HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-06-03; City Council; Minutes'* ' V e - CITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 3, 1970 T-ime of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Counc il Chambers - ~~~~ ~~ ~~- 1 -- ROLL CALL 2 7:OO P.M. 2 .- INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor McComas 3 -- ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES. (a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 79, 1970 were approved as submitted (b) Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of were approved as submitted. 5 .- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: c86] (a) Ecology. Mrs. Gerald Fisher, 1930 Sevy, San Diego, addressed the Council and announced a meeting would be held Saturday, June 13th at the Warren Junior High School in Solana Beach, sponsored by the University of California, S.D. concerning a practical approach to ecology. She requested representation from the City of Carls- bad. Cmn. HcComas and Lewis volunteered to attend and were appointed to a committee to make a report to the Council at the meeting of June 16, 1970. 6 .- HOUSING AUTHORITY: [24 The City Council adjourned at 7:09 P.M. and jc:;- reconvened at 7:11 P.M. with four councilmen present. Agenda Bill #184. Resignation of C. H. Neiswen- der and rep1 acement with C1 aude Lewis as Commissioner for Housing Authority. The letter of resignation from Cmn. Neiswender was presented and accepted. Mr. Olinghouse was directed to prepare and send a letter of thanks to Mr. Neiswender, and the following Resolution was presented: Resolution No. 1745. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUBSTITUTING CLAUDE LEWIS FOR CARL NEISWENDER AS COMMISSIONER OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD was adopted by title only and further reading wai ved. 7- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: [69],(a) Parks a,od Recreation: Cmn. Lewis reported ,*' eOa*that Mr. KiQorn is preparing and will send a list of priority needs to the Council for con- cideration in regards to the proposed bond issue [34] (b) Chamber of Commerce - Authorization was given to reimburse the Chamber for expenditures in the amount of $1,308.77. [68] (c) San Diego C.P.O. A budget of $1,400 for Carlsbad's contribution was approved and it was noted it was presently in the budget and require no cash outlay. .r C COUNCILA Present Absent x x Motion Ayes X Motion xx xx Ayes Motion xx Ayes X Motion Ayes xx Motion Ayes X xx CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL1 -2- e June 3, 1970 0 13 101 (d) Water Comrni ttee. Cmn. McComas reported LZ3-7 that in the opinion of the bond attorney it is allowable for the City to sell the bonds at 7% without returning the issue to the voters. The attorney further affirmed monies realized from the sale of the Elm Ave. property is available to use for any part of the water system so long as it is a water system use. Cmn. r4cCornas in- formed the Council bonds. would go on sale as of September 15,, 1970, in the amount of $1,000,000. The next meeting of the Commi ttee is scheduled for June 15, 1970, at 7:OO P.E. and will include a decision of the audit. 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Engineering r921 1. Agenda Bill #175. Agreement for Interim [L~L connection to joint sewer system by Leucadia County Water Distri ct. (a) Resolution #1738, authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. Considerable discussion was given as to the intent of the agreement providing for a temporary connection only, or could the granting of a temporary connection obligate the City to grant a permanent connection. Cmn. McComas stated there was considerable ob- jection in the City to the granting of a permanen . connection and requested the matter be deferred until Crnn. Jardine was pyesent as Cmn. Jardine had obtained additional information which he would like to hear before a decision was made. It was his understanding Leucadia had requested connection to the Cardiff sewer system and was turned down. 1; The City Attorney pointed out that in the event of a court hearing, it could be difficult not to allow a permanent connection if it would cause a disc,onnect and they had no system of their own. Mr. John Mamaux addressed the Council pointing out the Leucadia and Encinitas areas were in- cluded in the basic agreement and the Federal grant monies were obtained on the basis of this area being included. In checking, he was sure the Council would find that Leucadia had not re- quested connection to the Cardiff system - per- haps Encinitas made such a request. He urged support of the Leucadia .petition. I At the conclusion of the discussion, the agree- ment was approved subject to the modification that the agreement in no way authorize a permanen I connection. 92 - tMotio Ayes In X xx 0 0 - CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- June 3, 1970 .Wl 2. Agenda Bill #176. $7 (a) Final map for El Camino Mesa No. 5. (b) Resolution #1739, accepting for public street purposes all of Lot G and Lot I, El Camino Mesa Unit No. 2. At the request of the applicant, the matter was deferred to the meeting of June 16, 1970. [43] B. Planning. I 1. Agenda Bi 11 #130. Report from Planning Commission - re: Amendment to Ordinance #9060, Article 14, Section 1400 - Conditional Use Per- mi ts . (a) Resolution #1718, making findings (b) First reading of Ordinance #9252. and decisions. Mayor Dunne requested the matter held over to the meeting of June 16, 1970 and referred to staff for further study and clarification as to designation of zones. C. Fi re Department. c 3~1 1. Agenda Bill #177. Public Nuisance - go abandoned house located at 975 Laguna Drive. (a) Resolution #1740, regarding alleged pub1 i c nuisance. Agenda Bill #177 was approved and the following resol uti0.n was presented: Resolution No. 1740. