HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-03-03; City Council; Minutes.~~- ~" "----L"L~".~.."ii,..",." - , L1 .I . .". . yl____ ".-. ,-~~.-~~.".~~~~...~"-~." -_._ 2-42 :.: ._ .. . . ".I .- . - . ..,.. - .-_.. .,." .._" j._ .~ - ... ^.. . - ".. . . ...,_" ~ ..,_ . ". , , ... . .. .. I.. . .' . .. .-"-LI_wI" I. ' , .. """"" ." ._ . . . .. .- ." -. .~ - -. -. ... - .. ...... " .. - -. "_ - :. . ...... .. . .- - ..... ..... .. - _. . " - -- . . -. -. I -. - .. " ..... ........... ;- ". - . " . " 2 .- .. :- - " . ...... .. .. .- _. . "_ _- ... - -. .. _- - ". - ." .. " - " . - ." - .. - . . . -..- - .... - ". - . .. -.. - - - . . . - - .- " - .. " " . .. _- .. .. 0. " ._ .:- . - : .- - : .. -. . ." .. . .. .. . . March .. ... -': ..ClT.Y OF . CARLSSAD - .~(-JJyC!!-'l,;i ." -. .. .. .. .-6 - .. - .. . -. -7 .. .. .. .- -. " . .. .- .. .-:;*::yii : . . .q G - . . . . - zg& a5-L- 3. 1970 % <-; : .. Resolution No. l696. A RESOLUTION OF THE CI.TY -COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF-CAECSSAD GRANTIRG AN MISSIOI'I REGARDING A PRE-ANNEXATION COMDITIbNAL HONES PARK 'Ilras adopted by title only-and further reading waived. C. ' Central Business District Action Commissio I. -The City Clerc read the memorandum - from the CBDAC requesting staff assistance,The manager reported that a secretary would be APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF THE PLANPIING COM- USE PERVIT TO ALLO!~~ CONSTRUCTION- OF A MOBILE : ass.igned to takg all minutes. .. 2. A memorandum dated FebrQary 24, 1970 from the CBDAC.requesting a Status Report of the City's on-street parking regulation en- -forceKent -and an inventory of viol ations was : presented. The City Manager reported that Capt. .Rossall and himself had. discussed the matter with several of the merchants, and' looking into' various. solutions and,'report D.. 1. Housing -Code Enforcement. Recommenda- , . 1 tions and report from 'the Community Invofve- rnent Committeewers read by the City &lerk. Kt-. Tony Howard Jones addresszd the Council - poin.ting out that the City bas set up housing enforcement prior to providing housing for .displaced people ..- Discus,sion was held regarding 'the time limit for enforcin'g the -code and the moral obligatio of the ci.ty- and liability of the Building. Inspector in enforcing the code. The City Attorney stated that i.f the City did not wish to en-force the code, it should be modified. After discussion, 'the matter was referred to the City Attorney, Staff and commission for study and report. would be made to the Council. I. .. - .~ .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ' '. . ... ,,ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: , . (a) Ordinance g5044, regujating 'durnpjng and accumulation of refuse was given a first - reading by title only. The City Clerk pointed out that discussidn' . . was held at the staff meeting regarding the repeal. of ordinances 5010, 5070A, 5020A, and 5030, wh.ich provided rules and regulations for trash pick-up. After discussion, .Councilman McComas with'drew the original motion, and it was agreed the matter be referf2d to the staff for study and report at the next meeting. .. - .. -7- I)-..- 7. " - - ~ " . -. -. . .. .. .' - .@ ' ' . "March 3,- '1970 . L,. CONSENT CALERDAR ordered filed. 1. Letter from Clerk of the Roard of . Supervsors, acknowledging receipt of City Council's .Reso.lution g1692, and statjng that a77 communications conceyning jet aircraft facilities would be considered at a later date. B. .. Resolution3 for Adoption: 1. Resolution n"7702 prohibiting expansion E621 2. Resolution No. 1703. A.RESOLUTION OF. .. .- .THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD EXPRESSING 'SUPPORT FOR S-3093, "THE CALIFORNIA . MARINE SANCTUARY ACT OF 1969", was adopted by ,'otion 'title only and further, reading waived. , C. Proclamations: lye s C801 1.. A proclamation proclaiming the mo'nth of March as Red Cross Month was .read by Mayo$ Dunne, .and urged the support of a17 .citizens. . . [80] 2. Mayor Dunne proclaimed- th'e week of . . March 10 through 15, 1970, AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE WEEK, and earnestly calledsupon the . citizens to join in congratulating and sup- . - porting the Carlsbad Chapter in bringing to our High School this -year Hiroko Suenaga from Japan and Hector Garcia.from Costa Rica. D Budget Amendments: .< 4Y es . vided'fron; City Xanager'c zalc;-y budget. .' C741 1. Ratification was given to the annual salary i.ncrease for interim City Manager from $12,500 to $16,500; said increase to be pro- dotion ." . . ~ .. zi Q 5, \\ \\F &G-7 9 q I. xx I .. xx .. -9- .-. .. .! -. - - -_- - -. -. .. .. .. March 3,"1970 furt'her report CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: No further report. F BILLS AND RATIFI- paym.2nt of bills amount of $40,058.2 ,267.07, total 1 i ng the Finmce Director g- Committee. for t March 3, 1970. was given for the .in the amount of the Director of Audi ti ng Commi tt g was' a.djourned at . .... .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. -. .. . ".".. .