested the hearing to be continued. Mr. Martin then discussed the period of time since the ori ginal noti ce had been gi ven and the fact that nothing had been done. By proper motion the publi c hearing was continued for 30 days. It was noted that 380 Oak Avenue should be deleted from Resolution #1650 and 1239 Knowles Avenue should remain. [I061 (b) To consider changing the boundaries of Underground Utility District #l. I Vice Mayor McComas .opened the Public Hearing and the City Clerk presented the affidavit of publication. The City Attorney stated this was presented at the request of' the Underground Utilities Committee in order to enlarge the boundaries by one lot and there were no major changes. I 863 ! Motion Ayes CITY - OF CARLSBAD CWNCUvEN .- _‘. _’ .: . * . . ,, ‘. ‘, ‘: 0 . . . .i ‘,a : ; Mr.. Truax addressed .the Council, repres'enting.the'Underground Utilities Committee and the Central Business 'District Acti,on' ,Commission, and stated when SDG&E. completed their'.analysis for service, they found.it advisable to include thisproperty. wi,thout any appreciable changd in. cost. .' Since there were no.further persons desiring to, speak, Vice Mayor McComas closed the. public he,aring with :the unanimous consent of the Council and the -following.resolution was. presen .- Resolution No. 1651, A RESOi’UTION 06 THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH.E CITY OF CARLSBAD ENLARGING UNDERGROUND iJTILITY DISTRICT NO.. 1 was adopted.by title only and .further reading waived. 2 ENG.INEERING: . [ 261 (a) Assessment.District #2-1966 (Adams Street, Park 'Driv Highland Drive etc.) - 1911 Act Proceedings. Mr..Cook present the following resolutions.which he stated were'both administra tive matters: .) :, Resolution No. 1652. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1245 SUB- STITUTING HUNTER T; COOK FOR WAYNE P. LILL -AS ENGINEER OF WORK AND SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS IN REGARD TO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1966 was adopted by title only and further reading waive Resolution-No. 1653. A -RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C’OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY COUp?CIL RESOLUTION NO. ‘-1538 . BY SUBSTITUTING FIRST AMENDED MAP OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 2-196 FOR PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED MAP, OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT was adopted by.title only and further reading waive& t( : C 991 (b).Final map of Carlsbad Manor #l. Mr. Cook presented the final map for Carlsbad Unit #l as recommended.inhis memor andum dated.Septetier'16; 1969. He requested'the Council to take action on Items #l ,and 2, and Item #3 was'presented for discussion as.it was a policy matter concerned with more than just this particular subdivision. Cmn: Neiswender asked the' City Engineer if he felt Item’#6 shb be deleted as'state.d in his .memorandum. Mr. Cook explained that the 'area in question:consisted'of 3 lots'which were iub- divided and'sold and no map has been filed.. It was originaily proposed these lots b'e included in the 'subdivision. The developer requested, since this'development was not contiguous that the subdivision map be approved forUnit #l and the action.on,the two remaining lots be reserved until the. remain- 'irig area is developed to be included in 'Unit #2. After dis'cussion., itwas'pointed out that'&em #6 would still be a-condition of the tentative map -for the, entire area,,. " ,-. _./ ,. BARTON.LEFFERDINK; -Pr-eside.nt Bristol Cove Property Owners Asso read a letter dated Septetier 1.6,'.1969 statihg he represents owners of 70 lots.located on'the‘ North Bank of the Agua Hedi-on Lagoon. These properties are located in'.:the terminus 'of a-wat shed area consisting of approximately 500 acres of.land. The J,anss, Corp.. has spent thousands of dollars ,on 'the drainage system but to no avail. The,Association requested the Council .-to gi've serious consideration $o_..the~r':problem.as it relates to the proposed development.of.Carlsbad Manor #l. He.'felt the :, '. . . : .’ .._: .‘. -. - I:. : Motion Ayes ' Motion Ayes .