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING ALLEGED PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 975 LAGUNA DRIVE was adopted by title only and further reading waived. :'he ,City Clerk was instructed to notify the property owner of the public hearing on June 16, 1970. 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION. [74] (a) Agenda Bill #123. Second reading and adop- tion of Ordinance No. 1120, establishing a Per- sonnel Merit System was again returned to a first reading to include a change in Section 9, Residency Requirements, to read "Residency in the City of Carlsbad is required of Department Heads and such emergency personnel as may be designated by the City Manager. ~ : [5l] (b) Agenda Bill #134. Second reading of Ordinance #!2830 amending Ordinance #2027, regard- ing a change of boundaries in Fire Zones. Ordinance No. 2030. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2027 REGARDING BOUNDARIES OF FIRE ZONES, was given a second COUNCIL! Fo t i on xx Ayes X i ~ Motion xx Ayes X Nays 0 0 - CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- June 3, 1970 reading by title only and adopted. ~"-l [I13 ] (c) Agenda Bill #156. Second reading of Ordinance #9253, reclassifying for P-C purposes I on property located East of intersection of Marina Dr. and Park Dr. (L.R.Partnership) I Ordinance No. 9253. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING 0RDINA.NCE NO. 9060, RECLASSI- FYING FOR P-C. (PLANNED COMMUNITY) PURPOSES, ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MARINA DRIVE AND PARK DRIVE, was. given a second reading by title only, further reading waived, and adopted. 10- CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were approved by one motion affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar. A. Resolutions for Adoption. Del 1. Agenda Bill #178. Authorization for -33 State "Population Estimate". Resolution No. 1737. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND STATE TO CONDUCT POPULATION ESTIMATE was adopted by title only and further reading waived. ~481 2. . Agenda Bill #179. Funding of needed Pub . lic Works projects and Parks and Recreation Facilities. Resolution No. 1741. PI RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD EXPRESSING COUNCIL INTENTION TO SUBMIT TO THE VOTERS THE ISSUANCE OF ONE OR MORE BOND ISSUES FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING NEEDED PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS Was adopted by title only and further reading waived. w1 . 3. Agenda Bill #173. Possibility of pur- chase by County Park Department of Lake Calaver- as site. Resolution No. 1742. A RESOLUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STATING INTEREST IN SELLING LAKE CALAVERAS TO THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR PUBLIC PARK PURPOSES AND ALSO STATING INTEREST IN CONSIDERING ADVERTISING SAID PROPERTY FOR LONG TERM LEASE AS A RECREATIONAL FACILITY was adopted by title only and further reading waived. .Mr. Baldwin was instructed to advertise the property to attract developers who might be interested in developing it as a park on a lease basis. - ! couNciLf Pot i on Ayes xx Mot i on Ayes xx floti on xx Ayes X 0 - CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- June 3, 1970 I C451 4. Agenda Bill #180. Renewal' of Pistol Range Contract. Resolution No. 1743. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE STATE OF WITH CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL REGARDING JOINT USE OF POLICE PISTOL RANGE, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. CALIFORNIA STANDARD AGREEMENT NO. C-41-70/71 C251 5. Agenda Bill #182. South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.6. Resolution No. 1744. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.6,(Encina Pollu- tion Control Facility) was adopted by title only an,d further reading waived. B. Budget Amendments. r&"J 1. Agenda Bill #181. Transfer of accumu- lated interest monies from joint sewer fund to General Fund. Authorization was given for the'transfer of $19,000, accumulated interest, from the joint sewer fund to the General Fund as of June 30,197 C 11- CONTINUED BUSINESS: [m(a) Agenda Bill #153. Santa Fe Depot Lease. $&-- 1. Resolution #1726, authorizing and direct ing execution of lease. I Discussion was held regarding the property. taxes on the property being leased by the City from the A.T. & S.F. RaiFroad Co. and various possi- bilities of relieving the City from the high tax burden. The City Manager and City Attorney were requested to provide the Council with a break- down on the assessments on the Rotary Park, Depot, and parking lot. It was suggested that the Manager also look into the possibility of entering into a $1.00 per year service contract for maintenance of the property rather than leasing and paying the taxes and report to the Council at the meeting of June 16, 1970. I ~ Authorization for representation from the City at a meeting being held on June 11, 1970 in Berkeley to discuss the matter was requested by the Mayor, as other cit-ies are experiencing the same problem in connection with properties being leased from the A.T.