HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-21; City Council; Minutes-" a. " -0 D ;t; 82 CITY OF CARLSBAD ca Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of .Meeting: October 21, 1969 p Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I ROLL CALL INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne Present Absent ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held October 7, Motion 1969 were.approved .as corrected. Ayes (b) Minutes of the Special meeting held October 17, Motion 1969 were approved as submitted. Ayes WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: [$I The City Cl.erk Read a letter from Philip Stanbro regarding the Buena Vista Lagoon and the preservation of natural representative parts of Cal i forni a. [78 ] The City Clerk presented a letter from Helga L. Carter dated October 11, 1969, requesting a dance permit at Peanuts, 4509 Adams Street. Mayor Dunne instructed Mr. Priday to refer this matter to the Police Department for their recommendation. [93 ] A letter was rea-d from Kenneth Capps d-ated September 15, 1969 concerning a sewer easement Lots 2 8. 3, Block C Bellavista Map No. 2152 and repaving driveway. This matter was turned over to the Staff for a report at the next Council meeting. [43 ] A letter was received from Ben F. Acuna and concerned citizens dated October 20, 1969 requesting. a Public Hearing concerning a change in zone to allow a small animal clinic on the west side of Roosevelt Street between Elm Avenue and Oak Avenue. Since this was an appeal of the Plann.ing Commission's. decision, it was determined that a Public Hearing be,.held concerning this matter. " ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I There were no oral communications. I ~ COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Castro reported: .I [ 341. Chamber of Commerce. He attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting last Tuesday. It was discussed 1 that the Burroughs Plant would be delayed until some time in December due to the plumbing strike, and it will also delay the ribbon cutting until. sometime after the 1st of the year. e CITY OF CARLSBAIS -2- x 8 .;: - Cot 7 - .a In accordance with Cmn. Castro's recommendation, authorization was given for the reimbursement of expenditures made by the Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $2,415.51. Councilman Jardine reported: .I Audit and Finance Committee. He had nothing to repor from this committee. t [69 ] Park and Recreation Commission. He was in . receipt of the proposed contract between Mr. Siefert and the City as recommended by the Park & Recreation Commission. He stated he would study this document and circulate copies of the contract at the next Council meeting, .together with his recommendation. Councilman Neiswender reported: [70 ] Agua Hedionda Lagoon. He was in receipt of a letter from Peter Msd oncerning certain safety factors for the Agua $ 9 ionda Lagoon. There wer.e several good points of interest, one was the limiting of speed on the lagoon. These points have been dis- cussed with Capt. Rossall , who is working with the City Attorney to see what can be done in this regard. He thanked Mr. Maul for the letter and hoped that it would be put to some meaningful use. I Several complaints have been received concerned float ing debris in the lagoon caused from the constructior work on the freeway. This has been discussed with Mr. Priday and the Di.vision of Highways has been contacted. Cmn. Neiswender suggested that an ordinance be passed preventing the use of-soaps and detergents from the washing of boats -in the la.goon as the sea life dies where -this takes place. He would also like to reassess the area where people' .own property on the lagoon and leave it wi'thout any . attention, especial1.y that area south of Shelter Cove On the portion of the lagoon being u&e$c, by fishermen, some of them are casting weightedqylnes at the skiers One was undergoing a citizens arrest for deliberatel] h+W" one of the water skiers. [28 1 Narcotics Committee. Crnn. Nei.swender announced he would continue to report on the Narcotics Committ whene.ver he has a matter of interest. Mayor Dunne asked Cmn. Neiswender if he needed to expand this needed to get -them all together at one time. ' Mayor Dunne then questioned who was on the committee and requested Cmn. Neiswender to give him a list of the individuals so that he could make the appointments a++CLc-e t - % committee and Crnn. Neiswender answered that he just I official. Motion Ayes 2 bli 1 v r- LfiKL4Dt-W " a ..e. *. ." * " . . & ?.< -3- 77 \ L 8 ,:& - Mayor Dunne reported: [ B] State Highway Department. He attended a High- wayoCommission meeting at the Hanalei Hotel in. Mistian Valley. A CotnDrehensive report was given re- "garding the plans of the State Highway Department. High on the list was Interstate 5 thro-ugh Carlsbad and Oceanside and the interchanges at Elm Avenue . and Jefferson Street. As far as he could determine, they are sti 11 planning to go'ahead with the under- pass at Chestnut Avenue. He had some important data from the meeting which he would pass.on to the Council for their information. [ 281 Central Business District Action Commission. Mayor Dunne commented that only two members attended the last meeting. He felt that something must be done to reorganize this comrni ttee .as it is an impor- 1 tant function of th.e City. The- Planning Commission is working on a parking study for the downtown area . and it is very important that the Commission get into the picture as to the parking needs for downtown. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [26 ] (a) Assessment District-No. 2-1966 (Adams Street 'Park Drive, Etc. Mayor Dunne .opened the Public Hearing and the City Clerk presented the - affidavit of publication. Mr. Cook reported that the,work for AD 2-1966 had been completed, the assessments spread, and he requested confirmation . of the assessment. Since there was no written correspondence and no persons desiring to speak, the Mayor closed the Public Hearing with the unanimous consent of the Council.. The following resolution was .then presented: " Resolution No. 1662. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI- OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVERRULING ALL PROTESTS ON 54 THE ASSESSMENT, CONFIRMING THE REGULARITY OF PRO- CEEDINGS was adopted by titl'e only and further Ayes reading waived. Motion [ 301 (b) (Contd.) To consider public nuisance existing on certain property requiring abatement of building supported by cribbing. The City Attorney stated this concerned Mrs. Hunt's - property and was continued to see if it were possib.le to bring the building up to standard. Mr. Truax addressed the Council and apologi.zed on behalf of his firm, as he. expected to have the parcel map filed -and approved by the Engineering Department ' by this time. He stated that it was feasible to bring this building up to standard and he would have the parcel map approved prior to t,h.e next Counci 1 meeting. * ' By the unanimous consent of the Council, the matter was con'tinued until the next Council meeting. ,- a- CITY OF CARLSBAD cct - 4 -. ". -. 6' OT - ... j " a ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- ENGINEERING: [ ,451 (a) (Contd.) Cannon Road Grade Cr0.ssin.g. The City Engineer stated this matter had been carried over from the last meeting. This will authorize the City to expend funds to provide crossing protec- tion at Cannon Road as outlined in his memorandum dated October 8, 1969. Mayor Dunne stated it was his understanding there wer three parties involved in a 1911 Act Street Improve- ment and questioned if it would be possible to have the cost reimbursed through the 1911 Act proceedings. Cmn. Neiswender questioned if gas tax funds would not be available for this purpose and Mr. Cook stated it would be, but there were no gas tax funds available. The following resolution was then presented for adoption: Resolution No. 1655. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECUTION ON BEHALF OF CITY. OF AGREEMENT WITH ING CANNON ROAD GRADE CROSSING, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. ATCHESON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY REGARD- [I021 (b) Traffic Striping Modification on Eqm Ave. " east of Harding. The City Engineer presented the proposed traffic stripinq modification on Elm as recommended by the Traffic Safety Commission and outlined in his memorandum dated October 21, 1969. Mayor Dunne commented on the fact that a car going East may want to turn to the left at the same time that a car going West would turn to the left. He felt it may create a greater hazard than now. The City Engineer stated this has worked successfullJ in other cities and will reduce the possibi.lity of accidents. The Mayor suggested it be approved on a .trial b'asis for 6 months. After considerable discussion the Council adopted a motion authorizing the Public Works Director to re- stripe Elm Avenue between Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Harding Street to provide a two-way l'eft turn lane for a 9 month trial period, and to adopt a resolution estab- 1,ishing "no parking" zones on both sides of Elm Avenl from Pi0 Pic0 Drive to approximately 200 feet west of Harding Street. [a 1 (c) Jefferson Street Interchange-Status Report. The City Engineer presented his recommendation to terminate permanent construction of Jefferson Street, Marron Road at the southerly abutment of the Buena Vista Creek Bridge as outlined in his memorandum 54 dated October 21, 1969. Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Lii I v 1- Lfii"iL4DfiU -" .. a *. ,. -5 ". ." * LI . .J j ., .. -._ ; - 8y " 6 /:. P I Mayor Dunne questioned the basic reason for the requer and the City Engineer stated the City does not have' the .alignment of Marron Road and Jefferson Street established as yet and permanent construction at this time is not advisable. Mayor Dunne questioned if this wou1.d hold up the stated it would not. By proper motion .t-he Council authorized the City Engineer to request the Division of Highways to terminate permanent construction of Jefferson Stre-et/ Marron Road at the southerly abutment of the Buena Vista Creek Bridge. [ 991 '(d) Laguna Riviera. The City. Engineer stated he received a Faithful Performance Instrument of Credit from Oceanside Federal Savings and Loan for Laguna Riviera #4. By proper motion the Council accepted .the Letter of Credit offered by Kamar Construction Co and.the Mayor was authorized to execute an Improve- ment Agreement on behal-f. of the City. PLANNING: [.log Housing Authority. Mr. Olinghouse,was asked the Division of Highways in any way and the City Engineer P status of the -Housing hth-ority and he stated the Housing Authority was appointed at the last Council meet'ing. The next meeting of the Community Involve- ment Committee is the 31st of October and they have appointed a sub-committee which will act as an advis- ory committee to the Housing 'Authority. They will 'be working on low cost housing programs, and a report will be submitted to the Housing Authority. Mayor Dunne asked when the City would make applicafio to HUD for this part of the grant and Mr. Olinghouse stated after the requests have been submitted to the Housing Authority and processed then they will be submitted to HUB. Mr. Olinghouse stated that an Industrial Development Committee is being formed, The Planning Department is coordinating with the Chamber of Commerce to pre- pare important data regarding industrial. development available in the City of Carlsbad. This will involve a great deal of information to prospective industries NEW BUSINESS: [ 801. (a) Proclamation re: Flag Button Day; Mayor Dunne read a proclamation p.ro'claiming Monday November 10 and. Tuesday, November 11, 1969 as "Flag Button Day" and urged all cittzens to observe these days be wearing the Flag Button. 1- I I C' I I I t, Motion Ayes Motion Ayes 0; .. - .. .. 0 .I CY- LI1 1 wr LHKLQOHU YV .. .) - 6 --. :_ e e_ - a " ~ ,I 1 8r; .[ 841 (b) Resol.u'tion No. 1663. Authorizing Department - of General Services to purchase certain i tems. Mr. .Priday presented the following resolution for the purchase of certain items from the Department of Gene .Services. He stated the City will save as much as 66 on some items. Also the fire hose is not required at this time and the City will obtain other bids. There., fore, lines 8 and 9 of the resolution were deleted. Resolution No. 1663.-A RESOLUTION .OF.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE-CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT . OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO'. PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS was adopted by title only Ayes and further reading waived. Motion [ 831 Public Works Department. Mayor Dunne instructeli the City Clerk to include a Public Works heading on the agenda in the future. [110] Water Rates. Mayor Dunne stated that the water rates were increased to pay for the water improvement bonds which were approved in 1968. Several people have asked why the rates were increased when the' bonds, which were approved in-November, had 'not been sold as yet. The reason for this is to show that the City ca'n generate revenue to meet principal .and interest in order to obtain a good price.on 'the - bonds. TheaMayor discussed the report submitted by the Acting Director of Finance and noted it appeared the rates for 5/8 and 3/4 meters-were in excess of the rates for- other size meters. He suggested that the rates be reduced on these meters in order to reflect a flat 30% increase on all meter charges, and home owners who have 3/4" or 5/8" meters be credited with the amount paid over the 30%. The Mayor also suggested the water billing date be changed so no one would be delinquent for the previous months billing until the 