* ,. Motion Ayes LI i Y UI- CAKLSBAD LWl a. -4- 16% \ 1 ~~ # 0. new subdivision will increase damage to’the BrSstol Cove properties and continue the ruination of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon .. The.Associ ation requested the City Council to require the natural drainage ditch extending through the Briggs propertg to be improved to standards, which would fully protect the down stream property from being further damaged and suggested an underground drainage pipe through this enti re property. I After reading his letter, he requested that the matter be continued until the next -meeting so that a representative from the Janss Corp. could attend. The City Manager discussed this problem. He could see no ready solution to this problem as the water will flow in certain water sheds and did not feel this.development would create a further problem to Bristol Cove. He could see no point in delaying the approval of the subdivisicon because there. is a problem at Bristol Cove which will require a great deal of money and per- haps a flood control district. Cmn. Jardine asked Mr. Wilson if there was a legal impediment relative to drainage that prevents the approval of Unit #1 and Mr. Wilson answered there was no problem as it was done to engineering specifications. Vice Mayor McComas did not feel the Council should get into the discussion of money for this project at this time and agreed with .Mr. Martin ‘s remarks. By proper motion the fi-nal map for Carlsbad Unit #1 was approve( subject to the conditions imposed by the Planning Commission fol the posting of sufficient securities as lsequired by the Sub- division.Map Act; such security to‘be submitted within 30 days in a form satisfactory to‘the City Attorney and City Engineer and authorization was given for the Vice Mayor to execute a standard subdivision agreement and an agreement with the Owners and developer concerning grading and drainage. A e Mr. Cook then discussed Item #3 of his .memorandum and‘ requested that the Counci 1 adopt a policy to have all bonds > agreements, and fees submitted to the City prior to submittal of the final map to the City. Council , and prior to the signing of the final map by the Ci ty . By proper motion the City Council’ required all bonds, agreements, and fees to be submitted prior to the submittal of the final map to. the City Council and the signing of the final map by the City , and the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an ordi- nance establishing the pol icy. Following the motion Mr. Lefferdink questioned if this subdi vi- sion had been approved by way of a three-way agreement being entered into., as it was his intent .to fight the development of . this subdivision as he did not. want to be washed away. PLANNING: Planning had nothing to report. -2 I 1. I” __ c 1. ... a Mot i on Ayes ’* Motion . Ayes - .- e. ., 0 LI I T ut- LAKLWAO LWI -5- . 166 \ < NEW BUS I NESS : [ 961 .(a) Resolution #1654, designating intersection of Chestnut- Ave. and Catalina Dr. as stop intersecti on, The City Attorney . - ..presented the following resolution as recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission: Resolution No. 1654. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY .OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATING INTERSECTION OF CHESTNUT AVENUE AND CATALINA DRIVE AS STOP INTERSECTION AND- RESCINDING COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1644. was adopted by title only an.d further Moti on reading wai ved. Ayes OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business presented. CITY ATTORNEY 'S 'REPORT. The City Attorney stated he had nothing further to report. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: r [ 971 Chestnut Street Underpass. The Division of Hi gtiways is holding a public hearing Septenber 23, 1969 in the Council Chanbers'. The subject wi 11 be to approve or disapprove the Chestnut Street Underpass. Mr. Martin encouraged any council- n men who could attend to do so in order to support the City's case. [lo51 Post Offi-ce. Cmn. Jardine inquired regarding the status of the new Post Office. Mr. Martin sta&d he had talked to the Postmaster and this branch is on t'he priority list. They are ready to go ahead with calling for the bids and the bid opening .will be held on schedule. Mr. Martin stated-he would be writ- ing a letter to support the City's position on this matter. AUTHORIZATION, FOR PAYMENT .OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Authorization was given for the payment of bi 11s for the genera expenses of the City in the 'amount of $23,382.99 and for the Water Departmnt in the amount of $9,433.32 from Septeh'er 1, 1969 to September 15, 1969 as certified by the Acting -Director Motion of Finance and approved-by the Auditing Committee. Ayes Ratification of the payroll was given -for the first ha1 f of September, 1969 in the amount of $38,991.29 as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Motion Committee. Ayes ADJOURNMENT: By 'proper mti on the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 P.M. M+k '. Respectful ly s ubmi tted, Shirley . Sanson Deputy City Clerk. *." f. --- " f I. ...