HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-04; City Council; Minutes,?- @ " c 0. CITY OF CARLSBAD . ca Mekti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) p Date of Meeting: November 4, - 1969 Time of Meeting: 7:GO P.M. Place of Meeting: . Council Chambers -: 3.0 -.. ROLL CALL Present .. Ih/\dOCAYIBN was offered by Mayor Dunvle ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. APbROVAL OF MINUTES: .(a> Plinutes of the regular meeting held October 21, Noti on 1969 were approved as corrected. Ay €5 Abstaine - WRITTEV COMMUNICATIONS: [ 681 A letter was received froril Mrs. -E. W. Miller dated October 20, 1969 asking that the East Lagoon area be preserved .for. a park and bird sanctuary. Mayor Dunne questioned Mr. Olinghouse concerning this and he stated Oce.anside. and Carlsbad are preparing a joint proposal for the future development of the Lagoon. The Oceanside Planning Commission has been contacted regarding comme'rcial zoning but nothing has been presented to the Carlsbad Planning Commfssi'on. [ 911 A letter was received from Ronald C. Packard, President, Carlsbad Un-ion School District dated October 30, 1969 concerning sidewalks along Monroe Street between Basswood 'and Chestnut Avenue yhere school children walk to and from school, also Valley Street northward from the high school. Discussion . was given as to why the schools were not obligated. to provide sidewalks and th2 possibility of the City working out an agreement with the schools for doing the work and the school repaying the City at a later curbs and gutters was also discussed. Mayor Dunne requested the City Manager to write a Setter to blr. LaFleur asking him to come in for a conference or to a Council meeting to discuss thl's matter and to see what cculd be worked out..'.He was also instructed to answer Mr. Packard's letter, inform- ing him of the Council 's 'action. [ 681 Mayor Dunne discussed 'a letter received from the League of California Cities dated October 27, 1969 in which they request an.expression from the Council as to the type of meeting the. City preferred.. After discussion, it was decided to elect Plan "B" providjng for an evening workshop .and social meetina. . -[ 821 .Mayor Dunne read a letter fr0m.C. F. Prince dated October 28, 1969 regarding a water drainage I problem which Fgr. Prince felt was created when Elm Avenue was extended to intersect with Valley Street. Discussion was given concerning the fact 'that there has always. been a drainage problem in this area a pressurized drain was .put in to equalize the water 1 on each side of Elm. It was felt that the continua- tion of Elm Avenue did not change the flow of water that much. 'date. The cost for construction of the sidewalks, because of the topography, The City Engineer stated CITY OF CARLcBAD . ca " .. e .- " .. 7 I -2- .I % '( 4s ALFA L , . .. CARL F. PRINCE addresse.d the Council and stated .he did not appreciate the Council's reaction to his letter: He ,has a valuable crop of avocado trees .and expected the City to take action on this matter.Mayor Dunne stated he appreciated Mr. Prince's concern, and the staff will certainly check into the matter. The City Manager made reference to a proposed district which inc'luded the ope-ni.ng of James Drive, howevep., it was defeated some two years ago. Mr. Prince stated this district for James Drive was formed for a private gain, and in order to put James Drive through, they w-ould have to cut through his property. Mayor Dunne informed Mr; Prince that there were many committees and organizations in the City and he would be happy to present his name to one of these committee ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: [ 94 ] PAUL LEYTON, representing Plaza Camino Real in Carlsbad addressed the Council. He stated there is a problem they have been unable to solve on behalf of one of their tenants. It was suggested to him that this matter be brought before the Council. He pre- sented a drawing showing Marron Road and the building sites on the south side of the shopping center. Cen- tral Federal is leasing one of the building sites and the City Engineer has informed them there are too many openings from Marron Road and has refused to a1.lobf them to make the curb cut, as it was his opinion the curb cut for the final lot could be used by the bank. MR. STALLARD, President of the Central Federal Savings and Loan addressed the Council and thanked them for the privilege of appearing before them. He discussed' the fact that when he originally leased the lot, he considered using the parking space across the street. However, after consideration of the customers safety, he felt' it necessary to provide parking at the bank, and designed a smaller building to a1 low for .parking on the property. The bank received their building, permit on July 25, and will be ready to move in approximately three weeks. He stated .it was