HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-03; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 3, 1970 Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.i?. Pl ace of Meeting: Counci 1 Chambers 1 - ROLL CALL. 2 - INVOCATION: iras offered by Councilman Neiswende 3- ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of January 20, 1970, were approved as submitted. I (b) Minutes of the special meeting of January 26, 1970 were approved as submitted. 5- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: [97] (a) Tamarack Extension: Mr. Don Briggs, Jr. addressed the Council stating he would l.ike to offer to the city at this time an unimproved portion of land to be utilized for the extension of Tamarack Avenue according to the Master Plan. After discussion, the staff was instructed to study this matter and report to the Council at the next meeting. [82] (b) Bus Stop - Cyprus and Carlsbad Blvd.: Mr. Ernest DeSonie, owner of the Cardinal Answering Service, addressed the Council stating that he wished to protest the bus stop outside his place of business as this will cause a great deal of noise and would be detrimental to the answering service. He also pointed out that damage would be done to the landscaping due to passengers ' waiting for the buses. Mr. DeSonie further requested that cars not be allowed to park in the alley back of his busi- ness. After discussion, the matters were referred to the staff for investigation with report and recommendations to be made at the next meeting. (c) Drainage: Mr. Gilbert Southwell, 241 1 Buen Vista Circle, addressed the Counci 1 regarding grading between Lots 3 and 4 to improve the drainage of storm water to the Buena Vista Lagoon. After discussion the City Engineer was requested to meet with Colonel Southwell,, February 4, 1970 at 8 A.M. to discuss solutions to the problem and make recommendations to the Council at the next meeting. 6 - COUf4CIL COMMITTEE REPORTS; [69] (a) Parks and Recreation: Councilman Jardine reported the Commission has come to a place re- quiring assistance and recommended that a full time recreation director position be created and included when preparing the budget. COUNCILMEN -1 .. 5, ClTY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIU -2- 0 February 3, 1970 ~~ ~ (b) Water Comrni ttee: ~51 I (1) Councilman McComas reported the Commit tee met January 27, 1970 and submitted recommen- dations to the Council for standby sprinkler charges. He recomme.nded time be given for the Council to study the schedule before adoption. C281 (2) With the consent of the Council , Carl F. Prince w.as appointed to fill the vacancy on the Water Committee as recommended by Mayor Dunne. The Council adjourned for the Housing Authority meeting at 7:40 P.M. and reconvened. at 8:OO P.M. 8- Councilmen Neiswender, McComas and Jardine commented on the rumors made regarding Council- men -r.esignations and reaffirmed their intention to' continue to serve. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Engineering: 1991 1. Request for one year extension on tentative map: Owners: Alice and Carroll Kelly Subdi vi der: Kurl ander - Newel7 The City Engineer reported that the Engineering and Planning Departments had not had sufficient time to review the request. The matter was continued until the next meeting to allow time for staff study. L-811 2. Authorization for Mayor to execute qui. claim deed on 2' strip of land previously deedec for street purposes. The Mayor was authorized to e.xecute a quitclaim deed to correct an error made in the legal des- cription of an easement previously. granted. I B. Planning: [991 *1. Memorandum from Planning Commission re Mobile -Homes Park Study. At the request of the City Planner, the matter was deferred to item 10-A, Ordinances for adoption. Wl 2. Memorandum from Planning C.ommission an 3&-7 Parks and Recreation Commission re: Buena Vist Lagoon Joint Cities Project. Discussion was held regarding the development of a Master Plan for the development of Buena Vista Lagoon to preserve its environmental and ecol.ogi cal Val ue 0 The recommendation of the Commissions to develo a plan jointly with the City of Oceanside was approved and the staff directed to prepare a letter for the M'ayor's signature to the City of Oceanside recommending a joint staff and policy effort in the preservation of the lagoon. s -. f I :a . .'. . 1 -_ I. .? U. 1 ;' - CITY ' OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL! 1, i. A L \,: - 1 '8 .' -. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIUI