HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-17; City Council; Minutes.,, ,p .. .r , ,. .I , . 4. .. ' ,;x* - . ' .. . . .. - CITY OF CARCSBAD .. - CCW<CiL CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLt .. ... .. .. I,, . , " .. .... <.* . - . . ". .. - CITY OF CARLSBAD CC3hvZIU 0. " 2' ' I. .. - . - "_ - Y - I *fI 111 .. ...... .. -..-~ I- .... .- ... .. , . " .,_ - .. 0 111 .. .. .. .. . " , . .. .. i; .. -" .. .. :. .. i- .~ ., .. ." . - . - " - - -. - February 17, 19-70 12- CURRENT BUSINESS: . . ." .. 13: .-%ITY.-ATTORNEY'S REPORT: :32]. (a)Railway Ribhts.of Jay.Beau'tifi.cati-on Resolution 1699. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL TOPEKA SANTE FE RAILWAY CO. AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC -UT.IL~ITIES COM.MI-SSION TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSA~RY -FOR BEAUTIFICATION OF RIGHTS -OF THE CITY- OF CARLSBAD URGING THE ATCHESON . OF WAY was read by title only and adopted. Motion Ayes [707](b) Resolution 1700. A -RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY was read by title only and Motion -adopted. Ayes was submnted f.or- co-nSs-idebatio-n ami: deferred." . . -.-. .~ - .. .. ~- i5.5E:C-c)i ::A- form of "agreeu-i regarding trash pick -4-p: .- - E to the. next counciIl rneeti.n.g ._ .yF -' -. .. - .. .. -.:. ---- .. -----.- - -- ~. - .: .. ~ . . . .. 14- -:C-ITY -MANA$E~IS -REPORT: .- - , ., . .-_, ... . . . .. , , .~ .. . . . .. . - [33]' (-.a-)-.- The- City Manalger reported that the County .- r-w-as pla-nn$.ng, a -sp@cial popu-lation.e,ftimate-. prior- -._ .. to the- FeFeral ~cen-sus and were requesting cities to participate. Mr. Martin recommended that the . ~ Council alJree to p'articipate as it will increase- .~ .Federal -.g?faats--.and that tk-e -cost would not ex- - meeting a3 the req-uest of the, Mayor and a- report to be made as to obtaining the funds. .. . . ceed $300;. The matter was deferred to the. next - . , .. . -. .~ - .. . " .-. . [25] (b) The staff met with the Leucadia'Water District but no recommendations were made at thi time. i I q\ \(2 s I : .- ~'' .. . . ". ." ,,." . . . i ffl .. .. ~ . ,- .~ .. .~ . .. .. . . :._. . . , . .. : "_. .. . .. CITY- OF CARLSBAD CG3iiCU .T '%, I - 0 My name is Charles Dix and I own the property on 1600 Buena Vista Avenue here in Carlsbad. I have been a resident of North County for the last twenty-five years and I have holdings in Carlsbad in excess of $250,000.00. It is conceivabl that my holdings in Carlsbad are prqbably in excess of the entire Council's real property. At the Council meeting of February 3, 1970, the three members, Councilman McComas, Councilman Neiswender, and Council- man Jardine took the time during the regular meeting of this Council to give the audience, of which I was only one, the benefit of venting its spleen. I shall point out at this time that Mayor Dunne and Councilman Castro were not present. I now take the opportunity to answer the Council as it sat two weeks ago tonight. I have here with .me the verbatim copy of the remarks made at that time, which I shall read at the proper time. The Council was obviously very upset regarding a news report aired over Radio Station KUDE, which the Council labellec a rumor. I smiled at the Council's dissertation not in sympathy but in harmony because I have also been a victim of the rumor mill and I know how it feels. - I had occasion to meet Mr. Jardine at the doctor's office several days later. Because of a newspaper story, I asked Mr. Jardine if the remarks of the individual councilmen of that meeting were aimed at me. Mr. Jardine's statement in response to my question causes me to be here now. ,! .,5c 6, i.. ' ./x. i ;+ / ,: I r:/ ,," L f-1 1 :t f -1 : k' ,,' ; / .' ;~[ , < I, </ ,' -1- /. . .. I+ .- 0 "MR. NEISWENDER: Well, as long as we're airing our views, I want to draw a parallel here. A rumor is - something we all know - is like a person standing on the top of a fifty-story building and cutting a feather pillow, letting the feathers fly, and when he's told that rumor, that's where the feathers fly and the rumor goes. "NOW, if he wants to stop it, how is he going to do it? It's an impossibility. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, I've served this Council for eight solid years, and I.'ve never backed up one time from anybody, and if I've got something to say,' I'll say it and I'll say it to your face, and that's the way I want to be treated. If you've got something to tell me, you tell it to me and we'll both be on even ground; and I[m not a bit happy - Of course, I didn't hear these rumors because I don't work in town - but some have been brought to my attention, and they're so ludicrous that I almost chuckled over them, but I share with Mr. Jardine if anyone has got any question about my actions, regardless of when it is, I'll be happy to discuss them with them any time. From me to you with love. 'I Councilman Neiswender, in the remarks I have just read, you stated you would like to be treated the way you treat others. Well, you obviously have been. However, it is not as men of the world generally do; it is behind your back exactly as you treat others. I have heard you make remarks from your seat at the council table, out of order -2- ,La' *I - e and very insulting and most times slurring and degrading to other people. One case in point is your stupid remarks about Mr. Carl Prince in response to a letter he had written to the Council, and you surely couldn't confront him face to face. Another incident is the time Mr. Asedo was here repre- senting me. You turned to Mr. Jardine and said quite loudly - I now quote - that "Moved his cars just enough to be legal". This was not to me, but about me and without fact. You didn't take such serious offense when the staff rumor mill flourishes regarding people who dis-agree with the Council's views and uses a local newspaper to print harassing and dis- criminatory stories about these people; and you do nothing about the acts of vandalism which result therefrom. You obviously thought you were real cute and sly when you non- chazantly inquired from the seat you now occupy, "Has anybogy been by the corner of Valley and Elm Street lately? I think it is disgusting." We in the audience, however, have no intelligence and we are not able to realize that this is back to back with Mayor Dunne's backyard. It was discussed at the time as a very shameful condition that had just been brought to your attention. HOGWASH. You, of course, are unaware of a great many things surrounding you. Well, I don't think they are ludicrous and neither do a lot of ather folks in town. Now, to finish with your two last lines. I don't think you are happy to discuss things openly at any time. From me to you with love. -3- ~ >L,7 - 1 *- Councilman Jardine's statement verbatim: "Councilman McComas, there isn't any doubt in the world that certainly mine, and I assume Councilman Neiswender's view, is exactly the same. Any charges that are to be levelled against the Council as a body or to individuals of us, I'll be certainly happy to entertain. I'm not sure that there's any conduct of mine that would stand a legal criticism, and, once more, I say if there are any charges to be levelled at me, I'd like to have them levelled in person and if there's a legal representative that wishes to do it, fine, but come and see me. Don't do it over a radio station in a rumor fashion." Councilman Jardine, I have .just read your statement, and everything I said to Councilman Neiswender is also true of you except I add several things. I believe there is both legal and moral criticism of your actions. We shall discuss your eloquent plea for Mr. Olinghouse and his extra duties as secretary of the Housing Authority to the tune of $100.00 a month additional compensation. I wonder how you justify this support and plea when Mr. Olinghouse is planning away our properties so well that he does not dare live in the community that he is planning - he prefers Vista. It seems to me that when a councilman is elected by a community, he has a legal and moral responsibility to the people of the community. The questions and rumors regarding your instant dismissal or resignation from Hughes Vacuum Tube Products Division have never been answered. Shall you or I answer is for the community, and I'm not doing this -4- @ by rumor over the airwaves or any other method other than direct. rn Councilman McComas's verbatim statement: 'I.. .beE,ore we move into departmental reports, I have .just one comment that it's been aired rather sub- stantially a week ago Friday over Oceanside radio station - and I assume I was included - that I was about to resign this job, and I assure you that is not my intention. I can't comment on all the other rumors that were reported, but when I leave, it will be by my own intent .at the end of the term, if I have anything to do with it, or I'll be elected out, and I'd appreciate it if everyone understood that. I didn't appreciate the rumor. I don't know how the others felt about it." Councilman McComas, when I heard your skatement which I just read, I was flabbergasted, in particular, the "I don't appreciate the rumor" part. It is just that you have an opportunity and platform to display your displeasure regard- ing rumors, &other people who are victims of your actions have no public podium to express theirs from. I don't know where the rumors, if they be such, came from, but the fact that you give them credibility makes me wonder what part you personally played in them (the rumors) if they be such. ibv Mayor Dunne was not here, so if he chooses to not participate and hear me vocalize, he is not obligated, as he made no request for same. However, my views will be public knowledge outside the Council hall. -5- *. *. 'a ,* 5 *.- 0 The same goes for Councilman Castro. I don't have enough words of loathing for the departing City Manager who I know from experience is not worthy to be called professional or a man and will not waste any of my time on a person so untrained in matters of truth and honesty that he doesn't know where truth begins and lies and deceit end. Thank you. -6-