quite .a shock when they were not allowed the curb cut. Mr. Cook addressed the Council. stating this was the proceeded to give th-e background information on this matter. Originally there were only two areas set aside for building lots on the south side of the shopping center. He requested May Co.. to advise the City what they intend to do with the last parcel and 'felt the presen.t driveway could be utilized until the May Co. decides how the remaining site will be used. It can then be reanalysed to determine if the joint entrance would be appropriate. The City Engine.er als (I) ' ' indicated he would be happy to discuss this with Mr. Leyton. ' first time he had seen any plan for the area and i 0 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD ' COI :a : ,. e. -3- .\ 7; Q 2, . .vS.. in T- 4 PAUL LEYTON again addre.ssed the Council and stated they were en-deavoring to utilize the land as .much as' pos.sible and the parcel to the west was the only remaining leasable site. He did not- feel this curb Cut would contribute to a maj-or increase in the traffic problem. Mr. Leyton indicated he had met with the City Engineer twice concerntng this matter, but was . unable to solve the problem. 'After considerable d.iscussion, permission was granted Motion to Central Federal Savings and Loan to allow a curb Ayes cut for access to- the property. Abs tai nec COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman McComas had nothing to report. Councilman Neiswende.r reported: [ 1133 Zone Change. Ordinance. Cmn. Neiswender recom- mended an ordinance be established in connection with an approved zone change, insuring the city 25% of the p mjected project would be either accomplished or we'll under way within a 12 months period subsequent to the effective date of the ordinance, or the zoning would revert back to its original status. Also a similar ordinance should be implemented govern- ing conditional use permits and variances. [ 28 ] Narcotics Committee. The Narcotics Committee. will meet at least one more time, and their recommen- dation will be presented to the Council. ' [ 70 ] Agua Hedionda Lagoon. He has been unable to get together with the City Attorney regarding the Lagoon as discussed at the last 'Council meeting because of other city meetings conflicting; but was in hopes to .. do it by the next -Council meeting. Councilman Jardine reported: '[ 69 ] Park & Recreation Commission. Cmn. Jardine ' distributed a copy of the agreement between Roy H.; Seifert and the City for services in connection with landscaping of Laguna Park an$ the development of a Comprehensive Park Plan for t-he City. The agreement has been recommended by the Park 24 Recreation Commission. The total City participation would be $3;000. Mayor Dunne questioned if this amount had been provided for in the budget and Crnn. Jardine stated it was. ' By proper moti,on the agreement between the Ci.ty and Motion Roy H. Sei fert was approved. Cmn. Jardjne complimented Mr. Olinghouse on his help AY €5 in getting the City's park plan underway. Councilman Castro had nothing to report. Mayor Dunne reported: [ 221 Airport Study. A letter was written to the CITY OF CARLSBAD CGi +: @ : -4- . .d .I \ I9"". - .CPO requesting them to hold a pub1 ic hearing in Carlsbad concerning the proposed airport deve1opmen.t.. So far he has not received'an answer, but will follow up- on this because of the great importance to the CitJ. He felt it was the most important single factor that 'faces the City today. [ 28 ] Community Involvement Committee, He attended a - meeting of the Community Involvement Committee which has now organized several Sub. committees on housing, goals, human relations, and code enf.orcement. [ 28 ] Water Systems Improvement Committee.. Mayor Dunne requested Cmn. McComas to revive the Water Systems Improvement Committee as soon.as possible, as there are several important matters to discuss during the next six months. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [30 ] (a) (contd.) To determine that a public nuisancE exists on certain property in the City of Carlsbad. Mayor Dunne opened the Publ.ic Hearing. Mr. Truax addressed the Council. and apologized for not having filed the parcel map with the City. He stated Mrs. Hunt has received bids on this but the loan cannot be secured .until the parcel map is approv- ed. Following, discussion the Public Hearing, with the unanimous consent of the Council, was continued- for two weeks as requested by Mr. Truax. RECESS: Mayor Dunne called a recess at 8:55 P.M. and the regular meeting reconvened at 9:lO P.M. ENGINEERING:.' [ 93 ] (a) Recommendation concerning. prop0se.d State - Street Storm Drain. The Council authorized the City to reserve funds currently allocated for construction of State Street storm drain until such time as suffi- cient monies are ,available to complete all basically Motion requi red drainage work, AY es as recommended by the City Engineer in his memorandum in .the amount was to cover the entire area from Elm Avenue to Laguna Drive. .. .. . dated October 31 , 1969. It was nqted the increase ' PLANNING: [ 701 (a) Interstate' 5 Landscaping.Programs. 