& S.F. Railroad Co. 95 COUNCIL1 L CITY OF CARLSBAD - -6- 0 June 3, 1970 ~~- C65l (b) Agenda Bill #150. Proposed inter-change - Jefferson St. at State Route 78 (Vista Way). The City Engineer reported the amount required for the project is estimated at $84,000 and the reasonable source of the funds would be from the Parks and Boulevards Fund. If the commitment were made, the package should be submitted to Sacramento in July and the payment of $70,000 would be due ,in September or October. Mr. Cook stated another project to be considered be considered is the State Street storm drain which would cost $90,000 to complete. After discussion by the Council and as recommend- ed by the City Manager, no commitment was made and it was agreed that the City Manager should attempt to obtain a firm agreement with the adjacent landowners for certain improvements C55l (c) Agenda Bill- #155. f?cDougal Sanitation Co., Inc. - Re: Request for rate increase for trash disposal. Plr. Don J. VanOrt , President of McDougal Sani ta- tion, addressed the Council requesting a rate increase of $1.00 per month due to the requested increase of salaries to compensate for the rise in cost of living and increased service. After discussion by the Council the City Manager was directed to have an audit prepared prior to a public hearing being held. [86] (d) Agenda Bill #166. Wm. A. Tracy and C. PI. Mancuso - re: request for permission to conduct dog obedience classes in Holiday Park. The request was denied based on the staff recom- mendations; i.e., Holiday Park is designated as a public park and should not be franchised for public use. It was recommended the applicant be advised and suggested a private property be soug.ht. l)[m (e) Agenda Bill #164. Procedure for conduct of 79 Counci 1 meetings. 1. Resolution #1733, regarding Order of 2. First reading of Ordinance #1121 regard- Business. ing procedure for conduct of Council meetings. The matter was deferred to June 16, 1970 due to the absence of the City Clerk and the request fo revision of the Resolution by the Mayor. 0 IC r 9F - M o t i o Ayes COUNClLt n X xx .I . CITY OF CARLSBAD -7- 0 June 3, 1970 1 I [86] (f) Agenda Bi 11 #170. Youth Life1 ine Program - re: request for financial support. Cmn. Lewis reported that commitments to the pro- gram had been received from Oceanside and Vista of $1,500 and $2,000. The organization set a goal of $12,500 needed for the program. After discussion by the Council, it was agreed the City would make a commitment not to exceed $1,000 on a contract basis to be paid at the tim( the goal was attained and would require a quartel ly report. I [,)M] (9) Agenda Bill #146. Sale of Real pyoperty. - 17 I !Ionroe St, Reservoir. It was reported that no bids had been received and the City Manager was instructed to place the property on a multiple listing with the Real Estate Board. It was also recommended that the Manager consult with the Board and request the commission be reduced to 5%. 12- CURRENT BUSINESS. [$] (a) Agenda Bill #183. Release of unnecessary *: ,:tor easements in connection with a portion of Yourel 1 Ave. a1 1 ey vacation. Eayor Dunne was authorized to execute a quit claim deed and release the easement on the Yourel 1 Ave. a1 1 ey. I 13- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS. Mayor Dunne aRnounced the League of California Cities' meeting this month will be held on June 18, 1970 at the El Camino Country Club hosted by the City of Vista at 6:30 P.K. The topic to- be discussed is "Government Cooperation in CPO". The July meeting will be hosted by Carlsbad on its .anniversary, July 18th. The Mayor requested the Council to present ideas for the meeting and appointed Mr. Priday, Cmn. f!cComas and. Lewis, an the City Clerk, Margaret Adam to the committee to plan and make the arrangements. [86] (b) Combo Arts of San Diego County - re: reques for financial assistance. 0 Mr. James F. Flulvaney addressed the Council briefly stating the organization's purpose is to encourage participation in the arts by children of the County. Communi.ties in the County are being contacted in this regard and requesting cities to contract with them in the amount of 2Ot per citizen. Kayor Dunne requested the matter be deferred to the next meeting and asked Mr. Mulvaney present more information for the Council's consideration - 2 r- d t COUNCIU 97 Motion Ayes N t%y ES Not i on Ayes X xx I .‘ .I r e CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIU 0 June 3, 1970 14- AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS’AND RATIFICA- TION OF PAYROLL. Authorization was given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $48,070.59 and the Water Department of $123,327.61, totalling $171,398.20, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee for the period May 19, 1.970 to June 3, 1970. Ratification of the payroll was given for the last half of May, 1970, in the amount of $42,130.89, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ayes xx 15- ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /’?’ ,&LJy#/ // $id40 N A L D Deputy City Clerk 0