10th of the month. By proper motion it was agreed that Ordinance #4010 be -amended to reflect oniy a 30% increase on any size meter (or to the nea,rest ev.en 56) and the home owner Motiom credited for the difference they have paid. Ayes Chief Anear commented that another inequity was the ready-to-serve charge for sprinkler systems. He suggested-that no charge be- made for installation of the meter and that the owner only be charged for the water used. This would encourage more firms to ' install sprinkler systems. Mayor Dunne requested Mr. Neeley, Mr. Priday and. the City Attorney to present a proposal by "the next Council meeting. OLD BUSINESS: L 99 ] (a) Second reading Ordinance. NO; 9242 requirinc, - that all material must be submitted, to and approved - by the .Engineer prior to submission of final sub- " division map. L .1 . U1 LrnilLdL)/4U -. - Li I 1 .. c \3 -7.L . " .- 1 ,- . ". " d p " .. L tt e " Q ,,' ii.. w ,, ,. Ordinance No. 9242. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDI-NG SECTION 418 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9050, REGARDING SUBDIVISIONS was adopted by title only ,and .further reading waived. - CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: f 511 (a) Adoption by reference of .Uniform Fire Code.' The City Attorney stated that in order to adopt th.e Uniform Fire Code by-reference the. title of the ordinance must be read and authorization given for pub1 ication of the notice twice prior to the hearing set for November 18, 1969.and the title of the foi 1 owing ordinance was read: " Ordinance No. 2028. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING UNIFORM FIRE CODE MAY21967 EDITION. TOGETHER WITH CERTAIN CHANGES, ADDITIONS, AND AMEND" MENTS THERETO; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. - HOUSING AUTHORITY: [lo51 Mayor Dunne read a notice notifying the Council that the first meeting of the,Housing Authority will be he.ld in the Council Chambers at 7:OO P.M. on the 4th day of November, 1969. \ - CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: [ 637 (a) Building for the purpose of storing books - from the Friends of the Library. Mr. Priday stated that this. item has been defewed. [29 ] (b) Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Priday stated that staff wourlike to have the $40,000 which was allocated for the storm drains on State Street applied to street improvements. Mayor' Dunne questi'oned how this would affect the underg'round utilities project on_:State Street, and Mr. Priday stated it would not affect the project. Mr.=iday requested t.hat provisions be made so that funds could be transferred from one budget to another based on their priority. It was noted this could on1 be done by Council action. .. He also requested that all written correspondence , be referred to the City Manager so that staff reports could be prepared before the items appear on the agenda. [ 961 Stop sign .Pi0 Pic0 an-d "Elm. Mayor Dunne commented on the stop s'ign at Pi0 Pic0 and Elm Avenuc and felt that 'it needed surveillance. EXECUTIVE SESSION: 5' .. Mayor Dunne called an Executive Session at 8:18 P.M. and the. regular meeting' reconvened at 8:30 P.M. Mayor Dunne announced that the Executive Session was called to discuss personnel in order to correct an oversight in Ithe budget.concerning the salary of the I i 2 Motion Ayes. ~ Ll L 1 vi Lt"-iL4O/-iLJ " 0 ..: -8- -. . - * " ." 2 j , .. .-. . - 1.8 Cb kL - Chief of Police; It was agreed the salary be in- creased to make it equal to the other department '. : heads.. PARKING AUTHORITY: [94] The City Clerk' announced that 307 bonds had been. signed and a check for $1,263,619.00 was delivered to the May Company on this day. . [ 221 Airport Study. Mayor Dunne reported he had , written a letter to the CPO requesting a public hear- ing held in Carlsbad concerning the Palomar Airport report. .As soon as an answer is received, notifica- tion will be given. AUTHORIZATION FOR'PAYcMENT OF 6ILLS.AND RATIFICATION OF PAY ROLL. Authorization was given for payment of bills for the general expenses of the. City in the amount of $48,.404.24 and for the Water Department in the amount of $8,667.83 from October 1 to October 15, 1969 as Motion certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Cornmiltee. Ayes Ratification of the Payroll was given for the' first half of Octobe'r in the am.ount of $39,013'.'57 as certified by' the Acting Director of Finance and Motion appr8ved by the Auditing Commi ttee. Ayes ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P.. M. Respectfully submitted, -/A&//- irley L. anson Deputy City Clerk .. e !. c <