'Mr. Olinghouse addressed the Council and stated the Planning Commission recommended the City Council . adopt a resolution of intention, implementing proceed- ings for a Senic Corridor, which is land control, sign control, etc. , within a designated area as out- lined in his memorandum dated October 27, 1969r e CITY OF CARL3BAD . ca ; 0 ,- -5- F '.q;B * . . s LC 4 ,_ .. - .. 0 Mayor Dunne questioned what this would involve and if it applied t-o only State Highways. Mr. Olinghouse stated he would get the b.ackground information. on thi; including the answers to these questions and discuss .. it at the next Council meeting. PUBLIC WORKS: [llO] (a) Report on Surp.1u.s land owned by the Water Department. By proper motion the report on the surplus land owned by the Water Department dated October 6, 1969 was keferred to the Water Systems- 1mp.rovement Committee for their recommendation. 1 .. [ 511 (b) Report on Sprinkler System Service Rates. A list of rates charged by other cities was presented however, this matter was deferred until a recommendat is made by Mr. Prid.ay, Mr. Neeley, and Chief Anear. HOUSING AUTHORITY: [lo51 (a) Resolution No. 1664 amending Resolution No. 1657 and declaring the need for Housing Authori-t On the 4th day of November, 1969, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, met in the City Hall in said City in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 7:OO o'clock P.M. by.the Mayor and 'on the roll call the following members of the Council were found to be present: Messrs Dunne, McComas, Neiswender, Jardine, Castr.0. Absent: none, The following resolution was introduced by Mr. McComz who moved its adoption: L: Resolution No. 1664. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1657 AND DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AUTHO-RITY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AND DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO BETOMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND DESIGNATING A CHAIRMAN FOR THE AUTHORITY. ,. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C1,TY COUNCIL OF THE ,CIT.Y 0-F 'CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Section 1. Resolution No. 1657 is hereby amended to read as foll.ows: RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NEED FOR A HOUSING AUTHORIT IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA AND DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY TO BE COMMISSIONERS OF. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY AND DESIGNATING A CHAIRMAN FOR THE AUTHORITY. Be i t resolved by the City Council. of the City of Carls'bad, California _. Section 1. The City Council of the City of Carl'sba California, pursuant to the Housing Authorities Law of the State of California, and particularly Article 2 thereof, hereby determines, finds and declares tha (a) Insanitary and unsafe inhabited dwelling accomodations exist in the City of Carlsbad, Califor (b) .There is a shortage of safe and sanitary dwel ing accommodations in the City of Carlsbad, Cal iforn available to persons of low income at .rentals they can afford; function in the City of Carlsbad, California: RESOLUTION NO. '1657 (c) There is a need for a Housing Authority to 3 Motion AY es , on ,, - > ~: i li a ; 1, 0 '.. ~. ~ .. 0 .. .. - I i CITY OF CARLSBAD cot -8- 1 . 5-; -:. 'h, , .. c. z, CITY' MANAGER'S REPORT: .. [70 ] Petition -.re: Parkway trees. A petition has b-ken received in connection with street trees planted i.n the Oceanview Estates area, signed by 10 property . owners. They were unhappy. with the trees planted in the parkway and are requesting that a more suitable tree be planted. The City.Manager was instructed to' write a letter to the Parks and Recreation Commission enclosing the petition for .revriew and recommendation, and inform them they would be allowed any staff assistance necessary'. The City Manager complimented the City Park Crew forthe landscaping they were doing on the Library grounds. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION 0.F PAY ROLL: Authorization was given for payment of bills for the !121,468.36 and for the Water Department in the. ~ amount of $75,241.27 from October 16 to October 31, 1969 as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification of the Payroll was given for the second half of October in the amount of $41,159.65 -as certified by the Acting Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. ADJOURNMENT: eneral expenses of the City in the amount of By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, yJid &/,/& LxXaL Shirley L. Sanson ,Deputy City Clerk 1 Motion Ayes Mo ti on Ayes